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Last active May 1, 2021 15:02
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Dracule Theme for Tauon Music Box
#Tauon Music Box theme file
40, 42, 54 player background (top panel)
40, 42, 54 playlist panel
40, 42, 54 side panel
40, 42, 54 bottom panel
40, 42, 54 queue panel
#11, 13, 15
80, 250, 123 track line
98, 114, 164 track time
98, 114, 164 track index
139, 233, 253 track artist
241, 250, 140 album line
80, 250, 123 track playing
248, 248, 242 index playing
139, 233, 253 artist playing
241, 250, 140 album playing
248, 248, 242 time playing
68, 71, 90 track missing
255, 121, 198 fav line
98, 114, 164 folder line
241, 250, 140 folder title
68, 71, 90 playing highlight
68, 71, 90,127 select highlight
80, 250, 123 gallery highlight
40, 42, 54 menu background
68, 71, 90 menu highlight
248, 248, 242 menu text
98, 114, 164 menu disable text
#-Bottom panel------
98, 114, 164 buttons off
248, 248, 242 buttons over
80, 250, 123 buttons active
80, 250, 123 playing time
98, 114, 164 seek bar
189, 147, 249 volume bar
68, 71, 90 seek bg
68, 71, 90 volume bg
98, 114, 164 scroll bar
98, 114, 164 mode off
248, 248, 242 mode over
241, 250, 140 mode on
248, 248, 242 bottom title
#-Top panel---------
248, 248, 242 tab active line
248, 248, 242 tab line
40, 42, 54 tab background
68, 71, 90 tab over
98, 114, 164 tab active background
80, 250, 123 music vis
#-Side panel--------
248, 248, 242 title info
98, 114, 164 extra info
98, 114, 164 art border
#-Mini Mode---------
40, 42, 54 mini bg
80, 250, 123 mini border
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