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Created February 9, 2015 23:32
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Simple demo of autovectorization in Oracle JDK8u25 on Linux/x64 with AVX
java -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:-TieredCompilation -XX:+PrintCompilation -XX:+PrintInlining -XX:CompileCommand=exclude,TestVec,main -XX:+PrintAssembly TestVec
Decoding compiled method 0x00007fbca906e5d0:
[Disassembling for mach='i386:x86-64']
[Entry Point]
[Verified Entry Point]
# {method} {0x00007fbca37923d8} 'doTest' '([I[I)[I' in 'TestVec'
# parm0: rsi:rsi = '[I'
# parm1: rdx:rdx = '[I'
# [sp+0x40] (sp of caller)
0x00007fbca906e720: mov %eax,-0x14000(%rsp)
0x00007fbca906e727: push %rbp
0x00007fbca906e728: sub $0x30,%rsp ;*synchronization entry
; - TestVec::doTest@-1 (line 5)
0x00007fbca906e72c: mov %rsi,%r11
0x00007fbca906e72f: mov 0xc(%rsi),%r8d ;*arraylength
; - TestVec::doTest@1 (line 5)
; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x00007fbca906e8d9
0x00007fbca906e733: mov 0xc(%rdx),%ebp ;*arraylength
; - TestVec::doTest@3 (line 5)
; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x00007fbca906e8e9
0x00007fbca906e736: cmp %ebp,%r8d
0x00007fbca906e739: je 0x00007fbca906e74d ;*if_icmpeq
; - TestVec::doTest@4 (line 5)
0x00007fbca906e73b: xor %r9d,%r9d ;*arraylength
; - TestVec::doTest@3 (line 5)
0x00007fbca906e73e: mov %r9,%rax
0x00007fbca906e741: add $0x30,%rsp
0x00007fbca906e745: pop %rbp
0x00007fbca906e746: test %eax,0xb2b48b4(%rip) # 0x00007fbcb4323000
; {poll_return}
0x00007fbca906e74c: retq
0x00007fbca906e74d: cmp $0x40000,%r8d
0x00007fbca906e754: ja 0x00007fbca906e887
0x00007fbca906e75a: movslq %r8d,%rcx
0x00007fbca906e75d: shl $0x2,%rcx
0x00007fbca906e761: add $0x17,%rcx
0x00007fbca906e765: mov %rcx,%r10
0x00007fbca906e768: and $0xfffffffffffffff8,%r10
0x00007fbca906e76c: mov 0x60(%r15),%r9
0x00007fbca906e770: mov %r9,%rbx
0x00007fbca906e773: add %r10,%rbx
0x00007fbca906e776: cmp 0x70(%r15),%rbx
0x00007fbca906e77a: jae 0x00007fbca906e887
0x00007fbca906e780: mov %rbx,0x60(%r15)
0x00007fbca906e784: mov %r9,%rdi
0x00007fbca906e787: add $0x10,%rdi
0x00007fbca906e78b: movq $0x1,(%r9)
0x00007fbca906e792: movl $0xb68,0x8(%r9) ; {metadata({type array int})}
0x00007fbca906e79a: mov %r8d,0xc(%r9)
0x00007fbca906e79e: shr $0x3,%rcx
0x00007fbca906e7a2: add $0xfffffffffffffffe,%rcx
0x00007fbca906e7a6: xor %rax,%rax
0x00007fbca906e7a9: rep stos %rax,%es:(%rdi) ;*newarray
; - TestVec::doTest@11 (line 6)
0x00007fbca906e7ac: test %r8d,%r8d
0x00007fbca906e7af: jle 0x00007fbca906e73e ;*if_icmpge
; - TestVec::doTest@19 (line 7)
0x00007fbca906e7b1: test %r8d,%r8d
0x00007fbca906e7b4: jbe 0x00007fbca906e8be
0x00007fbca906e7ba: mov %r8d,%ecx
0x00007fbca906e7bd: dec %ecx
0x00007fbca906e7bf: cmp %r8d,%ecx
0x00007fbca906e7c2: jae 0x00007fbca906e8be
