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Last active November 23, 2020 15:24
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Calculate consumption rates and needed production buildings for Anno 1404.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @file
# @author redxef
# @since 2019-02-19
# @brief Calculate consumption rates and needed production buildings for Anno 1404
# This program has no hard-coded values and relies solely on game files of
# Anno 1404, it has been written for IAAM and should be easy enough to adapt
# to other versions and patches of the game.
# To use this script do the following:
# 1. create a directory called 'res' in the same directory as this script.
# 2. Extract the patch0.rda into this folder using
# [RDAExplorer](
# path to patch0.rda: xxx\Ubisoft\Related Designs\IAAM 1404\addon\patch0.rda
# This script basically needs the following 3 files:
# - .\res\addon\addondata\config\game\assets.xml
# - .\res\addon\addondata\config\game\properties.xml
# - .\res\addon\data\loca\(ger|eng|fra)\txt\guids.txt
# Every thing else can be deleted.
import sys
import os
import math
import collections
import codecs
import getopt
import xml.etree.ElementTree as xmlet
def get_patches_guids(res, lang='ger'):
r = []
guids_path = os.path.join('{res}', '{baseloc}', '{dmd}', 'loca', '{lang}', 'txt', 'guids.txt')
for baseloc in ('maindata', 'addon'):
for ent in os.listdir('{res}/{baseloc}'.format(res=res, baseloc=baseloc)):
if baseloc == 'maindata':
dmd = os.path.join(ent, 'data')
elif baseloc == 'addon':
dmd = ent
file = guids_path.format(res=res, baseloc=baseloc, dmd=dmd, lang=lang)
if os.path.isfile(file):
r += [file]
except Exception as e:
# print(e)
return r
def get_patches_generic_file(res, filename):
r = []
assets_path = os.path.join('{res}', '{baseloc}', '{dmd}', 'config', 'game', '{filename}')
for baseloc in ('maindata', 'addon'):
for ent in os.listdir('{res}/{baseloc}'.format(res=res, baseloc=baseloc)):
if baseloc == 'maindata':
dmd = os.path.join(ent, 'data')
elif baseloc == 'addon':
dmd = ent
file = assets_path.format(res=res, baseloc=baseloc, dmd=dmd, filename=filename)
if os.path.isfile(file):
r += [file]
except Exception as e:
# print(e)
return r
def get_patches_assets(res):
return get_patches_generic_file(res, 'assets.xml')
def get_patches_game_properties(res):
return get_patches_generic_file(res, 'properties.xml')
def load_guids(guids_txt):
guids = {}
f = open(guids_txt, 'rb')
text =
assert text.startswith(codecs.BOM_UTF16_LE)
text = text[len(codecs.BOM_UTF16_LE):]
text = text.decode('utf-16le')
for line in text.splitlines():
line = line.split('#', 1)[0]
line = line.strip()
num, text = line.split('=')
except ValueError:
num = int(num)
guids[num] = text
return guids
def load_xml(xml):
tree = xmlet.parse(xml)
return tree.getroot()
class base_object(object):
def __repr__(self):
s = '<{}('.format(type(self).__name__)
for k, v in sorted(self.__dict__.items()):
s += '{}={}, '.format(k, v)
s = s[:-2]
s += ')>'
return s
class Product(base_object):
def __init__(self, guid=None, name=None, loca_name=None):
self.guid = guid = name
self.loca_name = loca_name
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.guid < other.guid
def __gt__(self, other):
return self.guid > other.guid
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.guid)
def __eq__(self, other):
return (isinstance(other, type(self))
and self.guid == other.guid
and ==
and self.loca_name == other.loca_name)
class ProductFactory(base_object):
def __init__(self, props, guids):
self.props = props
self.guids = guids
self.products = {}
self._balancing = None
self._loaded = False
for child in self.props.find('Groups').findall('Group'):
if child.find('Name').text == 'Balancing':
self._balancing = child
