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Created May 13, 2011 19:20
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  • Save rednaxelafx/971134 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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A compilation log showing the effects of tiered system of HotSpot 20 build 11 (JDK6u25) on x64. The command used was: jconsole -J-XX:+TieredCompilation -J-XX:+PrintCompilation
56 1 3 java.lang.String::hashCode (64 bytes)
57 2 3 java.lang.String::equals (88 bytes)
--- n java.lang.System::arraycopy (static)
58 3 3 java.lang.String::charAt (33 bytes)
58 5 3 java.lang.Object::<init> (1 bytes)
58 4 3 java.lang.Math::min (11 bytes)
62 6 3 java.nio.Buffer::position (43 bytes)
62 9 3 java.nio.charset.CoderResult::isUnderflow (13 bytes)
63 7 3 java.util.jar.Attributes$Name::isValid (32 bytes)
63 8 3 java.util.jar.Attributes$Name::isAlpha (30 bytes)
65 10 3 java.lang.StringBuilder::append (8 bytes)
65 11 3 java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::append (40 bytes)
72 12 3 java.lang.System::getSecurityManager (4 bytes)
73 13 3 java.lang.String::indexOf (151 bytes)
81 14 3 java.lang.String::getChars (66 bytes)
83 15 1 java.lang.Object::<init> (1 bytes)
84 5 3 made not entrant java.lang.Object::<init> (1 bytes)
84 17 3 java.nio.ByteBuffer::arrayOffset (35 bytes)
84 18 3 java.nio.CharBuffer::arrayOffset (35 bytes)
85 19 3 sun.nio.cs.UTF_8$Decoder::decodeArrayLoop (553 bytes)
91 16 3 java.nio.Buffer::limit (62 bytes)
92 20 3 java.nio.Buffer::<init> (68 bytes)
92 21 3 java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::append (60 bytes)
93 22 3 java.util.HashMap::hash (23 bytes)
94 23 3 java.lang.StringBuilder::append (8 bytes)
101 24 3 java.lang.String::<init> (72 bytes)
102 25 3 java.util.Arrays::copyOfRange (63 bytes)
105 26 s 3 java.util.Hashtable::get (69 bytes)
106 27 3 java.lang.String::<init> (20 bytes)
106 28 3 java.util.Arrays::copyOf (19 bytes)
107 29 3 java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::expandCapacity (40 bytes)
109 30 3 java.util.HashMap::indexFor (6 bytes)
110 33 3 (38 bytes)
110 31 3 (18 bytes)
110 34 ! 3 (104 bytes)
111 39 4 java.lang.String::charAt (33 bytes)
111 36 3 java.lang.Character::toLowerCase (6 bytes)
111 35 3 java.lang.CharacterDataLatin1::getProperties (11 bytes)
111 37 3 java.lang.Character::toLowerCase (162 bytes)
112 38 3 java.lang.CharacterDataLatin1::toLowerCase (36 bytes)
112 41 1 java.lang.CharacterDataLatin1::getProperties (11 bytes)
112 35 3 made not entrant java.lang.CharacterDataLatin1::getProperties (11 bytes)
112 32 3 java.lang.String::substring (83 bytes)
113 42 3 (75 bytes)
113 40 3 java.lang.StringBuilder::<init> (7 bytes)
116 3 3 made not entrant java.lang.String::charAt (33 bytes)
119 43 3 java.lang.Number::<init> (5 bytes)
119 45 3 java.util.HashMap::put (126 bytes)
119 44 3 java.lang.Integer::<init> (10 bytes)
120 46 3 java.util.HashMap$Entry::<init> (26 bytes)
121 47 3 java.util.HashMap::addEntry (58 bytes)
--- n java.lang.Thread::currentThread (static)
125 48 ! 3 java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder::decode (287 bytes)
126 49 3 sun.nio.cs.UTF_8$Decoder::decodeLoop (28 bytes)
127 50 3 java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder::reset (11 bytes)
127 51 3 java.lang.Short::<init> (10 bytes)
127 52 4 java.lang.String::hashCode (64 bytes)
128 54 1 java.util.HashMap::indexFor (6 bytes)
128 30 3 made not entrant java.util.HashMap::indexFor (6 bytes)
129 53 3 java.util.HashMap::get (79 bytes)
131 1 3 made not entrant java.lang.String::hashCode (64 bytes)
135 55 3 (1268 bytes)
136 59 4 (38 bytes)
136 61 4 java.util.HashMap::hash (23 bytes)
137 22 3 made not entrant java.util.HashMap::hash (23 bytes)
137 62 ! 4 (104 bytes)
141 33 3 made not entrant (38 bytes)
142 34 ! 3 made not entrant (104 bytes)
142 64 4 java.lang.String::equals (88 bytes)
142 66 4 java.lang.Character::toLowerCase (6 bytes)
142 60 3 java.lang.String::lastIndexOf (156 bytes)
143 63 3 java.lang.String::indexOf (7 bytes)
143 36 3 made not entrant java.lang.Character::toLowerCase (6 bytes)
144 56 3 java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::<init> (12 bytes)
144 57 3 java.lang.String::substring (10 bytes)
144 65 3 java.lang.StringBuilder::toString (17 bytes)
144 58 3 java.nio.CharBuffer::array (35 bytes)
145 67 s 3 java.lang.StringBuffer::append (8 bytes)
145 68 3 java.util.HashSet::add (20 bytes)
145 69 3 java.lang.String::toLowerCase (436 bytes)
146 2 3 made not entrant java.lang.String::equals (88 bytes)
147 72 3 java.lang.String::startsWith (78 bytes)
147 70 3 java.util.HashMap::getEntry (79 bytes)
148 71 3 java.lang.String::startsWith (7 bytes)
158 73 3 java.util.Properties::getProperty (46 bytes)
168 74 3 sun.nio.cs.UTF_8$Encoder::encodeArrayLoop (490 bytes)
172 75 3 java.lang.String::indexOf (166 bytes)
173 77 3 java.nio.Buffer::hasRemaining (17 bytes)
173 76 3 java.nio.charset.CoderResult::isOverflow (14 bytes)
173 78 3 java.lang.Long::<init> (10 bytes)
175 79 3 java.lang.String::indexOf (29 bytes)
176 80 3 java.util.logging.LogManager::getProperty (9 bytes)
--- n sun.misc.Unsafe::getByte
177 81 3 sun.awt.X11.Native::getByte (8 bytes)
178 82 3 java.lang.ref.SoftReference::get (29 bytes)
205 83 3 java.lang.ThreadLocal::getMap (5 bytes)
205 84 3 java.nio.ByteBuffer::<init> (45 bytes)
206 85 ! 3 java.nio.Bits::byteOrder (119 bytes)
206 86 ! 3 java.nio.CharBuffer::wrap (20 bytes)
207 87 3 java.nio.HeapCharBuffer::<init> (14 bytes)
207 88 3 java.nio.CharBuffer::<init> (22 bytes)
207 90 3 java.lang.ThreadLocal::get (34 bytes)
207 89 s 3 java.util.Vector::elementAt (49 bytes)
208 91 3 java.lang.ThreadLocal$ThreadLocalMap::getEntry (42 bytes)
209 92 3 java.nio.HeapByteBuffer::_get (7 bytes)
209 93 3 java.lang.StringCoding::deref (19 bytes)
209 50 3 made not entrant java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder::reset (11 bytes)
210 96 4 java.lang.Character::toLowerCase (162 bytes)
210 97 4 java.lang.CharacterDataLatin1::toLowerCase (36 bytes)
210 94 3 java.lang.StringCoding::access$000 (6 bytes)
210 95 3 java.lang.StringCoding::scale (7 bytes)
211 38 3 made not entrant java.lang.CharacterDataLatin1::toLowerCase (36 bytes)
211 99 ! 3 java.nio.ByteBuffer::wrap (20 bytes)
211 98 4 java.lang.String::indexOf (151 bytes)
211 37 3 made not entrant java.lang.Character::toLowerCase (162 bytes)
212 100 3 java.nio.HeapByteBuffer::<init> (14 bytes)
212 101 3 java.nio.Buffer::nextGetIndex (31 bytes)
212 102 1 java.nio.HeapByteBuffer::_get (7 bytes)
212 92 3 made not entrant java.nio.HeapByteBuffer::_get (7 bytes)
213 103 3 java.nio.Bits::getIntB (32 bytes)
213 104 3 java.nio.Bits::makeInt (35 bytes)
213 105 3 java.nio.ByteBufferAsIntBufferB::get (16 bytes)
214 106 3 java.nio.ByteBufferAsIntBufferB::ix (9 bytes)
214 107 3 java.nio.Bits::getShortB (18 bytes)
214 108 3 java.nio.Bits::makeShort (12 bytes)
214 109 3 java.nio.ByteBufferAsShortBufferB::get (16 bytes)
215 110 3 java.nio.ByteBufferAsShortBufferB::ix (9 bytes)
215 112 3 java.nio.HeapByteBuffer::ix (7 bytes)
215 111 3 java.nio.HeapByteBuffer::get (14 bytes)
216 113 3 java.nio.Buffer::remaining (10 bytes)
216 114 3 java.nio.channels.spi.AbstractInterruptibleChannel::blockedOn (13 bytes)
216 115 3 sun.misc.SharedSecrets::getJavaLangAccess (4 bytes)
216 116 3 sun.font.TrueTypeFont$DirectoryEntry::<init> (10 bytes)
217 117 3 sun.nio.cs.UnicodeDecoder::decode (24 bytes)
217 118 3 sun.nio.cs.Surrogate::is (18 bytes)
217 119 3 java.nio.HeapCharBuffer::put (16 bytes)
217 120 3 java.nio.Buffer::nextPutIndex (31 bytes)
218 121 3 java.nio.HeapCharBuffer::ix (7 bytes)
218 122 4 java.nio.Bits::makeInt (35 bytes)
218 123 3 java.util.Hashtable$Entry::<init> (26 bytes)
218 104 3 made not entrant java.nio.Bits::makeInt (35 bytes)
218 124 1 java.nio.Buffer::remaining (10 bytes)
219 113 3 made not entrant java.nio.Buffer::remaining (10 bytes)
--- n java.lang.Thread::isInterrupted
219 125 1 java.nio.HeapByteBuffer::ix (7 bytes)
219 112 3 made not entrant java.nio.HeapByteBuffer::ix (7 bytes)
219 126 3 java.lang.Thread::isInterrupted (6 bytes)
220 127 3 (16 bytes)
220 128 3 java.nio.channels.spi.AbstractInterruptibleChannel::begin (45 bytes)
220 13 3 made not entrant java.lang.String::indexOf (151 bytes)
221 134 3 java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder::reset (11 bytes)
221 130 3 java.lang.String::checkBounds (46 bytes)
221 131 ! 3 java.lang.StringCoding::decode (120 bytes)
223 129 3 java.nio.Buffer::flip (20 bytes)
223 132 ! 3 java.lang.StringCoding$StringDecoder::decode (130 bytes)
--- n (static)
225 133 3 java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder::maxCharsPerByte (5 bytes)
225 136 ! 3 (149 bytes)
226 137 ! 3 (37 bytes)
226 138 3 java.nio.channels.spi.AbstractInterruptibleChannel::end (45 bytes)
226 139 4 java.nio.ByteBufferAsShortBufferB::get (16 bytes)
227 135 3 (25 bytes)
227 140 3 java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder::flush (49 bytes)
227 141 3 java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder::implFlush (4 bytes)
228 142 3 java.lang.String::<init> (54 bytes)
228 109 3 made not entrant java.nio.ByteBufferAsShortBufferB::get (16 bytes)
229 143 3 java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::ix (10 bytes)
229 145 4 java.nio.Buffer::nextGetIndex (31 bytes)
229 144 3 java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::get (15 bytes)
230 146 1 java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::ix (10 bytes)
230 101 3 made not entrant java.nio.Buffer::nextGetIndex (31 bytes)
230 143 3 made not entrant java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::ix (10 bytes)
230 147 3 java.lang.String::<init> (10 bytes)
230 148 3 java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::get (123 bytes)
231 150 4 java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::get (15 bytes)
231 149 3 java.lang.String::indexOf (7 bytes)
231 151 ! 3 sun.font.Type1Font::nextTokenType (54 bytes)
231 153 4 java.nio.Buffer::position (43 bytes)
232 152 3 sun.font.Type1Font::skip (47 bytes)
232 144 3 made not entrant java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::get (15 bytes)
--- n sun.misc.Unsafe::copyMemory
232 6 3 made not entrant java.nio.Buffer::position (43 bytes)
232 154 3 java.nio.Bits::copyToArray (68 bytes)
233 155 3 java.nio.ByteBuffer::hasArray (20 bytes)
233 156 3 java.nio.CharBuffer::hasArray (20 bytes)
233 157 3 (57 bytes)
--- n sun.misc.Unsafe::compareAndSwapInt
234 158 3 java.util.LinkedHashMap::get (25 bytes)
234 159 3 java.nio.ByteBuffer::allocate (22 bytes)
234 162 s 3 java.util.Hashtable::put (167 bytes)
235 160 3 java.nio.HeapByteBuffer::<init> (13 bytes)
236 161 3$BufferCache::next (7 bytes)
237 163 3 java.util.HashSet::contains (9 bytes)
237 164 3 (103 bytes)
--- n java.lang.System::currentTimeMillis (static)
238 165 s 3 (39 bytes)
239 166 3 java.util.Arrays::copyOf (19 bytes)
239 167 3 java.util.AbstractMap::<init> (15 bytes)
239 168 3 java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractOwnableSynchronizer::setExclusiveOwnerThread (6 bytes)
240 169 3 java.lang.ref.Reference::<init> (25 bytes)
240 170 3 java.nio.Buffer::checkBounds (25 bytes)
--- n
240 171 ! 3 (170 bytes)
241 177 4 java.nio.ByteBufferAsIntBufferB::get (16 bytes)
242 172 ! 3 (170 bytes)
243 179 4 java.nio.HeapByteBuffer::get (14 bytes)
243 173 ! 3 (105 bytes)
244 105 3 made not entrant java.nio.ByteBufferAsIntBufferB::get (16 bytes)
244 111 3 made not entrant java.nio.HeapByteBuffer::get (14 bytes)
245 174 3 java.nio.HeapByteBuffer::isReadOnly (2 bytes)
--- n (static)
245 180 4 java.nio.Bits::getShortB (18 bytes)
245 178 3 java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger::compareAndSet (13 bytes)
245 181 3$BufferCache::get (143 bytes)
246 175 3 (43 bytes)
246 107 3 made not entrant java.nio.Bits::getShortB (18 bytes)
247 182 3 (139 bytes)
248 183 3 java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::address (5 bytes)
248 184 3 (8 bytes)
248 185 3 java.nio.HeapByteBuffer::put (167 bytes)
249 176 ! 3 java.lang.StringCoding::encode (120 bytes)
250 187 3 (118 bytes)
251 186 3 java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::isDirect (2 bytes)
251 188 3 sun.reflect.ClassFileAssembler::emitByte (11 bytes)
252 189 3 sun.reflect.ByteVectorImpl::add (38 bytes)
252 191 3 sun.reflect.ByteVectorImpl::getLength (7 bytes)
253 190 3 sun.reflect.ClassFileAssembler::emitShort (24 bytes)
253 192 3 java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::get (16 bytes)
253 194 3 java.nio.ByteBuffer::array (35 bytes)
254 193 3 java.nio.Buffer::checkIndex (22 bytes)
254 195 3 java.nio.ByteBuffer::get (9 bytes)
254 197 3 java.nio.Buffer::checkIndex (24 bytes)
254 198 ! 3 sun.font.Type1Font::getSimpleToken (82 bytes)
255 199 ! 3 sun.nio.cs.US_ASCII$Decoder::decodeArrayLoop (241 bytes)
255 201 4 java.nio.ByteBuffer::arrayOffset (35 bytes)
256 202 4 java.nio.Buffer::limit (62 bytes)
257 196 3 sun.nio.cs.US_ASCII$Decoder::decodeLoop (28 bytes)
257 17 3 made not entrant java.nio.ByteBuffer::arrayOffset (35 bytes)
257 16 3 made not entrant java.nio.Buffer::limit (62 bytes)
258 203 3 java.nio.ByteBuffer::get (54 bytes)
258 200 3 (8 bytes)
259 204 3 java.nio.ByteBuffer::order (48 bytes)
259 205 ! 3 sun.font.TrueTypeFont::init (416 bytes)
260 214 4 java.nio.Buffer::<init> (68 bytes)
261 210 3 java.lang.String::getBytes (29 bytes)
262 208 ! 3 java.lang.StringCoding$StringEncoder::encode (130 bytes)
262 20 3 made not entrant java.nio.Buffer::<init> (68 bytes)
262 215 4 sun.nio.cs.UTF_8$Decoder::decodeArrayLoop (553 bytes)
264 216 3 (41 bytes)
264 217 3$BufferCache::offerFirst (49 bytes)
265 206 3 java.nio.Buffer::nextGetIndex (38 bytes)
265 209 3 java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder::maxBytesPerChar (5 bytes)
265 211 3 java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder::reset (11 bytes)
265 212 3 java.nio.ByteBuffer::wrap (8 bytes)
265 213 ! 3 java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder::encode (285 bytes)
267 207 3 java.nio.Bits::getInt (18 bytes)
267 219 4 (75 bytes)
268 223 ! 3 sun.nio.cs.UnicodeDecoder::decodeLoop (326 bytes)
271 224 s 3 java.util.Hashtable::containsKey (65 bytes)
272 42 3 made not entrant (75 bytes)
272 218 4 java.nio.Buffer::flip (20 bytes)
273 220 3 java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap::hash (49 bytes)
273 129 3 made not entrant java.nio.Buffer::flip (20 bytes)
273 221 3 java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap::segmentFor (17 bytes)
273 222 3 (8 bytes)
290 19 3 made not entrant sun.nio.cs.UTF_8$Decoder::decodeArrayLoop (553 bytes)
--- n java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary::find
307 225 3 java.util.AbstractCollection::<init> (5 bytes)
307 227 3 java.lang.String::lastIndexOf (12 bytes)
308 226 3 java.util.HashMap$HashIterator::hasNext (13 bytes)
308 228 3 java.util.HashMap$HashIterator::nextEntry (99 bytes)
308 229 3 sun.util.ResourceBundleEnumeration::hasMoreElements (117 bytes)
316 93 3 made not entrant java.lang.StringCoding::deref (19 bytes)
317 131 ! 3 made not entrant java.lang.StringCoding::decode (120 bytes)
317 176 ! 3 made not entrant java.lang.StringCoding::encode (120 bytes)
319 230 3 sun.nio.cs.UTF_8$Encoder::encodeLoop (28 bytes)
319 1 3 made zombie java.lang.String::hashCode (64 bytes)
319 2 3 made zombie java.lang.String::equals (88 bytes)
320 3 3 made zombie java.lang.String::charAt (33 bytes)
320 5 3 made zombie java.lang.Object::<init> (1 bytes)
320 22 3 made zombie java.util.HashMap::hash (23 bytes)
320 30 3 made zombie java.util.HashMap::indexFor (6 bytes)
320 33 3 made zombie (38 bytes)
321 35 3 made zombie java.lang.CharacterDataLatin1::getProperties (11 bytes)
321 36 3 made zombie java.lang.Character::toLowerCase (6 bytes)
321 34 ! 3 made zombie (104 bytes)
321 236 3 java.lang.StringCoding::deref (19 bytes)
322 231 3 java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder::flush (49 bytes)
322 232 3 java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder::implFlush (4 bytes)
323 233 3<init> (42 bytes)
323 239 3 java.util.regex.Pattern$Single::isSatisfiedBy (14 bytes)
324 238 3 java.util.regex.Pattern$BmpCharProperty::match (50 bytes)
324 241 3 java.util.regex.Matcher::reset (83 bytes)
325 237 3 java.util.regex.Pattern::has (15 bytes)
325 240 3 java.util.regex.Pattern::peek (26 bytes)
325 242 3 java.util.regex.Pattern::isSupplementary (19 bytes)
325 246 3 java.util.regex.Matcher::search (109 bytes)
326 247 3 java.util.regex.Pattern$Start::match (109 bytes)
327 243 3 java.util.regex.Pattern::isSurrogate (20 bytes)
327 249 4 java.util.regex.Pattern$BmpCharProperty::match (50 bytes)
327 244 3 java.lang.String::toString (2 bytes)
327 245 3 java.util.regex.Pattern$Node::<init> (12 bytes)
328 248 3 java.util.regex.Pattern$Node::study (21 bytes)
328 234 3 java.util.ArrayList::add (29 bytes)
328 235 3 java.util.ArrayList::ensureCapacity (58 bytes)
329 250 s 3 java.lang.StringBuffer::toString (17 bytes)
329 251 3 java.lang.Character::toUpperCaseEx (178 bytes)
330 252 3 java.lang.CharacterDataLatin1::toUpperCaseEx (67 bytes)
331 238 3 made not entrant java.util.regex.Pattern$BmpCharProperty::match (50 bytes)
--- n java.lang.Object::hashCode
356 253 3 sun.awt.AppContext::getAppContext (101 bytes)
357 254 ! 3 sun.awt.AppContext::get (121 bytes)
358 255 3 sun.misc.VM::allowArraySyntax (33 bytes)
360 256 3 java.util.StringTokenizer::scanToken (179 bytes)
362 257 3 java.lang.Character::charCount (12 bytes)
--- n java.lang.Object::getClass
372 258 3 java.lang.Class::getName (20 bytes)
373 259 3 java.util.ArrayList::RangeCheck (48 bytes)
382 260 3 javax.swing.SwingUtilities::appContextGet (8 bytes)
382 261 3 javax.swing.UIDefaults::get (21 bytes)
383 262 ! 3 javax.swing.UIManager::getLAFState (62 bytes)
--- n (static)
384 263 3 sun.reflect.ByteVectorImpl::get (26 bytes)
390 264 3 java.lang.ref.Reference::<init> (7 bytes)
391 265 3 java.lang.ref.WeakReference::<init> (6 bytes)
394 266 3 java.util.ArrayList::get (12 bytes)
396 267 3 java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer::setState (6 bytes)
397 268 3 java.util.HashMap::containsKey (14 bytes)
400 269 3 java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer::compareAndSetState (13 bytes)
401 270 3 java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock::lock (8 bytes)
401 271 3 java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock$NonfairSync::lock (25 bytes)
402 272 3 java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock::unlock (10 bytes)
403 273 3 java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer::release (33 bytes)
410 274 s 3 sun.java2d.loops.GraphicsPrimitive::makeUniqueID (26 bytes)
411 275 3 sun.java2d.loops.GraphicsPrimitive::<init> (75 bytes)
413 276 3 sun.java2d.loops.GraphicsPrimitiveMgr$1::compare (39 bytes)
414 277 3 java.util.Arrays::swap (15 bytes)
415 278 3 java.util.Arrays::mergeSort (235 bytes)
416 279 4 sun.java2d.loops.GraphicsPrimitiveMgr$1::compare (39 bytes)
417 280 3 sun.java2d.loops.GraphicsPrimitiveMgr$2::compare (39 bytes)
418 283 3 java.util.Arrays::binarySearch0 (95 bytes)
418 276 3 made not entrant sun.java2d.loops.GraphicsPrimitiveMgr$1::compare (39 bytes)
419 281 3 sun.java2d.loops.GraphicsPrimitiveMgr::locate (104 bytes)
419 282 3 java.util.Arrays::binarySearch (10 bytes)
424 284 3 java.lang.Long::valueOf (36 bytes)
--- n sun.misc.Unsafe::putByte
425 285 3 sun.awt.X11.Native::putByte (9 bytes)
425 286 3 java.lang.ref.SoftReference::<init> (13 bytes)
426 288 3 java.util.logging.Logger::finest (23 bytes)
426 287 3 sun.awt.SunToolkit::awtLock (7 bytes)
426 289 3 java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock$Sync::tryRelease (45 bytes)
432 50 3 made zombie java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder::reset (11 bytes)
432 215 4 made not entrant sun.nio.cs.UTF_8$Decoder::decodeArrayLoop (553 bytes)
432 290 3 java.nio.Bits::getCharB (18 bytes)
433 6 3 made zombie java.nio.Buffer::position (43 bytes)
433 13 3 made zombie java.lang.String::indexOf (151 bytes)
433 17 3 made zombie java.nio.ByteBuffer::arrayOffset (35 bytes)
433 19 3 made zombie sun.nio.cs.UTF_8$Decoder::decodeArrayLoop (553 bytes)
433 16 3 made zombie java.nio.Buffer::limit (62 bytes)
433 20 3 made zombie java.nio.Buffer::<init> (68 bytes)
433 37 3 made zombie java.lang.Character::toLowerCase (162 bytes)
433 38 3 made zombie java.lang.CharacterDataLatin1::toLowerCase (36 bytes)
433 42 3 made zombie (75 bytes)
434 291 3 java.nio.Bits::makeChar (12 bytes)
434 92 3 made zombie java.nio.HeapByteBuffer::_get (7 bytes)
435 101 3 made zombie java.nio.Buffer::nextGetIndex (31 bytes)
435 107 3 made zombie java.nio.Bits::getShortB (18 bytes)
435 104 3 made zombie java.nio.Bits::makeInt (35 bytes)
435 109 3 made zombie java.nio.ByteBufferAsShortBufferB::get (16 bytes)
435 105 3 made zombie java.nio.ByteBufferAsIntBufferB::get (16 bytes)
435 112 3 made zombie java.nio.HeapByteBuffer::ix (7 bytes)
436 111 3 made zombie java.nio.HeapByteBuffer::get (14 bytes)
436 113 3 made zombie java.nio.Buffer::remaining (10 bytes)
436 129 3 made zombie java.nio.Buffer::flip (20 bytes)
436 292 3 java.nio.ByteBufferAsCharBufferB::get (16 bytes)
437 144 3 made zombie java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::get (15 bytes)
437 143 3 made zombie java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::ix (10 bytes)
438 294 3 java.awt.Component::getParent (5 bytes)
438 293 3 java.nio.ByteBufferAsCharBufferB::ix (9 bytes)
439 295 3 java.util.logging.Logger::isLoggable (25 bytes)
439 296 3 java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock$Sync::nonfairTryAcquire (67 bytes)
441 297 3 java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock$NonfairSync::tryAcquire (6 bytes)
441 298 3 sun.awt.X11.Native::getLong (25 bytes)
443 299 ! 3 javax.swing.UIDefaults::getFromHashtable (239 bytes)
444 300 ! 3 javax.swing.UIDefaults::getFromResourceBundle (72 bytes)
445 301 3 java.awt.Component::getTreeLock (4 bytes)
--- n java.lang.Class::getSuperclass
449 302 3 javax.swing.MultiUIDefaults::get (61 bytes)
450 304 3 java.util.StringTokenizer::skipDelimiters (116 bytes)
451 303 3 sun.reflect.ClassFileAssembler::cpi (22 bytes)
453 305 3 java.lang.ClassLoader::checkName (43 bytes)
--- n java.lang.ClassLoader::findLoadedClass0
457 306 3 java.lang.ClassLoader::findLoadedClass (16 bytes)
--- n java.lang.Class::getClassLoader0
457 307 s! 3 java.lang.ClassLoader::loadClass (62 bytes)
458 308 ! 3 java.awt.Component::firePropertyChange (59 bytes)
459 309 ! 3 javax.swing.UIManager::maybeInitialize (36 bytes)
459 310 3 java.awt.Component::repaint (16 bytes)
460 311 3 sun.awt.SunToolkit::isInstanceOf (71 bytes)
470 312 3 java.util.AbstractList::<init> (10 bytes)
480 313 3 java.util.Arrays::fill (28 bytes)
481 314 3 java.util.Arrays::rangeCheck (74 bytes)
482 1% 3 java.util.Arrays::fill @ 10 (28 bytes)
486 315 3 (1385 bytes)
492 320 3 (320 bytes)
494 316 3 (35 bytes)
495 317 3 (67 bytes)
495 319 3 (22 bytes)
496 318 3 (80 bytes)
498 321 3 sun.awt.SunToolkit::awtUnlock (7 bytes)
498 322 3 (67 bytes)
499 324 3 (16 bytes)
499 323 3 (238 bytes)
500 326 3 (22 bytes)
501 325 3 (203 bytes)
502 327 3 (24 bytes)
503 332 3 (358 bytes)
505 336 3 (384 bytes)
507 337 3 (38 bytes)
507 338 3 (144 bytes)
507 341 4 (35 bytes)
508 316 3 made not entrant (35 bytes)
509 328 3 (9 bytes)
510 330 3$SmallContainer::getItem (43 bytes)
510 346 4 (67 bytes)
513 317 3 made not entrant (67 bytes)
514 344 3 (840 bytes)
518 354 3 (38 bytes)
518 353 3 (623 bytes)
522 334 3 (6 bytes)
523 329 3 (46 bytes)
523 331 3 (32 bytes)
523 357 3$SmallContainer::clear (41 bytes)
524 333 3 (69 bytes)
525 359 3 (57 bytes)
526 335 3 (16 bytes)
526 339 3 (22 bytes)
526 340 3 (119 bytes)
527 362 4 java.lang.Math::min (11 bytes)
527 4 3 made not entrant java.lang.Math::min (11 bytes)
529 363 4 (16 bytes)
529 360 3 (26 bytes)
529 364 3 (15 bytes)
529 361 3 (16 bytes)
530 324 3 made not entrant (16 bytes)
530 365 3<init> (10 bytes)
530 366 3 (526 bytes)
536 368 3 (16 bytes)
536 369 3 (27 bytes)
537 370 3 (17 bytes)
537 371 3 (7 bytes)
537 372 3 (106 bytes)
538 373 3 (26 bytes)
539 382 3 java.lang.String::compareTo (150 bytes)
539 384 3 (104 bytes)
540 381 3 (15 bytes)
541 367 3 (27 bytes)
541 386 3 (2 bytes)
541 387 3 (2 bytes)
541 388 3 (2 bytes)
542 389 3 (24 bytes)
542 390 3 (16 bytes)
543 391 ! 3 java.lang.StringCoding::encode (120 bytes)
546 374 3 (7 bytes)
546 375 3 (49 bytes)
547 376 3 (7 bytes)
547 377 3 (49 bytes)
547 342 3 (10 bytes)
548 343 ! 3$FragmentContentDriver::next (2393 bytes)
554 392 4 sun.java2d.loops.GraphicsPrimitiveMgr$2::compare (39 bytes)
556 280 3 made not entrant sun.java2d.loops.GraphicsPrimitiveMgr$2::compare (39 bytes)
557 378 3 (7 bytes)
558 380 3 (49 bytes)
558 385 3 (23 bytes)
559 383 s 1 java.util.Vector::size (5 bytes)
559 379 3 java.util.Vector::ensureCapacityHelper (60 bytes)
559 347 3 java.lang.Boolean::equals (29 bytes)
560 345 3 (5 bytes)
560 348 3 (69 bytes)
561 356 3 (8 bytes)
561 349 3 (230 bytes)
563 350 3 (76 bytes)
564 393 3 javax.swing.RepaintManager::getDelegate (14 bytes)
565 351 3 (996 bytes)
--- n sun.misc.Unsafe::getInt
--- n java.lang.Class::getInterfaces
572 394 3 javax.swing.RepaintManager::addDirtyRegion (37 bytes)
573 395 3 java.awt.Component::isValid (20 bytes)
573 352 3 (9 bytes)
597 396 3 sun.awt.X11.XEvent::get_type (18 bytes)
598 397 3 java.lang.Long::compareTo (9 bytes)
598 398 3 java.lang.Long::compareTo (35 bytes)
599 399 3 sun.awt.X11.XToolkit::getDisplay (4 bytes)
599 400 4 java.util.HashMap::get (79 bytes)
601 401 s! 3 sun.misc.URLClassPath::getLoader (145 bytes)
602 53 3 made not entrant java.util.HashMap::get (79 bytes)
603 402 3 java.lang.String::replace (142 bytes)
604 403 3 (5 bytes)
605 404 3 (21 bytes)
606 405 ! 3 sun.awt.image.PNGImageDecoder::produceImage (1920 bytes)
614 408 3 sun.awt.image.PNGImageDecoder::filterRow (459 bytes)
615 407 ! 3 sun.awt.image.ImageDecoder::nextConsumer (69 bytes)
616 409 3 javax.swing.RepaintManager::currentManager (37 bytes)
616 406 3 sun.nio.cs.UTF_8$Decoder::xflow (31 bytes)
616 410 3 javax.swing.RepaintManager::currentManager (5 bytes)
617 411 3 javax.swing.RepaintManager::currentManager (7 bytes)
618 412 3 (72 bytes)
620 64 4 made not entrant java.lang.String::equals (88 bytes)
626 413 4 java.lang.String::equals (88 bytes)
627 414 3 javax.swing.ArrayTable::isArray (8 bytes)
627 415 3 java.util.StringTokenizer::nextToken (92 bytes)
627 416 3 java.awt.AWTKeyStroke::hashCode (36 bytes)
628 417 3 javax.swing.ArrayTable::put (193 bytes)
630 418 s 3 java.lang.StringBuffer::append (8 bytes)
632 419 ! 3 sun.misc.URLClassPath$JarLoader::getResource (91 bytes)
636 420 3 java.lang.Character::toUpperCase (6 bytes)
637 421 3 java.lang.Character::toUpperCase (162 bytes)
638 93 3 made zombie java.lang.StringCoding::deref (19 bytes)
638 131 ! 3 made zombie java.lang.StringCoding::decode (120 bytes)
638 176 ! 3 made zombie java.lang.StringCoding::encode (120 bytes)
638 249 4 made not entrant java.util.regex.Pattern$BmpCharProperty::match (50 bytes)
639 422 3 sun.misc.MetaIndex::mayContain (51 bytes)
640 423 3 sun.jkernel.DownloadManager::isJREComplete (4 bytes)
641 424 4 sun.nio.cs.UTF_8$Decoder::decodeArrayLoop (553 bytes)
641 425 3 java.lang.Character::isHighSurrogate (18 bytes)
641 238 3 made zombie java.util.regex.Pattern$BmpCharProperty::match (50 bytes)
642 276 3 made zombie sun.java2d.loops.GraphicsPrimitiveMgr$1::compare (39 bytes)
642 426 ! 3 java.lang.StringCoding::decode (120 bytes)
645 428 3 java.lang.String::equalsIgnoreCase (45 bytes)
647 429 4 java.lang.String::indexOf (166 bytes)
647 427 3$Parser::charAt (9 bytes)
647 430 3$300 (5 bytes)
652 432 3 java.lang.CharacterDataLatin1::toUpperCase (50 bytes)
654 182 3 made not entrant (139 bytes)
654 175 3 made not entrant (43 bytes)
654 216 3 made not entrant (41 bytes)
655 215 4 made zombie sun.nio.cs.UTF_8$Decoder::decodeArrayLoop (553 bytes)
656 75 3 made not entrant java.lang.String::indexOf (166 bytes)
656 4 3 made zombie java.lang.Math::min (11 bytes)
656 53 3 made zombie java.util.HashMap::get (79 bytes)
656 64 4 made zombie java.lang.String::equals (88 bytes)
657 433 3 java.util.TreeMap::parentOf (13 bytes)
657 431 4 java.lang.String::getChars (66 bytes)
657 434 3 java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::getInt (39 bytes)
658 280 3 made zombie sun.java2d.loops.GraphicsPrimitiveMgr$2::compare (39 bytes)
658 435 3 java.lang.String::compareTo (9 bytes)
659 14 3 made not entrant java.lang.String::getChars (66 bytes)
659 436 3 java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::getInt (14 bytes)
659 316 3 made zombie (35 bytes)
659 317 3 made zombie (67 bytes)
659 438 3 java.lang.String::<init> (37 bytes)
659 324 3 made zombie (16 bytes)
660 439 ! 3 sun.jvmstat.perfdata.monitor.v2_0.PerfDataBuffer::getNextMonitorEntry (1381 bytes)
660 437 4 java.nio.CharBuffer::arrayOffset (35 bytes)
661 18 3 made not entrant java.nio.CharBuffer::arrayOffset (35 bytes)
661 442 4 java.lang.String::compareTo (150 bytes)
666 445 4 java.lang.String::startsWith (78 bytes)
669 382 3 made not entrant java.lang.String::compareTo (150 bytes)
669 447 4 java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::append (60 bytes)
669 72 3 made not entrant java.lang.String::startsWith (78 bytes)
669 451 4 java.lang.StringBuilder::append (8 bytes)
677 21 3 made not entrant java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::append (60 bytes)
677 453 4 (1268 bytes)
677 23 3 made not entrant java.lang.StringBuilder::append (8 bytes)
678 454 4 java.lang.String::<init> (72 bytes)
678 448 3 java.lang.Integer::getChars (131 bytes)
678 450 3 java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::stringSizeOfInt (21 bytes)
679 449 3 java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::append (71 bytes)
680 457 1 java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::address (5 bytes)
680 183 3 made not entrant java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::address (5 bytes)
680 441 3 java.util.TreeMap::setColor (10 bytes)
681 452 3 java.lang.StringBuilder::append (8 bytes)
681 440 3 java.util.TreeMap::leftOf (13 bytes)
681 455 3 sun.jvmstat.perfdata.monitor.AliasFileParser::nextToken (79 bytes)
682 459 3 java.util.regex.Matcher::match (109 bytes)
683 24 3 made not entrant java.lang.String::<init> (72 bytes)
683 458 4 java.util.TreeMap::parentOf (13 bytes)
683 460 3 java.util.regex.Pattern$Slice::match (79 bytes)
683 433 3 made not entrant java.util.TreeMap::parentOf (13 bytes)
684 456 3 sun.jvmstat.perfdata.monitor.AliasFileParser$Token::<init> (20 bytes)
684 446 3 java.lang.String::endsWith (15 bytes)
684 443 ! 3 java.nio.charset.Charset::defaultCharset (70 bytes)
685 444 ! 3 java.lang.StringCoding::decode (64 bytes)
687 461 3 (336 bytes)
688 462 3 java.util.regex.Pattern$CharProperty::match (56 bytes)
689 463 3 java.lang.Character::codePointAt (51 bytes)
689 467 3 java.util.TreeMap::fixAfterInsertion (267 bytes)
691 474 4 java.lang.String::compareTo (9 bytes)
692 469 3 java.util.TreeMap::put (240 bytes)
693 435 3 made not entrant java.lang.String::compareTo (9 bytes)
693 475 3 java.util.TreeMap$PrivateEntryIterator::hasNext (13 bytes)
694 476 3 java.util.TreeMap$PrivateEntryIterator::nextEntry (54 bytes)
694 468 3 java.util.TreeMap::colorOf (13 bytes)
694 466 3 java.util.TreeMap$Entry::<init> (35 bytes)
694 473 3 java.util.TreeMap::rightOf (13 bytes)
695 465 3 sun.jvmstat.monitor.AbstractMonitor::<init> (32 bytes)
695 477 3 java.util.AbstractList$Itr::hasNext (20 bytes)
695 480 3 java.lang.String::valueOf (14 bytes)
695 479 3 java.lang.StringBuilder::append (9 bytes)
696 478 3 sun.jvmstat.perfdata.monitor.AliasFileParser::match (72 bytes)
696 483 4 java.lang.StringBuilder::toString (17 bytes)
697 470 3 java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::asLongBuffer (151 bytes)
698 471 3 java.nio.DirectLongBufferU::<init> (35 bytes)
699 472 3 java.nio.LongBuffer::<init> (12 bytes)
699 485 3 java.util.ArrayList::<init> (44 bytes)
700 488 3 java.util.ArrayList::<init> (7 bytes)
700 481 3 java.util.AbstractList$Itr::checkForComodification (23 bytes)
701 65 3 made not entrant java.lang.StringBuilder::toString (17 bytes)
701 482 ! 3 java.util.AbstractList$Itr::next (46 bytes)
701 484 4 java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::expandCapacity (40 bytes)
701 486 3 java.util.AbstractList$Itr::<init> (6 bytes)
702 487 3 java.util.AbstractList$Itr::<init> (31 bytes)
702 464 3$300 (7 bytes)
704 29 3 made not entrant java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::expandCapacity (40 bytes)
705 489 3 java.lang.Object::equals (11 bytes)
707 490 3 javax.swing.JComponent::getFlag (20 bytes)
708 491 3 javax.swing.JComponent::repaint (16 bytes)
708 492 ! 3 javax.swing.RepaintManager::addDirtyRegion0 (202 bytes)
711 493 3 java.awt.Component::invalidateIfValid (12 bytes)
712 494 ! 3 javax.swing.JComponent::getClientProperty (56 bytes)
714 495 3 java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport::firePropertyChange (125 bytes)
--- n java.lang.reflect.Array::newArray (static)
715 496 3 java.lang.reflect.Array::newInstance (6 bytes)
715 498 3 java.awt.Component::getFont_NoClientCode (29 bytes)
716 497 3 java.lang.Boolean::valueOf (14 bytes)
717 499 3 javax.swing.ArrayTable::size (46 bytes)
718 500 s 3 sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader::loadClass (45 bytes)
--- n java.lang.ClassLoader::findBootstrapClass
720 502 3 java.lang.Math::max (11 bytes)
720 501 3 java.awt.Component::getFont (5 bytes)
721 503 3 javax.swing.JComponent::setFlag (34 bytes)
721 504 3 java.awt.Component::getContainer (5 bytes)
727 505 3 javax.swing.JComponent::revalidate (43 bytes)
728 506 3 javax.swing.UIManager::get (8 bytes)
729 507 3 sun.font.Font2DHandle::<init> (10 bytes)
731 508 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLookAndFeel::shouldUpdateStyle (87 bytes)
732 509 3 javax.swing.ArrayTable::get (83 bytes)
733 510 3 java.util.Locale::hashCode (45 bytes)
--- n java.lang.Class::isInstance
734 511 3 java.util.EventObject::<init> (24 bytes)
735 512 ! 3 javax.swing.UIDefaults::getResourceCache (174 bytes)
738 513 3 java.awt.AWTKeyStroke::equals (64 bytes)
738 514 3 java.awt.Component::getToolkitImpl (41 bytes)
741 515 3 java.awt.Container::proxyEnableEvents (44 bytes)
742 516 3 java.util.ArrayList::remove (70 bytes)
742 517 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.Region::getUItoRegionMap (578 bytes)
744 518 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.Region::getRegion (16 bytes)
744 519 ! 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthContext::getContext (110 bytes)
745 520 3 java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport::firePropertyChange (36 bytes)
746 521 3 java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent::<init> (22 bytes)
746 249 4 made zombie java.util.regex.Pattern$BmpCharProperty::match (50 bytes)
746 492 ! 3 made not entrant javax.swing.RepaintManager::addDirtyRegion0 (202 bytes)
751 522 3 java.lang.Long::hashCode (14 bytes)
754 523 3 sun.awt.X11.XAnyEvent::get_window (20 bytes)
757 524 4 java.lang.StringBuilder::<init> (7 bytes)
758 40 3 made not entrant java.lang.StringBuilder::<init> (7 bytes)
760 525 3 javax.swing.text.StyleContext::registerStaticAttributeKey (78 bytes)
764 526 3 java.util.Hashtable::rehash (120 bytes)
765 527 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSSParser::readChar (25 bytes)
765 528 3 java.util.Hashtable$Enumerator::hasMoreElements (53 bytes)
766 529 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSSParser::append (60 bytes)
767 530 3 java.util.Hashtable$Enumerator::nextElement (111 bytes)
767 531 3 java.lang.Character::isWhitespace (5 bytes)
768 532 s 3 java.lang.StringBuffer::charAt (28 bytes)
768 533 s 3 java.lang.StringBuffer::setCharAt (29 bytes)
768 534 3 java.lang.Character::isWhitespace (158 bytes)
769 535 3 java.lang.CharacterDataLatin1::isWhitespace (22 bytes)
770 536 3 javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::addAttribute (11 bytes)
770 537 3 java.util.WeakHashMap::expungeStaleEntries (125 bytes)
771 539 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSSParser::getIdentifier (837 bytes)
775 544 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSSParser::readWS (28 bytes)
775 541 3 javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::getAttribute (32 bytes)
776 542 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSSParser::nextToken (171 bytes)
777 540 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSSParser::pushChar (28 bytes)
777 538 s 3 java.lang.StringBuffer::setLength (6 bytes)
777 543 3 java.util.WeakHashMap::indexFor (6 bytes)
778 545 s 1 java.util.Hashtable::size (5 bytes)
778 546 s 3 java.util.Hashtable::clear (38 bytes)
779 547 4 java.lang.String::lastIndexOf (156 bytes)
780 548 3 (108 bytes)
781 553 3 (501 bytes)
784 551 3 (63 bytes)
785 550 s 3 (49 bytes)
786 549 s 3 (113 bytes)
787 557 3 (23 bytes)
787 60 3 made not entrant java.lang.String::lastIndexOf (156 bytes)
787 562 s 4 (49 bytes)
787 556 3 (40 bytes)
788 558 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.DTD::readContentModel (114 bytes)
789 560 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.DTD::defContentModel (11 bytes)
790 561 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.ContentModel::<init> (20 bytes)
790 559 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.DTD::getElement (52 bytes)
790 550 s 3 made not entrant (49 bytes)
790 555 4 (21 bytes)
791 552 3 (5 bytes)
791 404 3 made not entrant (21 bytes)
791 554 3 (39 bytes)
792 564 s 3 java.util.Vector::addElement (38 bytes)
792 563 3 java.util.Vector::<init> (49 bytes)
795 565 3 java.util.Hashtable::getEnumeration (22 bytes)
796 566 s 3 java.util.Hashtable::keys (6 bytes)
796 568 3 java.util.Hashtable$Enumerator::<init> (61 bytes)
796 567 3 javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::getAttributeNames (8 bytes)
798 569 3 javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::addAttributes (39 bytes)
800 55 3 made not entrant (1268 bytes)
801 570 3 javax.swing.text.StyleContext$KeyEnumeration::hasMoreElements (18 bytes)
801 571 s 4 java.util.Hashtable::get (69 bytes)
802 572 3 javax.swing.text.html.MuxingAttributeSet::getAttribute (45 bytes)
802 573 s 1 javax.swing.text.html.MuxingAttributeSet::getAttributes (5 bytes)
803 574 3 java.util.WeakHashMap::getTable (9 bytes)
804 575 3 (139 bytes)
805 26 s 3 made not entrant java.util.Hashtable::get (69 bytes)
805 577 3 javax.swing.text.StyleContext$SmallAttributeSet::getLocalAttribute (49 bytes)
806 576 3 javax.swing.text.StyleContext$SmallAttributeSet::getAttribute (29 bytes)
807 578 3 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$SmallConversionSet::getAttribute (58 bytes)
808 579 3 sun.font.FontDesignMetrics::getLatinCharWidth (29 bytes)
808 580 3 sun.font.FontDesignMetrics::charWidth (30 bytes)
809 581 3 javax.swing.text.Segment::current (36 bytes)
809 582 s! 3 java.awt.Toolkit::getDefaultToolkit (39 bytes)
809 583 3 java.util.WeakHashMap::maskNull (12 bytes)
810 584 3 (18 bytes)
810 585 3 java.lang.ref.WeakReference::<init> (7 bytes)
810 587 ! 3 java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue::poll (28 bytes)
810 588 3 javax.swing.text.StyleContext$SmallAttributeSet::hashCode (32 bytes)
811 586 3 sun.awt.SunToolkit::getSystemEventQueueImplPP (13 bytes)
811 589 3 javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::getAttributeCount (8 bytes)
812 590 3 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$ViewAttributeSet::doGetAttribute (53 bytes)
812 591 3 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$ViewAttributeSet::getAttribute (61 bytes)
814 592 3 javax.swing.text.StyleContext$NamedStyle::getAttribute (11 bytes)
814 594 3 javax.swing.text.GapContent$MarkData::getOffset (46 bytes)
815 595 3 javax.swing.text.GapContent$StickyPosition::getOffset (8 bytes)
--- n java.lang.Object::clone
815 593 3 javax.swing.text.Segment::previous (29 bytes)
815 597 3 java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::setLength (72 bytes)
815 598 s 1 java.lang.StringBuffer::length (5 bytes)
816 596 ! 3 java.util.Collections$SynchronizedMap::get (25 bytes)
816 600 3 java.util.WeakHashMap::get (79 bytes)
816 603 4 java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::append (40 bytes)
817 599 3 java.util.Vector::<init> (7 bytes)
817 601 3 java.awt.Toolkit::getEventQueue (7 bytes)
817 602 3 javax.swing.SwingUtilities::isEventDispatchThread (4 bytes)
819 604 3 javax.swing.text.View::getContainer (18 bytes)
819 605 3 javax.swing.text.GapContent::length (17 bytes)
819 606 3 javax.swing.text.GapContent::getArrayLength (14 bytes)
820 607 3 javax.swing.text.View::getDocument (10 bytes)
820 608 3 javax.swing.text.LabelView::sync (12 bytes)
820 609 3 javax.swing.text.CompositeView::getView (7 bytes)
820 611 ! 3 (535 bytes)
821 11 3 made not entrant java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::append (40 bytes)
825 613 ! 3 javax.swing.RepaintManager::addDirtyRegion0 (202 bytes)
827 616 1 java.awt.Component::getTreeLock (4 bytes)
827 620 ! 4 java.nio.Bits::byteOrder (119 bytes)
827 301 3 made not entrant java.awt.Component::getTreeLock (4 bytes)
827 619 3 sun.jvmstat.perfdata.monitor.v2_0.TypeCode::toTypeCode (42 bytes)
828 622 3 java.util.TreeMap::successor (66 bytes)
828 85 ! 3 made not entrant java.nio.Bits::byteOrder (119 bytes)
828 621 3 java.util.TreeMap$ValueIterator::next (8 bytes)
829 617 3 java.lang.String::codePointAt (44 bytes)
829 623 3 sun.jvmstat.perfdata.monitor.AliasFileParser::match (8 bytes)
829 618 3 java.lang.Character::codePointAtImpl (41 bytes)
830 614 3 javax.swing.UIManager::getDefaults (10 bytes)
830 626 3 java.util.AbstractCollection::toString (84 bytes)
830 627 4 java.lang.StringBuilder::append (8 bytes)
831 628 4 java.lang.ThreadLocal::get (34 bytes)
831 632 ! 3<init> (700 bytes)
833 90 3 made not entrant java.lang.ThreadLocal::get (34 bytes)
833 629 4 java.lang.ThreadLocal$ThreadLocalMap::getEntry (42 bytes)
835 10 3 made not entrant java.lang.StringBuilder::append (8 bytes)
835 636 4 java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::getInt (14 bytes)
836 91 3 made not entrant java.lang.ThreadLocal$ThreadLocalMap::getEntry (42 bytes)
836 638 4 java.util.regex.Matcher::reset (83 bytes)
837 436 3 made not entrant java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::getInt (14 bytes)
837 640 4 java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::getInt (39 bytes)
838 630 3 (20 bytes)
838 634 3 (30 bytes)
838 434 3 made not entrant java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::getInt (39 bytes)
839 639 4 java.nio.Buffer::nextGetIndex (38 bytes)
839 635 3 (30 bytes)
839 631 3 (18 bytes)
839 206 3 made not entrant java.nio.Buffer::nextGetIndex (38 bytes)
839 642 1 java.lang.String::toString (2 bytes)
840 241 3 made not entrant java.util.regex.Matcher::reset (83 bytes)
840 244 3 made not entrant java.lang.String::toString (2 bytes)
840 624 3 java.util.AbstractList::iterator (10 bytes)
840 625 3 sun.jvmstat.perfdata.monitor.AliasFileParser::match (86 bytes)
841 633 3 java.nio.ByteBuffer::<init> (12 bytes)
841 643 4 java.lang.Integer::getChars (131 bytes)
841 637 3 java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::<init> (40 bytes)
841 644 4 java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::append (71 bytes)
842 641 3 java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::slice (81 bytes)
842 612 3 javax.swing.event.EventListenerList::<init> (12 bytes)
842 610 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthContext::isSubregion (8 bytes)
843 615 3 java.lang.Class::getClassLoader (49 bytes)
845 645 3 java.awt.Component::getBackground (29 bytes)
850 448 3 made not entrant java.lang.Integer::getChars (131 bytes)
--- n java.lang.System::identityHashCode (static)
852 646 ! 3 java.awt.Font::equals (132 bytes)
853 647 3 sun.awt.SunHints$Value::hashCode (5 bytes)
855 648 3 java.awt.Component::isVisible (5 bytes)
856 649 3 java.awt.Dimension::<init> (15 bytes)
857 650 3 java.awt.font.FontRenderContext::equals (127 bytes)
858 651 3 java.awt.Component::isShowing (38 bytes)
859 652 ! 3 java.awt.Component::getName (58 bytes)
859 655 3 java.util.LinkedList::addBefore (52 bytes)
860 653 3 java.util.LinkedList$Entry::<init> (20 bytes)
860 654 3 java.util.LinkedList::add (12 bytes)
860 657 3 java.util.LinkedList$ListItr::hasPrevious (13 bytes)
860 656 3 java.util.LinkedList$ListItr::checkForComodification (23 bytes)
861 658 3 java.util.LinkedList$ListItr::previous (53 bytes)
861 659 3 java.awt.Component::isEnabled (5 bytes)
862 449 3 made not entrant java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::append (71 bytes)
862 660 s 3 java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager::getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager (34 bytes)
863 661 3 java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager::getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager (7 bytes)
864 662 3 javax.swing.text.GapContent$MarkVector::size (17 bytes)
865 667 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.ContentModel::first (248 bytes)
866 663 3 javax.swing.text.GapContent$MarkVector::getArrayLength (14 bytes)
866 665 ! 3 (52 bytes)
866 671 4 java.lang.Object::equals (11 bytes)
867 666 3 java.lang.Float::isNaN (12 bytes)
867 669 3 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$AbstractElement::getAttribute (50 bytes)
867 489 3 made not entrant java.lang.Object::equals (11 bytes)
867 668 ! 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::readCh (73 bytes)
867 674 4 java.util.regex.Pattern$BmpCharProperty::match (50 bytes)
868 664 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSS$CssValue::<init> (5 bytes)
868 672 3 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$LeafElement::getEndOffset (10 bytes)
868 673 3 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$LeafElement::getStartOffset (10 bytes)
868 670 3 javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::removeAttributes (69 bytes)
869 675 3 sun.awt.SunToolkit::getSystemEventQueueImpl (4 bytes)
869 676 3 sun.awt.SunToolkit::getSystemEventQueueImplPP (7 bytes)
870 677 s 3 java.lang.StringBuffer::append (10 bytes)
870 678 3 java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::append (46 bytes)
870 679 s 4 java.util.Hashtable::put (167 bytes)
874 680 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSS::styleConstantsKeyToCSSKey (11 bytes)
876 684 3 javax.swing.text.StyleContext$SmallAttributeSet::getAttributeCount (8 bytes)
876 681 3 java.awt.Rectangle::<init> (26 bytes)
877 686 1 (2 bytes)
877 387 3 made not entrant (2 bytes)
877 687 3 (16 bytes)
877 688 3 (16 bytes)
877 685 3 javax.swing.text.SegmentCache::getSharedInstance (4 bytes)
878 683 3 java.awt.EventQueue::isDispatchThread (39 bytes)
878 689 3 java.util.Locale::getDefault (134 bytes)
879 690 4 java.awt.Component::getParent (5 bytes)
879 682 3 java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D::<init> (5 bytes)
880 294 3 made not entrant java.awt.Component::getParent (5 bytes)
882 691 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthContext::dispose (15 bytes)
883 692 ! 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthContext::releaseContext (68 bytes)
883 693 3 java.awt.Insets::<init> (26 bytes)
884 694 3 sun.font.FontDesignMetrics$MetricsKey::equals (49 bytes)
885 162 s 3 made not entrant java.util.Hashtable::put (167 bytes)
885 695 4 sun.awt.AppContext::getAppContext (101 bytes)
885 697 3 java.awt.Component::setBoundsOp (51 bytes)
885 696 ! 3 java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager::getFocusOwner (43 bytes)
886 253 3 made not entrant sun.awt.AppContext::getAppContext (101 bytes)
898 698 ! 4 sun.awt.AppContext::get (121 bytes)
906 254 ! 3 made not entrant sun.awt.AppContext::get (121 bytes)
912 699 3 java.awt.Component::hasFocus (16 bytes)
913 700 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLookAndFeel::getRegion (5 bytes)
918 702 1 (2 bytes)
919 386 3 made not entrant (2 bytes)
919 701 1 (2 bytes)
919 388 3 made not entrant (2 bytes)
919 703 3 (36 bytes)
920 704 3 java.awt.Container::invalidate (29 bytes)
921 706 3 sun.java2d.pipe.Region::endRow (133 bytes)
--- n sun.java2d.pipe.ShapeSpanIterator::nextSpan
922 705 3 sun.java2d.pipe.Region::appendSpan (334 bytes)
923 708 3 (311 bytes)
925 707 3 sun.java2d.pipe.Region::needSpace (45 bytes)
925 709 3 (6 bytes)
925 710 3 java.lang.Character::digit (6 bytes)
925 711 3 java.lang.Character::digit (168 bytes)
926 713 3 java.awt.GradientPaintContext::clipFillRaster (150 bytes)
926 712 3 java.lang.CharacterDataLatin1::digit (85 bytes)
--- n java.lang.Double::doubleToRawLongBits (static)
928 714 3 java.util.StringTokenizer::hasMoreTokens (29 bytes)
930 715 3 (30 bytes)
931 716 3 (29 bytes)
931 717 3 (6 bytes)
931 718 3 (226 bytes)
933 719 3 (19 bytes)
933 720 3 (3 bytes)
--- n sun.misc.Unsafe::getFloat
933 722 3$PeekableStringTokenizer::hasMoreTokens (20 bytes)
934 723 3 java.lang.Math::floor (5 bytes)
934 721 3 (23 bytes)
--- n sun.misc.Unsafe::getChar
935 725 3$PeekableStringTokenizer::nextToken (71 bytes)
--- n java.lang.Double::longBitsToDouble (static)
935 724 3$PeekableStringTokenizer::peek (20 bytes)
--- n sun.misc.Unsafe::getLong
935 726 3 java.lang.StrictMath::floorOrCeil (128 bytes)
936 727 3 java.lang.Math::getExponent (5 bytes)
936 729 3 java.util.StringTokenizer::setMaxDelimCodePoint (156 bytes)
937 730 3 java.util.StringTokenizer::countTokens (46 bytes)
937 728 3 sun.misc.FpUtils::getExponent (17 bytes)
938 731 3 java.util.StringTokenizer::<init> (52 bytes)
938 732 3 (3 bytes)
938 733 3 (16 bytes)
938 736 4 (24 bytes)
939 735 4 (15 bytes)
939 381 3 made not entrant (15 bytes)
939 737 3 (5 bytes)
939 389 3 made not entrant (24 bytes)
940 734 3 (18 bytes)
941 738 3 (176 bytes)
943 740 3 java.util.Properties::loadConvert (505 bytes)
944 742 3 java.lang.String::regionMatches (157 bytes)
946 741 3 java.lang.String::trim (87 bytes)
946 743 3 java.util.StringTokenizer::<init> (8 bytes)
947 739 3 (17 bytes)
947 182 3 made zombie (139 bytes)
947 175 3 made zombie (43 bytes)
947 216 3 made zombie (41 bytes)
948 236 3 made not entrant java.lang.StringCoding::deref (19 bytes)
948 391 ! 3 made not entrant java.lang.StringCoding::encode (120 bytes)
948 426 ! 3 made not entrant java.lang.StringCoding::decode (120 bytes)
948 628 4 made not entrant java.lang.ThreadLocal::get (34 bytes)
948 435 3 made zombie java.lang.String::compareTo (9 bytes)
948 14 3 made zombie java.lang.String::getChars (66 bytes)
948 18 3 made zombie java.nio.CharBuffer::arrayOffset (35 bytes)
949 21 3 made zombie java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::append (60 bytes)
949 23 3 made zombie java.lang.StringBuilder::append (8 bytes)
949 24 3 made zombie java.lang.String::<init> (72 bytes)
949 29 3 made zombie java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::expandCapacity (40 bytes)
949 433 3 made zombie java.util.TreeMap::parentOf (13 bytes)
949 72 3 made zombie java.lang.String::startsWith (78 bytes)
949 65 3 made zombie java.lang.StringBuilder::toString (17 bytes)
950 75 3 made zombie java.lang.String::indexOf (166 bytes)
958 744 3 java.lang.StringCoding::deref (19 bytes)
959 183 3 made zombie java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::address (5 bytes)
960 745 ! 3 sun.awt.image.URLImageSource::checkSecurity (42 bytes)
961 382 3 made zombie java.lang.String::compareTo (150 bytes)
963 748 1 java.lang.System::getSecurityManager (4 bytes)
964 12 3 made not entrant java.lang.System::getSecurityManager (4 bytes)
965 746 3 java.util.ResourceBundle::getObject (82 bytes)
967 749 3 javax.swing.JComponent::getHeight (5 bytes)
967 747 3 java.awt.ImageMediaEntry::parseflags (31 bytes)
975 750 3 sun.font.CompositeGlyphMapper::getCachedGlyphCode (32 bytes)
975 751 3 sun.font.FileFontStrike::getCachedGlyphPtr (120 bytes)
988 752 3 sun.font.CompositeGlyphMapper::setCachedGlyphCode (73 bytes)
994 753 3 java.util.WeakHashMap::put (165 bytes)
996 754 3 javax.swing.JComponent::getWidth (5 bytes)
996 755 3 java.awt.Component::constructComponentName (2 bytes)
996 756 3 java.awt.Component::getForeground (29 bytes)
1006 757 ! 3 sun.font.FontDesignMetrics::getMetrics (320 bytes)
1010 759 3 java.lang.Integer::valueOf (32 bytes)
1011 758 3 sun.font.FontManager::maybeUsingAlternateCompositeFonts (18 bytes)
1011 760 4 sun.reflect.ClassFileAssembler::emitByte (11 bytes)
1012 761 3 sun.reflect.UTF8::utf8Length (81 bytes)
1013 762 ! 3 sun.reflect.UTF8::encode (189 bytes)
1014 763 3 sun.reflect.ClassFileAssembler::emitConstantPoolUTF8 (50 bytes)
1016 764 4 java.util.Arrays::binarySearch0 (95 bytes)
1017 765 ! 3 java.awt.Container::getComponent (42 bytes)
1017 188 3 made not entrant sun.reflect.ClassFileAssembler::emitByte (11 bytes)
1019 766 3 sun.java2d.pipe.Region::dimAdd (20 bytes)
1020 283 3 made not entrant java.util.Arrays::binarySearch0 (95 bytes)
1034 767 3 java.awt.Component::isMixingNeeded (249 bytes)
1039 768 s 3 sun.awt.SunToolkit::getSunAwtDisableMixing (38 bytes)
1041 769 3 java.awt.Toolkit::enabledOnToolkit (16 bytes)
1045 771 3 java.awt.Container::adjustDescendants (21 bytes)
1046 770 3 java.awt.Container::getComponentCount (5 bytes)
1047 772 ! 3 java.util.Collections$SynchronizedMap::put (28 bytes)
1048 773 3 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::setFont (105 bytes)
1067 774 3 sun.awt.X11.XWrapperBase::<init> (5 bytes)
1067 775 3 java.awt.BorderLayout::getChild (152 bytes)
1068 776 3 javax.swing.JComponent::getFontMetrics (6 bytes)
1078 777 4 sun.reflect.ByteVectorImpl::add (38 bytes)
1080 189 3 made not entrant sun.reflect.ByteVectorImpl::add (38 bytes)
1204 778 3 (319 bytes)
1206 779 3 sun.java2d.pipe.Region::isInsideQuickCheck (57 bytes)
1206 782 3 javax.swing.JComponent::getX (5 bytes)
1207 781 3 java.util.IdentityHashMap::maskNull (12 bytes)
1207 783 3 javax.swing.JComponent::getY (5 bytes)
1207 780 3 javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer::firePropertyChange (52 bytes)
1224 784 3 java.awt.Component::isFocusOwner (5 bytes)
1225 785 3 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::invalidatePipe (36 bytes)
1225 2% 4 @ 50 (311 bytes)
1226 786 3 sun.awt.image.IntegerInterleavedRaster::getDataOffset (7 bytes)
1227 787 3 sun.java2d.pipe.RegionIterator::nextXBand (65 bytes)
--- n sun.java2d.loops.MaskBlit::MaskBlit
1227 788 3 sun.java2d.loops.Blit$GeneralMaskBlit::Blit (28 bytes)
1227 789 s 3 java.awt.ColorPaintContext::getRaster (90 bytes)
1228 791 ! 3 sun.misc.FloatingDecimal::readJavaFormatString (856 bytes)
1231 794 4 java.util.StringTokenizer::scanToken (179 bytes)
1236 795 4 sun.java2d.pipe.Region::endRow (133 bytes)
1236 793 3 sun.font.GlyphList::getGrayBits (157 bytes)
1237 790 3 java.lang.Integer::parseInt (269 bytes)
1240 798 3 (129 bytes)
1241 706 3 made not entrant sun.java2d.pipe.Region::endRow (133 bytes)
1241 797 4 (311 bytes)
1242 799 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLookAndFeel::getComponentState (23 bytes)
1243 792 3 sun.awt.SunHints$Key::isCompatibleValue (18 bytes)
1243 800 3 java.awt.geom.AffineTransform::<init> (69 bytes)
1243 801 3 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::validateColor (101 bytes)
1244 256 3 made not entrant java.util.StringTokenizer::scanToken (179 bytes)
1244 796 4 sun.java2d.pipe.Region::appendSpan (334 bytes)
1245 802 3 java.awt.Container::adjustDecendantsOnParent (16 bytes)
1246 803 3 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::create (8 bytes)
--- n java.lang.String::intern
1246 804 ! 3 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::clone (114 bytes)
1247 805 3 javax.swing.JLabel::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
1247 806 3 java.awt.Color::equals (27 bytes)
1253 708 3 made not entrant (311 bytes)
1253 807 3 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::dispose (12 bytes)
1254 808 3 sun.java2d.pipe.Region::getIntersectionXYXY (108 bytes)
1255 809 3 sun.java2d.pipe.Region::isInsideXYXY (39 bytes)
1261 705 3 made not entrant sun.java2d.pipe.Region::appendSpan (334 bytes)
1267 810 3 java.util.LinkedList$ListItr::hasNext (20 bytes)
1273 811 3 sun.font.FontDesignMetrics::stringWidth (154 bytes)
1275 812 3 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::setColor (103 bytes)
1275 813 3 java.awt.Font::hashCode (76 bytes)
1276 814 3 java.awt.font.FontRenderContext::hashCode (71 bytes)
1276 815 3 sun.java2d.loops.RenderCache$Entry::matches (30 bytes)
2451 816 3 sun.awt.X11.Native::getInt (8 bytes)
--- n (static)
2452 10 3 made zombie java.lang.StringBuilder::append (8 bytes)
2452 11 3 made zombie java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::append (40 bytes)
2452 449 3 made zombie java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::append (71 bytes)
2452 436 3 made zombie java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::getInt (14 bytes)
2452 26 s 3 made zombie java.util.Hashtable::get (69 bytes)
2453 40 3 made zombie java.lang.StringBuilder::<init> (7 bytes)
2453 60 3 made zombie java.lang.String::lastIndexOf (156 bytes)
2453 55 3 made zombie (1268 bytes)
2453 85 ! 3 made zombie java.nio.Bits::byteOrder (119 bytes)
2454 90 3 made zombie java.lang.ThreadLocal::get (34 bytes)
2454 91 3 made zombie java.lang.ThreadLocal$ThreadLocalMap::getEntry (42 bytes)
2454 434 3 made zombie java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::getInt (39 bytes)
2454 448 3 made zombie java.lang.Integer::getChars (131 bytes)
2454 162 s 3 made zombie java.util.Hashtable::put (167 bytes)
2455 817 3 (23 bytes)
2456 206 3 made zombie java.nio.Buffer::nextGetIndex (38 bytes)
2456 241 3 made zombie java.util.regex.Matcher::reset (83 bytes)
2456 244 3 made zombie java.lang.String::toString (2 bytes)
2457 254 ! 3 made zombie sun.awt.AppContext::get (121 bytes)
2457 253 3 made zombie sun.awt.AppContext::getAppContext (101 bytes)
2457 294 3 made zombie java.awt.Component::getParent (5 bytes)
2457 301 3 made zombie java.awt.Component::getTreeLock (4 bytes)
2458 381 3 made zombie (15 bytes)
2458 386 3 made zombie (2 bytes)
2458 387 3 made zombie (2 bytes)
2459 388 3 made zombie (2 bytes)
2459 389 3 made zombie (24 bytes)
2464 819 3 java.awt.Component::isDisplayable (13 bytes)
2466 404 3 made zombie (21 bytes)
2468 489 3 made zombie java.lang.Object::equals (11 bytes)
2468 492 ! 3 made zombie javax.swing.RepaintManager::addDirtyRegion0 (202 bytes)
2468 550 s 3 made zombie (49 bytes)
2469 818 3 java.awt.Component::inside (30 bytes)
2475 820 4 java.util.ArrayList::RangeCheck (48 bytes)
2476 821 3 javax.swing.JComponent::contains (27 bytes)
2477 259 3 made not entrant java.util.ArrayList::RangeCheck (48 bytes)
2500 822 3 java.util.IdentityHashMap::hash (18 bytes)
--- n java.lang.Class::isAssignableFrom
2513 823 3 java.awt.Component::isLightweight (8 bytes)
2514 824 ! 3 java.awt.Container::findComponentAtImpl (339 bytes)
2517 825 3 javax.swing.SwingUtilities::computeIntersection (189 bytes)
2525 826 3 java.awt.Component::getCursor (30 bytes)
2549 827 3 java.awt.Component::getInputContext (16 bytes)
2561 828 ! 3 java.lang.reflect.Method::invoke (167 bytes)
2563 829 3 sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl::invoke (10 bytes)
2587 830 3 java.util.LinkedList$ListItr::next (63 bytes)
2590 832 3 sun.swing.ImageCache$Entry::equals (147 bytes)
2591 831 3 sun.font.FontDesignMetrics::getDefaultFrc (53 bytes)
2597 833 3 java.util.TreeMap::getEntry (84 bytes)
2599 836 3 java.util.IdentityHashMap::get (60 bytes)
2600 835 3 java.awt.Rectangle::isEmpty (20 bytes)
2600 834 3 java.util.TreeMap::get (19 bytes)
2622 837 3 java.lang.reflect.Field::getFieldAccessor (40 bytes)
2623 839 4 java.util.ArrayList::get (12 bytes)
2623 838 ! 3 java.lang.reflect.Field::doSecurityCheck (134 bytes)
2625 266 3 made not entrant java.util.ArrayList::get (12 bytes)
2635 840 ! 3 sun.awt.X11.XToolkit::windowToXWindow (27 bytes)
2636 841 3 java.awt.Rectangle::setLocation (7 bytes)
2637 842 3 java.awt.Rectangle::move (11 bytes)
2637 843 3 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::translate (68 bytes)
2638 845 ! 3 java.awt.Component::getGraphicsConfiguration (47 bytes)
2639 844 3 java.lang.reflect.Constructor::newInstance (98 bytes)
2655 846 3 java.awt.geom.Point2D::<init> (5 bytes)
2659 847 3 sun.awt.X11.XEvent::get_xany (22 bytes)
2661 849 3 java.awt.Container::getMouseEventTarget (50 bytes)
--- n sun.java2d.loops.Blit::Blit
2661 848 3 sun.awt.X11.XAnyEvent::<init> (30 bytes)
--- n sun.awt.X11.XlibWrapper::XEventsQueued (static)
2662 850 3 sun.awt.X11.AwtGraphicsConfigData::<init> (30 bytes)
2663 851 3 sun.awt.X11.XToolkit::isTranslucencyCapable (38 bytes)
2684 852 3 sun.reflect.UnsafeFieldAccessorImpl::ensureObj (23 bytes)
2710 853 3 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::constrain (146 bytes)
2710 854 4 java.lang.ref.SoftReference::get (29 bytes)
2712 82 3 made not entrant java.lang.ref.SoftReference::get (29 bytes)
2712 855 3 java.lang.Integer::equals (29 bytes)
2758 856 1 sun.awt.X11.Native::getInt (8 bytes)
2759 816 3 made not entrant sun.awt.X11.Native::getInt (8 bytes)
2844 857 ! 3 java.awt.Container::getMouseEventTargetImpl (255 bytes)
2848 858 3 java.awt.Point::<init> (15 bytes)
2869 859 3 java.awt.event.InputEvent::getModifiers (9 bytes)
2943 860 3 java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment::isHeadless (4 bytes)
2944 861 3 java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment::getHeadlessProperty (24 bytes)
2980 862 ! 3 sun.awt.X11.XToolkit::callTimeoutTasks (232 bytes)
2984 12 3 made zombie java.lang.System::getSecurityManager (4 bytes)
2985 188 3 made zombie sun.reflect.ClassFileAssembler::emitByte (11 bytes)
3017 863 3 java.awt.event.InputEvent::getModifiersEx (8 bytes)
3018 189 3 made zombie sun.reflect.ByteVectorImpl::add (38 bytes)
3019 236 3 made zombie java.lang.StringCoding::deref (19 bytes)
3019 256 3 made zombie java.util.StringTokenizer::scanToken (179 bytes)
3019 283 3 made zombie java.util.Arrays::binarySearch0 (95 bytes)
3020 391 ! 3 made zombie java.lang.StringCoding::encode (120 bytes)
3103 864 ! 3 sun.awt.PostEventQueue::flush (60 bytes)
3105 426 ! 3 made zombie java.lang.StringCoding::decode (120 bytes)
3108 628 4 made zombie java.lang.ThreadLocal::get (34 bytes)
3109 865 3 java.awt.EventQueue::eventToCacheIndex (69 bytes)
3109 706 3 made zombie sun.java2d.pipe.Region::endRow (133 bytes)
3110 705 3 made zombie sun.java2d.pipe.Region::appendSpan (334 bytes)
3110 708 3 made zombie (311 bytes)
3111 866 3 sun.awt.AWTAutoShutdown::getInstance (4 bytes)
--- n java.lang.Object::notifyAll
3202 867 3 java.awt.Component::contains (7 bytes)
3251 868 3 sun.awt.X11.XBaseWindow::getWindow (5 bytes)
3263 869 3 java.awt.Toolkit$SelectiveAWTEventListener::eventDispatched (745 bytes)
3301 870 3 java.awt.ComponentOrientation::isLeftToRight (15 bytes)
3302 871 3 javax.swing.JComponent::getGraphics (33 bytes)
--- n (static)
3398 872 4 java.util.logging.Logger::finest (23 bytes)
3400 288 3 made not entrant java.util.logging.Logger::finest (23 bytes)
3423 873 3 java.awt.AWTEvent::<init> (81 bytes)
3436 874 ! 3 sun.awt.X11.XAwtState::getGrabWindow (67 bytes)
3486 875 ! 3 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::validateCompClip (219 bytes)
3493 876 3 com.sun.awt.AWTUtilities::isTranslucencyCapable (36 bytes)
3510 877 3 java.awt.event.InputEvent::getWhen (5 bytes)
3511 880 3 sun.java2d.pipe.Region::<init> (26 bytes)
3511 878 3$1::doIntersectionPrivilege (32 bytes)
3512 879 3<init> (25 bytes)
3512 881 3 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::getCompClip (19 bytes)
--- n (static)
3560 882 3 java.awt.event.ComponentEvent::<init> (7 bytes)
3560 883 3 java.awt.Component::dispatchEvent (6 bytes)
3561 884 ! 3 java.awt.Container::dispatchEventImpl (129 bytes)
--- n sun.awt.X11.XToolkit::waitForEvents (static)
3621 885 ! 3 sun.awt.X11.XToolkit::getNextTaskTime (55 bytes)
3633 886 3 sun.awt.SunToolkit::flushPendingEvents (23 bytes)
3657 887 3 sun.awt.AWTAccessor::getComponentAccessor (19 bytes)
3720 888 1 sun.awt.X11.XToolkit::getDisplay (4 bytes)
3720 399 3 made not entrant sun.awt.X11.XToolkit::getDisplay (4 bytes)
3744 889 3 sun.awt.SunToolkit::targetToAppContext (36 bytes)
3746 890 3 sun.awt.SunToolkit::getAppContext (42 bytes)
3756 891 3 java.awt.event.MouseEvent::<init> (122 bytes)
3758 892 3 java.awt.event.InputEvent::<init> (26 bytes)
3769 893 3 java.lang.reflect.Field::setBoolean (13 bytes)
3770 894 3 sun.reflect.UnsafeBooleanFieldAccessorImpl::setBoolean (30 bytes)
3772 895 s 3 java.awt.AWTEvent::get_InputEvent_CanAccessSystemClipboard (26 bytes)
3880 896 3 java.awt.Container$MouseEventTargetFilter::accept (66 bytes)
3904 897 3 java.awt.Point::setLocation (7 bytes)
3905 898 3 java.awt.Point::move (11 bytes)
--- n sun.misc.Unsafe::allocateMemory
3954 899 3 sun.awt.X11.XBaseWindow::isEventDisabled (2 bytes)
3955 82 3 made zombie java.lang.ref.SoftReference::get (29 bytes)
3990 900 s 3 java.util.Hashtable::isEmpty (13 bytes)
--- n sun.misc.Unsafe::freeMemory
3992 259 3 made zombie java.util.ArrayList::RangeCheck (48 bytes)
3992 266 3 made zombie java.util.ArrayList::get (12 bytes)
4015 901 3 sun.awt.AWTAutoShutdown::isReadyToShutdown (33 bytes)
4040 902 3 sun.awt.X11.XEvent::get_xmotion (22 bytes)
4042 816 3 made zombie sun.awt.X11.Native::getInt (8 bytes)
4042 903 3 sun.awt.X11.XMotionEvent::<init> (30 bytes)
4089 904 3 java.awt.event.InputEvent::consume (6 bytes)
4521 905 3 java.lang.Math::max (12 bytes)
4522 288 3 made zombie java.util.logging.Logger::finest (23 bytes)
4524 399 3 made zombie sun.awt.X11.XToolkit::getDisplay (4 bytes)
4755 906 4 javax.swing.JComponent::contains (27 bytes)
4757 821 3 made not entrant javax.swing.JComponent::contains (27 bytes)
4866 907 3 java.awt.LightweightDispatcher::retargetMouseEvent (343 bytes)
5332 908 s 3 java.awt.EventQueue::setCurrentEventAndMostRecentTimeImpl (125 bytes)
5431 910 3 java.util.LinkedList$ListItr::<init> (189 bytes)
5436 909 3 java.util.LinkedList::listIterator (10 bytes)
5902 911 3 sun.java2d.SurfaceData::pixelFor (13 bytes)
5904 912 3 sun.java2d.loops.SurfaceType::pixelFor (10 bytes)
5905 913 3 sun.awt.image.PixelConverter$Xrgb::rgbToPixel (2 bytes)
5926 914 3 java.lang.reflect.Field::getInt (12 bytes)
