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Last active December 4, 2023 17:19
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/* RenderingDevice API Changes */
// All usages of BarrierMask removed, barriers no longer possible to specify manually.
// compute_list_barrier() must remain, though to indicate user wants to wait for a pass to finish before the next one.
/* framebuffer format */
struct AttachmentFormat {
enum Usage {
Usage usage;
DataFormat format;
TextureSamples samples;
AttachmentFormat() {
samples = TEXTURE_SAMPLES_1;
typedef int64_t FramebufferFormatID;
// Changes:
// - Subpasses are gone
// - Input is specified directly
// This ID is warranted to be unique for the same formats, does not need to be freed
virtual FramebufferFormatID framebuffer_format_create(const Vector<AttachmentFormat> &p_format, uint32_t p_view_count = 1) = 0;
virtual FramebufferFormatID framebuffer_format_create_empty(TextureSamples p_samples = TEXTURE_SAMPLES_1) = 0;
virtual TextureSamples framebuffer_format_get_texture_samples(FramebufferFormatID p_format, uint32_t p_pass = 0) = 0;
// Input mask set to 1 to signal this attachment is used for input attachments.
virtual RID framebuffer_create(const Vector<RID> &p_texture_attachments, uint64_t p_input_mask=0, FramebufferFormatID p_format_check = INVALID_ID, uint32_t p_view_count = 1) = 0;
virtual RID framebuffer_create_empty(const Size2i &p_size, TextureSamples p_samples = TEXTURE_SAMPLES_1, FramebufferFormatID p_format_check = INVALID_ID) = 0;
virtual bool framebuffer_is_valid(RID p_framebuffer) const = 0;
virtual void framebuffer_set_invalidation_callback(RID p_framebuffer, InvalidationCallback p_callback, void *p_userdata) = 0;
virtual FramebufferFormatID framebuffer_get_format(RID p_framebuffer) = 0;
/* uniform set */
// Changes:
// - Removal of SamplerWithTexture, TextureBuffer, SamplerWithTextureBuffer. Makes portability easier.
enum UniformType {
UNIFORM_TYPE_SAMPLER, //for sampling only (sampler GLSL type)
UNIFORM_TYPE_TEXTURE, //only texture, (textureXX GLSL type)
UNIFORM_TYPE_IMAGE, // storage image (imageXX GLSL type), for compute mostly
UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER, //regular uniform buffer (or UBO).
UNIFORM_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER, //storage buffer ("buffer" qualifier) like UBO, but supports storage, for compute mostly
UNIFORM_TYPE_INPUT_ATTACHMENT, //used for sub-pass read/write, for mobile mostly
/* render pass framebuffer usage */
enum DrawListBufferLoadAction {
enum DrawListBufferStoreAction {
// Changes:
// - Ability to better fineagrain clear/discard per color buffer. This was missing before.
// - No longer specify initial/final action, only clear and discard.
// - No longer specify storage textures, this can now be inferred automatically by the barrier solver.
// - No longer specify subpasses, this can now be inferred automatically by the subpass solver.
virtual DrawListID draw_list_begin(RID p_framebuffer, const Vector<DrawListLoadAction> &p_buffer_load_actions, const Vector<DrawListStoreAction> &p_buffer_store_actions, const Vector<Color> &p_clear_color_values = Vector<Color>(), float p_clear_depth = 1.0, uint32_t p_clear_stencil = 0, const Rect2 &p_region = Rect2()) = 0;
/* Acyclic Graph */
* The acyclic graph solver kicks off after the render thread finished sending the draw commands.
* It can optionally run asynchronously (post a semaphore that starts the solving and submission).
// The base idea of how this acyclic graph works a bit based on this document:
// So Its good to read it first. There are, however, many things that will work different due to how Godot works.
// The main difference is that, in Godot, you don't use a manually created render graph (like in the API design above).
// The idea is that, inside RenderingDevice, this render graph will be created automatically instead based on the commands
// supplied, in a way similar to how Direct3D11 drivers work, but giving us far more control on how to do the process.
// In RenderingDevice, the idea is that anything you do (that is not _creating_ a resource) can be considered a _command_ , such as:
// * Updating a buffer.
// * Copying a buffer
// * Clearing a buffer
// * Updating a texture
// * Copying a texture
// * Clearing a texture
// * Perform a render list (from draw_list_begin to draw_list end, including all draw/bind calls are all ONE single command).
// * Perform a compute list ( all the dispatch calls are one command, calling add_barrier switches to a new command).
// * etc.
// The rule here is that, in a command, we always start from a valid state and end in a valid state. It is impossible to do something invalid (if the command arguments are invalid, this is errored before the command is submitted).
