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Last active July 17, 2017 14:10
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  • Save redsox2002/bb2106235e7cc3446276895b08092967 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Community Platform (Zen) Local Development Setup
  1. Use below Vagrantfile, this will install a Ubuntu 16.04 box and update the server and install git and the build-essential packages.
  Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "bento/ubuntu-16.04" "forwarded_port", guest: 80, host: 10301 "private_network", ip: ""
   config.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-SHELL
     apt-get update
     apt-get install git build-essential 
  1. Run vagrant up command to setup box and then vagrant ssh to ssh to the box
  2. Run wget -qO- | bash to get latest version of nvm
  3. Run nvm ls-remote | grep 0.10.* and install the latest version of 0.10.x.
  4. Run nvm use 0.10.x to use the latest version of node
  5. Install Npm by running npm -g install npm@latest-2
  6. Install PostgreSQL 9.4 by following the instructions in the top answer here:
  7. Update password for postgres user by going here: and looking at the "Setting a password for the postgres user" section
  8. While still in the postgres command line, run this command create user platform with superuser password 'QdYx3D5y';
  9. Under the vagrant user, create a folder called Project within the root (mkdir /home/vagrant/Project).
  10. Within the project folder, run git clone && cd cp-local-development
  11. Within the repo, change .nvmrc to use the latest v0.10.x you installed in step 4
  12. Run nvm use and npm install in the repo
  13. If no failures, run ./localdev.js init zen
  14. You will get an error saying "ChromeDriver installation failed [TypeError: Object # has no method 'isAbsolute']", this is fixed by installing Node v5.6 and above
  15. What you have to do now is run nvm ls-remote | grep 5.* and see the latest version of 5.x
  16. Run nvm install 5.x
  17. Run nvm use 5.x
  18. In the .nvmrc file in the cp-local-development repo, update it to use v5.x
  19. Run nvm use within the cp-local-development repo to update to v5.x
  20. Run ./localdev.js init zen again, you should get no errors
  21. Run ./localdev.js run zen, you should get no errors.
  22. Go to in your browser locally and the page should load.
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