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nathansmith / module_pattern_init.js
Created January 11, 2010 17:08
Init + Module Pattern JS
// JS Module Pattern:
// Redefine: $, window, document, undefined.
var APP = (function($, window, document, undefined) {
// Automatically calls all functions in APP.init
$(document).ready(function() {
paulirish / gist:854293
Created March 4, 2011 07:18
jQuery unserialize Form plugin
// Unserialize (to) form plugin - by Christopher Thielen
// adapted and desuckified (a little) by Paul Irish
// takes a GET-serialized string, e.g. first=5&second=3&a=b and sets input tags (e.g. input name="first") to their values (e.g. 5)
(function($) {
$.fn.unserializeForm = function(values) {
jmreidy /
Created January 20, 2012 16:08
Backbone.js Loading notification
activeRequests = []
Backbone._sync = Backbone.sync
Backbone.sync = (method, model, options) ->
asyncToken = Backbone._sync.apply(this,arguments)
asyncToken.then () ->
activeRequests = _.without activeRequests, asyncToken
if activeRequests.length == 0 then console.log "LOADING COMPLETE"
if activeRequests.length == 0
console.log "START LOADING"
mikhailov / 0.
Last active June 29, 2024 23:43
NGINX+SPDY with Unicorn. True Zero-Downtime unless migrations. Best practices.
# Nginx+Unicorn best-practices congifuration guide. Heartbleed fixed.
# We use latest stable nginx with fresh **openssl**, **zlib** and **pcre** dependencies.
# Some extra handy modules to use: --with-http_stub_status_module --with-http_gzip_static_module
# Deployment structure
# /etc/init.d/nginx (1. nginx)
# /home/app/public_html/app_production/current (Capistrano directory)
danbarua / gist:3528413
Created August 30, 2012 13:21
RabbitMQ reliable consumer pattern
while (_isRunning)
if (channel == null || consumer == null)
_connection = factory.CreateConnection();
channel = _connection.CreateModel();
srkirkland / deploy.ps1
Created September 10, 2012 22:18
TeamCity CI Deploy Azure PowerShell Script
#Modified and simplified version of
$subscription = "[Your Subscription Name]"
$service = "[Your Azure Service Name]"
$slot = "staging" #staging or production
$package = "[ProjectName]\bin\[BuildConfigName]\app.publish\[ProjectName].cspkg"
$configuration = "[ProjectName]\bin\[BuildConfigName]\app.publish\ServiceConfiguration.Cloud.cscfg"
$timeStampFormat = "g"
$deploymentLabel = "ContinuousDeploy to $service v%build.number%"
Write-Output "Running Azure Imports"
jmarnold / Wait.cs
Created November 20, 2012 15:39
public static class Wait
public static bool ForExpectedValue<T>(T expectation, Func<T> source, int millisecondPolling = 500, int timeoutInMilliseconds = 5000)
var matched = Wait.Until(() => expectation.Equals(source()), millisecondPolling, timeoutInMilliseconds).WasSatisfied;
StoryTellerAssert.Fail(!matched, () => "Expected {0}, but was {1}".ToFormat(expectation, source()));
return true;
tomdz / gist:5339163
Last active January 22, 2016 12:03
Vagrant test setup for haproxy with ssl client certificates

Setup vagrant vm

vagrant box add precise64
vagrant init precise64
sed -i 's/# :hostonly/ :hostonly/' Vagrantfile
vagrant up
vagrant ssh

Install base software and apache (to have something to proxy)

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Reactive.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
HenrikJoreteg /
Last active September 20, 2021 01:36
Minimalist routing in Redux

Why would you want to do this? Because you often don't need more. It's nice to not have to think about your "router" as this big special thing.

Instead, with this approch, your app's current pathname is just another piece of state, just like anything else.

This also means that when doing server-side rendering of a redux app, you can just do:

var app = require('your/redux/app')
var React = require('react')