5950 915 3 sun.awt.X11.XGlobalCursorManager$CapableCursorAndComponent::getNew (125 bytes)
6036 916 ! 3 java.awt.event.InputEvent::canAccessSystemClipboard (33 bytes)
--- n sun.misc.Unsafe::putLong
6061 917 3 sun.awt.X11.Native::putLong (29 bytes)
6097 918 3 sun.awt.X11.XBaseWindow::awtLock (4 bytes)
6099 919 3 sun.awt.X11.XBaseWindow::awtUnlock (4 bytes)
6111 920 3 java.awt.Component::dispatchEventImpl (859 bytes)
6124 921 3 java.awt.EventQueue::setCurrentEventAndMostRecentTime (8 bytes)
6125 821 3 made zombie javax.swing.JComponent::contains (27 bytes)
6135 922 ! 3 java.awt.DefaultKeyboardFocusManager::dispatchEvent (1532 bytes)
6152 923 3 java.awt.Toolkit::notifyAWTEventListeners (36 bytes)
6184 924 ! 3 sun.awt.X11.XKeyboardFocusManagerPeer::getCurrentNativeFocusOwner (17 bytes)
6209 925 3 java.awt.Container::eventEnabled (49 bytes)
--- n sun.awt.X11.XlibWrapper::XNextEvent (static)
6222 926 3 sun.awt.X11.XDropTargetEventProcessor::processEvent (18 bytes)
6223 927 ! 3 sun.awt.X11.XDragSourceContextPeer::processEvent (34 bytes)
6224 928 3 java.awt.Component::eventTypeEnabled (487 bytes)
6234 929 ! 3 sun.awt.X11.XToolkit::dispatchEvent (178 bytes)
6239 930 3 sun.awt.X11.XBaseWindow::dispatchToWindow (44 bytes)
6242 931 ! 3 sun.awt.X11.XToolkit::notifyListeners (100 bytes)
6247 932 3 java.awt.Toolkit$ToolkitEventMulticaster::eventDispatched (27 bytes)
--- n java.lang.Object::wait
6333 933 3 sun.awt.X11.XMotionEvent::get_state (20 bytes)
6334 934 3 sun.awt.X11.XMotionEvent::get_x_root (20 bytes)
6335 935 3 sun.awt.X11.XMotionEvent::get_y_root (20 bytes)
6419 936 ! 3 java.awt.Window::getInputContext (43 bytes)
6432 937 3 sun.awt.X11.XBaseWindow::dispatchEvent (298 bytes)
6443 938 ! 3 java.awt.EventQueue::postEventPrivate (78 bytes)
6445 939 3 java.awt.EventQueue::getPriority (96 bytes)
6446 940 3 java.awt.EventQueue::dispatchEvent (80 bytes)
6870 942 ! 3 java.awt.EventDispatchThread::pumpOneEventForFilters (250 bytes)
6876 943 3 java.awt.EventQueue::postEvent (9 bytes)
6876 941 3 java.awt.EventDispatchThread$1::evaluate (2 bytes)
6882 944 3 java.awt.Component::getGraphics (124 bytes)
6887 945 3 sun.awt.SunToolkit::isInstanceOf (21 bytes)
6888 946 3 java.awt.geom.AffineTransform::translate (546 bytes)
6972 947 3 javax.swing.JComponent::isDoubleBuffered (6 bytes)
6974 948 3 sun.font.FontDesignMetrics::getHeight (35 bytes)
7060 949 3 (62 bytes)
7062 950 3 java.awt.Container::processEvent (22 bytes)
7072 951 3 java.lang.reflect.Field::getBoolean (12 bytes)
7075 953 3 (173 bytes)
7079 954 3 java.awt.Rectangle::translate (197 bytes)
7084 952 3 sun.reflect.UnsafeBooleanFieldAccessorImpl::getBoolean (17 bytes)
7089 955 ! 3 java.awt.LightweightDispatcher::eventDispatched (336 bytes)
7092 956 3 java.awt.Component::processEvent (220 bytes)
7121 957 ! 3 java.awt.AWTEvent::copyPrivateDataInto (55 bytes)
7269 958 3 java.awt.Component::getAccessControlContext (22 bytes)
7270 959 3 java.awt.EventQueue$2::run (5 bytes)
7282 960 ! 3 sun.awt.X11.XAwtState::getComponentMouseEntered (37 bytes)
7284 961 3 sun.awt.X11.XSetWindowAttributes::<init> (40 bytes)
7285 962 3 sun.awt.X11.XSetWindowAttributes::getSize (3 bytes)
--- n sun.awt.X11.XlibWrapper::XFlush (static)
7330 963 3 sun.awt.SunToolkit::setSystemGenerated (10 bytes)
7332 964 3 sun.awt.AWTAccessor::getAWTEventAccessor (19 bytes)
7332 965 3 sun.awt.X11.XGlobalCursorManager::getCursorManager (20 bytes)
7355 966 3 sun.awt.SunToolkit::postEvent (81 bytes)
7358 967 ! 3 sun.awt.PostEventQueue::postEvent (81 bytes)
7359 968 3 java.awt.Component::updateCursorImmediately (55 bytes)
7367 971 3 sun.awt.X11.XGlobalCursorManager::getNativeContainer (21 bytes)
7369 969 3 java.awt.Point::<init> (7 bytes)
7370 970 ! 3 sun.awt.X11.XGlobalCursorManager::getCursorPos (99 bytes)
7380 972 3 sun.awt.X11.XComponentPeer::updateCursorImmediately (7 bytes)
7381 973 ! 3 sun.awt.GlobalCursorManager::updateCursorImmediately (31 bytes)
7404 974 3 java.awt.EventQueue::noEvents (29 bytes)
7418 975 ! 3 sun.awt.AWTAutoShutdown::notifyThreadBusy (86 bytes)
7431 976 3 sun.awt.X11.XDecoratedPeer::getContentWindow (22 bytes)
7442 977 3 sun.awt.X11.XComponentPeer::handleEvent (245 bytes)
7454 978 3 java.awt.Window::dispatchEventImpl (23 bytes)
7455 979 3 java.awt.LightweightDispatcher::dispatchEvent (73 bytes)
7516 980 3 java.lang.reflect.Field::get (12 bytes)
7528 981 3 sun.awt.X11.XWindow::postEvent (12 bytes)
7577 982 3 sun.awt.X11.XDropTargetEventProcessor::doProcessEvent (221 bytes)
7589 983 3 sun.awt.X11.XWindow::postEventToEventQueue (14 bytes)
7590 984 3 sun.awt.X11.XWindow::prePostEvent (2 bytes)
7602 985 ! 3 sun.awt.X11.ComponentAccessor::getPeer (23 bytes)
7603 986 3 sun.reflect.UnsafeObjectFieldAccessorImpl::get (17 bytes)
7604 987 3 sun.awt.X11.XDecoratedPeer::isEventDisabled (50 bytes)
7614 988 3 sun.awt.X11.XContentWindow::isEventDisabled (87 bytes)
7615 989 3 sun.awt.X11.Native::getULong (29 bytes)
7625 990 ! 3 sun.awt.X11.XToolkit::processGlobalMotionEvent (186 bytes)
7663 991 3 java.awt.EventQueue::coalesceMouseEvent (44 bytes)
7688 992 3 sun.awt.X11.XToolkit::nowMillisUTC_offset (146 bytes)
7691 993 3 sun.awt.X11.XWindow::getModifiers (269 bytes)
7693 994 3 java.awt.LightweightDispatcher::processMouseEvent (224 bytes)
7701 995 3 sun.awt.X11.XMotionEvent::get_time (20 bytes)
7750 996 3 sun.awt.X11.XWindow::handleMotionNotify (277 bytes)
7758 997 3 sun.awt.X11.XMotionEvent::get_x (20 bytes)
7762 998 3 java.util.HashMap::remove (19 bytes)
7811 999 3 java.util.HashSet::remove (20 bytes)
7849 1000 3 javax.swing.JComponent::processMouseMotionEvent (46 bytes)
7849 1002 ! 4 java.awt.Container::findComponentAtImpl (339 bytes)
7850 1001 3 java.awt.Component::processMouseMotionEvent (58 bytes)
7861 1004 3 java.lang.Object::wait (6 bytes)
7862 1003 ! 3 sun.awt.AWTAutoShutdown::notifyThreadFree (72 bytes)
7870 824 ! 3 made not entrant java.awt.Container::findComponentAtImpl (339 bytes)
8034 1005 ! 3 java.awt.EventQueue::getNextEvent (112 bytes)
8046 1006 3 java.awt.Component::areInputMethodsEnabled (39 bytes)
8256 1007 4 java.awt.Component::isVisible (5 bytes)
8257 648 3 made not entrant java.awt.Component::isVisible (5 bytes)
8280 1008 3 java.util.Arrays::copyOf (47 bytes)
8283 1009 3 javax.swing.JComponent::isOpaque (6 bytes)
8287 1010 3 java.awt.Rectangle::reshape (22 bytes)
8292 1011 1 sun.awt.AWTAutoShutdown::getInstance (4 bytes)
8293 866 3 made not entrant sun.awt.AWTAutoShutdown::getInstance (4 bytes)
--- n sun.awt.X11.XlibWrapper::XFilterEvent (static)
8317 1012 ! 3 sun.awt.X11.XDragSourceContextPeer::doProcessEvent (671 bytes)
8340 1016 ! 3 sun.awt.X11.XBaseWindow::checkInitialised (112 bytes)
8341 1013 3 sun.awt.X11.XDragSourceContextPeer::processProxyModeEvent (120 bytes)
8343 1014 3 sun.awt.X11.XDragSourceContextPeer::getProxyModeSourceWindow (5 bytes)
8343 1015 3 sun.awt.X11.XEvent::getPData (5 bytes)
8428 1017 3 java.awt.EventQueue::postEvent (167 bytes)
8430 1022 3 sun.reflect.UnsafeIntegerFieldAccessorImpl::getInt (17 bytes)
8431 1018 3 java.awt.EventQueue::coalesceEvent (86 bytes)
8432 1019 3 java.awt.EventQueue::getAccessControlContextFrom (53 bytes)
8434 1020 3 java.awt.EventQueue$1::run (5 bytes)
8434 1021 3 java.awt.EventQueue$1::run (17 bytes)
8452 1023 3 java.awt.EventQueue::cacheEQItem (60 bytes)
8454 1024 3 java.awt.EventQueue::uncacheEQItem (53 bytes)
8455 1025 3 java.awt.EventDispatchThread$HierarchyEventFilter::acceptEvent (225 bytes)
8465 1026 3 java.awt.Component::getLocation (5 bytes)
8466 1027 3 java.awt.Component::location (16 bytes)
8550 1028 4 java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock$NonfairSync::lock (25 bytes)
8552 1029 4 java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer::release (33 bytes)
8555 273 3 made not entrant java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer::release (33 bytes)
8555 271 3 made not entrant java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock$NonfairSync::lock (25 bytes)
8564 1030 3 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::validatePipe (9 bytes)
8576 1031 3 sun.java2d.pipe.ValidatePipe::validate (6 bytes)
8600 1032 3 sun.java2d.pipe.Region::getIntersection (132 bytes)
8614 1033 ! 3 javax.swing.JComponent::putClientProperty (107 bytes)
8616 1034 3 java.awt.Rectangle::setBounds (10 bytes)
8617 1035 3 sun.awt.SunHints$Key::getIndex (5 bytes)
8625 1036 4 sun.awt.SunToolkit::awtLock (7 bytes)
8629 287 3 made not entrant sun.awt.SunToolkit::awtLock (7 bytes)
8649 1037 4 java.util.HashMap::put (126 bytes)
8661 45 3 made not entrant java.util.HashMap::put (126 bytes)
8662 1038 3 sun.awt.X11.XSetWindowAttributes::dispose (35 bytes)
8711 1039 ! 3 sun.awt.GlobalCursorManager::_updateCursor (150 bytes)
8714 1040 3 sun.awt.X11.XGlobalCursorManager::findHeavyweightUnderCursor (5 bytes)
8714 1041 3 sun.awt.X11.XGlobalCursorManager::findHeavyweightUnderCursor (4 bytes)
8715 1042 ! 3 sun.awt.X11.XComponentPeer::pSetCursor (78 bytes)
8717 1043 ! 3 sun.awt.X11.XGlobalCursorManager::getCursor (256 bytes)
8723 1044 ! 3 sun.awt.X11.XToolkit::getLastCursorPos (38 bytes)
8725 1049 3 (241 bytes)
8727 1045 3 java.awt.Point::setLocation (13 bytes)
8727 1046 3 sun.awt.X11.XGlobalCursorManager::findComponentAt (7 bytes)
8728 1047 ! 3 java.awt.Container::findComponentAt (24 bytes)
8729 1048 3 java.awt.Container::findComponentAt (17 bytes)
8737 1050 3 java.awt.Rectangle::getBounds (24 bytes)
8739 1051 3 sun.java2d.SurfaceData::validatePipe (864 bytes)
8749 1052 3 javax.swing.JComponent::isOptimizedDrawingEnabled (2 bytes)
8773 1053 3 java.util.IdentityHashMap$IdentityHashMapIterator::hasNext (50 bytes)
8787 1054 3 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::transformShape (36 bytes)
8788 1055 3 java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$Node::predecessor (19 bytes)
8835 1056 ! 3 java.awt.AWTEvent::dispatched (26 bytes)
8910 1057 3 java.awt.Color::<init> (33 bytes)
8921 1058 ! 3 sun.awt.SunToolkit::wakeupEventQueue (84 bytes)
8922 1059 ! 3 java.awt.EventQueue::wakeup (55 bytes)
8948 1060 3 sun.swing.SwingUtilities2::stringWidth (21 bytes)
8957 1061 3 java.util.HashMap::removeEntryForKey (152 bytes)
9044 1062 3 java.awt.Rectangle::<init> (9 bytes)
--- n sun.reflect.Reflection::getClassAccessFlags (static)
9081 1063 4 java.awt.Component::getCursor (30 bytes)
9083 826 3 made not entrant java.awt.Component::getCursor (30 bytes)
9105 1064 ! 3 sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor3::invoke (89 bytes)
9117 1065 3 sun.awt.X11.XComponentPeer::isEventDisabled (184 bytes)
9192 1066 3 java.awt.LightweightDispatcher::trackMouseEnterExit (179 bytes)
9195 824 ! 3 made zombie java.awt.Container::findComponentAtImpl (339 bytes)
9200 1067 3 java.awt.LightweightDispatcher::isMouseGrab (94 bytes)
9340 1068 3 javax.swing.table.DefaultTableColumnModel::getColumnCount (8 bytes)
9352 1069 3 javax.swing.table.DefaultTableColumnModel::getColumn (12 bytes)
9365 1070 3 javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel::isRollover (16 bytes)
9366 1071 3 sun.java2d.SurfaceData::getTransparency (8 bytes)
9377 1072 3 javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel::isPressed (15 bytes)
9520 1073 3 java.awt.Container::adjustListeningChildren (56 bytes)
9537 1074 4 java.awt.Component::getInputContext (16 bytes)
9538 827 3 made not entrant java.awt.Component::getInputContext (16 bytes)
9539 1075 3 javax.swing.JComponent::getBounds (50 bytes)
9541 1076 s 3 sun.java2d.loops.RenderCache::get (100 bytes)
9562 1077 3 javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel::isEnabled (16 bytes)
9586 1078 3 java.awt.EventQueue::dispatchEventImpl (137 bytes)
9599 1079 3 java.awt.Rectangle::<init> (21 bytes)
9600 1080 3 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::getClipBounds (87 bytes)
9635 1081 3 java.util.ArrayList::toArray (60 bytes)
9636 1083 3 javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource::<init> (6 bytes)
9636 1082 3 javax.swing.JPanel::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
9648 1084 s 3 javax.swing.RepaintManager::extendDirtyRegion (36 bytes)
9648 1085 4 sun.awt.SunToolkit::isInstanceOf (71 bytes)
9651 1086 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthButtonUI::getContext (20 bytes)
9652 1087 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthButtonUI::getRegion (5 bytes)
9663 311 3 made not entrant sun.awt.SunToolkit::isInstanceOf (71 bytes)
--- n sun.misc.Unsafe::getLong
9796 1088 3 sun.reflect.UnsafeLongFieldAccessorImpl::getLong (17 bytes)
--- n sun.awt.X11.XlibWrapper::XChangeWindowAttributes (static)
9798 1089 3 sun.misc.Unsafe::getLong (8 bytes)
9799 1090 3 sun.awt.X11.XGlobalCursorManager::updateGrabbedCursor (22 bytes)
9808 1091 3 sun.awt.X11.XGlobalCursorManager::setCursor (113 bytes)
--- n java.lang.Class::getComponentType
9810 1092 3 sun.awt.image.BufImgSurfaceData::getRenderLoops (31 bytes)
9845 1093 3 javax.swing.JComponent::getInputMap (142 bytes)
9882 1094 ! 3 javax.swing.JComponent::fetchRectangle (58 bytes)
9884 1095 ! 3 javax.swing.JComponent::recycleRectangle (27 bytes)
9885 1096 3 java.util.IdentityHashMap::clear (39 bytes)
9894 1097 4 java.awt.Container::getMouseEventTarget (50 bytes)
9962 849 3 made not entrant java.awt.Container::getMouseEventTarget (50 bytes)
9971 1098 3 sun.java2d.loops.CompositeType::equals (29 bytes)
9971 1099 3 sun.java2d.loops.Blit::getFromCache (132 bytes)
9994 1100 3 java.awt.Component::getContainingWindow (24 bytes)
10152 1101 4 sun.awt.SunToolkit::awtUnlock (7 bytes)
10155 321 3 made not entrant sun.awt.SunToolkit::awtUnlock (7 bytes)
10156 866 3 made zombie sun.awt.AWTAutoShutdown::getInstance (4 bytes)
10156 45 3 made zombie java.util.HashMap::put (126 bytes)
10215 1102 3 java.util.ArrayList::indexOf (67 bytes)
10216 271 3 made zombie java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock$NonfairSync::lock (25 bytes)
10217 273 3 made zombie java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer::release (33 bytes)
10218 287 3 made zombie sun.awt.SunToolkit::awtLock (7 bytes)
10221 1103 3 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::transformShape (97 bytes)
10225 648 3 made zombie java.awt.Component::isVisible (5 bytes)
10313 1104 ! 4 java.awt.Container::getMouseEventTargetImpl (255 bytes)
10333 857 ! 3 made not entrant java.awt.Container::getMouseEventTargetImpl (255 bytes)
10375 1105 3 javax.swing.Timer::timerQueue (4 bytes)
10375 1106 ! 3 javax.swing.TimerQueue::sharedInstance (44 bytes)
10463 1107 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthContext::getPainter (19 bytes)
10465 1108 3 (4 bytes)
11075 1109 3 java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer::compareAndSetWaitStatus (13 bytes)
--- n sun.misc.Unsafe::putObject
11078 827 3 made zombie java.awt.Component::getInputContext (16 bytes)
11078 826 3 made zombie java.awt.Component::getCursor (30 bytes)
11079 1110 3 java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer::shouldParkAfterFailedAcquire (50 bytes)
11080 311 3 made zombie sun.awt.SunToolkit::isInstanceOf (71 bytes)
11083 1111 3 java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport::setBlocker (12 bytes)
11086 1112 3 java.util.ArrayList::contains (14 bytes)
11087 849 3 made zombie java.awt.Container::getMouseEventTarget (50 bytes)
11174 1113 3 (144 bytes)
11386 1114 3 sun.swing.SwingUtilities2::getFontMetrics (10 bytes)
11389 1115 3 sun.swing.SwingUtilities2::getFontMetrics (18 bytes)
11398 1116 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthStyle::getFont (42 bytes)
11399 1117 4 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::invalidatePipe (36 bytes)
11400 785 3 made not entrant sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::invalidatePipe (36 bytes)
11521 1118 4 sun.awt.X11.XEvent::get_type (18 bytes)
11522 396 3 made not entrant sun.awt.X11.XEvent::get_type (18 bytes)
11582 1119 ! 3 java.awt.event.MouseEvent::getPoint (36 bytes)
11706 1120 3 javax.swing.ArrayTable::containsKey (78 bytes)
11708 1121 3 java.awt.Component::setBounds (10 bytes)
11708 1122 ! 3 java.awt.Component::reshape (312 bytes)
12347 1123 4 java.util.logging.Logger::isLoggable (25 bytes)
12349 295 3 made not entrant java.util.logging.Logger::isLoggable (25 bytes)
12350 1124 3 java.util.Hashtable::<init> (124 bytes)
12353 1132 s 4 java.util.Vector::elementAt (49 bytes)
12353 321 3 made zombie sun.awt.SunToolkit::awtUnlock (7 bytes)
12356 1133 4 sun.font.FontDesignMetrics::getLatinCharWidth (29 bytes)
12357 89 s 3 made not entrant java.util.Vector::elementAt (49 bytes)
12359 1126 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSSParser::parseIdentifiers (245 bytes)
12359 579 3 made not entrant sun.font.FontDesignMetrics::getLatinCharWidth (29 bytes)
12361 1129 3 javax.swing.text.GapContent$MarkVector::elementAt (43 bytes)
12361 1131 3 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$AbstractElement::getAttributes (2 bytes)
12362 857 ! 3 made zombie java.awt.Container::getMouseEventTargetImpl (255 bytes)
12364 1128 3 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$BranchElement::getStartOffset (10 bytes)
12364 1130 s 3 java.util.Stack::peek (25 bytes)
12365 1125 3 java.util.Dictionary::<init> (5 bytes)
12365 1127 3 javax.swing.text.StyleContext::getCompressionThreshold (3 bytes)
12365 1134 3 (86 bytes)
12366 1136 3 javax.swing.JToggleButton$ToggleButtonModel::isSelected (15 bytes)
12366 1135 3 sun.java2d.pipe.Region::intersectsQuickCheckXYXY (39 bytes)
12369 1137 ! 3 javax.swing.JComponent::paintComponent (44 bytes)
12369 1138 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLookAndFeel::update (7 bytes)
12370 1139 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLookAndFeel::paintRegion (118 bytes)
12376 1140 3 java.util.AbstractList::listIterator (6 bytes)
12377 1141 ! 3 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::drawImage (52 bytes)
12377 1142 3 sun.java2d.pipe.DrawImage::copyImage (60 bytes)
16540 1143 3 sun.font.CompositeFont::getMapper (24 bytes)
16543 1144 s 3 javax.swing.RepaintManager::getPaintManager (105 bytes)
16546 396 3 made zombie sun.awt.X11.XEvent::get_type (18 bytes)
16860 1145 s! 4 java.awt.Toolkit::getDefaultToolkit (39 bytes)
16863 582 s! 3 made not entrant java.awt.Toolkit::getDefaultToolkit (39 bytes)
16866 785 3 made zombie sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::invalidatePipe (36 bytes)
16970 1146 ! 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicLookAndFeel$AWTEventHelper::eventDispatched (247 bytes)
16980 1147 3 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::drawImage (11 bytes)
16981 1148 3 sun.java2d.pipe.DrawImage::copyImage (105 bytes)
17600 1149 3 sun.awt.image.SunVolatileImage::getWidth (5 bytes)
17601 89 s 3 made zombie java.util.Vector::elementAt (49 bytes)
17602 1150 3 sun.awt.image.SunVolatileImage::getHeight (5 bytes)
17602 295 3 made zombie java.util.logging.Logger::isLoggable (25 bytes)
18330 1151 3 java.util.regex.Pattern::next (33 bytes)
18331 579 3 made zombie sun.font.FontDesignMetrics::getLatinCharWidth (29 bytes)
18332 1158 ! 4 sun.jvmstat.perfdata.monitor.v2_0.PerfDataBuffer::getNextMonitorEntry (1381 bytes)
18333 1157 ! 3 java.lang.StringCoding::decode (120 bytes)
18341 1156 3 (50 bytes)
18342 1161 4 java.nio.ByteBuffer::<init> (45 bytes)
18342 1155 3 java.util.regex.Matcher::reset (10 bytes)
18342 1163 3 (38 bytes)
18343 1160 3 java.util.TreeMap::rotateLeft (96 bytes)
18343 1162 3 (365 bytes)
18344 84 3 made not entrant java.nio.ByteBuffer::<init> (45 bytes)
18345 1166 4 java.lang.ThreadLocal::get (34 bytes)
18346 1172 1 java.lang.ThreadLocal::getMap (5 bytes)
18347 83 3 made not entrant java.lang.ThreadLocal::getMap (5 bytes)
18347 1167 3 java.lang.ThreadLocal$ThreadLocalMap::access$000 (6 bytes)
18347 1168 3 java.util.TreeMap$EntryIterator::next (5 bytes)
18347 1169 3 java.util.regex.Matcher::lookingAt (10 bytes)
18348 1170 3 java.util.TreeMap$EntryIterator::next (5 bytes)
18348 1164 3<init> (32 bytes)
18348 1165 3 (10 bytes)
18348 1171 3 java.util.regex.Pattern$Dot::isSatisfiedBy (34 bytes)
18349 1159 3 java.util.TreeMap::rotateRight (96 bytes)
18349 1152 3 java.util.regex.Pattern::append (39 bytes)
18349 1153 3 java.util.regex.Pattern$CharProperty::<init> (5 bytes)
18350 1154 3 java.util.regex.Pattern$CharProperty::<init> (5 bytes)
18351 1173 3 javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet$EmptyAttributeSet::getAttributeCount (2 bytes)
18351 1174 3 javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet$EmptyAttributeSet::getAttributeNames (4 bytes)
18352 1175 3 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$BranchElement::isLeaf (2 bytes)
18352 1176 3 javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::<init> (17 bytes)
18353 1178 3 javax.swing.text.StyleContext$SmallAttributeSet::isDefined (38 bytes)
18353 1181 4 javax.swing.text.html.MuxingAttributeSet::getAttribute (45 bytes)
18353 1177 3 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$SmallConversionSet::isDefined (38 bytes)
18354 1180 3 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$AbstractElement::isDefined (11 bytes)
18354 1179 3 javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::getAttributes (26 bytes)
18355 1182 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSS::getStyleSheet (14 bytes)
18355 1183 3 javax.swing.text.StyleContext::reclaim (17 bytes)
18355 1184 3 javax.swing.text.BoxView::checkRequests (98 bytes)
18356 1188 1 java.util.WeakHashMap::indexFor (6 bytes)
18357 543 3 made not entrant java.util.WeakHashMap::indexFor (6 bytes)
18357 1185 3 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$BranchElement::getEndOffset (35 bytes)
18357 1189 3 javax.swing.text.GapContent::compare (28 bytes)
18358 1186 3 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet::createSmallAttributeSet (10 bytes)
18358 1187 3 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$SmallConversionSet::<init> (12 bytes)
18358 1190 3 javax.swing.text.GlyphPainter1::sync (55 bytes)
18359 1191 3 javax.swing.text.LabelView::getFont (9 bytes)
18360 1192 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthBorder::getBorderInsets (409 bytes)
18365 572 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.MuxingAttributeSet::getAttribute (45 bytes)
18367 1193 3 sun.awt.X11.XInputMethod::getParent (5 bytes)
18398 1194 3 sun.jkernel.DownloadManager::getBootClassPathEntryForClass (38 bytes)
18414 1195 3<init> (5 bytes)
18415 1196 3 java.lang.Thread::interrupted (8 bytes)
--- n (static)
--- ns java.lang.Throwable::fillInStackTrace
18437 1197 3 (47 bytes)
18437 582 s! 3 made zombie java.awt.Toolkit::getDefaultToolkit (39 bytes)
18438 1198 ! 3$ZipFileInputStream::close (63 bytes)
18442 1199 3 java.lang.StringBuffer::<init> (7 bytes)
18455 1200 3 (2 bytes)
18458 1201 3 java.util.BitSet::get (69 bytes)
18480 1202 3 sun.misc.URLClassPath::getResource (74 bytes)
--- n
18482 1203 ! 3 (74 bytes)
18484 1204 3 java.lang.String::concat (58 bytes)
--- n (static)
18485 1205 3 (37 bytes)
18487 1206 3 sun.awt.image.PNGImageDecoder::update_crc (41 bytes)
18488 83 3 made zombie java.lang.ThreadLocal::getMap (5 bytes)
18488 84 3 made zombie java.nio.ByteBuffer::<init> (45 bytes)
18488 3% 3 sun.awt.image.PNGImageDecoder::update_crc @ 3 (41 bytes)
18491 543 3 made zombie java.util.WeakHashMap::indexFor (6 bytes)
18491 1207 3 java.util.jar.JarFile::maybeInstantiateVerifier (87 bytes)
18493 572 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.MuxingAttributeSet::getAttribute (45 bytes)
18494 1208 ! 3 (194 bytes)
18499 1210 3 sun.awt.image.ImageDecoder::setPixels (58 bytes)
18501 1211 s 3 sun.awt.image.InputStreamImageSource::doneDecoding (25 bytes)
18504 1209 3 sun.awt.image.PNGImageDecoder::sendPixels (44 bytes)
18506 1212 3 java.lang.String::toLowerCase (8 bytes)
--- n
18516 1213 ! 3 (51 bytes)
18518 1215 ! 3 java.awt.AWTKeyStroke::getAWTKeyStroke (477 bytes)
18518 1216 4 java.lang.String::substring (83 bytes)
18520 32 3 made not entrant java.lang.String::substring (83 bytes)
18525 1214 ! 3 javax.swing.KeyStroke::getKeyStroke (45 bytes)
18526 1217 3 java.util.BitSet::checkInvariants (111 bytes)
18527 1218 3 (10 bytes)
18528 1219 3 java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster::addInternal (22 bytes)
18528 1220 3 (205 bytes)
18529 1221 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLookAndFeel::getStyle (9 bytes)
18531 1222 3 javax.swing.JComponent::firePropertyChange (8 bytes)
18531 1223 3 java.awt.Component::firePropertyChange (26 bytes)
18532 1224 3 java.awt.Container::getListenersCount (72 bytes)
18532 1225 3 java.awt.Component::firePropertyChange (26 bytes)
18533 1226 3 javax.swing.JComponent::firePropertyChange (8 bytes)
18542 439 ! 3 made not entrant sun.jvmstat.perfdata.monitor.v2_0.PerfDataBuffer::getNextMonitorEntry (1381 bytes)
18551 1227 s! 3 (54 bytes)
18553 1228 ! 3 (29 bytes)
18555 1229 3$1::<init> (15 bytes)
18555 1230 3 java.util.jar.JarFile::getEntry (22 bytes)
18556 1231 ! 3 (82 bytes)
18558 1232 3 sun.awt.EventListenerAggregate::getListenerClass (11 bytes)
18559 1233 3 (27 bytes)
18561 1235 s 3 java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport::addPropertyChangeListener (65 bytes)
18562 1234 3 java.awt.Component::setForeground (44 bytes)
18563 1236 3 javax.swing.LookAndFeel::installProperty (37 bytes)
18564 1237 3 java.lang.Enum::hashCode (5 bytes)
18565 1238 3 java.awt.Component::setBackground (44 bytes)
18566 1239 3 (386 bytes)
18569 1240 s 3 javax.swing.event.EventListenerList::add (123 bytes)
18570 1241 3 java.awt.Container::setFont (42 bytes)
18577 1242 3 javax.swing.InputMap::put (45 bytes)
18578 1243 s! 3 java.awt.AWTKeyStroke::getCachedStroke (175 bytes)
18578 1244 3 java.awt.AWTKeyStroke::mapOldModifiers (69 bytes)
18579 1179 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::getAttributes (26 bytes)
18580 1245 3 java.awt.AWTKeyStroke::mapNewModifiers (63 bytes)
18581 1074 4 made not entrant java.awt.Component::getInputContext (16 bytes)
18582 1251 3 javax.swing.AbstractAction::getValue (32 bytes)
18584 1249 3 java.util.Stack::empty (13 bytes)
18585 1253 4 java.util.ArrayList::ensureCapacity (58 bytes)
18587 235 3 made not entrant java.util.ArrayList::ensureCapacity (58 bytes)
18587 1250 3 java.util.Stack::push (7 bytes)
18587 1247 ! 3 java.awt.AWTKeyStroke::getVKValue (73 bytes)
18588 1254 4 java.util.ArrayList::add (29 bytes)
18589 1252 3 javax.swing.text.StyleContext$KeyEnumeration::nextElement (42 bytes)
18589 1248 3 java.util.Vector::<init> (7 bytes)
18589 1246 ! 3 java.awt.AWTKeyStroke::registerSubclass (178 bytes)
18590 1255 ! 3 java.awt.Component::invalidate (73 bytes)
18591 234 3 made not entrant java.util.ArrayList::add (29 bytes)
18591 1256 3 (29 bytes)
18592 1257 3 java.lang.ClassLoader::loadClass (7 bytes)
18593 1258 3 java.lang.ClassLoader::checkPackageAccess (73 bytes)
18593 1260 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLookAndFeel::updateStyle (44 bytes)
--- n
18594 1259 3 (18 bytes)
18594 1261 3 (20 bytes)
18596 1262 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthStyle::installDefaults (55 bytes)
18597 1263 3 javax.swing.border.AbstractBorder::<init> (5 bytes)
18597 1264 3 (17 bytes)
18598 1265 ! 3 (25 bytes)
18598 1266 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonListener::propertyChange (80 bytes)
18599 1267 3 java.awt.Container::createHierarchyEvents (95 bytes)
18599 1268 ! 3 sun.swing.DefaultLookup::get (139 bytes)
18600 1269 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthDefaultLookup::getDefault (52 bytes)
18601 1270 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLabelUI::getContext (11 bytes)
18602 1271 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLabelUI::getComponentState (25 bytes)
18603 1272 3 java.util.Hashtable$EmptyEnumerator::hasMoreElements (2 bytes)
18604 1273 s 3 sun.awt.EventListenerAggregate::add (101 bytes)
18606 1274 3 javax.swing.JComponent::isManagingFocus (2 bytes)
18606 1275 ! 3 java.awt.Component::enableEvents (164 bytes)
18607 1276 3 java.awt.Container::addPropertyChangeListener (6 bytes)
18608 1277 ! 3 java.awt.Component::addPropertyChangeListener (52 bytes)
18608 1278 3 (469 bytes)
18629 1279 3 javax.swing.JComponent::setForeground (42 bytes)
18632 1280 3 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument::getDocumentProperties (24 bytes)
18633 1281 3 java.awt.Component::<init> (158 bytes)
18634 1282 ! 3 java.awt.Component::checkCoalescing (91 bytes)
18636 1284 3 java.awt.Container::<init> (46 bytes)
18636 1286 3 javax.swing.JComponent::setBorder (60 bytes)
18637 1285 s 3 (313 bytes)
18640 1290 ! 3 java.awt.Container::invalidateTree (80 bytes)
18641 1287 3 java.awt.Container::numListening (50 bytes)
18641 1288 3 java.awt.Component::numListening (64 bytes)
18642 1291 3 javax.swing.ActionMap::put (45 bytes)
18642 1289 ! 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLookAndFeel::getStyleFactory (65 bytes)
18643 1295 s 3 java.util.Vector::removeAllElements (39 bytes)
18643 1293 3 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$BoxPainter::getLength (14 bytes)
18643 1294 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSS::getLength (53 bytes)
18644 1296 3 javax.swing.text.StyleContext$SmallAttributeSet::getAttributeNames (16 bytes)
18644 1297 3 javax.swing.text.StyleContext$KeyEnumeration::<init> (20 bytes)
18644 1292 s 3 java.util.Vector::removeElementAt (115 bytes)
18645 1283 3 sun.awt.EventListenerAggregate::<init> (76 bytes)
18646 1298 ! 3 java.util.Collections$SynchronizedMap::size (24 bytes)
18646 1299 3 java.util.WeakHashMap::size (18 bytes)
18646 1300 3 javax.swing.text.StyleContext::getImmutableUniqueSet (62 bytes)
18647 1305 3 javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::getAttributes (26 bytes)
18648 1303 3 javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet$1::hasMoreElements (2 bytes)
18648 1304 s 3 java.util.Stack::pop (19 bytes)
18648 1306 3 javax.swing.text.StyleContext$NamedStyle::fireStateChanged (69 bytes)
18649 1307 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthStyle::installDefaults (123 bytes)
18651 1309 3 java.util.Calendar::internalSet (8 bytes)
18651 1308 3 java.util.ListResourceBundle::handleGetObject (34 bytes)
18652 1301 3 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$LargeConversionSet::getAttribute (58 bytes)
18653 1302 3 java.awt.Font::getFont2D (92 bytes)
18682 1310 3 java.util.WeakHashMap$Entry::access$102 (7 bytes)
18683 1311 3 java.util.HashMap$KeyIterator::next (8 bytes)
18684 1312 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthBorder::getBorderInsets (7 bytes)
18687 1313 ! 3 (138 bytes)
18688 1314 3$1100 (5 bytes)
18688 1315 3 (18 bytes)
18696 1316 ! 4 javax.swing.UIDefaults::getFromHashtable (239 bytes)
18697 1317 3 javax.swing.SwingUtilities::replaceUIInputMap (51 bytes)
18700 944 3 made not entrant java.awt.Component::getGraphics (124 bytes)
18700 1116 3 made not entrant javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthStyle::getFont (42 bytes)
18701 1241 3 made not entrant java.awt.Container::setFont (42 bytes)
18701 1307 3 made not entrant javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthStyle::installDefaults (123 bytes)
18713 1318 3 javax.swing.JComponent::setOpaque (29 bytes)
18713 1320 ! 4 javax.swing.UIManager::getLAFState (62 bytes)
18714 32 3 made zombie java.lang.String::substring (83 bytes)
18717 1319 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthButtonUI::propertyChange (19 bytes)
18719 439 ! 3 made zombie sun.jvmstat.perfdata.monitor.v2_0.PerfDataBuffer::getNextMonitorEntry (1381 bytes)
18720 1321 3 javax.swing.ActionMap::setParent (6 bytes)
18725 262 ! 3 made not entrant javax.swing.UIManager::getLAFState (62 bytes)
18726 299 ! 3 made not entrant javax.swing.UIDefaults::getFromHashtable (239 bytes)
18729 1322 ! 3 sun.reflect.misc.MethodUtil::invoke (154 bytes)
18730 1324 3 javax.swing.UIManager::getUI (39 bytes)
18730 1323 3 sun.reflect.misc.Trampoline::invoke (7 bytes)
18750 1325 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicHTML::isHTMLString (49 bytes)
18751 1326 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicHTML::updateRenderer (89 bytes)
18751 1327 ! 3 sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor1::invoke (65 bytes)
18756 1328 3 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$AbstractElement::<init> (37 bytes)
18758 234 3 made zombie java.util.ArrayList::add (29 bytes)
18758 235 3 made zombie java.util.ArrayList::ensureCapacity (58 bytes)
18758 1329 s 3 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument::createPosition (11 bytes)
18761 1330 3 javax.swing.text.GapContent::createPosition (188 bytes)
18781 1331 3 javax.swing.text.View::setParent (47 bytes)
18783 1074 4 made zombie java.awt.Component::getInputContext (16 bytes)
18783 1179 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::getAttributes (26 bytes)
18784 1334 3 javax.swing.JComponent::setBackground (42 bytes)
18785 1335 3 javax.swing.JComponent::setUIProperty (163 bytes)
18787 1332 s 3 java.awt.Component::addMouseMotionListener (43 bytes)
18788 1333 3 java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster::add (9 bytes)
18788 1336 3 java.util.jar.Attributes$Name::hashCode (24 bytes)
18789 1337 3 java.lang.Class::checkInitted (19 bytes)
18790 1338 3 javax.swing.ActionMap::<init> (5 bytes)
18791 1339 3 (204 bytes)
--- n java.lang.Class::getModifiers
18793 1340 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLabelUI::getContext (17 bytes)
18794 1341 ! 3 java.awt.Component::setFont (116 bytes)
18796 1342 3 javax.swing.JComponent::setFont (24 bytes)
18796 1345 3 java.awt.Container::setFont (42 bytes)
--- n sun.reflect.Reflection::getCallerClass (static)
18797 1344 ! 3 javax.swing.JComponent::setUI (155 bytes)
18799 1343 3 javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI::<init> (5 bytes)
18799 1346 3 javax.swing.SwingUtilities::getUIInputMap (32 bytes)
18800 1347 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthArrowButton::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
18800 1348 3 javax.swing.JComponent::getDefaultLocale (24 bytes)
18801 1349 3 java.awt.Component::setLocale (23 bytes)
18802 1351 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthStyle::installDefaults (123 bytes)
18803 1352 3 java.awt.Component::createHierarchyEvents (132 bytes)
18804 1350 3 javax.swing.JComponent::<init> (70 bytes)
18805 1353 3 java.awt.Container::setLayout (10 bytes)
18805 1354 3 javax.swing.SwingUtilities::layoutCompoundLabel (163 bytes)
18806 1355 3 javax.swing.SwingUtilities::layoutCompoundLabelImpl (761 bytes)
18808 1356 3 javax.swing.SwingUtilities::findDisplayedMnemonicIndex (69 bytes)
18809 1357 3 javax.swing.JComponent::enable (34 bytes)
18810 1358 3 javax.swing.AbstractButton::setUIProperty (135 bytes)
18811 1359 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonUI::getPropertyPrefix (3 bytes)
18811 1360 3 javax.swing.JComponent::getActionMap (35 bytes)
18812 1361 3 sun.awt.NullComponentPeer::isRestackSupported (2 bytes)
18812 1362 3 javax.swing.JComponent::isValidateRoot (2 bytes)
18813 1363 ! 3 java.awt.Container::increaseComponentCount (124 bytes)
18814 1365 3 javax.swing.JComponent::registerWithKeyboardManager (228 bytes)
18815 1366 s 3 javax.swing.RepaintManager::addInvalidComponent (231 bytes)
18816 1367 3 javax.swing.InputMap::setParent (6 bytes)
18817 1364 3 javax.swing.AbstractButton::getMargin (22 bytes)
18817 1368 3 java.awt.Container::countHierarchyMembers (11 bytes)
18818 1369 4 java.awt.Component::getInputContext (16 bytes)
18818 1370 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthGraphicsUtils::layoutText (84 bytes)
18819 1371 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLabelUI::propertyChange (24 bytes)
18819 1372 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicLabelUI::propertyChange (70 bytes)
18820 1373 3 javax.swing.JComponent::getPreferredSize (43 bytes)
18821 1375 3 java.awt.Container::checkGD (42 bytes)
18821 1380 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthStyle::getFont (42 bytes)
18821 1381 4 java.awt.Component::getContainer (5 bytes)
18822 1378 3 java.awt.Container::checkAddToSelf (37 bytes)
18822 504 3 made not entrant java.awt.Component::getContainer (5 bytes)
18822 1376 3 (4 bytes)
18823 1377 ! 3 java.awt.Container::addImpl (358 bytes)
18823 1383 4 java.awt.Component::getFont (5 bytes)
18824 501 3 made not entrant java.awt.Component::getFont (5 bytes)
18825 1382 3 javax.swing.JComponent::reshape (10 bytes)
18826 1379 3 java.awt.Container::checkNotAWindow (18 bytes)
18826 1374 ! 3 java.awt.Container::mixOnShowing (94 bytes)
18826 1388 4 java.lang.Math::max (11 bytes)
18827 502 3 made not entrant java.lang.Math::max (11 bytes)
18828 1387 3 java.awt.Container::countComponents (10 bytes)
18829 1386 ! 3 sun.swing.SwingUtilities2::getLeftSideBearing (179 bytes)
18830 1392 1 javax.swing.JLabel::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
18830 805 3 made not entrant javax.swing.JLabel::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
18831 1385 3 javax.swing.JComponent::getInsets (23 bytes)
18831 1390 3 java.awt.Window::getContainer (2 bytes)
18831 1384 3 sun.awt.SunHints$Value::get (8 bytes)
18831 1391 3 javax.swing.JComponent::getNextFocusableComponent (10 bytes)
18832 1389 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthButtonUI::getContext (11 bytes)
18832 1393 3 javax.swing.text.GapContent::getChars (209 bytes)
18833 1396 4 java.awt.Component::isEnabled (5 bytes)
18833 1395 3 java.awt.Container::validateTree (130 bytes)
18833 659 3 made not entrant java.awt.Component::isEnabled (5 bytes)
18835 1397 3 javax.swing.LayoutComparator::compare (495 bytes)
18837 1399 1 sun.reflect.ByteVectorImpl::getLength (7 bytes)
18837 191 3 made not entrant sun.reflect.ByteVectorImpl::getLength (7 bytes)
18837 1398 3 sun.reflect.ClassFileAssembler::setStack (25 bytes)
18837 1394 3 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument::getText (28 bytes)
18847 1400 3 java.awt.Component::getGraphics (124 bytes)
18848 1401 3 java.awt.Component::notifyNewBounds (129 bytes)
18850 1402 3 java.awt.Component::repaintParentIfNeeded (41 bytes)
18850 1403 ! 3 java.awt.Container::mixOnReshaping (88 bytes)
18853 1404 3 javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel::isSelected (15 bytes)
18853 1406 3 javax.swing.AbstractButton::getHandler (24 bytes)
18853 1407 s 3 java.awt.Component::addMouseListener (43 bytes)
18854 1409 4 java.util.TreeMap::put (240 bytes)
18854 1408 3 java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster::add (9 bytes)
18855 1410 3 java.util.HashMap::transfer (83 bytes)
18855 1411 ! 3 java.awt.Insets::clone (14 bytes)
18856 1412 3 javax.swing.JComponent::getInsets (79 bytes)
--- n java.lang.Object::notify
18857 1415 3 java.awt.Dimension::<init> (13 bytes)
18857 1416 3 java.awt.Container::doLayout (5 bytes)
18858 1413 3 javax.swing.text.SegmentCache::getSharedSegment (7 bytes)
18859 1414 ! 3 javax.swing.text.SegmentCache::getSegment (55 bytes)
18860 1405 3 java.awt.geom.AffineTransform::<init> (15 bytes)
18861 1417 1 (3 bytes)
18861 720 3 made not entrant (3 bytes)
18862 1418 3 (130 bytes)
18862 4% 4 java.awt.GradientPaintContext::clipFillRaster @ 61 (150 bytes)
18863 1419 3 java.lang.Character::isDigit (5 bytes)
18863 1420 3 java.lang.Character::isDigit (158 bytes)
18863 1424 1 (3 bytes)
18864 732 3 made not entrant (3 bytes)
18864 1421 3 (167 bytes)
18866 1425 3 sun.swing.SwingUtilities2::getFRCProperty (26 bytes)
18867 1427 3 sun.misc.FloatingDecimal::floatValue (456 bytes)
18871 262 ! 3 made zombie javax.swing.UIManager::getLAFState (62 bytes)
18871 1422 3 (7 bytes)
18872 299 ! 3 made zombie javax.swing.UIDefaults::getFromHashtable (239 bytes)
18874 1428 ! 3 java.lang.StringCoding::encode (120 bytes)
18879 944 3 made zombie java.awt.Component::getGraphics (124 bytes)
18882 1423 3 (415 bytes)
18882 1116 3 made zombie javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthStyle::getFont (42 bytes)
18883 1241 3 made zombie java.awt.Container::setFont (42 bytes)
18883 1307 3 made zombie javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthStyle::installDefaults (123 bytes)
18886 1426 3 sun.misc.FloatingDecimal::<init> (47 bytes)
18889 469 3 made not entrant java.util.TreeMap::put (240 bytes)
18898 1429 3 sun.awt.image.ImageWatched::newInfo (25 bytes)
18899 191 3 made zombie sun.reflect.ByteVectorImpl::getLength (7 bytes)
18900 1430 3 sun.awt.image.ImageWatched$WeakLink::newInfo (73 bytes)
18902 502 3 made zombie java.lang.Math::max (11 bytes)
18902 501 3 made zombie java.awt.Component::getFont (5 bytes)
18903 504 3 made zombie java.awt.Component::getContainer (5 bytes)
18904 659 3 made zombie java.awt.Component::isEnabled (5 bytes)
18904 1431 3 sun.awt.image.ImageWatched$Link::newInfo (2 bytes)
18905 720 3 made zombie (3 bytes)
18905 732 3 made zombie (3 bytes)
18905 805 3 made zombie javax.swing.JLabel::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
18910 1432 3 java.awt.ImageMediaEntry::imageUpdate (51 bytes)
18942 1433 3 java.awt.image.SinglePixelPackedSampleModel::getNumDataElements (2 bytes)
18943 469 3 made zombie java.util.TreeMap::put (240 bytes)
18945 1436 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthButtonUI::getComponentState (138 bytes)
18948 1439 4 java.util.Vector::ensureCapacityHelper (60 bytes)
18953 1438 3 javax.swing.SwingUtilities::getRootPane (43 bytes)
18954 379 3 made not entrant java.util.Vector::ensureCapacityHelper (60 bytes)
18962 1434 3 sun.awt.image.SunWritableRaster::notifyChanged (17 bytes)
18964 1435 3 java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger::decrementAndGet (23 bytes)
18964 1437 3$ArithmeticExpressionEvaluator::getFactorValue (160 bytes)
18966 1440 3 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::getFontInfo (34 bytes)
18988 1441 3 java.lang.ref.Reference::access$200 (4 bytes)
18990 1442 3 java.util.HashMap::<init> (8 bytes)
18992 1443 3 sun.font.CompositeGlyphMapper::convertToGlyph (84 bytes)
18997 1444 3 sun.font.CompositeGlyphMapper::getSlotMapper (32 bytes)
18999 1445 3 sun.font.CMap$CMapFormat4::getGlyph (186 bytes)
19089 1446 3 java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap$HashEntry::newArray (5 bytes)
19091 1447 3 java.util.LinkedHashMap$Entry::<init> (10 bytes)
19092 1448 3 java.util.LinkedHashMap::addEntry (63 bytes)
19093 1449 3 java.util.LinkedHashMap::createEntry (52 bytes)
19093 1450 3 java.util.LinkedHashMap$Entry::addBefore (30 bytes)
19094 1451 3 java.util.LinkedHashMap$Entry::access$600 (6 bytes)
19094 1452 3 java.util.LinkedHashMap::removeEldestEntry (2 bytes)
19094 1453 3 java.util.Properties$LineReader::readLine (452 bytes)
19185 1454 3 java.awt.image.SinglePixelPackedSampleModel::<init> (252 bytes)
19225 1455 3 sun.font.CompositeGlyphMapper::charsToGlyphsNS (158 bytes)
19230 1456 4 (319 bytes)
19233 1457 3 java.awt.Container::createChildHierarchyEvents (96 bytes)
19241 1458 3 sun.awt.SunToolkit::getPrivateKey (70 bytes)
19243 1459 3 java.awt.Component$1::getPrivateKey (5 bytes)
19243 1460 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthGraphicsUtils::getPreferredSize (402 bytes)
19245 778 3 made not entrant (319 bytes)
19246 1464 3 javax.swing.JViewport::getView (17 bytes)
19247 1462 s! 3 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument::readLock (50 bytes)
19247 1463 3 java.lang.Math::min (12 bytes)
19247 1461 ! 3 java.awt.Container::preferredSize (88 bytes)
19248 1465 3 java.text.MessageFormat::applyPattern (360 bytes)
--- n (static)
19251 1466 ! 3$1::run (74 bytes)
19252 1468 3 (107 bytes)
19253 1469 s 3 javax.swing.text.StyleContext::addAttributes (78 bytes)
19253 1470 3 javax.swing.text.Segment::next (41 bytes)
19254 1467 3<init> (102 bytes)
19254 1471 3 javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView::getAttributes (26 bytes)
19255 1473 3 sun.font.FontDesignMetrics::charsWidth (201 bytes)
19256 1476 3 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet::convertAttributeSet (188 bytes)
19258 1475 3 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet::addAttributes (25 bytes)
19258 1479 3 sun.misc.ASCIICaseInsensitiveComparator::toLower (16 bytes)
19258 1480 3 sun.misc.ASCIICaseInsensitiveComparator::isUpper (18 bytes)
19258 1472 3 javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getEndOffset (38 bytes)
19259 1481 ! 3 javax.swing.text.GlyphView::checkPainter (115 bytes)
19260 1477 3 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument::getProperty (9 bytes)
19261 1478 s 3 java.util.Vector::isEmpty (13 bytes)
19261 1474 3 javax.swing.text.html.HTML::getTagForStyleConstantsKey (11 bytes)
19289 1482 ! 3 javax.swing.UIDefaults::getUI (208 bytes)
19293 1483 ! 3 javax.swing.UIDefaults::getUIClass (75 bytes)
19295 1484 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLookAndFeel::createUI (483 bytes)
19300 1490 4 javax.swing.JComponent::getHeight (5 bytes)
19302 749 3 made not entrant javax.swing.JComponent::getHeight (5 bytes)
19306 1486 3 javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI::getPreferredSize (2 bytes)
19306 1487 3 java.util.ArrayList::isEmpty (13 bytes)
19307 1489 3 java.awt.Component::getSize (5 bytes)
19308 1488 3 javax.swing.text.BoxView::setSpanOnAxis (131 bytes)
19308 1485 s 3 sun.misc.Resource::cachedInputStream (20 bytes)
19312 1491 3 (2 bytes)
19312 1492 3 javax.swing.UIManager::getLookAndFeel (10 bytes)
19450 1494 3 java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap$Segment::get (66 bytes)
19452 1493 3 java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap::get (19 bytes)
19503 1495 3 javax.swing.text.BoxView::getMinimumSpan (63 bytes)
19505 1497 1 javax.swing.text.CompositeView::getView (7 bytes)
19505 609 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.CompositeView::getView (7 bytes)
19505 1498 3 javax.swing.text.BoxView::updateLayoutArray (40 bytes)
19505 1499 3 javax.swing.text.SegmentCache::releaseSharedSegment (8 bytes)
19506 1500 ! 3 javax.swing.text.SegmentCache::releaseSegment (43 bytes)
19506 1166 4 made not entrant java.lang.ThreadLocal::get (34 bytes)
19507 1496 3 java.lang.Double::doubleToLongBits (33 bytes)
19507 1501 3 javax.swing.text.BoxView::getPreferredSpan (63 bytes)
19508 1502 3 javax.swing.JTabbedPane::isEnabledAt (15 bytes)
19508 1503 3 sun.font.FontDesignMetrics::getAscent (10 bytes)
19509 1505 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI$RootView::getContainer (8 bytes)
19509 1504 ! 3 java.awt.Container::validate (100 bytes)
19509 1510 4 javax.swing.JComponent::getWidth (5 bytes)
19510 754 3 made not entrant javax.swing.JComponent::getWidth (5 bytes)
19511 1506 3 java.awt.Dimension::<init> (7 bytes)
19511 1507 s 3 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument::readUnlock (43 bytes)
19512 1508 ! 3 java.awt.Component::validate (112 bytes)
--- n sun.font.FontManager::getFont2D (static)
19514 1511 1 java.awt.Component::constructComponentName (2 bytes)
19514 755 3 made not entrant java.awt.Component::constructComponentName (2 bytes)
19514 1509 ! 3 java.awt.Container::mixOnValidating (99 bytes)
19519 1512 3 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::clipRect (17 bytes)
19522 1513 3 java.awt.RenderingHints$Key::hashCode (5 bytes)
19524 1514 3 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::intersectShapes (76 bytes)
19536 1515 3 java.lang.reflect.Modifier::isPublic (12 bytes)
19541 1516 3 sun.reflect.MagicAccessorImpl::<init> (5 bytes)
19547 1051 3 made not entrant sun.java2d.SurfaceData::validatePipe (864 bytes)
19548 788 3 made not entrant sun.java2d.loops.Blit$GeneralMaskBlit::Blit (28 bytes)
19554 1409 4 made not entrant java.util.TreeMap::put (240 bytes)
19554 1519 3 sun.awt.image.ByteInterleavedRaster::getDataElements (132 bytes)
19555 764 4 made not entrant java.util.Arrays::binarySearch0 (95 bytes)
19557 1517 3 java.awt.image.ComponentColorModel::getRGBComponent (111 bytes)
19557 1525 4 java.util.Arrays::binarySearch0 (95 bytes)
19558 379 3 made zombie java.util.Vector::ensureCapacityHelper (60 bytes)
19561 1518 3 java.awt.image.ComponentColorModel::extractComponent (530 bytes)
19568 1520 3 java.awt.image.ComponentColorModel::getRGB (161 bytes)
19572 1521 3 java.awt.image.ComponentColorModel::getAlpha (269 bytes)
19574 1522 3 java.awt.image.ComponentColorModel::getRed (7 bytes)
19574 1523 3 java.awt.image.ComponentColorModel::getGreen (7 bytes)
19575 1524 3 java.awt.image.ComponentColorModel::getBlue (7 bytes)
19575 1526 3 java.util.HashMap::<init> (35 bytes)
19581 1527 3 sun.reflect.ReflectionFactory::langReflectAccess (15 bytes)
19581 1530 4 java.lang.String::startsWith (7 bytes)
19582 1529 3 java.lang.reflect.Method::equals (107 bytes)
19583 1528 3 java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject::<init> (5 bytes)
19585 71 3 made not entrant java.lang.String::startsWith (7 bytes)
--- n java.lang.Class::isPrimitive
19603 1531 4 java.util.TreeMap::put (240 bytes)
19604 1532 3 java.lang.Class::getReflectionFactory (26 bytes)
19611 1533 ! 3 sun.reflect.generics.parser.SignatureParser::current (40 bytes)
19614 1534 3 java.util.LinkedHashMap$LinkedHashIterator::hasNext (20 bytes)
19616 1535 3 java.lang.String$CaseInsensitiveComparator::compare (13 bytes)
19616 1536 3 java.lang.String$CaseInsensitiveComparator::compare (115 bytes)
19618 1537 3 java.util.AbstractSet::<init> (5 bytes)
19619 1538 3 java.util.LinkedHashMap$LinkedHashIterator::nextEntry (64 bytes)
19622 1539 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.MBeanAnalyzer$MethodOrder::compare (13 bytes)
19622 1540 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.MBeanAnalyzer$MethodOrder::compare (106 bytes)
19623 1037 4 made not entrant java.util.HashMap::put (126 bytes)
19625 1541 3 java.lang.Class$MethodArray::add (51 bytes)
19626 1542 3 java.lang.Class$MethodArray::get (7 bytes)
19626 1543 4 java.lang.Class::getName (20 bytes)
19627 258 3 made not entrant java.lang.Class::getName (20 bytes)
19628 1544 3 java.util.IdentityHashMap::nextKeyIndex (15 bytes)
--- n java.lang.Class::isArray
19629 1545 3 java.util.LinkedHashMap$Entry::recordAccess (35 bytes)
19629 1546 3 java.lang.reflect.Method::getParameterTypes (14 bytes)
19631 1547 3 java.util.TreeMap::getFirstEntry (26 bytes)
19631 1548 3 java.util.TreeMap$PrivateEntryIterator::<init> (28 bytes)
19632 1549 3 java.util.AbstractCollection::toArray (116 bytes)
19634 1550 3 java.util.TreeMap::containsKey (14 bytes)
19636 1551 3 sun.reflect.generics.parser.SignatureParser::advance (37 bytes)
19638 1552 3 (27 bytes)
19638 1553 3 (46 bytes)
19640 1554 3 java.lang.Class::clearCachesOnClassRedefinition (70 bytes)
19641 1555 3 java.util.TreeMap::<init> (40 bytes)
19642 1556 3 java.util.TreeMap::getEntryUsingComparator (74 bytes)
19643 1557 3 java.util.TreeMap$KeyIterator::next (8 bytes)
19646 1558 3 java.lang.Class$MethodArray::removeByNameAndSignature (71 bytes)
19647 1559 3 sun.reflect.ReflectionFactory::copyMethod (10 bytes)
19648 1560 3 java.lang.reflect.ReflectAccess::copyMethod (5 bytes)
19648 1562 3 sun.instrument.InstrumentationImpl::transform (38 bytes)
19649 1563 ! 3 sun.instrument.TransformerManager::transform (98 bytes)
19649 1564 3 (90 bytes)
19651 1561 4 java.util.HashMap::put (126 bytes)
19651 1565 3 (19 bytes)
--- n java.lang.Class::isInterface
19667 1566 3 java.util.BitSet::wordIndex (5 bytes)
19669 1567 4 sun.nio.cs.UTF_8$Encoder::encodeArrayLoop (490 bytes)
19685 74 3 made not entrant sun.nio.cs.UTF_8$Encoder::encodeArrayLoop (490 bytes)
19715 1078 3 made not entrant java.awt.EventQueue::dispatchEventImpl (137 bytes)
19715 1099 3 made not entrant sun.java2d.loops.Blit::getFromCache (132 bytes)
19748 73 3 made not entrant java.util.Properties::getProperty (46 bytes)
19748 80 3 made not entrant java.util.logging.LogManager::getProperty (9 bytes)
19749 255 3 made not entrant sun.misc.VM::allowArraySyntax (33 bytes)
19749 305 3 made not entrant java.lang.ClassLoader::checkName (43 bytes)
19756 1568 3 java.lang.String::toUpperCase (442 bytes)
19763 1569 3 java.util.LinkedHashMap$EntryIterator::next (5 bytes)
19763 749 3 made zombie javax.swing.JComponent::getHeight (5 bytes)
19765 609 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.CompositeView::getView (7 bytes)
19766 1570 3 java.util.LinkedHashMap$EntryIterator::next (5 bytes)
19767 754 3 made zombie javax.swing.JComponent::getWidth (5 bytes)
19767 755 3 made zombie java.awt.Component::constructComponentName (2 bytes)
19768 778 3 made zombie (319 bytes)
19768 1166 4 made zombie java.lang.ThreadLocal::get (34 bytes)
19773 1571 3 sun.java2d.SurfaceData::validatePipe (864 bytes)
19777 1573 3 java.util.logging.LogManager::getProperty (9 bytes)
19777 1574 3 java.util.Properties::getProperty (46 bytes)
19778 1572 3 java.lang.System::checkKey (34 bytes)
19792 1575 3 java.util.logging.LogManager::getLogManager (16 bytes)
19793 1576 ! 3 java.util.logging.LogManager::readPrimordialConfiguration (59 bytes)
19795 1577 s 3 java.util.logging.LogManager::getLogger (41 bytes)
19801 1578 ! 3 java.lang.ClassLoader::findNative (86 bytes)
19803 71 3 made zombie java.lang.String::startsWith (7 bytes)
19804 74 3 made zombie sun.nio.cs.UTF_8$Encoder::encodeArrayLoop (490 bytes)
19805 258 3 made zombie java.lang.Class::getName (20 bytes)
19806 1579 3 sun.reflect.Reflection::quickCheckMemberAccess (10 bytes)
19808 1409 4 made zombie java.util.TreeMap::put (240 bytes)
19817 1580 s 3 javax.swing.TimerQueue::removeTimer (88 bytes)
19818 764 4 made zombie java.util.Arrays::binarySearch0 (95 bytes)
19818 788 3 made zombie sun.java2d.loops.Blit$GeneralMaskBlit::Blit (28 bytes)
19820 1037 4 made zombie java.util.HashMap::put (126 bytes)
19821 1051 3 made zombie sun.java2d.SurfaceData::validatePipe (864 bytes)
19821 1581 3 sun.java2d.loops.Blit::getFromCache (132 bytes)
19824 350 3 made not entrant (76 bytes)
19824 401 s! 3 made not entrant sun.misc.URLClassPath::getLoader (145 bytes)
19830 1583 3 java.lang.Class::searchMethods (90 bytes)
19832 1582 3 java.lang.ClassLoader::getCallerClassLoader (16 bytes)
19868 1584 3 sun.java2d.pipe.Region::getInstanceXYWH (16 bytes)
19869 1585 3 sun.swing.ImageCache::getEntry (148 bytes)
19870 1586 3 java.util.LinkedList::addFirst (14 bytes)
19879 1587 3 java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock::<init> (16 bytes)
19879 1588 3 java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock$NonfairSync::<init> (5 bytes)
19891 1589 3 sun.reflect.ClassFileAssembler::getLength (11 bytes)
19900 1590 s 4 java.lang.StringBuffer::append (8 bytes)
19903 1591 3 (53 bytes)
19906 73 3 made zombie java.util.Properties::getProperty (46 bytes)
19906 80 3 made zombie java.util.logging.LogManager::getProperty (9 bytes)
19907 255 3 made zombie sun.misc.VM::allowArraySyntax (33 bytes)
19908 305 3 made zombie java.lang.ClassLoader::checkName (43 bytes)
19910 418 s 3 made not entrant java.lang.StringBuffer::append (8 bytes)
19916 1592 3 java.lang.Class::arrayContentsEq (70 bytes)
19923 1078 3 made zombie java.awt.EventQueue::dispatchEventImpl (137 bytes)
19923 1099 3 made zombie sun.java2d.loops.Blit::getFromCache (132 bytes)
20026 1593 3 java.lang.ref.Reference::access$100 (4 bytes)
20029 1595 s 3 java.util.Hashtable::remove (133 bytes)
20033 1594 3 java.lang.ref.Reference::access$202 (6 bytes)
20035 350 3 made zombie (76 bytes)
20035 401 s! 3 made zombie sun.misc.URLClassPath::getLoader (145 bytes)
20037 1596 3 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::<init> (147 bytes)
20055 1597 3 sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl::newInstance (9 bytes)
20059 1598 3 sun.reflect.AccessorGenerator::sub (5 bytes)
20060 1599 3 sun.reflect.ClassFileAssembler::emitConstantPoolMethodref (28 bytes)
20061 1600 3 java.lang.Class::checkMemberAccess (78 bytes)
--- n sun.misc.Unsafe::getInt
20061 1601 3 sun.reflect.ClassFileAssembler::emitConstantPoolNameAndType (28 bytes)
20074 1036 4 made not entrant sun.awt.SunToolkit::awtLock (7 bytes)
20074 1028 4 made not entrant java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock$NonfairSync::lock (25 bytes)
20075 1029 4 made not entrant java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer::release (33 bytes)
20075 1101 4 made not entrant sun.awt.SunToolkit::awtUnlock (7 bytes)
20085 1602 3 sun.java2d.x11.X11SurfaceData::getRenderLoops (31 bytes)
20109 1603 3 java.lang.Integer::reverseBytes (26 bytes)
20111 418 s 3 made zombie java.lang.StringBuffer::append (8 bytes)
20114 1604 3 (491 bytes)
20115 1605 4 java.lang.String::replace (142 bytes)
20129 1606 3 java.util.HashMap::<init> (130 bytes)
20130 402 3 made not entrant java.lang.String::replace (142 bytes)
20131 1607 3$PeekInputStream::read (69 bytes)
--- n (static)
20135 1608 3 java.lang.reflect.Method::copy (67 bytes)
20135 1609 3 java.lang.reflect.Method::<init> (68 bytes)
20136 1610 3 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::setClip (14 bytes)
20136 1611 3 (20 bytes)
20137 1612 s 3 (55 bytes)
20138 1613 3 sun.misc.ProxyGenerator$ConstantPool::getUtf8 (18 bytes)
20138 1615 3 sun.misc.ProxyGenerator$ConstantPool::getValue (91 bytes)
20139 1618 3 (14 bytes)
20140 1619 3 sun.misc.ProxyGenerator$ConstantPool$IndirectEntry::hashCode (15 bytes)
20140 1616 3 sun.misc.ProxyGenerator$ConstantPool$Entry::<init> (5 bytes)
20140 1617 3 sun.misc.ProxyGenerator$ConstantPool$Entry::<init> (5 bytes)
20140 1614 3 sun.misc.ProxyGenerator$ConstantPool::getIndirect (67 bytes)
20141 1624 3 (35 bytes)
20141 1626 4 java.util.AbstractList$Itr::hasNext (20 bytes)
20141 1627 s 4 (55 bytes)
20141 1625 s 3 (14 bytes)
20141 1620 3 sun.misc.ProxyGenerator$ConstantPool$IndirectEntry::equals (49 bytes)
20142 1621 3 sun.misc.ProxyGenerator$ConstantPool$IndirectEntry::<init> (21 bytes)
20142 477 3 made not entrant java.util.AbstractList$Itr::hasNext (20 bytes)
20142 1622 3 sun.misc.ProxyGenerator$ConstantPool::getClass (21 bytes)
20143 1623 3 sun.misc.ProxyGenerator$ConstantPool$IndirectEntry::<init> (21 bytes)
20145 1628 3 java.lang.Class::privateGetDeclaredMethods (115 bytes)
--- n java.lang.Class::forName0 (static)
20146 1629 3 java.lang.ClassLoader::checkName (43 bytes)
20146 1612 s 3 made not entrant (55 bytes)
20147 1630 3 sun.misc.VM::allowArraySyntax (33 bytes)
20148 1631 3 java.util.HashMap$HashIterator::<init> (63 bytes)
20149 1632 3$PeekInputStream::readFully (48 bytes)
--- n sun.misc.Unsafe::putInt
20152 1634 3$BlockDataOutputStream::writeByte (33 bytes)
20153 1633 3 java.lang.Long::longValue (5 bytes)
20154 1637 4 sun.reflect.ClassFileAssembler::emitConstantPoolUTF8 (50 bytes)
20155 1636 3 java.lang.Class::searchFields (45 bytes)
20157 1643 4 java.lang.Integer::reverseBytes (26 bytes)
20158 1603 3 made not entrant java.lang.Integer::reverseBytes (26 bytes)
20159 1640 4 java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock$Sync::tryRelease (45 bytes)
20163 1642 3$HandleTable::lookup (56 bytes)
20165 289 3 made not entrant java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock$Sync::tryRelease (45 bytes)
20165 1644 4 sun.reflect.UTF8::utf8Length (81 bytes)
20167 1649 3$HandleTable::insert (39 bytes)
20168 1641 3$HandleTable::hash (8 bytes)
20168 1639 3$BlockDataOutputStream::setBlockDataMode (35 bytes)
20169 1651 ! 3 (619 bytes)
20170 761 3 made not entrant sun.reflect.UTF8::utf8Length (81 bytes)
20170 1645 ! 4 sun.reflect.UTF8::encode (189 bytes)
20175 1654 3$BlockDataInputStream::setBlockDataMode (74 bytes)
20175 1646 3$BlockDataOutputStream::drain (45 bytes)
20176 1657 3$PeekInputStream::read (27 bytes)
20177 1656 3$PeekInputStream::peek (27 bytes)
20177 1652 3$BlockDataInputStream::read (62 bytes)
20178 1655 3$BlockDataInputStream::readByte (20 bytes)
20178 1653 3$BlockDataInputStream::peekByte (20 bytes)
20179 1658 3$BlockDataInputStream::peek (55 bytes)
20179 763 3 made not entrant sun.reflect.ClassFileAssembler::emitConstantPoolUTF8 (50 bytes)
20180 1648 s 3 (67 bytes)
20180 1661 4 sun.misc.ProxyGenerator$ConstantPool$IndirectEntry::hashCode (15 bytes)
20180 1619 3 made not entrant sun.misc.ProxyGenerator$ConstantPool$IndirectEntry::hashCode (15 bytes)
20180 1664 3 (435 bytes)
20182 477 3 made zombie java.util.AbstractList$Itr::hasNext (20 bytes)
20183 1612 s 3 made zombie (55 bytes)
20184 1663 s 3 (16 bytes)
20185 402 3 made zombie java.lang.String::replace (142 bytes)
20186 1650 3$Caches::access$200 (4 bytes)
20187 762 ! 3 made not entrant sun.reflect.UTF8::encode (189 bytes)
20189 1036 4 made zombie sun.awt.SunToolkit::awtLock (7 bytes)
20189 1028 4 made zombie java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock$NonfairSync::lock (25 bytes)
20189 1029 4 made zombie java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer::release (33 bytes)
20189 1101 4 made zombie sun.awt.SunToolkit::awtUnlock (7 bytes)
20189 1659 ! 3 (433 bytes)
20194 1660 3$HandleTable::markDependency (171 bytes)
20195 1662 3 sun.misc.ProxyGenerator::dotToSlash (9 bytes)
20195 1647 3 java.lang.reflect.Field::getLong (12 bytes)
20196 1635 3 sun.reflect.ClassFileAssembler::emitConstantPoolClass (23 bytes)
20196 1638 3 sun.reflect.ClassFileAssembler::incStack (11 bytes)
20211 1665 3 java.awt.Container::getComponents (5 bytes)
20212 1603 3 made zombie java.lang.Integer::reverseBytes (26 bytes)
20213 289 3 made zombie java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock$Sync::tryRelease (45 bytes)
20213 1668 3 java.util.Arrays::copyOf (13 bytes)
20217 1670 s! 3 sun.misc.URLClassPath::getLoader (145 bytes)
20219 761 3 made zombie sun.reflect.UTF8::utf8Length (81 bytes)
20220 763 3 made zombie sun.reflect.ClassFileAssembler::emitConstantPoolUTF8 (50 bytes)
20223 1619 3 made zombie sun.misc.ProxyGenerator$ConstantPool$IndirectEntry::hashCode (15 bytes)
20223 1669 3 (22 bytes)
20226 1671 3 java.util.regex.Pattern::atom (381 bytes)
20232 1675 3$BlockDataOutputStream::getUTFLength (124 bytes)
20233 1678 4 sun.reflect.ClassFileAssembler::emitShort (24 bytes)
20239 190 3 made not entrant sun.reflect.ClassFileAssembler::emitShort (24 bytes)
20240 1683 4 (20 bytes)
20241 1611 3 made not entrant (20 bytes)
20241 1684 4 java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock$NonfairSync::lock (25 bytes)
20244 762 ! 3 made zombie sun.reflect.UTF8::encode (189 bytes)
20245 1686 4 (6 bytes)
20247 1688 4 java.awt.GradientPaintContext::clipFillRaster (150 bytes)
20251 717 3 made not entrant (6 bytes)
20251 1687 4 (226 bytes)
20252 1676 3$BlockDataOutputStream::writeBytes (144 bytes)
20257 718 3 made not entrant (226 bytes)
20260 1679 ! 3$BlockDataInputStream::readUTFSpan (451 bytes)
20272 713 3 made not entrant java.awt.GradientPaintContext::clipFillRaster (150 bytes)
20274 1689 4 sun.reflect.ClassFileAssembler::cpi (22 bytes)
20277 1691 4 java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap::hash (49 bytes)
20278 220 3 made not entrant java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap::hash (49 bytes)
20281 303 3 made not entrant sun.reflect.ClassFileAssembler::cpi (22 bytes)
20282 1696 1$Caches::access$200 (4 bytes)
20282 1650 3 made not entrant$Caches::access$200 (4 bytes)
20283 1695 3 sun.java2d.loops.Blit$GeneralMaskBlit::Blit (28 bytes)
20284 1698 3$HandleTable::finish (111 bytes)
20285 1680 3$HandleTable::lookupException (29 bytes)
20285 1682 3 sun.misc.ProxyGenerator$ConstantPool::addEntry (46 bytes)
20286 1677 3 (40 bytes)
20286 1685 3$BlockDataOutputStream::writeInt (46 bytes)
20286 1697 3$HandleTable::assign (52 bytes)
20287 1673 3 (21 bytes)
20287 1702 4 java.awt.image.ComponentColorModel::getRGBComponent (111 bytes)
--- n sun.misc.Unsafe::getObject
20294 1703 4 java.awt.image.ComponentColorModel::extractComponent (530 bytes)
20303 1517 3 made not entrant java.awt.image.ComponentColorModel::getRGBComponent (111 bytes)
20304 1699 4 java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::<init> (12 bytes)
20305 56 3 made not entrant java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::<init> (12 bytes)
20305 1715 4 (108 bytes)
20309 548 3 made not entrant (108 bytes)
20310 1719 4$BlockDataOutputStream::getUTFLength (124 bytes)
20311 1518 3 made not entrant java.awt.image.ComponentColorModel::extractComponent (530 bytes)
20311 1716 s 4 (113 bytes)
20314 1720 1 java.lang.Long::longValue (5 bytes)
20315 1633 3 made not entrant java.lang.Long::longValue (5 bytes)
20315 1711 1 sun.reflect.AccessorGenerator::sub (5 bytes)
20315 1598 3 made not entrant sun.reflect.AccessorGenerator::sub (5 bytes)
20315 1714 3$BlockDataInputStream::readUTFBody (156 bytes)
20317 1681 3 (47 bytes)
20317 1690 3$BlockDataInputStream::readInt (73 bytes)
20318 1708 3 (21 bytes)
20318 1701 ! 3 (336 bytes)
20319 1675 3 made not entrant$BlockDataOutputStream::getUTFLength (124 bytes)
20319 1722 4$BlockDataOutputStream::writeBytes (144 bytes)
20323 1704 3$WeakClassKey::<init> (15 bytes)
20324 1693 3 (130 bytes)
20327 1694 3$HandleTable::lookupObject (26 bytes)
20327 1700 3$HandleTable::assign (48 bytes)
20328 1706 3 sun.rmi.server.MarshalOutputStream::replaceObject (33 bytes)
20328 1676 3 made not entrant$BlockDataOutputStream::writeBytes (144 bytes)
20329 1721 ! 4$BlockDataInputStream::readUTFSpan (451 bytes)
20329 549 s 3 made not entrant (113 bytes)
20329 1710 3 (48 bytes)
20329 1728 4 (47 bytes)
20329 1727 3 (105 bytes)
20332 1733 ! 3$BlockDataInputStream::refill (136 bytes)
20332 1681 3 made not entrant (47 bytes)
20332 1724 4 (40 bytes)
20332 1705 3$WeakClassKey::equals (42 bytes)
20333 1692 3 (20 bytes)
20333 1667 3$BlockDataOutputStream::writeShort (47 bytes)
20334 1677 3 made not entrant (40 bytes)
20335 190 3 made zombie sun.reflect.ClassFileAssembler::emitShort (24 bytes)
20336 1611 3 made zombie (20 bytes)
20336 1707 3$BlockDataOutputStream::writeUTF (46 bytes)
20337 1736 4$PeekInputStream::readFully (48 bytes)
20339 717 3 made zombie (6 bytes)
20339 718 3 made zombie (226 bytes)
20339 1738 3$BlockDataOutputStream::write (152 bytes)
20341 1632 3 made not entrant$PeekInputStream::readFully (48 bytes)
20341 1735 4$HandleTable::lookup (56 bytes)
20343 1531 4 made not entrant java.util.TreeMap::put (240 bytes)
20348 1739 3 (13 bytes)
20349 1642 3 made not entrant$HandleTable::lookup (56 bytes)
20349 1740 4$PeekInputStream::read (69 bytes)
20354 1679 ! 3 made not entrant$BlockDataInputStream::readUTFSpan (451 bytes)
20354 1517 3 made zombie java.awt.image.ComponentColorModel::getRGBComponent (111 bytes)
20354 1744 s 3 (103 bytes)
20354 56 3 made zombie java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::<init> (12 bytes)
20355 220 3 made zombie java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap::hash (49 bytes)