0x00007fbca906e7c8: test %ebp,%ebp
0x00007fbca906e7ca: jbe 0x00007fbca906e8be
0x00007fbca906e7d0: cmp %ebp,%ecx
0x00007fbca906e7d2: jae 0x00007fbca906e8be
0x00007fbca906e7d8: mov %r9d,%r10d
0x00007fbca906e7db: shr $0x2,%r10d
0x00007fbca906e7df: and $0x3,%r10d
0x00007fbca906e7e3: xor %edi,%edi
0x00007fbca906e7e5: mov $0xffffffff,%ebx
0x00007fbca906e7ea: sub %r10d,%ebx
0x00007fbca906e7ed: and $0x3,%ebx
0x00007fbca906e7f0: inc %ebx
0x00007fbca906e7f2: cmp %r8d,%ebx
0x00007fbca906e7f5: cmovg %r8d,%ebx ;*aload_2
; - TestVec::doTest@22 (line 8)
0x00007fbca906e7f9: mov 0x10(%rdx,%rdi,4),%esi
0x00007fbca906e7fd: imul 0x10(%r11,%rdi,4),%esi
0x00007fbca906e803: mov %esi,0x10(%r9,%rdi,4) ;*iastore
; - TestVec::doTest@31 (line 8)
0x00007fbca906e808: inc %edi ;*iinc
; - TestVec::doTest@32 (line 7)
0x00007fbca906e80a: cmp %ebx,%edi
0x00007fbca906e80c: jl 0x00007fbca906e7f9 ;*if_icmpge
; - TestVec::doTest@19 (line 7)
0x00007fbca906e80e: mov %r8d,%ebx
0x00007fbca906e811: add $0xfffffffffffffff9,%ebx
0x00007fbca906e814: mov $0x80000000,%esi
0x00007fbca906e819: cmp %ebx,%ecx
0x00007fbca906e81b: cmovl %esi,%ebx
0x00007fbca906e81e: cmp %ebx,%edi
0x00007fbca906e820: jge 0x00007fbca906e863
0x00007fbca906e822: nopl 0x0(%rax)
0x00007fbca906e829: nopl 0x0(%rax) ;*aload_2
; - TestVec::doTest@22 (line 8)
0x00007fbca906e830: vmovdqu 0x10(%rdx,%rdi,4),%xmm0
0x00007fbca906e836: vpmulld 0x10(%r11,%rdi,4),%xmm0,%xmm0
0x00007fbca906e83d: vmovdqu %xmm0,0x10(%r9,%rdi,4)
0x00007fbca906e844: movslq %edi,%r10
0x00007fbca906e847: vmovdqu 0x20(%rdx,%r10,4),%xmm0
0x00007fbca906e84e: vpmulld 0x20(%r11,%r10,4),%xmm0,%xmm0
0x00007fbca906e855: vmovdqu %xmm0,0x20(%r9,%r10,4) ;*iastore
; - TestVec::doTest@31 (line 8)
0x00007fbca906e85c: add $0x8,%edi ;*iinc
; - TestVec::doTest@32 (line 7)
0x00007fbca906e85f: cmp %ebx,%edi
0x00007fbca906e861: jl 0x00007fbca906e830 ;*if_icmpge
; - TestVec::doTest@19 (line 7)
0x00007fbca906e863: cmp %r8d,%edi
0x00007fbca906e866: jge 0x00007fbca906e73e ;*aload_2
; - TestVec::doTest@22 (line 8)
0x00007fbca906e86c: mov 0x10(%rdx,%rdi,4),%ecx
0x00007fbca906e870: imul 0x10(%r11,%rdi,4),%ecx
0x00007fbca906e876: mov %ecx,0x10(%r9,%rdi,4) ;*iastore
; - TestVec::doTest@31 (line 8)
0x00007fbca906e87b: inc %edi ;*iinc
; - TestVec::doTest@32 (line 7)
0x00007fbca906e87d: cmp %r8d,%edi
0x00007fbca906e880: jl 0x00007fbca906e86c ;*if_icmpge
; - TestVec::doTest@19 (line 7)
0x00007fbca906e882: jmpq 0x00007fbca906e73e
0x00007fbca906e887: mov %r8d,0x10(%rsp)
0x00007fbca906e88c: mov %rdx,0x8(%rsp)
0x00007fbca906e891: mov %rsi,(%rsp)
0x00007fbca906e895: mov $0x800000b68,%rsi ; {metadata({type array int})}
0x00007fbca906e89f: mov %r8d,%edx
0x00007fbca906e8a2: nop
0x00007fbca906e8a3: callq 0x00007fbca906bce0 ; OopMap{[0]=Oop [8]=Oop off=392}
; - TestVec::doTest@11 (line 6)
; {runtime_call}