// Commands will take resources (buffers and textures), which will be used for either reading or writing into them. As an example:
// * A texture used in a shader (descriptor set) as sampler, only reads.
// * A texture used in a shader (descriptor set) as image, may read or write. We need to check the SPIRV reflection to see if its readonly.
// * A buffer used as UBO will only read in a shader, but SBO may read or write depending on usage.
// As example, here are all the resource usage types that may happen in commands for each resource:
// * Transfer from (texture or buffer copy source)
// * Transfer to (texture or buffer update or copy destination)
// * Transfer from/to (read/write from same)
// * Uniform buffer read (UBO)
// * Indirect buffer read (dispatch or draw indirect)
// * Storage buffer write
// * Storage buffer read
// * Storage buffer read/write
// * Vertex buffer read
// * Index buffer read
// * Texture sample
// * Storage image read
// * Storage image write
// * Storage image read/write
// * Texture render target write
// * Texture input attachment read
// * etc.
// Every command needs to track the resources used and what it does with them (the usage type) when building the render graph,
// this allows to later create barrier transitions accordingly.
// So ultimately the graph creation happens with this pseudocode:
RenderingDevice::do_command(RID p_resource) {
Command command = allocate_command();
command.type = something = fillwithsomething
command_add_resource_dependency( command, p_resource, usage_type ); // usage_type is one from the bullet points above)
command_add_to_list( command );
// The key here is the command_add_resource_dependency function, which tracks dependencies and usage types.
// command_add_resource_dependency needs to following a certain logic, here with pseudocode:
RenderingDevice::command_add_resource_dependency(Command p_command, RID p_resource, UsageType p_usage_type) {
if ( resource_already_processed_for_command( p_resource, p_command) ) {
if (resource_get_previous_usage(p_resource) != p_usage_type) {
return error; // Cant use the same resource for two differnt things in a command.
return ok;
bool is_write usage = is_write_usage( p_usage_type ); // Determine if this usage type is a write
if (!write_usage && is_usage_read(p_usage_type)) {
// Pure read
UsageType previous_usage = resource_get_previous_usage(p_resource);
if (!is_write_usage(previous_usage) && previous_usage != p_usage_type) {
// If the previous usage was a read, but the type of read is different,
// also consider a write usage (due to layout change).
if (write_usage) {
// Writing, insert a dependecy
if (resource_read_commands_exist_in_frame(p_resource) {
// Resource has been read before, so we need to insert a dependency from those commands to this one.
for (read_command in resource_read_commands_get(p_resource)) {
command_add_dependency(read_command, p_command);
} else if ( resource_write_command_exists_in_frame(p_resource) ) {
// Resoucre has been written before, we need to insert a dependency from previous write command to this one.
command_add_dependency( resource_get_write_commmand(p_resource), p_command );
resource_set_write_command( p_resource, p_command); // used with resource_write_command_exists_in_frame and resource_get_write_commmand
resource_clear_read_command( p_resource); // This way, resource_read_commands_exist_in_frame will return false.
} else {
// Reading
if ( resource_write_command_exists_in_frame(p_resource) ) {
// There is a command that wrote to this resource in this frame, insert a dependency to this one
command_add_dependency( resource_get_write_commmand(p_resource), p_command );
resource_add_read_command( p_resource, p_command ); // used with resource_read_commands_exist_in_frame and resource_read_commands_get
resource_set_previous_usage( p_resource, p_usage); // will be used with resource_get_previous_usage above.
command_add_resource_barrier_usage( p_command, p_resource, p_usage); // Added to the list of barriers needed before executing this command. Also makes sure resource_already_processed_for_command returns true if called with same resource and command.
return ok;
// The general idea is that dependencies to commands depending on resource usage are more or less like this:
// [read commands]
// / \
// [write_command] -> [read commands] -> [write command]
// \ /
// [read commands]
// This allows the read commands to happen in parallel.
// The function above is implemented again in more detail below, this pseudocode is mainly intended so its clear how it works.
// Some implementation nodes:
// command_add_dependency() must ensure that the dependency is only added once.
// This is a more in detail code implementation of the algorithm below, including graph building with resulting levels.