20356 303 3 made zombie sun.reflect.ClassFileAssembler::cpi (22 bytes)
20356 1598 3 made zombie sun.reflect.AccessorGenerator::sub (5 bytes)
20356 1745 4$BlockDataInputStream::readByte (20 bytes)
20357 1675 3 made zombie$BlockDataOutputStream::getUTFLength (124 bytes)
20357 1650 3 made zombie$Caches::access$200 (4 bytes)
20358 548 3 made zombie (108 bytes)
20358 549 s 3 made zombie (113 bytes)
20359 713 3 made zombie java.awt.GradientPaintContext::clipFillRaster (150 bytes)
20359 1709 3 (25 bytes)
20362 1607 3 made not entrant$PeekInputStream::read (69 bytes)
20362 1746 4 java.util.TreeMap::put (240 bytes)
20364 1677 3 made zombie (40 bytes)
20364 1681 3 made zombie (47 bytes)
20364 1633 3 made zombie java.lang.Long::longValue (5 bytes)
20365 1750 ! 3 (237 bytes)
20366 1655 3 made not entrant$BlockDataInputStream::readByte (20 bytes)
20367 1749 3$FieldReflector::getPrimFieldValues (317 bytes)
20368 1518 3 made zombie java.awt.image.ComponentColorModel::extractComponent (530 bytes)
20368 1717 3$BlockDataInputStream::readUTF (10 bytes)
20369 1713 ! 3 (38 bytes)
20369 1676 3 made zombie$BlockDataOutputStream::writeBytes (144 bytes)
20369 1718 3$BlockDataInputStream::readUnsignedShort (76 bytes)
20369 1741 4$BlockDataInputStream::setBlockDataMode (74 bytes)
20370 1674 3 sun.rmi.runtime.Log$LoggerLog::isLoggable (9 bytes)
20370 1731 3 (27 bytes)
20371 1723 3 (60 bytes)
20372 1654 3 made not entrant$BlockDataInputStream::setBlockDataMode (74 bytes)
20372 1632 3 made zombie$PeekInputStream::readFully (48 bytes)
20373 1729 3 (74 bytes)
20373 1747 4$BlockDataOutputStream::setBlockDataMode (35 bytes)
20374 1642 3 made zombie$HandleTable::lookup (56 bytes)
20375 1757 3 java.awt.image.IndexColorModel::getRGB (12 bytes)
20382 1756 3 java.lang.Math::round (10 bytes)
20387 1531 4 made zombie java.util.TreeMap::put (240 bytes)
20388 1759 1 java.awt.image.IndexColorModel::getRGB (12 bytes)
20399 1757 3 made not entrant java.awt.image.IndexColorModel::getRGB (12 bytes)
20401 1765 3 (199 bytes)
20404 1654 3 made zombie$BlockDataInputStream::setBlockDataMode (74 bytes)
20404 1607 3 made zombie$PeekInputStream::read (69 bytes)
20406 1761 3$FieldReflector::getObjFieldValues (99 bytes)
20408 1639 3 made not entrant$BlockDataOutputStream::setBlockDataMode (35 bytes)
20413 1762 4 java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer::release (33 bytes)
20414 1766 3$BlockDataInputStream::readFully (42 bytes)
20416 1655 3 made zombie$BlockDataInputStream::readByte (20 bytes)
20416 1763 4$BlockDataOutputStream::writeByte (33 bytes)
20416 1679 ! 3 made zombie$BlockDataInputStream::readUTFSpan (451 bytes)
20416 1725 3$BlockDataInputStream::currentBlockRemaining (41 bytes)
20417 1726 ! 3 (111 bytes)
20417 1634 3 made not entrant$BlockDataOutputStream::writeByte (33 bytes)
20417 1712 4 (22 bytes)
20417 1742 3 (33 bytes)
20419 1669 3 made not entrant (22 bytes)
20419 1770 1 javax.swing.text.StyleContext$SmallAttributeSet::getAttributeCount (8 bytes)
20420 1771 4$BlockDataOutputStream::drain (45 bytes)
20421 684 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.StyleContext$SmallAttributeSet::getAttributeCount (8 bytes)
20426 1779 3$FieldReflector::setObjFieldValues (248 bytes)
20441 1783 3$BlockDataInputStream::skipBlockData (32 bytes)
20445 1778 3$FieldReflector::setPrimFieldValues (329 bytes)
20447 1737 3 (20 bytes)
20448 1732 3 (117 bytes)
20450 1786 ! 3 (221 bytes)
20453 1752 3 (13 bytes)
20454 1764 3 (9 bytes)
20454 1748 3 (10 bytes)
20455 1751 3 (41 bytes)
20455 1734 ! 3$BlockDataInputStream::readBlockHeader (249 bytes)
20461 1646 3 made not entrant$BlockDataOutputStream::drain (45 bytes)
20461 1775 4$BlockDataInputStream::peek (55 bytes)
20473 1658 3 made not entrant$BlockDataInputStream::peek (55 bytes)
20482 1802 4 java.lang.ThreadLocal::get (34 bytes)
20482 1792 3 java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1::hasNext (10 bytes)
20482 1767 3$Caches::access$2500 (4 bytes)
20483 1777 3<init> (10 bytes)
20483 1753 3 (8 bytes)
20484 1758 3 (8 bytes)
20484 1798 3 (18 bytes)
20485 1796 4 sun.awt.image.ByteInterleavedRaster::getDataElements (132 bytes)
20487 1799 3 java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1::next (10 bytes)
20488 1804 3 java.util.Arrays::fill (28 bytes)
20488 1791 3 java.util.TreeMap::buildFromSorted (218 bytes)
20489 1754 3$BlockDataOutputStream::writeUTF (11 bytes)
20490 1755 3 (9 bytes)
20490 1793 ! 3 (175 bytes)
20491 1794 3 (41 bytes)
20494 1519 3 made not entrant sun.awt.image.ByteInterleavedRaster::getDataElements (132 bytes)
20495 1803 ! 4 (619 bytes)
20499 1808 ! 3 (407 bytes)
20504 1772 4$BlockDataInputStream::peekByte (20 bytes)
20511 1653 3 made not entrant$BlockDataInputStream::peekByte (20 bytes)
20511 1821 4 java.util.TreeMap::successor (66 bytes)
20513 622 3 made not entrant java.util.TreeMap::successor (66 bytes)
20514 1768 4$BlockDataInputStream::read (62 bytes)
20514 1817 ! 3 (229 bytes)
20517 1822 1 sun.awt.image.PixelConverter$Xrgb::rgbToPixel (2 bytes)
20517 913 3 made not entrant sun.awt.image.PixelConverter$Xrgb::rgbToPixel (2 bytes)
20518 1730 3 (9 bytes)
20518 1823 3 (26 bytes)
20519 1769 3<init> (5 bytes)
20519 1780 3$BlockDataInputStream::readShort (73 bytes)
20520 1785 3 (109 bytes)
20520 1776 3 (90 bytes)
20520 1800 3 (9 bytes)
20521 1784 3<init> (22 bytes)
20521 1787 3 (9 bytes)
20522 1788 3 (26 bytes)
20522 1818 3 (13 bytes)
20522 1795 ! 3 (235 bytes)
20525 1827 3 (161 bytes)
20537 1782 3 (6 bytes)
20537 1828 3 (52 bytes)
20537 1801 3$BlockDataOutputStream::writeLong (48 bytes)
20538 1814 3 (41 bytes)
20538 1815 ! 3 (36 bytes)
20539 1816 3 (13 bytes)
20539 1789 3 (8 bytes)
20539 1819 3$BlockDataInputStream::readLong (76 bytes)
20540 1760 3 (103 bytes)
20541 1811 3 (9 bytes)
20541 1826 3 (94 bytes)
20542 1836 1$Caches::access$2500 (4 bytes)
20543 1767 3 made not entrant$Caches::access$2500 (4 bytes)
20544 1838 3$FieldReflectorKey::<init> (95 bytes)
20545 1842 3 (85 bytes)
20547 1843 3 (307 bytes)
20548 1829 3 sun.rmi.server.MarshalOutputStream::annotateClass (9 bytes)
20549 1830 3 java.rmi.server.RMIClassLoader::getClassAnnotation (8 bytes)
20549 1839 3$300 (6 bytes)
20549 1840 3$GetFieldImpl::get (68 bytes)
20550 1841 3$GetFieldImpl::getFieldOffset (72 bytes)
20552 1849 3 java.util.Arrays$ArrayList::indexOf (69 bytes)
20553 1848 3 java.util.Arrays$ArrayList::contains (15 bytes)
20553 1813 3 (8 bytes)
20553 1810 3 java.lang.Class::forName (36 bytes)
20554 1850 3 java.util.TreeMap$KeySet::contains (11 bytes)
20554 1812 3 (6 bytes)
20555 1844 3 (51 bytes)
20556 1845 3$ClassDataSlot::<init> (15 bytes)
20556 1835 ! 3 (336 bytes)
20560 1837 3$FieldReflectorKey::equals (78 bytes)
20561 1805 3 (548 bytes)
20566 1806 ! 3 (165 bytes)
20567 1652 3 made not entrant$BlockDataInputStream::read (62 bytes)
20568 1781 4 java.util.TreeMap$PrivateEntryIterator::hasNext (13 bytes)
20568 475 3 made not entrant java.util.TreeMap$PrivateEntryIterator::hasNext (13 bytes)
20568 1824 ! 4 (433 bytes)
20569 1807 3 (15 bytes)
20569 1809 3 (32 bytes)
20570 1831 3 java.rmi.server.RMIClassLoader$2::getClassAnnotation (5 bytes)
20570 1832 ! 3 sun.rmi.server.LoaderHandler::getClassAnnotation (239 bytes)
20573 1847 3 sun.rmi.server.MarshalInputStream::readLocation (5 bytes)
20573 1846 3 sun.rmi.server.MarshalOutputStream::writeLocation (6 bytes)
20573 1833 3 sun.rmi.runtime.Log$LoggerLog::log (55 bytes)
20575 1672 3 java.lang.String::toCharArray (20 bytes)
20576 1834 3 java.util.Arrays::fill (9 bytes)
20577 1666 3 java.awt.Container::getComponents_NoClientCode (16 bytes)
20579 1851 3 java.awt.Color::<init> (11 bytes)
20579 1852 ! 3 sun.font.FontStrikeDesc::equals (53 bytes)
20599 1853 3 javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel::getElementAt (26 bytes)
20601 1639 3 made zombie$BlockDataOutputStream::setBlockDataMode (35 bytes)
20601 1634 3 made zombie$BlockDataOutputStream::writeByte (33 bytes)
20602 1757 3 made zombie java.awt.image.IndexColorModel::getRGB (12 bytes)
20602 1857 3 javax.swing.SwingUtilities::replaceUIActionMap (46 bytes)
20606 1858 3 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$BranchElement::getElement (17 bytes)
20612 1859 3 javax.swing.text.BoxView::setSize (41 bytes)
20615 1669 3 made zombie (22 bytes)
20617 1862 3 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet::removeHTMLTags (85 bytes)
20618 1860 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::addString (63 bytes)
20618 1865 3 java.lang.String::<init> (24 bytes)
20619 1869 3 javax.swing.text.StyleContext$SmallAttributeSet::<init> (92 bytes)
20619 1870 3 javax.swing.text.StyleContext$SmallAttributeSet::updateResolveParent (49 bytes)
20620 1866 3 java.lang.StringValue::from (7 bytes)
20620 1871 s 3 java.util.Vector::copyInto (15 bytes)
20621 1868 3 javax.swing.text.StyleContext$SmallAttributeSet::equals (41 bytes)
20621 1872 ! 3 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$SearchBuffer::obtainSearchBuffer (44 bytes)
20623 1873 3 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$SearchBuffer::getVector (23 bytes)
20625 1877 1 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$AbstractElement::getAttributes (2 bytes)
20625 1131 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$AbstractElement::getAttributes (2 bytes)
20625 1874 3 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$SearchBuffer::releaseSearchBuffer (13 bytes)
20626 1880 3 javax.swing.text.StyleContext$SmallAttributeSet::containsAttributes (53 bytes)
20626 1878 3 javax.swing.text.View::getViewFactory (18 bytes)
20627 1863 3 javax.swing.text.View::preferenceChanged (20 bytes)
20627 1879 3 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$SearchBuffer::empty (44 bytes)
20628 1882 3 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$BoxPainter::getInset (246 bytes)
20631 1884 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.ContentModelState::advance (579 bytes)
20634 1888 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::skipSpace (149 bytes)
20635 1889 s! 3 java.util.Hashtable::clone (98 bytes)
20636 1883 3 java.util.Hashtable$Entry::clone (41 bytes)
20637 1885 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.ContentModelState::<init> (23 bytes)
20637 1886 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.Element::isEmpty (15 bytes)
20637 1891 3 javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::copyAttributes (8 bytes)
20638 1887 3 javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::isDefined (9 bytes)
20638 1892 ! 3 javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::clone (30 bytes)
20638 1890 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::getString (39 bytes)
20639 1875 3 javax.swing.text.StyleContext::getEmptySet (4 bytes)
20639 1881 3 javax.swing.text.BoxView::preferenceChanged (66 bytes)
20640 1894 3 javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument$ElementBuffer::insertElement (530 bytes)
20644 1896 3 javax.swing.text.GapContent::findSortIndex (131 bytes)
20646 1861 3 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$AbstractElement::getAttributeNames (10 bytes)
20646 1893 3 javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument$ElementSpec::<init> (38 bytes)
20646 1864 3 java.util.regex.Matcher::groupCount (10 bytes)
20647 1854 3 javax.swing.JComponent::setEnabled (29 bytes)
20648 1897 3 javax.swing.text.View::<init> (10 bytes)
20648 1899 1 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$BranchElement::isLeaf (2 bytes)
20648 1175 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$BranchElement::isLeaf (2 bytes)
20648 1900 ! 3 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$ViewAttributeSet::<init> (301 bytes)
20651 1898 3 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument::getStyleSheet (8 bytes)
20652 1904 3 javax.swing.text.StyleContext$NamedStyle::<init> (52 bytes)
20653 1908 1 java.util.Hashtable$EmptyEnumerator::hasMoreElements (2 bytes)
20654 1272 3 made not entrant java.util.Hashtable$EmptyEnumerator::hasMoreElements (2 bytes)
20654 1909 1 javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet$EmptyAttributeSet::getAttributeCount (2 bytes)
20655 1173 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet$EmptyAttributeSet::getAttributeCount (2 bytes)
20655 1907 3 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet::getViewAttributes (10 bytes)
20655 1901 3 javax.swing.text.StyleContext$NamedStyle::getAttributeCount (10 bytes)
20656 1906 3 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$BoxPainter::getOrientationMargin (141 bytes)
20657 1910 3 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$BoxPainter::isOrientationAware (73 bytes)
20658 1902 3 javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder::getBorderInsets (5 bytes)
20658 1911 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSS::translateHTMLToCSS (288 bytes)
20661 1914 ! 3 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet::getRule (388 bytes)
20667 1915 1 javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet$1::hasMoreElements (2 bytes)
20667 1303 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet$1::hasMoreElements (2 bytes)
20668 1917 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSS::translateAttributes (168 bytes)
20669 1912 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSS::getHTMLTag (26 bytes)
20670 1918 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView::create (111 bytes)
20672 1916 3 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$LeafElement::isLeaf (2 bytes)
20672 1903 3 javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder::getBorderInsets (24 bytes)
20673 1923 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSS::translateAttribute (79 bytes)
20674 1921 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView::getViewFactory (2 bytes)
20674 1924 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSS::getCssAttribute (14 bytes)
20674 1913 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSS::getColor (22 bytes)
20675 1926 3 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$BranchElement::getElementIndex (238 bytes)
20677 1927 3 javax.swing.text.View::getStartOffset (10 bytes)
20678 1922 3 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit$HTMLFactory::create (892 bytes)
20689 913 3 made zombie sun.awt.image.PixelConverter$Xrgb::rgbToPixel (2 bytes)
20690 475 3 made zombie java.util.TreeMap$PrivateEntryIterator::hasNext (13 bytes)
20691 1935 2 javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getStartOffset (33 bytes)
20692 1658 3 made zombie$BlockDataInputStream::peek (55 bytes)
20692 1652 3 made zombie$BlockDataInputStream::read (62 bytes)
20692 1646 3 made zombie$BlockDataOutputStream::drain (45 bytes)
20693 622 3 made zombie java.util.TreeMap::successor (66 bytes)
20694 684 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.StyleContext$SmallAttributeSet::getAttributeCount (8 bytes)
20695 1855 3 java.awt.Component::setEnabled (6 bytes)
20700 1767 3 made zombie$Caches::access$2500 (4 bytes)
20702 1934 2 java.lang.Math::max (46 bytes)
20704 1519 3 made zombie sun.awt.image.ByteInterleavedRaster::getDataElements (132 bytes)
20704 1653 3 made zombie$BlockDataInputStream::peekByte (20 bytes)
20706 1941 2 javax.swing.text.Utilities::getTabbedTextWidth (348 bytes)
20708 1937 2 javax.swing.text.html.TableView::getAttributes (26 bytes)
20709 1940 2 javax.swing.text.FlowView$LogicalView::getAttributes (18 bytes)
20709 1939 ! 2 javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getText (57 bytes)
20711 1944 2 javax.swing.text.ParagraphView::getLayoutView (9 bytes)
20712 1945 2 javax.swing.text.GlyphPainter1::getJustificationData (28 bytes)
20712 1942 2 javax.swing.text.ParagraphView::getLayoutViewCount (8 bytes)
20713 1946 2 javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView::isVisible (106 bytes)
20714 1947 2 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI$RootView::getAttributes (2 bytes)
20714 1948 2 javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getPreferredSpan (138 bytes)
20715 1936 2 sun.font.CompositeStrike::getStrikeForSlot (42 bytes)
20716 1931 3 javax.swing.undo.AbstractUndoableEdit::<init> (15 bytes)
20717 1929 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::markFirstTime (83 bytes)
20717 1932 3 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$BranchElement::replace (155 bytes)
20718 1951 2 javax.swing.text.Utilities::getTabbedTextOffset (351 bytes)
20720 1949 2 javax.swing.text.html.MuxingAttributeSet::isDefined (35 bytes)
20722 1952 2 javax.swing.text.html.InlineView::getBreakWeight (17 bytes)
20722 1950 2 javax.swing.text.GlyphPainter1::getBoundedPosition (68 bytes)
20723 1953 2 javax.swing.text.View::isVisible (2 bytes)
20723 1956 2 java.lang.Integer::parseInt (7 bytes)
20724 1954 2 java.nio.Buffer::clear (20 bytes)
20724 1957 2 javax.swing.text.CompositeView::setParent (27 bytes)
20724 1955 2 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet::getBackground (12 bytes)
20725 1958 2 javax.swing.text.BoxView::layout (15 bytes)
20725 1959 2 javax.swing.text.BoxView::updateChildSizes (90 bytes)
20726 1961 2 javax.swing.text.html.TableView::getRow (25 bytes)
20726 1960 2 javax.swing.text.View::getResizeWeight (2 bytes)
20726 1962 2 javax.swing.text.BoxView::getMaximumSpan (63 bytes)
20727 1963 2 javax.swing.SizeRequirements::<init> (26 bytes)
20727 1964 2 javax.swing.text.GlyphPainter1::getSpan (49 bytes)
20728 1969 2 javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getBreakSpotUseWhitespace (61 bytes)
20729 1966 2 javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::getMinimumSpan (6 bytes)
20729 1967 2 java.lang.Math::min (46 bytes)
20730 1973 1 javax.swing.JComponent::isValidateRoot (2 bytes)
20731 1362 3 made not entrant javax.swing.JComponent::isValidateRoot (2 bytes)
20731 1971 2 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowView::isFilled (9 bytes)
20731 1972 ! 2 javax.swing.text.html.TableView::getColumnsOccupied (48 bytes)
20732 1970 2 javax.swing.text.ParagraphView$Row::getBottomInset (36 bytes)
20733 1974 2 javax.swing.text.ParagraphView::access$100 (5 bytes)
20733 1976 2 javax.swing.text.LabelView::isSuperscript (9 bytes)
20733 1977 2 javax.swing.text.GlyphPainter1::getHeight (14 bytes)
20734 1979 2 sun.font.FontDesignMetrics::getDescent (10 bytes)
20734 1968 2 javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getBreakSpot (41 bytes)
20735 1978 ! 2 javax.swing.text.html.TableView::getRowsOccupied (48 bytes)
20736 1982 2 javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView::getMinimumSpan (15 bytes)
20736 1983 2 javax.swing.text.BoxView::layoutMajorAxis (283 bytes)
20738 1987 1 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI$RootView::getContainer (8 bytes)
20739 1505 3 made not entrant javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI$RootView::getContainer (8 bytes)
20739 1985 2 javax.swing.text.ParagraphView$Row::getLeftInset (36 bytes)
20739 1981 2 javax.swing.text.View::getEndOffset (10 bytes)
20740 1980 2 javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView::getPreferredSpan (15 bytes)
20741 1992 3 javax.swing.text.Utilities::getTabbedTextWidth (348 bytes)
20743 1941 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.Utilities::getTabbedTextWidth (348 bytes)
20743 1984 2 javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getAlignment (122 bytes)
20744 1990 2 javax.swing.text.LabelView::isSubscript (9 bytes)
20744 1991 2 javax.swing.text.GlyphPainter1::getDescent (14 bytes)
20745 1965 2 javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getBreakWeight (65 bytes)
20745 1986 2 javax.swing.text.Segment::last (43 bytes)
20746 1988 2 javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::spanSetFromAttributes (70 bytes)
20747 1989 2 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowView::preferenceChanged (71 bytes)
20747 1993 2 java.util.Formatter$Flags::contains (22 bytes)
20748 1975 2 javax.swing.JScrollPane::isValidateRoot (2 bytes)
20748 1920 3 java.lang.Float::<init> (10 bytes)
20749 1994 2 sun.java2d.pipe.Region::getIntersection (21 bytes)
20751 1996 3 sun.java2d.loops.OpaqueCopyAnyToArgb::Blit (229 bytes)
20753 1995 2 sun.java2d.pipe.Region::getIntersectionXYWH (18 bytes)
--- n sun.java2d.loops.FillRect::FillRect
20759 1999 2 sun.java2d.pipe.PixelToParallelogramConverter::normalize (15 bytes)
20760 2000 2 java.util.regex.Matcher::getTextLength (10 bytes)
20760 1997 2 sun.java2d.pipe.LoopPipe::fillRect (32 bytes)
20761 1998 2 sun.font.FontStrikeDesc::<init> (144 bytes)
20761 2001 ! 2 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::drawLine (45 bytes)
20763 2002 ! 2 java.awt.Window::getGraphicsConfiguration (45 bytes)
20767 2003 2 javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel::isArmed (15 bytes)
20768 2004 2 sun.swing.MenuItemLayoutHelper::calcMaxValue (34 bytes)
20769 2005 2 sun.swing.MenuItemLayoutHelper::getParentIntProperty (42 bytes)
20776 2006 2 (167 bytes)
20777 2007 2 (5 bytes)
20778 2008 s 2 sun.java2d.loops.GraphicsPrimitiveMgr::locatePrim (96 bytes)
20780 2009 2 java.awt.RenderingHints::put (55 bytes)
20782 2010 2 (95 bytes)
20782 2011 2 (3 bytes)
20783 2012 2$ArithmeticExpressionEvaluator::expression (158 bytes)
20785 2013 2 java.awt.geom.AffineTransform::equals (92 bytes)
20786 2014 2$ArithmeticExpressionEvaluator::getTermValue (119 bytes)
20787 2015 2 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::checkFontInfo (721 bytes)
20793 2016 2 (13 bytes)
20795 2017 2 javax.swing.JButton::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
20799 2018 2 java.awt.geom.AffineTransform::<init> (57 bytes)
20801 2019 2 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::setRenderingHint (531 bytes)
20807 2020 2 javax.swing.SwingUtilities::getWindowAncestor (31 bytes)
20810 2021 2 java.util.regex.Pattern$Branch::match (66 bytes)
20812 2022 2 sun.font.GlyphList::setGlyphIndex (261 bytes)
20815 2023 2 java.util.Locale::equals (60 bytes)
20816 2024 ! 2 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::drawString (95 bytes)
20817 2025 2 sun.java2d.pipe.GlyphListPipe::drawString (204 bytes)
20818 2026 2 sun.font.GlyphList::setFromString (75 bytes)
20820 2027 2 sun.java2d.pipe.AlphaColorPipe::needTile (2 bytes)
20820 2028 2 sun.java2d.pipe.AlphaColorPipe::renderPathTile (39 bytes)
--- n sun.java2d.loops.MaskFill::MaskFill
20821 2029 2 java.awt.Rectangle::intersection (180 bytes)
20823 2030 2 sun.swing.SwingUtilities2::isPrinting (20 bytes)
20823 2031 2 sun.swing.SwingUtilities2::drawTextAntialiased (17 bytes)
20824 2032 2 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::getRenderingHint (206 bytes)
20825 2033 2 sun.java2d.SurfaceData::canRenderLCDText (92 bytes)
20829 2034 2 sun.font.FileFontStrike::getSlot0GlyphImagePtrs (128 bytes)
20830 2035 2 java.util.regex.Pattern$GroupHead::match (47 bytes)
20830 2036 2 java.util.regex.Matcher::group (110 bytes)
20832 2037 2 java.awt.BasicStroke::getDashArray (23 bytes)
20833 2038 2 java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator$Attribute::equals (6 bytes)
20838 2043 2 sun.java2d.pipe.AlphaPaintPipe::renderPathTile (491 bytes)
20842 2041 2 java.awt.Graphics::create (33 bytes)
20842 2042 2 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthBorder::paintBorder (73 bytes)
20843 2039 2 java.util.regex.Pattern$Node::match (27 bytes)
20843 2040 2 java.util.regex.Pattern$BitClass::isSatisfiedBy (22 bytes)
20851 2044 2 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthStyle::getIcon (21 bytes)
20853 2045 ! 2 javax.swing.JComponent::paint (413 bytes)
20857 2046 2 javax.swing.JComponent::getComponentGraphics (63 bytes)
20859 2047 2 javax.swing.JComponent::rectangleIsObscured (122 bytes)
20861 2048 ! 2 javax.swing.JComponent::paintChildren (680 bytes)
20871 2049 2 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::hitClip (262 bytes)
20873 2050 2 sun.java2d.pipe.LCDTextRenderer::drawGlyphList (17 bytes)
20923 2051 3 sun.awt.SunToolkit::awtUnlock (7 bytes)
20987 1651 ! 3 made not entrant (619 bytes)
20988 1895 4 java.util.Hashtable$Enumerator::hasMoreElements (53 bytes)
20990 528 3 made not entrant java.util.Hashtable$Enumerator::hasMoreElements (53 bytes)
20990 1938 4 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$ViewAttributeSet::doGetAttribute (53 bytes)
21054 590 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$ViewAttributeSet::doGetAttribute (53 bytes)
21055 1876 4 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$SmallConversionSet::getAttribute (58 bytes)
21063 578 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$SmallConversionSet::getAttribute (58 bytes)
21064 1790 s 4 (67 bytes)
21067 1648 s 3 made not entrant (67 bytes)
21067 1867 4 javax.swing.text.StyleContext$SmallAttributeSet::getLocalAttribute (49 bytes)
21069 577 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.StyleContext$SmallAttributeSet::getLocalAttribute (49 bytes)
21247 2052 s 4 java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager::getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager (34 bytes)
21248 2054 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI$RootView::getMinimumSpan (19 bytes)
21249 1131 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$AbstractElement::getAttributes (2 bytes)
21255 660 s 3 made not entrant java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager::getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager (34 bytes)
21255 2062 4 javax.swing.text.GapContent$MarkData::getOffset (46 bytes)
21256 594 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.GapContent$MarkData::getOffset (46 bytes)
21256 2063 4 sun.font.FontDesignMetrics::charWidth (30 bytes)
21258 580 3 made not entrant sun.font.FontDesignMetrics::charWidth (30 bytes)
21259 2065 4 javax.swing.text.Segment::current (36 bytes)
21260 581 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.Segment::current (36 bytes)
21260 2066 4 java.lang.Character::isWhitespace (158 bytes)
21261 534 3 made not entrant java.lang.Character::isWhitespace (158 bytes)
21261 2059 ! 4 java.awt.Font::equals (132 bytes)
21261 2058 1 sun.font.FontDesignMetrics::getAscent (10 bytes)
21262 1503 3 made not entrant sun.font.FontDesignMetrics::getAscent (10 bytes)
21264 646 ! 3 made not entrant java.awt.Font::equals (132 bytes)
21264 2057 4 java.util.ArrayList::remove (70 bytes)
21264 2068 3 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::getFont (19 bytes)
21267 516 3 made not entrant java.util.ArrayList::remove (70 bytes)
21267 2053 4 java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager::getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager (7 bytes)
21269 661 3 made not entrant java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager::getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager (7 bytes)
21269 1173 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet$EmptyAttributeSet::getAttributeCount (2 bytes)
21269 1175 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$BranchElement::isLeaf (2 bytes)
21270 1272 3 made zombie java.util.Hashtable$EmptyEnumerator::hasMoreElements (2 bytes)
21270 1303 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet$1::hasMoreElements (2 bytes)
21270 2070 4 java.lang.StrictMath::floorOrCeil (128 bytes)
21271 2067 3 javax.swing.text.GlyphPainter1::getAscent (14 bytes)
21272 726 3 made not entrant java.lang.StrictMath::floorOrCeil (128 bytes)
21272 2072 4 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$ViewAttributeSet::getAttribute (61 bytes)
21275 2061 3 javax.swing.text.ParagraphView$Row::isJustifyEnabled (70 bytes)
21277 2071 3 javax.swing.JComponent::paintBorder (28 bytes)
21278 2064 3 javax.swing.text.CompositeView::getViewIndex (34 bytes)
21279 2069 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthPanelUI::getContext (17 bytes)
21280 2060 3 javax.swing.text.BoxView::isLayoutValid (18 bytes)
21280 2056 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$ColumnIterator::getAdjustmentWeight (10 bytes)
21281 2055 3 javax.swing.JComponent::getMinimumSize (43 bytes)
21281 591 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$ViewAttributeSet::getAttribute (61 bytes)
21332 2073 1 java.lang.Long::hashCode (14 bytes)
21333 522 3 made not entrant java.lang.Long::hashCode (14 bytes)
21454 2074 4 java.lang.Long::valueOf (36 bytes)
21456 284 3 made not entrant java.lang.Long::valueOf (36 bytes)
21504 2075 1 java.awt.event.InputEvent::consume (6 bytes)
21504 904 3 made not entrant java.awt.event.InputEvent::consume (6 bytes)
21528 1659 ! 3 made not entrant (433 bytes)
24213 2076 3 java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport::<init> (27 bytes)
24217 2078 3<init> (19 bytes)
24218 2080 4 java.util.AbstractList::<init> (10 bytes)
24218 1648 s 3 made zombie (67 bytes)
24219 312 3 made not entrant java.util.AbstractList::<init> (10 bytes)
24219 528 3 made zombie java.util.Hashtable$Enumerator::hasMoreElements (53 bytes)
24220 577 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.StyleContext$SmallAttributeSet::getLocalAttribute (49 bytes)
24221 578 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$SmallConversionSet::getAttribute (58 bytes)
24221 590 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$ViewAttributeSet::doGetAttribute (53 bytes)
24224 2087 ! 4 (111 bytes)
24226 2081 ! 3 sun.rmi.server.MarshalInputStream::resolveClass (105 bytes)
24227 2088 4$HandleTable::insert (39 bytes)
24232 1649 3 made not entrant$HandleTable::insert (39 bytes)
--- n sun.rmi.server.MarshalInputStream::latestUserDefinedLoader (static)
24233 2091 4$HandleTable::finish (111 bytes)
24238 1362 3 made zombie javax.swing.JComponent::isValidateRoot (2 bytes)
24239 1698 3 made not entrant$HandleTable::finish (111 bytes)
24239 2095 4$HandleTable::assign (52 bytes)
24239 2082 3 java.rmi.server.RMIClassLoader::loadClass (10 bytes)
24240 1726 ! 3 made not entrant (111 bytes)
24240 2083 3 java.rmi.server.RMIClassLoader$2::loadClass (7 bytes)
24240 2084 ! 3 sun.rmi.server.LoaderHandler::loadClass (196 bytes)
24240 1505 3 made zombie javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI$RootView::getContainer (8 bytes)
24241 1651 ! 3 made zombie (619 bytes)
24243 2085 s 3 sun.rmi.server.LoaderHandler::getDefaultCodebaseURLs (35 bytes)
24243 1941 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.Utilities::getTabbedTextWidth (348 bytes)
24244 2090 3<init> (269 bytes)
24245 2102 3 (27 bytes)
24245 2104 3 java.util.Arrays::fill (28 bytes)
24246 2094 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.OpenConverter::toOpenValue (13 bytes)
24246 2103 3 sun.reflect.ReflectionFactory::inflationThreshold (4 bytes)
24247 2097 4 (21 bytes)
24249 1697 3 made not entrant$HandleTable::assign (52 bytes)
24249 2099 4$HandleTable::assign (48 bytes)
24249 904 3 made zombie java.awt.event.InputEvent::consume (6 bytes)
24250 284 3 made zombie java.lang.Long::valueOf (36 bytes)
24250 1673 3 made not entrant (21 bytes)
24250 2092 ! 4 java.util.AbstractList$Itr::next (46 bytes)
24251 2096 ! 3 (29 bytes)
24252 516 3 made zombie java.util.ArrayList::remove (70 bytes)
24252 522 3 made zombie java.lang.Long::hashCode (14 bytes)
24252 534 3 made zombie java.lang.Character::isWhitespace (158 bytes)
24252 482 ! 3 made not entrant java.util.AbstractList$Itr::next (46 bytes)
24252 2105 4 javax.swing.text.StyleContext$KeyEnumeration::nextElement (42 bytes)
24252 580 3 made zombie sun.font.FontDesignMetrics::charWidth (30 bytes)
24252 581 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.Segment::current (36 bytes)
24253 591 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$ViewAttributeSet::getAttribute (61 bytes)
24253 594 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.GapContent$MarkData::getOffset (46 bytes)
24253 1252 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.StyleContext$KeyEnumeration::nextElement (42 bytes)
24253 646 ! 3 made zombie java.awt.Font::equals (132 bytes)
24254 661 3 made zombie java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager::getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager (7 bytes)
24254 660 s 3 made zombie java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager::getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager (34 bytes)
24254 1700 3 made not entrant$HandleTable::assign (48 bytes)
24255 726 3 made zombie java.lang.StrictMath::floorOrCeil (128 bytes)
24257 2106 3 javax.swing.text.CompositeView::replace (237 bytes)
--- n sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl::invoke0 (static)
24259 2113 4 java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap$Segment::get (66 bytes)
24261 1494 3 made not entrant java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap$Segment::get (66 bytes)
24262 2120 4 java.util.TreeMap::getEntry (84 bytes)
24262 2117 ! 3 (611 bytes)
24265 2119 3 (444 bytes)
24267 833 3 made not entrant java.util.TreeMap::getEntry (84 bytes)
24268 2109 4 javax.swing.text.StyleContext$SmallAttributeSet::equals (41 bytes)
24268 2122 3 java.util.Collections::reverse (125 bytes)
24269 2115 3 (8 bytes)
24270 2093 3 java.util.ArrayList::set (21 bytes)
24270 2118 3 java.lang.Thread::getContextClassLoader (56 bytes)
24271 2108 ! 3 (135 bytes)
24273 2137 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::parseIdentifier (643 bytes)
24274 2133 3 java.util.TreeMap::entrySet (27 bytes)
24274 1868 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.StyleContext$SmallAttributeSet::equals (41 bytes)
24274 2127 s 4 java.util.Vector::addElement (38 bytes)
24274 2134 3 java.util.TreeMap$EntrySet::iterator (19 bytes)
24275 2138 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::getBlockStartPosition (11 bytes)
24275 2123 4 javax.swing.text.StyleContext$KeyEnumeration::hasMoreElements (18 bytes)
24275 1503 3 made zombie sun.font.FontDesignMetrics::getAscent (10 bytes)
24276 570 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.StyleContext$KeyEnumeration::hasMoreElements (18 bytes)
24276 1659 ! 3 made zombie (433 bytes)
24276 2128 4 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$AbstractElement::getAttribute (50 bytes)
24278 669 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$AbstractElement::getAttribute (50 bytes)
24278 2124 4 java.util.TreeMap$PrivateEntryIterator::nextEntry (54 bytes)
24280 564 s 3 made not entrant java.util.Vector::addElement (38 bytes)
24280 2142 ! 4 javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::readCh (73 bytes)
24280 2139 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.TagElement::breaksFlow (8 bytes)
24280 2140 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::handleText (269 bytes)
24281 476 3 made not entrant java.util.TreeMap$PrivateEntryIterator::nextEntry (54 bytes)
24281 2126 4 java.util.Hashtable$Enumerator::nextElement (111 bytes)
24282 2141 3 javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument$ElementSpec::<init> (10 bytes)
24282 530 3 made not entrant java.util.Hashtable$Enumerator::nextElement (111 bytes)
24282 668 ! 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::readCh (73 bytes)
24282 2129 4$HandleTable::lookupException (29 bytes)
24282 2135 3 java.util.TreeMap$EntryIterator::<init> (12 bytes)
24283 2111 3 (9 bytes)
24283 2114 4 java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap::get (19 bytes)
24283 2107 3 (40 bytes)
24284 1680 3 made not entrant$HandleTable::lookupException (29 bytes)
24284 2143 s 4 java.util.Hashtable::keys (6 bytes)
24284 2130 3 java.util.TreeMap$KeySet::iterator (32 bytes)
24285 2131 3 java.util.TreeMap::keyIterator (13 bytes)
24285 2132 3 java.util.TreeMap$KeyIterator::<init> (12 bytes)
24285 2121 3 (58 bytes)
24286 2128 4 made not entrant javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$AbstractElement::getAttribute (50 bytes)
24286 2116 3 sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl::invoke (91 bytes)
24287 566 s 3 made not entrant java.util.Hashtable::keys (6 bytes)
24288 1493 3 made not entrant java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap::get (19 bytes)
24288 2145 4 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$AbstractElement::getAttribute (50 bytes)
24288 2112 ! 4 (336 bytes)
24288 2146 1 java.util.WeakHashMap$Entry::access$102 (7 bytes)
24288 1310 3 made not entrant java.util.WeakHashMap$Entry::access$102 (7 bytes)
24288 2125 3$BlockDataInputStream::read (138 bytes)
24289 2089 s 3 (12 bytes)
24290 2150 3 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet::getBoxPainter (14 bytes)
24290 2151 3 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$BoxPainter::<init> (117 bytes)
24292 2147 4 javax.swing.text.StyleContext$SmallAttributeSet::isDefined (38 bytes)
24292 2153 3 javax.swing.text.CompositeView::<init> (30 bytes)
24293 2086 3 java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableCollection::contains (11 bytes)
24293 2079 3<init> (10 bytes)
24293 2152 3 javax.swing.text.BoxView::<init> (70 bytes)
24294 2155 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSS::getInternalCSSValue (38 bytes)
24294 1178 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.StyleContext$SmallAttributeSet::isDefined (38 bytes)
24295 2154 s 4 java.util.Hashtable::clear (38 bytes)
24295 2098 3 sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPConnection::getOutputStream (30 bytes)
24296 2101 ! 3 (77 bytes)
24296 2157 ! 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSS$LengthValue::parseCssValue (158 bytes)
24298 2159 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSS$LengthUnit::getValue (51 bytes)
24299 546 s 3 made not entrant java.util.Hashtable::clear (38 bytes)
24299 2148 4 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$SmallConversionSet::isDefined (38 bytes)
24299 2161 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI$RootView::getViewFactory (31 bytes)
24299 2160 3 javax.swing.text.CompositeView::setInsets (22 bytes)
24300 2162 3 javax.swing.JEditorPane::getEditorKit (25 bytes)
24300 2158 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSS$CssValue::parseHtmlValue (6 bytes)
24301 2163 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicEditorPaneUI::getEditorKit (13 bytes)
24302 2164 3 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit::getViewFactory (4 bytes)
24302 2100 3 java.util.TreeMap::navigableKeySet (27 bytes)
24303 2165 3 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$BoxPainter::getBorder (149 bytes)
24305 2077 3 com.sun.jmx.remote.util.ClassLogger::debugOn (5 bytes)
24306 2168 3 javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView::setParent (14 bytes)
24307 2170 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSS::translateEmbeddedAttributes (129 bytes)
24307 1177 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$SmallConversionSet::isDefined (38 bytes)
24307 2167 4 java.util.WeakHashMap::get (79 bytes)
24308 2171 3 javax.swing.text.GlyphView::<init> (93 bytes)
24309 2173 3 javax.swing.text.CompositeView::loadChildren (70 bytes)
24310 2174 3 javax.swing.text.ParagraphView::setJustification (6 bytes)
24311 2172 3 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$RunElement::getName (22 bytes)
24311 2169 3 javax.swing.text.FlowView::setParent (25 bytes)
24312 2179 3 javax.swing.text.CompositeView::getViewIndexAtPosition (13 bytes)
24313 2175 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::endTag (118 bytes)
24314 2176 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.DocumentParser::handleEndTag (143 bytes)
24315 2178 s 3 java.util.Vector::lastElement (27 bytes)
24315 2177 3 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader::handleEndTag (85 bytes)
24316 2181 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicHTML$Renderer::getAttributes (2 bytes)
24317 2180 3 java.util.HashMap::isEmpty (13 bytes)
24317 2184 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::parseAttributeValue (514 bytes)
24320 2183 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.Element::getAttribute (32 bytes)
24321 2186 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::parseAttributeSpecificationList (805 bytes)
24327 1649 3 made zombie$HandleTable::insert (39 bytes)
24329 312 3 made zombie java.util.AbstractList::<init> (10 bytes)
24330 600 3 made not entrant java.util.WeakHashMap::get (79 bytes)
24330 2195 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.ContentModelState::terminate (320 bytes)
24332 2199 3 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$DefaultDocumentEvent::addEdit (133 bytes)
24332 1698 3 made zombie$HandleTable::finish (111 bytes)
24333 2202 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::parseTag (1660 bytes)
24334 2185 4 javax.swing.text.html.parser.ContentModel::first (248 bytes)
24336 1701 ! 3 made not entrant (336 bytes)
24340 1726 ! 3 made zombie (111 bytes)
24340 2166 4 javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::getAttributeNames (8 bytes)
24346 567 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::getAttributeNames (8 bytes)
24346 2204 4 sun.awt.SunToolkit::awtLock (7 bytes)
24351 2205 1 java.util.regex.Matcher::groupCount (10 bytes)
24351 2144 4 javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::getAttribute (32 bytes)
24352 1864 3 made not entrant java.util.regex.Matcher::groupCount (10 bytes)
24352 2182 3 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader$TagAction::<init> (10 bytes)
24352 2200 3 javax.swing.undo.CompoundEdit::addEdit (75 bytes)
24353 2197 3 javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument$ElementBuffer$ElemChanges::<init> (48 bytes)
24354 2198 3 javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument$ElementBuffer::pop (95 bytes)
24356 2189 3 javax.swing.undo.AbstractUndoableEdit::addEdit (2 bytes)
24356 2190 3 javax.swing.undo.AbstractUndoableEdit::replaceEdit (2 bytes)
24356 2191 3 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$ElementEdit::<init> (26 bytes)
24357 2196 3 javax.swing.text.GapVector::replace (83 bytes)
24357 2203 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.DTD::elementExists (26 bytes)
24358 2192 3 javax.swing.text.BoxView::replace (100 bytes)
24359 2188 3 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$RunElement::<init> (17 bytes)
24359 2194 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.ContentModelState::<init> (8 bytes)
24359 2193 3 java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator$Attribute::hashCode (5 bytes)
24360 2187 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::flushAttributes (12 bytes)
24360 2206 3 java.util.regex.Pattern$GroupTail::match (111 bytes)
24361 2207 3 sun.java2d.pipe.PixelToParallelogramConverter::drawLine (30 bytes)
24362 541 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::getAttribute (32 bytes)
24362 2208 3 sun.java2d.pipe.PixelToParallelogramConverter::drawGeneralLine (612 bytes)
24362 2201 4 javax.swing.text.StyleContext$SmallAttributeSet::getAttributeNames (16 bytes)
24364 1296 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.StyleContext$SmallAttributeSet::getAttributeNames (16 bytes)
24364 2149 4 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$AbstractElement::isDefined (11 bytes)
24371 2210 3 (45 bytes)
24372 2211 3 java.awt.GradientPaintContext::getRaster (165 bytes)
24373 2213 3 (69 bytes)
24374 1180 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$AbstractElement::isDefined (11 bytes)
24374 2214 3$ArithmeticExpressionEvaluator::evaluate (23 bytes)
24374 2212 4 (16 bytes)
24375 2215 3$PeekableStringTokenizer::<init> (18 bytes)
24375 733 3 made not entrant (16 bytes)
24375 2209 4 (16 bytes)
24375 2216 3 (89 bytes)
24380 2217 3 java.awt.Font::getFamily (5 bytes)
24381 2220 3 javax.swing.text.FlowView$LogicalView::getAttributes (18 bytes)
24382 1940 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.FlowView$LogicalView::getAttributes (18 bytes)
24382 368 3 made not entrant (16 bytes)
24382 2218 3 java.awt.Font::getFamily_NoClientCode (8 bytes)
24382 2219 4 javax.swing.text.View::getContainer (18 bytes)
24383 2223 ! 3 javax.swing.text.html.InlineView::calculateLongestWordSpanUseWhitespace (210 bytes)
24383 604 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.View::getContainer (18 bytes)
24383 2110 4$BlockDataOutputStream::writeShort (47 bytes)
24385 1667 3 made not entrant$BlockDataOutputStream::writeShort (47 bytes)
24385 2230 4 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$LeafElement::getStartOffset (10 bytes)
24386 2226 1 javax.swing.text.View::isVisible (2 bytes)
24386 1953 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.View::isVisible (2 bytes)
24386 2233 3 javax.swing.text.BoxView::layout (15 bytes)
24387 1958 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.BoxView::layout (15 bytes)
24387 2231 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::getPreferredSpan (54 bytes)
24387 673 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$LeafElement::getStartOffset (10 bytes)
24387 2234 4 javax.swing.text.BoxView::checkRequests (98 bytes)
24388 2232 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowView::getPreferredSpan (37 bytes)
24388 2225 3 javax.swing.text.FlowView::getFlowAxis (12 bytes)
24389 2229 3 javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::getPreferredSpan (6 bytes)
24389 1184 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.BoxView::checkRequests (98 bytes)
24389 2235 3 javax.swing.text.LabelView::setUnderline (6 bytes)
24389 2236 3 javax.swing.text.LabelView::setStrikeThrough (6 bytes)
24390 2228 3 javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView::getMaximumSpan (15 bytes)
24391 2240 3 java.lang.Math::max (46 bytes)
24392 1934 2 made not entrant java.lang.Math::max (46 bytes)
24392 2238 4 javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::getAttributes (26 bytes)
24392 2241 3 javax.swing.text.BoxView::calculateMajorAxisRequirements (109 bytes)
24393 1305 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::getAttributes (26 bytes)
24393 2237 ! 4 javax.swing.JComponent::getClientProperty (56 bytes)
24393 2227 s 3 java.util.Vector::add (39 bytes)
24393 2224 3 javax.swing.text.BoxView::layoutChanged (22 bytes)
24394 2239 3 javax.swing.text.html.InlineView::getLongestWordSpan (22 bytes)
24394 2221 3 javax.swing.text.Segment::<init> (8 bytes)
24394 2222 s 3 sun.font.FileFontStrike::setCachedGlyphPtr (269 bytes)
24396 2242 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView::getAttributes (26 bytes)
24397 1937 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.TableView::getAttributes (26 bytes)
24397 2248 3 javax.swing.text.BoxView::calculateMinorAxisRequirements (118 bytes)
24398 2243 3 javax.swing.text.LabelView::setSuperscript (6 bytes)
24399 2244 3 javax.swing.text.LabelView::setSubscript (6 bytes)
24399 2245 3 javax.swing.text.StyleContext$FontKey::setValue (27 bytes)
24399 2251 3 sun.font.Font2D::getFamilyName (5 bytes)
24400 2247 3 javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::calculateMinorAxisRequirements (183 bytes)
24402 494 ! 3 made not entrant javax.swing.JComponent::getClientProperty (56 bytes)
24402 2256 1 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI$RootView::getAttributes (2 bytes)
24403 2250 4 sun.font.FontDesignMetrics::charsWidth (201 bytes)
24403 1947 2 made not entrant javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI$RootView::getAttributes (2 bytes)
24403 2257 3 javax.swing.text.Utilities::getTabbedTextOffset (351 bytes)
24405 1951 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.Utilities::getTabbedTextOffset (351 bytes)
24405 2260 3 javax.swing.text.BoxView::updateChildSizes (90 bytes)
24406 1959 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.BoxView::updateChildSizes (90 bytes)
24406 2258 3 javax.swing.text.FlowView$LogicalView::getViewIndexAtPosition (22 bytes)
24407 2262 3 javax.swing.text.FlowView::layout (163 bytes)
24409 2264 ! 3 javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getText (57 bytes)
24409 1473 3 made not entrant sun.font.FontDesignMetrics::charsWidth (201 bytes)
24409 2246 4 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$LeafElement::getEndOffset (10 bytes)
24411 1939 ! 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getText (57 bytes)
24411 2265 3 javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getStartOffset (33 bytes)
24412 672 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$LeafElement::getEndOffset (10 bytes)
24412 2249 4 java.lang.Math::min (12 bytes)
24412 1935 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getStartOffset (33 bytes)
24412 2266 3 javax.swing.text.BoxView::getMaximumSpan (63 bytes)
24412 1463 3 made not entrant java.lang.Math::min (12 bytes)
24413 2136 4 (90 bytes)
24413 1962 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.BoxView::getMaximumSpan (63 bytes)
24413 2267 1 javax.swing.text.View::getResizeWeight (2 bytes)
24413 1960 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.View::getResizeWeight (2 bytes)
24413 2263 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI$RootView::preferenceChanged (11 bytes)
24414 2252 3 java.lang.Float::floatValue (5 bytes)
24414 2259 3 javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::getMaximumSpan (6 bytes)
24414 2269 3 javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getPreferredSpan (138 bytes)
24414 1776 3 made not entrant (90 bytes)
24415 2268 4 javax.swing.text.View::preferenceChanged (20 bytes)
24416 1863 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.View::preferenceChanged (20 bytes)
24416 1948 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getPreferredSpan (138 bytes)
24416 2271 3 javax.swing.text.GlyphPainter1::getSpan (49 bytes)
24416 2156 4 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$ViewAttributeSet::getResolveParent (30 bytes)
24417 1964 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.GlyphPainter1::getSpan (49 bytes)
24417 2276 3 javax.swing.text.GlyphPainter1::getHeight (14 bytes)
24417 1977 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.GlyphPainter1::getHeight (14 bytes)
24418 2275 3 javax.swing.text.LabelView::isSuperscript (9 bytes)
24418 2277 4 javax.swing.text.GlyphPainter1::sync (55 bytes)
24418 1976 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.LabelView::isSuperscript (9 bytes)
24418 2274 3 javax.swing.SizeRequirements::<init> (26 bytes)
24418 1963 2 made not entrant javax.swing.SizeRequirements::<init> (26 bytes)
24419 2270 3 javax.swing.text.html.InlineView::getBreakWeight (17 bytes)
24419 1952 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.InlineView::getBreakWeight (17 bytes)
24419 2272 3 javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::layoutMinorAxis (173 bytes)
24421 2286 ! 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView::getColumnsOccupied (48 bytes)
24422 1972 ! 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.TableView::getColumnsOccupied (48 bytes)
24422 2282 3 javax.swing.text.ParagraphView$Row::getBottomInset (36 bytes)
24423 1970 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.ParagraphView$Row::getBottomInset (36 bytes)
24423 2287 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowView::isFilled (9 bytes)
24423 1971 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowView::isFilled (9 bytes)
24423 2284 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::getAdjustmentWeight (2 bytes)
24424 2285 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::getOffset (28 bytes)
24424 2273 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::setIndex (6 bytes)
24425 2253 3 javax.swing.text.html.InlineView::setPropertiesFromAttributes (232 bytes)
24427 2254 3 javax.swing.text.LabelView::setPropertiesFromAttributes (125 bytes)
24430 2261 3 javax.swing.text.FlowView$FlowStrategy::getLogicalView (5 bytes)
24431 2280 3 javax.swing.text.View::getMaximumSpan (19 bytes)
24431 2281 3 javax.swing.text.FlowView$FlowStrategy::createView (55 bytes)
24432 2255 3 javax.swing.text.StyleContext$FontKey::equals (53 bytes)
24433 2289 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthPanelUI::getContext (11 bytes)
--- n sun.java2d.loops.DrawLine::DrawLine
24434 2293 3 sun.java2d.pipe.LoopPipe::drawLine (46 bytes)
24435 2290 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthPanelUI::getComponentState (5 bytes)
24436 2291 3 java.awt.geom.Path2D$Iterator::next (35 bytes)
24436 2292 ! 3 sun.font.Font2D::getStrike (221 bytes)
24459 667 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.parser.ContentModel::first (248 bytes)
24459 2283 4 javax.swing.text.Utilities::getTabbedTextWidth (348 bytes)
24473 1992 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.Utilities::getTabbedTextWidth (348 bytes)
24474 2278 4 javax.swing.text.LabelView::getFont (9 bytes)
24506 1191 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.LabelView::getFont (9 bytes)
24506 2288 4 javax.swing.text.LabelView::sync (12 bytes)
24537 608 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.LabelView::sync (12 bytes)
24538 2279 4 javax.swing.text.BoxView::setSpanOnAxis (131 bytes)
24548 1488 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.BoxView::setSpanOnAxis (131 bytes)
24600 1190 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.GlyphPainter1::sync (55 bytes)
28213 2294 3 (194 bytes)
28215 476 3 made zombie java.util.TreeMap$PrivateEntryIterator::nextEntry (54 bytes)
28217 1680 3 made zombie$HandleTable::lookupException (29 bytes)
28218 2302 4 (109 bytes)
28219 2303 4$BlockDataOutputStream::writeUTF (46 bytes)
28219 2295 3 java.util.TreeMap::computeRedLevel (24 bytes)
28220 482 ! 3 made zombie java.util.AbstractList$Itr::next (46 bytes)
28221 530 3 made zombie java.util.Hashtable$Enumerator::nextElement (111 bytes)
28221 546 s 3 made zombie java.util.Hashtable::clear (38 bytes)
28221 1785 3 made not entrant (109 bytes)
28222 566 s 3 made zombie java.util.Hashtable::keys (6 bytes)
28222 2304 4$BlockDataInputStream::readUnsignedShort (76 bytes)
28223 564 s 3 made zombie java.util.Vector::addElement (38 bytes)
28223 570 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.StyleContext$KeyEnumeration::hasMoreElements (18 bytes)
28225 668 ! 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::readCh (73 bytes)
28225 669 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$AbstractElement::getAttribute (50 bytes)
28228 833 3 made zombie java.util.TreeMap::getEntry (84 bytes)
28232 2296 3$HandleTable::clear (27 bytes)
28233 1178 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.StyleContext$SmallAttributeSet::isDefined (38 bytes)
28233 1177 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$SmallConversionSet::isDefined (38 bytes)
28234 1252 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.StyleContext$KeyEnumeration::nextElement (42 bytes)
28234 1310 3 made zombie java.util.WeakHashMap$Entry::access$102 (7 bytes)
28235 1494 3 made zombie java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap$Segment::get (66 bytes)
28236 1493 3 made zombie java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap::get (19 bytes)
28236 2301 3$HandleTable::<init> (45 bytes)
28237 1707 3 made not entrant$BlockDataOutputStream::writeUTF (46 bytes)
28237 1673 3 made zombie (21 bytes)
28237 1697 3 made zombie$HandleTable::assign (52 bytes)
28237 1700 3 made zombie$HandleTable::assign (48 bytes)
28237 2300 s 3 (35 bytes)
28238 2307 3 (21 bytes)
28238 1718 3 made not entrant$BlockDataInputStream::readUnsignedShort (76 bytes)
28238 1868 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.StyleContext$SmallAttributeSet::equals (41 bytes)
28239 2305 4$BlockDataInputStream::readUTFBody (156 bytes)
28240 2311 3 java.util.regex.Pattern$Curly::match (86 bytes)
28240 2128 4 made zombie javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$AbstractElement::getAttribute (50 bytes)
28241 2315 3 java.lang.String::subSequence (7 bytes)
28241 2312 3 java.util.regex.Pattern$Ctype::isSatisfiedBy (24 bytes)
28241 2313 3 java.util.regex.ASCII::isType (15 bytes)
28242 2309 3 java.lang.reflect.Method::hashCode (19 bytes)
28242 2314 3 java.util.regex.ASCII::getType (17 bytes)
28242 2308 3 (8 bytes)
28243 2306 3 sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall::getInputStream (43 bytes)
28243 2310 4 java.lang.StringBuilder::append (8 bytes)
28243 452 3 made not entrant java.lang.StringBuilder::append (8 bytes)
28243 2298 3<init> (99 bytes)
28244 2299 3 (100 bytes)
28245 2297 3$BlockDataOutputStream::flush (12 bytes)
28246 2316 3 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet::addAttribute (113 bytes)
28247 2317 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.TagStack::advance (94 bytes)
28247 2319 3 javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView::getStyleSheet (13 bytes)
28248 2277 4 made not entrant javax.swing.text.GlyphPainter1::sync (55 bytes)
28248 2318 ! 4 javax.swing.text.SegmentCache::releaseSegment (43 bytes)
28249 2321 3 javax.swing.text.BoxView::getAlignment (29 bytes)
28249 2322 3 javax.swing.text.GapContent$UndoPosRef::<init> (23 bytes)
28249 2238 4 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::getAttributes (26 bytes)
28250 2324 ! 3 (133 bytes)
28250 2144 4 made not entrant javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::getAttribute (32 bytes)
28251 2327 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::startTag (167 bytes)
28253 2326 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::legalElementContext (806 bytes)
28255 1500 ! 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.SegmentCache::releaseSegment (43 bytes)
28255 2331 4 javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::getAttribute (32 bytes)
28256 2278 4 made not entrant javax.swing.text.LabelView::getFont (9 bytes)
28256 2288 4 made not entrant javax.swing.text.LabelView::sync (12 bytes)
28261 2335 3 javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument$ElementBuffer::push (8 bytes)
28262 2341 s 3 java.util.Vector::indexOf (67 bytes)
28262 1714 3 made not entrant$BlockDataInputStream::readUTFBody (156 bytes)
28262 2333 4 javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::getAttributes (26 bytes)
28263 2329 3 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader::blockClose (165 bytes)
28263 2336 4 javax.swing.text.LabelView::getFont (9 bytes)
28266 2325 3 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader::canInsertTag (144 bytes)
28267 2347 1 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$LeafElement::isLeaf (2 bytes)
28267 1916 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$LeafElement::isLeaf (2 bytes)
28267 2328 3 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader::blockOpen (95 bytes)
28268 2342 3 javax.swing.text.html.HTML::getTag (21 bytes)
28269 2332 3 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$BranchElement::<init> (31 bytes)
28269 2344 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::legalTagContext (133 bytes)
28271 2350 3 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$BlockElement::<init> (13 bytes)
28272 2345 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.TagStack::<init> (190 bytes)
28273 2334 3 javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::getStyleSheet (13 bytes)
28274 2343 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.TagElement::<init> (48 bytes)
28275 2352 1 javax.swing.text.html.TableView::getViewFactory (2 bytes)
28275 1921 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.TableView::getViewFactory (2 bytes)
28276 2349 3 java.lang.Boolean::hashCode (17 bytes)
28276 2338 3 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument::createBranchElement (11 bytes)
28276 2340 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.ContentModel::empty (130 bytes)
28277 2351 3 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument::createLeafElement (14 bytes)
28278 2353 3 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader$BlockAction::start (10 bytes)
28278 2354 3 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader$BlockAction::end (9 bytes)
28278 2356 3 sun.font.FontManager::isComplexText (38 bytes)
28279 2355 3 java.util.Vector::contains (15 bytes)
28279 2357 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.DocumentParser::handleStartTag (204 bytes)
28281 2358 3 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader::handleStartTag (166 bytes)
28284 2362 ! 3 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$LeafElement::<init> (58 bytes)
28285 2366 s 3 java.util.Hashtable::hashCode (99 bytes)
28286 2363 3 javax.swing.text.GapVector::open (72 bytes)
28286 2364 3 javax.swing.text.GapVector::shiftGap (90 bytes)
28287 2359 ! 3 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader::addContent (176 bytes)
28288 2365 3 javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::hashCode (8 bytes)
28289 2360 3 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader::pushCharacterStyle (18 bytes)
28289 2361 3 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader::popCharacterStyle (33 bytes)
28291 2367 3 javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView::setPropertiesFromAttributes (211 bytes)
28294 2374 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSS$StringValue::<init> (5 bytes)
28294 2368 3 javax.swing.text.ParagraphView::setPropertiesFromAttributes (107 bytes)
28297 2375 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSS$StringValue::parseCssValue (15 bytes)
28297 2369 3 javax.swing.text.CompositeView::setParagraphInsets (41 bytes)
28298 2370 3 javax.swing.text.StyleConstants::getSpaceAbove (24 bytes)
28299 2371 3 javax.swing.text.StyleConstants::getLeftIndent (24 bytes)
28299 2372 3 javax.swing.text.StyleConstants::getSpaceBelow (24 bytes)
28300 2373 3 javax.swing.text.StyleConstants::getRightIndent (24 bytes)
28300 2377 3 javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::setParent (14 bytes)
28301 2376 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSS$FontSize::<init> (10 bytes)
28302 2378 3 javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::setPropertiesFromAttributes (120 bytes)
28307 2381 3 javax.swing.text.View::forwardUpdate (282 bytes)
28311 368 3 made zombie (16 bytes)
28313 494 ! 3 made zombie javax.swing.JComponent::getClientProperty (56 bytes)
28313 2380 3 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$DefaultDocumentEvent::getChange (84 bytes)
28314 541 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::getAttribute (32 bytes)
28315 567 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::getAttributeNames (8 bytes)
28315 600 3 made zombie java.util.WeakHashMap::get (79 bytes)
28315 604 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.View::getContainer (18 bytes)
28315 608 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.LabelView::sync (12 bytes)
28315 2339 4 javax.swing.text.LabelView::sync (12 bytes)
28316 667 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.parser.ContentModel::first (248 bytes)
28316 673 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$LeafElement::getStartOffset (10 bytes)
28316 672 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$LeafElement::getEndOffset (10 bytes)
28317 733 3 made zombie (16 bytes)
--- n sun.java2d.loops.MaskFill::FillAAPgram
28321 2384 3 sun.java2d.pipe.AlphaColorPipe::fillParallelogram (28 bytes)
28323 1180 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$AbstractElement::isDefined (11 bytes)
28323 1184 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.BoxView::checkRequests (98 bytes)
28323 1190 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.GlyphPainter1::sync (55 bytes)
28323 1191 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.LabelView::getFont (9 bytes)
28324 1296 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.StyleContext$SmallAttributeSet::getAttributeNames (16 bytes)
28324 1305 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::getAttributes (26 bytes)
28325 1463 3 made zombie java.lang.Math::min (12 bytes)
28326 1473 3 made zombie sun.font.FontDesignMetrics::charsWidth (201 bytes)
28326 1488 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.BoxView::setSpanOnAxis (131 bytes)
28327 1701 ! 3 made zombie (336 bytes)
28327 2385 3 java.lang.Math::max (45 bytes)
28328 1667 3 made zombie$BlockDataOutputStream::writeShort (47 bytes)
28328 1776 3 made zombie (90 bytes)
28329 1863 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.View::preferenceChanged (20 bytes)
28329 1864 3 made zombie java.util.regex.Matcher::groupCount (10 bytes)
28330 1935 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getStartOffset (33 bytes)
28330 1934 2 made zombie java.lang.Math::max (46 bytes)
28330 1937 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.TableView::getAttributes (26 bytes)
28331 1940 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.FlowView$LogicalView::getAttributes (18 bytes)
28332 1939 ! 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getText (57 bytes)
28332 1947 2 made zombie javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI$RootView::getAttributes (2 bytes)
28332 1948 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getPreferredSpan (138 bytes)
28332 1951 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.Utilities::getTabbedTextOffset (351 bytes)
28332 1952 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.InlineView::getBreakWeight (17 bytes)
28332 1953 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.View::isVisible (2 bytes)
28333 1958 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.BoxView::layout (15 bytes)
28333 1959 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.BoxView::updateChildSizes (90 bytes)
28333 1960 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.View::getResizeWeight (2 bytes)
28333 1962 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.BoxView::getMaximumSpan (63 bytes)
28333 1963 2 made zombie javax.swing.SizeRequirements::<init> (26 bytes)
28333 1964 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.GlyphPainter1::getSpan (49 bytes)
28333 1971 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowView::isFilled (9 bytes)
28333 1972 ! 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.TableView::getColumnsOccupied (48 bytes)
28334 1970 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.ParagraphView$Row::getBottomInset (36 bytes)