def _register_product(self, p):
self.products[p.guid] = p
self.products[] = p
self.products[p.loca_name] = p
def _get_product_guid(self, guid):
piguid = self._balancing.find('DefaultValues').find('GUIBalancing').find('ProductIconGUID')
for c in piguid:
if int(c.text) == guid:
p_guid = guid
p_name = c.tag
p_loca_name = self.guids[p_guid]
return Product(guid=p_guid, name=p_name, loca_name=p_loca_name)
return None
def _get_product_name(self, name):
piguid = self._balancing.find('DefaultValues').find('GUIBalancing').find('ProductIconGUID')
for c in piguid:
if c.tag == name:
p_guid = int(c.text)
p_name = name
p_loca_name = self.guids[p_guid]
return Product(guid=p_guid, name=p_name, loca_name=p_loca_name)
return None
def _get_product_loca_name(self, loca_name):
piguid = self._balancing.find('DefaultValues').find('GUIBalancing').find('ProductIconGUID')
for c in piguid:
if self.guids[int(c.text)] == loca_name:
p_guid = int(c.text)
p_name = c.tag
p_loca_name = loca_name
return Product(guid=p_guid, name=p_name, loca_name=p_loca_name)
return None
def load(self):
if self._loaded:
piguid = self._balancing.find('DefaultValues').find('GUIBalancing').find('ProductIconGUID')
for c in piguid:
self._loaded = True
def items(self):
if not self._loaded:
for k, v in self.products.items():
if type(k) is int:
yield v
def get_product(self, guid=None, name=None, loca_name=None):
for t, key in zip(('g', 'n', 'l'), (guid, name, loca_name)):
if key is None:
p = self.products[key]
except KeyError:
p = None
if t == 'g' and p is None:
p = self._get_product_guid(key)
if t == 'n' and p is None:
p = self._get_product_name(key)
if t == 'l' and p is None:
p = self._get_product_loca_name(key)
if p is not None:
return p
class ProductionBuilding(base_object):
default_produce_time = 20000
def __init__(self):
self.guid = None = None
self.loca_name = None
self.produces = None
self.produce_time = self.default_produce_time
self.produce_per_min = None
self.req_product1_type = None
self.req_product1_amount = None
self.req_product2_type = None
self.req_product2_amount = None
def update(self):
self.produce_per_min = int(60E6/self.produce_time)
if self.req_product1_type is not None and self.req_product1_amount is None:
self.req_product1_amount = 1000
if self.req_product2_type is not None and self.req_product2_amount is None:
self.req_product2_amount = 1000
class ResidenceBuilding(base_object):
def __init__(self):
self.guid = None = None
self.min_people = None
self.max_people = None
def load_residence_buildings(assets):
for child in assets.find('Groups').findall('Group'):
if child.find('Name').text == 'Objects':
objects = child.find('Groups')
for child in list(objects):
if child.find('Name').text == 'PlayerBuildings':
playerbuildings = child.find('Groups')
for child in list(playerbuildings):
if child.find('Name').text == 'Residence':
residence = child.find('Assets')
res_buildings = {}
for asset in residence.findall('Asset'):
if asset.find('Template').text != 'ResidenceBuilding':
field_guid = asset.find('Values').find('Standard').find('GUID')
field_build_lvl = asset.find('Values').find('Building').find('BuildingLevel')
field_min_residence_count = asset.find('Values').find('ResidenceBuilding').find('MinResidentCount')
field_max_residence_count = asset.find('Values').find('ResidenceBuilding').find('MaxResidentCount')
field_filename_rand = asset.find('Values').find('Object').find('Variations').find('Item').find('Filename')
guid = int(field_guid.text)
build_lvl = field_build_lvl.text
min_people = int(field_min_residence_count.text)
except AttributeError:
min_people = 0
max_people = int(field_max_residence_count.text)
except AttributeError:
max_people = 0
if max_people == 0:
if 'iaam' in field_filename_rand.text:
build = ResidenceBuilding()
build.guid = guid = build_lvl