// Textures and Buffers have a pointer to these
struct ResourceTracker {
enum Type {
enum Usage {
USAGE_STORAGE_BUFFER_WRITE_BUFFER, // Storage buffer usage can be read from SPIRV reflection
USAGE_STORAGE_IMAGE_READ_TEXTURE, // Image usage can be read from SPIRV reflection
// Missing stuff but you get the idea
Type type;
// Used to see if the command has processed this already and skip it
uint64_t current_command_frame = 0; // frame this last command was used as.
uint64_t current_command_buffer_offset = 0; // buffer offset of the command that last used this.
int64_t current_write_command_offset; // Offset to command that performed write, or -1 if nobody wrote in this frame
int32_t read_command_list; // Index to linked list (command_read_dependencies) of commands that performed read.
Usage current_usage = USAGE_NONE;
union {
// These also have a pointer back to ResourceTracker
Texture *texture;
Buffer *buffer;
// ResourceTracker objects are allocated and packed in a pool (PoolAllocator) for cache efficiency.
// All command buffer commands are accumulated in a buffer while the render thread submits them.
struct ResourceUsage {
ResourceTracker *base_resource;
ResourceTracker::Usage intended_usage; // used for barrier
LocalVector<ResourceUsage> used_resources; // LocalVector uses worst-case allocator, so clearing and re-filing has no cost.
uint32_t used_resource_offset = 0;
struct CommandDependency {
int32_t next; // -1 means no dependency
uint64_t dependency_offset;
LocalVector<CommandDependency> command_dependencies;
LocalVector<CommandDependency> command_read_dependencies; // used by ResourceTracker
struct Command {
// Avoid using anything that needs to be constructed in here and derivated classes. Use pointers to resources not RIDs.
enum Type {
TYPE_COMPUTE_LIST, // Not just the compute list, but every time compute_list_barrier() is called, a new one of these is created and used.
Type type;
uint32_t size; // based on size of actual inherited class
uint32_t index;
uint32_t used_resource_from; // index to used_resources
uint32_t used_resource_amount; // amount of used resources
bool graph_processed; // false by default, Set to true after the graph has processed it, this avoids us from processing it twice.
int32_t dependency_list; // -1 default, points to command_dependencies linked list.
int32_t current_dependency; // -1 by default, used to avoid adding a dependency twice.
Command *level_list; // ONLY this one can be a pointer because at this stage no new commands will be added, nullptr by default
struct CommandBufferUpdate : public Command {
// Saves the start buffer index and offset in staging buffers (this is data is copied on call to RenderingDevice::Call)
uint32_t staging_buffer_index;
uint32_t staging_buffer_offset;
RenderingDeviceDriver::BufferID target_buffer_index;
uint64_t target_buffer_offset;
uint64_t target_buffer_offset_size;
struct CommandTextureUpdate : public Command {
// Similar to CommandBufferUpdate
virtual CommandTextureUpdate() { type = TYPE_TEXTURE_UPDATE; }
LocalVector<uint8_t> command_buffer; // use and expand on demand. This is why we use offsets to commands, not pointers.
uint64_t command_buffer_offset;
// Commands are allocated into a LocalVector<uint8_t> using in_place allocation with sizeof() (not memnew_placement for performance)
/**** How to use this? ****/
// Following pseudocode should give you an idea
template<class T>
T* RenderingDevice::_allocate_command() {
command_bufer.resize( command_buffer.size() + sizeof(T) );
//ensure enough space before
T * c = (T *)&command_bufer[command_buffer_offset];
// Fill Command fields
c->size = sizeof(T);
c->index = 0;
c->used_resource_from = used_resource_offset;
c->used_resource_amount = 0;
c->dependency_list = -1;
c->current_dependency = -1;
c->graph_processed = 0;
c->command_dependency_amount = 0;
c->level_list = nullptr;
return c;
void RenderingDevice::buffer_update(RID to_buffer,source_data,etc) {
//ensure enough space before
CommandBufferUpdate * update = _allocate_command<CommandBufferUpdate>();
// Fill CommandBufferUpdate fields
update->type = Command::TYPE_BUFFER_UPDATE;
// .. //
// Actually copy source data to the staging buffer.
// Fill ResourceUsage
ResourceTracker * buffer = obtain_from_to_buffer( to_buffer );
_command_add_resource_dependency(update,buffer,ResourceTracker::USAGE_TRANSFER_TO); // See code below
command_buffer_offset += update->size;
// This is the most critical case, setting descriptor sets, since its called a lot (well, mostly once per material)
void RenderingDevice::draw_list_bind_uniform_set(DrawListID p_draw_list, RID p_uniform_set) {
//ensure enough space before
CommandDrawList * draw_list = /* this allocated on draw_list_begin already */;
UniformSet *uniform_set = /* obtain fro p_uniform_set */
for(uint32_t i=0;i<uniform_set->dependency_tracker_count;i++) {
// Add the dependency trackers.