28334 1976 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.LabelView::isSuperscript (9 bytes)
28334 1977 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.GlyphPainter1::getHeight (14 bytes)
28334 1992 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.Utilities::getTabbedTextWidth (348 bytes)
28338 2386 3 sun.java2d.pipe.PixelToParallelogramConverter::len (37 bytes)
28339 2382 3 javax.swing.text.View::updateLayout (32 bytes)
28339 2383 3 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument::getLength (12 bytes)
28359 2320 4 javax.swing.text.GlyphPainter1::sync (55 bytes)
28433 2323 4 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$BranchElement::getEndOffset (35 bytes)
28435 1185 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$BranchElement::getEndOffset (35 bytes)
29327 452 3 made zombie java.lang.StringBuilder::append (8 bytes)
30391 2387 3 java.awt.EventQueue::dispatchEventImpl (137 bytes)
30453 2388 3 javax.swing.Timer::stop (13 bytes)
30457 1500 ! 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.SegmentCache::releaseSegment (43 bytes)
30458 2144 4 made zombie javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::getAttribute (32 bytes)
30458 1714 3 made zombie$BlockDataInputStream::readUTFBody (156 bytes)
30626 2389 3 javax.swing.JTabbedPane::getTabComponentAt (15 bytes)
30627 1707 3 made zombie$BlockDataOutputStream::writeUTF (46 bytes)
30627 1718 3 made zombie$BlockDataInputStream::readUnsignedShort (76 bytes)
30627 2391 4 javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView::getAttributes (26 bytes)
30628 1785 3 made zombie (109 bytes)
30629 1471 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView::getAttributes (26 bytes)
30629 2394 ! 4 javax.swing.text.GlyphView::checkPainter (115 bytes)
30630 2395 4 sun.awt.SunHints$Value::hashCode (5 bytes)
30630 1916 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$LeafElement::isLeaf (2 bytes)
30630 1921 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.TableView::getViewFactory (2 bytes)
30631 647 3 made not entrant sun.awt.SunHints$Value::hashCode (5 bytes)
30633 2398 4 javax.swing.text.GapContent::getChars (209 bytes)
30634 2238 4 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::getAttributes (26 bytes)
30638 2288 4 made zombie javax.swing.text.LabelView::sync (12 bytes)
30639 2278 4 made zombie javax.swing.text.LabelView::getFont (9 bytes)
30639 2277 4 made zombie javax.swing.text.GlyphPainter1::sync (55 bytes)
30641 2392 3 javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView::isVisible (106 bytes)
30642 1481 ! 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.GlyphView::checkPainter (115 bytes)
30642 2404 4 java.awt.font.FontRenderContext::equals (127 bytes)
30643 1946 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView::isVisible (106 bytes)
30643 2397 3 javax.swing.text.BoxView::baselineLayout (196 bytes)
30643 1393 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.GapContent::getChars (209 bytes)
30643 2402 4 java.awt.Rectangle::<init> (26 bytes)
30644 681 3 made not entrant java.awt.Rectangle::<init> (26 bytes)
30645 2405 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView::getRow (25 bytes)
30645 650 3 made not entrant java.awt.font.FontRenderContext::equals (127 bytes)
30645 2407 4 javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getEndOffset (38 bytes)
30645 1961 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.TableView::getRow (25 bytes)
30645 2400 3 javax.swing.DefaultListCellRenderer::firePropertyChange (40 bytes)
30646 2401 3 javax.swing.JLabel::setDisplayedMnemonicIndex (102 bytes)
30647 2408 ! 4 javax.swing.text.SegmentCache::getSegment (55 bytes)
30647 2403 3 javax.swing.text.StyleContext$FontKey::hashCode (31 bytes)
30648 2406 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSS::getFont (244 bytes)
30648 1472 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getEndOffset (38 bytes)
30650 2409 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$CellView::calculateMinorAxisRequirements (69 bytes)
30651 2416 3 javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getBreakSpotUseWhitespace (61 bytes)
30651 1969 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getBreakSpotUseWhitespace (61 bytes)
30651 2412 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSS$FontSize::getValue (164 bytes)
30652 1414 ! 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.SegmentCache::getSegment (55 bytes)
30653 2396 3 javax.swing.text.ParagraphView$Row::getAlignment (67 bytes)
30654 2421 4 javax.swing.text.BoxView::preferenceChanged (66 bytes)
30654 2418 1 sun.font.FontDesignMetrics::getDescent (10 bytes)
30654 2422 4 javax.swing.text.BoxView::getPreferredSpan (63 bytes)
30655 1979 2 made not entrant sun.font.FontDesignMetrics::getDescent (10 bytes)
30655 2419 ! 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView::getRowsOccupied (48 bytes)
30655 1978 ! 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.TableView::getRowsOccupied (48 bytes)
30656 2423 3 javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::getMinimumSpan (6 bytes)
30656 1881 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.BoxView::preferenceChanged (66 bytes)
30656 1966 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::getMinimumSpan (6 bytes)
30656 2420 3 javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView::getMinimumSpan (15 bytes)
30656 1982 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView::getMinimumSpan (15 bytes)
30657 2424 3 javax.swing.text.GlyphPainter1::getBoundedPosition (68 bytes)
30657 1950 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.GlyphPainter1::getBoundedPosition (68 bytes)
30657 2425 3 javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getBreakWeight (65 bytes)
30658 1965 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getBreakWeight (65 bytes)
30658 2426 3 javax.swing.text.ParagraphView$Row::getLeftInset (36 bytes)
30658 1501 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.BoxView::getPreferredSpan (63 bytes)
30659 1985 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.ParagraphView$Row::getLeftInset (36 bytes)
30659 2427 3 javax.swing.text.BoxView::layoutMinorAxis (102 bytes)
30659 2430 4 javax.swing.text.View::getViewFactory (18 bytes)
30660 2432 3 javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getBreakSpot (41 bytes)
30660 1878 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.View::getViewFactory (18 bytes)
30660 1968 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getBreakSpot (41 bytes)
30661 2431 3 javax.swing.text.View::getEndOffset (10 bytes)
30661 1981 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.View::getEndOffset (10 bytes)
30661 2428 3 javax.swing.text.Segment::last (43 bytes)
30661 2434 4 javax.swing.text.BoxView::getMinimumSpan (63 bytes)
30661 1986 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.Segment::last (43 bytes)
30661 2433 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowView::preferenceChanged (71 bytes)
30662 2438 4 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$BranchElement::getStartOffset (10 bytes)
30662 1989 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowView::preferenceChanged (71 bytes)
30662 2435 3 javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getAlignment (122 bytes)
30663 1128 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$BranchElement::getStartOffset (10 bytes)
30663 2439 4 javax.swing.text.View::setParent (47 bytes)
30664 1984 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getAlignment (122 bytes)
30664 2436 3 javax.swing.text.LabelView::isSubscript (9 bytes)
30664 1990 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.LabelView::isSubscript (9 bytes)
30665 2437 3 javax.swing.text.GlyphPainter1::getDescent (14 bytes)
30665 1331 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.View::setParent (47 bytes)
30665 1495 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.BoxView::getMinimumSpan (63 bytes)
30665 1991 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.GlyphPainter1::getDescent (14 bytes)
30665 2440 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::setOffset (27 bytes)
30666 2442 4 javax.swing.plaf.synth.Region::getUItoRegionMap (578 bytes)
30666 2441 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::getSpan (28 bytes)
30667 2399 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::getMinimumSpan (6 bytes)
30667 2413 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSS::access$300 (6 bytes)
30667 2414 3 javax.swing.text.StyleContext::getFont (144 bytes)
30669 2415 3 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet::getForeground (22 bytes)
30670 2410 3 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet::getFont (13 bytes)
30670 2411 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSS::getFontSize (28 bytes)
30671 2417 3 javax.swing.text.View::getMinimumSpan (18 bytes)
30671 2429 3 javax.swing.text.ParagraphView$Row::getMaximumSpan (26 bytes)
30672 2393 3 javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getTabbedSpan (69 bytes)
30672 2390 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI::getIconForTab (41 bytes)
30675 517 3 made not entrant javax.swing.plaf.synth.Region::getUItoRegionMap (578 bytes)
30676 2443 3 java.awt.geom.AffineTransform::updateState (230 bytes)
30687 2445 3 java.util.IdentityHashMap::put (123 bytes)
30688 2444 3 java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster::mouseMoved (27 bytes)
30699 2446 4 sun.font.FontDesignMetrics$MetricsKey::equals (49 bytes)
30700 2447 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI::getTextViewForTab (21 bytes)
30707 694 3 made not entrant sun.font.FontDesignMetrics$MetricsKey::equals (49 bytes)
30711 2448 ! 3 javax.swing.SystemEventQueueUtilities::getRootTable (69 bytes)
30713 2449 3 java.awt.image.BufferedImage::getWidth (8 bytes)
30713 2450 3 java.awt.image.BufferedImage::getHeight (8 bytes)
30724 2451 4 javax.swing.JComponent::getY (5 bytes)
30725 783 3 made not entrant javax.swing.JComponent::getY (5 bytes)
30736 2452 4 java.awt.Component::isValid (20 bytes)
30737 2453 4 javax.swing.JComponent::getX (5 bytes)
30738 395 3 made not entrant java.awt.Component::isValid (20 bytes)
30738 782 3 made not entrant javax.swing.JComponent::getX (5 bytes)
30749 2454 4 javax.swing.RepaintManager::currentManager (37 bytes)
30761 409 3 made not entrant javax.swing.RepaintManager::currentManager (37 bytes)
30762 2455 1 (4 bytes)
30763 1108 3 made not entrant (4 bytes)
30763 2456 3 java.util.LinkedList::remove (80 bytes)
30773 2457 s! 3 javax.swing.TimerQueue::postExpiredTimers (83 bytes)
30775 2459 3 (51 bytes)
30776 2458 3 (172 bytes)
30786 2460 3 java.awt.Rectangle::<init> (9 bytes)
30798 2461 3 java.awt.Rectangle::contains (7 bytes)
30798 2463 4 javax.swing.JComponent::setFlag (34 bytes)
30799 2462 3 java.awt.Rectangle::inside (88 bytes)
30799 2465 4 sun.font.FileFontStrike::getCachedGlyphPtr (120 bytes)
30799 2466 ! 3 sun.awt.image.SurfaceManager::getManager (43 bytes)
30800 503 3 made not entrant javax.swing.JComponent::setFlag (34 bytes)
30800 2467 3 java.awt.Image$1::getSurfaceManager (5 bytes)
30800 2464 3 sun.java2d.pipe.ValidatePipe::fillRect (25 bytes)
30802 751 3 made not entrant sun.font.FileFontStrike::getCachedGlyphPtr (120 bytes)
30811 2468 ! 3 java.util.LinkedList$ListItr::remove (87 bytes)
30813 2469 3 java.util.LinkedList::access$200 (6 bytes)
30814 2470 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthGraphicsUtils::paintText (119 bytes)
30823 2471 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthPanelUI::update (41 bytes)
30860 2472 4 (72 bytes)
30873 412 3 made not entrant (72 bytes)
30886 2473 ! 3 sun.java2d.pipe.DrawImage::renderImageCopy (152 bytes)
30889 2474 3 sun.java2d.SurfaceData::getSourceSurfaceData (17 bytes)
30890 2475 3 sun.java2d.pipe.DrawImage::blitSurfaceData (145 bytes)
30893 2476 3 sun.java2d.pipe.DrawImage::isBgOperation (22 bytes)
31343 2477 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthTabbedPaneUI::updateTabContext (154 bytes)
31349 2478 3 javax.swing.JTabbedPane::getTitleAt (15 bytes)
31529 2479 3 javax.swing.JTabbedPane::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
31530 1185 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$BranchElement::getEndOffset (35 bytes)
--- ns sun.font.FileFont::getGlyphImage
31534 2480 ! 3 sun.font.GlyphList::getInstance (51 bytes)
31541 2481 3 sun.font.GlyphList::ensureCapacity (79 bytes)
31542 2482 3 sun.font.GlyphList::mapChars (47 bytes)
31542 2483 3 sun.font.CompositeStrike::getGlyphImagePtrs (67 bytes)
31543 2484 3 sun.font.GlyphList::dispose (45 bytes)
31552 2485 3 javax.swing.text.BoxView::getOffset (24 bytes)
31553 2486 3 javax.swing.text.BoxView::getSpan (24 bytes)
31553 2487 3 javax.swing.text.BoxView::paintChild (15 bytes)
31562 2488 3 (200 bytes)
31564 2490 3 sun.awt.image.CachingSurfaceManager::getSourceSurfaceData (83 bytes)
31565 2489 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthGraphicsUtils::paintText (20 bytes)
31568 2491 ! 3 sun.font.TrueTypeFont::checkUseNatives (316 bytes)
31571 2492 3 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::setDevClip (45 bytes)
31576 2493 3 sun.swing.MenuItemLayoutHelper$RectSize::<init> (5 bytes)
31584 2494 4 sun.java2d.loops.GraphicsPrimitiveMgr::locate (104 bytes)
31593 281 3 made not entrant sun.java2d.loops.GraphicsPrimitiveMgr::locate (104 bytes)
31594 2495 4 (130 bytes)
31594 2496 3 (167 bytes)
--- n sun.java2d.loops.DrawGlyphListLCD::DrawGlyphListLCD
31596 2006 2 made not entrant (167 bytes)
31596 2498 3 (76 bytes)
31597 2499 ! 3 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::fillRect (45 bytes)
31597 2497 3 (14 bytes)
31597 2501 4 (104 bytes)
31598 2500 3 sun.java2d.x11.X11CachingSurfaceManager::isDestSurfaceAccelerated (26 bytes)
31599 1418 3 made not entrant (130 bytes)
31613 384 3 made not entrant (104 bytes)
31615 2502 1 javax.swing.JComponent::isOptimizedDrawingEnabled (2 bytes)
31616 1052 3 made not entrant javax.swing.JComponent::isOptimizedDrawingEnabled (2 bytes)
31617 2503 3 javax.swing.text.BoxView::paint (249 bytes)
31619 2506 3 java.text.FieldPosition::<init> (25 bytes)
31619 2504 3 java.lang.Character::isUpperCase (5 bytes)
31619 2507 3 java.text.Format::format (24 bytes)
31620 2505 3 java.util.regex.Pattern$2::isSatisfiedBy (13 bytes)
31621 2508 3 sun.java2d.pipe.ValidatePipe::copyImage (29 bytes)
31635 2509 4 (5 bytes)
31640 737 3 made not entrant (5 bytes)
31640 2510 4 java.util.StringTokenizer::skipDelimiters (116 bytes)
31647 304 3 made not entrant java.util.StringTokenizer::skipDelimiters (116 bytes)
31647 2511 3 sun.swing.SwingUtilities2::drawString (291 bytes)
31651 2512 3 javax.swing.text.Utilities::drawTabbedText (409 bytes)
31654 2514 3 java.util.Formatter$Flags::contains (22 bytes)
31655 1993 2 made not entrant java.util.Formatter$Flags::contains (22 bytes)
31655 2515 3 java.util.regex.Pattern$Curly::match0 (174 bytes)
31656 2513 3 javax.swing.text.BoxView::getChildAllocation (66 bytes)
31957 2516 3 java.awt.Rectangle::intersects (148 bytes)
31993 2517 3 javax.swing.JTabbedPane::getSelectedIndex (10 bytes)
32006 2518 4 java.util.LinkedList$ListItr::next (63 bytes)
32006 2519 s 3 sun.java2d.SunGraphicsEnvironment::getScreenDevices (47 bytes)
32008 830 3 made not entrant java.util.LinkedList$ListItr::next (63 bytes)
32018 2520 4 sun.swing.ImageCache$Entry::equals (147 bytes)
32019 2521 3 javax.swing.Timer::start (18 bytes)
32020 2523 3 sun.java2d.pipe.ValidatePipe::drawString (23 bytes)
32021 2524 3 com.sun.awt.AWTUtilities::isWindowTranslucencySupported (103 bytes)
32024 2522 s 3 javax.swing.TimerQueue::addTimer (89 bytes)
32025 832 3 made not entrant sun.swing.ImageCache$Entry::equals (147 bytes)
32030 2525 3 java.util.IdentityHashMap$KeyIterator::next (13 bytes)
32031 2526 3 java.util.IdentityHashMap::access$600 (5 bytes)
32043 2527 4 java.lang.reflect.Field::getFieldAccessor (40 bytes)
32043 2528 3 javax.swing.RepaintManager::collectDirtyComponents (344 bytes)
32053 837 3 made not entrant java.lang.reflect.Field::getFieldAccessor (40 bytes)
32056 2529 ! 3 javax.swing.JComponent::_paintImmediately (887 bytes)
32117 2530 3 javax.swing.JTabbedPane::getTabCount (8 bytes)
32141 2531 4 java.awt.Component::isLightweight (8 bytes)
32143 823 3 made not entrant java.awt.Component::isLightweight (8 bytes)
32191 2532 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLookAndFeel::updateSubregion (7 bytes)
32211 2533 ! 3$SnapshotInvocationHandler::invoke (97 bytes)
--- n sun.misc.Unsafe::park
32214 2536 4 java.lang.String::trim (87 bytes)
32214 2534 3 java.util.HashMap::clear (39 bytes)
32215 2535 3 java.util.HashMap$KeySet::iterator (8 bytes)
32216 2537 3 sun.awt.X11.XBaseWindow::getBounds (24 bytes)
32217 2538 3 com.sun.jmx.trace.Trace::isSelected (19 bytes)
32219 2543 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.OpenConverter$IdentityConverter::toNonNullOpenValue (2 bytes)
32220 741 3 made not entrant java.lang.String::trim (87 bytes)
32220 2544 3 java.util.Formatter::ensureOpen (16 bytes)
32222 2545 3 sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall::getOutputStream (39 bytes)
32223 2547 3 java.lang.Thread::setContextClassLoader (27 bytes)
32224 2546 ! 3 sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall::releaseInputStream (62 bytes)
32225 2549 3 sun.reflect.ClassFileAssembler::append (30 bytes)
32226 2548 3 sun.reflect.ByteVectorImpl::resize (44 bytes)
32226 2550 ! 4 (38 bytes)
32227 2539 s 3 com.sun.jmx.trace.Trace::out (4 bytes)
32228 2540 3 com.sun.jmx.trace.TraceManager::isSelected (28 bytes)
32228 2541 3 com.sun.jmx.trace.TraceManager::getLogger (154 bytes)
32230 1713 ! 3 made not entrant (38 bytes)
32232 2554 3 sun.rmi.server.MarshalOutputStream$1::<init> (10 bytes)
32232 2556 4 java.util.TreeMap$KeyIterator::next (8 bytes)
32232 2555 3 (91 bytes)
32233 2557 3 (1228 bytes)
--- n
32235 1557 3 made not entrant java.util.TreeMap$KeyIterator::next (8 bytes)
32236 2563 s 4 java.lang.StringBuffer::toString (17 bytes)
32237 2564 4 java.util.regex.Pattern$Slice::match (79 bytes)
32240 2559 3 java.text.Format::<init> (5 bytes)
32241 2561 3 java.util.regex.Matcher::<init> (84 bytes)
32242 2562 ! 3 java.util.regex.Pattern::matcher (44 bytes)
32242 250 s 3 made not entrant java.lang.StringBuffer::toString (17 bytes)
32242 2558 ! 3 (31 bytes)
32243 2542 3 com.sun.jmx.trace.TraceManager::getLevel (42 bytes)
32243 2551 3<init> (74 bytes)
32243 2552 3 sun.rmi.server.MarshalInputStream::done (53 bytes)
32244 2553 3 sun.rmi.server.MarshalOutputStream$1::run (11 bytes)
32244 2560 ! 3 (290 bytes)
32245 460 3 made not entrant java.util.regex.Pattern$Slice::match (79 bytes)
32246 2565 3 java.util.ResourceBundle::getString (9 bytes)
32247 2566 4 javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::addAttribute (11 bytes)
32248 2567 4 java.awt.EventQueue::isDispatchThread (39 bytes)
32248 536 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::addAttribute (11 bytes)
32249 2568 s 4 java.util.Vector::removeElementAt (115 bytes)
32251 2571 3 javax.swing.text.BoxView::forwardUpdate (177 bytes)
32253 1292 s 3 made not entrant java.util.Vector::removeElementAt (115 bytes)
32253 2569 s 4 java.util.Vector::removeAllElements (39 bytes)
32253 2572 3 javax.swing.text.View::getViewCount (2 bytes)
32254 2573 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::ignoreElement (236 bytes)
32256 2575 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::parseContent (882 bytes)
32257 1295 s 3 made not entrant java.util.Vector::removeAllElements (39 bytes)
32257 2570 4 javax.swing.text.GapContent$MarkVector::elementAt (43 bytes)
32258 1129 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.GapContent$MarkVector::elementAt (43 bytes)
32258 2579 4 java.util.WeakHashMap::put (165 bytes)
32259 683 3 made not entrant java.awt.EventQueue::isDispatchThread (39 bytes)
32260 2578 4 javax.swing.text.html.CSS::getLength (53 bytes)
32262 2576 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSS::getCssValue (22 bytes)
32263 2581 3 sun.swing.SwingUtilities2::isComplexLayout (7 bytes)
32263 2582 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.DocumentParser::handleText (65 bytes)
32264 1294 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.CSS::getLength (53 bytes)
32264 2585 4 java.lang.Thread::isInterrupted (6 bytes)
32265 5% 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::parseContent @ 4 (882 bytes)
32265 126 3 made not entrant java.lang.Thread::isInterrupted (6 bytes)
32265 2586 4 javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::addAttributes (39 bytes)
32270 2583 3 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader::handleText (272 bytes)
32272 569 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::addAttributes (39 bytes)
32272 2580 4 java.util.WeakHashMap::expungeStaleEntries (125 bytes)
32275 2584 3 java.lang.Integer::valueOf (10 bytes)
32276 2590 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSS$CssValue::parseCssValue (2 bytes)
32276 2591 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView::invalidateGrid (6 bytes)
32279 2592 3 javax.swing.text.FlowView$FlowStrategy::insertUpdate (62 bytes)
32282 537 3 made not entrant java.util.WeakHashMap::expungeStaleEntries (125 bytes)
32282 2589 ! 4 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet::getRule (388 bytes)
32284 753 3 made not entrant java.util.WeakHashMap::put (165 bytes)
32285 2588 4 javax.swing.text.Segment::next (41 bytes)
32285 1470 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.Segment::next (41 bytes)
32285 2577 4 javax.swing.text.View::getDocument (10 bytes)
32286 607 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.View::getDocument (10 bytes)
32286 2587 4 javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::getAttributeCount (8 bytes)
32286 2594 ! 3 javax.swing.text.ParagraphView::<init> (152 bytes)
32288 589 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::getAttributeCount (8 bytes)
32288 2574 4 javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::addString (63 bytes)
32290 2595 3 javax.swing.text.FlowView::<init> (24 bytes)
32290 2596 3 javax.swing.text.FlowView$FlowStrategy::<init> (10 bytes)
32290 2597 3 javax.swing.text.FlowView::loadChildren (41 bytes)
32291 1860 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::addString (63 bytes)
32292 2600 4 javax.swing.text.html.parser.ContentModelState::advance (579 bytes)
32292 2601 3 java.util.regex.Pattern$BranchConn::match (11 bytes)
32292 2598 3 javax.swing.text.FlowView$LogicalView::<init> (6 bytes)
32293 2602 3 java.util.regex.Matcher::find (69 bytes)
32293 2599 3 javax.swing.text.FlowView$LogicalView::loadChildren (37 bytes)
32297 2605 ! 3 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument::insertUpdate (117 bytes)
32300 2606 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSS$StringValue::toStyleConstants (216 bytes)
32304 1128 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$BranchElement::getStartOffset (10 bytes)
32305 751 3 made zombie sun.font.FileFontStrike::getCachedGlyphPtr (120 bytes)
32306 395 3 made zombie java.awt.Component::isValid (20 bytes)
32306 409 3 made zombie javax.swing.RepaintManager::currentManager (37 bytes)
32307 412 3 made zombie (72 bytes)
32307 503 3 made zombie javax.swing.JComponent::setFlag (34 bytes)
32308 517 3 made zombie javax.swing.plaf.synth.Region::getUItoRegionMap (578 bytes)
32308 2607 1 (4 bytes)
32308 1376 3 made not entrant (4 bytes)
32309 650 3 made zombie java.awt.font.FontRenderContext::equals (127 bytes)
32309 647 3 made zombie sun.awt.SunHints$Value::hashCode (5 bytes)
32310 681 3 made zombie java.awt.Rectangle::<init> (26 bytes)
32310 694 3 made zombie sun.font.FontDesignMetrics$MetricsKey::equals (49 bytes)
32310 783 3 made zombie javax.swing.JComponent::getY (5 bytes)
32310 782 3 made zombie javax.swing.JComponent::getX (5 bytes)
32312 1884 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.parser.ContentModelState::advance (579 bytes)
32312 2604 4 javax.swing.text.StyleContext$SmallAttributeSet::hashCode (32 bytes)
32315 588 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.StyleContext$SmallAttributeSet::hashCode (32 bytes)
32315 1108 3 made zombie (4 bytes)
32315 2621 4 javax.swing.text.html.CSS::styleConstantsKeyToCSSKey (11 bytes)
32315 2618 3 javax.swing.text.ParagraphView::getLayoutView (9 bytes)
32316 1944 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.ParagraphView::getLayoutView (9 bytes)
32317 1331 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.View::setParent (47 bytes)
32318 1393 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.GapContent::getChars (209 bytes)
32318 1414 ! 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.SegmentCache::getSegment (55 bytes)
32318 1471 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView::getAttributes (26 bytes)
32318 1472 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getEndOffset (38 bytes)
32319 1481 ! 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.GlyphView::checkPainter (115 bytes)
32319 1495 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.BoxView::getMinimumSpan (63 bytes)
32319 1501 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.BoxView::getPreferredSpan (63 bytes)
32320 680 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.CSS::styleConstantsKeyToCSSKey (11 bytes)
32321 2603 4 java.util.Hashtable::<init> (124 bytes)
32321 2623 3 javax.swing.text.BoxView::layoutMajorAxis (283 bytes)
32323 1983 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.BoxView::layoutMajorAxis (283 bytes)
32323 1878 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.View::getViewFactory (18 bytes)
32323 1124 3 made not entrant java.util.Hashtable::<init> (124 bytes)
32323 2593 4 java.lang.ref.WeakReference::<init> (7 bytes)
32323 1881 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.BoxView::preferenceChanged (66 bytes)
32325 585 3 made not entrant java.lang.ref.WeakReference::<init> (7 bytes)
32325 1946 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView::isVisible (106 bytes)
32325 1950 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.GlyphPainter1::getBoundedPosition (68 bytes)
32325 1961 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.TableView::getRow (25 bytes)
32325 1969 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getBreakSpotUseWhitespace (61 bytes)
32326 2626 4 java.util.BitSet::checkInvariants (111 bytes)
32326 1966 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::getMinimumSpan (6 bytes)
32326 1979 2 made zombie sun.font.FontDesignMetrics::getDescent (10 bytes)
32326 1968 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getBreakSpot (41 bytes)
32326 1217 3 made not entrant java.util.BitSet::checkInvariants (111 bytes)
32326 1978 ! 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.TableView::getRowsOccupied (48 bytes)
32326 2627 ! 4 javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getText (57 bytes)
32326 1982 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView::getMinimumSpan (15 bytes)
32327 1985 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.ParagraphView$Row::getLeftInset (36 bytes)
32327 1981 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.View::getEndOffset (10 bytes)
32327 1984 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getAlignment (122 bytes)
32327 1990 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.LabelView::isSubscript (9 bytes)
32327 1991 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.GlyphPainter1::getDescent (14 bytes)
32327 1965 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getBreakWeight (65 bytes)
32328 1986 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.Segment::last (43 bytes)
32328 1989 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowView::preferenceChanged (71 bytes)
32334 2612 3 javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView::getPreferredSpan (15 bytes)
32335 1980 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView::getPreferredSpan (15 bytes)
32335 2617 3 javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::spanSetFromAttributes (70 bytes)
32336 1988 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::spanSetFromAttributes (70 bytes)
32337 2629 3 java.lang.Math::min (46 bytes)
32337 1967 2 made not entrant java.lang.Math::min (46 bytes)
32337 2608 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowView::layoutMajorAxis (200 bytes)
32339 2613 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$CellView::layoutMajorAxis (183 bytes)
32341 2622 3 javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView::calculateMinorAxisRequirements (198 bytes)
32343 2625 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$ColumnIterator::getOffset (10 bytes)
32343 2624 3 javax.swing.text.ParagraphView$Row::layoutMinorAxis (10 bytes)
32344 2614 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::getLeadingCollapseSpan (9 bytes)
32345 2609 3 java.lang.Math::ceil (5 bytes)
32345 2610 3 java.lang.StrictMath::ceil (10 bytes)
32345 2616 3 javax.swing.text.FlowView::calculateMinorAxisRequirements (65 bytes)
32346 2615 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView::checkSingleColumnCell (47 bytes)
32347 2611 3 javax.swing.JEditorPane::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
32347 2619 3 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$ViewAttributeSet::isDefined (34 bytes)
32348 2620 3 javax.swing.text.html.InlineView::calculateLongestWordSpan (45 bytes)
32349 2630 3 javax.swing.JComponent::getObscuredState (223 bytes)
32351 2264 ! 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getText (57 bytes)
32351 2628 4 javax.swing.text.BoxView::setSize (41 bytes)
32352 1859 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.BoxView::setSize (41 bytes)
32362 2631 3 java.awt.SystemColor::getRGB (9 bytes)
32492 1914 ! 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet::getRule (388 bytes)
32918 2632 3 javax.swing.JFrame::getGraphics (9 bytes)
32920 2634 3 java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer::unparkSuccessor (84 bytes)
32921 2633 3 javax.swing.JComponent::getGraphicsInvoked (26 bytes)
--- n sun.misc.Unsafe::unpark
32943 2635 3 javax.swing.JTabbedPane::checkIndex (58 bytes)
33003 2636 3 javax.swing.JComponent::processMouseEvent (27 bytes)
33005 2637 3 java.awt.Component::processMouseEvent (100 bytes)
33484 2638 ! 4 java.lang.reflect.Method::invoke (167 bytes)
33495 828 ! 3 made not entrant java.lang.reflect.Method::invoke (167 bytes)
33496 460 3 made zombie java.util.regex.Pattern$Slice::match (79 bytes)
33496 126 3 made zombie java.lang.Thread::isInterrupted (6 bytes)
33496 830 3 made zombie java.util.LinkedList$ListItr::next (63 bytes)
33497 250 s 3 made zombie java.lang.StringBuffer::toString (17 bytes)
33497 1129 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.GapContent$MarkVector::elementAt (43 bytes)
33498 281 3 made zombie sun.java2d.loops.GraphicsPrimitiveMgr::locate (104 bytes)
33498 304 3 made zombie java.util.StringTokenizer::skipDelimiters (116 bytes)
33498 384 3 made zombie (104 bytes)
33499 1860 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::addString (63 bytes)
33830 2639 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI::rotateInsets (170 bytes)
33831 536 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::addAttribute (11 bytes)
33832 537 3 made zombie java.util.WeakHashMap::expungeStaleEntries (125 bytes)
33832 569 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::addAttributes (39 bytes)
33832 589 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::getAttributeCount (8 bytes)
33833 607 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.View::getDocument (10 bytes)
33834 683 3 made zombie java.awt.EventQueue::isDispatchThread (39 bytes)
33834 737 3 made zombie (5 bytes)
33835 741 3 made zombie java.lang.String::trim (87 bytes)
33835 753 3 made zombie java.util.WeakHashMap::put (165 bytes)
33835 823 3 made zombie java.awt.Component::isLightweight (8 bytes)
33836 832 3 made zombie sun.swing.ImageCache$Entry::equals (147 bytes)
33836 837 3 made zombie java.lang.reflect.Field::getFieldAccessor (40 bytes)
33841 1052 3 made zombie javax.swing.JComponent::isOptimizedDrawingEnabled (2 bytes)
33842 2640 3 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::setClip (17 bytes)
33845 1295 s 3 made zombie java.util.Vector::removeAllElements (39 bytes)
33845 1294 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.CSS::getLength (53 bytes)
33845 1292 s 3 made zombie java.util.Vector::removeElementAt (115 bytes)
33847 1418 3 made zombie (130 bytes)
33847 1470 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.Segment::next (41 bytes)
33848 1557 3 made zombie java.util.TreeMap$KeyIterator::next (8 bytes)
33848 1713 ! 3 made zombie (38 bytes)
33855 2641 3 javax.swing.JRootPane::isOptimizedDrawingEnabled (16 bytes)
33858 1993 2 made zombie java.util.Formatter$Flags::contains (22 bytes)
33858 2006 2 made zombie (167 bytes)
33866 2642 1 javax.swing.JPanel::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
33867 1082 3 made not entrant javax.swing.JPanel::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
33880 2643 s 3 javax.swing.RepaintManager::isPaintingThread (16 bytes)
33881 2644 3 javax.swing.BufferStrategyPaintManager::resetAccumulated (23 bytes)
33892 2645 4 javax.swing.SwingUtilities::computeIntersection (189 bytes)
33893 825 3 made not entrant javax.swing.SwingUtilities::computeIntersection (189 bytes)
33904 2646 4 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::setFont (105 bytes)
33908 773 3 made not entrant sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::setFont (105 bytes)
33965 2647 3 javax.swing.ToolTipManager::mouseMoved (108 bytes)
33991 2648 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI::getTabAreaInsets (17 bytes)
34090 2649 s! 3 java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment::getLocalGraphicsEnvironment (146 bytes)
34101 2650 4 java.awt.Component::isShowing (38 bytes)
34103 651 3 made not entrant java.awt.Component::isShowing (38 bytes)
34126 2651 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthPanelUI::paintBorder (17 bytes)
34137 2652 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI::scrollableTabLayoutEnabled (11 bytes)
34151 2653 s 3 sun.awt.image.ToolkitImage::getImageRep (37 bytes)
34153 2654 3 java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer::parkAndCheckInterrupt (8 bytes)
34162 2655 4 sun.awt.SunToolkit::getSystemEventQueueImpl (4 bytes)
34175 675 3 made not entrant sun.awt.SunToolkit::getSystemEventQueueImpl (4 bytes)
34187 2656 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI::getTabRunOverlay (5 bytes)
34213 2657 4 sun.awt.X11.XToolkit::isTranslucencyCapable (38 bytes)
34218 851 3 made not entrant sun.awt.X11.XToolkit::isTranslucencyCapable (38 bytes)
34223 2658 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI::ensureCurrentLayout (43 bytes)
34225 2659 3 javax.swing.BufferStrategyPaintManager::fetchRoot (193 bytes)
34227 2660 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI::getTabBounds (19 bytes)
34237 2661 3 java.awt.image.BufferedImage::getWidth (8 bytes)
34238 2662 3 java.awt.image.BufferedImage::getHeight (8 bytes)
34741 2663 3 java.awt.Component::getBounds (5 bytes)
34746 2665 3 java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster::removeInternal (29 bytes)
34747 585 3 made zombie java.lang.ref.WeakReference::<init> (7 bytes)
34747 588 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.StyleContext$SmallAttributeSet::hashCode (32 bytes)
34748 680 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.CSS::styleConstantsKeyToCSSKey (11 bytes)
34753 1124 3 made zombie java.util.Hashtable::<init> (124 bytes)
34753 2664 3 java.awt.Component::bounds (24 bytes)
34754 1217 3 made zombie java.util.BitSet::checkInvariants (111 bytes)
34756 1376 3 made zombie (4 bytes)
34759 1859 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.BoxView::setSize (41 bytes)
34759 1884 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.parser.ContentModelState::advance (579 bytes)
34766 2666 3 sun.misc.VM::addFinalRefCount (24 bytes)
34769 1914 ! 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet::getRule (388 bytes)
34769 1944 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.ParagraphView::getLayoutView (9 bytes)
34770 1967 2 made zombie java.lang.Math::min (46 bytes)
34770 1983 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.BoxView::layoutMajorAxis (283 bytes)
34770 1980 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView::getPreferredSpan (15 bytes)
34770 1988 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::spanSetFromAttributes (70 bytes)
34772 2264 ! 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getText (57 bytes)
34774 2668 1 java.lang.ref.Reference::access$200 (4 bytes)
34774 1441 3 made not entrant java.lang.ref.Reference::access$200 (4 bytes)
34774 2670 1 java.lang.ref.Reference::access$202 (6 bytes)
34774 1594 3 made not entrant java.lang.ref.Reference::access$202 (6 bytes)
34775 2669 1 java.lang.ref.Reference::access$100 (4 bytes)
34775 1593 3 made not entrant java.lang.ref.Reference::access$100 (4 bytes)
34775 2667 ! 3 java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue::enqueue (104 bytes)
34963 2671 ! 4 sun.font.FontDesignMetrics::getMetrics (320 bytes)
35031 757 ! 3 made not entrant sun.font.FontDesignMetrics::getMetrics (320 bytes)
35061 2672 3 sun.font.TrueTypeGlyphMapper::charToGlyph (54 bytes)
35062 2673 ! 3 sun.font.TrueTypeGlyphMapper::getGlyphFromCMAP (95 bytes)
35065 2674 3 sun.font.CMap::getControlCodeGlyph (105 bytes)
35127 2675 3 javax.swing.JLabel::setIcon (134 bytes)
35129 2677 3 java.lang.Long::stringSize (38 bytes)
35130 2676 3 java.lang.Long::toString (53 bytes)
35131 2678 3 java.awt.Color::getRed (12 bytes)
35131 2679 4 sun.font.GlyphList::getGrayBits (157 bytes)
35131 2680 3 java.lang.String::format (16 bytes)
35133 2681 3 java.util.Formatter::<init> (25 bytes)
35137 2682 4 com.sun.awt.AWTUtilities::isTranslucencyCapable (36 bytes)
35150 876 3 made not entrant com.sun.awt.AWTUtilities::isTranslucencyCapable (36 bytes)
35151 2683 4 sun.java2d.pipe.Region::isInsideQuickCheck (57 bytes)
35152 779 3 made not entrant sun.java2d.pipe.Region::isInsideQuickCheck (57 bytes)
35153 793 3 made not entrant sun.font.GlyphList::getGrayBits (157 bytes)
35240 2684 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthGraphicsUtils::paintText (361 bytes)
35245 2685 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLookAndFeel::getPaintingInsets (31 bytes)
35264 2149 4 made not entrant javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$AbstractElement::isDefined (11 bytes)
35283 2686 3 javax.swing.DefaultListModel::getSize (8 bytes)
35287 2687 4 sun.font.FontDesignMetrics::stringWidth (154 bytes)
35288 2688 4 sun.swing.SwingUtilities2::getFRCProperty (26 bytes)
35291 1425 3 made not entrant sun.swing.SwingUtilities2::getFRCProperty (26 bytes)
35292 2689 ! 3 java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager::getGlobalFocusOwner (82 bytes)
35296 811 3 made not entrant sun.font.FontDesignMetrics::stringWidth (154 bytes)
--- n sun.misc.Unsafe::compareAndSwapObject
36212 2690 3 (8 bytes)
--- n
36213 2692 4 java.util.IdentityHashMap::hash (18 bytes)
36214 825 3 made zombie javax.swing.SwingUtilities::computeIntersection (189 bytes)
36215 822 3 made not entrant java.util.IdentityHashMap::hash (18 bytes)
36219 2696 3 (88 bytes)
36222 651 3 made zombie java.awt.Component::isShowing (38 bytes)
36222 675 3 made zombie sun.awt.SunToolkit::getSystemEventQueueImpl (4 bytes)
36223 2702 4$BlockDataInputStream::readInt (73 bytes)
36223 773 3 made zombie sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::setFont (105 bytes)
36224 851 3 made zombie sun.awt.X11.XToolkit::isTranslucencyCapable (38 bytes)
36225 2703 4$HandleTable::markDependency (171 bytes)
36232 1082 3 made zombie javax.swing.JPanel::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
36233 1660 3 made not entrant$HandleTable::markDependency (171 bytes)
36233 2706 4$BlockDataOutputStream::writeInt (46 bytes)
36237 1685 3 made not entrant$BlockDataOutputStream::writeInt (46 bytes)
36237 2707 4 (48 bytes)
36238 2693 3 java.util.IdentityHashMap::containsKey (55 bytes)
36239 1710 3 made not entrant (48 bytes)
36243 2700 3 java.text.MessageFormat::format (15 bytes)
36244 1690 3 made not entrant$BlockDataInputStream::readInt (73 bytes)
36246 2708 s 4 javax.swing.text.StyleContext::addAttributes (78 bytes)
36249 2709 3 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$AbstractElement::checkForIllegalCast (30 bytes)
36250 2710 1 java.lang.Float::floatValue (5 bytes)
36250 2252 3 made not entrant java.lang.Float::floatValue (5 bytes)
36250 2701 3 sun.rmi.server.UnicastRef::unmarshalValue (177 bytes)
36251 2711 4 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet::addAttributes (25 bytes)
36253 2699 3 sun.rmi.server.UnicastRef::marshalValue (226 bytes)
36256 2705 3 java.lang.reflect.Method::getGenericReturnType (20 bytes)
36257 2704 3<init> (30 bytes)
36258 2691 ! 3 (124 bytes)
36259 2694 s! 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.OpenConverter::toConverter (127 bytes)
36261 2714 3 javax.swing.text.View::forwardUpdateToView (55 bytes)
36262 2715 3 java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue::reallyPoll (69 bytes)
36263 2717 3 javax.swing.text.GapContent$MarkVector::insertElementAt (19 bytes)
36264 2716 3 java.util.WeakHashMap$Entry::access$202 (7 bytes)
36264 2718 3 javax.swing.text.GapContent$MarkVector::addElement (10 bytes)
36265 2719 ! 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSS$FontSize::parseHtmlValue (169 bytes)
36266 2721 1 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit::getViewFactory (4 bytes)
36267 2164 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit::getViewFactory (4 bytes)
36267 2695 s 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.OpenConverter::getConverter (63 bytes)
36268 2697 ! 3 sun.rmi.server.LoaderHandler::loadClass (530 bytes)
36275 2723 1 javax.swing.undo.AbstractUndoableEdit::addEdit (2 bytes)
36276 2189 3 made not entrant javax.swing.undo.AbstractUndoableEdit::addEdit (2 bytes)
36276 2722 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::error (51 bytes)
36277 2724 1 javax.swing.JScrollPane::isValidateRoot (2 bytes)
36277 1975 2 made not entrant javax.swing.JScrollPane::isValidateRoot (2 bytes)
36277 2698 3 sun.rmi.server.LoaderHandler::getRMIContextClassLoader (7 bytes)
36278 2725 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowView::replace (15 bytes)
36290 2727 3$Sequence::value (9 bytes)
36291 1594 3 made zombie java.lang.ref.Reference::access$202 (6 bytes)
36292 1441 3 made zombie java.lang.ref.Reference::access$200 (4 bytes)
36292 876 3 made zombie com.sun.awt.AWTUtilities::isTranslucencyCapable (36 bytes)
--- n java.lang.reflect.Array::getLong (static)
36295 2728 3$TimeStamps::time (54 bytes)
36296 1593 3 made zombie java.lang.ref.Reference::access$100 (4 bytes)
36296 757 ! 3 made zombie sun.font.FontDesignMetrics::getMetrics (320 bytes)
36297 779 3 made zombie sun.java2d.pipe.Region::isInsideQuickCheck (57 bytes)
36297 793 3 made zombie sun.font.GlyphList::getGrayBits (157 bytes)
36297 811 3 made zombie sun.font.FontDesignMetrics::stringWidth (154 bytes)
36308 2729 3 java.lang.StringBuilder::length (5 bytes)
36310 1425 3 made zombie sun.swing.SwingUtilities2::getFRCProperty (26 bytes)
36435 1469 s 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.StyleContext::addAttributes (78 bytes)
36435 2734 1 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::getAdjustmentWeight (2 bytes)
36436 2284 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::getAdjustmentWeight (2 bytes)
36436 2732 3 javax.swing.text.html.MuxingAttributeSet::isDefined (35 bytes)
36437 1949 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.MuxingAttributeSet::isDefined (35 bytes)
36437 2737 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI$RootView::getMaximumSpan (3 bytes)
36437 2735 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::getTrailingCollapseSpan (9 bytes)
36437 2736 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::setSpan (27 bytes)
36438 2733 s 3 java.util.Vector::toArray (60 bytes)
36438 2149 4 made zombie javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$AbstractElement::isDefined (11 bytes)
36439 2730 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthTabbedPaneUI::getTabInsets (26 bytes)
36439 2731 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthGraphicsUtils::computeStringWidth (11 bytes)
36440 2739 3 javax.swing.text.FlowView$LogicalView::getPreferredSpan (74 bytes)
36441 2740 3 javax.swing.text.FlowView$LogicalView::getMinimumSpan (107 bytes)
36442 2741 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSS$LengthUnit::getValue (54 bytes)
36446 2743 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSS::calculateTiledLayout (822 bytes)
36447 2712 4 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$AbstractElement::isDefined (11 bytes)
36451 2742 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$ColumnIterator::getTrailingCollapseSpan (9 bytes)
36451 2744 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$ColumnIterator::getSpan (10 bytes)
36453 2738 4 javax.swing.text.Utilities::getTabbedTextOffset (351 bytes)
36461 2257 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.Utilities::getTabbedTextOffset (351 bytes)
36461 2756 4 javax.swing.text.BoxView::updateLayoutArray (40 bytes)
36465 1498 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.BoxView::updateLayoutArray (40 bytes)
36465 2713 s 4 java.util.Stack::peek (25 bytes)
36467 2758 1 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::setIndex (6 bytes)
36468 2273 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::setIndex (6 bytes)
36468 2759 1 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$ColumnIterator::getAdjustmentWeight (10 bytes)
36468 2056 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.TableView$ColumnIterator::getAdjustmentWeight (10 bytes)
36468 2745 3 javax.swing.text.FlowView$FlowStrategy::layoutRow (415 bytes)
36469 1130 s 3 made not entrant java.util.Stack::peek (25 bytes)
36470 2726 4 javax.swing.text.html.TableView::getAttributes (26 bytes)
36472 2746 3 javax.swing.text.FlowView$FlowStrategy::reparentViews (42 bytes)
36473 2757 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::getMaximumSpan (6 bytes)
36474 2753 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$ColumnIterator::setIndex (6 bytes)
36474 2754 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$ColumnIterator::setOffset (11 bytes)
36474 2748 3 javax.swing.text.ParagraphView::getFlowStart (34 bytes)
36475 2749 3 javax.swing.text.ParagraphView::getFlowSpan (56 bytes)
36475 2750 3 javax.swing.text.ParagraphView$Row::calculateMinorAxisRequirements (7 bytes)
36476 2751 3 javax.swing.text.ParagraphView$Row::calculateMajorAxisRequirements (33 bytes)
36476 2752 3 javax.swing.text.ParagraphView$Row::layoutMajorAxis (481 bytes)
36479 2747 3 java.util.Vector::clear (5 bytes)
36479 2755 3 javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::calculateMajorAxisRequirements (114 bytes)
--- n java.lang.Thread::holdsLock (static)
36487 2760 3 java.util.regex.Pattern$6::isSatisfiedBy (28 bytes)
36488 2761 3 java.util.Formatter$Conversion::isInteger (48 bytes)
36488 2762 3 java.util.Formatter$Conversion::isGeneral (64 bytes)
36489 2763 3 java.lang.CharacterDataLatin1::getType (10 bytes)
36489 2764 3 java.awt.geom.Path2D$Iterator::isDone (20 bytes)
36494 2765 1 java.awt.EventDispatchThread$1::evaluate (2 bytes)
36494 941 3 made not entrant java.awt.EventDispatchThread$1::evaluate (2 bytes)
36629 1475 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet::addAttributes (25 bytes)
36629 2720 4 javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::removeAttributes (69 bytes)
36633 670 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::removeAttributes (69 bytes)
37157 2766 s 3 sun.java2d.Disposer::add (61 bytes)
37308 2242 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.TableView::getAttributes (26 bytes)
38042 2767 3 java.awt.event.InvocationEvent::<init> (41 bytes)
38043 2189 3 made zombie javax.swing.undo.AbstractUndoableEdit::addEdit (2 bytes)
38045 822 3 made zombie java.util.IdentityHashMap::hash (18 bytes)
38253 2768 3 java.awt.Rectangle::setBounds (21 bytes)
38258 1660 3 made zombie$HandleTable::markDependency (171 bytes)
38259 1685 3 made zombie$BlockDataOutputStream::writeInt (46 bytes)
38259 1690 3 made zombie$BlockDataInputStream::readInt (73 bytes)
38259 1710 3 made zombie (48 bytes)
38261 2769 ! 3 java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager::clearMostRecentFocusOwner (111 bytes)
38264 2771 ! 4 javax.swing.UIDefaults::getFromResourceBundle (72 bytes)
38265 1975 2 made zombie javax.swing.JScrollPane::isValidateRoot (2 bytes)
38267 2164 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit::getViewFactory (4 bytes)
38269 2252 3 made zombie java.lang.Float::floatValue (5 bytes)
38276 2770 3 javax.swing.JComponent::repaint (22 bytes)
38277 2773 3 java.awt.event.InvocationEvent::<init> (13 bytes)
38278 2772 ! 3 java.awt.event.InvocationEvent::dispatch (84 bytes)
38279 2774 ! 3 java.awt.Container::decreaseComponentCount (124 bytes)
38280 2775 ! 3 java.awt.EventQueue::removeSourceEvents (249 bytes)
38282 2776 3 javax.swing.SwingUtilities::computeUnion (149 bytes)
38287 300 ! 3 made not entrant javax.swing.UIDefaults::getFromResourceBundle (72 bytes)
38289 2777 3 java.awt.event.InvocationEvent::<init> (9 bytes)
38289 2778 ! 3 javax.swing.SystemEventQueueUtilities::queueComponentWorkRequest (114 bytes)
38291 941 3 made zombie java.awt.EventDispatchThread$1::evaluate (2 bytes)
38301 2779 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthScrollBarUI::getContext (17 bytes)
38301 2780 4 javax.swing.JComponent::getFlag (20 bytes)
38302 490 3 made not entrant javax.swing.JComponent::getFlag (20 bytes)
38303 670 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::removeAttributes (69 bytes)
38306 1130 s 3 made zombie java.util.Stack::peek (25 bytes)
38307 2781 3 javax.swing.JScrollBar::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
38308 1469 s 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.StyleContext::addAttributes (78 bytes)
38309 1475 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet::addAttributes (25 bytes)
38309 1498 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.BoxView::updateLayoutArray (40 bytes)
38437 2782 3 sun.awt.image.BufImgSurfaceData::getBounds (22 bytes)
38440 1949 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.MuxingAttributeSet::isDefined (35 bytes)
38442 2056 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.TableView$ColumnIterator::getAdjustmentWeight (10 bytes)
38444 2257 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.Utilities::getTabbedTextOffset (351 bytes)
38444 2284 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::getAdjustmentWeight (2 bytes)
38445 2273 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::setIndex (6 bytes)
38452 2783 3 java.util.IdentityHashMap$IdentityHashMapIterator::nextIndex (72 bytes)
38488 2784 4 java.awt.Component::getToolkitImpl (41 bytes)
38489 2785 3 sun.awt.AWTAccessor::getWindowAccessor (19 bytes)
38490 2786 3 java.awt.Window$1::isOpaque (5 bytes)
38493 514 3 made not entrant java.awt.Component::getToolkitImpl (41 bytes)
38673 2787 4 java.awt.Container::proxyEnableEvents (44 bytes)
38679 515 3 made not entrant java.awt.Container::proxyEnableEvents (44 bytes)
38745 2788 ! 3 javax.swing.RepaintManager::beginPaint (83 bytes)
38746 2789 3 javax.swing.BufferStrategyPaintManager::prepare (330 bytes)
38752 2790 3 javax.swing.BufferStrategyPaintManager::flushAccumulatedRegion (101 bytes)
38806 2791 3 java.awt.Rectangle::equals (68 bytes)
38807 2792 4 sun.java2d.pipe.Region::getIntersectionXYXY (108 bytes)
38808 2793 4 sun.java2d.pipe.Region::isInsideXYXY (39 bytes)
38809 809 3 made not entrant sun.java2d.pipe.Region::isInsideXYXY (39 bytes)
38811 808 3 made not entrant sun.java2d.pipe.Region::getIntersectionXYXY (108 bytes)
38820 2794 3 javax.swing.JLabel::setText (107 bytes)
38822 2796 ! 3 java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer::acquireQueued (67 bytes)
38823 2795 3 sun.swing.DefaultLookup::getBorder (8 bytes)
38831 2797 3 javax.swing.JViewport::getViewPosition (44 bytes)
38833 2798 3 sun.awt.image.SunVolatileImage::createGraphics (27 bytes)
38835 2799 3 sun.awt.image.SunVolatileImage::getForeground (19 bytes)
38836 2800 3 java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer::compareAndSetTail (13 bytes)
38844 2801 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthScrollBarUI::getContext (11 bytes)
38846 2802 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthScrollBarUI::getComponentState (5 bytes)
38918 2803 3 java.lang.Long::getChars (221 bytes)
38930 2804 3 javax.swing.JComponent::isLightweightComponent (8 bytes)
38931 2807 4 java.awt.Component::invalidateIfValid (12 bytes)
38931 2805 3 javax.swing.JComponent::computeVisibleRect (92 bytes)
38933 493 3 made not entrant java.awt.Component::invalidateIfValid (12 bytes)
38934 2808 3 sun.awt.image.SunVolatileImage::contentsLost (8 bytes)
38934 2806 ! 3 javax.swing.BufferStrategyPaintManager::beginPaint (62 bytes)
39040 2809 3 java.awt.Component::getNativeContainer (29 bytes)
39042 2810 ! 3 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::untransformShape (44 bytes)
39054 2811 ! 3 java.awt.Container::addNotify (104 bytes)
39056 2812 ! 3 java.awt.Component::addNotify (517 bytes)
39127 2813 4 java.util.IdentityHashMap::get (60 bytes)
39129 2814 ! 4 java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager::getFocusOwner (43 bytes)
39133 836 3 made not entrant java.util.IdentityHashMap::get (60 bytes)
39134 696 ! 3 made not entrant java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager::getFocusOwner (43 bytes)
39141 2815 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicListUI::maybeUpdateLayoutState (17 bytes)
39143 2816 3 javax.swing.JComponent::isPaintingOrigin (2 bytes)
39190 2817 3 javax.swing.DefaultBoundedRangeModel::setRangeProperties (134 bytes)
39201 2818 ! 4 javax.swing.UIManager::maybeInitialize (36 bytes)
39202 2819 ! 4 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthContext::getContext (110 bytes)
39216 2820 3 java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer::addWaiter (50 bytes)
39217 2821 3 java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$Node::<init> (15 bytes)
39222 519 ! 3 made not entrant javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthContext::getContext (110 bytes)
39223 309 ! 3 made not entrant javax.swing.UIManager::maybeInitialize (36 bytes)
39337 2822 ! 4 java.awt.Container::getComponent (42 bytes)
39340 765 ! 3 made not entrant java.awt.Container::getComponent (42 bytes)
39341 300 ! 3 made zombie javax.swing.UIDefaults::getFromResourceBundle (72 bytes)
39349 2823 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicListUI::getCellBounds (258 bytes)
39374 2824 3 (22 bytes)
39375 2828 ! 4 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::validateCompClip (219 bytes)
39380 2825 3 sun.awt.X11.XDecoratedPeer::getGraphics (33 bytes)
39384 875 ! 3 made not entrant sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::validateCompClip (219 bytes)
39387 2242 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.TableView::getAttributes (26 bytes)
39393 2826 3 sun.awt.X11.XWindow::getGraphics (67 bytes)
39393 2827 3 sun.java2d.x11.X11SurfaceData$X11WindowSurfaceData::getBounds (22 bytes)
39400 2829 3 java.util.IdentityHashMap$IdentityHashMapIterator::<init> (6 bytes)
39400 2830 3 java.util.IdentityHashMap$IdentityHashMapIterator::<init> (63 bytes)
39550 2831 3 javax.swing.JComponent::addNotify (26 bytes)
39551 2832 3 javax.swing.JComponent::registerNextFocusableComponent (9 bytes)
39551 2833 3 javax.swing.JComponent::registerNextFocusableComponent (57 bytes)
39558 2834 4 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::setColor (103 bytes)
39563 812 3 made not entrant sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::setColor (103 bytes)
39582 2835 4 sun.awt.SunToolkit::awtUnlock (7 bytes)
39583 2836 ! 3 javax.swing.JComponent::safelyGetGraphics (30 bytes)
39586 2051 3 made not entrant sun.awt.SunToolkit::awtUnlock (7 bytes)
39744 2837 4 java.awt.Container::adjustDecendantsOnParent (16 bytes)
39745 2838 ! 4 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthContext::releaseContext (68 bytes)
39746 802 3 made not entrant java.awt.Container::adjustDecendantsOnParent (16 bytes)
39747 2839 3 javax.swing.JComponent::paintImmediately (100 bytes)
39748 2840 3 javax.swing.JComponent::alwaysOnTop (2 bytes)
39759 692 ! 3 made not entrant javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthContext::releaseContext (68 bytes)
40003 2841 3 java.awt.Container::add (9 bytes)
40213 2842 3 java.util.Calendar::complete (40 bytes)
40214 2844 4 (130 bytes)
40217 2843 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.Repository::isTraceOn (6 bytes)
40219 2847 3 java.util.TreeSet::add (22 bytes)
40220 1693 3 made not entrant (130 bytes)
40220 2848 3 java.lang.ThreadLocal::set (30 bytes)
40221 2845 3 (28 bytes)
40221 2846 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer::cloneObjectName (11 bytes)
40225 309 ! 3 made zombie javax.swing.UIManager::maybeInitialize (36 bytes)
40228 490 3 made zombie javax.swing.JComponent::getFlag (20 bytes)
40228 493 3 made zombie java.awt.Component::invalidateIfValid (12 bytes)
40229 514 3 made zombie java.awt.Component::getToolkitImpl (41 bytes)
40229 515 3 made zombie java.awt.Container::proxyEnableEvents (44 bytes)
40230 519 ! 3 made zombie javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthContext::getContext (110 bytes)
40230 2851 3 java.lang.Long::toString (129 bytes)
40231 696 ! 3 made zombie java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager::getFocusOwner (43 bytes)
40232 2857 4 sun.rmi.runtime.Log$LoggerLog::isLoggable (9 bytes)
40232 809 3 made zombie sun.java2d.pipe.Region::isInsideXYXY (39 bytes)
40232 808 3 made zombie sun.java2d.pipe.Region::getIntersectionXYXY (108 bytes)
40233 836 3 made zombie java.util.IdentityHashMap::get (60 bytes)
40233 1674 3 made not entrant sun.rmi.runtime.Log$LoggerLog::isLoggable (9 bytes)
40237 2855 3 java.util.regex.Matcher::group (110 bytes)
40239 2036 2 made not entrant java.util.regex.Matcher::group (110 bytes)
40244 2856 3 java.util.regex.Pattern$GroupHead::match (47 bytes)
40245 2035 2 made not entrant java.util.regex.Pattern$GroupHead::match (47 bytes)
40252 2858 3 java.text.MessageFormat::subformat (567 bytes)
40253 2862 4 javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::isDefined (9 bytes)
40254 2863 4 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$AbstractElement::getAttributeNames (10 bytes)
40256 1861 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$AbstractElement::getAttributeNames (10 bytes)
40258 2854 3 java.util.HashMap::keySet (28 bytes)
40259 2859 3 java.text.MessageFormat::<init> (53 bytes)
40259 2860 3 (45 bytes)
40260 1887 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::isDefined (9 bytes)
40260 2861 ! 3 (47 bytes)
40261 2864 4 java.lang.Boolean::equals (29 bytes)
40261 2850 3 java.util.regex.Pattern$LastNode::match (45 bytes)
40262 2852 ! 3 sun.reflect.GeneratedSerializationConstructorAccessor20::newInstance (49 bytes)
40262 347 3 made not entrant java.lang.Boolean::equals (29 bytes)
40263 2853 3 java.util.TreeMap::readObject (18 bytes)
40263 2865 ! 4 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$SearchBuffer::obtainSearchBuffer (44 bytes)
40263 2866 4 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$SearchBuffer::empty (44 bytes)
40263 2849 3 java.lang.System::getProperty (25 bytes)
40264 2867 3 javax.swing.text.View::insertUpdate (60 bytes)
40266 2869 3 javax.swing.text.GapContent::resetMarksAtZero (66 bytes)
40270 2872 ! 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::parseEntityReference (714 bytes)
40274 1879 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$SearchBuffer::empty (44 bytes)
40274 2875 s! 4 java.util.Hashtable::clone (98 bytes)
40275 2873 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.DTD::getEntity (12 bytes)
40275 1872 ! 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$SearchBuffer::obtainSearchBuffer (44 bytes)
40275 2868 4 javax.swing.text.GapContent::findSortIndex (131 bytes)
40275 2874 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.Entity::isGeneral (16 bytes)
40276 2876 3 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader$ConvertAction::start (663 bytes)
40281 1896 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.GapContent::findSortIndex (131 bytes)
40281 2871 4 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$BoxPainter::getInset (246 bytes)
40281 2877 3 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader$ConvertAction::end (8 bytes)
40288 1889 s! 3 made not entrant java.util.Hashtable::clone (98 bytes)
40289 2878 3 java.util.regex.Matcher::start (22 bytes)
40289 2880 3 java.awt.geom.AffineTransform::getTranslateX (5 bytes)
40290 2881 3 java.awt.geom.AffineTransform::getTranslateY (5 bytes)
40290 2879 3 java.util.regex.Matcher::end (22 bytes)
40291 2870 4 javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet$EmptyAttributeSet::getAttributeNames (4 bytes)
40292 1174 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet$EmptyAttributeSet::getAttributeNames (4 bytes)
40294 692 ! 3 made zombie javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthContext::releaseContext (68 bytes)
40295 765 ! 3 made zombie java.awt.Container::getComponent (42 bytes)
40295 802 3 made zombie java.awt.Container::adjustDecendantsOnParent (16 bytes)
40296 812 3 made zombie sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::setColor (103 bytes)
40296 875 ! 3 made zombie sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::validateCompClip (219 bytes)
40298 2882 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthScrollBarUI$2::contains (112 bytes)
40302 1693 3 made zombie (130 bytes)
40323 1882 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$BoxPainter::getInset (246 bytes)
40324 2051 3 made zombie sun.awt.SunToolkit::awtUnlock (7 bytes)
40335 2883 ! 4 javax.swing.RepaintManager::addDirtyRegion0 (202 bytes)
40338 2884 ! 4 java.awt.Component::getGraphicsConfiguration (47 bytes)
40341 845 ! 3 made not entrant java.awt.Component::getGraphicsConfiguration (47 bytes)
40348 2885 4 javax.swing.RepaintManager::addDirtyRegion (37 bytes)
40368 613 ! 3 made not entrant javax.swing.RepaintManager::addDirtyRegion0 (202 bytes)
40374 2886 3 javax.swing.JScrollPane::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
40375 394 3 made not entrant javax.swing.RepaintManager::addDirtyRegion (37 bytes)
40385 2887 3 java.lang.Math::abs (11 bytes)
40386 2888 3 javax.swing.JScrollBar::setValues (74 bytes)
40387 2889 1 java.awt.Image$1::getSurfaceManager (5 bytes)
40387 2467 3 made not entrant java.awt.Image$1::getSurfaceManager (5 bytes)
40387 2890 ! 3 java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager::retargetFocusEvent (256 bytes)
40498 2891 ! 3 javax.swing.RepaintManager::endPaint (72 bytes)
40520 2892 4 java.awt.Component::getGraphics (124 bytes)
40543 1400 3 made not entrant java.awt.Component::getGraphics (124 bytes)
40606 2893 3 sun.swing.DefaultLookup::getBoolean (32 bytes)
40865 2894 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollPaneUI$Handler::stateChanged (102 bytes)
41136 2895 4 javax.swing.JComponent::repaint (16 bytes)
41149 491 3 made not entrant javax.swing.JComponent::repaint (16 bytes)
41212 2896 ! 3 sun.awt.X11GraphicsDevice::getDefaultConfiguration (33 bytes)
41223 2897 3 java.awt.Component::setComponentOrientation (24 bytes)
41225 2898 3 sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment::getDefaultScreenDevice (10 bytes)
--- n sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment::getDefaultScreenNum
41322 2899 3 javax.swing.JViewport::getExtentSize (5 bytes)
41325 347 3 made zombie java.lang.Boolean::equals (29 bytes)
41335 2901 ! 3 javax.swing.RepaintManager::scheduleHeavyWeightPaints (193 bytes)
41346 2900 ! 3 javax.swing.SystemEventQueueUtilities$ComponentWorkRequest::run (40 bytes)
41350 1674 3 made zombie sun.rmi.runtime.Log$LoggerLog::isLoggable (9 bytes)
41350 1872 ! 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$SearchBuffer::obtainSearchBuffer (44 bytes)
41350 1879 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$SearchBuffer::empty (44 bytes)
41350 1887 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::isDefined (9 bytes)
41350 1896 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.GapContent::findSortIndex (131 bytes)
41351 1861 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$AbstractElement::getAttributeNames (10 bytes)
41351 2902 3 java.util.IdentityHashMap::keySet (26 bytes)
41352 2035 2 made zombie java.util.regex.Pattern$GroupHead::match (47 bytes)
41352 2036 2 made zombie java.util.regex.Matcher::group (110 bytes)
41357 2903 3 java.util.IdentityHashMap$KeySet::iterator (13 bytes)
41421 2904 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollBarUI::access$102 (7 bytes)
41470 2905 3 java.awt.Component::getLocationOnScreen_NoTreeLock (104 bytes)
41472 2906 ! 3 sun.awt.X11.XDecoratedPeer::getLocationOnScreen (92 bytes)
41482 2907 3 javax.swing.JList::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
41483 2908 4 javax.swing.JComponent::getGraphics (33 bytes)
41486 871 3 made not entrant javax.swing.JComponent::getGraphics (33 bytes)
41486 2909 3 javax.swing.RepaintManager::updateWindows (175 bytes)
41487 2910 3 com.sun.awt.AWTUtilities::isTranslucencySupported (50 bytes)
41495 2911 ! 4 java.awt.Component::firePropertyChange (59 bytes)
41497 2912 ! 3 java.awt.Component::mixOnHiding (84 bytes)
41506 308 ! 3 made not entrant java.awt.Component::firePropertyChange (59 bytes)
41617 2913 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicListUI::getHeight (82 bytes)
41629 2914 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthStyle::getBoolean (27 bytes)