0x00007fbca906e8a8: mov (%rsp),%r11
0x00007fbca906e8ac: mov 0x8(%rsp),%rdx
0x00007fbca906e8b1: mov 0x10(%rsp),%r8d
0x00007fbca906e8b6: mov %rax,%r9
0x00007fbca906e8b9: jmpq 0x00007fbca906e7ac
0x00007fbca906e8be: mov $0xffffff86,%esi
0x00007fbca906e8c3: mov %r11,%rbp
0x00007fbca906e8c6: mov %rdx,(%rsp)
0x00007fbca906e8ca: mov %r9,0x8(%rsp)
0x00007fbca906e8cf: callq 0x00007fbca9004ee0 ; OopMap{rbp=Oop [0]=Oop [8]=Oop off=436}
; - TestVec::doTest@22 (line 8)
; {runtime_call}
0x00007fbca906e8d4: callq 0x00007fbcb3a503b0 ;*aload_2
; - TestVec::doTest@22 (line 8)
; {runtime_call}
0x00007fbca906e8d9: mov $0xfffffff6,%esi
0x00007fbca906e8de: nop
0x00007fbca906e8df: callq 0x00007fbca9004ee0 ; OopMap{off=452}
; - TestVec::doTest@1 (line 5)
; {runtime_call}
0x00007fbca906e8e4: callq 0x00007fbcb3a503b0 ;*arraylength
; - TestVec::doTest@1 (line 5)
; {runtime_call}
0x00007fbca906e8e9: mov $0xfffffff6,%esi
0x00007fbca906e8ee: nop
0x00007fbca906e8ef: callq 0x00007fbca9004ee0 ; OopMap{off=468}
; - TestVec::doTest@3 (line 5)
; {runtime_call}
0x00007fbca906e8f4: callq 0x00007fbcb3a503b0 ;*newarray
; - TestVec::doTest@11 (line 6)
; {runtime_call}
0x00007fbca906e8f9: mov %rax,%rsi
0x00007fbca906e8fc: add $0x30,%rsp
0x00007fbca906e900: pop %rbp
0x00007fbca906e901: jmpq 0x00007fbca906d1e0 ;*if_icmpge
; - TestVec::doTest@19 (line 7)
; {runtime_call}
0x00007fbca906e906: hlt
0x00007fbca906e907: hlt
0x00007fbca906e908: hlt
0x00007fbca906e909: hlt
0x00007fbca906e90a: hlt
0x00007fbca906e90b: hlt
0x00007fbca906e90c: hlt
0x00007fbca906e90d: hlt
0x00007fbca906e90e: hlt
0x00007fbca906e90f: hlt
0x00007fbca906e910: hlt
0x00007fbca906e911: hlt
0x00007fbca906e912: hlt
0x00007fbca906e913: hlt
0x00007fbca906e914: hlt
0x00007fbca906e915: hlt
0x00007fbca906e916: hlt
0x00007fbca906e917: hlt
0x00007fbca906e918: hlt
0x00007fbca906e919: hlt
0x00007fbca906e91a: hlt
0x00007fbca906e91b: hlt
0x00007fbca906e91c: hlt
0x00007fbca906e91d: hlt
0x00007fbca906e91e: hlt
0x00007fbca906e91f: hlt
[Exception Handler]
[Stub Code]
0x00007fbca906e920: jmpq 0x00007fbca906c2e0 ; {no_reloc}
[Deopt Handler Code]
0x00007fbca906e925: callq 0x00007fbca906e92a
0x00007fbca906e92a: subq $0x5,(%rsp)
0x00007fbca906e92f: jmpq 0x00007fbca9046d00 ; {runtime_call}
0x00007fbca906e934: hlt
0x00007fbca906e935: hlt
0x00007fbca906e936: hlt
0x00007fbca906e937: hlt
import java.util.*;
public class TestVec {
public static int[] doTest(int[] xs, int[] ys) {
if (xs.length != ys.length) return null;
int[] zs = new int[xs.length];
for (int i = 0; i < xs.length; i++) {
zs[i] = xs[i] * ys[i];
return zs;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
int[] xs = new int[1000];
int[] ys = new int[1000];
Arrays.fill(xs, 123);
Arrays.fill(ys, 456);
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
doTest(xs, ys);
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