// Keep in mind that the following makes this efficient in the long term:
// - Addition only happens ONCE per draw list (otherwise its just marked as added and it won't be added again).
// - Order happens (or should happen) by material, so this descriptor set is only set once by the renderer.
// - Multiple objects using the same material do not need to call this every time.
// - Eventually, the idea is to move most of the static geometry to bindless (texture streaming), so this code will not be called at all.
bool success = _command_add_resource_dependency(draw_list,uniform_set->dependency_trackers[i].tracker,uniform_set->dependency_trackers[i].usage);
ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG( !succes, "Attempt to supply a uniform set resource with a different usage than the one specified in a previous uniform set, or the draw list arguments.");
// This should be inlined
_FORCE_INLINE_ bool RenderingDevice::_command_add_resource_dependency(Command * p_command, ResourceTracker *p_resource,ResourceTracker::Usage p_usage) {
if (p_resource->current_command_frame == current_frame && p_resource->current_command_buffer_offset == command_buffer_offset) {
if (p_usage != p_resource->current_usage) {
return false; // trying to use the resource and use it for two different things in the render pass.
return true; // Already added, do nothing.
if (p_resource->current_command_frame != current_frame) {
// Resource not used in this frame, clean up
p_resource->current_command_frame = current_frame;
// Clean up write command and read list
p_resource->current_write_command_offset = -1;
p_resource->read_command_list = -1;
// Determine whether this is a write usage
bool write_usage = _is_usage_write(p_usage);
if (!write_usage && _is_usage_read(p_usage)) {
// Pure read, means it can happen in parallel.
if (!_is_write_usage(p_resource->current_usage) && p_resource->current_usage != p_usage) {
// If the previous usage was a read, but the type of read is different,
// also consider a write usage (due to layout change).
if (write_usage) {
// Writing, insert a dependecy
if (p_resource->read_command_list != -1) {
// If there are read commands, insert dependencies to those.
int32_t read_command = p_resource->read_command_list;
while(read_command != -1) {
CommandDependency *cd = &command_read_dependencies[read_command];
read_command = cd->next;
// Clear read command list, we are writing.
p_resource->read_command_list = -1;
} else if (p_resource->current_write_command_offset != -1){
p_resource->current_write_command_offset = command_buffer_offset;
} else {
// Reading
if (p_resource->current_write_command_offset != -1){
// If there is a write command, insert a dependency to the write command.
// Add to the read linked list
CommandDependency cd; = p_resource->read_command_list;
cd.dependency_offset = command_buffer_offset;
p_resource->read_command_list = command_read_dependencies.size();
// Finally update the resource
p_resource->current_command_buffer_offset = command_buffer_offset;
p_resource->current_usage = p_usage;
// Add to the used resources list
ResourceUsage *res_usage = (ResourceUsage *)&used_resources[used_resource_offset++];
res_usage->base_resource = p_resource;
res_usage->intended_usage = p_usage;
p_command->used_resource_amount++; // using ++ as reference, but in this command its only setting to 1
return true;
_FORCE_INLINE_ void RenderingDevice::_command_add_command_dependency(uint64_t p_dependency_offset) {
Command *dependency = (Command*)&command_bufer[p_dependency_offset];
if (dependency->current_dependency == command_buffer_offset) {
return; // Nothing to be done. Dependency already added.
dependency->current_dependency = command_buffer_offset;
CommandDependency cd; = dependency->dependency_list;
cd.dependency_offset = command_buffer_offset;
dependency->dependency_list = command_dependencies.size();
/**** Acyclic graph solver ****/
// Following pseudocode solves graph
LocalVector<Command*> ordered_commands;
LocalVector<Command*> command_levels;
LocalVector<Command*> command_level_list;
void _process_graph() {
uint64_t command_offset = 0;
// Traverse graph
while (command_offset < command_buffer_offset) {
Command *command = (Command*)command_buffer[command_offset];
command_offset += command->size;
// Must be inverted after graph traversal
// Assign indices and base levels to each commant
command levels.resize(ordered_commands.size());
for(uint32_t i=0;i<ordered_commands.size();i++) {
ordered_commands[i]->index = i;
command_levels[i] = 0;
// Assign levels to each command
uint32_t max_level = 0;
for(uint32_t i=0;i<ordered_commands.size();i++) {
Command *command = ordered_commands[i];
int32_t dependency = p_command->dependency_list;
uint32_t target_level = command_levels[i] + 1;
while(dependency != -1) {
CommandDependency *cd = &command_dependencies[dependency];
Command *c = (Command*)command_buffer[cd->dependency_offset];
uint32_t dep_index = c->index;
if (command_levels[dep_index] < target_level) {
command_levels[dep_index] = target_level;
max_level = MAX(max_level,target_level);
dependency = cd->next;
// Create the list of commands ordered by level
command_level_list.resize(max_level + 1);
for(uint32_t i = 0 ; i <command_level_list.size() ; i++) {
command_level_list[i] = nullptr;
for(uint32_t i=0;i<ordered_commands.size();i++) {
Command *command = ordered_commands[i];
uint32_t level = command_levels[i];
command->level_list = command_level_list[level];
command_level_list[level] = command;
// There we go! Now create the actual RenderingDeviceDriver command buffers
// A single barrier command can be emitted with everything the level does before
// actually emitting the level commands.