41728 2915 4 java.awt.Rectangle::translate (197 bytes)
41731 954 3 made not entrant java.awt.Rectangle::translate (197 bytes)
41742 2916 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthScrollBarUI::getContext (31 bytes)
41765 2917 ! 4 sun.awt.X11.XKeyboardFocusManagerPeer::getCurrentNativeFocusOwner (17 bytes)
41765 2918 3 javax.swing.JViewport::getViewLocation (24 bytes)
41767 2920 4 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthContext::dispose (15 bytes)
41767 2919 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthScrollBarUI::setThumbRollover (25 bytes)
41767 924 ! 3 made not entrant sun.awt.X11.XKeyboardFocusManagerPeer::getCurrentNativeFocusOwner (17 bytes)
41782 691 3 made not entrant javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthContext::dispose (15 bytes)
41790 2921 3 sun.awt.image.SunVolatileImage::getFont (43 bytes)
41889 2922 3 java.util.IdentityHashMap::remove (102 bytes)
41890 2925 3 javax.swing.RepaintManager$PaintManager::paint (189 bytes)
41894 2923 3 javax.swing.RepaintManager::paint (94 bytes)
41895 2924 3 javax.swing.BufferStrategyPaintManager::paint (228 bytes)
41897 2926 3 javax.swing.RepaintManager::useVolatileDoubleBuffer (4 bytes)
41899 2927 3 javax.swing.RepaintManager::getVolatileOffscreenBuffer (245 bytes)
41912 2928 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthListUI::getContext (17 bytes)
41961 2929 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthScrollBarUI$1::contains (92 bytes)
41964 2930 3 sun.awt.X11.XBaseWindow::isGrabbedEvent (57 bytes)
42072 2931 4 java.awt.geom.AffineTransform::translate (546 bytes)
42074 2932 3 java.util.AbstractSequentialList::iterator (5 bytes)
42079 946 3 made not entrant java.awt.geom.AffineTransform::translate (546 bytes)
42086 2933 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLabelUI::update (41 bytes)
42089 2934 3 (74 bytes)
42098 2935 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthListUI::getContext (11 bytes)
42101 2936 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthListUI::getComponentState (5 bytes)
42110 2937 3 sun.java2d.pipe.Region::isRectangular (13 bytes)
42111 2938 ! 3 javax.swing.RepaintManager::markCompletelyClean (44 bytes)
42233 2939 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollBarUI::setThumbBounds (158 bytes)
42246 2940 3 java.awt.Component::getToolkit (5 bytes)
42271 2941 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthScrollPaneUI::getContext (17 bytes)
42382 2942 3 javax.swing.CellRendererPane::addImpl (17 bytes)
42386 394 3 made zombie javax.swing.RepaintManager::addDirtyRegion (37 bytes)
42387 491 3 made zombie javax.swing.JComponent::repaint (16 bytes)
42604 2943 3 java.awt.Component::processComponentEvent (82 bytes)
42606 613 ! 3 made zombie javax.swing.RepaintManager::addDirtyRegion0 (202 bytes)
42608 845 ! 3 made zombie java.awt.Component::getGraphicsConfiguration (47 bytes)
42613 1174 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet$EmptyAttributeSet::getAttributeNames (4 bytes)
43244 2944 3 java.awt.event.MouseEvent::setOldModifiers (273 bytes)
43247 1400 3 made zombie java.awt.Component::getGraphics (124 bytes)
43248 2467 3 made zombie java.awt.Image$1::getSurfaceManager (5 bytes)
43250 1882 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$BoxPainter::getInset (246 bytes)
43250 1889 s! 3 made zombie java.util.Hashtable::clone (98 bytes)
43699 2945 3 javax.swing.SwingUtilities::isRightMouseButton (16 bytes)
43711 2946 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthScrollBarUI::getSupportsAbsolutePositioning (27 bytes)
43713 2947 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollBarUI$TrackListener::mouseDragged (106 bytes)
43714 2948 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollBarUI$TrackListener::setValueFrom (494 bytes)
43933 2949 1 sun.awt.X11.XEvent::getPData (5 bytes)
43934 1015 3 made not entrant sun.awt.X11.XEvent::getPData (5 bytes)
44009 2950 4 sun.awt.X11.XAnyEvent::get_window (20 bytes)
44012 523 3 made not entrant sun.awt.X11.XAnyEvent::get_window (20 bytes)
44212 2951 3 java.util.TreeSet::addAll (103 bytes)
44215 2952 3 java.util.HashMap::values (28 bytes)
44216 2953 3 java.util.HashMap$Values::iterator (8 bytes)
44217 2954 3 java.util.HashMap::newValueIterator (10 bytes)
44218 2957 3 (7 bytes)
44218 2955 3 java.util.HashMap$ValueIterator::<init> (6 bytes)
44219 2959 ! 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.MBeanIntrospector::invokeM (44 bytes)
44220 2956 3 java.util.HashMap$ValueIterator::<init> (11 bytes)
44220 2958 3 sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPConnection::releaseOutputStream (15 bytes)
44221 2961 ! 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.MXBeanLookup::lookupFor (73 bytes)
44225 2962 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.WeakIdentityHashMap$IdentityWeakReference::equals (44 bytes)
44226 2960 3 java.text.SimpleDateFormat::subFormat (859 bytes)
44233 2971 3 java.util.AbstractCollection::containsAll (33 bytes)
44233 2972 4 java.lang.String::toLowerCase (436 bytes)
44234 2970 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.MBeanSupport::getAttribute (17 bytes)
44234 2965 3$BlockDataOutputStream::<init> (57 bytes)
44234 2967 3 (8 bytes)
44235 2973 s 4 java.lang.StringBuffer::append (8 bytes)
44235 2969 3 (84 bytes)
44235 2966 ! 3 sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor13::invoke (66 bytes)
44236 2974 3 java.util.regex.Matcher::getSubSequence (12 bytes)
44236 2968 ! 3 sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor15::invoke (66 bytes)
44237 2963 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.Repository::retrieve (47 bytes)
44238 2964 ! 3 com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor::getMBean (98 bytes)
44243 67 s 3 made not entrant java.lang.StringBuffer::append (8 bytes)
44246 2975 ! 3$1::done (601 bytes)
44253 871 3 made zombie javax.swing.JComponent::getGraphics (33 bytes)
44254 924 ! 3 made zombie sun.awt.X11.XKeyboardFocusManagerPeer::getCurrentNativeFocusOwner (17 bytes)
44255 308 ! 3 made zombie java.awt.Component::firePropertyChange (59 bytes)
44255 2978 4 javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::parseIdentifier (643 bytes)
44256 69 3 made not entrant java.lang.String::toLowerCase (436 bytes)
44256 2976 3 java.lang.StringBuffer::<init> (18 bytes)
44258 691 3 made zombie javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthContext::dispose (15 bytes)
44258 946 3 made zombie java.awt.geom.AffineTransform::translate (546 bytes)
44260 2980 s 4 java.util.Vector::copyInto (15 bytes)
44261 954 3 made zombie java.awt.Rectangle::translate (197 bytes)
44263 2137 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::parseIdentifier (643 bytes)
44263 1871 s 3 made not entrant java.util.Vector::copyInto (15 bytes)
44264 2979 3 javax.swing.text.CompositeView::setParent (27 bytes)
44265 1957 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.CompositeView::setParent (27 bytes)
44265 2982 4 javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::skipSpace (149 bytes)
44266 2984 4 javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument$ElementSpec::<init> (38 bytes)
44267 1893 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument$ElementSpec::<init> (38 bytes)
44267 2987 4 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$LargeConversionSet::getAttribute (58 bytes)
44268 2983 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.Element::getAttributeByValue (39 bytes)
44269 1888 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::skipSpace (149 bytes)
44269 2985 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSS::addInternalCSSValue (112 bytes)
44270 2981 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.DocumentParser::handleError (13 bytes)
44271 2977 3 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$CssParser::handleProperty (6 bytes)
44278 2986 4 javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::getString (39 bytes)
44281 1301 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$LargeConversionSet::getAttribute (58 bytes)
44281 67 s 3 made zombie java.lang.StringBuffer::append (8 bytes)
44283 1890 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::getString (39 bytes)
44284 2988 4 java.util.Vector::<init> (49 bytes)
44284 523 3 made zombie sun.awt.X11.XAnyEvent::get_window (20 bytes)
44285 563 3 made not entrant java.util.Vector::<init> (49 bytes)
44285 2989 3 javax.swing.DefaultListCellRenderer::getNoFocusBorder (52 bytes)
44286 1015 3 made zombie sun.awt.X11.XEvent::getPData (5 bytes)
44287 2990 3 sun.awt.X11GraphicsDevice::getIDstring (23 bytes)
44316 2991 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicListUI::convertLocationToRow (186 bytes)
44321 2992 3 javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder::getBorderInsets (34 bytes)
44378 2993 3 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::getClip (9 bytes)
44402 2994 3 javax.swing.DefaultListModel::getElementAt (9 bytes)
44404 2996 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthScrollPaneUI::getContext (11 bytes)
44406 2995 3$ThreadJList$1::getListCellRendererComponent (54 bytes)
44649 2997 ! 3 javax.swing.JViewport::setViewPosition (318 bytes)
44657 2998 3 sun.awt.NullComponentPeer::insets (12 bytes)
44700 2999 4 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::dispose (12 bytes)
44702 807 3 made not entrant sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::dispose (12 bytes)
44784 3000 4 java.awt.Component::inside (30 bytes)
44787 818 3 made not entrant java.awt.Component::inside (30 bytes)
44883 3001 3 javax.swing.JViewport::canUseWindowBlitter (325 bytes)
44909 3002 4 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::translate (68 bytes)
44911 843 3 made not entrant sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::translate (68 bytes)
45032 3003 3 java.util.IdentityHashMap::closeDeletion (107 bytes)
45056 3004 4 javax.swing.MultiUIDefaults::get (61 bytes)
45057 3005 ! 3 java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager::getPermanentFocusOwner (43 bytes)
45062 302 3 made not entrant javax.swing.MultiUIDefaults::get (61 bytes)
45216 3006 3 javax.swing.JComponent::isPainting (36 bytes)
45230 3007 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthScrollBarUI::getContext (13 bytes)
45232 3008 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthScrollBarUI::getComponentState (28 bytes)
45243 3009 4 java.util.ArrayList::<init> (44 bytes)
45245 485 3 made not entrant java.util.ArrayList::<init> (44 bytes)
45341 3010 ! 4 sun.awt.X11.XToolkit::callTimeoutTasks (232 bytes)
45346 862 ! 3 made not entrant sun.awt.X11.XToolkit::callTimeoutTasks (232 bytes)
45346 69 3 made zombie java.lang.String::toLowerCase (436 bytes)
45351 3011 ! 4 sun.awt.PostEventQueue::flush (60 bytes)
45352 3012 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicListUI::convertLocationToColumn (98 bytes)
45364 3013 4 java.awt.Component::getContainingWindow (24 bytes)
45366 1100 3 made not entrant java.awt.Component::getContainingWindow (24 bytes)
45368 1871 s 3 made zombie java.util.Vector::copyInto (15 bytes)
45368 1888 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::skipSpace (149 bytes)
45368 1893 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument$ElementSpec::<init> (38 bytes)
45369 1957 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.CompositeView::setParent (27 bytes)
45450 3014 ! 3 javax.swing.RepaintManager::getDirtyRegion (76 bytes)
45453 2137 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::parseIdentifier (643 bytes)
45459 3015 3 javax.swing.SwingUtilities::getRoot (36 bytes)
45490 3017 ! 3 java.awt.Container::removeNotify (87 bytes)
45491 3016 3 javax.swing.JComponent::removeNotify (55 bytes)
45586 3018 3 javax.swing.JList::getUI (8 bytes)
45636 3019 3 javax.swing.JComponent::adjustPaintFlags (95 bytes)
45654 3020 3 (112 bytes)
45657 3021 3 javax.swing.JViewport::needsRepaintAfterBlit (59 bytes)
45701 864 ! 3 made not entrant sun.awt.PostEventQueue::flush (60 bytes)
45759 3022 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollBarUI$TrackListener::adjustValueIfNecessary (293 bytes)
45894 3023 ! 3 javax.swing.CellRendererPane::paintComponent (178 bytes)
45969 3027 ! 3 javax.swing.RepaintManager$PaintManager::paintDoubleBuffered (179 bytes)
45971 3024 ! 3 javax.swing.RepaintManager::getDoubleBufferMaximumSize (110 bytes)
45973 3032 ! 3 javax.swing.BufferStrategyPaintManager::endPaint (175 bytes)
45976 3030 3 sun.java2d.x11.X11SurfaceData::validatePipe (376 bytes)
45979 3031 3 sun.awt.image.VolatileSurfaceManager::getSourceSurfaceData (5 bytes)
45979 3025 3 sun.awt.image.SunVolatileImage::validate (9 bytes)
45980 3026 ! 3 sun.awt.image.VolatileSurfaceManager::validate (204 bytes)
45982 3028 3 java.awt.image.VolatileImage::getGraphics (5 bytes)
45982 3029 ! 3 javax.swing.JComponent::paintToOffscreen (108 bytes)
46128 3033 4 java.awt.LightweightDispatcher::retargetMouseEvent (343 bytes)
46166 907 3 made not entrant java.awt.LightweightDispatcher::retargetMouseEvent (343 bytes)
46189 3034 3 javax.swing.DefaultBoundedRangeModel::setValue (66 bytes)
46202 3035 3 javax.swing.JScrollBar::setValue (57 bytes)
46362 3036 4 java.awt.EventQueue::eventToCacheIndex (69 bytes)
46364 865 3 made not entrant java.awt.EventQueue::eventToCacheIndex (69 bytes)
46365 818 3 made zombie java.awt.Component::inside (30 bytes)
46366 302 3 made zombie javax.swing.MultiUIDefaults::get (61 bytes)
46368 485 3 made zombie java.util.ArrayList::<init> (44 bytes)
46368 563 3 made zombie java.util.Vector::<init> (49 bytes)
46856 3037 3 javax.swing.JViewport::getViewSize (36 bytes)
46860 807 3 made zombie sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::dispose (12 bytes)
46861 843 3 made zombie sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::translate (68 bytes)
46868 3038 3 javax.swing.SwingUtilities::getWindowAncestor (31 bytes)
46869 2020 2 made not entrant javax.swing.SwingUtilities::getWindowAncestor (31 bytes)
46870 1301 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$LargeConversionSet::getAttribute (58 bytes)
46874 1890 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::getString (39 bytes)
47016 3039 3 javax.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel::isSelectedIndex (29 bytes)
47755 3040 4 sun.font.FontDesignMetrics::getHeight (35 bytes)
47756 948 3 made not entrant sun.font.FontDesignMetrics::getHeight (35 bytes)
47757 907 3 made zombie java.awt.LightweightDispatcher::retargetMouseEvent (343 bytes)
48212 3041 3 sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPConnection::getInputStream (30 bytes)
48215 862 ! 3 made zombie sun.awt.X11.XToolkit::callTimeoutTasks (232 bytes)
48216 864 ! 3 made zombie sun.awt.PostEventQueue::flush (60 bytes)
48221 1100 3 made zombie java.awt.Component::getContainingWindow (24 bytes)
48223 3050 3 java.util.regex.Pattern$Branch::match (66 bytes)
48224 2021 2 made not entrant java.util.regex.Pattern$Branch::match (66 bytes)
48230 3047 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.ConvertingMethod::fromOpenParameters (56 bytes)
48231 3052 4 java.util.regex.Matcher::search (109 bytes)
48232 3053 4 (14 bytes)
48233 1618 3 made not entrant (14 bytes)
48236 3054 4 java.lang.Integer::parseInt (269 bytes)
48239 3043 3<init> (41 bytes)
48240 3044 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.MXBeanIntrospector::invokeM2 (13 bytes)
48240 3045 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.MXBeanIntrospector::invokeM2 (12 bytes)
48241 3046 ! 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.ConvertingMethod::invokeWithOpenReturn (130 bytes)
48243 3051 ! 3 sun.reflect.GeneratedSerializationConstructorAccessor33::newInstance (49 bytes)
48244 3048 3 sun.reflect.ClassFileAssembler::opc_invokespecial (26 bytes)
48245 3049 ! 3 sun.reflect.GeneratedSerializationConstructorAccessor32::newInstance (49 bytes)
48245 3042 3 java.lang.Enum::equals (11 bytes)
48248 246 3 made not entrant java.util.regex.Matcher::search (109 bytes)
48249 3055 4 javax.swing.SwingUtilities::isEventDispatchThread (4 bytes)
48249 602 3 made not entrant javax.swing.SwingUtilities::isEventDispatchThread (4 bytes)
48251 3058 1 javax.swing.text.View::getViewCount (2 bytes)
48251 2572 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.View::getViewCount (2 bytes)
48251 3056 s 3 java.util.Vector::insertElementAt (101 bytes)
48252 3060 3 java.util.Formatter::parse (193 bytes)
48253 790 3 made not entrant java.lang.Integer::parseInt (269 bytes)
48254 3059 3 java.util.regex.Matcher::replaceAll (57 bytes)
48255 3057 s! 3 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument::writeLock (86 bytes)
48256 3061 3 java.lang.Character::isUpperCase (158 bytes)
48256 3062 3 java.lang.CharacterDataLatin1::isUpperCase (16 bytes)
48257 3063 4 javax.swing.text.CompositeView::setInsets (22 bytes)
48257 3064 3 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader$BlockAction::<init> (11 bytes)
48258 2160 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.CompositeView::setInsets (22 bytes)
48259 3065 4 javax.swing.text.StyleContext$NamedStyle::fireStateChanged (69 bytes)
48263 1306 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.StyleContext$NamedStyle::fireStateChanged (69 bytes)
48265 3066 ! 4 java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue::poll (28 bytes)
48269 3067 4 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$BranchElement::getElement (17 bytes)
48269 587 ! 3 made not entrant java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue::poll (28 bytes)
48269 1858 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$BranchElement::getElement (17 bytes)
48271 3068 4 javax.swing.text.html.TableView::create (111 bytes)
48273 3069 4 javax.swing.text.StyleContext$NamedStyle::<init> (52 bytes)
48276 1904 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.StyleContext$NamedStyle::<init> (52 bytes)
48276 3070 ! 4 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$ViewAttributeSet::<init> (301 bytes)
48334 3071 3 javax.swing.JViewport::repaint (50 bytes)
48335 865 3 made zombie java.awt.EventQueue::eventToCacheIndex (69 bytes)
48347 3072 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollBarUI::layoutContainer (58 bytes)
48790 3073 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicListUI::convertModelToRow (70 bytes)
48795 2020 2 made zombie javax.swing.SwingUtilities::getWindowAncestor (31 bytes)
48796 3074 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicListUI::convertModelToColumn (70 bytes)
48810 3075 3 javax.swing.SwingUtilities::isLeftToRight (8 bytes)
48890 3076 3 javax.swing.JViewport::fireStateChanged (69 bytes)
48940 3077 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollPaneUI::syncScrollPaneWithViewport (388 bytes)
49003 1918 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.TableView::create (111 bytes)
49009 1900 ! 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$ViewAttributeSet::<init> (301 bytes)
49050 3078 ! 3 java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager::processCurrentLightweightRequests (345 bytes)
49173 3079 3 javax.swing.DefaultBoundedRangeModel::fireStateChanged (69 bytes)
49175 3080 4 java.util.LinkedList$ListItr::hasNext (20 bytes)
49177 810 3 made not entrant java.util.LinkedList$ListItr::hasNext (20 bytes)
49186 3081 3 java.awt.geom.AffineTransform::equals (92 bytes)
49187 2013 2 made not entrant java.awt.geom.AffineTransform::equals (92 bytes)
49210 3082 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLabelUI::paint (100 bytes)
49258 3083 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicListUI::paintCell (156 bytes)
49260 3085 4 java.util.IdentityHashMap::clear (39 bytes)
49261 3084 3 javax.swing.DefaultListCellRenderer::isOpaque (68 bytes)
49264 1096 3 made not entrant java.util.IdentityHashMap::clear (39 bytes)
49297 3086 4 java.awt.geom.AffineTransform::<init> (69 bytes)
49299 800 3 made not entrant java.awt.geom.AffineTransform::<init> (69 bytes)
49299 948 3 made zombie sun.font.FontDesignMetrics::getHeight (35 bytes)
49300 246 3 made zombie java.util.regex.Matcher::search (109 bytes)
49301 1618 3 made zombie (14 bytes)
49302 1858 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$BranchElement::getElement (17 bytes)
49812 3087 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollBarUI$ModelListener::stateChanged (52 bytes)
49814 587 ! 3 made zombie java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue::poll (28 bytes)
49814 602 3 made zombie javax.swing.SwingUtilities::isEventDispatchThread (4 bytes)
49817 790 3 made zombie java.lang.Integer::parseInt (269 bytes)
49823 3088 3 javax.swing.JScrollBar$ModelListener::stateChanged (58 bytes)
49824 1306 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.StyleContext$NamedStyle::fireStateChanged (69 bytes)
49828 1904 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.StyleContext$NamedStyle::<init> (52 bytes)
49829 2021 2 made zombie java.util.regex.Pattern$Branch::match (66 bytes)
49829 3089 3 javax.swing.JScrollBar::access$100 (10 bytes)
49830 2160 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.CompositeView::setInsets (22 bytes)
49833 2572 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.View::getViewCount (2 bytes)
51638 3090 3 javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI::getMinimumSize (6 bytes)
51638 3091 4 java.awt.Component::setBoundsOp (51 bytes)
51639 697 3 made not entrant java.awt.Component::setBoundsOp (51 bytes)
51640 3095 4 javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getPreferredSpan (138 bytes)
51644 810 3 made zombie java.util.LinkedList$ListItr::hasNext (20 bytes)
51648 1096 3 made zombie java.util.IdentityHashMap::clear (39 bytes)
51649 3093 3 javax.swing.text.FlowView$FlowStrategy::layout (188 bytes)
51654 1900 ! 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$ViewAttributeSet::<init> (301 bytes)
51654 1918 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.TableView::create (111 bytes)
51655 2013 2 made zombie java.awt.geom.AffineTransform::equals (92 bytes)
51655 3092 3 javax.swing.text.StyleContext$NamedStyle::isDefined (11 bytes)
51661 3097 4 javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getBreakSpotUseWhitespace (61 bytes)
51681 3098 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSS::getPointSize (54 bytes)
51682 3094 3 javax.swing.text.FlowView$FlowStrategy::unsetDamage (6 bytes)
51682 3096 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$CellView::calculateMajorAxisRequirements (15 bytes)
51684 2269 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getPreferredSpan (138 bytes)
51684 3100 4 javax.swing.text.FlowView$LogicalView::getAttributes (18 bytes)
51685 2220 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.FlowView$LogicalView::getAttributes (18 bytes)
51686 3099 4 java.util.BitSet::get (69 bytes)
51687 1201 3 made not entrant java.util.BitSet::get (69 bytes)
51688 2416 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getBreakSpotUseWhitespace (61 bytes)
51689 3101 3 javax.swing.text.ParagraphView$Row::getEndOffset (39 bytes)
51689 3102 3 javax.swing.text.BoxView::baselineRequirements (471 bytes)
51693 3105 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$ColumnIterator::getMinimumSpan (17 bytes)
51693 3103 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowView::getMaximumSpan (18 bytes)
51693 3104 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowView::getMinimumSpan (37 bytes)
51694 3106 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$ColumnIterator::setSpan (11 bytes)
51694 3107 3 javax.swing.text.ParagraphView::createRow (13 bytes)
51694 3110 4 javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView::isVisible (106 bytes)
51694 3108 3 javax.swing.text.ParagraphView$Row::<init> (17 bytes)
51694 3112 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowView::layoutMinorAxis (149 bytes)
51695 3111 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowView::calculateMajorAxisRequirements (57 bytes)
51696 3113 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$ColumnIterator::getLeadingCollapseSpan (9 bytes)
51696 3114 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$ColumnIterator::getPreferredSpan (65 bytes)
51696 3115 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$ColumnIterator::getMaximumSpan (17 bytes)
51697 3109 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::getBorderWidth (9 bytes)
51697 3116 ! 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI::getMinimumSize (123 bytes)
51700 2392 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView::isVisible (106 bytes)
51703 3117 4 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::create (8 bytes)
51707 3118 4 java.lang.Math::floor (5 bytes)
51708 803 3 made not entrant sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::create (8 bytes)
51708 3119 ! 3 java.awt.Component::setName (43 bytes)
51708 723 3 made not entrant java.lang.Math::floor (5 bytes)
51711 3123 ! 3 javax.swing.RepaintManager::paintDirtyRegions (379 bytes)
51714 3124 3 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::hitClip (262 bytes)
51715 2049 2 made not entrant sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::hitClip (262 bytes)
51715 3120 ! 3 javax.swing.RepaintManager::validateInvalidComponents (68 bytes)
51716 3121 ! 3 javax.swing.RepaintManager::seqPaintDirtyRegions (91 bytes)
51716 3122 ! 3 javax.swing.RepaintManager::paintDirtyRegions (50 bytes)
51725 3125 3 sun.awt.X11.XToolkit::isWindowTranslucencySupported (2 bytes)
51726 3126 ! 3 sun.awt.X11GraphicsDevice::getConfigurations (39 bytes)
52214 3127 1 java.util.Calendar::internalSet (8 bytes)
52214 1309 3 made not entrant java.util.Calendar::internalSet (8 bytes)
52218 3133 3 sun.rmi.server.MarshalOutputStream::<init> (7 bytes)
52221 800 3 made zombie java.awt.geom.AffineTransform::<init> (69 bytes)
52224 3137 4 java.util.HashMap::addEntry (58 bytes)
52230 3138 3 java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableCollection::iterator (9 bytes)
52234 47 3 made not entrant java.util.HashMap::addEntry (58 bytes)
52238 3140 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.OpenConverter::fromOpenValue (13 bytes)
52247 3139 3 java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1::<init> (26 bytes)
52248 3128 3 (100 bytes)
52249 3141 4 javax.swing.text.GapContent$UndoPosRef::<init> (23 bytes)
52250 3129 3$BlockDataInputStream::<init> (79 bytes)
52250 3142 4 javax.swing.JComponent::revalidate (43 bytes)
52251 2322 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.GapContent$UndoPosRef::<init> (23 bytes)
52251 3143 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$CellView::<init> (12 bytes)
52251 3130 3$PeekInputStream::<init> (15 bytes)
52251 3131 3$HandleTable::<init> (38 bytes)
52252 3132 3 (60 bytes)
52253 3144 4 javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::copyAttributes (8 bytes)
52253 3134 3 sun.rmi.server.MarshalOutputStream::<init> (23 bytes)
52254 3136 3 sun.reflect.ClassFileAssembler::emitInt (46 bytes)
52254 3135 3 (47 bytes)
52257 1891 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::copyAttributes (8 bytes)
52258 3145 ! 4 javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::clone (30 bytes)
52261 1892 ! 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::clone (30 bytes)
52261 3146 4 javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument$ElementBuffer::insertElement (530 bytes)
52266 3148 3 java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator$Attribute::equals (6 bytes)
52267 2038 2 made not entrant java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator$Attribute::equals (6 bytes)
52275 3150 3 java.util.WeakHashMap::transfer (110 bytes)
52277 6% 3 java.util.WeakHashMap::transfer @ 2 (110 bytes)
52288 505 3 made not entrant javax.swing.JComponent::revalidate (43 bytes)
52288 3149 4 javax.swing.text.StyleContext$SmallAttributeSet::updateResolveParent (49 bytes)
52289 3152 3 javax.swing.text.View::removeUpdate (60 bytes)
52291 1870 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.StyleContext$SmallAttributeSet::updateResolveParent (49 bytes)
52293 2416 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getBreakSpotUseWhitespace (61 bytes)
52293 3147 4 javax.swing.text.html.parser.DTD::getElement (52 bytes)
52298 3153 3 sun.java2d.pipe.AlphaColorPipe::startSequence (2 bytes)
52300 697 3 made zombie java.awt.Component::setBoundsOp (51 bytes)
52300 723 3 made zombie java.lang.Math::floor (5 bytes)
52300 803 3 made zombie sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::create (8 bytes)
52305 1201 3 made zombie java.util.BitSet::get (69 bytes)
52305 3154 3 java.util.Formatter$FormatSpecifier::checkBadFlags (39 bytes)
52306 559 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.parser.DTD::getElement (52 bytes)
52309 2049 2 made zombie sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::hitClip (262 bytes)
52309 3151 4 java.util.Hashtable$Enumerator::<init> (61 bytes)
52310 568 3 made not entrant java.util.Hashtable$Enumerator::<init> (61 bytes)
52311 3156 3 javax.swing.border.TitledBorder::getBorder (17 bytes)
52312 2220 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.FlowView$LogicalView::getAttributes (18 bytes)
52313 2269 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getPreferredSpan (138 bytes)
52313 3157 3 javax.swing.JSeparator::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
52313 2392 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView::isVisible (106 bytes)
52315 3110 4 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView::isVisible (106 bytes)
52319 3160 ! 3 java.awt.BorderLayout::layoutContainer (396 bytes)
52320 3158 4 javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView::isVisible (106 bytes)
52321 3162 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView::updateGrid (479 bytes)
52325 3166 1 sun.font.Font2D::getFamilyName (5 bytes)
52325 2251 3 made not entrant sun.font.Font2D::getFamilyName (5 bytes)
52326 3167 3 javax.swing.text.ParagraphView::getLayoutViewCount (8 bytes)
52326 1942 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.ParagraphView::getLayoutViewCount (8 bytes)
52326 3168 3 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet::getBackground (12 bytes)
52327 1955 2 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet::getBackground (12 bytes)
52327 3165 3 java.util.BitSet::recalculateWordsInUse (39 bytes)
52328 3163 3 java.util.BitSet::set (58 bytes)
52328 3169 4 javax.swing.text.ParagraphView::getLayoutView (9 bytes)
52329 3164 3 java.util.BitSet::expandTo (23 bytes)
52330 2618 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.ParagraphView::getLayoutView (9 bytes)
52330 3161 4 javax.swing.text.BoxView::layout (15 bytes)
52330 3170 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$ColumnIterator::getBorderWidth (9 bytes)
52330 2233 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.BoxView::layout (15 bytes)
52331 3159 4 javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getStartOffset (33 bytes)
52331 3171 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::getCount (11 bytes)
52331 3173 3 javax.swing.text.html.HRuleView::getPreferredSpan (117 bytes)
52333 3174 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowView::calculateMinorAxisRequirements (162 bytes)
52334 2265 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getStartOffset (33 bytes)
52334 3172 4 java.lang.Math::max (46 bytes)
52335 2240 3 made not entrant java.lang.Math::max (46 bytes)
52335 3155 4 java.awt.Dimension::<init> (15 bytes)
52335 3175 3 javax.swing.SizeRequirements::calculateTiledPositions (108 bytes)
52336 649 3 made not entrant java.awt.Dimension::<init> (15 bytes)
52336 3176 3 javax.swing.SizeRequirements::calculateTiledPositions (11 bytes)
52352 3177 4 java.awt.Rectangle::setBounds (10 bytes)
52353 1034 3 made not entrant java.awt.Rectangle::setBounds (10 bytes)
52389 3178 4 java.awt.Toolkit$SelectiveAWTEventListener::eventDispatched (745 bytes)
52407 869 3 made not entrant java.awt.Toolkit$SelectiveAWTEventListener::eventDispatched (745 bytes)
52767 3179 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthTabbedPaneUI::calculateTabWidth (156 bytes)
52770 3180 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthTabbedPaneUI::getContext (17 bytes)
53067 3181 3 javax.swing.text.Utilities::isComposedTextAttributeDefined (22 bytes)
53069 3185 3 sun.font.FileFontStrike::getSlot0GlyphImagePtrs (128 bytes)
53070 2034 2 made not entrant sun.font.FileFontStrike::getSlot0GlyphImagePtrs (128 bytes)
53070 3183 3 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::setRenderingHint (531 bytes)
53073 2019 2 made not entrant sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::setRenderingHint (531 bytes)
53073 3184 3 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$BoxPainter::isLeftToRight (34 bytes)
53074 3186 3 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$BoxPainter::paint (311 bytes)
53076 3182 3 javax.swing.text.Utilities::isComposedTextElement (12 bytes)
53576 1894 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument$ElementBuffer::insertElement (530 bytes)
53577 47 3 made zombie java.util.HashMap::addEntry (58 bytes)
53578 505 3 made zombie javax.swing.JComponent::revalidate (43 bytes)
56213 3187 3 sun.rmi.transport.ObjectEndpoint::<init> (60 bytes)
56223 3190 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.PerInterface::getAttribute (101 bytes)
56226 1309 3 made zombie java.util.Calendar::internalSet (8 bytes)
56230 3198 4 java.util.Arrays::fill (28 bytes)
56230 1891 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::copyAttributes (8 bytes)
56230 1892 ! 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::clone (30 bytes)
56231 2038 2 made zombie java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator$Attribute::equals (6 bytes)
56232 3197 3 java.util.TreeMap::writeObject (65 bytes)
56233 3201 4 java.text.MessageFormat::applyPattern (360 bytes)
56233 1804 3 made not entrant java.util.Arrays::fill (28 bytes)
56233 3200 3 (192 bytes)
56235 2322 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.GapContent$UndoPosRef::<init> (23 bytes)
56235 3191 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.OpenConverter$IdentityConverter::fromNonNullOpenValue (2 bytes)
56236 3189 3 java.lang.ThreadLocal$ThreadLocalMap::set (136 bytes)
56237 3194 3 java.util.logging.LogManager::demandLogger (34 bytes)
56237 3196 ! 3 sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall::releaseOutputStream (60 bytes)
56238 3193 3 java.rmi.server.ObjID::equals (46 bytes)
56239 3195 3 java.rmi.server.UID::read (34 bytes)
56239 3192 3 sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall::getOutputStream (6 bytes)
56239 3199 3 (49 bytes)
56240 3203 s 3 (10 bytes)
56241 3202 ! 3 java.text.MessageFormat::makeFormat (789 bytes)
56246 3188 3 sun.rmi.transport.Target::getImpl (11 bytes)
56247 3204 3 java.text.DecimalFormat::expandAffix (188 bytes)
56248 3146 4 made not entrant javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument$ElementBuffer::insertElement (530 bytes)
56249 3205 3 java.text.FieldPosition::access$200 (7 bytes)
56250 3206 3 java.text.FieldPosition::matchesField (30 bytes)
56251 3207 4 java.lang.Boolean::valueOf (14 bytes)
56252 497 3 made not entrant java.lang.Boolean::valueOf (14 bytes)
56252 3208 3 java.util.Hashtable::<init> (9 bytes)
56253 3209 3 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$DefaultDocumentEvent::<init> (26 bytes)
56253 3210 3 javax.swing.undo.CompoundEdit::<init> (21 bytes)
56254 3211 s 3 javax.swing.text.StyleContext::addAttribute (78 bytes)
56255 3212 3 javax.swing.text.GapContent::getPositionsInRange (176 bytes)
56256 3214 4 javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument$ElementBuffer::insertElement (530 bytes)
56269 3216 3 javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument$ElementBuffer::endEdits (150 bytes)
56270 1465 3 made not entrant java.text.MessageFormat::applyPattern (360 bytes)
56270 3215 4 java.util.Vector::<init> (7 bytes)
56282 1248 3 made not entrant java.util.Vector::<init> (7 bytes)
56285 568 3 made zombie java.util.Hashtable$Enumerator::<init> (61 bytes)
56285 559 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.parser.DTD::getElement (52 bytes)
56286 3213 4 javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::markFirstTime (83 bytes)
56290 1929 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::markFirstTime (83 bytes)
56290 649 3 made zombie java.awt.Dimension::<init> (15 bytes)
56291 869 3 made zombie java.awt.Toolkit$SelectiveAWTEventListener::eventDispatched (745 bytes)
56295 1034 3 made zombie java.awt.Rectangle::setBounds (10 bytes)
56296 3217 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView::setParent (14 bytes)
56299 1870 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.StyleContext$SmallAttributeSet::updateResolveParent (49 bytes)
56299 3218 ! 4 javax.swing.text.html.InlineView::calculateLongestWordSpanUseWhitespace (210 bytes)
56300 1942 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.ParagraphView::getLayoutViewCount (8 bytes)
56306 2223 ! 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.InlineView::calculateLongestWordSpanUseWhitespace (210 bytes)
56306 3219 4 javax.swing.text.ParagraphView$Row::getBottomInset (36 bytes)
56307 2282 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.ParagraphView$Row::getBottomInset (36 bytes)
56307 1955 2 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet::getBackground (12 bytes)
56307 3222 4 javax.swing.text.html.InlineView::getBreakWeight (17 bytes)
56308 2019 2 made zombie sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::setRenderingHint (531 bytes)
56308 2034 2 made zombie sun.font.FileFontStrike::getSlot0GlyphImagePtrs (128 bytes)
56309 3220 1 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$ColumnIterator::getOffset (10 bytes)
56310 2625 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.TableView$ColumnIterator::getOffset (10 bytes)
56311 2233 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.BoxView::layout (15 bytes)
56311 2240 3 made zombie java.lang.Math::max (46 bytes)
56312 2251 3 made zombie sun.font.Font2D::getFamilyName (5 bytes)
56312 2265 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getStartOffset (33 bytes)
56316 2618 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.ParagraphView::getLayoutView (9 bytes)
56322 3110 4 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView::isVisible (106 bytes)
56324 3221 1 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$ColumnIterator::getSpan (10 bytes)
56324 2744 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.TableView$ColumnIterator::getSpan (10 bytes)
56325 3224 3 javax.swing.text.GlyphView::paint (585 bytes)
56330 3225 3 javax.swing.text.LabelView::getBackground (9 bytes)
56332 3226 3 javax.swing.text.LabelView::getForeground (9 bytes)
56332 3223 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView::getRowCount (8 bytes)
56353 2270 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.InlineView::getBreakWeight (17 bytes)
56353 3227 4 sun.font.CompositeGlyphMapper::charsToGlyphsNS (158 bytes)
56362 1455 3 made not entrant sun.font.CompositeGlyphMapper::charsToGlyphsNS (158 bytes)
57524 497 3 made zombie java.lang.Boolean::valueOf (14 bytes)
60214 3229 3$100 (5 bytes)
60214 3228 4 java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock::unlock (10 bytes)
60222 272 3 made not entrant java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock::unlock (10 bytes)
60224 3234 4 (60 bytes)
60225 3235 4 (105 bytes)
60228 3236 3 sun.reflect.ByteVectorImpl::put (27 bytes)
60230 1465 3 made zombie java.text.MessageFormat::applyPattern (360 bytes)
60231 1804 3 made zombie java.util.Arrays::fill (28 bytes)
60232 1894 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument$ElementBuffer::insertElement (530 bytes)
60234 3242 3$GetFieldImpl::readFields (113 bytes)
60242 3146 4 made zombie javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument$ElementBuffer::insertElement (530 bytes)
60243 3244 s 3$SnapshotInvocationHandler::getCachedAttributes (188 bytes)
60245 3237 3 (7 bytes)
60245 3233 3$HandleTable::growEntries (58 bytes)
60245 3238 ! 3 (118 bytes)
60246 3239 3 (79 bytes)
60246 3240 3$GetFieldImpl::<init> (47 bytes)
60247 3241 3$GetField::<init> (5 bytes)
60247 3243 3$002 (7 bytes)
60247 3231 3$400 (6 bytes)
60248 3230 ! 3 sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor9::invoke (66 bytes)
60248 3232 3 (8 bytes)
60248 3245 3 javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument$ElementBuffer::removeElements (460 bytes)
60249 3222 4 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.InlineView::getBreakWeight (17 bytes)
60251 3246 3 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader$HiddenAction::<init> (11 bytes)
60254 3218 ! 4 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.InlineView::calculateLongestWordSpanUseWhitespace (210 bytes)
--- n java.lang.reflect.Array::getLength (static)
60258 3249 3 javax.swing.text.View::updateChildren (98 bytes)
60266 3251 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSS$FontWeight::<init> (5 bytes)
60273 3252 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView::getStyleSheet (13 bytes)
60281 3253 3 javax.swing.text.CompositeView::getInsideAllocation (115 bytes)
60286 2744 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.TableView$ColumnIterator::getSpan (10 bytes)
60286 3259 3 javax.swing.text.LabelView::getFontMetrics (35 bytes)
60294 1248 3 made zombie java.util.Vector::<init> (7 bytes)
60295 3260 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$ColumnIterator::updatePercentagesAndAdjustmentWeights (334 bytes)
60298 1455 3 made zombie sun.font.CompositeGlyphMapper::charsToGlyphsNS (158 bytes)
60299 2625 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.TableView$ColumnIterator::getOffset (10 bytes)
60301 1929 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::markFirstTime (83 bytes)
60302 3262 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView::checkMultiColumnCell (353 bytes)
60306 2223 ! 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.InlineView::calculateLongestWordSpanUseWhitespace (210 bytes)
60307 2270 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.InlineView::getBreakWeight (17 bytes)
60308 2282 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.ParagraphView$Row::getBottomInset (36 bytes)
60318 3263 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView::calculateColumnRequirements (375 bytes)
60322 3265 3 javax.swing.text.GlyphView::paintTextUsingColor (278 bytes)
60324 3266 3 javax.swing.text.GlyphPainter1::paint (170 bytes)
60325 3267 3 javax.swing.text.LabelView::isUnderline (9 bytes)
60326 3268 3 javax.swing.text.LabelView::isStrikeThrough (9 bytes)
60326 3264 3 javax.swing.text.JTextComponent::getUI (8 bytes)
60326 3254 3 java.util.Formatter$FormatSpecifier::leadingSign (82 bytes)
60328 3255 3 java.util.Formatter$FormatSpecifier::trailingSign (26 bytes)
60329 3261 3 javax.swing.text.html.HRuleView::getResizeWeight (15 bytes)
60913 1727 3 made not entrant (105 bytes)
60914 3256 ! 4 javax.swing.text.html.InlineView::calculateLongestWordSpanUseWhitespace (210 bytes)
60935 3258 4 javax.swing.text.html.InlineView::getBreakWeight (17 bytes)
60957 3250 4 sun.font.FontManager::isComplexText (38 bytes)
60958 2356 3 made not entrant sun.font.FontManager::isComplexText (38 bytes)
60958 3257 4 java.lang.Character::isWhitespace (5 bytes)
60959 531 3 made not entrant java.lang.Character::isWhitespace (5 bytes)
60959 3247 4 java.lang.Number::<init> (5 bytes)
60960 43 3 made not entrant java.lang.Number::<init> (5 bytes)
60960 3248 4 javax.swing.text.BoxView::getMaximumSpan (63 bytes)
60961 2266 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.BoxView::getMaximumSpan (63 bytes)
61270 1723 3 made not entrant (60 bytes)
64216 3269 ! 3 sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor12::invoke (61 bytes)
64219 272 3 made zombie java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock::unlock (10 bytes)
64222 3270 3 (159 bytes)
64227 3280 4 (23 bytes)
64232 557 3 made not entrant (23 bytes)
64234 3272 3 java.lang.Thread::getId (5 bytes)
64240 3283 3 java.util.Locale::equals (60 bytes)
64241 2023 2 made not entrant java.util.Locale::equals (60 bytes)
64248 3218 ! 4 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.InlineView::calculateLongestWordSpanUseWhitespace (210 bytes)
64248 3222 4 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.InlineView::getBreakWeight (17 bytes)
64252 3284 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSS$LengthValue::<init> (6 bytes)
64252 3274 ! 3 (386 bytes)
64255 3275 3 (82 bytes)
64256 3276 ! 3 (130 bytes)
64257 3277 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.MXBeanProxy::invoke (60 bytes)
64258 3278 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.ConvertingMethod::toOpenParameters (56 bytes)
64259 3279 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.ConvertingMethod::fromOpenReturnValue (10 bytes)
64259 3281 3 java.util.Collections$SingletonSet::iterator (9 bytes)
64259 3282 3 java.util.Collections$SingletonSet$1::<init> (15 bytes)
64259 3273 3 java.util.HashMap$KeySet::contains (9 bytes)
64260 3285 4 javax.swing.text.html.parser.TagStack::advance (94 bytes)
64260 3271 3 java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableCollection::containsAll (11 bytes)
64260 3286 4 javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::handleText (269 bytes)
64262 2317 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.parser.TagStack::advance (94 bytes)
64275 2140 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::handleText (269 bytes)
64276 3287 4 javax.swing.text.CompositeView::replace (237 bytes)
64278 3288 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView::forwardUpdate (72 bytes)
64280 3289 4 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument::getProperty (9 bytes)
64280 43 3 made zombie java.lang.Number::<init> (5 bytes)
64283 531 3 made zombie java.lang.Character::isWhitespace (5 bytes)
64284 3290 3 java.util.BitSet::and (77 bytes)
64288 1477 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument::getProperty (9 bytes)
64288 3292 4 javax.swing.text.GlyphPainter1::getHeight (14 bytes)
64290 2106 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.CompositeView::replace (237 bytes)
64290 2276 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.GlyphPainter1::getHeight (14 bytes)
64290 3294 4 javax.swing.text.View::getStartOffset (10 bytes)
64290 3291 ! 4 javax.swing.text.html.TableView::getRowsOccupied (48 bytes)
64291 3293 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView::layoutMinorAxis (67 bytes)
64292 1927 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.View::getStartOffset (10 bytes)
64293 3295 3 sun.swing.SwingUtilities2::drawChars (364 bytes)
64294 1727 3 made zombie (105 bytes)
64295 1723 3 made zombie (60 bytes)
64295 2419 ! 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.TableView::getRowsOccupied (48 bytes)
64296 3300 3 javax.swing.text.DefaultHighlighter::paintLayeredHighlights (101 bytes)
64298 3301 3 javax.swing.text.DefaultHighlighter::getHighlights (31 bytes)
64300 2266 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.BoxView::getMaximumSpan (63 bytes)
64301 2356 3 made zombie sun.font.FontManager::isComplexText (38 bytes)
64308 3296 ! 3 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::drawChars (137 bytes)
64309 3297 3 sun.java2d.pipe.ValidatePipe::drawChars (27 bytes)
64309 3298 3 sun.java2d.pipe.GlyphListPipe::drawChars (224 bytes)
64310 3299 3 sun.font.GlyphList::setFromChars (93 bytes)
66955 3303 ! 3 java.awt.Container::minimumSize (88 bytes)
66957 3305 ! 4 javax.swing.text.html.TableView::getColumnsOccupied (48 bytes)
66959 3306 4 javax.swing.text.ParagraphView$Row::getLeftInset (36 bytes)
66962 2426 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.ParagraphView$Row::getLeftInset (36 bytes)
66966 3302 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicHTML$Renderer::getPreferredSpan (19 bytes)
66970 2286 ! 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.TableView::getColumnsOccupied (48 bytes)
66972 3304 3 javax.swing.UIManager::getFont (8 bytes)
66975 2023 2 made zombie java.util.Locale::equals (60 bytes)
66976 2140 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::handleText (269 bytes)
67004 3307 3 javax.swing.text.BoxView::isAllocationValid (20 bytes)
67006 2317 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.parser.TagStack::advance (94 bytes)
67065 3308 3 javax.swing.text.BoxView::childAllocation (51 bytes)
67066 3309 4 javax.swing.text.View::getEndOffset (10 bytes)
67069 2431 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.View::getEndOffset (10 bytes)
67177 3310 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI$RootView::setSize (17 bytes)
67202 3312 3 java.awt.Rectangle::getY (6 bytes)
67202 3311 3 java.awt.Rectangle::getX (6 bytes)
67203 3313 3 javax.swing.text.BoxView::modelToView (39 bytes)
67214 3314 3 java.awt.Rectangle::getWidth (6 bytes)
67300 3315 3 javax.swing.text.CompositeView::modelToView (195 bytes)
68219 3316 3 (13 bytes)
68224 3319 4$FieldReflector::setPrimFieldValues (329 bytes)
68228 3322 4 java.util.TreeMap$EntryIterator::next (5 bytes)
68233 3318 ! 3 sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor11::invoke (66 bytes)
68235 1168 3 made not entrant java.util.TreeMap$EntryIterator::next (5 bytes)
68237 1477 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument::getProperty (9 bytes)
68238 3323 3 java.util.Formatter$FormatSpecifier::localizedMagnitude (327 bytes)
68239 1927 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.View::getStartOffset (10 bytes)
68240 3324 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.WeakIdentityHashMap::expunge (27 bytes)
68241 1778 3 made not entrant$FieldReflector::setPrimFieldValues (329 bytes)
68241 2106 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.CompositeView::replace (237 bytes)
68241 3321 3 sun.reflect.AccessorGenerator::add (5 bytes)
68241 3320 3 sun.reflect.AccessorGenerator::getClassName (184 bytes)
68243 2276 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.GlyphPainter1::getHeight (14 bytes)
68244 2419 ! 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.TableView::getRowsOccupied (48 bytes)
68247 3326 ! 4 java.util.Collections$SynchronizedMap::get (25 bytes)
68248 3327 ! 4 java.awt.Component::invalidate (73 bytes)
68252 1255 ! 3 made not entrant java.awt.Component::invalidate (73 bytes)
68252 3329 3 java.util.Formatter$Flags::<init> (10 bytes)
68253 3328 3 java.util.Formatter$Conversion::isFloat (72 bytes)
68253 596 ! 3 made not entrant java.util.Collections$SynchronizedMap::get (25 bytes)
68259 3332 4 javax.swing.text.CompositeView::setParent (27 bytes)
68259 3330 1 javax.swing.text.StyleContext::getEmptySet (4 bytes)
68259 1875 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.StyleContext::getEmptySet (4 bytes)
68259 3331 3 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet::cleanSelectorString (105 bytes)
68259 3333 4 javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::startTag (167 bytes)
68260 3317 ! 3 com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor::nonDefaultDomain (95 bytes)
68262 2979 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.CompositeView::setParent (27 bytes)
68263 3334 1 javax.swing.text.html.CSS$CssValue::parseCssValue (2 bytes)
68263 2590 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.CSS$CssValue::parseCssValue (2 bytes)
68263 3325 3 java.util.Formatter$FormatSpecifier::adjustWidth (29 bytes)
68264 3335 4 javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder::getBorderInsets (5 bytes)
68265 1902 3 made not entrant javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder::getBorderInsets (5 bytes)
68266 3336 ! 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSS$FontWeight::parseCssValue (67 bytes)
68268 3337 3 javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument$ElementBuffer::insertUpdate (437 bytes)
68270 3338 3 javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::equals (27 bytes)
68271 3339 4 java.lang.Integer::valueOf (32 bytes)
68272 759 3 made not entrant java.lang.Integer::valueOf (32 bytes)
68277 3340 3 javax.swing.text.html.HRuleView::getLength (28 bytes)
68288 3341 4 javax.swing.text.html.parser.ContentModelState::terminate (320 bytes)
68289 3342 3 java.lang.StringBuilder::append (68 bytes)
68293 2426 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.ParagraphView$Row::getLeftInset (36 bytes)
68294 3344 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView::calculateMinorAxisRequirements (314 bytes)
68303 3348 1 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$ColumnIterator::setIndex (6 bytes)
68304 2753 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.TableView$ColumnIterator::setIndex (6 bytes)
68309 3349 1 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$ColumnIterator::setOffset (11 bytes)
68310 2754 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.TableView$ColumnIterator::setOffset (11 bytes)
68311 2286 ! 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.TableView::getColumnsOccupied (48 bytes)
68312 2431 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.View::getEndOffset (10 bytes)
68324 3352 3 sun.font.CompositeStrike::getStrikeForSlot (42 bytes)
68325 1936 2 made not entrant sun.font.CompositeStrike::getStrikeForSlot (42 bytes)
68326 3351 3 javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::paint (41 bytes)
68326 3347 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$ColumnIterator::getCount (9 bytes)
68326 3343 3 javax.swing.text.html.HRuleView::getBreakWeight (10 bytes)
68327 3350 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI$RootView::getPreferredSpan (19 bytes)
68329 2195 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.parser.ContentModelState::terminate (320 bytes)
68329 3346 4 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$BranchElement::getElementIndex (238 bytes)
68336 2327 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::startTag (167 bytes)
68336 3345 4 java.util.Locale::getDefault (134 bytes)
68337 689 3 made not entrant java.util.Locale::getDefault (134 bytes)
68341 1926 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$BranchElement::getElementIndex (238 bytes)
68372 3353 3 javax.swing.text.ParagraphView$Row::getStartOffset (40 bytes)
68436 3354 3 java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D::contains (56 bytes)
68448 3355 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowView::findViewAtPoint (57 bytes)
68459 3356 3 javax.swing.text.BoxView::viewToModel (41 bytes)
68460 3357 ! 3 javax.swing.text.CompositeView::viewToModel (165 bytes)
68472 3358 3 javax.swing.text.BoxView::isAfter (45 bytes)
68557 3359 3 javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument::getDefaultRootElement (8 bytes)
68594 3360 3 java.awt.Rectangle::getHeight (6 bytes)
68594 3361 4 javax.swing.text.CompositeView::getViewIndexAtPosition (13 bytes)
68595 2179 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.CompositeView::getViewIndexAtPosition (13 bytes)
68681 3362 4 java.awt.Rectangle::getBounds (24 bytes)
68683 1050 3 made not entrant java.awt.Rectangle::getBounds (24 bytes)
68952 3033 4 made not entrant java.awt.LightweightDispatcher::retargetMouseEvent (343 bytes)
68960 3363 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowView::paint (41 bytes)
68960 3364 4 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$BoxPainter::isOrientationAware (73 bytes)
68966 3365 3 javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView::paint (63 bytes)
68967 3366 3 javax.swing.text.ParagraphView::paint (209 bytes)
68971 1910 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$BoxPainter::isOrientationAware (73 bytes)
69100 3011 ! 4 made not entrant sun.awt.PostEventQueue::flush (60 bytes)
70441 3367 4 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$BoxPainter::getOrientationMargin (141 bytes)
70463 1906 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$BoxPainter::getOrientationMargin (141 bytes)
70465 596 ! 3 made zombie java.util.Collections$SynchronizedMap::get (25 bytes)
72215 3368 3 java.lang.Long::equals (30 bytes)
72217 759 3 made zombie java.lang.Integer::valueOf (32 bytes)
72219 1168 3 made zombie java.util.TreeMap$EntryIterator::next (5 bytes)
72225 3374 4 (27 bytes)
72226 1255 ! 3 made zombie java.awt.Component::invalidate (73 bytes)
72227 3372 3 com.sun.jmx.remote.util.ClassLogger::traceOn (5 bytes)
72228 2102 3 made not entrant (27 bytes)
72230 1778 3 made zombie$FieldReflector::setPrimFieldValues (329 bytes)
72232 1875 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.StyleContext::getEmptySet (4 bytes)
72232 1902 3 made zombie javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder::getBorderInsets (5 bytes)
72233 3375 3 (251 bytes)
72237 2590 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.CSS$CssValue::parseCssValue (2 bytes)
72240 2979 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.CompositeView::setParent (27 bytes)
72243 3379 ! 3 java.util.Formatter::format (265 bytes)
72245 3383 3 java.util.Formatter$Flags::parse (67 bytes)
72245 3384 3 java.util.Collections$SingletonSet$1::next (28 bytes)
72245 3382 3 java.util.Formatter$FormatSpecifier::<init> (244 bytes)
72247 3378 3 java.util.Formatter::setZero (37 bytes)
72247 3380 ! 3 java.util.Formatter$FormatSpecifier::width (59 bytes)
72248 3381 ! 3 java.util.Formatter$FormatSpecifier::precision (63 bytes)
72248 3373 3 com.sun.jmx.remote.util.ClassLogger::finerOn (25 bytes)
72249 3370 3 sun.reflect.ClassFileAssembler::opc_new (16 bytes)
72249 3385 4 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$AbstractElement::addAttributes (28 bytes)
72249 3376 3$Property::setKeyIndex (6 bytes)
72250 3386 4 java.lang.ref.Reference::<init> (25 bytes)
72250 3377 3 (98 bytes)
72251 169 3 made not entrant java.lang.ref.Reference::<init> (25 bytes)
72251 3371 3 sun.reflect.ConstructorAccessorImpl::<init> (5 bytes)
72251 3369 3 sun.reflect.AccessorGenerator::isPrimitive (20 bytes)
72251 3387 4 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowView::preferenceChanged (71 bytes)
72252 3388 s 3 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument::writeUnlock (29 bytes)
72253 3389 3 java.lang.Double::doubleValue (5 bytes)
72256 2433 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowView::preferenceChanged (71 bytes)
72261 3390 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI::getVisibleEditorRect (106 bytes)
72264 3391 4 javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::legalElementContext (806 bytes)
72264 3392 4 java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::append (46 bytes)
72264 3393 ! 3 javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument::insert (203 bytes)
72271 678 3 made not entrant java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::append (46 bytes)
72273 3394 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView::replace (12 bytes)
72282 3395 3 java.util.BitSet::ensureCapacity (39 bytes)
72284 2754 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.TableView$ColumnIterator::setOffset (11 bytes)
72284 2753 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.TableView$ColumnIterator::setIndex (6 bytes)
72286 3396 4 javax.swing.text.LabelView::isSuperscript (9 bytes)
72287 2275 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.LabelView::isSuperscript (9 bytes)
72288 689 3 made zombie java.util.Locale::getDefault (134 bytes)
72290 3399 1 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$ColumnIterator::setSpan (11 bytes)
72290 3106 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.TableView$ColumnIterator::setSpan (11 bytes)
72290 3400 3 javax.swing.text.GlyphView$GlyphPainter::getPainter (2 bytes)
72293 1050 3 made zombie java.awt.Rectangle::getBounds (24 bytes)
72295 3397 4 javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView::getMinimumSpan (15 bytes)
72384 2420 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView::getMinimumSpan (15 bytes)
72386 2327 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::startTag (167 bytes)
72386 1910 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$BoxPainter::isOrientationAware (73 bytes)
72387 1926 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$BranchElement::getElementIndex (238 bytes)
72387 1936 2 made zombie sun.font.CompositeStrike::getStrikeForSlot (42 bytes)
72388 2179 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.CompositeView::getViewIndexAtPosition (13 bytes)
72388 2195 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.parser.ContentModelState::terminate (320 bytes)
72389 3398 4 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$ColumnIterator::getMinimumSpan (17 bytes)
72390 3105 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.TableView$ColumnIterator::getMinimumSpan (17 bytes)
72395 3011 ! 4 made zombie sun.awt.PostEventQueue::flush (60 bytes)
72395 3033 4 made zombie java.awt.LightweightDispatcher::retargetMouseEvent (343 bytes)
72411 2326 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::legalElementContext (806 bytes)
76099 3401 3 javax.swing.text.BoxView::getViewAtPoint (203 bytes)
76102 169 3 made zombie java.lang.ref.Reference::<init> (25 bytes)
76106 3402 3 javax.swing.text.BoxView::isBefore (35 bytes)
76107 678 3 made zombie java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::append (46 bytes)
76210 3403 4 javax.swing.text.SegmentCache::releaseSharedSegment (8 bytes)
76211 3404 3 javax.swing.text.ParagraphView$Row::getViewIndexAtPosition (61 bytes)
76213 2102 3 made zombie (27 bytes)
76217 1906 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$BoxPainter::getOrientationMargin (141 bytes)
76222 1499 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.SegmentCache::releaseSharedSegment (8 bytes)
76224 3406 1 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.OpenConverter$IdentityConverter::toNonNullOpenValue (2 bytes)
76225 2543 3 made not entrant com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.OpenConverter$IdentityConverter::toNonNullOpenValue (2 bytes)
76228 2433 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowView::preferenceChanged (71 bytes)
76230 3414 4 java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1::hasNext (10 bytes)
76232 1792 3 made not entrant java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1::hasNext (10 bytes)
76236 3417 3 java.text.MessageFormat::findKeyword (36 bytes)
76236 3415 3 java.util.AbstractCollection::addAll (38 bytes)
76237 3418 ! 3 $Proxy0::getAttribute (40 bytes)
76237 3419 3$SnapshotInvocationHandler::getAttribute (45 bytes)
76238 3420 3 java.util.Collections::singleton (9 bytes)
76238 3421 3 java.util.Collections$SingletonSet::<init> (10 bytes)
76238 3416 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.MXBeanProxy$GetHandler::invoke (35 bytes)
76238 3410 3 sun.rmi.transport.ConnectionInputStream::registerRefs (81 bytes)
76239 3413 3 java.util.TreeSet::size (10 bytes)
76239 3405 3 java.rmi.server.UID::write (31 bytes)
76239 3407 3 sun.rmi.transport.ConnectionOutputStream::<init> (45 bytes)
76240 3409 3 sun.rmi.transport.LiveRef::getChannel (25 bytes)
76240 3411 ! 3 sun.rmi.transport.ConnectionInputStream::done (145 bytes)
76242 3412 3 java.util.TreeSet::iterator (15 bytes)
76243 3408 3 java.util.TreeMap::<init> (40 bytes)
76249 3422 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSSParser::parseDeclaration (96 bytes)
76251 3423 3 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit$HTMLFactory$1::getMinimumSpan (2 bytes)
76253 3424 4 java.lang.StringBuffer::<init> (7 bytes)
76254 3425 3 sun.misc.FormattedFloatingDecimal::applyPrecision (183 bytes)
76255 3426 3 java.util.Formatter::locale (9 bytes)
76256 3427 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicHTML$BasicHTMLViewFactory::create (23 bytes)
76256 1199 3 made not entrant java.lang.StringBuffer::<init> (7 bytes)
76256 3428 3 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader$SpecialAction::<init> (11 bytes)
76259 3429 4 sun.awt.X11.XEvent::get_xany (22 bytes)
76260 3430 3 javax.swing.text.GapContent::findMarkAdjustIndex (68 bytes)
76261 3431 3 javax.swing.text.GapContent::shiftGapStartDown (82 bytes)
76264 847 3 made not entrant sun.awt.X11.XEvent::get_xany (22 bytes)
76265 3432 4 javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::parseTag (1660 bytes)
76282 3433 4 java.awt.Container::invalidate (29 bytes)
76286 704 3 made not entrant java.awt.Container::invalidate (29 bytes)
76286 2420 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView::getMinimumSpan (15 bytes)
76287 3106 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.TableView$ColumnIterator::setSpan (11 bytes)
76289 3434 3 java.util.Formatter$FormatSpecifier::getZero (36 bytes)
76291 3105 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.TableView$ColumnIterator::getMinimumSpan (17 bytes)
76293 3435 4 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument::getText (28 bytes)
76295 3436 3 javax.swing.SizeRequirements::expandedTile (236 bytes)
76300 1394 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument::getText (28 bytes)
76300 3439 4 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::getPreferredSpan (54 bytes)
76314 2231 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::getPreferredSpan (54 bytes)
76315 2275 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.LabelView::isSuperscript (9 bytes)
76315 2326 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::legalElementContext (806 bytes)
76324 3438 4 javax.swing.text.GlyphPainter1::getAscent (14 bytes)
76325 2067 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.GlyphPainter1::getAscent (14 bytes)
76326 3437 4 javax.swing.text.BoxView::replace (100 bytes)
76360 2192 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.BoxView::replace (100 bytes)
76360 3440 ! 4 sun.awt.PostEventQueue::flush (60 bytes)
76524 2202 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::parseTag (1660 bytes)