void RenderingDevice::_process_graph_command(Command *p_command) {
if (p_command->graph_processed) {
return; // already processed
// Solve dependencies first
p_command->graph_processed = true;
// If there are read commands, insert dependencies to those.
int32_t dependency = p_command->dependency_list;
while(dependency != -1) {
CommandDependency *cd = &command_dependencies[dependency];
_process_graph_command( (Command*)command_buffer[cd->dependency_offset] );
dependency = cd->next;
// For render pass / compute pass processing you likely need a global command buffer using LocalVector
LocalVector<uint8_t> render_pass_command_buffer;
// These re defined in **RenderingDeviceDriver**
struct RenderPassCommand {
enum Type {
// etc.
Type type;
// information
// example:
struct RenderPassCommandSetBlendConstants : public RenderPassCommand {
Color color;
RenderCommandSetBlendConstants() {
// Internally, in RenderingDevice there is something like this, using the API mentioned before
struct CommandRenderPass : public Command {
// Render pass variables, like viewportsize clear constants, etc.
uint64_t render_pass_command_buffer_begin_offset;
uint64_t render_pass_command_buffer_end_offset;
// Then, the API in RenderingDeviceDriver should simply remove all the virtual functions for the render pass and simply take something like
RenderingDeviceDriver::command_render_pass( <render_pass_args>, const uint8_t * p_render_command_buffer, uint64_t p_render_command_buffer_size);
// On the Godot side in RenderingDevice, these functions should be all inline instead:
virtual void draw_list_set_blend_constants(DrawListID p_list, const Color &p_color) = 0;
virtual void draw_list_bind_render_pipeline(DrawListID p_list, RID p_render_pipeline) = 0;
virtual void draw_list_bind_uniform_set(DrawListID p_list, RID p_uniform_set, uint32_t p_index) = 0;
virtual void draw_list_bind_vertex_array(DrawListID p_list, RID p_vertex_array) = 0;
virtual void draw_list_bind_index_array(DrawListID p_list, RID p_index_array) = 0;
virtual void draw_list_set_line_width(DrawListID p_list, float p_width) = 0;
virtual void draw_list_set_push_constant(DrawListID p_list, const void *p_data, uint32_t p_data_size) = 0;
// So the cost of filling the command buffer is minimal and can be done in a single function.
/**** Resource dependencies for draw_list_bind_uniform_set() ****/
// When creating a uniform_set, we must have a readily accessible list of dependencies it containts, because
// when calling draw_list_bind_uniform_set, they need to be processed in the acyclic graph.
// Having just an allocated array of dependencies is likely not going to be good cache wise, so we should use
// A dependency pool.
// The way I suggest doing this is using a PagedAllocator and each element can be something like this:
struct UniformSetDependencyList {
uint64_t count;
UniformSetDependencyList * next = nullptr;
struct Tracker {
ResourceTracker *resource;
ResourceTracker::Usage usage;
constexpr uint32_t DEPENDENCY_TRACKER_MAX = // Calculate so the entire size of UniformSetDependencyList is po2 like 512, 1024, etc. Something between 512 and 4096 shuld be good for cache pages.
Tracker dependency_trackers[DEPENDENCY_TRACKER_MAX];
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reduz commented Oct 5, 2023

@K0bin afaik there is no need to. Subpass compatibility is what matters.

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K0bin commented Oct 6, 2023

Vulkan spec for vkCreateGraphicsPipeline (emphasis mine):

renderPass is a handle to a render pass object describing the environment in which the pipeline will be used. The pipeline must only be used with a render pass instance compatible with the one provided. See Render Pass Compatibility for more information.

Vulkan spec for Render pass compatibility:

Framebuffers and graphics pipelines are created based on a specific render pass object. They must only be used with that render pass object, or one compatible with it.

So pretty sure, the entire render pass has to be compatible even if that makes things very annoying.

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