76525 3442 4 java.awt.LightweightDispatcher::retargetMouseEvent (343 bytes)
76564 3441 ! 4 sun.awt.X11.XToolkit::windowToXWindow (27 bytes)
76570 840 ! 3 made not entrant sun.awt.X11.XToolkit::windowToXWindow (27 bytes)
76654 3443 ! 3 java.awt.BorderLayout::preferredLayoutSize (361 bytes)
76655 3446 4 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet::getBackground (12 bytes)
76657 3444 3 javax.swing.border.TitledBorder::getBorderInsets (17 bytes)
76657 3168 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet::getBackground (12 bytes)
76657 3448 4 javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getAlignment (122 bytes)
76657 3445 3 javax.swing.border.EtchedBorder::getBorderInsets (22 bytes)
76658 3450 3 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit$HTMLFactory$1::getMaximumSpan (2 bytes)
76669 2435 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getAlignment (122 bytes)
76670 3447 4 javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView::getPreferredSpan (15 bytes)
76705 3449 4 javax.swing.text.GlyphPainter1::getDescent (14 bytes)
76706 2437 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.GlyphPainter1::getDescent (14 bytes)
76744 2612 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView::getPreferredSpan (15 bytes)
76753 3453 3 javax.swing.JComponent::rectangleIsObscured (122 bytes)
76755 2047 2 made not entrant javax.swing.JComponent::rectangleIsObscured (122 bytes)
76756 3451 ! 3 javax.swing.JComponent::paint (413 bytes)
76762 2045 ! 2 made not entrant javax.swing.JComponent::paint (413 bytes)
76762 3452 3 javax.swing.JComponent::getComponentGraphics (63 bytes)
76764 2046 2 made not entrant javax.swing.JComponent::getComponentGraphics (63 bytes)
76764 3454 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI::getTabBounds (135 bytes)
76789 3455 ! 3 sun.awt.X11.XToolkit::run (380 bytes)
76790 3457 4 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthContext::getPainter (19 bytes)
76791 1107 3 made not entrant javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthContext::getPainter (19 bytes)
76801 3456 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthTabbedPaneUI::setRolloverTab (98 bytes)
76803 3458 ! 3 javax.swing.JComponent::paintChildren (680 bytes)
76808 2048 ! 2 made not entrant javax.swing.JComponent::paintChildren (680 bytes)
80129 3460 3 sun.reflect.Label::bind (74 bytes)
--- n java.lang.Class::getDeclaredConstructors0
80134 3459 3 sun.reflect.Label::<init> (16 bytes)
80136 847 3 made zombie sun.awt.X11.XEvent::get_xany (22 bytes)
80141 1792 3 made zombie java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1::hasNext (10 bytes)
80142 1199 3 made zombie java.lang.StringBuffer::<init> (7 bytes)
80216 3461 3 sun.reflect.Label::add (23 bytes)
80218 1499 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.SegmentCache::releaseSharedSegment (8 bytes)
80225 3465 ! 3 sun.rmi.server.UnicastRef::invoke (658 bytes)
80234 2543 3 made zombie com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.OpenConverter$IdentityConverter::toNonNullOpenValue (2 bytes)
80241 3468 3$HandleTable::growSpine (67 bytes)
80242 3466 3 (121 bytes)
80242 3467 3 (26 bytes)
80243 3469 3 java.util.Arrays$ArrayList::size (6 bytes)
80243 3470 3 java.util.Formatter$FormatSpecifier::checkInteger (91 bytes)
80244 3462 3 sun.reflect.Label$PatchInfo::<init> (26 bytes)
80244 3463 3 sun.reflect.ClassFileAssembler::emitShort (38 bytes)
80244 3464 ! 3 (55 bytes)
80248 3471 3$Sequence::add (372 bytes)
80248 3472 4 java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::setLength (72 bytes)
80251 3473 3 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument::fireUndoableEditUpdate (47 bytes)
80252 3474 4 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit$HTMLFactory::create (892 bytes)
80254 3475 3 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument::fireUndoableEditUpdate (6 bytes)
80254 3477 3 javax.swing.text.CompositeView::getChildAllocation (14 bytes)
80254 597 3 made not entrant java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::setLength (72 bytes)
80255 3476 3 javax.accessibility.AccessibleContext::firePropertyChange (43 bytes)
80256 3478 3 javax.swing.text.StyleContext$NamedStyle::addAttribute (24 bytes)
80256 3479 4 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$BoxPainter::<init> (117 bytes)
80260 3481 3 javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument$ElementBuffer::beginEdits (99 bytes)
80288 2151 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$BoxPainter::<init> (117 bytes)
80288 3480 4 java.util.EventObject::<init> (24 bytes)
80289 511 3 made not entrant java.util.EventObject::<init> (24 bytes)
80292 3482 4 javax.swing.text.html.CSS::translateAttribute (79 bytes)
80303 3486 1 javax.swing.JEditorPane::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
80304 2611 3 made not entrant javax.swing.JEditorPane::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
80313 1923 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.CSS::translateAttribute (79 bytes)
80315 704 3 made zombie java.awt.Container::invalidate (29 bytes)
80315 840 ! 3 made zombie sun.awt.X11.XToolkit::windowToXWindow (27 bytes)
80318 1107 3 made zombie javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthContext::getPainter (19 bytes)
80319 3485 4 javax.swing.text.BoxView::layoutMajorAxis (283 bytes)
80333 2623 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.BoxView::layoutMajorAxis (283 bytes)
80334 1394 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument::getText (28 bytes)
80334 2612 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView::getPreferredSpan (15 bytes)
80336 2045 ! 2 made zombie javax.swing.JComponent::paint (413 bytes)
80336 2046 2 made zombie javax.swing.JComponent::getComponentGraphics (63 bytes)
80336 2047 2 made zombie javax.swing.JComponent::rectangleIsObscured (122 bytes)
80336 2048 ! 2 made zombie javax.swing.JComponent::paintChildren (680 bytes)
80336 2067 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.GlyphPainter1::getAscent (14 bytes)
80337 2192 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.BoxView::replace (100 bytes)
80337 2202 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::parseTag (1660 bytes)
80337 2231 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::getPreferredSpan (54 bytes)
80338 3484 4 javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::getMinimumSpan (6 bytes)
80340 2423 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::getMinimumSpan (6 bytes)
80341 2437 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.GlyphPainter1::getDescent (14 bytes)
80341 2435 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getAlignment (122 bytes)
80347 3168 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet::getBackground (12 bytes)
80350 3483 4 javax.swing.text.BoxView::<init> (70 bytes)
80353 2152 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.BoxView::<init> (70 bytes)
80765 1922 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit$HTMLFactory::create (892 bytes)
82247 3487 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI::calculateTabHeight (119 bytes)
82252 3492 4 javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::spanSetFromAttributes (70 bytes)
82253 2617 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::spanSetFromAttributes (70 bytes)
82255 511 3 made zombie java.util.EventObject::<init> (24 bytes)
82256 557 3 made zombie (23 bytes)
82256 597 3 made zombie java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::setLength (72 bytes)
82257 3489 3 java.awt.Component::setSize (7 bytes)
82259 828 ! 3 made zombie java.lang.reflect.Method::invoke (167 bytes)
82261 3493 ! 4 java.awt.Component::getName (58 bytes)
82262 3490 ! 3 java.awt.Component::resize (39 bytes)
82263 652 ! 3 made not entrant java.awt.Component::getName (58 bytes)
82263 3488 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthSeparatorUI::getContext (17 bytes)
82263 3491 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthStyle::getInt (27 bytes)
82268 2151 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$BoxPainter::<init> (117 bytes)
82765 3494 4 javax.swing.text.BoxView::childAllocation (51 bytes)
82770 3308 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.BoxView::childAllocation (51 bytes)
82863 3495 4 javax.swing.text.CompositeView::getInsideAllocation (115 bytes)
82868 3253 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.CompositeView::getInsideAllocation (115 bytes)
82926 3496 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView::getViewAtPoint (100 bytes)
82962 3497 4 javax.swing.text.BoxView::getChildAllocation (66 bytes)
82971 2513 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.BoxView::getChildAllocation (66 bytes)
83069 3498 ! 4 sun.awt.X11.XToolkit::getNextTaskTime (55 bytes)
83080 885 ! 3 made not entrant sun.awt.X11.XToolkit::getNextTaskTime (55 bytes)
83135 3499 ! 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI::modelToView (143 bytes)
83137 3501 3 javax.swing.text.FlowView::getViewIndexAtPosition (58 bytes)
83138 3500 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI$RootView::modelToView (20 bytes)
83196 3502 3 javax.swing.text.CompositeView::getNextVisualPositionFrom (128 bytes)
83198 3503 3 javax.swing.text.CompositeView::getNextEastWestVisualPositionFrom (12 bytes)
83221 3504 3 javax.swing.text.GlyphView::modelToView (16 bytes)
83222 3505 3 javax.swing.text.GlyphPainter1::modelToView (183 bytes)
83419 3506 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI::calculateTabAreaHeight (44 bytes)
83422 2423 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::getMinimumSpan (6 bytes)
83702 3507 4 sun.java2d.loops.Blit$GeneralMaskBlit::Blit (28 bytes)
83705 1695 3 made not entrant sun.java2d.loops.Blit$GeneralMaskBlit::Blit (28 bytes)
83752 3508 3 java.awt.Rectangle::intersection (180 bytes)
83753 2029 2 made not entrant java.awt.Rectangle::intersection (180 bytes)
83757 2611 3 made zombie javax.swing.JEditorPane::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
83758 1923 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.CSS::translateAttribute (79 bytes)
83758 1922 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit$HTMLFactory::create (892 bytes)
83760 2152 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.BoxView::<init> (70 bytes)
83761 3509 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthTabbedPaneUI::paintTab (460 bytes)
83771 2623 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.BoxView::layoutMajorAxis (283 bytes)
83778 3510 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthPainter::paintTabbedPaneTabBackground (16 bytes)
83779 3513 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthTabbedPaneUI::layoutLabel (163 bytes)
83780 3511 ! 3 (207 bytes)
83782 3512 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthPainter::paintTabbedPaneTabBorder (16 bytes)
83875 3514 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI::tabForCoordinate (122 bytes)
83972 3515 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI::access$2000 (7 bytes)
83973 3517 4 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::validateColor (101 bytes)
83974 3516 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI::setRolloverTab (16 bytes)
83981 801 3 made not entrant sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::validateColor (101 bytes)
83986 3518 4 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::getClipBounds (87 bytes)
83993 1080 3 made not entrant sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::getClipBounds (87 bytes)
84010 3519 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthTabbedPaneUI::getContext (11 bytes)
84013 3520 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthTabbedPaneUI::getComponentState (5 bytes)
84207 3521 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI$Handler::mouseMoved (16 bytes)
84215 3522 ! 3 java.text.SimpleDateFormat::zeroPaddingNumber (270 bytes)
84222 3523 ! 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.MBeanSupport::getAttributes (68 bytes)
84224 3525 3 java.util.ArrayList::writeObject (61 bytes)
84226 3527 3 java.util.regex.Pattern$BitClass::isSatisfiedBy (22 bytes)
84226 2040 2 made not entrant java.util.regex.Pattern$BitClass::isSatisfiedBy (22 bytes)
84227 3524 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.Repository::retrieveNamedObject (63 bytes)
84227 3528 4$BlockDataInputStream::readShort (73 bytes)
84228 3526 3 java.lang.Exception::<init> (6 bytes)
84229 3531 3 (93 bytes)
84230 3529 ! 3$RemoteMBeanServerConnection::getAttributes (145 bytes)
84236 3532 3 com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor::isTraceOn (6 bytes)
84237 3530 ! 3 (74 bytes)
84240 3533 4 java.util.Formatter$Conversion::isInteger (48 bytes)
84240 3534 3 java.util.Formatter$FormatSpecifier::conversion (94 bytes)
84241 2761 3 made not entrant java.util.Formatter$Conversion::isInteger (48 bytes)
84241 3538 4 java.util.Formatter$Conversion::isGeneral (64 bytes)
84241 3535 3 java.util.Formatter$Conversion::isValid (47 bytes)
84242 3536 3 java.util.Formatter$FormatSpecifier::checkNumeric (168 bytes)
84242 2762 3 made not entrant java.util.Formatter$Conversion::isGeneral (64 bytes)
84243 3537 ! 3 java.util.Formatter$FormatSpecifier::index (53 bytes)
84244 3539 3 java.util.Formatter$Conversion::isText (32 bytes)
84244 3540 3 java.lang.StringBuilder::append (6 bytes)
84244 1780 3 made not entrant$BlockDataInputStream::readShort (73 bytes)
84244 3543 3 java.util.regex.Pattern::<init> (68 bytes)
84245 3541 3 java.util.Formatter$FormatSpecifier::justify (105 bytes)
84247 3542 3 java.util.Formatter$FormatSpecifier::print (260 bytes)
84248 3544 3 java.text.DecimalFormat::applyPattern (1574 bytes)
84248 3547 4 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$DefaultDocumentEvent::addEdit (133 bytes)
84248 3474 4 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit$HTMLFactory::create (892 bytes)
84251 3548 4 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit$HTMLFactory::create (892 bytes)
84268 3551 3 javax.swing.text.html.InlineView::getStyleSheet (13 bytes)
84269 3545 3 java.text.FieldPosition$Delegate::formatted (54 bytes)
84270 3550 3 javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView::<init> (6 bytes)
84270 3546 3 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet::addCSSAttribute (11 bytes)
84271 3552 3 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader$CharacterAction::start (139 bytes)
84276 3553 3 javax.swing.text.html.InlineView::<init> (26 bytes)
84278 3554 3 javax.swing.text.LabelView::<init> (6 bytes)
84289 2199 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$DefaultDocumentEvent::addEdit (133 bytes)
84290 3549 4 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet::getViewAttributes (10 bytes)
84291 1907 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet::getViewAttributes (10 bytes)
84294 7% 4 javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::parseContent @ 4 (882 bytes)
84296 3555 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthSeparatorUI::getContext (11 bytes)
84301 3556 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthSeparatorUI::getComponentState (5 bytes)
84303 652 ! 3 made zombie java.awt.Component::getName (58 bytes)
84303 2513 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.BoxView::getChildAllocation (66 bytes)
84304 885 ! 3 made zombie sun.awt.X11.XToolkit::getNextTaskTime (55 bytes)
84310 3560 3 sun.font.FontStrikeDesc::<init> (144 bytes)
84311 1998 2 made not entrant sun.font.FontStrikeDesc::<init> (144 bytes)
84313 2617 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::spanSetFromAttributes (70 bytes)
84317 3557 3 javax.swing.border.TitledBorder::getBorderInsets (370 bytes)
84330 3308 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.BoxView::childAllocation (51 bytes)
84330 3253 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.CompositeView::getInsideAllocation (115 bytes)
84335 3561 3 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::checkFontInfo (721 bytes)
84337 5% 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::parseContent @ -2 (882 bytes)
84337 3559 4 javax.swing.text.CompositeView::getViewIndex (34 bytes)
84338 2064 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.CompositeView::getViewIndex (34 bytes)
84338 3558 4 javax.swing.JComponent::getInsets (23 bytes)
84340 1385 3 made not entrant javax.swing.JComponent::getInsets (23 bytes)
84341 2015 2 made not entrant sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::checkFontInfo (721 bytes)
84467 3563 3 sun.java2d.SurfaceData::canRenderLCDText (92 bytes)
84468 2033 2 made not entrant sun.java2d.SurfaceData::canRenderLCDText (92 bytes)
84468 3562 3 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::getRenderingHint (206 bytes)
84469 2032 2 made not entrant sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::getRenderingHint (206 bytes)
84627 3564 3 sun.java2d.pipe.LCDTextRenderer::drawGlyphList (17 bytes)
84627 2050 2 made not entrant sun.java2d.pipe.LCDTextRenderer::drawGlyphList (17 bytes)
84639 3565 4 sun.font.FileFontStrike::getSlot0GlyphImagePtrs (128 bytes)
84646 3185 3 made not entrant sun.font.FileFontStrike::getSlot0GlyphImagePtrs (128 bytes)
84663 3566 1 javax.swing.JTabbedPane::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
84664 2479 3 made not entrant javax.swing.JTabbedPane::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
84874 3567 s 3 javax.swing.ImageIcon::paintIcon (40 bytes)
84935 3568 3 sun.awt.image.ImageRepresentation::drawToBufImage (159 bytes)
84996 3569 3 (13 bytes)
85021 3570 3 (8 bytes)
85131 3571 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthTabbedPaneUI::update (41 bytes)
85132 3573 4 sun.java2d.pipe.ValidatePipe::validate (6 bytes)
85134 1031 3 made not entrant sun.java2d.pipe.ValidatePipe::validate (6 bytes)
85134 3572 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthTabbedPaneUI::paint (283 bytes)
85137 3574 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthTabbedPaneUI::paintContentBorder (266 bytes)
85144 8% ! 3 sun.awt.X11.XToolkit::run @ 59 (380 bytes)
85181 3575 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthTabbedPaneUI::paintTabArea (354 bytes)
85185 3577 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI::getTabLabelShiftX (84 bytes)
85186 3578 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI::getTabLabelShiftY (84 bytes)
85187 3579 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthTabbedPaneUI::paintText (76 bytes)
85188 3580 3 javax.swing.JTabbedPane::getDisplayedMnemonicIndexAt (22 bytes)
85189 3576 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthPainter::paintTabbedPaneTabAreaBackground (14 bytes)
85254 3581 3 (154 bytes)
85378 3582 3 sun.awt.image.ToolkitImage::hasError (33 bytes)
85501 3583 4 java.util.IdentityHashMap$IdentityHashMapIterator::hasNext (50 bytes)
85504 1053 3 made not entrant java.util.IdentityHashMap$IdentityHashMapIterator::hasNext (50 bytes)
85505 801 3 made zombie sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::validateColor (101 bytes)
85507 1695 3 made zombie sun.java2d.loops.Blit$GeneralMaskBlit::Blit (28 bytes)
85507 1080 3 made zombie sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::getClipBounds (87 bytes)
85507 2762 3 made zombie java.util.Formatter$Conversion::isGeneral (64 bytes)
85686 3584 4 javax.swing.JComponent::isOpaque (6 bytes)
85687 1009 3 made not entrant javax.swing.JComponent::isOpaque (6 bytes)
85688 1780 3 made zombie$BlockDataInputStream::readShort (73 bytes)
85689 1907 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet::getViewAttributes (10 bytes)
85689 2029 2 made zombie java.awt.Rectangle::intersection (180 bytes)
85689 2040 2 made zombie java.util.regex.Pattern$BitClass::isSatisfiedBy (22 bytes)
85690 2199 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$DefaultDocumentEvent::addEdit (133 bytes)
85690 2761 3 made zombie java.util.Formatter$Conversion::isInteger (48 bytes)
86316 3585 4 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthBorder::getBorderInsets (409 bytes)
86339 1192 3 made not entrant javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthBorder::getBorderInsets (409 bytes)
86340 3586 4$1::doIntersectionPrivilege (32 bytes)
86342 878 3 made not entrant$1::doIntersectionPrivilege (32 bytes)
86349 3474 4 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit$HTMLFactory::create (892 bytes)
86721 3587 4 java.awt.AWTEvent::<init> (81 bytes)
86725 873 3 made not entrant java.awt.AWTEvent::<init> (81 bytes)
86857 3588 4 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::transformShape (97 bytes)
86862 1103 3 made not entrant sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::transformShape (97 bytes)
86893 3589 1 java.awt.Rectangle::getX (6 bytes)
86894 3311 3 made not entrant java.awt.Rectangle::getX (6 bytes)
86894 3590 1 java.awt.Rectangle::getY (6 bytes)
86895 3312 3 made not entrant java.awt.Rectangle::getY (6 bytes)
86906 3591 4 sun.awt.X11.XGlobalCursorManager$CapableCursorAndComponent::getNew (125 bytes)
86916 915 3 made not entrant sun.awt.X11.XGlobalCursorManager$CapableCursorAndComponent::getNew (125 bytes)
87078 3592 3 javax.swing.text.ParagraphView$Row::modelToView (100 bytes)
87080 3593 3 javax.swing.text.CompositeView::getViewAtPosition (40 bytes)
87152 3594 ! 3 java.awt.Window::getGraphicsConfiguration (45 bytes)
87154 2002 ! 2 made not entrant java.awt.Window::getGraphicsConfiguration (45 bytes)
87633 3595 4 sun.java2d.SurfaceData::validatePipe (864 bytes)
87646 1571 3 made not entrant sun.java2d.SurfaceData::validatePipe (864 bytes)
88212 3596 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthTabbedPaneUI::ensureCurrentLayout (43 bytes)
88221 1031 3 made zombie sun.java2d.pipe.ValidatePipe::validate (6 bytes)
88223 3601 4 java.lang.Class::getClassLoader (49 bytes)
88225 615 3 made not entrant java.lang.Class::getClassLoader (49 bytes)
88225 1385 3 made zombie javax.swing.JComponent::getInsets (23 bytes)
88226 3599 3 javax.swing.JTabbedPane::getBoundsAt (27 bytes)
88232 1998 2 made zombie sun.font.FontStrikeDesc::<init> (144 bytes)
88233 2015 2 made zombie sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::checkFontInfo (721 bytes)
88234 2032 2 made zombie sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::getRenderingHint (206 bytes)
88234 2033 2 made zombie sun.java2d.SurfaceData::canRenderLCDText (92 bytes)
88235 2050 2 made zombie sun.java2d.pipe.LCDTextRenderer::drawGlyphList (17 bytes)
88235 2064 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.CompositeView::getViewIndex (34 bytes)
88239 3604 3 (110 bytes)
88241 2479 3 made zombie javax.swing.JTabbedPane::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
88243 5% 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::parseContent @ -2 (882 bytes)
88247 3185 3 made zombie sun.font.FileFontStrike::getSlot0GlyphImagePtrs (128 bytes)
88251 3602 3 java.rmi.server.ObjID::hashCode (6 bytes)
88251 3603 3 sun.rmi.transport.ObjectEndpoint::hashCode (27 bytes)
88252 3597 ! 3 (280 bytes)
88253 3548 4 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit$HTMLFactory::create (892 bytes)
88254 3605 4 javax.swing.text.html.CSSParser::append (60 bytes)
88255 3598 3 (85 bytes)
88255 3600 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthTabbedPaneUI::paintBorder (17 bytes)
88256 3606 3 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit$HTMLFactory$1::getPreferredSpan (2 bytes)
88259 529 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.CSSParser::append (60 bytes)
88259 3607 4 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit$HTMLFactory::create (892 bytes)
88278 3608 4 javax.swing.text.html.CSS$CssValue::parseHtmlValue (6 bytes)
88280 2158 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.CSS$CssValue::parseHtmlValue (6 bytes)
88286 3609 4 javax.swing.text.html.MuxingAttributeSet::isDefined (35 bytes)
88297 2732 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.MuxingAttributeSet::isDefined (35 bytes)
88298 3612 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView::layoutMajorAxis (101 bytes)
88299 873 3 made zombie java.awt.AWTEvent::<init> (81 bytes)
88299 3611 4 javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView::getMaximumSpan (15 bytes)
88299 878 3 made zombie$1::doIntersectionPrivilege (32 bytes)
88300 915 3 made zombie sun.awt.X11.XGlobalCursorManager$CapableCursorAndComponent::getNew (125 bytes)
88303 3613 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::setLayoutArrays (11 bytes)
88309 1009 3 made zombie javax.swing.JComponent::isOpaque (6 bytes)
88310 2228 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView::getMaximumSpan (15 bytes)
88310 3610 4 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI$RootView::preferenceChanged (11 bytes)
88311 2263 3 made not entrant javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI$RootView::preferenceChanged (11 bytes)
88312 3311 3 made zombie java.awt.Rectangle::getX (6 bytes)
88313 1053 3 made zombie java.util.IdentityHashMap$IdentityHashMapIterator::hasNext (50 bytes)
88314 1103 3 made zombie sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::transformShape (97 bytes)
88315 1192 3 made zombie javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthBorder::getBorderInsets (409 bytes)
88318 3614 4 sun.awt.X11.XGlobalCursorManager::getNativeContainer (21 bytes)
88321 971 3 made not entrant sun.awt.X11.XGlobalCursorManager::getNativeContainer (21 bytes)
88324 2002 ! 2 made zombie java.awt.Window::getGraphicsConfiguration (45 bytes)
88385 3615 4 java.lang.Integer::equals (29 bytes)
88387 855 3 made not entrant java.lang.Integer::equals (29 bytes)
88398 3312 3 made zombie java.awt.Rectangle::getY (6 bytes)
88534 3616 ! 3 (132 bytes)
89194 3617 3 javax.swing.JTabbedPane::getComponentAt (15 bytes)
89443 3618 3 sun.swing.MenuItemLayoutHelper$RectSize::access$002 (7 bytes)
89447 529 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.CSSParser::append (60 bytes)
89448 615 3 made zombie java.lang.Class::getClassLoader (49 bytes)
89451 3619 1 sun.awt.SunHints$Value::get (8 bytes)
89452 1384 3 made not entrant sun.awt.SunHints$Value::get (8 bytes)
89453 3622 4 (36 bytes)
89454 703 3 made not entrant (36 bytes)
89454 3623 4 (129 bytes)
89457 3620 3 java.awt.Color::<init> (72 bytes)
89458 1571 3 made zombie sun.java2d.SurfaceData::validatePipe (864 bytes)
89461 2158 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.CSS$CssValue::parseHtmlValue (6 bytes)
89462 3621 3 java.awt.Color::testColorValueRange (186 bytes)
89477 3548 4 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit$HTMLFactory::create (892 bytes)
89480 3624 ! 3 java.awt.GradientPaintContext::<init> (649 bytes)
89484 3625 3 sun.java2d.pipe.DrawImage::imageReady (30 bytes)
89484 3626 3 sun.java2d.pipe.DrawImage::isSimpleTranslate (35 bytes)
89493 798 3 made not entrant (129 bytes)
89568 3627 4 javax.swing.BufferStrategyPaintManager::fetchRoot (193 bytes)
89573 2659 3 made not entrant javax.swing.BufferStrategyPaintManager::fetchRoot (193 bytes)
89654 3628 4 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::transformShape (36 bytes)
89655 3629 4 java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock$Sync::nonfairTryAcquire (67 bytes)
89656 296 3 made not entrant java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock$Sync::nonfairTryAcquire (67 bytes)
89659 1054 3 made not entrant sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::transformShape (36 bytes)
90352 3630 4 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::getFont (19 bytes)
90352 3631 3 java.awt.geom.AffineTransform::<init> (57 bytes)
90353 2068 3 made not entrant sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::getFont (19 bytes)
90353 2018 2 made not entrant java.awt.geom.AffineTransform::<init> (57 bytes)
90354 2732 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.MuxingAttributeSet::isDefined (35 bytes)
90354 3632 4 javax.swing.text.Utilities::drawTabbedText (409 bytes)
90366 2512 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.Utilities::drawTabbedText (409 bytes)
90367 855 3 made zombie java.lang.Integer::equals (29 bytes)
90368 971 3 made zombie sun.awt.X11.XGlobalCursorManager::getNativeContainer (21 bytes)
92083 3633 4 java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock$NonfairSync::tryAcquire (6 bytes)
92086 297 3 made not entrant java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock$NonfairSync::tryAcquire (6 bytes)
92092 2228 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView::getMaximumSpan (15 bytes)
92092 2263 3 made zombie javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI$RootView::preferenceChanged (11 bytes)
92168 3634 4 java.awt.Font::getFont2D (92 bytes)
92172 1302 3 made not entrant java.awt.Font::getFont2D (92 bytes)
92215 3635 3 java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync::ranOrCancelled (13 bytes)
92215 3636 3 java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync::innerIsDone (24 bytes)
92216 3637 3 sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPConnection::isReusable (32 bytes)
92217 3638 3 (114 bytes)
92219 3639 3 (128 bytes)
92219 3640 3 sun.rmi.transport.ObjectEndpoint::equals (45 bytes)
92219 3641 3 java.rmi.server.ObjID::write (19 bytes)
92220 3647 4 (9 bytes)
92220 3642 3 java.rmi.server.ObjID::read (22 bytes)
92220 3643 3$BlockDataInputStream::read (9 bytes)
92221 3644 3 java.rmi.server.ObjID::<init> (15 bytes)
92221 3645 ! 3 sun.reflect.GeneratedSerializationConstructorAccessor10::newInstance (49 bytes)
92221 3646 ! 3 (158 bytes)
92222 1764 3 made not entrant (9 bytes)
92224 3648 ! 3 sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPChannel::newConnection (105 bytes)
92226 3649 ! 3 sun.rmi.transport.ObjectTable::getTarget (26 bytes)
92227 3653 3 (25 bytes)
92228 3650 ! 3 sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall::<init> (102 bytes)
92231 3654 3 (17 bytes)
92232 3651 ! 3 sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall::executeCall (295 bytes)
92234 3657 3 java.util.regex.Matcher::appendReplacement (276 bytes)
92237 3652 3 sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall::<init> (30 bytes)
92237 3655 3 sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPChannel::checkConnectPermission (112 bytes)
92238 3656 ! 3 com.sun.jmx.remote.internal.ServerCommunicatorAdmin::reqIncoming (65 bytes)
92248 3658 3 sun.util.LocaleServiceProviderPool::getPool (48 bytes)
92249 3659 3 sun.util.LocaleServiceProviderPool::hasProviders (18 bytes)
92249 3660 3 java.util.HashSet::isEmpty (8 bytes)
92253 3661 3 javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument$ElementBuffer::canJoin (99 bytes)
92253 3663 4 java.awt.Component::repaint (16 bytes)
92254 310 3 made not entrant java.awt.Component::repaint (16 bytes)
92254 3664 3 java.text.DecimalFormat::append (94 bytes)
92255 9% 4 javax.swing.text.GapContent::resetMarksAtZero @ 29 (66 bytes)
92256 3662 3 javax.swing.text.GapContent::getString (35 bytes)
92259 3607 4 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit$HTMLFactory::create (892 bytes)
92264 3665 s 4 java.util.Hashtable::hashCode (99 bytes)
92265 3666 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView::<init> (68 bytes)
92266 3667 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::<init> (10 bytes)
92266 3668 4 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI$RootView::getViewFactory (31 bytes)
92267 3669 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView::setPropertiesFromAttributes (156 bytes)
92269 2161 3 made not entrant javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI$RootView::getViewFactory (31 bytes)
92270 2366 s 3 made not entrant java.util.Hashtable::hashCode (99 bytes)
92272 3670 4 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit$HTMLFactory::create (892 bytes)
92286 3671 3 javax.swing.text.View::changedUpdate (60 bytes)
92287 3673 4 java.util.regex.Pattern::has (15 bytes)
92288 237 3 made not entrant java.util.regex.Pattern::has (15 bytes)
92288 3672 3 java.util.Formatter$FormatSpecifier::mantissa (41 bytes)
92289 296 3 made zombie java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock$Sync::nonfairTryAcquire (67 bytes)
92292 3674 4 javax.swing.text.html.CSS$CssValue::<init> (5 bytes)
92292 3675 3 javax.swing.SwingWorker$SwingWorkerPropertyChangeSupport::firePropertyChange (41 bytes)
92293 664 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.CSS$CssValue::<init> (5 bytes)
92293 703 3 made zombie (36 bytes)
92294 798 3 made zombie (129 bytes)
92294 3678 ! 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI::getMaximumSize (141 bytes)
92296 3679 3 javax.swing.JComponent::setVisible (52 bytes)
92298 1054 3 made zombie sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::transformShape (36 bytes)
92300 1384 3 made zombie sun.awt.SunHints$Value::get (8 bytes)
92300 3677 4 javax.swing.text.GlyphPainter1::getSpan (49 bytes)
92310 2271 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.GlyphPainter1::getSpan (49 bytes)
92315 3680 4 sun.awt.SunHints$Key::isCompatibleValue (18 bytes)
92317 792 3 made not entrant sun.awt.SunHints$Key::isCompatibleValue (18 bytes)
92320 2659 3 made zombie javax.swing.BufferStrategyPaintManager::fetchRoot (193 bytes)
92333 3676 4 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthBorder::getBorderInsets (7 bytes)
92334 1312 3 made not entrant javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthBorder::getBorderInsets (7 bytes)
92476 3681 ! 4 java.awt.EventQueue::getNextEvent (112 bytes)
92522 1005 ! 3 made not entrant java.awt.EventQueue::getNextEvent (112 bytes)
93968 3682 4 java.lang.Integer::<init> (10 bytes)
93970 44 3 made not entrant java.lang.Integer::<init> (10 bytes)
93970 1764 3 made zombie (9 bytes)
93971 297 3 made zombie java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock$NonfairSync::tryAcquire (6 bytes)
93972 310 3 made zombie java.awt.Component::repaint (16 bytes)
95408 3683 4 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLookAndFeel::paintRegion (118 bytes)
95467 1139 3 made not entrant javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLookAndFeel::paintRegion (118 bytes)
95473 1302 3 made zombie java.awt.Font::getFont2D (92 bytes)
95629 3684 4 sun.swing.ImageCache::getEntry (148 bytes)
95651 1585 3 made not entrant sun.swing.ImageCache::getEntry (148 bytes)
95653 2018 2 made zombie java.awt.geom.AffineTransform::<init> (57 bytes)
95653 2068 3 made zombie sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::getFont (19 bytes)
95654 2161 3 made zombie javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI$RootView::getViewFactory (31 bytes)
96216 3685 3$3::run (16 bytes)
96218 2366 s 3 made zombie java.util.Hashtable::hashCode (99 bytes)
96222 2512 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.Utilities::drawTabbedText (409 bytes)
96235 3607 4 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit$HTMLFactory::create (892 bytes)
96235 3691 3 java.util.Formatter$Flags::parse (176 bytes)
96236 3692 3 java.util.TreeMap$KeySet::size (10 bytes)
96236 3690 3$4::run (12 bytes)
96237 3693 ! 3 (67 bytes)
96237 3686 ! 3 (167 bytes)
96238 3687 3$PrivilegedOperation::<init> (20 bytes)
96239 3688 3$PrivilegedOperation::run (16 bytes)
96239 3689 3$200 (7 bytes)
96250 3694 3 java.text.DecimalFormat::setMaximumFractionDigits (82 bytes)
96250 3697 4 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$BranchElement::replace (155 bytes)
96250 3696 4 javax.swing.text.StyleContext::addStyle (28 bytes)
96251 3695 3 java.text.NumberFormat::setMaximumFractionDigits (29 bytes)
96254 3698 s 4 java.util.Vector::indexOf (67 bytes)
96255 3700 3 sun.misc.FormattedFloatingDecimal::countBits (80 bytes)
96256 3699 3 sun.misc.FormattedFloatingDecimal::dtoa (1451 bytes)
96257 2341 s 3 made not entrant java.util.Vector::indexOf (67 bytes)
96257 3701 4 javax.swing.text.FlowView$LogicalView::getViewIndexAtPosition (22 bytes)
96259 2258 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.FlowView$LogicalView::getViewIndexAtPosition (22 bytes)
96260 3704 4 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader::blockClose (165 bytes)
96262 1932 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$BranchElement::replace (155 bytes)
96263 3705 4 javax.swing.text.GapContent::resetMarksAtZero (66 bytes)
96263 3702 s 3 (74 bytes)
96264 3703 3$TimeStamps::add (136 bytes)
96269 2869 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.GapContent::resetMarksAtZero (66 bytes)
96270 3707 4 javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::parseContent (882 bytes)
96295 3708 ! 3 javax.swing.text.FlowView$FlowStrategy::addDamage (69 bytes)
96298 237 3 made zombie java.util.regex.Pattern::has (15 bytes)
96300 3710 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLabelUI::getPreferredSize (95 bytes)
96303 664 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.CSS$CssValue::<init> (5 bytes)
96304 792 3 made zombie sun.awt.SunHints$Key::isCompatibleValue (18 bytes)
96307 1005 ! 3 made zombie java.awt.EventQueue::getNextEvent (112 bytes)
96310 1312 3 made zombie javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthBorder::getBorderInsets (7 bytes)
96311 3711 3 javax.swing.text.View::getAlignment (3 bytes)
96313 2575 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::parseContent (882 bytes)
96313 3706 4 javax.swing.text.CompositeView::loadChildren (70 bytes)
96316 2271 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.GlyphPainter1::getSpan (49 bytes)
96316 3709 3 javax.swing.event.UndoableEditEvent::<init> (11 bytes)
96319 2173 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.CompositeView::loadChildren (70 bytes)
96320 3712 4 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::getOffset (28 bytes)
96324 2285 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::getOffset (28 bytes)
96715 2329 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader::blockClose (165 bytes)
97602 3713 3 java.awt.Rectangle::getSize (16 bytes)
97603 3714 ! 3 (25 bytes)
98837 3715 3 java.lang.reflect.Field::copy (59 bytes)
98838 44 3 made zombie java.lang.Integer::<init> (10 bytes)
98846 3717 3 java.lang.Exception::<init> (6 bytes)
98850 1139 3 made zombie javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLookAndFeel::paintRegion (118 bytes)
98851 3716 3 java.lang.reflect.Field::<init> (44 bytes)
98852 1585 3 made zombie sun.swing.ImageCache::getEntry (148 bytes)
98853 1932 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$BranchElement::replace (155 bytes)
98854 2258 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.FlowView$LogicalView::getViewIndexAtPosition (22 bytes)
98855 3718 3 java.lang.reflect.Constructor::setConstructorAccessor (21 bytes)
98855 2341 s 3 made zombie java.util.Vector::indexOf (67 bytes)
98859 2869 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.GapContent::resetMarksAtZero (66 bytes)
98871 3719 3 javax.swing.tree.TreePath::hashCode (8 bytes)
99132 3720 ! 4 java.awt.Container::dispatchEventImpl (129 bytes)
99319 884 ! 3 made not entrant java.awt.Container::dispatchEventImpl (129 bytes)
99330 3721 ! 4 java.lang.reflect.Field::doSecurityCheck (134 bytes)
99338 838 ! 3 made not entrant java.lang.reflect.Field::doSecurityCheck (134 bytes)
99343 2173 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.CompositeView::loadChildren (70 bytes)
99344 2285 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::getOffset (28 bytes)
100217 3722 3 java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer::<init> (5 bytes)
100218 2329 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader::blockClose (165 bytes)
100222 2575 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::parseContent (882 bytes)
100228 3725 4 (8 bytes)
100230 3727 4 (13 bytes)
100231 1818 3 made not entrant (13 bytes)
100232 3730 s 4 java.lang.StringBuffer::setLength (6 bytes)
100237 538 s 3 made not entrant java.lang.StringBuffer::setLength (6 bytes)
100239 3726 3 java.util.Arrays::mergeSort (234 bytes)
100241 3731 3 java.text.MessageFormat::format (15 bytes)
100241 3728 3 java.util.Formatter$FormatSpecifier::printInteger (130 bytes)
100242 3729 3 java.util.Formatter$FormatSpecifier::print (463 bytes)
100242 1789 3 made not entrant (8 bytes)
100245 3724 3 java.util.Arrays$ArrayList::<init> (22 bytes)
100245 3723 3 java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractOwnableSynchronizer::<init> (5 bytes)
100249 3732 3 javax.swing.tree.VariableHeightLayoutCache$TreeStateNode::isVisible (45 bytes)
100250 3734 3 javax.swing.tree.VariableHeightLayoutCache$TreeStateNode::hasValidSize (13 bytes)
100250 3733 3 javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeCellRenderer::firePropertyChange (40 bytes)
100252 3735 3 javax.swing.tree.TreePath::equals (71 bytes)
100256 3737 3 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet::createResolvedStyle (274 bytes)
100259 3736 3 javax.swing.undo.CompoundEdit::end (6 bytes)
100261 3738 3 javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument$ElementBuffer::create (317 bytes)
100261 3670 4 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit$HTMLFactory::create (892 bytes)
100263 3740 4 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit$HTMLFactory::create (892 bytes)
100263 3739 ! 3 javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument::create (204 bytes)
100266 3741 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSS$ColorValue::<init> (5 bytes)
100266 3742 4 javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::parseAttributeSpecificationList (805 bytes)
100376 2186 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::parseAttributeSpecificationList (805 bytes)
100379 3743 4 sun.misc.FloatingDecimal::floatValue (456 bytes)
100387 1427 3 made not entrant sun.misc.FloatingDecimal::floatValue (456 bytes)
101585 3744 3 java.lang.Class::privateGetDeclaredFields (119 bytes)
101589 2109 4 made not entrant javax.swing.text.StyleContext$SmallAttributeSet::equals (41 bytes)
101603 3747 3 (27 bytes)
101604 3746 3 java.awt.Component::setLocation (7 bytes)
101605 3745 3 javax.swing.UIDefaults::getColor (22 bytes)
101608 3748 3 java.util.Vector$1::hasMoreElements (20 bytes)
101608 3749 4 java.awt.Component::hasFocus (16 bytes)
101611 699 3 made not entrant java.awt.Component::hasFocus (16 bytes)
101614 538 s 3 made zombie java.lang.StringBuffer::setLength (6 bytes)
101617 838 ! 3 made zombie java.lang.reflect.Field::doSecurityCheck (134 bytes)
101617 884 ! 3 made zombie java.awt.Container::dispatchEventImpl (129 bytes)
101665 3750 3 javax.swing.JTable::getRowSorter (19 bytes)
101667 1818 3 made zombie (13 bytes)
101667 1789 3 made zombie (8 bytes)
101732 3751 3 javax.swing.JViewport::toViewCoordinates (9 bytes)
101752 3670 4 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit$HTMLFactory::create (892 bytes)
104221 3752 4 java.util.ArrayList::toArray (60 bytes)
104227 3753 ! 4$BlockDataInputStream::readBlockHeader (249 bytes)
104232 1081 3 made not entrant java.util.ArrayList::toArray (60 bytes)
104251 3754 3 java.awt.Color::getGreen (12 bytes)
104259 3756 4 javax.swing.text.StyleContext$SmallAttributeSet::equals (41 bytes)
104269 3757 4 javax.swing.text.StyleContext$SmallAttributeSet::containsAttributes (53 bytes)
104270 1427 3 made zombie sun.misc.FloatingDecimal::floatValue (456 bytes)
104270 3755 3 java.awt.Color::getBlue (11 bytes)
104274 2109 4 made zombie javax.swing.text.StyleContext$SmallAttributeSet::equals (41 bytes)
104275 2186 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::parseAttributeSpecificationList (805 bytes)
104276 1880 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.StyleContext$SmallAttributeSet::containsAttributes (53 bytes)
104277 1734 ! 3 made not entrant$BlockDataInputStream::readBlockHeader (249 bytes)
104293 3758 3 javax.swing.text.GapContent::shiftGap (186 bytes)
104295 3759 3 java.lang.Integer::toUnsignedString (55 bytes)
104705 3760 3 sun.misc.Unsafe::getInt (8 bytes)
104767 3761 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthBorder::paintBorder (73 bytes)
104768 2042 2 made not entrant javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthBorder::paintBorder (73 bytes)
104769 699 3 made zombie java.awt.Component::hasFocus (16 bytes)
105359 3762 1 java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractOwnableSynchronizer::setExclusiveOwnerThread (6 bytes)
105359 168 3 made not entrant java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractOwnableSynchronizer::setExclusiveOwnerThread (6 bytes)
106307 3763 3 sun.awt.X11.XCrossingEvent::get_type (18 bytes)
106310 3346 4 made not entrant javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$BranchElement::getElementIndex (238 bytes)
106325 3764 3 javax.swing.text.PlainView::updateMetrics (41 bytes)
106574 3765 4 sun.awt.SunToolkit::targetToAppContext (36 bytes)
106579 889 3 made not entrant sun.awt.SunToolkit::targetToAppContext (36 bytes)
107405 3766 3 sun.awt.X11.XEvent::get_xcrossing (22 bytes)
107411 3767 3 sun.awt.X11.XCrossingEvent::<init> (30 bytes)
107418 1081 3 made zombie java.util.ArrayList::toArray (60 bytes)
108217 3768 3 (42 bytes)
108221 1734 ! 3 made zombie$BlockDataInputStream::readBlockHeader (249 bytes)
108221 3770 ! 4$BlockDataInputStream::refill (136 bytes)
108222 1880 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.StyleContext$SmallAttributeSet::containsAttributes (53 bytes)
108227 3771 3 java.lang.Double::<init> (10 bytes)
108232 3772 4 java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1::next (10 bytes)
108236 1733 ! 3 made not entrant$BlockDataInputStream::refill (136 bytes)
108240 1799 3 made not entrant java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1::next (10 bytes)
108246 3773 3 (62 bytes)
108248 3774 3 java.lang.StringBuffer::append (52 bytes)
108249 3769 3 java.lang.Boolean::<init> (10 bytes)
108250 3775 3 java.text.FieldPosition::getFieldDelegate (10 bytes)
108251 3776 3 java.text.FieldPosition$Delegate::<init> (6 bytes)
108251 3777 3 java.text.FieldPosition$Delegate::<init> (10 bytes)
108252 3778 4 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$AbstractElement::<init> (37 bytes)
108255 3779 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView::insertUpdate (8 bytes)
108255 3780 4 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$BranchElement::getElementIndex (238 bytes)
108256 3782 3 javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument$ElementBuffer::cloneAsNecessary (177 bytes)
108258 3781 3 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$BlockElement::getName (22 bytes)
108260 1328 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$AbstractElement::<init> (37 bytes)
108264 3783 4 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader::canInsertTag (144 bytes)
108264 3784 3 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader$CharacterAction::end (8 bytes)
108264 3785 4 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader::blockOpen (95 bytes)
108267 2325 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader::canInsertTag (144 bytes)
108285 2328 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader::blockOpen (95 bytes)
108286 3786 ! 3 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument::putProperty (91 bytes)
108288 3787 3 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$SelectorMapping::getChildSelectorMapping (75 bytes)
109316 3788 s 3 javax.swing.Timer::cancelEvent (6 bytes)
109319 168 3 made zombie java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractOwnableSynchronizer::setExclusiveOwnerThread (6 bytes)
111301 3789 3 java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap$HashEntry::<init> (26 bytes)
111303 889 3 made zombie sun.awt.SunToolkit::targetToAppContext (36 bytes)
111317 3790 ! 3 java.lang.Class::newInstance0 (135 bytes)
111323 2042 2 made zombie javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthBorder::paintBorder (73 bytes)
111341 3791 3 java.text.BreakIterator::getShort (27 bytes)
111355 3346 4 made zombie javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$BranchElement::getElementIndex (238 bytes)
111377 400 4 made not entrant java.util.HashMap::get (79 bytes)
111377 1561 4 made not entrant java.util.HashMap::put (126 bytes)
111378 3792 4 java.util.HashMap::put (126 bytes)
111399 3793 4 java.lang.String::indexOf (7 bytes)
111399 3794 3<init> (21 bytes)
111411 63 3 made not entrant java.lang.String::indexOf (7 bytes)
111419 3795 ! 3 sun.nio.cs.ISO_8859_1$Decoder::decodeArrayLoop (263 bytes)
111422 1746 4 made not entrant java.util.TreeMap::put (240 bytes)
111425 3798 4 java.util.HashMap::get (79 bytes)
111425 3796 ! 3 (304 bytes)
111429 3309 4 made not entrant javax.swing.text.View::getEndOffset (10 bytes)
111431 3797 3 java.awt.datatransfer.MimeTypeParameterList::isTokenChar (27 bytes)
112220 3799 4 java.util.TreeMap::put (240 bytes)
112223 3800 3 sun.util.calendar.ZoneInfo::getTransitionIndex (156 bytes)
112237 3801 4$BlockDataOutputStream::writeLong (48 bytes)
112238 3802 3 java.util.regex.Pattern::newSlice (181 bytes)
112240 1799 3 made zombie java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1::next (10 bytes)
112240 1801 3 made not entrant$BlockDataOutputStream::writeLong (48 bytes)
112243 1328 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$AbstractElement::<init> (37 bytes)
112244 3803 3 java.util.regex.Pattern$Slice::<init> (6 bytes)
112245 1733 ! 3 made zombie$BlockDataInputStream::refill (136 bytes)
112248 2328 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader::blockOpen (95 bytes)
112252 3804 4 java.util.Hashtable::<init> (8 bytes)
112252 3805 3 sun.font.FontManager::findFont2D (1223 bytes)
112254 2325 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader::canInsertTag (144 bytes)
112265 3807 3 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit$HTMLFactory$BodyBlockView::setParent (42 bytes)
112266 3806 3 sun.font.FontManager::dotStyleStr (40 bytes)
112274 3809 4 javax.swing.text.View::getEndOffset (10 bytes)
112276 3808 4 java.util.Dictionary::<init> (5 bytes)
112277 1125 3 made not entrant java.util.Dictionary::<init> (5 bytes)
112285 3810 ! 4 sun.misc.FloatingDecimal::readJavaFormatString (856 bytes)
112291 3811 1 javax.swing.undo.AbstractUndoableEdit::replaceEdit (2 bytes)
112292 2190 3 made not entrant javax.swing.undo.AbstractUndoableEdit::replaceEdit (2 bytes)
112292 63 3 made zombie java.lang.String::indexOf (7 bytes)
112293 3309 4 made zombie javax.swing.text.View::getEndOffset (10 bytes)
112294 400 4 made zombie java.util.HashMap::get (79 bytes)
112319 791 ! 3 made not entrant sun.misc.FloatingDecimal::readJavaFormatString (856 bytes)
112320 1561 4 made zombie java.util.HashMap::put (126 bytes)
112320 1746 4 made zombie java.util.TreeMap::put (240 bytes)
112345 3294 4 made not entrant javax.swing.text.View::getStartOffset (10 bytes)
112346 3812 3 javax.swing.text.PlainView::getPreferredSpan (88 bytes)
112845 3813 3 javax.swing.JTextField::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
112991 3814 3 java.lang.Character::<init> (10 bytes)
112992 3815 3 java.lang.Character::valueOf (21 bytes)
112995 3720 ! 4 made not entrant java.awt.Container::dispatchEventImpl (129 bytes)
113070 3668 4 made not entrant javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI$RootView::getViewFactory (31 bytes)
113177 3816 3 java.awt.Component::getFocusTraversalKeys_NoIDCheck (47 bytes)
113187 3817 1 sun.awt.X11.Native::getByte (8 bytes)
113187 81 3 made not entrant sun.awt.X11.Native::getByte (8 bytes)
113312 3818 3 java.awt.Container::getFocusTraversalKeys (26 bytes)
113313 3610 4 made not entrant javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI$RootView::preferenceChanged (11 bytes)
113319 1125 3 made zombie java.util.Dictionary::<init> (5 bytes)
113405 3819 ! 3 java.util.Vector$1::nextElement (63 bytes)
113425 3820 3 javax.swing.JComponent::processKeyBinding (78 bytes)
113429 1801 3 made zombie$BlockDataOutputStream::writeLong (48 bytes)
113533 3821 3 javax.swing.InputMap::get (54 bytes)
113683 3822 3 javax.swing.text.Utilities::getTabbedTextWidth (12 bytes)
113798 3823 3 java.awt.Container::preProcessKeyEvent (15 bytes)
113799 3824 3 java.awt.Container::postProcessKeyEvent (15 bytes)
113952 3825 ! 3 javax.swing.text.FieldView::getPreferredSpan (156 bytes)
114696 3826 3 java.awt.event.ComponentEvent::getComponent (22 bytes)
114699 81 3 made zombie sun.awt.X11.Native::getByte (8 bytes)
114703 2190 3 made zombie javax.swing.undo.AbstractUndoableEdit::replaceEdit (2 bytes)
114815 3827 3 java.awt.Component::isFocusable (5 bytes)
114816 791 ! 3 made zombie sun.misc.FloatingDecimal::readJavaFormatString (856 bytes)
114823 3294 4 made zombie javax.swing.text.View::getStartOffset (10 bytes)
114847 3828 3 javax.swing.JMenuBar::processBindingForKeyStrokeRecursive (116 bytes)
114854 3668 4 made zombie javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI$RootView::getViewFactory (31 bytes)
114966 3829 3 java.awt.Component::isFocusTraversable (17 bytes)
114985 3720 ! 4 made zombie java.awt.Container::dispatchEventImpl (129 bytes)
115162 3830 3 sun.awt.X11.XAtom::getAtom (5 bytes)
115163 3831 3 java.awt.Component::repaint (11 bytes)
115258 3832 3 sun.java2d.pipe.LoopPipe::fillRect (32 bytes)
115260 1997 2 made not entrant sun.java2d.pipe.LoopPipe::fillRect (32 bytes)
116065 3833 4 sun.awt.X11.Native::getLong (25 bytes)
116066 3834 3 javax.swing.JMenuItem::getComponent (2 bytes)
116067 298 3 made not entrant sun.awt.X11.Native::getLong (25 bytes)
116071 3835 3 javax.swing.JMenuItem::getSubElements (5 bytes)
116216 3836 3 java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer::isOnSyncQueue (33 bytes)
116224 3838 3 java.util.Arrays$ArrayList::get (7 bytes)
116225 3839 4 java.util.TreeMap::get (19 bytes)
116234 834 3 made not entrant java.util.TreeMap::get (19 bytes)
116235 3610 4 made zombie javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI$RootView::preferenceChanged (11 bytes)
116240 3837 3 (44 bytes)
116252 3840 4 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI$RootView::preferenceChanged (11 bytes)
116252 3841 4 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicEditorPaneUI::getEditorKit (13 bytes)
116255 2163 3 made not entrant javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicEditorPaneUI::getEditorKit (13 bytes)
116255 3842 3 java.lang.Double::isNaN (12 bytes)
116256 3843 4 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument::getStyleSheet (8 bytes)
116256 3844 3 java.lang.Integer::toHexString (6 bytes)
116257 1898 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument::getStyleSheet (8 bytes)
116257 3845 4 javax.swing.text.View::getStartOffset (10 bytes)
116262 3846 4 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI$RootView::getViewFactory (31 bytes)
116267 3847 4 javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::parseAttributeValue (514 bytes)
116272 3848 ! 4 javax.swing.text.html.CSS$LengthValue::parseCssValue (158 bytes)
116279 2157 ! 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.CSS$LengthValue::parseCssValue (158 bytes)
116294 2184 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::parseAttributeValue (514 bytes)
116418 3849 ! 4 java.awt.Container::dispatchEventImpl (129 bytes)
116750 3850 4 sun.reflect.UnsafeFieldAccessorImpl::ensureObj (23 bytes)
116751 3851 3 java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock$Sync::isHeldExclusively (16 bytes)
116751 852 3 made not entrant sun.reflect.UnsafeFieldAccessorImpl::ensureObj (23 bytes)
116754 1997 2 made zombie sun.java2d.pipe.LoopPipe::fillRect (32 bytes)
116757 3855 3 java.util.Collections::addAll (43 bytes)
116770 3852 3 sun.reflect.MethodAccessorImpl::<init> (5 bytes)
116771 3854 s 3 sun.swing.AccumulativeRunnable::add (40 bytes)
116771 3853 3 javax.swing.SwingWorker::access$000 (6 bytes)
116786 3856 3 java.util.jar.Manifest::getAttributes (14 bytes)
116788 3857 s 3 java.util.jar.JarFile::getInputStream (89 bytes)
116789 3858 ! 3 java.lang.ClassLoader::getPackage (105 bytes)
116790 3859 s 3 (30 bytes)
116791 3860 3 (9 bytes)
116792 3861 3 (219 bytes)
116794 3862 3 java.awt.Insets::equals (64 bytes)
116794 3863 3 java.lang.reflect.Constructor::<init> (50 bytes)
116799 3864 3 javax.swing.JComponent::setInputMap (112 bytes)
116800 3865 3 java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster::getListenerCount (44 bytes)
116800 3866 3 java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster::populateListenerArray (58 bytes)
116801 3867 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthPanelUI::propertyChange (19 bytes)
116801 2771 ! 4 made not entrant javax.swing.UIDefaults::getFromResourceBundle (72 bytes)
116826 3868 3 java.awt.image.Raster::getNumDataElements (8 bytes)
116831 2892 4 made not entrant java.awt.Component::getGraphics (124 bytes)
116832 3441 ! 4 made not entrant sun.awt.X11.XToolkit::windowToXWindow (27 bytes)
116835 3869 3 java.nio.charset.Charset::lookup (44 bytes)
116837 3871 4 java.awt.Container::getComponentCount (5 bytes)
116839 298 3 made zombie sun.awt.X11.Native::getLong (25 bytes)
116839 770 3 made not entrant java.awt.Container::getComponentCount (5 bytes)
116840 2784 4 made not entrant java.awt.Component::getToolkitImpl (41 bytes)
116841 3873 4 java.awt.Component::getToolkitImpl (41 bytes)
116842 3013 4 made not entrant java.awt.Component::getContainingWindow (24 bytes)
116844 3870 3 sun.awt.X11.XComponentPeer::addTree (106 bytes)
116846 3875 ! 4 javax.swing.UIDefaults::getFromResourceBundle (72 bytes)
116850 834 3 made zombie java.util.TreeMap::get (19 bytes)
116856 3877 1 javax.swing.JScrollBar::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
116857 2781 3 made not entrant javax.swing.JScrollBar::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
116858 3878 ! 4 sun.awt.X11.XToolkit::windowToXWindow (27 bytes)
116858 1898 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument::getStyleSheet (8 bytes)
116861 2157 ! 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.CSS$LengthValue::parseCssValue (158 bytes)
116861 2163 3 made zombie javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicEditorPaneUI::getEditorKit (13 bytes)
116862 3874 1 sun.awt.NullComponentPeer::isRestackSupported (2 bytes)
116862 1361 3 made not entrant sun.awt.NullComponentPeer::isRestackSupported (2 bytes)
116876 3872 3 sun.awt.X11.XComponentPeer::getToolkit (4 bytes)
116876 3876 3 java.awt.Container::insets (42 bytes)
116879 3880 3 sun.awt.X11.XPropertyEvent::<init> (30 bytes)
116880 3440 ! 4 made not entrant sun.awt.PostEventQueue::flush (60 bytes)
116880 3879 3 sun.awt.X11.XEvent::get_xproperty (22 bytes)
116885 2789 3 made not entrant javax.swing.BufferStrategyPaintManager::prepare (330 bytes)
116885 2790 3 made not entrant javax.swing.BufferStrategyPaintManager::flushAccumulatedRegion (101 bytes)
116886 3517 4 made not entrant sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::validateColor (101 bytes)
116887 2834 4 made not entrant sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::setColor (103 bytes)
116910 3881 4 java.awt.image.ComponentColorModel::getRGB (161 bytes)
116911 3882 4 java.awt.image.ComponentColorModel::getAlpha (269 bytes)
116916 1521 3 made not entrant java.awt.image.ComponentColorModel::getAlpha (269 bytes)
116925 1520 3 made not entrant java.awt.image.ComponentColorModel::getRGB (161 bytes)
116926 852 3 made zombie sun.reflect.UnsafeFieldAccessorImpl::ensureObj (23 bytes)
116979 3883 4 java.awt.Component::getContainingWindow (24 bytes)
116980 3884 ! 3 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::drawLine (45 bytes)
116981 2001 ! 2 made not entrant sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::drawLine (45 bytes)
116985 2184 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser::parseAttributeValue (514 bytes)
116987 3887 3 sun.font.GlyphList::setFromString (75 bytes)
116987 2026 2 made not entrant sun.font.GlyphList::setFromString (75 bytes)
116988 3886 3 sun.java2d.pipe.GlyphListPipe::drawString (204 bytes)
116989 2025 2 made not entrant sun.java2d.pipe.GlyphListPipe::drawString (204 bytes)
116989 3885 ! 3 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::drawString (95 bytes)
116990 2024 ! 2 made not entrant sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::drawString (95 bytes)
116991 2771 ! 4 made zombie javax.swing.UIDefaults::getFromResourceBundle (72 bytes)
117007 3888 ! 4 sun.awt.PostEventQueue::flush (60 bytes)
117008 3889 4 java.util.LinkedList::addBefore (52 bytes)
117010 3036 4 made not entrant java.awt.EventQueue::eventToCacheIndex (69 bytes)
117010 3681 ! 4 made not entrant java.awt.EventQueue::getNextEvent (112 bytes)
117011 655 3 made not entrant java.util.LinkedList::addBefore (52 bytes)
117011 3890 3 java.util.LinkedList::<init> (43 bytes)
117011 3891 3 java.util.AbstractSequentialList::<init> (5 bytes)
117012 3892 3 sun.awt.X11.XToolkit::targetToPeer (31 bytes)
117013 3893 3 sun.awt.SunToolkit::targetToPeer (23 bytes)
117087 2885 4 made not entrant javax.swing.RepaintManager::addDirtyRegion (37 bytes)
117105 3894 3 java.awt.Image::<init> (11 bytes)
117106 3895 4 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::setColor (103 bytes)
120223 3896 3 (5 bytes)
120227 3013 4 made zombie java.awt.Component::getContainingWindow (24 bytes)
120229 3897 3 (5 bytes)
120230 770 3 made zombie java.awt.Container::getComponentCount (5 bytes)
120236 2781 3 made zombie javax.swing.JScrollBar::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
120238 1361 3 made zombie sun.awt.NullComponentPeer::isRestackSupported (2 bytes)
120240 3898 3 (5 bytes)
120244 3899 3 java.text.DecimalFormat::format (142 bytes)
120247 2784 4 made zombie java.awt.Component::getToolkitImpl (41 bytes)
120249 2892 4 made zombie java.awt.Component::getGraphics (124 bytes)
120249 3441 ! 4 made zombie sun.awt.X11.XToolkit::windowToXWindow (27 bytes)
120253 3440 ! 4 made zombie sun.awt.PostEventQueue::flush (60 bytes)
120257 3903 s! 3 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet::createResolvedStyle (481 bytes)
120259 10% 4 javax.swing.text.GapContent::getPositionsInRange @ 138 (176 bytes)
120261 3902 3 java.text.DecimalFormat::expandAffix (347 bytes)
120263 3901 ! 3 java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols::initialize (350 bytes)
120266 3904 3 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$SearchBuffer::getHashtable (23 bytes)
120266 3900 3 javax.swing.SwingWorker$SwingWorkerPropertyChangeSupport$1::run (12 bytes)
120267 3905 4 java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator$Attribute::hashCode (5 bytes)
120268 2193 3 made not entrant java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator$Attribute::hashCode (5 bytes)
120291 3907 3 javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::changedUpdate (45 bytes)
120292 3906 4 java.util.Stack::push (7 bytes)
120293 3036 4 made zombie java.awt.EventQueue::eventToCacheIndex (69 bytes)
120295 655 3 made zombie java.util.LinkedList::addBefore (52 bytes)
120296 1250 3 made not entrant java.util.Stack::push (7 bytes)
120296 2789 3 made zombie javax.swing.BufferStrategyPaintManager::prepare (330 bytes)
120297 3517 4 made zombie sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::validateColor (101 bytes)
120611 2883 ! 4 made not entrant javax.swing.RepaintManager::addDirtyRegion0 (202 bytes)
120612 3627 4 made not entrant javax.swing.BufferStrategyPaintManager::fetchRoot (193 bytes)
120723 3908 3 java.awt.Window::isModalBlocked (13 bytes)
120724 1521 3 made zombie java.awt.image.ComponentColorModel::getAlpha (269 bytes)
120724 1520 3 made zombie java.awt.image.ComponentColorModel::getRGB (161 bytes)
120724 3888 ! 4 made not entrant sun.awt.PostEventQueue::flush (60 bytes)
120727 2001 ! 2 made zombie sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::drawLine (45 bytes)
120727 2024 ! 2 made zombie sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::drawString (95 bytes)
120728 2025 2 made zombie sun.java2d.pipe.GlyphListPipe::drawString (204 bytes)
120728 2026 2 made zombie sun.font.GlyphList::setFromString (75 bytes)
121237 3909 3 javax.swing.text.PlainView::setSize (11 bytes)
121243 2790 3 made zombie javax.swing.BufferStrategyPaintManager::flushAccumulatedRegion (101 bytes)
121245 2834 4 made zombie sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::setColor (103 bytes)
121246 2885 4 made zombie javax.swing.RepaintManager::addDirtyRegion (37 bytes)
121257 3681 ! 4 made zombie java.awt.EventQueue::getNextEvent (112 bytes)
--- n sun.misc.Unsafe::putLong
121262 3910 3 sun.awt.X11.Native::toBytes (41 bytes)
121296 3911 ! 4 javax.swing.RepaintManager::addDirtyRegion0 (202 bytes)
121299 3912 3 javax.swing.event.EventListenerList::getListenerCount (34 bytes)
121299 3914 4 javax.swing.RepaintManager::addDirtyRegion (37 bytes)
121300 3913 3 javax.swing.JComponent::setAlignmentX (31 bytes)
121300 3915 3 javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel::setEnabled (65 bytes)
121301 3916 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthButtonUI::updateStyle (212 bytes)
121305 3917 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonUI::getButtonListener (41 bytes)
121306 3919 ! 3 sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor2::invoke (49 bytes)
121308 3920 3 javax.swing.InputMap::allKeys (165 bytes)
121313 3918 s 3 java.awt.Component::getMouseMotionListeners (14 bytes)
121321 3922 3 javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer::setForeground (11 bytes)
121322 3923 3 javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer::setBackground (11 bytes)
121323 3925 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthArrowButton$SynthArrowButtonUI::getPreferredSize (232 bytes)
121334 3591 4 made not entrant sun.awt.X11.XGlobalCursorManager$CapableCursorAndComponent::getNew (125 bytes)
121343 3928 3 sun.awt.X11.Native::getLongSize (4 bytes)
121343 3929 3 sun.awt.X11.Native::getWindow (12 bytes)
121343 2193 3 made zombie java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator$Attribute::hashCode (5 bytes)
121344 3930 3 sun.awt.X11.Native::getWindowSize (4 bytes)
121344 3924 4 java.awt.ComponentOrientation::isLeftToRight (15 bytes)
121345 3931 4 java.awt.Rectangle::<init> (9 bytes)
121345 870 3 made not entrant java.awt.ComponentOrientation::isLeftToRight (15 bytes)
121345 3921 4 java.lang.reflect.Array::newInstance (6 bytes)
121346 1062 3 made not entrant java.awt.Rectangle::<init> (9 bytes)
121347 496 3 made not entrant java.lang.reflect.Array::newInstance (6 bytes)
121348 3933 4 java.util.LinkedList$ListItr::previous (53 bytes)
121350 658 3 made not entrant java.util.LinkedList$ListItr::previous (53 bytes)
121355 3932 ! 3 java.awt.Container::getComponentZOrder (43 bytes)
121359 3934 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthContext::setComponentState (6 bytes)
121370 3927 3 sun.awt.X11.XAtom::get (20 bytes)
121371 3926 3 javax.swing.JScrollBar::getVisibleAmount (10 bytes)
121376 3935 3 sun.awt.X11.XPropertyEvent::get_atom (20 bytes)
121463 3936 4 java.awt.Component::getGraphics (124 bytes)
121465 3937 ! 4 sun.awt.PostEventQueue::flush (60 bytes)
121494 3938 4 java.awt.EventQueue::eventToCacheIndex (69 bytes)
121496 3939 4 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::validateColor (101 bytes)
123709 3849 ! 4 made not entrant java.awt.Container::dispatchEventImpl (129 bytes)
123710 3940 ! 4 java.awt.EventQueue::getNextEvent (112 bytes)
123735 3941 s 3 java.awt.Frame::getExtendedState (27 bytes)
123755 1250 3 made zombie java.util.Stack::push (7 bytes)
124146 3942 3 (33 bytes)
124150 3627 4 made zombie javax.swing.BufferStrategyPaintManager::fetchRoot (193 bytes)
124178 3943 3 java.util.HashMap::newKeyIterator (10 bytes)
124190 2883 ! 4 made zombie javax.swing.RepaintManager::addDirtyRegion0 (202 bytes)
124201 3888 ! 4 made zombie sun.awt.PostEventQueue::flush (60 bytes)
124201 3946 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.LazyActionMap::installLazyActionMap (36 bytes)
124202 3950 3 java.awt.Container::getPreferredSize (5 bytes)
124203 3951 4 java.awt.Component::isDisplayable (13 bytes)
124203 3947 3 javax.swing.AbstractButton::updateMnemonicProperties (60 bytes)
124204 819 3 made not entrant java.awt.Component::isDisplayable (13 bytes)
124204 3945 3 java.lang.Class::privateGetDeclaredConstructors (130 bytes)
124205 3952 ! 4 sun.awt.X11.XAwtState::getGrabWindow (67 bytes)
124207 3948 3 sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl::newInstance (76 bytes)
124208 3949 3 javax.swing.InputMap::size (17 bytes)
124208 3944 3 java.util.HashMap$KeyIterator::<init> (6 bytes)
124215 874 ! 3 made not entrant sun.awt.X11.XAwtState::getGrabWindow (67 bytes)
124215 870 3 made zombie java.awt.ComponentOrientation::isLeftToRight (15 bytes)
124217 496 3 made zombie java.lang.reflect.Array::newInstance (6 bytes)
124218 3953 3 javax.swing.SwingWorker::isDone (8 bytes)
124218 658 3 made zombie java.util.LinkedList$ListItr::previous (53 bytes)
124218 3955 4 java.lang.Long::<init> (10 bytes)
124219 78 3 made not entrant java.lang.Long::<init> (10 bytes)
124220 3954 3 java.util.concurrent.FutureTask::isDone (8 bytes)
124223 1062 3 made zombie java.awt.Rectangle::<init> (9 bytes)
124223 3956 3 java.util.ArrayList::readObject (46 bytes)
124225 3957 3 javax.swing.table.DefaultTableColumnModel::getColumnIndexAtX (43 bytes)
124232 3962 3 java.rmi.server.UID::equals (54 bytes)
124241 3591 4 made zombie sun.awt.X11.XGlobalCursorManager$CapableCursorAndComponent::getNew (125 bytes)
124244 3958 ! 3 (164 bytes)
124246 3959 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer::getAttributes (16 bytes)
124247 3960 ! 3 com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor::getAttributes (226 bytes)
124249 3961 3 (9 bytes)
124250 3963 3 java.util.Arrays::asList (9 bytes)
124354 3964 3 java.util.Stack::<init> (5 bytes)
124354 3965 4 javax.swing.undo.AbstractUndoableEdit::<init> (15 bytes)
124355 1931 3 made not entrant javax.swing.undo.AbstractUndoableEdit::<init> (15 bytes)
124356 3966 ! 3 java.lang.ref.Finalizer::add (41 bytes)
124357 3967 3 java.lang.ref.Finalizer::register (10 bytes)
124358 3968 3 java.lang.ref.Finalizer::<init> (23 bytes)
124359 3969 3 java.lang.ref.FinalReference::<init> (7 bytes)
124368 11% ! 4 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument::insertUpdate @ 75 (117 bytes)
124397 3970 1 java.awt.SystemColor::getRGB (9 bytes)
124397 2631 3 made not entrant java.awt.SystemColor::getRGB (9 bytes)
124398 819 3 made zombie java.awt.Component::isDisplayable (13 bytes)
124834 3971 s 3 java.awt.Component::removeMouseMotionListener (18 bytes)
124850 3973 3 sun.awt.X11.XPropertyCache::isCachingSupported (2 bytes)
124854 3972 3 java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster::remove (9 bytes)
124870 3849 ! 4 made zombie java.awt.Container::dispatchEventImpl (129 bytes)
125096 3974 1 java.awt.event.InputEvent::getModifiers (9 bytes)
125097 859 3 made not entrant java.awt.event.InputEvent::getModifiers (9 bytes)
125098 3975 3 java.util.HashSet::<init> (16 bytes)
125134 3976 3 javax.swing.AbstractButton::getUI (8 bytes)
125140 3977 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonListener::updateMnemonicBinding (94 bytes)
--- n sun.misc.Unsafe::putInt
125145 3978 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicLookAndFeel::getUIOfType (12 bytes)
125147 3979 1 javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI::getPreferredSize (2 bytes)
125148 1486 3 made not entrant javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI::getPreferredSize (2 bytes)
125149 3980 3 javax.swing.JScrollBar::getValue (10 bytes)
125150 3981 3 sun.awt.X11.Native::putInt (9 bytes)
125150 3982 s 3 java.util.Vector::get (24 bytes)
125167 3983 3 java.lang.ref.Reference::clear (6 bytes)
125169 78 3 made zombie java.lang.Long::<init> (10 bytes)
125172 3984 ! 3 java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue::remove (80 bytes)
125175 874 ! 3 made zombie sun.awt.X11.XAwtState::getGrabWindow (67 bytes)
125182 3985 3 java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue::remove (6 bytes)
125184 1931 3 made zombie javax.swing.undo.AbstractUndoableEdit::<init> (15 bytes)
125187 3986 3 sun.java2d.SurfaceData::<init> (36 bytes)
125200 3988 3 javax.swing.SortingFocusTraversalPolicy::enumerateCycle (122 bytes)
125204 3987 3 sun.awt.X11.XKeyEvent::get_state (20 bytes)
125205 1486 3 made zombie javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI::getPreferredSize (2 bytes)
125205 859 3 made zombie java.awt.event.InputEvent::getModifiers (9 bytes)
125290 3989 4 javax.swing.BufferStrategyPaintManager::resetAccumulated (23 bytes)
125291 2644 3 made not entrant javax.swing.BufferStrategyPaintManager::resetAccumulated (23 bytes)
125622 3990 3 sun.awt.X11.XWindowPeer::isModalBlocked (13 bytes)
125622 3991 ! 4 java.awt.Container::dispatchEventImpl (129 bytes)
125625 2631 3 made zombie java.awt.SystemColor::getRGB (9 bytes)
125646 3992 4 javax.swing.text.SegmentCache::getSharedSegment (7 bytes)
125651 1413 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.SegmentCache::getSharedSegment (7 bytes)
125903 3993 1 sun.awt.X11.XAtom::getAtom (5 bytes)
125903 3830 3 made not entrant sun.awt.X11.XAtom::getAtom (5 bytes)
125910 3994 ! 3 java.rmi.server.UID::<init> (151 bytes)
125917 3995 3$HandleTable::setObject (54 bytes)
125937 3996 3 java.util.HashSet::iterator (13 bytes)
125939 3997 3 sun.reflect.ReflectionFactory::copyConstructor (10 bytes)
125940 3998 3 java.lang.reflect.ReflectAccess::copyConstructor (5 bytes)
125940 4000 3 javax.swing.AbstractButton::setContentAreaFilled (36 bytes)
125941 3999 3 java.lang.reflect.Constructor::copy (55 bytes)
125942 4001 3 (186 bytes)
125944 4002 3 javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel::fireStateChanged (69 bytes)
125944 4005 4 java.awt.Insets::<init> (26 bytes)
125944 693 3 made not entrant java.awt.Insets::<init> (26 bytes)
125946 4003 s 3 java.awt.Component::addFocusListener (43 bytes)
125947 4004 3 java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster::add (9 bytes)
125950 4006 1 sun.awt.X11.Native::putByte (9 bytes)
125951 285 3 made not entrant sun.awt.X11.Native::putByte (9 bytes)
125951 4007 3 sun.java2d.Disposer::addRecord (17 bytes)
125954 4008 ! 4 (535 bytes)
125971 4010 3 java.lang.Math::abs (13 bytes)
125972 4009 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthButtonUI::getDefaultIcon (43 bytes)
126009 4012 3 javax.swing.LayoutFocusTraversalPolicy::accept (96 bytes)
126015 4013 3 javax.swing.SortingFocusTraversalPolicy::accept (8 bytes)
126023 4014 ! 3 java.util.AbstractList$ListItr::set (57 bytes)
126028 2644 3 made zombie javax.swing.BufferStrategyPaintManager::resetAccumulated (23 bytes)
126064 611 ! 3 made not entrant (535 bytes)
126090 4011 4 java.awt.Component::getBackground (29 bytes)
126093 645 3 made not entrant java.awt.Component::getBackground (29 bytes)
126234 285 3 made zombie sun.awt.X11.Native::putByte (9 bytes)
126236 693 3 made zombie java.awt.Insets::<init> (26 bytes)
126524 4015 3 java.lang.reflect.Field::set (13 bytes)
126525 4016 4 java.util.HashMap::getEntry (79 bytes)
126535 1413 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.SegmentCache::getSharedSegment (7 bytes)
126538 70 3 made not entrant java.util.HashMap::getEntry (79 bytes)
126539 4017 3 java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::stringSizeOfLong (38 bytes)
126546 3830 3 made zombie sun.awt.X11.XAtom::getAtom (5 bytes)
128101 4018 4 java.awt.BorderLayout::getChild (152 bytes)
128104 4021 3 java.lang.String::valueOf (7 bytes)
128105 775 3 made not entrant java.awt.BorderLayout::getChild (152 bytes)
128105 4022 ! 4 javax.swing.JComponent::putClientProperty (107 bytes)
128115 4026 4 javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::getPreferredSpan (6 bytes)
128120 2229 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::getPreferredSpan (6 bytes)
128122 4027 4 javax.swing.text.FlowView::layout (163 bytes)
128132 4019 3 javax.swing.DefaultListCellRenderer::getListCellRendererComponent (250 bytes)
128138 4030 3 sun.awt.X11.XGlobalCursorManager$CapableCursorAndComponent::<init> (15 bytes)
128139 4020 3 java.lang.Long::toString (8 bytes)
128139 4023 3 javax.swing.border.TitledBorder::getFont (39 bytes)
128140 4024 3 javax.swing.border.TitledBorder::getTitleFont (17 bytes)
128142 4025 3 javax.swing.border.TitledBorder::getTitlePosition (127 bytes)
128153 1033 ! 3 made not entrant javax.swing.JComponent::putClientProperty (107 bytes)
128154 4029 4 sun.awt.X11.XGlobalCursorManager$CapableCursorAndComponent::getNew (125 bytes)
128159 4028 4 javax.swing.text.BoxView::calculateMajorAxisRequirements (109 bytes)
128160 4031 ! 3 java.awt.Container::removeAll (218 bytes)
128163 2241 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.BoxView::calculateMajorAxisRequirements (109 bytes)
128164 4032 3 javax.swing.JComponent::isPaintingForPrint (7 bytes)
128164 4033 3 javax.swing.JComponent::setInheritsPopupMenu (23 bytes)
128164 4034 4 java.awt.Color::equals (27 bytes)
128166 806 3 made not entrant java.awt.Color::equals (27 bytes)
128168 4035 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLabelUI::updateStyle (21 bytes)
128170 4036 3 javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel::getRowCount (8 bytes)
128181 4037 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthScrollPaneUI$ViewportBorder::getBorderInsets (7 bytes)
128181 4038 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthScrollPaneUI$ViewportBorder::getBorderInsets (86 bytes)
128195 2262 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.FlowView::layout (163 bytes)
128218 4039 ! 3 sun.rmi.transport.Transport::serviceCall (390 bytes)
128226 4040 s 3 sun.rmi.transport.Target::incrementCallCount (31 bytes)
128227 4043 ! 3 sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPChannel::free (161 bytes)
128230 4044 3 sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPConnection::setLastUseTime (6 bytes)
128230 4041 3 sun.rmi.transport.Transport$1::run (30 bytes)
128230 4049 4$BlockDataInputStream::readLong (76 bytes)
128231 4042 ! 3 sun.rmi.server.UnicastServerRef::logCall (96 bytes)
128233 4045 3 sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPConnection::setExpiration (6 bytes)
128233 4046 3 sun.rmi.transport.Transport$1::<init> (32 bytes)
128233 4047 3 sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport::checkAcceptPermission (40 bytes)
128234 4048 3 (710 bytes)
128242 1819 3 made not entrant$BlockDataInputStream::readLong (76 bytes)
128261 4050 4 javax.swing.text.GapContent::getPositionsInRange (176 bytes)
128262 4051 4 javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView::setParent (14 bytes)
128284 3212 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.GapContent::getPositionsInRange (176 bytes)
128285 4052 4 javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::setParent (14 bytes)
128289 2377 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::setParent (14 bytes)
128532 4053 3 javax.swing.border.CompoundBorder::getBorderInsets (17 bytes)
128533 4055 s 4 java.util.Vector::add (39 bytes)
128536 611 ! 3 made zombie (535 bytes)
128536 645 3 made zombie java.awt.Component::getBackground (29 bytes)
128537 4054 3 javax.swing.border.CompoundBorder::getBorderInsets (162 bytes)
128539 2227 s 3 made not entrant java.util.Vector::add (39 bytes)
128542 4056 4 javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::getMaximumSpan (6 bytes)
128544 2259 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::getMaximumSpan (6 bytes)
128567 2168 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView::setParent (14 bytes)
128726 4057 4 javax.swing.LayoutComparator::compare (495 bytes)
128731 4058 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthTabbedPaneUI::getFontMetrics (9 bytes)
128781 1397 3 made not entrant javax.swing.LayoutComparator::compare (495 bytes)
128920 4059 3 sun.awt.image.SunWritableRaster::setStolen (29 bytes)
130593 4060 s 4 sun.java2d.loops.RenderCache::get (100 bytes)
130606 1076 s 3 made not entrant sun.java2d.loops.RenderCache::get (100 bytes)
130607 70 3 made zombie java.util.HashMap::getEntry (79 bytes)
130779 4061 4 java.awt.geom.AffineTransform::equals (92 bytes)
130782 3081 3 made not entrant java.awt.geom.AffineTransform::equals (92 bytes)
130782 775 3 made zombie java.awt.BorderLayout::getChild (152 bytes)
130783 806 3 made zombie java.awt.Color::equals (27 bytes)
130787 1033 ! 3 made zombie javax.swing.JComponent::putClientProperty (107 bytes)
130926 4062 4 (241 bytes)
130933 1049 3 made not entrant (241 bytes)
130935 1819 3 made zombie$BlockDataInputStream::readLong (76 bytes)
130940 2229 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::getPreferredSpan (6 bytes)
130940 2241 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.BoxView::calculateMajorAxisRequirements (109 bytes)
130941 2262 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.FlowView::layout (163 bytes)
130942 2377 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::setParent (14 bytes)
130951 4063 4 sun.java2d.loops.Blit::getFromCache (132 bytes)
130966 1581 3 made not entrant sun.java2d.loops.Blit::getFromCache (132 bytes)
130972 3212 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.GapContent::getPositionsInRange (176 bytes)
131910 4064 s 1 javax.swing.Timer::cancelEvent (6 bytes)
131911 3788 s 3 made not entrant javax.swing.Timer::cancelEvent (6 bytes)
132223 4065 3 java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport::park (23 bytes)
132229 4066 ! 3 sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor10::invoke (66 bytes)
132230 4067 1 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.OpenConverter$IdentityConverter::fromNonNullOpenValue (2 bytes)
132231 3191 3 made not entrant com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.OpenConverter$IdentityConverter::fromNonNullOpenValue (2 bytes)
132232 4068 4 java.util.regex.Matcher::group (110 bytes)
132233 4069 4 java.util.regex.Pattern$GroupHead::match (47 bytes)
132234 4070 3 java.lang.String::replace (24 bytes)
132235 4071 3 java.util.regex.Pattern::compile (10 bytes)
132235 4072 3 java.util.regex.Matcher::quoteReplacement (109 bytes)
132236 2856 3 made not entrant java.util.regex.Pattern$GroupHead::match (47 bytes)
132239 2855 3 made not entrant java.util.regex.Matcher::group (110 bytes)
132252 4073 3$1::setText (137 bytes)
132255 4074 ! 3 java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols::clone (17 bytes)
132256 4075 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSS$ColorValue::parseCssValue (31 bytes)
132257 4076 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSS::stringToColor (346 bytes)
132272 4077 4 java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator$Attribute::equals (6 bytes)
132273 4078 4 javax.swing.text.GapContent::createPosition (188 bytes)
132273 3148 3 made not entrant java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator$Attribute::equals (6 bytes)
132298 4079 4 javax.swing.text.ParagraphView$Row::getAlignment (67 bytes)
132298 4081 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView::calculateMajorAxisRequirements (30 bytes)
132300 1330 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.GapContent::createPosition (188 bytes)
132300 4080 4 javax.swing.text.ParagraphView$Row::isJustifyEnabled (70 bytes)
132302 2061 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.ParagraphView$Row::isJustifyEnabled (70 bytes)
132302 4082 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView::updateInsets (127 bytes)
132303 4083 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::updateAdjustments (135 bytes)
132308 2396 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.ParagraphView$Row::getAlignment (67 bytes)
132309 1397 3 made zombie javax.swing.LayoutComparator::compare (495 bytes)
132309 4084 4 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::getMinimumSpan (6 bytes)
132310 2399 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::getMinimumSpan (6 bytes)
132313 2168 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView::setParent (14 bytes)
132313 2227 s 3 made zombie java.util.Vector::add (39 bytes)
132313 2259 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::getMaximumSpan (6 bytes)
136222 4087 3 java.util.Calendar::setFieldsComputed (117 bytes)
136245 4085 3 java.util.GregorianCalendar::getWeekNumber (93 bytes)
136246 4086 3 sun.util.calendar.AbstractCalendar::getDayOfWeekDateOnOrBefore (31 bytes)
136254 4088 3 java.util.regex.Pattern$TreeInfo::reset (21 bytes)
136254 4091 4 java.lang.String::substring (10 bytes)
136255 4092 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.ContentModel::getElements (118 bytes)
136255 4093 4 java.awt.Component::getForeground (29 bytes)
136255 4089 3 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$CssParser::handleValue (87 bytes)
136257 57 3 made not entrant java.lang.String::substring (10 bytes)
136257 4090 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSS::getAttribute (11 bytes)
136258 756 3 made not entrant java.awt.Component::getForeground (29 bytes)
136267 4094 4 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader$BlockAction::start (10 bytes)
136267 4095 ! 4 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader::addContent (176 bytes)
136268 2353 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader$BlockAction::start (10 bytes)
136282 2359 ! 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader::addContent (176 bytes)
136291 4096 4 java.lang.String::equalsIgnoreCase (45 bytes)
136294 4097 4 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::setOffset (27 bytes)
136298 2440 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::setOffset (27 bytes)
136301 428 3 made not entrant java.lang.String::equalsIgnoreCase (45 bytes)
136301 4098 4 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::getSpan (28 bytes)
136302 4099 4 sun.awt.SunToolkit::isInstanceOf (21 bytes)
136303 945 3 made not entrant sun.awt.SunToolkit::isInstanceOf (21 bytes)
136304 3148 3 made zombie java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator$Attribute::equals (6 bytes)
136304 3191 3 made zombie com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.OpenConverter$IdentityConverter::fromNonNullOpenValue (2 bytes)
136305 2441 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::getSpan (28 bytes)
136308 1049 3 made zombie (241 bytes)
136308 1076 s 3 made zombie sun.java2d.loops.RenderCache::get (100 bytes)
136309 3081 3 made zombie java.awt.geom.AffineTransform::equals (92 bytes)
136310 2856 3 made zombie java.util.regex.Pattern$GroupHead::match (47 bytes)
140229 4100 3 sun.util.calendar.ZoneInfo::getOffsets (266 bytes)
140234 1581 3 made zombie sun.java2d.loops.Blit::getFromCache (132 bytes)
140239 3788 s 3 made zombie javax.swing.Timer::cancelEvent (6 bytes)
140242 4102 3 java.util.regex.Pattern::compile (391 bytes)
140249 2855 3 made zombie java.util.regex.Matcher::group (110 bytes)
140254 4103 ! 4 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument::insertUpdate (117 bytes)
140261 4101 3 java.text.NumberFormat::<init> (62 bytes)
140279 4104 ! 3 java.lang.ref.Reference$ReferenceHandler::run (108 bytes)
140279 4105 ! 4 java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue::enqueue (104 bytes)
140284 57 3 made zombie java.lang.String::substring (10 bytes)
140292 2667 ! 3 made not entrant java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue::enqueue (104 bytes)
140314 4106 4 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$ColumnIterator::getMaximumSpan (17 bytes)
140315 3115 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.TableView$ColumnIterator::getMaximumSpan (17 bytes)
140316 756 3 made zombie java.awt.Component::getForeground (29 bytes)
140319 2605 ! 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument::insertUpdate (117 bytes)
140319 4107 4 javax.swing.text.BoxView::paint (249 bytes)
140321 1330 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.GapContent::createPosition (188 bytes)
140330 2503 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.BoxView::paint (249 bytes)
140331 2061 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.ParagraphView$Row::isJustifyEnabled (70 bytes)
140333 2353 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader$BlockAction::start (10 bytes)
140333 2359 ! 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader::addContent (176 bytes)
140333 2399 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::getMinimumSpan (6 bytes)
140334 2396 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.ParagraphView$Row::getAlignment (67 bytes)
141611 4108 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI::getTabRunIndent (2 bytes)
141626 4110 3 javax.swing.JEditorPane::getScrollableTracksViewportWidth (64 bytes)
141627 4111 3 javax.swing.JEditorPane::getScrollableTracksViewportHeight (64 bytes)
141628 4109 ! 3 java.awt.BorderLayout::minimumLayoutSize (361 bytes)
141831 4112 3 java.awt.DefaultFocusTraversalPolicy::accept (111 bytes)
141835 4113 3 java.awt.Component::isFocusTraversableOverridden (14 bytes)
142044 4114 ! 3 (106 bytes)
142068 4115 3 java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::append (80 bytes)
142069 4116 3 java.awt.geom.AffineTransform::getScaleX (5 bytes)
142070 4119 3 java.awt.geom.AffineTransform::getScaleY (5 bytes)
142070 4117 3 java.awt.geom.AffineTransform::getShearY (5 bytes)
142071 4118 3 java.awt.geom.AffineTransform::getShearX (5 bytes)
142475 4120 4 javax.swing.BufferStrategyPaintManager::fetchRoot (193 bytes)
142487 428 3 made zombie java.lang.String::equalsIgnoreCase (45 bytes)
142489 945 3 made zombie sun.awt.SunToolkit::isInstanceOf (21 bytes)
142914 4121 3 java.awt.ContainerOrderFocusTraversalPolicy::accept (82 bytes)
142926 4122 3 sun.awt.NullComponentPeer::isFocusable (2 bytes)
142932 2440 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::setOffset (27 bytes)
142932 2441 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::getSpan (28 bytes)
143130 4123 3 java.awt.image.BufferedImage::<init> (955 bytes)
143152 4124 3 java.awt.image.Raster::getTransferType (8 bytes)
--- n sun.awt.image.BufImgSurfaceData::initRaster
143219 4125 3 sun.awt.image.BufImgSurfaceData::createDataIC (57 bytes)
143262 4126 3 java.awt.image.DirectColorModel::isCompatibleRaster (93 bytes)
143263 4127 3 java.awt.image.SinglePixelPackedSampleModel::getBitMasks (14 bytes)
143277 4128 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthButtonUI::update (29 bytes)
143280 4129 3 java.lang.StringBuilder::append (8 bytes)
143280 4130 1 java.awt.geom.AffineTransform::getTranslateX (5 bytes)
143280 2880 3 made not entrant java.awt.geom.AffineTransform::getTranslateX (5 bytes)
143280 4131 1 java.awt.geom.AffineTransform::getTranslateY (5 bytes)
143280 2881 3 made not entrant java.awt.geom.AffineTransform::getTranslateY (5 bytes)
143281 4132 3 sun.java2d.pipe.PixelToParallelogramConverter::fillRect (26 bytes)
143281 4133 3 sun.java2d.pipe.PixelToParallelogramConverter::fillRectangle (224 bytes)
143284 4134 4 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::drawImage (11 bytes)
143287 4135 4 sun.java2d.pipe.DrawImage::copyImage (105 bytes)
143308 1148 3 made not entrant sun.java2d.pipe.DrawImage::copyImage (105 bytes)
143343 1147 3 made not entrant sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::drawImage (11 bytes)
144102 4136 3 javax.swing.BufferStrategyPaintManager::prepare (330 bytes)
144118 4137 3 javax.swing.BufferStrategyPaintManager::flushAccumulatedRegion (101 bytes)
144120 2503 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.BoxView::paint (249 bytes)
144122 2667 ! 3 made zombie java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue::enqueue (104 bytes)
144220 4138 3<init> (362 bytes)
144226 4139 4 java.util.TreeMap::buildFromSorted (218 bytes)
144229 2605 ! 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument::insertUpdate (117 bytes)
144235 3115 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.TableView$ColumnIterator::getMaximumSpan (17 bytes)
144245 4140 3 java.lang.Double::isInfinite (22 bytes)
144246 4141 3 (30 bytes)
144253 4142 3 javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::<init> (7 bytes)
144254 4143 3 javax.swing.text.GapContent::remove (58 bytes)
144255 4144 3 javax.swing.text.GapContent$RemoveUndo::<init> (42 bytes)
144256 4145 3 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument::postRemoveUpdate (21 bytes)
144257 4148 4 javax.swing.text.GapVector::replace (83 bytes)
144265 4146 3 javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument::removeUpdate (22 bytes)
144265 4147 3 javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument$ElementBuffer::join (372 bytes)
144274 2196 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.GapVector::replace (83 bytes)
144274 4149 4 javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::hashCode (8 bytes)
144282 2365 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::hashCode (8 bytes)
144296 4150 3 javax.swing.text.FlowView$LogicalView::forwardUpdateToView (27 bytes)
144298 2880 3 made zombie java.awt.geom.AffineTransform::getTranslateX (5 bytes)
144301 4152 ! 3 sun.java2d.pipe.TextRenderer::drawGlyphList (375 bytes)
144308 1148 3 made zombie sun.java2d.pipe.DrawImage::copyImage (105 bytes)
144309 4155 4 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$CellView::layoutMajorAxis (183 bytes)
144311 4153 3$FocusBorder::getBorderInsets (17 bytes)
144313 2881 3 made zombie java.awt.geom.AffineTransform::getTranslateY (5 bytes)
144317 4154 3$FocusBorder::getBorderInsets (22 bytes)
144322 2613 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.TableView$CellView::layoutMajorAxis (183 bytes)
144336 4151 3 javax.swing.text.GlyphView::syncCR (41 bytes)
144698 4156 4 sun.awt.image.BufImgSurfaceData::getRenderLoops (31 bytes)
144700 1092 3 made not entrant sun.awt.image.BufImgSurfaceData::getRenderLoops (31 bytes)
144709 4157 s 4 java.awt.EventQueue::setCurrentEventAndMostRecentTimeImpl (125 bytes)
144720 908 s 3 made not entrant java.awt.EventQueue::setCurrentEventAndMostRecentTimeImpl (125 bytes)
144790 4158 4 com.sun.awt.AWTUtilities::isWindowTranslucencySupported (103 bytes)
144817 2524 3 made not entrant com.sun.awt.AWTUtilities::isWindowTranslucencySupported (103 bytes)
145010 1791 3 made not entrant java.util.TreeMap::buildFromSorted (218 bytes)
148223 4159 3 java.util.TreeSet::<init> (10 bytes)
148230 4160 ! 4 (336 bytes)
148230 4161 4$FieldReflectorKey::<init> (95 bytes)
148234 4163 3 sun.misc.FormattedFloatingDecimal::getExponent (7 bytes)
148236 1147 3 made zombie sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::drawImage (11 bytes)
148242 4165 3 java.util.Formatter$FormatSpecifier::print (168 bytes)
148247 2196 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.GapVector::replace (83 bytes)
148248 2365 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::hashCode (8 bytes)
148249 4166 3 java.lang.Double::compare (54 bytes)
148269 4167 3 java.util.Formatter$FormatSpecifier::print (1009 bytes)
148278 1838 3 made not entrant$FieldReflectorKey::<init> (95 bytes)
148278 4162 4 (307 bytes)
148280 4168 3 sun.misc.FormattedFloatingDecimal::<init> (242 bytes)
148282 4169 3 java.util.Formatter$FormatSpecifier::printFloat (86 bytes)
148283 4164 3 java.util.Formatter$FormatSpecifier::checkFloat (98 bytes)
148286 1843 3 made not entrant (307 bytes)
148297 4170 3 sun.misc.FormattedFloatingDecimal::checkExponent (68 bytes)
148300 908 s 3 made zombie java.awt.EventQueue::setCurrentEventAndMostRecentTimeImpl (125 bytes)
148302 4171 3 java.lang.Double::valueOf (9 bytes)
148305 4173 4 javax.swing.text.BoxView::calculateMinorAxisRequirements (118 bytes)
148308 1092 3 made zombie sun.awt.image.BufImgSurfaceData::getRenderLoops (31 bytes)
148308 2248 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.BoxView::calculateMinorAxisRequirements (118 bytes)
148308 4174 4 javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::calculateMinorAxisRequirements (183 bytes)
148311 4172 3 javax.swing.text.GapContent::insertString (54 bytes)
148312 1791 3 made zombie java.util.TreeMap::buildFromSorted (218 bytes)
148316 2613 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.TableView$CellView::layoutMajorAxis (183 bytes)
148318 2247 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::calculateMinorAxisRequirements (183 bytes)
148319 4175 4 javax.swing.text.View::getMinimumSpan (18 bytes)
148320 2524 3 made zombie com.sun.awt.AWTUtilities::isWindowTranslucencySupported (103 bytes)
148321 2417 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.View::getMinimumSpan (18 bytes)
148375 1835 ! 3 made not entrant (336 bytes)
151379 4176 4 javax.swing.text.View::getMaximumSpan (19 bytes)
151381 2280 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.View::getMaximumSpan (19 bytes)
151600 4177 4 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::setRenderingHint (531 bytes)
151607 3183 3 made not entrant sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::setRenderingHint (531 bytes)
152221 4178 4 (548 bytes)
152221 4179 3 java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableCollection::size (10 bytes)
152224 1838 3 made zombie$FieldReflectorKey::<init> (95 bytes)
152224 1843 3 made zombie (307 bytes)
152240 4180 3 java.util.Calendar::setTimeInMillis (84 bytes)
152268 1805 3 made not entrant (548 bytes)
152291 4181 3 java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue::<init> (27 bytes)
152292 4183 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.ContentModelState::first (121 bytes)
152292 4182 3 java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock::<init> (5 bytes)
152292 4184 4 javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument$ElementBuffer$ElemChanges::<init> (48 bytes)
152297 2197 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument$ElementBuffer$ElemChanges::<init> (48 bytes)
152299 4185 4 javax.swing.text.BoxView::layoutMinorAxis (102 bytes)
152302 4186 4 javax.swing.text.FlowView$FlowStrategy::createView (55 bytes)
152310 4187 3 javax.swing.SizeRequirements::compressedTile (217 bytes)
152310 2427 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.BoxView::layoutMinorAxis (102 bytes)
152331 2281 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.FlowView$FlowStrategy::createView (55 bytes)
152332 1835 ! 3 made zombie (336 bytes)
152334 2248 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.BoxView::calculateMinorAxisRequirements (118 bytes)
152334 2247 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::calculateMinorAxisRequirements (183 bytes)
152335 2417 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.View::getMinimumSpan (18 bytes)
152700 4188 4 javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getTabbedSpan (69 bytes)
152727 2393 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getTabbedSpan (69 bytes)
153312 4189 1 java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer::compareAndSetState (13 bytes)
153313 269 3 made not entrant java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer::compareAndSetState (13 bytes)
153772 12% ! 3 java.lang.ref.Reference$ReferenceHandler::run @ 0 (108 bytes)
153949 4190 3 sun.awt.X11.XCrossingEvent::get_window (20 bytes)
153950 4192 4 java.awt.Component::isMixingNeeded (249 bytes)
153952 1805 3 made zombie (548 bytes)
153956 2280 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.View::getMaximumSpan (19 bytes)
153959 4193 3 java.awt.Component::getContainingWindow (5 bytes)
153964 3183 3 made zombie sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::setRenderingHint (531 bytes)
153974 4194 3 javax.swing.text.html.TableView::paint (187 bytes)
153976 4191 s 3 java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager::getMostRecentFocusOwner (29 bytes)
153983 767 3 made not entrant java.awt.Component::isMixingNeeded (249 bytes)
156224 4195 4 java.util.TreeMap::containsKey (14 bytes)
156227 4196 ! 3 sun.reflect.GeneratedSerializationConstructorAccessor19::newInstance (49 bytes)
156231 4197 3 (77 bytes)
156232 4198 4 java.util.regex.Pattern$Branch::match (66 bytes)
156236 1550 3 made not entrant java.util.TreeMap::containsKey (14 bytes)
156256 4199 3<init> (15 bytes)
156257 4200 3<init> (28 bytes)
156260 3050 3 made not entrant java.util.regex.Pattern$Branch::match (66 bytes)
156260 4201 3 javax.swing.text.GapContent::removeUnusedMarks (65 bytes)
156260 4202 4 javax.swing.text.GapContent$MarkVector::addElement (10 bytes)
156262 2718 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.GapContent$MarkVector::addElement (10 bytes)
156286 4204 ! 3 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument::fireChangedUpdate (70 bytes)
156288 2197 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument$ElementBuffer$ElemChanges::<init> (48 bytes)
156288 4205 4 javax.swing.text.StyleContext$FontKey::hashCode (31 bytes)
156288 4206 4 javax.swing.text.LabelView::setPropertiesFromAttributes (125 bytes)
156290 4203 3 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument::fireChangedUpdate (6 bytes)
156292 2403 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.StyleContext$FontKey::hashCode (31 bytes)
156292 4207 4 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::setSpan (27 bytes)
156298 2736 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::setSpan (27 bytes)
156299 4208 4 javax.swing.text.ParagraphView$Row::getMaximumSpan (26 bytes)
156299 4209 3 javax.swing.text.GlyphView::createFragment (64 bytes)
156304 2429 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.ParagraphView$Row::getMaximumSpan (26 bytes)
156304 2281 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.FlowView$FlowStrategy::createView (55 bytes)
156305 2427 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.BoxView::layoutMinorAxis (102 bytes)
156305 2393 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.GlyphView::getTabbedSpan (69 bytes)
156306 4210 ! 3 javax.swing.text.GlyphView::clone (13 bytes)
156580 2254 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.LabelView::setPropertiesFromAttributes (125 bytes)
160223 4211 4 (51 bytes)
160223 4212 3 java.util.Calendar::setTime (9 bytes)
160224 1844 3 made not entrant (51 bytes)
160226 269 3 made zombie java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer::compareAndSetState (13 bytes)
160254 4213 4 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader$BlockAction::end (9 bytes)
160256 2354 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader$BlockAction::end (9 bytes)
160256 767 3 made zombie java.awt.Component::isMixingNeeded (249 bytes)
160257 4214 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.ContentModel::first (85 bytes)
160265 2718 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.GapContent$MarkVector::addElement (10 bytes)
160265 4215 4 javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument$ElementBuffer::pop (95 bytes)
160266 1550 3 made zombie java.util.TreeMap::containsKey (14 bytes)
160297 2198 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument$ElementBuffer::pop (95 bytes)
160308 4206 4 made not entrant javax.swing.text.LabelView::setPropertiesFromAttributes (125 bytes)
160309 4216 4 javax.swing.text.StyleContext$FontKey::equals (53 bytes)
160309 4217 4 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet::getFont (13 bytes)
160310 2255 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.StyleContext$FontKey::equals (53 bytes)
160311 4219 3 javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument::getForeground (14 bytes)
160312 4220 3 javax.swing.text.StyleConstants::isUnderline (24 bytes)
160312 4221 3 javax.swing.text.StyleConstants::isStrikeThrough (24 bytes)
160313 4222 3 javax.swing.text.StyleConstants::isSuperscript (24 bytes)
160314 4223 3 javax.swing.text.StyleConstants::isSubscript (24 bytes)
160320 3050 3 made zombie java.util.regex.Pattern$Branch::match (66 bytes)
160332 4224 4 javax.swing.text.LabelView::setPropertiesFromAttributes (125 bytes)
160377 2410 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet::getFont (13 bytes)
160378 4218 4 javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument::getFont (14 bytes)
164220 4225 3 java.util.LinkedHashMap$LinkedHashIterator::<init> (6 bytes)
164221 4228 4 (103 bytes)
164227 4229 ! 3 sun.rmi.server.UnicastServerRef::dispatch (444 bytes)
164237 2403 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.StyleContext$FontKey::hashCode (31 bytes)
164238 2736 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::setSpan (27 bytes)
164238 1760 3 made not entrant (103 bytes)
164239 4230 3 sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall::getResultStream (86 bytes)
164243 2254 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.LabelView::setPropertiesFromAttributes (125 bytes)
164244 2429 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.ParagraphView$Row::getMaximumSpan (26 bytes)
164245 4231 s 3 sun.rmi.transport.Target::decrementCallCount (49 bytes)
164257 4237 4 javax.swing.text.GapVector::shiftGap (90 bytes)
164258 4232 3 sun.rmi.transport.ConnectionOutputStream::writeID (30 bytes)
164258 4233 3 com.sun.jmx.remote.internal.PRef::invoke (15 bytes)
164258 4234 3 sun.rmi.server.MarshalInputStream::skipDefaultResolveClass (6 bytes)
164259 4235 ! 3 sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPConnection::isDead (172 bytes)
164259 2364 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.GapVector::shiftGap (90 bytes)
164259 4238 4 java.lang.Float::isNaN (12 bytes)
164260 666 3 made not entrant java.lang.Float::isNaN (12 bytes)
164260 4236 ! 3 com.sun.jmx.remote.internal.ServerCommunicatorAdmin::rspOutgoing (76 bytes)
164261 4227 3<init> (284 bytes)
164263 4239 4 javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::<init> (17 bytes)
164263 4226 3 java.util.LinkedHashMap$LinkedHashIterator::<init> (40 bytes)
164266 1176 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::<init> (17 bytes)
164286 4240 3 javax.swing.text.FlowView::insertUpdate (25 bytes)
164288 4241 1 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicHTML$Renderer::getAttributes (2 bytes)
164289 2181 3 made not entrant javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicHTML$Renderer::getAttributes (2 bytes)
164289 4242 3 javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::removeAttribute (10 bytes)
164294 4243 4 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$CellView::calculateMinorAxisRequirements (69 bytes)
164295 4244 3 java.awt.Component::setBounds (21 bytes)
164296 4245 4 javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$BoxPainter::paint (311 bytes)
164305 2409 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.TableView$CellView::calculateMinorAxisRequirements (69 bytes)
164309 2410 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet::getFont (13 bytes)
164309 4246 4 sun.font.CompositeFont::getMapper (24 bytes)
164313 1143 3 made not entrant sun.font.CompositeFont::getMapper (24 bytes)
164313 1844 3 made zombie (51 bytes)
164315 2198 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument$ElementBuffer::pop (95 bytes)
164316 2255 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.StyleContext$FontKey::equals (53 bytes)
164316 2354 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader$BlockAction::end (9 bytes)
164331 3186 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$BoxPainter::paint (311 bytes)
164343 4206 4 made zombie javax.swing.text.LabelView::setPropertiesFromAttributes (125 bytes)
167188 4247 4 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowView::layoutMajorAxis (200 bytes)
167213 2608 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowView::layoutMajorAxis (200 bytes)
167216 666 3 made zombie java.lang.Float::isNaN (12 bytes)
167249 4248 4 javax.swing.JComponent::getBounds (50 bytes)
167254 1075 3 made not entrant javax.swing.JComponent::getBounds (50 bytes)
167260 1176 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet::<init> (17 bytes)
167261 2181 3 made zombie javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicHTML$Renderer::getAttributes (2 bytes)
167421 4249 ! 4 javax.swing.JComponent::fetchRectangle (58 bytes)
167429 1094 ! 3 made not entrant javax.swing.JComponent::fetchRectangle (58 bytes)
167431 1760 3 made zombie (103 bytes)
167436 2364 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.GapVector::shiftGap (90 bytes)
168159 4250 s 3 java.awt.Component::addComponentListener (23 bytes)
168225 4251 ! 3 sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor18::invoke (66 bytes)
168227 4252 ! 3 sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor19::invoke (66 bytes)
168228 4253 ! 3 sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor20::invoke (83 bytes)
168230 4254 3 sun.util.calendar.BaseCalendar$Date::hit (14 bytes)
168230 4255 4 java.util.regex.Pattern$Node::match (27 bytes)
168231 4256 4 java.lang.Class::forName (36 bytes)
168232 2039 2 made not entrant java.util.regex.Pattern$Node::match (27 bytes)
168233 1810 3 made not entrant java.lang.Class::forName (36 bytes)
168254 4257 3 java.text.DecimalFormat::subformat (1238 bytes)
168258 4261 ! 4 (52 bytes)
168264 665 ! 3 made not entrant (52 bytes)
168272 4258 3 java.text.DigitList::isZero (31 bytes)
168273 4259 3 java.text.DecimalFormat::getPositivePrefixFieldPositions (41 bytes)
168274 4260 3 java.text.DecimalFormat::getPositiveSuffixFieldPositions (41 bytes)
168301 4262 4 java.lang.Math::min (46 bytes)
168302 2629 3 made not entrant java.lang.Math::min (46 bytes)
168419 4263 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthSeparatorUI::getPreferredSize (111 bytes)
168425 2409 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.TableView$CellView::calculateMinorAxisRequirements (69 bytes)
168432 4264 4 javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::layoutMinorAxis (173 bytes)
168434 1143 3 made zombie sun.font.CompositeFont::getMapper (24 bytes)
168453 2272 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::layoutMinorAxis (173 bytes)
168604 4265 4 java.awt.Rectangle::intersects (148 bytes)
168606 2516 3 made not entrant java.awt.Rectangle::intersects (148 bytes)
168616 3186 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet$BoxPainter::paint (311 bytes)
169158 4266 4 java.lang.Math::max (12 bytes)
169158 905 3 made not entrant java.lang.Math::max (12 bytes)
169715 4267 4 javax.swing.SwingUtilities::getWindowAncestor (31 bytes)
169717 3038 3 made not entrant javax.swing.SwingUtilities::getWindowAncestor (31 bytes)
169722 665 ! 3 made zombie (52 bytes)
172220 4268 3 java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject::signal (33 bytes)
172225 4271 4 java.util.TreeMap::getFirstEntry (26 bytes)
172227 1075 3 made zombie javax.swing.JComponent::getBounds (50 bytes)
172227 1094 ! 3 made zombie javax.swing.JComponent::fetchRectangle (58 bytes)
172228 1547 3 made not entrant java.util.TreeMap::getFirstEntry (26 bytes)
172230 4269 3 java.text.SimpleDateFormat::getCalendarName (11 bytes)
172232 1810 3 made zombie java.lang.Class::forName (36 bytes)
172233 2039 2 made zombie java.util.regex.Pattern$Node::match (27 bytes)
172236 2608 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowView::layoutMajorAxis (200 bytes)
172238 4273 3 java.util.Currency::getInstance (209 bytes)
172253 4274 3 java.util.Currency::getMainTableEntry (51 bytes)
172254 4277 3 java.text.DigitList::set (174 bytes)
172255 4275 ! 3 java.util.Currency::getInstance (193 bytes)
172256 4276 ! 3 java.text.DecimalFormat::format (255 bytes)
172257 4270 3 java.text.SimpleDateFormat::isGregorianCalendar (10 bytes)
172258 4272 3 sun.util.calendar.ZoneInfo::getOffsets (8 bytes)
172277 2167 4 made not entrant java.util.WeakHashMap::get (79 bytes)
172277 3756 4 made not entrant javax.swing.text.StyleContext$SmallAttributeSet::equals (41 bytes)
172278 4278 4 javax.swing.text.StyleContext$SmallAttributeSet::equals (41 bytes)
172278 4279 4 java.util.WeakHashMap::eq (19 bytes)
172290 905 3 made zombie java.lang.Math::max (12 bytes)
172292 4280 4 java.util.WeakHashMap::get (79 bytes)
172294 13% 3 javax.swing.text.GapContent::removeUnusedMarks @ 19 (65 bytes)
172301 2516 3 made zombie java.awt.Rectangle::intersects (148 bytes)
172314 2629 3 made zombie java.lang.Math::min (46 bytes)
172315 14% 4 java.util.WeakHashMap::get @ 35 (79 bytes)
172318 2272 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::layoutMinorAxis (173 bytes)
172343 4281 3 javax.swing.UIManager::getColor (8 bytes)
172348 4282 3 java.util.GregorianCalendar::computeFields (1495 bytes)
172363 1547 3 made zombie java.util.TreeMap::getFirstEntry (26 bytes)
172363 4283 3 sun.util.calendar.BaseCalendar$Date::getCachedJan1 (5 bytes)
172601 4284 3 java.awt.image.SampleModel::<init> (188 bytes)
172611 3038 3 made zombie javax.swing.SwingUtilities::getWindowAncestor (31 bytes)
172621 4285 3 sun.awt.image.SunWritableRaster::<init> (17 bytes)
173619 4286 ! 3 java.awt.DefaultKeyboardFocusManager::pumpApprovedKeyEvents (135 bytes)
173625 4287 3 java.awt.image.DataBuffer::<init> (32 bytes)
173627 4288 ! 4 sun.font.FontStrikeDesc::equals (53 bytes)
173630 1852 ! 3 made not entrant sun.font.FontStrikeDesc::equals (53 bytes)
173717 4062 4 made not entrant (241 bytes)
176223 4289 3 java.text.DateFormat::format (56 bytes)
176229 4290 4 java.lang.Character::toUpperCase (162 bytes)
176231 4291 4<init> (269 bytes)
176231 2167 4 made zombie java.util.WeakHashMap::get (79 bytes)
176232 3756 4 made zombie javax.swing.text.StyleContext$SmallAttributeSet::equals (41 bytes)
176233 421 3 made not entrant java.lang.Character::toUpperCase (162 bytes)
176236 2090 3 made not entrant<init> (269 bytes)
176258 4292 3 javax.swing.text.Segment::first (28 bytes)
176307 4293 4 java.awt.Component::getBounds (5 bytes)
176308 2663 3 made not entrant java.awt.Component::getBounds (5 bytes)
176309 4294 3 java.awt.geom.AffineTransform::transform (662 bytes)
180228 4295 4$BlockDataInputStream::readFully (42 bytes)
180229 4296 ! 4 (407 bytes)
180231 4297 3 java.util.GregorianCalendar::computeFields (83 bytes)
180240 4298 3 java.util.Calendar::isPartiallyNormalized (20 bytes)
180248 1766 3 made not entrant$BlockDataInputStream::readFully (42 bytes)
180254 15% ! 4$1::done @ 410 (601 bytes)
180256 4299 3 java.util.regex.Pattern$BnM::optimize (179 bytes)
180311 4300 ! 3 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::drawRect (45 bytes)
180314 421 3 made zombie java.lang.Character::toUpperCase (162 bytes)
180329 1808 ! 3 made not entrant (407 bytes)
181124 4301 ! 4 java.awt.event.InputEvent::canAccessSystemClipboard (33 bytes)
181126 916 ! 3 made not entrant java.awt.event.InputEvent::canAccessSystemClipboard (33 bytes)
181127 1852 ! 3 made zombie sun.font.FontStrikeDesc::equals (53 bytes)
181129 2090 3 made zombie<init> (269 bytes)
181679 4302 4 java.awt.EventQueue::dispatchEvent (80 bytes)
181692 940 3 made not entrant java.awt.EventQueue::dispatchEvent (80 bytes)
181707 4062 4 made zombie (241 bytes)
182320 4303 4 sun.reflect.UnsafeBooleanFieldAccessorImpl::setBoolean (30 bytes)
182324 894 3 made not entrant sun.reflect.UnsafeBooleanFieldAccessorImpl::setBoolean (30 bytes)
182530 4304 ! 4 java.awt.EventDispatchThread::pumpOneEventForFilters (250 bytes)
182567 942 ! 3 made not entrant java.awt.EventDispatchThread::pumpOneEventForFilters (250 bytes)
182578 4305 4 java.awt.event.MouseEvent::<init> (122 bytes)
182589 891 3 made not entrant java.awt.event.MouseEvent::<init> (122 bytes)
182749 4306 4 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::getTrailingCollapseSpan (9 bytes)
182750 4307 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSS::calculateTiledRequirements (242 bytes)
182751 2735 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::getTrailingCollapseSpan (9 bytes)
182754 4308 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthButtonUI::getSizingIcon (38 bytes)
182801 4309 1 javax.swing.JComponent::isPaintingOrigin (2 bytes)
182802 2816 3 made not entrant javax.swing.JComponent::isPaintingOrigin (2 bytes)
182838 4310 1 javax.swing.JComponent::alwaysOnTop (2 bytes)
182839 2840 3 made not entrant javax.swing.JComponent::alwaysOnTop (2 bytes)
183376 4311 4 java.util.ArrayList::set (21 bytes)
183377 4312 3 java.awt.Window::isFocusableWindow (76 bytes)
183380 2093 3 made not entrant java.util.ArrayList::set (21 bytes)
183382 1766 3 made zombie$BlockDataInputStream::readFully (42 bytes)
183384 4313 3 java.awt.Component::getInputMethodRequests (2 bytes)
--- n sun.java2d.loops.DrawRect::DrawRect
183400 4314 3 sun.java2d.pipe.LoopPipe::drawRect (32 bytes)
183639 4315 ! 4 sun.font.GlyphList::getInstance (51 bytes)
183639 4316 4 sun.font.GlyphList::dispose (45 bytes)
183641 2484 3 made not entrant sun.font.GlyphList::dispose (45 bytes)
183642 2663 3 made zombie java.awt.Component::getBounds (5 bytes)
183643 2480 ! 3 made not entrant sun.font.GlyphList::getInstance (51 bytes)
183676 4317 4 java.awt.EventQueue$1::run (5 bytes)
183691 1020 3 made not entrant java.awt.EventQueue$1::run (5 bytes)
184127 4318 3 sun.awt.X11.XBaseWindow::getToplevelXWindow (26 bytes)
184128 4319 3 sun.awt.X11.XWindow::handleXCrossingEvent (430 bytes)
184129 4321 4 java.util.ArrayList::<init> (7 bytes)
184131 4322 4 java.awt.Component::getNativeContainer (29 bytes)
184132 488 3 made not entrant java.util.ArrayList::<init> (7 bytes)
184134 4323 4 (241 bytes)
184136 2809 3 made not entrant java.awt.Component::getNativeContainer (29 bytes)
184145 4320 ! 3 sun.awt.X11.XWindow::setMouseAbove (23 bytes)
184145 4324 3 java.awt.image.Raster::createPackedRaster (151 bytes)
184224 4325 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.OpenConverter$EnumConverter::toNonNullOpenValue (8 bytes)
184226 4326 4 (74 bytes)
184228 4327 4 java.util.regex.Pattern$Curly::match (86 bytes)
184233 4328 3 java.util.regex.Pattern$SliceNode::study (37 bytes)
184278 2311 3 made not entrant java.util.regex.Pattern$Curly::match (86 bytes)
184279 1729 3 made not entrant (74 bytes)
184371 4329 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLabelUI::paintBorder (17 bytes)
184372 916 ! 3 made zombie java.awt.event.InputEvent::canAccessSystemClipboard (33 bytes)
184376 2840 3 made zombie javax.swing.JComponent::alwaysOnTop (2 bytes)
184377 940 3 made zombie java.awt.EventQueue::dispatchEvent (80 bytes)
184377 4330 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthComboBoxUI::shouldActLikeButton (23 bytes)
184379 891 3 made zombie java.awt.event.MouseEvent::<init> (122 bytes)
184379 894 3 made zombie sun.reflect.UnsafeBooleanFieldAccessorImpl::setBoolean (30 bytes)
184381 942 ! 3 made zombie java.awt.EventDispatchThread::pumpOneEventForFilters (250 bytes)
184383 2816 3 made zombie javax.swing.JComponent::isPaintingOrigin (2 bytes)
184384 2735 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::getTrailingCollapseSpan (9 bytes)
184386 4331 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSS$ColorValue::parseHtmlValue (6 bytes)
184387 1808 ! 3 made zombie (407 bytes)
184395 4332 4 java.lang.Boolean::hashCode (17 bytes)
184395 2349 3 made not entrant java.lang.Boolean::hashCode (17 bytes)
184421 4333 3 javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::getAlignment (109 bytes)
184423 4334 4 javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument::getForeground (14 bytes)
184424 488 3 made zombie java.util.ArrayList::<init> (7 bytes)
184425 2311 3 made zombie java.util.regex.Pattern$Curly::match (86 bytes)
184425 4219 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument::getForeground (14 bytes)
184427 1020 3 made zombie java.awt.EventQueue$1::run (5 bytes)
184429 2480 ! 3 made zombie sun.font.GlyphList::getInstance (51 bytes)
184588 4335 ! 4 sun.font.Font2D::getStrike (221 bytes)
184612 2292 ! 3 made not entrant sun.font.Font2D::getStrike (221 bytes)
184613 1729 3 made zombie (74 bytes)
184613 2484 3 made zombie sun.font.GlyphList::dispose (45 bytes)
184614 2093 3 made zombie java.util.ArrayList::set (21 bytes)
184822 4336 4 java.awt.Component::contains (7 bytes)
184824 867 3 made not entrant java.awt.Component::contains (7 bytes)
184827 2809 3 made zombie java.awt.Component::getNativeContainer (29 bytes)
185756 4337 4 java.util.AbstractList$Itr::<init> (6 bytes)
185758 486 3 made not entrant java.util.AbstractList$Itr::<init> (6 bytes)
185759 4338 1 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthContext::setComponentState (6 bytes)
185760 3934 3 made not entrant javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthContext::setComponentState (6 bytes)
185760 4339 s 3 java.awt.Component::removeComponentListener (18 bytes)
185771 4340 3 java.awt.Image::getAccelerationPriority (5 bytes)
185980 4341 3 java.awt.geom.AffineTransform::hashCode (87 bytes)
185987 2349 3 made zombie java.lang.Boolean::hashCode (17 bytes)
185990 4343 3 sun.font.GlyphList::setGlyphIndex (261 bytes)
185992 2022 2 made not entrant sun.font.GlyphList::setGlyphIndex (261 bytes)
186004 4345 1 sun.java2d.pipe.AlphaColorPipe::needTile (2 bytes)
186005 2027 2 made not entrant sun.java2d.pipe.AlphaColorPipe::needTile (2 bytes)
186005 4346 3 sun.java2d.pipe.AlphaColorPipe::renderPathTile (39 bytes)
186005 2028 2 made not entrant sun.java2d.pipe.AlphaColorPipe::renderPathTile (39 bytes)
186005 4342 3 sun.font.GlyphList::fillBounds (388 bytes)
186006 4344 3 sun.font.GlyphList::getBounds (66 bytes)
187529 4347 4 java.util.ArrayList::indexOf (67 bytes)
187532 1102 3 made not entrant java.util.ArrayList::indexOf (67 bytes)
187532 867 3 made zombie java.awt.Component::contains (7 bytes)
187537 4348 3 (23 bytes)
187543 4349 3 java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager::firePropertyChange (26 bytes)
187547 2292 ! 3 made zombie sun.font.Font2D::getStrike (221 bytes)
187740 4350 3 javax.swing.table.JTableHeader::columnAtPoint (33 bytes)
187761 4219 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument::getForeground (14 bytes)
187768 4351 3 javax.swing.JTable::getRowCount (24 bytes)
187774 4352 4 java.util.LinkedList::listIterator (10 bytes)
187774 4353 3 javax.swing.JTable::getRowHeight (23 bytes)
187780 909 3 made not entrant java.util.LinkedList::listIterator (10 bytes)
187861 4354 3 javax.swing.tree.AbstractLayoutCache::isFixedRowHeight (13 bytes)
187867 486 3 made zombie java.util.AbstractList$Itr::<init> (6 bytes)
187869 4355 3 javax.swing.tree.VariableHeightLayoutCache::getMapping (12 bytes)
187878 3934 3 made zombie javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthContext::setComponentState (6 bytes)
187881 4359 s 3 java.awt.DefaultKeyboardFocusManager::discardKeyEvents (160 bytes)
187883 2022 2 made zombie sun.font.GlyphList::setGlyphIndex (261 bytes)
187884 2027 2 made zombie sun.java2d.pipe.AlphaColorPipe::needTile (2 bytes)
187884 2028 2 made zombie sun.java2d.pipe.AlphaColorPipe::renderPathTile (39 bytes)
187887 4356 ! 3 javax.swing.tree.VariableHeightLayoutCache::getNodeForPath (256 bytes)
187905 4357 ! 3 java.awt.Component::removeNotify (355 bytes)
187909 4358 s 3 (148 bytes)
187911 4360 3 java.awt.DefaultKeyboardFocusManager::purgeStampedEvents (92 bytes)
188221 4361 1 java.lang.Thread::getId (5 bytes)
188221 3272 3 made not entrant java.lang.Thread::getId (5 bytes)
188229 4362 4 com.sun.jmx.trace.TraceManager::getLevel (42 bytes)
188231 2542 3 made not entrant com.sun.jmx.trace.TraceManager::getLevel (42 bytes)
188232 4363 4 sun.rmi.runtime.Log$LoggerLog::log (55 bytes)
188234 4364 ! 3 java.text.ChoiceFormat::applyPattern (498 bytes)
188236 1833 3 made not entrant sun.rmi.runtime.Log$LoggerLog::log (55 bytes)
188243 4365 3 (61 bytes)
188254 4366 4 javax.swing.text.html.CSS$LengthValue::<init> (15 bytes)
188258 4367 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSS$LengthValue::parseHtmlValue (18 bytes)
188259 4368 3 javax.swing.text.html.parser.TagStack::first (19 bytes)
188260 4369 3 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit$HTMLFactory$BodyBlockView::calculateMajorAxisRequirements (15 bytes)
188271 4370 ! 4 (133 bytes)
188276 2324 ! 3 made not entrant (133 bytes)
188292 4371 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI$UpdateHandler::removeUpdate (45 bytes)
188295 909 3 made zombie java.util.LinkedList::listIterator (10 bytes)
188299 4373 3 sun.misc.FormattedFloatingDecimal::getChars (993 bytes)
188308 1102 3 made zombie java.util.ArrayList::indexOf (67 bytes)
188310 4372 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI$RootView::removeUpdate (18 bytes)
188465 4374 4 javax.swing.text.BoxView::baselineLayout (196 bytes)
188467 4375 4 javax.swing.text.ParagraphView$Row::layoutMinorAxis (10 bytes)
188492 2397 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.BoxView::baselineLayout (196 bytes)
188492 2624 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.ParagraphView$Row::layoutMinorAxis (10 bytes)
189370 4376 ! 4 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::drawImage (52 bytes)
189371 4377 4 sun.java2d.pipe.DrawImage::copyImage (60 bytes)
189387 1142 3 made not entrant sun.java2d.pipe.DrawImage::copyImage (60 bytes)
189394 1141 ! 3 made not entrant sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::drawImage (52 bytes)
189908 4378 ! 3 java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager::getCurrentFocusCycleRoot (43 bytes)
189909 2324 ! 3 made zombie (133 bytes)
189911 1833 3 made zombie sun.rmi.runtime.Log$LoggerLog::log (55 bytes)
189920 2542 3 made zombie com.sun.jmx.trace.TraceManager::getLevel (42 bytes)
189920 4379 3 javax.swing.JInternalFrame::isFocusCycleRoot (2 bytes)
189926 3272 3 made zombie java.lang.Thread::getId (5 bytes)
189937 4381 3 java.util.Formatter$FormatSpecifier::addZeros (161 bytes)
189938 4380 3 java.awt.BasicStroke::getLineWidth (5 bytes)
189946 4382 3 sun.awt.X11.XInputMethod::getPeer (119 bytes)
190788 4383 4 java.awt.Rectangle::inside (88 bytes)
190789 2462 3 made not entrant java.awt.Rectangle::inside (88 bytes)
190790 2624 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.ParagraphView$Row::layoutMinorAxis (10 bytes)
191522 4384 3 javax.swing.JTable::isCellSelected (52 bytes)
191528 4385 3 javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer::getNoFocusBorder (52 bytes)
191531 2397 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.BoxView::baselineLayout (196 bytes)
191533 4386 3 javax.swing.border.EtchedBorder::paintBorder (145 bytes)
191561 4387 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLookAndFeel::resetSelectedUI (5 bytes)
192220 4388 3 java.text.SimpleDateFormat::format (171 bytes)
192224 4389 3 java.util.Collections$SingletonSet::size (2 bytes)
192224 4390 3 (9 bytes)
192227 4391 4 java.util.Arrays::rangeCheck (74 bytes)
192228 314 3 made not entrant java.util.Arrays::rangeCheck (74 bytes)
192253 4392 4 javax.swing.text.StyleContext$NamedStyle::addAttributes (23 bytes)
192253 4393 3 sun.font.Font2D::<init> (38 bytes)
192255 4394 3 javax.swing.text.JTextComponent$AccessibleJTextComponent::removeUpdate (46 bytes)
192809 4395 4 javax.swing.RepaintManager::collectDirtyComponents (344 bytes)
192843 2528 3 made not entrant javax.swing.RepaintManager::collectDirtyComponents (344 bytes)
194540 4396 3 java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager::fireVetoableChange (26 bytes)
194546 1141 ! 3 made zombie sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::drawImage (52 bytes)
194547 1142 3 made zombie sun.java2d.pipe.DrawImage::copyImage (60 bytes)
194664 4397 3 javax.swing.UIDefaults::put (38 bytes)
194669 4398 3 java.lang.Class::getConstructor0 (92 bytes)
194678 4404 4 java.util.AbstractList::iterator (10 bytes)
194680 624 3 made not entrant java.util.AbstractList::iterator (10 bytes)
194683 4405 4 java.awt.Component::setBounds (10 bytes)
194684 1121 3 made not entrant java.awt.Component::setBounds (10 bytes)
194690 4406 1 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonUI::getPropertyPrefix (3 bytes)
194691 1359 3 made not entrant javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonUI::getPropertyPrefix (3 bytes)
194692 314 3 made zombie java.util.Arrays::rangeCheck (74 bytes)
194694 4401 3 javax.swing.event.EventListenerList::getListeners (73 bytes)
194717 4400 3 javax.swing.JComponent::getListeners (79 bytes)
194722 2462 3 made zombie java.awt.Rectangle::inside (88 bytes)
194723 4402 3 java.awt.Container::getListeners (29 bytes)
194737 4403 3 java.awt.Component::getListeners (158 bytes)
194738 4399 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicLabelUI::installKeyboardActions (96 bytes)
194786 4407 3 javax.swing.JViewport::isOptimizedDrawingEnabled (2 bytes)
194787 4408 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthScrollPaneUI::update (41 bytes)
194788 4409 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthScrollPaneUI::paint (53 bytes)
194812 4410 3 javax.swing.JTable::convertColumnIndexToModel (9 bytes)
194813 4411 3 sun.swing.SwingUtilities2::convertColumnIndexToModel (17 bytes)
194911 4412 3 sun.awt.SunDisplayChanger::add (17 bytes)
195658 4413 ! 3 java.awt.DefaultKeyboardFocusManager::typeAheadAssertions (369 bytes)
195666 624 3 made zombie java.util.AbstractList::iterator (10 bytes)
195666 4414 3 java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager::redispatchEvent (16 bytes)
195670 1121 3 made zombie java.awt.Component::setBounds (10 bytes)
196245 4415 3 javax.swing.JLabel::setHorizontalAlignment (41 bytes)
196254 2528 3 made zombie javax.swing.RepaintManager::collectDirtyComponents (344 bytes)
196255 4416 3 javax.swing.JLabel::updateUI (12 bytes)
196256 4419 4 javax.swing.JComponent::getInputMap (142 bytes)
196261 4421 4 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLookAndFeel::shouldUpdateStyle (87 bytes)
196263 508 3 made not entrant javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLookAndFeel::shouldUpdateStyle (87 bytes)
196264 1093 3 made not entrant javax.swing.JComponent::getInputMap (142 bytes)
196274 4420 1 java.awt.Window::getContainer (2 bytes)
196275 1390 3 made not entrant java.awt.Window::getContainer (2 bytes)
196275 4422 1 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthArrowButton::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
196275 1347 3 made not entrant javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthArrowButton::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
196275 4418 ! 3 java.awt.Container::applyComponentOrientation (67 bytes)
196278 4424 4 java.awt.Point::<init> (15 bytes)
196279 4423 3 javax.swing.JTable::getColumnCount (10 bytes)
196279 858 3 made not entrant java.awt.Point::<init> (15 bytes)
196279 4417 3 javax.swing.JLabel::setUI (25 bytes)
196283 1359 3 made zombie javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonUI::getPropertyPrefix (3 bytes)
196285 4426 4 javax.swing.SwingUtilities::appContextGet (8 bytes)
196291 260 3 made not entrant javax.swing.SwingUtilities::appContextGet (8 bytes)
196291 4427 3 javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel::getValueAt (18 bytes)
196292 4425 3 javax.swing.JTable::isEditing (13 bytes)
196298 4428 3 (26 bytes)
196640 4429 ! 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.OpenConverter$CompositeConverter::toNonNullOpenValue (157 bytes)
196647 508 3 made zombie javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLookAndFeel::shouldUpdateStyle (87 bytes)
196648 4430 3 (103 bytes)
196656 1093 3 made zombie javax.swing.JComponent::getInputMap (142 bytes)
196658 1347 3 made zombie javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthArrowButton::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
196658 1390 3 made zombie java.awt.Window::getContainer (2 bytes)
196660 4431 3 (70 bytes)
196674 4432 4 (86 bytes)
196676 4433 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthContext::setStyle (6 bytes)
196676 1134 3 made not entrant (86 bytes)
196677 4434 3 javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel::addChangeListener (12 bytes)
196681 4435 3 javax.swing.AbstractButton::setDisplayedMnemonicIndex (102 bytes)
196685 4439 4 java.awt.Color::<init> (33 bytes)
196686 4436 3 javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel::<init> (56 bytes)
196687 1057 3 made not entrant java.awt.Color::<init> (33 bytes)
196687 4437 3 javax.swing.AbstractButton::setModel (173 bytes)
196691 4438 3 java.util.Vector::elements (9 bytes)
196697 4440 4 javax.swing.JComponent::reshape (10 bytes)
196697 4441 3 java.awt.Dimension::equals (42 bytes)
196699 4442 3 sun.awt.X11.WindowPropertyGetter::isDisposed (8 bytes)
196709 4443 3 java.awt.Rectangle::<init> (21 bytes)
196710 260 3 made zombie javax.swing.SwingUtilities::appContextGet (8 bytes)
196745 4444 4 java.awt.Toolkit::getEventQueue (7 bytes)
196750 4445 3 sun.awt.X11.XWindow::handlePropertyNotify (46 bytes)
196752 858 3 made zombie java.awt.Point::<init> (15 bytes)
196756 601 3 made not entrant java.awt.Toolkit::getEventQueue (7 bytes)
196872 4446 3 java.awt.ModalEventFilter::acceptEvent (131 bytes)
196880 4447 3 java.util.Collections$EmptySet::contains (2 bytes)
196997 4448 4 java.util.Arrays::copyOf (47 bytes)
197001 1008 3 made not entrant java.util.Arrays::copyOf (47 bytes)
197070 4449 ! 3 sun.reflect.GeneratedSerializationConstructorAccessor34::newInstance (49 bytes)
197077 1382 3 made not entrant javax.swing.JComponent::reshape (10 bytes)
197104 4450 3 javax.swing.JLabel::<init> (92 bytes)
197106 4451 3 javax.swing.AbstractButton::setMargin (88 bytes)
197110 4452 ! 4 (51 bytes)
197111 4453 3 javax.swing.InputMap::keys (31 bytes)
197114 4454 3 sun.awt.X11.XCreateWindowParams::putIfNull (17 bytes)
197118 1213 ! 3 made not entrant (51 bytes)
197120 4455 3 java.awt.Container::getInsets (5 bytes)
197120 4456 3 java.awt.GridBagLayout::lookupConstraints (39 bytes)
197121 4457 3 javax.swing.JTable::getCellRect (350 bytes)
197123 4458 3 java.awt.Dialog$1$1::evaluate (32 bytes)
197124 4459 1 javax.swing.JButton::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
197125 2017 2 made not entrant javax.swing.JButton::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
197127 4460 ! 3 sun.awt.X11.XAwtState::setComponentMouseEntered (46 bytes)
197131 4462 ! 3 sun.awt.X11.XWM::getWMID (368 bytes)
197135 4464 4 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthStyle::getFont (42 bytes)
197138 1380 3 made not entrant javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthStyle::getFont (42 bytes)
197138 1057 3 made zombie java.awt.Color::<init> (33 bytes)
197138 4465 4 javax.swing.SwingUtilities::getRootPane (43 bytes)
197140 1438 3 made not entrant javax.swing.SwingUtilities::getRootPane (43 bytes)
197140 1134 3 made zombie (86 bytes)
197143 4466 3 javax.swing.AbstractButton::paintBorder (13 bytes)
197148 4461 3 sun.awt.X11.XWindowPeer::handlePropertyNotify (57 bytes)
197165 4463 3 sun.java2d.pipe.RegionIterator::<init> (10 bytes)
197262 4467 3 javax.swing.table.JTableHeader::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
197265 601 3 made zombie java.awt.Toolkit::getEventQueue (7 bytes)
197345 4468 3 sun.awt.X11.XKeyEvent::get_keycode (20 bytes)
197350 1008 3 made zombie java.util.Arrays::copyOf (47 bytes)
197352 1213 ! 3 made zombie (51 bytes)
197354 1382 3 made zombie javax.swing.JComponent::reshape (10 bytes)
197442 4469 3 java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject::setAccessible (21 bytes)
197445 2017 2 made zombie javax.swing.JButton::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
197452 4470 3 java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject::setAccessible0 (43 bytes)
197470 4475 1 java.awt.Container::countHierarchyMembers (11 bytes)
197470 1368 3 made not entrant java.awt.Container::countHierarchyMembers (11 bytes)
197471 1438 3 made zombie javax.swing.SwingUtilities::getRootPane (43 bytes)
197473 4474 3 java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster::getListeners (41 bytes)
197477 1380 3 made zombie javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthStyle::getFont (42 bytes)
197478 4472 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonListener::installKeyboardActions (33 bytes)
197483 4473 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonListener::getInputMap (58 bytes)
197497 4471 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonUI::installUI (36 bytes)
197612 4476 s 4 javax.swing.RepaintManager::getPaintManager (105 bytes)
197614 1144 s 3 made not entrant javax.swing.RepaintManager::getPaintManager (105 bytes)
197625 4477 ! 3 java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager::getGlobalFocusedWindow (82 bytes)
197661 4478 ! 4 javax.swing.JComponent::_paintImmediately (887 bytes)
197781 4480 4 (205 bytes)
197781 4481 3 sun.reflect.ReflectionFactory::checkInitted (19 bytes)
197789 4479 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthTableHeaderUI$HeaderRenderer::setBorder (13 bytes)
197794 1220 3 made not entrant (205 bytes)
197798 4482 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollPaneUI::getHandler (24 bytes)
197819 4485 3$ComplexKey::hashCode (66 bytes)
197820 4487 3 sun.awt.X11.XBaseWindow::handlePropertyNotify (61 bytes)
197822 4486 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthButtonUI::getPreferredSize (89 bytes)
197825 4483 3$GTKStockIcon::getIcon (136 bytes)
197827 4484 3 java.util.HashSet::size (8 bytes)
197835 4488 ! 3 java.awt.AWTEvent::setSource (95 bytes)
197840 4489 3 javax.swing.JViewport::reshape (53 bytes)
197850 1144 s 3 made zombie javax.swing.RepaintManager::getPaintManager (105 bytes)
197851 1368 3 made zombie java.awt.Container::countHierarchyMembers (11 bytes)
197853 4490 3 sun.java2d.SunGraphicsEnvironment::addDisplayChangedListener (9 bytes)
197861 4491 4 (144 bytes)
197868 1113 3 made not entrant (144 bytes)
197875 4493 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLookAndFeel$Handler::propertyChange (113 bytes)
197899 4494 3 javax.swing.JInternalFrame$FocusPropertyChangeListener::propertyChange (20 bytes)
197900 4492 ! 3 java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker::runTask (130 bytes)
198000 4496 3$ComplexKey::equals (130 bytes)
198001 4495 3 java.awt.Container::add (8 bytes)
198001 4497 3 javax.swing.JViewport::firePropertyChange (35 bytes)
198003 4498 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthOptionPaneUI::getContext (17 bytes)
198006 4500 3 javax.swing.KeyboardManager::getTopAncestor (52 bytes)
198007 4501 3 javax.swing.KeyboardManager::registerKeyStroke (186 bytes)
198010 4502 3 sun.awt.X11.XAtom::checkWindow (17 bytes)
198011 4499 3 javax.swing.JButton::<init> (22 bytes)
198031 4503 3 javax.swing.ViewportLayout::layoutContainer (365 bytes)
198035 4505 ! 3 java.awt.Component::getLocationOnScreen (19 bytes)
198035 4504 3 javax.swing.JViewport::setViewSize (42 bytes)
198037 4506 ! 3 java.awt.Component::move (39 bytes)
198043 4507 3 sun.awt.X11.XQueryTree::isDisposed (8 bytes)
198061 1220 3 made zombie (205 bytes)
198169 2529 ! 3 made not entrant javax.swing.JComponent::_paintImmediately (887 bytes)
198201 4508 3 javax.swing.ActionMap::get (44 bytes)
198224 4510 3 javax.swing.ToolTipManager::sharedInstance (36 bytes)
198225 4509 ! 3 (85 bytes)
198435 4511 s 4 java.util.Vector::get (24 bytes)
198440 3982 s 3 made not entrant java.util.Vector::get (24 bytes)
198442 4512 4 java.awt.Component::dispatchEventImpl (859 bytes)
198515 920 3 made not entrant java.awt.Component::dispatchEventImpl (859 bytes)
198516 1113 3 made zombie (144 bytes)
198594 4513 3 sun.awt.X11.XClientMessageEvent::get_message_type (20 bytes)
198605 4514 3 java.util.LinkedList::getFirst (26 bytes)
198679 4515 3 sun.reflect.UnsafeLongFieldAccessorImpl::set (166 bytes)
198683 4516 3 sun.misc.Unsafe::putLong (9 bytes)
198739 4517 ! 3 (625 bytes)
198740 4518 4 (161 bytes)
198777 4519 3 javax.swing.JComponent::setDoubleBuffered (7 bytes)
198778 4520 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonListener::stateChanged (13 bytes)
198779 4521 3 javax.swing.AbstractButton::setEnabled (42 bytes)
198780 4522 3 java.lang.Class::newInstance (19 bytes)
198781 4523 3 javax.swing.KeyboardManager$ComponentKeyStrokePair::hashCode (16 bytes)
198783 4524 3 java.nio.charset.Charset::atBugLevel (53 bytes)
198784 4525 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollBarUI$Handler::propertyChange (147 bytes)
198787 4526 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthScrollBarUI::propertyChange (47 bytes)
198788 4527 3 javax.swing.JRootPane::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
198788 4528 3 javax.swing.JScrollBar::getMinimum (10 bytes)
198789 4529 3 javax.swing.JScrollBar::getMaximum (10 bytes)
198791 4530 3 sun.awt.util.IdentityArrayList::get (12 bytes)
198792 4531 3 sun.awt.util.IdentityArrayList::rangeCheck (22 bytes)
198793 4532 3 sun.java2d.Disposer::addRecord (9 bytes)
198796 4533 3 java.awt.Rectangle::getLocation (16 bytes)
198798 4534 3 javax.swing.BufferStrategyPaintManager$BufferInfo::getRoot (22 bytes)
198798 4535 4 java.lang.ref.WeakReference::<init> (6 bytes)
198799 265 3 made not entrant java.lang.ref.WeakReference::<init> (6 bytes)
198802 16% 4 sun.java2d.loops.OpaqueCopyAnyToArgb::Blit @ 163 (229 bytes)
198827 4536 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthTableUI$SynthTableCellRenderer::getName (14 bytes)
198829 4537 3 javax.swing.JTable::getDefaultRenderer (33 bytes)
198863 1827 3 made not entrant (161 bytes)
198867 2529 ! 3 made zombie javax.swing.JComponent::_paintImmediately (887 bytes)
198944 4538 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthButtonUI::getIcon (41 bytes)
198962 4539 4 sun.awt.X11.XDecoratedPeer::getContentWindow (22 bytes)
198963 976 3 made not entrant sun.awt.X11.XDecoratedPeer::getContentWindow (22 bytes)
198968 4540 4 java.awt.event.ComponentEvent::<init> (7 bytes)
198972 882 3 made not entrant java.awt.event.ComponentEvent::<init> (7 bytes)
198972 920 3 made zombie java.awt.Component::dispatchEventImpl (859 bytes)
199007 4541 4 sun.awt.X11.XDropTargetEventProcessor::doProcessEvent (221 bytes)
199026 982 3 made not entrant sun.awt.X11.XDropTargetEventProcessor::doProcessEvent (221 bytes)
199042 4542 ! 3 java.awt.Container::containsFocus (56 bytes)
199042 4543 4 javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer::firePropertyChange (52 bytes)
199058 3982 s 3 made zombie java.util.Vector::get (24 bytes)
199060 780 3 made not entrant javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer::firePropertyChange (52 bytes)
199063 4545 3 javax.swing.UIManager::getInt (8 bytes)
199064 4544 3 javax.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel::updateLeadAnchorIndices (76 bytes)
199076 4546 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollPaneUI$Handler::propertyChange (28 bytes)
199077 4547 ! 3 sun.awt.X11.UnsafeXDisposerRecord::dispose (252 bytes)
199079 4548 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollBarUI::getValue (19 bytes)
199079 4550 4 javax.swing.JComponent::getPreferredSize (43 bytes)
199079 4549 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthScrollBarUI::getMinimumThumbSize (66 bytes)
199080 4551 3 javax.swing.table.DefaultTableColumnModel::getColumns (8 bytes)
199084 4552 3 sun.awt.X11.XTranslateCoordinates::isDisposed (8 bytes)
199086 4553 ! 4 sun.awt.X11.XDragSourceContextPeer::doProcessEvent (671 bytes)
199087 1373 3 made not entrant javax.swing.JComponent::getPreferredSize (43 bytes)
199088 265 3 made zombie java.lang.ref.WeakReference::<init> (6 bytes)
199091 4554 4 sun.awt.X11.XDragSourceContextPeer::processProxyModeEvent (120 bytes)
199095 4556 3 javax.swing.AbstractButton::getDisabledIcon (45 bytes)
199096 1013 3 made not entrant sun.awt.X11.XDragSourceContextPeer::processProxyModeEvent (120 bytes)
199097 4557 3 javax.swing.LookAndFeel::getDisabledIcon (27 bytes)
199098 1012 ! 3 made not entrant sun.awt.X11.XDragSourceContextPeer::doProcessEvent (671 bytes)
199098 4555 ! 4 javax.swing.JComponent::paintComponent (44 bytes)
199103 4559 3 sun.awt.X11.XWindowPeer::updateSecurityWarningVisibility (82 bytes)
199103 4558 4 java.awt.Toolkit$ToolkitEventMulticaster::eventDispatched (27 bytes)
199105 1827 3 made zombie (161 bytes)
199110 1137 ! 3 made not entrant javax.swing.JComponent::paintComponent (44 bytes)
199111 932 3 made not entrant java.awt.Toolkit$ToolkitEventMulticaster::eventDispatched (27 bytes)
200081 4560 ! 3 java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor::getTask (121 bytes)
200105 4561 3 java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject::addConditionWaiter (64 bytes)
200220 4562 4 sun.rmi.server.MarshalOutputStream::annotateClass (9 bytes)
200220 4563 ! 4 sun.rmi.server.MarshalInputStream::resolveClass (105 bytes)
200224 4565 3 java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock::lockInterruptibly (9 bytes)
200226 780 3 made zombie javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer::firePropertyChange (52 bytes)
200227 882 3 made zombie java.awt.event.ComponentEvent::<init> (7 bytes)
200230 976 3 made zombie sun.awt.X11.XDecoratedPeer::getContentWindow (22 bytes)
200230 982 3 made zombie sun.awt.X11.XDropTargetEventProcessor::doProcessEvent (221 bytes)
200233 1829 3 made not entrant sun.rmi.server.MarshalOutputStream::annotateClass (9 bytes)
200234 4564 4 java.rmi.server.RMIClassLoader$2::loadClass (7 bytes)
200235 4567 ! 3 sun.reflect.GeneratedSerializationConstructorAccessor15::newInstance (49 bytes)
200237 2083 3 made not entrant java.rmi.server.RMIClassLoader$2::loadClass (7 bytes)
200243 2081 ! 3 made not entrant sun.rmi.server.MarshalInputStream::resolveClass (105 bytes)
200244 4568 3 (46 bytes)
200258 4569 3 java.text.NumberFormat::setMinimumFractionDigits (29 bytes)
200260 932 3 made zombie java.awt.Toolkit$ToolkitEventMulticaster::eventDispatched (27 bytes)
200262 4566 3 java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer::acquireInterruptibly (28 bytes)
200264 1012 ! 3 made zombie sun.awt.X11.XDragSourceContextPeer::doProcessEvent (671 bytes)
200264 1013 3 made zombie sun.awt.X11.XDragSourceContextPeer::processProxyModeEvent (120 bytes)
200264 1137 ! 3 made zombie javax.swing.JComponent::paintComponent (44 bytes)
200265 1373 3 made zombie javax.swing.JComponent::getPreferredSize (43 bytes)
200425 2579 4 made not entrant java.util.WeakHashMap::put (165 bytes)
200426 4570 4 java.util.WeakHashMap::put (165 bytes)
200431 4574 4 javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::setPropertiesFromAttributes (120 bytes)
200435 4573 1 java.util.WeakHashMap$Entry::access$202 (7 bytes)
200436 2716 3 made not entrant java.util.WeakHashMap$Entry::access$202 (7 bytes)
200443 4575 3 java.util.WeakHashMap$Entry::<init> (24 bytes)
200445 2378 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::setPropertiesFromAttributes (120 bytes)
200445 4572 3 sun.java2d.DefaultDisposerRecord::dispose (12 bytes)
200446 4571 ! 3 sun.java2d.Disposer::clearDeferredRecords (74 bytes)
200452 4578 ! 3 javax.swing.text.html.CSS::hexToColor (71 bytes)
200454 4579 3 java.awt.Color::decode (39 bytes)
200454 4580 ! 3 java.lang.Integer::decode (199 bytes)
200457 4581 3 java.lang.Integer::valueOf (9 bytes)
200461 4582 4 java.util.WeakHashMap::maskNull (12 bytes)
200461 583 3 made not entrant java.util.WeakHashMap::maskNull (12 bytes)
200461 4576 ! 4 javax.swing.text.html.CSS$FontSize::parseHtmlValue (169 bytes)
200467 2719 ! 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.CSS$FontSize::parseHtmlValue (169 bytes)
200468 4577 4 java.util.WeakHashMap::getTable (9 bytes)
200475 574 3 made not entrant java.util.WeakHashMap::getTable (9 bytes)
201983 4583 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthTableHeaderUI::getContext (17 bytes)
202684 4584 1 sun.misc.Unsafe::getLong (8 bytes)
202685 1089 3 made not entrant sun.misc.Unsafe::getLong (8 bytes)
202876 4585 ! 4 sun.awt.X11.XToolkit::dispatchEvent (178 bytes)
202877 4586 ! 4 sun.awt.X11.XToolkit::notifyListeners (100 bytes)
202887 931 ! 3 made not entrant sun.awt.X11.XToolkit::notifyListeners (100 bytes)
202888 1829 3 made zombie sun.rmi.server.MarshalOutputStream::annotateClass (9 bytes)
202890 2083 3 made zombie java.rmi.server.RMIClassLoader$2::loadClass (7 bytes)
202890 2081 ! 3 made zombie sun.rmi.server.MarshalInputStream::resolveClass (105 bytes)
203145 929 ! 3 made not entrant sun.awt.X11.XToolkit::dispatchEvent (178 bytes)
204220 4587 3 java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor::execute (87 bytes)
204226 583 3 made zombie java.util.WeakHashMap::maskNull (12 bytes)
204226 574 3 made zombie java.util.WeakHashMap::getTable (9 bytes)
204228 4592 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.ConvertingMethod::<init> (85 bytes)
204237 2719 ! 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.CSS$FontSize::parseHtmlValue (169 bytes)
204239 4589 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.MXBeanIntrospector::mFrom (6 bytes)
204240 2716 3 made zombie java.util.WeakHashMap$Entry::access$202 (7 bytes)
204242 2378 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.BlockView::setPropertiesFromAttributes (120 bytes)
204244 2579 4 made zombie java.util.WeakHashMap::put (165 bytes)
204245 4590 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.MXBeanIntrospector::mFrom (5 bytes)
204258 4591 ! 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.ConvertingMethod::from (68 bytes)
204260 4593 ! 3 sun.reflect.GeneratedSerializationConstructorAccessor31::newInstance (49 bytes)
204260 4594 3 java.text.DecimalFormat::setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown (6 bytes)
204261 4588 3 java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer::enq (69 bytes)
204261 4595 3 java.lang.Math::pow (6 bytes)
204262 4596 4 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader::handleText (272 bytes)
204289 2583 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader::handleText (272 bytes)
204291 931 ! 3 made zombie sun.awt.X11.XToolkit::notifyListeners (100 bytes)
204617 4597 4 sun.reflect.UnsafeObjectFieldAccessorImpl::get (17 bytes)
204619 4598 3 java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer::transferForSignal (45 bytes)
204620 986 3 made not entrant sun.reflect.UnsafeObjectFieldAccessorImpl::get (17 bytes)
204620 4599 3 java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject::checkInterruptWhileWaiting (27 bytes)
204622 929 ! 3 made zombie sun.awt.X11.XToolkit::dispatchEvent (178 bytes)
--- n sun.awt.X11.XlibWrapper::XKeycodeToKeysym (static)
204623 1089 3 made zombie sun.misc.Unsafe::getLong (8 bytes)
204624 4600 3 java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync::<init> (15 bytes)
204626 4601 3 java.lang.ClassLoader::addClass (9 bytes)
204627 4602 3 javax.swing.JComponent$IntVector::elementAt (7 bytes)
204627 4603 3 java.awt.event.ActionEvent::<init> (24 bytes)
204627 4604 3 java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger::getAndIncrement (23 bytes)
204628 4605 3 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument::getText (29 bytes)
204631 4606 3 java.awt.AWTKeyStroke::getAWTKeyStroke (9 bytes)
--- n (static)
204639 4607 4 sun.awt.X11.XWrapperBase::<init> (5 bytes)
204640 774 3 made not entrant sun.awt.X11.XWrapperBase::<init> (5 bytes)
204640 4608 1 java.awt.event.InputEvent::getModifiersEx (8 bytes)
204640 863 3 made not entrant java.awt.event.InputEvent::getModifiersEx (8 bytes)
204656 4612 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicLabelUI::installUI (33 bytes)
204658 4613 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLabelUI::installDefaults (6 bytes)
204659 4611 3 javax.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel::fireValueChanged (74 bytes)
204659 4610 3 javax.swing.JPanel::<init> (28 bytes)
204661 4614 1 sun.awt.X11.Native::putInt (9 bytes)
204661 3981 3 made not entrant sun.awt.X11.Native::putInt (9 bytes)
204661 4609 3 java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer::releaseShared (16 bytes)
--- n sun.awt.X11.XlibWrapper::XChangePropertyImpl (static)
204663 4615 3 sun.awt.X11.XlibWrapper::XChangeProperty (82 bytes)
204664 4616 4 sun.awt.X11.XComponentPeer::addTree (106 bytes)
204666 4617 3 javax.swing.JOptionPane::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
204669 4618 3 java.util.logging.Logger::log (46 bytes)
204681 3870 3 made not entrant sun.awt.X11.XComponentPeer::addTree (106 bytes)
204683 4621 s 3 sun.awt.image.BufImgSurfaceData::getSolidLoops (85 bytes)
204689 4619 ! 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthGraphicsUtils$SynthIconWrapper::get (69 bytes)
204697 4623 3 java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager::setMostRecentFocusOwner (34 bytes)
204712 4622 3 java.util.Collections::sort (53 bytes)
204713 4620 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthGraphicsUtils$SynthIconWrapper::getIconWidth (12 bytes)
204809 4624 3 (17 bytes)
205435 4625 3 java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager::getDefaultFocusTraversalKeys (26 bytes)
205527 4627 3 javax.swing.JTable::updateSubComponentUI (43 bytes)
205529 863 3 made zombie java.awt.event.InputEvent::getModifiersEx (8 bytes)
205532 774 3 made zombie sun.awt.X11.XWrapperBase::<init> (5 bytes)
205532 4628 1 javax.swing.ActionMap::setParent (6 bytes)
205533 1321 3 made not entrant javax.swing.ActionMap::setParent (6 bytes)
205535 986 3 made zombie sun.reflect.UnsafeObjectFieldAccessorImpl::get (17 bytes)
205536 3981 3 made zombie sun.awt.X11.Native::putInt (9 bytes)
205539 4629 3 javax.swing.AbstractButton::setUI (36 bytes)
205546 2583 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader::handleText (272 bytes)
205547 4630 3 javax.swing.AbstractButton::<init> (167 bytes)
205554 4632 ! 4 java.awt.Container::increaseComponentCount (124 bytes)
205561 4626 3 sun.swing.SwingLazyValue::<init> (8 bytes)
205565 4633 3$GTKStockIcon::getIconWidth (19 bytes)
205565 1363 ! 3 made not entrant java.awt.Container::increaseComponentCount (124 bytes)
205565 3870 3 made zombie sun.awt.X11.XComponentPeer::addTree (106 bytes)
205565 4631 3 sun.java2d.SurfaceData::getNativeOps (5 bytes)
205567 4634 3 sun.awt.X11.XWindowPeer::isResizable (8 bytes)
205659 4635 3 sun.awt.X11.XDecoratedPeer::copy (24 bytes)
205671 4638 4 sun.java2d.loops.OpaqueCopyAnyToArgb::Blit (229 bytes)
205688 4636 3 sun.awt.X11.WindowDimensions::getBounds (89 bytes)
205696 1996 3 made not entrant sun.java2d.loops.OpaqueCopyAnyToArgb::Blit (229 bytes)
205706 4639 3 javax.swing.JTable::getCellRenderer (36 bytes)
205707 4637 3 java.lang.Object::toString (36 bytes)
206209 4642 3 javax.swing.AbstractButton::fireStateChanged (69 bytes)
206211 4640 3 javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler::stateChanged (68 bytes)
206213 4641 3 javax.swing.AbstractButton::access$100 (5 bytes)
206213 4643 3 javax.swing.JLabel::checkHorizontalKey (37 bytes)
206214 4644 s 3 java.util.Vector::setSize (55 bytes)
206215 4645 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthViewportUI::propertyChange (19 bytes)
206216 4646 3 javax.swing.AbstractButton::clientPropertyChanged (42 bytes)
206217 4647 3 java.awt.event.MouseAdapter::<init> (5 bytes)
206219 4648 3 javax.swing.JScrollBar::fireAdjustmentValueChanged (79 bytes)
206225 4649 3 sun.awt.X11.Native::toData (42 bytes)
206244 4650 3 sun.awt.X11.XBaseWindow::getHints (28 bytes)
206245 4651 3 sun.awt.X11.XSizeHints::get_flags (18 bytes)
206247 4652 ! 3 java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager::getGlobalActiveWindow (82 bytes)
206249 4654 ! 3 java.awt.SentEvent::dispatch (117 bytes)
206250 4653 3 java.awt.SentEvent::<init> (32 bytes)
206252 4655 3 sun.awt.X11.XDecoratedPeer::getShell (5 bytes)
206257 4656 4 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::constrain (146 bytes)
206275 4657 3 (142 bytes)
206276 853 3 made not entrant sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::constrain (146 bytes)
206277 4658 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthButtonUI::paintBorder (17 bytes)
207079 4659 3 javax.swing.ToolTipManager::shouldRegisterBindings (36 bytes)
207088 1321 3 made zombie javax.swing.ActionMap::setParent (6 bytes)
207091 4662 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthButtonUI::installDefaults (15 bytes)
207100 4663 3 javax.swing.AbstractButton::setRolloverEnabled (36 bytes)
207110 4666 4 javax.swing.SwingUtilities::layoutCompoundLabel (163 bytes)
207113 1354 3 made not entrant javax.swing.SwingUtilities::layoutCompoundLabel (163 bytes)
207117 4665 3 javax.swing.JOptionPane::getWindowForComponent (35 bytes)
207119 4664 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthButtonUI::installListeners (11 bytes)
207120 4660 3 javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer::<init> (24 bytes)
207121 4667 4 java.util.LinkedList::add (12 bytes)
207124 654 3 made not entrant java.util.LinkedList::add (12 bytes)
207130 4668 3 java.util.logging.Logger::fine (23 bytes)
207134 1363 ! 3 made zombie java.awt.Container::increaseComponentCount (124 bytes)
207135 4669 4 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthGraphicsUtils::layoutText (84 bytes)
207135 4670 4 sun.java2d.pipe.Region::intersectsQuickCheckXYXY (39 bytes)
207136 4661 3 java.lang.Class::getConstructor (15 bytes)
207136 1135 3 made not entrant sun.java2d.pipe.Region::intersectsQuickCheckXYXY (39 bytes)
207138 1996 3 made zombie sun.java2d.loops.OpaqueCopyAnyToArgb::Blit (229 bytes)
207140 4671 3 java.awt.Window::getOwner_NoClientCode (8 bytes)
207144 4672 ! 4 java.awt.DefaultKeyboardFocusManager::dispatchEvent (1532 bytes)
207159 1370 3 made not entrant javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthGraphicsUtils::layoutText (84 bytes)
207217 922 ! 3 made not entrant java.awt.DefaultKeyboardFocusManager::dispatchEvent (1532 bytes)
207653 4673 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthButtonUI::getIcon (131 bytes)
207709 4674 3 javax.swing.SwingWorker$5::run (8 bytes)
207709 4675 3 sun.swing.SwingLazyValue::<init> (10 bytes)
207709 4676 3 javax.swing.JTable::setLazyValue (15 bytes)
207710 4679 ! 3 java.awt.Container::clearCurrentFocusCycleRootOnHide (63 bytes)
207711 4678 ! 3 java.awt.Component::hide (173 bytes)
207714 4677 4 sun.awt.X11.XBaseWindow::dispatchEvent (298 bytes)
207718 4680 3 javax.swing.InputMap::<init> (5 bytes)
207730 4681 3 sun.awt.util.IdentityArrayList::add (29 bytes)
207731 853 3 made zombie sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::constrain (146 bytes)
207734 1354 3 made zombie javax.swing.SwingUtilities::layoutCompoundLabel (163 bytes)
207738 4682 1 javax.swing.JScrollPane::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
207739 2886 3 made not entrant javax.swing.JScrollPane::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
207747 4683 3 javax.swing.SizeRequirements::<init> (48 bytes)
207770 4684 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthGraphicsUtils::getMinimumSize (74 bytes)
207806 4685 4 sun.font.GlyphList::ensureCapacity (79 bytes)
207810 2481 3 made not entrant sun.font.GlyphList::ensureCapacity (79 bytes)
207813 654 3 made zombie java.util.LinkedList::add (12 bytes)
207814 4686 4 sun.font.GlyphList::mapChars (47 bytes)
207851 937 3 made not entrant sun.awt.X11.XBaseWindow::dispatchEvent (298 bytes)
207852 922 ! 3 made zombie java.awt.DefaultKeyboardFocusManager::dispatchEvent (1532 bytes)
207853 1135 3 made zombie sun.java2d.pipe.Region::intersectsQuickCheckXYXY (39 bytes)
207854 1370 3 made zombie javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthGraphicsUtils::layoutText (84 bytes)
207855 4687 4 sun.font.CompositeStrike::getGlyphImagePtrs (67 bytes)
207868 2483 3 made not entrant sun.font.CompositeStrike::getGlyphImagePtrs (67 bytes)
207870 2482 3 made not entrant sun.font.GlyphList::mapChars (47 bytes)
208220 4688 3 java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue$Node::<init> (10 bytes)
208249 4691 3<init> (41 bytes)
208250 4692 3 (40 bytes)
208251 4693 3 (7 bytes)
208251 4689 ! 3 java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue::offer (124 bytes)
208252 4690 3 java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject::doSignal (43 bytes)
208254 4694 ! 4$1::done (601 bytes)
208263 4695 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI$UpdateHandler::insertUpdate (105 bytes)
208265 4696 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI$RootView::insertUpdate (18 bytes)
208265 4697 ! 3 javax.swing.text.DefaultCaret$Handler::insertUpdate (423 bytes)
208285 4698 3 javax.swing.AbstractButton::updateDisplayedMnemonicIndex (10 bytes)
208289 4699 3 sun.awt.X11.XToolkit::isToolkitThread (15 bytes)
--- n sun.awt.X11.XlibWrapper::RootWindow (static)
208308 4700 3 javax.swing.BoxLayout::checkContainer (19 bytes)
208311 2886 3 made zombie javax.swing.JScrollPane::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
208314 4701 1 javax.swing.InputMap::setParent (6 bytes)
208315 1367 3 made not entrant javax.swing.InputMap::setParent (6 bytes)
208329 4702 3 javax.swing.JViewport::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
208332 937 3 made zombie sun.awt.X11.XBaseWindow::dispatchEvent (298 bytes)
208332 2482 3 made zombie sun.font.GlyphList::mapChars (47 bytes)
208333 4704 3 sun.awt.X11.WindowPropertyGetter::isCachingSupported (4 bytes)
208336 4705 3 sun.awt.X11.XWindow::validateSurface (64 bytes)
208338 2483 3 made zombie sun.font.CompositeStrike::getGlyphImagePtrs (67 bytes)
208338 2481 3 made zombie sun.font.GlyphList::ensureCapacity (79 bytes)
208342 4703 3 java.util.LinkedList::removeFirst (12 bytes)
208348 2975 ! 3 made not entrant$1::done (601 bytes)
209199 4706 4 javax.swing.JComponent::paintBorder (28 bytes)
209201 2071 3 made not entrant javax.swing.JComponent::paintBorder (28 bytes)
209275 4707 3 javax.swing.UIManager::getBoolean (8 bytes)
209282 1367 3 made zombie javax.swing.InputMap::setParent (6 bytes)
209282 4711 4 java.awt.AWTKeyStroke::hashCode (36 bytes)
209283 416 3 made not entrant java.awt.AWTKeyStroke::hashCode (36 bytes)
209283 4709 3 javax.swing.UIManager::getBorder (8 bytes)
209288 4710 3 javax.swing.UIDefaults::getBorder (22 bytes)
209304 4708 3 javax.swing.UIDefaults::getBoolean (25 bytes)
209305 4713 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthButtonUI::paint (87 bytes)
209306 4714 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthButtonUI::getTextShiftOffset (72 bytes)
209308 4712 3 javax.swing.JScrollPane::getCorner (159 bytes)
209984 4715 3 sun.awt.X11.XWindow::keysymToUnicode (6 bytes)
209992 4716 3 sun.awt.X11.XKeysym::convertKeysym (135 bytes)
210001 4718 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthPanelUI::updateStyle (21 bytes)
210007 4717 ! 3 java.awt.Component::removePropertyChangeListener (40 bytes)
210009 2975 ! 3 made zombie$1::done (601 bytes)
210017 4720 4 sun.awt.X11.Native::getWindow (12 bytes)
210019 3929 3 made not entrant sun.awt.X11.Native::getWindow (12 bytes)
210023 4719 ! 3 java.awt.Container::clearMostRecentFocusOwnerOnHide (171 bytes)
210026 4721 3 sun.awt.X11.XAtom::get (23 bytes)
210027 4722 ! 3 sun.awt.X11.XAtom::lookup (27 bytes)
210030 416 3 made zombie java.awt.AWTKeyStroke::hashCode (36 bytes)
210263 4723 3 javax.swing.JComponent$KeyboardState::getKeyCodeArray (31 bytes)
210273 4725 3 javax.swing.JButton::<init> (7 bytes)
210278 2071 3 made zombie javax.swing.JComponent::paintBorder (28 bytes)
210283 4726 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthOptionPaneUI::getContext (11 bytes)
210296 4728 ! 4 sun.swing.SwingUtilities2::getLeftSideBearing (179 bytes)
210299 4727 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthOptionPaneUI::getComponentState (5 bytes)
210301 4724 3 sun.awt.X11.UnsafeXDisposerRecord::<init> (45 bytes)
210303 4729 3 sun.awt.util.IdentityArrayList::ensureCapacity (58 bytes)
210304 4730 ! 3 sun.awt.X11.XWindowPeer::collectJavaToplevels (361 bytes)
210305 1386 ! 3 made not entrant sun.swing.SwingUtilities2::getLeftSideBearing (179 bytes)
210309 4731 ! 3 sun.awt.X11InputMethod::getCompositionState (25 bytes)
210358 4732 3 java.awt.Window::processEvent (101 bytes)
210364 4733 3 javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel::getColumnClass (4 bytes)
210483 4734 3 javax.swing.JTable::getUIClassID (4 bytes)
210491 4735 ! 3 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::copyImage (62 bytes)
210499 4738 4 java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport::firePropertyChange (125 bytes)
210505 495 3 made not entrant java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport::firePropertyChange (125 bytes)
210512 3929 3 made zombie sun.awt.X11.Native::getWindow (12 bytes)
210521 4740 1 sun.awt.X11.XBaseWindow::getWindow (5 bytes)
210521 868 3 made not entrant sun.awt.X11.XBaseWindow::getWindow (5 bytes)
210521 4739 3 javax.swing.DefaultBoundedRangeModel::addChangeListener (12 bytes)
210522 4737 3 javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer::updateUI (15 bytes)
210523 4736 3 sun.java2d.pipe.DrawImage::copyImage (91 bytes)
210523 4741 3$GTKStockIcon::getIconHeight (19 bytes)
210524 4742 ! 3 java.awt.GridBagLayout::GetLayoutInfo (2978 bytes)
210538 4745 3 java.awt.Dialog::shouldBlock (248 bytes)
210539 4743 3 javax.swing.JLabel::getDisabledIcon (59 bytes)
210540 4744 3 java.lang.Enum::compareTo (44 bytes)
210570 4746 3 sun.awt.X11InputMethod::getClientComponentWindow (51 bytes)
210584 4747 3 sun.awt.X11.XDecoratedPeer::getRealInsets (20 bytes)
210590 4748 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthTableUI$SynthTableCellRenderer::setBorder (23 bytes)
210593 1386 ! 3 made zombie sun.swing.SwingUtilities2::getLeftSideBearing (179 bytes)
210594 4749 3 javax.swing.JTable::getColumnClass (15 bytes)
210700 4750 3 java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager::getHeavyweight (30 bytes)
210707 4751 4 java.util.LinkedList$Entry::<init> (20 bytes)
210716 653 3 made not entrant java.util.LinkedList$Entry::<init> (20 bytes)
210716 868 3 made zombie sun.awt.X11.XBaseWindow::getWindow (5 bytes)
210718 495 3 made zombie java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport::firePropertyChange (125 bytes)
210965 4752 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthCheckBoxUI::getPropertyPrefix (3 bytes)
210972 4758 4 java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport::firePropertyChange (36 bytes)
210972 4757 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthPanelUI::installUI (16 bytes)
210978 520 3 made not entrant java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport::firePropertyChange (36 bytes)
210983 4753 3 javax.swing.JTable::resizeAndRepaint (9 bytes)
210983 4759 4 java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer::shouldParkAfterFailedAcquire (50 bytes)
210986 1110 3 made not entrant java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer::shouldParkAfterFailedAcquire (50 bytes)
210995 4761 4 (51 bytes)
210997 2459 3 made not entrant (51 bytes)
211002 4760 3 java.awt.Window::eventEnabled (138 bytes)
211003 4755 3 javax.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel::setValueIsAdjusting (19 bytes)
211003 4756 3 javax.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel::fireValueChanged (38 bytes)
211004 4754 3 javax.swing.table.JTableHeader::resizeAndRepaint (9 bytes)
211004 4762 1 sun.awt.NullComponentPeer::isFocusable (2 bytes)
211004 4122 3 made not entrant sun.awt.NullComponentPeer::isFocusable (2 bytes)
--- n java.lang.Thread::yield (static)
211284 4763 3 java.awt.Window::getFocusTraversalKeys (52 bytes)
211320 4765 3 sun.swing.SwingLazyValue::getClassArray (91 bytes)
211330 4767 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonUI::installListeners (36 bytes)
211331 4772 4 java.awt.Container::adjustListeningChildren (56 bytes)
211333 1073 3 made not entrant java.awt.Container::adjustListeningChildren (56 bytes)
211334 4768 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonUI::createButtonListener (9 bytes)
211335 4769 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonListener::<init> (17 bytes)
211335 4770 3 javax.swing.AbstractButton::addChangeListener (12 bytes)
211335 4771 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollBarUI::getInputMap (119 bytes)
211337 4764 ! 3 sun.swing.SwingLazyValue::createValue (93 bytes)
211338 4775 4 sun.awt.X11.Native::putLong (29 bytes)
211338 4774 1 javax.swing.JSeparator::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
211338 3157 3 made not entrant javax.swing.JSeparator::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
211339 4766 3 sun.swing.SwingLazyValue$1::run (5 bytes)
211339 917 3 made not entrant sun.awt.X11.Native::putLong (29 bytes)
211340 4773 3 sun.awt.X11.Native::getIntSize (2 bytes)
211356 4777 3 java.awt.Point::<init> (13 bytes)
211358 520 3 made zombie java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport::firePropertyChange (36 bytes)
211359 653 3 made zombie java.util.LinkedList$Entry::<init> (20 bytes)
211359 4776 3 javax.swing.ViewportLayout::preferredLayoutSize (44 bytes)
211360 4122 3 made zombie sun.awt.NullComponentPeer::isFocusable (2 bytes)
211361 1110 3 made zombie java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer::shouldParkAfterFailedAcquire (50 bytes)
211364 4779 3 java.awt.Point::equals (46 bytes)
211369 4780 4 java.awt.Component::dispatchEvent (6 bytes)
211370 883 3 made not entrant java.awt.Component::dispatchEvent (6 bytes)
211370 2459 3 made zombie (51 bytes)
211373 4778 3 sun.awt.X11.XFocusChangeEvent::get_mode (20 bytes)
211551 4781 3 java.awt.EventDispatchThread::pumpEventsForFilter (50 bytes)
211554 917 3 made zombie sun.awt.X11.Native::putLong (29 bytes)
211666 4782 4 java.awt.Component::eventTypeEnabled (487 bytes)
211669 928 3 made not entrant java.awt.Component::eventTypeEnabled (487 bytes)
211670 1073 3 made zombie java.awt.Container::adjustListeningChildren (56 bytes)
211767 4784 s 3 java.awt.Component::removeMouseListener (18 bytes)
211773 3157 3 made zombie javax.swing.JSeparator::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
211774 4786 4 (386 bytes)
211781 4787 4 java.awt.Container::getListenersCount (72 bytes)
211782 4785 3 java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster::remove (9 bytes)
211783 1224 3 made not entrant java.awt.Container::getListenersCount (72 bytes)
211800 4791 4 javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel::isPressed (15 bytes)
211801 1072 3 made not entrant javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel::isPressed (15 bytes)
211801 1239 3 made not entrant (386 bytes)
211803 4789 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollPaneUI$Handler::sbPropertyChange (251 bytes)
211805 4790 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthGraphicsUtils$SynthIconWrapper::getIconHeight (12 bytes)
211805 4788 3 java.nio.charset.Charset::lookup2 (78 bytes)
211806 4783 3 javax.swing.JTable::setLazyRenderer (11 bytes)
211806 4792 4 java.awt.Container::eventEnabled (49 bytes)
211807 4793 s 3 sun.awt.X11GraphicsConfig::getColorModel (44 bytes)
211808 925 3 made not entrant java.awt.Container::eventEnabled (49 bytes)
211812 4794 3 javax.swing.ArrayTable::remove (181 bytes)
211814 883 3 made zombie java.awt.Component::dispatchEvent (6 bytes)
211817 4795 3 java.util.Arrays::sort (38 bytes)
212018 4796 4 java.awt.Component::getFocusTraversalKeys_NoIDCheck (47 bytes)
212023 3816 3 made not entrant java.awt.Component::getFocusTraversalKeys_NoIDCheck (47 bytes)
212116 4797 3 sun.swing.SwingLazyValue::<init> (33 bytes)
212119 4798 3 javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel::getColumnCount (8 bytes)
212119 4799 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthViewportUI::updateStyle (62 bytes)
212122 4800 3 javax.swing.JComponent::disable (33 bytes)
212125 4801 3 javax.swing.JComponent::componentInputMapChanged (37 bytes)
212126 4803 3 sun.awt.X11.XWM::getWM (27 bytes)
212127 4802 3 java.awt.BorderLayout::<init> (15 bytes)
212129 4804 4 java.lang.Enum::hashCode (5 bytes)
212130 4805 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollPaneUI$Handler::scrollPanePropertyChange (151 bytes)
212131 1237 3 made not entrant java.lang.Enum::hashCode (5 bytes)
212132 4806 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthScrollPaneUI::propertyChange (16 bytes)
212136 4807 3 javax.swing.JTable::getScrollableTracksViewportWidth (13 bytes)
212149 4808 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthGraphicsUtils::drawLine (13 bytes)
212151 928 3 made zombie java.awt.Component::eventTypeEnabled (487 bytes)
212222 4809 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.MXBeanProxy$Handler::<init> (15 bytes)
212224 1072 3 made zombie javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel::isPressed (15 bytes)
212224 1224 3 made zombie java.awt.Container::getListenersCount (72 bytes)
212225 1239 3 made zombie (386 bytes)
212227 4810 ! 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.ConvertingMethod::checkCallToOpen (21 bytes)
212235 4811 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.MBeanAnalyzer$AttrMethods::<init> (5 bytes)
212248 4812 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.MBeanAnalyzer$AttrMethods::<init> (5 bytes)
212249 4813 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.MBeanIntrospector::consistent (32 bytes)
212274 4814 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthButtonUI::paintBackground (30 bytes)
212281 4815 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicHTML$Renderer::preferenceChanged (15 bytes)
212281 3214 4 made not entrant javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument$ElementBuffer::insertElement (530 bytes)
212284 4816 ! 3 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument::fireRemoveUpdate (70 bytes)
212285 4817 4 javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument$ElementBuffer::insertElement (530 bytes)
212289 4818 4 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$CellView::<init> (12 bytes)
212296 3143 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.TableView$CellView::<init> (12 bytes)
212308 4819 3 sun.awt.X11.XWindowPeer::isNativelyNonFocusableWindow (52 bytes)
212311 925 3 made zombie java.awt.Container::eventEnabled (49 bytes)
212313 4820 3 sun.awt.X11.XWindowPeer::isSimpleWindow (26 bytes)
212315 1237 3 made zombie java.lang.Enum::hashCode (5 bytes)
212332 4822 4 javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel::isRollover (16 bytes)
212333 1070 3 made not entrant javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel::isRollover (16 bytes)
212336 4821 3 javax.swing.JViewport::isPaintingOrigin (12 bytes)
212399 3816 3 made zombie java.awt.Component::getFocusTraversalKeys_NoIDCheck (47 bytes)
212400 4823 3<init> (43 bytes)
212435 4824 ! 3 java.awt.Component::setFocusable (65 bytes)
212439 4825 ! 3 java.awt.BorderLayout::addLayoutComponent (53 bytes)
212440 4826 ! 3 java.awt.BorderLayout::addLayoutComponent (207 bytes)
212443 4827 ! 3 sun.nio.cs.ISO_8859_1$Encoder::encodeArrayLoop (356 bytes)
212445 4828 s 4 (313 bytes)
212450 4829 ! 4 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLookAndFeel::getStyleFactory (65 bytes)
212452 4830 3 javax.swing.JComponent::getMaximumSize (43 bytes)
212453 1289 ! 3 made not entrant javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLookAndFeel::getStyleFactory (65 bytes)
212454 4831 3 javax.swing.JComponent::getAlignmentX (17 bytes)
212454 4832 3 javax.swing.JTable::getScrollableTracksViewportHeight (43 bytes)
212464 4833 3 sun.java2d.pipe.RegionSpanIterator::nextSpan (204 bytes)
212467 3143 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.TableView$CellView::<init> (12 bytes)
212471 1285 s 3 made not entrant (313 bytes)
212476 4834 3 javax.swing.SortingFocusTraversalPolicy::getFirstComponent (189 bytes)
212600 4835 ! 3 java.awt.DefaultKeyboardFocusManager::dumpMarkers (101 bytes)
212606 3214 4 made zombie javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument$ElementBuffer::insertElement (530 bytes)
212619 4836 ! 3 java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager::setGlobalFocusOwner (134 bytes)
212624 4838 3 java.awt.SentEvent::<init> (6 bytes)
212627 1070 3 made zombie javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel::isRollover (16 bytes)
212629 1289 ! 3 made zombie javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLookAndFeel::getStyleFactory (65 bytes)
212631 4839 3 java.awt.SentEvent::<init> (7 bytes)
212638 4837 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLookAndFeel$Handler::repaintIfBackgroundsDiffer (125 bytes)
212709 4840 4 java.awt.Container::getFocusTraversalKeys (26 bytes)
212712 4841 ! 3 sun.reflect.GeneratedSerializationConstructorAccessor35::newInstance (49 bytes)
212713 3818 3 made not entrant java.awt.Container::getFocusTraversalKeys (26 bytes)
212744 4842 3 java.util.Date::getTime (5 bytes)
212745 4843 3 java.util.Date::getTimeImpl (27 bytes)
212746 4844 3 java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster::remove (68 bytes)
212752 4845 3 javax.swing.ArrayTable::getKeys (123 bytes)
212759 4846 4 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLookAndFeel::updateStyle (44 bytes)
212762 4847 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTableHeaderUI::getHeaderRenderer (89 bytes)
--- n sun.awt.X11.XlibWrapper::DefaultScreen (static)
212765 4848 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTableHeaderUI::getSelectedColumnIndex (37 bytes)
212786 1260 3 made not entrant javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLookAndFeel::updateStyle (44 bytes)
212991 4849 4 javax.swing.ArrayTable::get (83 bytes)
213000 509 3 made not entrant javax.swing.ArrayTable::get (83 bytes)
213001 1285 s 3 made zombie (313 bytes)
213083 4850 3 java.awt.BorderLayout::<init> (7 bytes)
213091 4851 s 3 java.util.logging.Logger::getLogger (10 bytes)
213110 4853 ! 3 java.awt.FlowLayout::preferredLayoutSize (274 bytes)
213124 4854 3 sun.awt.X11.WindowPropertyGetter::getData (25 bytes)
213127 4852 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthRootPaneUI::getContext (17 bytes)
213129 3818 3 made zombie java.awt.Container::getFocusTraversalKeys (26 bytes)
213137 4855 3 sun.awt.X11.XDialogPeer::getDecorations (26 bytes)
213154 4858 1 java.lang.ref.Reference::clear (6 bytes)
213154 3983 3 made not entrant java.lang.ref.Reference::clear (6 bytes)
213154 4859 3 javax.swing.JTable::convertRowIndexToModel (17 bytes)
213155 4856 3 sun.awt.X11.XWindowPeer::insets (5 bytes)
213155 4857 3 sun.awt.X11.XDecoratedPeer::getInsets (58 bytes)
213231 4860 3 sun.awt.X11.XDnDDropTargetProtocol::getMessageType (59 bytes)
213232 4862 4 sun.awt.SunToolkit::getPrivateKey (70 bytes)
213234 1458 3 made not entrant sun.awt.SunToolkit::getPrivateKey (70 bytes)
213235 4861 3 sun.awt.X11.MotifDnDDropTargetProtocol::getMessageType (98 bytes)
213236 4863 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthTableUI::getContext (17 bytes)
213239 4864 3 sun.awt.X11.XDragAndDropProtocols::getDropTargetProtocols (9 bytes)
213240 4865 3 java.awt.EventQueue::getMostRecentEventTime (7 bytes)
213243 509 3 made zombie javax.swing.ArrayTable::get (83 bytes)
213245 4866 s 3 java.awt.EventQueue::getMostRecentEventTimeImpl (21 bytes)
213248 1260 3 made zombie javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLookAndFeel::updateStyle (44 bytes)
213250 4867 3 sun.awt.X11.Native::getBool (13 bytes)
213335 4868 ! 3 sun.awt.X11.XKeysym::xkeycode2keysym (29 bytes)
213353 4869 3 sun.awt.X11.XKeyEvent::get_display (20 bytes)
213446 4870 3 javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer$UIResource::<init> (5 bytes)
213447 4871 3 javax.swing.JCheckBox::getUIClassID (3 bytes)
213447 4873 3 javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel::fireTableChanged (47 bytes)
213448 4874 4 javax.swing.UIManager::get (8 bytes)
213448 4872 3 javax.swing.table.DefaultTableColumnModel::invalidateWidthCache (6 bytes)
213449 4875 3 javax.swing.Timer::<init> (74 bytes)
213450 4876 3 javax.swing.Timer$DoPostEvent::<init> (10 bytes)
213456 4877 4 java.awt.AWTKeyStroke::equals (64 bytes)
213458 4878 3 sun.awt.X11.XClientMessageEvent::getPData (5 bytes)
213458 513 3 made not entrant java.awt.AWTKeyStroke::equals (64 bytes)
213458 506 3 made not entrant javax.swing.UIManager::get (8 bytes)
213461 4879 3 sun.awt.X11.XWindowPeer::getMenuBarHeight (2 bytes)
213462 4880 4 javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel::isSelected (15 bytes)
213463 1404 3 made not entrant javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel::isSelected (15 bytes)
213463 4881 ! 4 sun.swing.DefaultLookup::get (139 bytes)
213463 4883 3 sun.awt.X11.XDecoratedPeer::checkShellRect (11 bytes)
213464 4884 3 sun.awt.X11.XDecoratedPeer::checkShellRectSize (25 bytes)
213464 4882 4 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthDefaultLookup::getDefault (52 bytes)
213475 4885 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthTableUI::paintCell (182 bytes)
213480 1268 ! 3 made not entrant sun.swing.DefaultLookup::get (139 bytes)
213480 4890 4 java.awt.Component::isFocusTraversable (17 bytes)
213481 1458 3 made zombie sun.awt.SunToolkit::getPrivateKey (70 bytes)
213482 4886 3 javax.swing.JTable::prepareRenderer (114 bytes)
213484 3829 3 made not entrant java.awt.Component::isFocusTraversable (17 bytes)
213485 1269 3 made not entrant javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthDefaultLookup::getDefault (52 bytes)
213487 4887 3 javax.swing.JTable::getValueAt (20 bytes)
213495 3983 3 made zombie java.lang.ref.Reference::clear (6 bytes)
213496 4888 3 javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer::getTableCellRendererComponent (345 bytes)
213512 4889 3 javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer::setValue (18 bytes)
213629 4891 3 sun.awt.X11.XEvent::get_xfocus (22 bytes)
213632 506 3 made zombie javax.swing.UIManager::get (8 bytes)
213632 513 3 made zombie java.awt.AWTKeyStroke::equals (64 bytes)
213633 4893 ! 3 java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager::setCurrentSequencedEvent (47 bytes)
213637 1404 3 made zombie javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel::isSelected (15 bytes)
213639 4892 3 sun.awt.X11.XFocusChangeEvent::<init> (30 bytes)
213665 4894 3 sun.awt.X11.XMSelection$1::dispatchEvent (10 bytes)
213686 4895 3 sun.awt.X11.XMSelection::processRootEvent (32 bytes)
213708 4896 3 sun.awt.X11.XDecoratedPeer::isMaximized (2 bytes)
213782 4897 3 java.rmi.MarshalledObject::<init> (135 bytes)
213816 4898 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthTableHeaderUI::propertyChange (19 bytes)
213824 4899 3 javax.swing.JPanel::<init> (6 bytes)
213827 4901 3 java.lang.Class::forName (9 bytes)
213828 4902 4 java.lang.Long::compareTo (9 bytes)
213828 4900 3 javax.swing.JPanel::<init> (13 bytes)
213830 397 3 made not entrant java.lang.Long::compareTo (9 bytes)
213834 4903 3 javax.swing.JTable$2::getElementCount (10 bytes)
213849 4904 4 sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::clipRect (17 bytes)
213866 1512 3 made not entrant sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::clipRect (17 bytes)
213867 3829 3 made zombie java.awt.Component::isFocusTraversable (17 bytes)
213974 4905 3 sun.reflect.UnsafeObjectFieldAccessorImpl::set (56 bytes)
213978 1268 ! 3 made zombie sun.swing.DefaultLookup::get (139 bytes)
213978 1269 3 made zombie javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthDefaultLookup::getDefault (52 bytes)
213981 4906 3 sun.misc.Unsafe::putObject (9 bytes)
213990 4907 3 sun.awt.X11.XKeyEvent::get_time (20 bytes)
214011 4908 3 java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager::getKeyEventPostProcessors (22 bytes)
214197 4909 4 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthButtonUI::getContext (11 bytes)
214198 4910 3 javax.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel::clearSelection (14 bytes)
214199 4911 3 javax.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel::removeSelectionIntervalImpl (87 bytes)
214203 4912 4 javax.swing.SwingUtilities::layoutCompoundLabelImpl (761 bytes)
214215 4913 3 sun.awt.X11.WindowDimensions::getClientRect (114 bytes)
214221 4915 ! 3 sun.awt.X11.XBaseWindow::getScreenNumber (22 bytes)
214223 4916 3 sun.awt.X11.XBaseWindow::getScreen (27 bytes)
214225 4917 3 sun.awt.X11.XBaseWindow::toString (42 bytes)
214227 397 3 made zombie java.lang.Long::compareTo (9 bytes)
214230 4918 3 javax.swing.JComponent::setToolTipText (39 bytes)
214236 4919 3 javax.swing.JComponent::getToolTipText (11 bytes)
214246 4920 3 javax.swing.ToolTipManager::registerComponent (94 bytes)
214266 1389 3 made not entrant javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthButtonUI::getContext (11 bytes)
214266 4914 4 java.awt.EventQueue$2::run (5 bytes)
214270 959 3 made not entrant java.awt.EventQueue$2::run (5 bytes)
214307 1355 3 made not entrant javax.swing.SwingUtilities::layoutCompoundLabelImpl (761 bytes)
214371 4921 3 javax.swing.JComponent::processKeyBindings (158 bytes)
214378 4922 3 javax.swing.SwingUtilities::isValidKeyEventForKeyBindings (32 bytes)
214382 1512 3 made zombie sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D::clipRect (17 bytes)
214383 4923 3 sun.awt.image.BufImgSurfaceData::getRaster (8 bytes)
214393 4924 3 sun.java2d.pipe.Region::getInstanceXYXY (12 bytes)
214459 4925 3 javax.swing.KeyboardManager::getCurrentManager (4 bytes)
214553 4926 3 java.awt.Component::setVisible (6 bytes)
214555 4927 3 java.awt.Component::show (16 bytes)
214558 4928 ! 3 java.awt.Component::disable (92 bytes)
214561 4929 3 javax.swing.event.SwingPropertyChangeSupport::firePropertyChange (46 bytes)
214566 4930 ! 3 sun.awt.X11.XAtom::setAtomData (43 bytes)
214568 4931 ! 3 sun.awt.X11.XAtom::setAtomData8 (61 bytes)
214570 4932 3 javax.swing.ScrollPaneLayout::preferredLayoutSize (479 bytes)
214574 4933 3 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollBarUI::layoutHScrollbar (623 bytes)
214582 4935 ! 3 sun.awt.X11.ComponentAccessor::getX (15 bytes)
214583 959 3 made zombie java.awt.EventQueue$2::run (5 bytes)
214585 1355 3 made zombie javax.swing.SwingUtilities::layoutCompoundLabelImpl (761 bytes)
214585 1389 3 made zombie javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthButtonUI::getContext (11 bytes)
214586 4934 3 java.lang.Math::round (10 bytes)
214705 4936 3 (6 bytes)
214893 4937 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthTableHeaderUI::getContext (11 bytes)
214898 4939 4 java.awt.Container::numListening (50 bytes)
214898 4941 4 javax.swing.JComponent::firePropertyChange (8 bytes)
214901 1287 3 made not entrant java.awt.Container::numListening (50 bytes)
214902 4942 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthPanelUI::installDefaults (6 bytes)
214906 1222 3 made not entrant javax.swing.JComponent::firePropertyChange (8 bytes)
214910 4940 3 javax.swing.AbstractButton::setText (70 bytes)
214917 4938 3 javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthTableHeaderUI::getComponentState (5 bytes)
214932 4943 3 sun.awt.X11.WindowDimensions::setInsets (131 bytes)
215130 4944 ! 3 sun.awt.X11.XDecoratedPeer::handleConfigureNotifyEvent (792 bytes)
215149 4945 3 sun.awt.X11.XEvent::get_xconfigure (22 bytes)
215156 4946 3 javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel::setArmed (73 bytes)
215241 4947 3 javax.swing.table.DefaultTableColumnModel::propertyChange (26 bytes)
215242 4948 3 javax.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel::setAnchorSelectionIndex (14 bytes)
215243 4949 3 javax.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel::setLeadSelectionIndex (147 bytes)
215246 4950 4 java.awt.Component::setBackground (44 bytes)
215249 4951 3 sun.awt.X11.XAtom::getAtomSize (4 bytes)
215250 1238 3 made not entrant java.awt.Component::setBackground (44 bytes)
215259 4952 3 java.util.logging.Logger::finer (23 bytes)
215262 4953 3 sun.awt.X11.XDecoratedPeer::isNull (32 bytes)
215272 4954 3 java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager::access$000 (4 bytes)
215392 4955 s 3 (91 bytes)
215395 1222 3 made zombie javax.swing.JComponent::firePropertyChange (8 bytes)
215396 1287 3 made zombie java.awt.Container::numListening (50 bytes)
216223 4956 3 sun.reflect.generics.parser.SignatureParser::parseIdentifier (115 bytes)
216232 4959 4$BlockDataOutputStream::write (152 bytes)
216242 4958 3 sun.util.calendar.BaseCalendar::getFixedDate (324 bytes)
216260 4961 4 java.lang.Float::valueOf (15 bytes)
216263 1738 3 made not entrant$BlockDataOutputStream::write (152 bytes)
216264 4078 4 made not entrant javax.swing.text.GapContent::createPosition (188 bytes)
216269 4962 4 javax.swing.text.GapContent::createPosition (188 bytes)
216272 4966 3 javax.swing.text.GapContent$MarkData::getPosition (8 bytes)
216272 4963 3 javax.swing.text.GapContent$StickyPosition::<init> (10 bytes)
216272 4964 3 javax.swing.text.GapContent$MarkData::<init> (18 bytes)
216273 4965 3 javax.swing.text.GapContent$StickyPosition::setMark (6 bytes)
216273 4957 3 sun.reflect.generics.tree.SimpleClassTypeSignature::make (11 bytes)
216274 4960 3 java.awt.EventQueue::invokeLater (18 bytes)
216636 4967 3 java.awt.Window::isModalExcluded (43 bytes)
216641 1238 3 made zombie java.awt.Component::setBackground (44 bytes)
217955 4968 ! 4 java.awt.LightweightDispatcher::eventDispatched (336 bytes)
218180 955 ! 3 made not entrant java.awt.LightweightDispatcher::eventDispatched (336 bytes)
219410 4969 4 sun.java2d.pipe.Region::dimAdd (20 bytes)
219411 766 3 made not entrant sun.java2d.pipe.Region::dimAdd (20 bytes)
219936 4970 3 java.awt.Component::getFocusCycleRootAncestor (26 bytes)
219938 4971 4 sun.awt.X11.XInputMethod::getParent (5 bytes)
219939 1193 3 made not entrant sun.awt.X11.XInputMethod::getParent (5 bytes)
220170 4972 4 java.util.Locale::equals (60 bytes)
220172 3283 3 made not entrant java.util.Locale::equals (60 bytes)
220189 4973 3 sun.java2d.x11.X11CachingSurfaceManager::<init> (75 bytes)
220190 4974 3 sun.awt.image.CachingSurfaceManager::<init> (114 bytes)
220223 4975 ! 3 (26 bytes)
220228 4977 3 java.util.TreeSet::comparator (10 bytes)
220240 4979 4 java.util.Arrays::mergeSort (235 bytes)
220240 1738 3 made zombie$BlockDataOutputStream::write (152 bytes)
220240 4978 3 java.util.LinkedHashMap::newEntryIterator (10 bytes)
220247 4980 3 sun.reflect.generics.parser.SignatureParser::parseSimpleClassTypeSignature (71 bytes)
220257 4078 4 made zombie javax.swing.text.GapContent::createPosition (188 bytes)
220265 4981 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.MXBeanProxy$Visitor::visitAttribute (14 bytes)
220266 4982 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.MXBeanProxy$Visitor::visitAttribute (73 bytes)
220267 4983 3 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.MXBeanProxy$GetHandler::<init> (7 bytes)
220268 4984 3 javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit$HTMLFactory$BodyBlockView::layoutMinorAxis (216 bytes)
220272 4976 ! 3 $Proxy0::getAttributes (40 bytes)
220276 4985 4$Sequence::value (9 bytes)
220277 2727 3 made not entrant$Sequence::value (9 bytes)
220280 766 3 made zombie sun.java2d.pipe.Region::dimAdd (20 bytes)
220281 4986 4$TimeStamps::time (54 bytes)
220283 2728 3 made not entrant$TimeStamps::time (54 bytes)
220284 955 ! 3 made zombie java.awt.LightweightDispatcher::eventDispatched (336 bytes)
220285 1193 3 made zombie sun.awt.X11.XInputMethod::getParent (5 bytes)
220286 4987 3 (75 bytes)
220298 4988 4 javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::getLeadingCollapseSpan (9 bytes)
220300 2614 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::getLeadingCollapseSpan (9 bytes)
220302 3283 3 made zombie java.util.Locale::equals (60 bytes)
220367 278 3 made not entrant java.util.Arrays::mergeSort (235 bytes)
220824 4989 3 java.util.AbstractList::listIterator (49 bytes)
220827 4990 3 java.util.AbstractList$ListItr::<init> (17 bytes)
221187 4991 3 sun.awt.image.BufImgSurfaceData::createData (840 bytes)
221189 4993 4 java.awt.geom.AffineTransform::updateState (230 bytes)
221190 2443 3 made not entrant java.awt.geom.AffineTransform::updateState (230 bytes)
221191 4992 3 sun.awt.image.BufImgSurfaceData::initSolidLoops (12 bytes)
224222 4994 3 (75 bytes)
224229 4997 4$FieldReflector::getPrimFieldValues (317 bytes)
224230 4996 3 java.lang.String::regionMatches (99 bytes)
224235 4998 ! 4 (77 bytes)
224239 2101 ! 3 made not entrant (77 bytes)
224240 5002 3 java.text.DecimalFormat::<init> (131 bytes)
224243 1749 3 made not entrant$FieldReflector::getPrimFieldValues (317 bytes)
224248 5003 3 java.text.DigitList::<init> (35 bytes)
224257 5006 4 javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$DefaultDocumentEvent::getChange (84 bytes)
224258 5007 4 javax.swing.text.View::forwardUpdate (282 bytes)
224264 4999 3 java.text.NumberFormat::getInstance (156 bytes)
224265 2381 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.View::forwardUpdate (282 bytes)
224266 5000 3 java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols::getInstance (45 bytes)
224267 5001 3 java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols::<init> (15 bytes)
224267 5004 3 java.text.DecimalFormat::setMinimumIntegerDigits (82 bytes)
224268 5005 3 java.text.NumberFormat::setMinimumIntegerDigits (29 bytes)
224268 4995 3 javax.swing.SwingWorker::getState (16 bytes)
224270 2380 3 made not entrant javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument$DefaultDocumentEvent::getChange (84 bytes)
224273 5008 3 (6 bytes)
224278 5009 3 javax.swing.text.html.InlineView::breakView (30 bytes)
224279 2728 3 made zombie$TimeStamps::time (54 bytes)
224279 278 3 made zombie java.util.Arrays::mergeSort (235 bytes)
224280 2727 3 made zombie$Sequence::value (9 bytes)
224281 5010 3 javax.swing.text.GlyphView::breakView (84 bytes)
224286 2614 3 made zombie javax.swing.text.html.TableView$RowIterator::getLeadingCollapseSpan (9 bytes)
225247 5011 ! 4 java.awt.EventQueue::wakeup (55 bytes)
225250 1059 ! 3 made not entrant java.awt.EventQueue::wakeup (55 bytes)
225257 2443 3 made zombie java.awt.geom.AffineTransform::updateState (230 bytes)
225358 5012 4 sun.font.FontStrikeDesc::<init> (144 bytes)
225360 3560 3 made not entrant sun.font.FontStrikeDesc::<init> (144 bytes)
225420 5013 ! 4 sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor3::invoke (89 bytes)
225425 1064 ! 3 made not entrant sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor3::invoke (89 bytes)
225802 5014 4 java.awt.Container::processEvent (22 bytes)
225810 950 3 made not entrant java.awt.Container::processEvent (22 bytes)
$ java -XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal | grep Tier
bool PrintTieredEvents = false {product}
bool StressTieredRuntime = false {product}
intx Tier0BackedgeNotifyFreqLog = 10 {product}
intx Tier0InvokeNotifyFreqLog = 7 {product}
intx Tier0ProfilingStartPercentage = 200 {product}
intx Tier1FreqInlineSize = 35 {C2 product}
intx Tier1Inline = 0 {C2 product}
intx Tier1LoopOptsCount = 0 {C2 product}
intx Tier1MaxInlineSize = 8 {C2 product}
intx Tier2BackEdgeThreshold = 0 {product}
intx Tier2BackedgeNotifyFreqLog = 14 {product}
intx Tier2CompileThreshold = 0 {product}
intx Tier2InvokeNotifyFreqLog = 11 {product}
intx Tier3BackEdgeThreshold = 7000 {product}
intx Tier3BackedgeNotifyFreqLog = 13 {product}
intx Tier3CompileThreshold = 2000 {product}
intx Tier3DelayOff = 2 {product}
intx Tier3DelayOn = 5 {product}
intx Tier3InvocationThreshold = 200 {product}
intx Tier3InvokeNotifyFreqLog = 10 {product}
intx Tier3LoadFeedback = 5 {product}
intx Tier3MinInvocationThreshold = 100 {product}
intx Tier4BackEdgeThreshold = 40000 {product}
intx Tier4CompileThreshold = 15000 {product}
intx Tier4InvocationThreshold = 5000 {product}
intx Tier4LoadFeedback = 3 {product}
intx Tier4MinInvocationThreshold = 600 {product}
bool TieredCompilation := true {pd product}
intx TieredCompileTaskTimeout = 50 {product}
intx TieredRateUpdateMaxTime = 25 {product}
intx TieredRateUpdateMinTime = 1 {product}
intx TieredStopAtLevel = 4 {product}
$ java -XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal | grep Profile
bool C1ProfileBranches = true {C1 product}
bool C1ProfileCalls = true {C1 product}
bool C1ProfileCheckcasts = true {C1 product}
bool C1ProfileInlinedCalls = true {C1 product}
bool C1ProfileVirtualCalls = true {C1 product}
intx InterpreterProfilePercentage = 33 {product}
bool ProfileInterpreter = true {pd product}
bool ProfileIntervals = false {product}
intx ProfileIntervalsTicks = 100 {product}
intx ProfileMaturityPercentage = 20 {product}
bool ProfileVM = false {product}
bool ProfilerPrintByteCodeStatistics = false {product}
bool ProfilerRecordPC = false {product}
intx TypeProfileMajorReceiverPercent = 90 {product}
intx TypeProfileWidth = 2 {product}
bool UseTypeProfile = true {product}
$ java -XX:+TieredCompilation -version
java version "1.6.0_25"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_25-b06)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.0-b11, mixed mode)
$ java -XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal | grep Tier
bool StressTieredRuntime = false {product}
intx Tier1BytecodeLimit = 10 {product}
intx Tier1FreqInlineSize = 35 {C2 product}
intx Tier1Inline = 0 {C2 product}
intx Tier1LoopOptsCount = 0 {C2 product}
intx Tier1MaxInlineSize = 8 {C2 product}
bool Tier1UpdateMethodData = false {product}
intx Tier2BackEdgeThreshold = 100000 {pd product}
intx Tier2CompileThreshold = 10000 {pd product}
intx Tier3BackEdgeThreshold = 100000 {pd product}
intx Tier3CompileThreshold = 20000 {pd product}
intx Tier4BackEdgeThreshold = 100000 {pd product}
intx Tier4CompileThreshold = 40000 {pd product}
bool TieredCompilation := true {pd product}
$ java -XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal | grep Profile
intx InterpreterProfilePercentage = 33 {product}
bool ProfileInterpreter = true {pd product}
bool ProfileIntervals = false {product}
intx ProfileIntervalsTicks = 100 {product}
intx ProfileMaturityPercentage = 20 {product}
bool ProfileVM = false {product}
bool ProfilerPrintByteCodeStatistics = false {product}
bool ProfilerRecordPC = false {product}
intx TypeProfileMajorReceiverPercent = 90 {product}
intx TypeProfileWidth = 2 {product}
bool UseTypeProfile = true {product}
$ java -XX:+TieredCompilation -version
java version "1.6.0_23"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_23-b05)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 19.0-b09, mixed mode)
Copy link

Note that methods are initially compiled with Tier 3 (C1 with full profiling, that's invocation and backedge counters, plus methodData profiling). And then some of them (such as java.lang.Object::()V) don't make it to a higher tier, and falls back to Tier 1 (C1 with no profiling); others might make it to Tier 4 (C2 with full optimizations)

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