build.min_people = min_people
build.max_people = max_people
res_buildings[build_lvl] = build
return res_buildings
class ProductionBuildingFactory(base_object):
def __init__(self, guids, product_factory, assets):
self._guids = guids
self._product_factory = product_factory
self._assets = assets
self.buildings = []
def load(self):
for child in self._assets.find('Groups').findall('Group'):
if child.find('Name').text == 'Objects':
objects = child.find('Groups')
for child in list(objects):
if child.find('Name').text == 'PlayerBuildings':
playerbuildings = child.find('Groups')
for child in list(playerbuildings):
if child.find('Name').text == 'Production':
production = child.find('Groups')
for child in list(production):
if child.find('Name').text == 'Farm':
farm = child.find('Assets')
other_farm = child.find('Groups')
elif child.find('Name').text == 'Resource':
resource = child.find('Assets')
elif child.find('Name').text == 'Factory':
factory = child.find('Assets')
for child in other_farm.findall('Group'):
if child.find('Name').text == 'Plantation':
plant_farm = child.find('Assets')
elif child.find('Name').text == 'Animalfarm':
animal_farm = child.find('Groups')
for child in list(farm) + list(plant_farm) + list(resource) + list(factory):
field_guid = child.find('Values').find('Standard').find('GUID')
field_name = child.find('Values').find('Standard').find('Name')
if child.find('Values').find('WareProduction') is None:
field_produces = child.find('Values').find('WareProduction').find('Product')
field_produce_time = child.find('Values').find('WareProduction').find('ProductionTime')
field_fac_rawmat1 = None
field_fac_rawmat2 = None
field_fac_rawneed1 = None
field_fac_rawneed2 = None
field_fac = child.find('Values').find('Factory')
if field_fac is not None:
field_fac_rawmat1 = field_fac.find('RawMaterial1')
field_fac_rawneed1 = field_fac.find('RawNeeded1')
field_fac_rawmat2 = field_fac.find('RawMaterial2')
field_fac_rawneed2 = field_fac.find('RawNeeded2')
_pb = ProductionBuilding()
if field_guid is not None:
_pb.guid = int(field_guid.text)
_pb.loca_name = self._guids[_pb.guid]
except KeyError:
if field_name is not None: = field_name.text
if field_produces is not None:
_pb.produces = self._product_factory.get_product(name=field_produces.text)
if field_produce_time is not None:
_pb.produce_time = int(field_produce_time.text)
if field_fac_rawmat1 is not None:
_pb.req_product1_type = self._product_factory.get_product(name=field_fac_rawmat1.text)
if field_fac_rawneed1 is not None:
_pb.req_product1_amount = int(field_fac_rawneed1.text)
if field_fac_rawmat2 is not None:
_pb.req_product2_type = self._product_factory.get_product(name=field_fac_rawmat2.text)
if field_fac_rawneed2 is not None:
_pb.req_product2_amount = int(field_fac_rawneed2.text)
self.buildings += [_pb]
return self
def items(self):
for b in self.buildings:
yield b
def get_building_by_product(self, product):
for building in self.buildings:
if building.produces == product:
yield building
yield None
def get_building_requirements(self, building):
for pre_building0, pre_building1 in zip(
building_0 = None, None
building_1 = None, None
if building.req_product1_type is not None and pre_building0 is not None:
cnt_buildings = (1/1000)*(building.produce_per_min * building.req_product1_amount) / pre_building0.produce_per_min
building_0 = pre_building0, cnt_buildings
if building.req_product2_type is not None and pre_building1 is not None:
cnt_buildings = (1/1000)*(building.produce_per_min * building.req_product2_amount) / pre_building1.produce_per_min
building_1 = pre_building1, cnt_buildings
yield building_0, building_1
class InhabitantClass(base_object):
def __init__(self, name=None): = name
self.wants = []
def add_want(self, w):
self.wants += [w]
return self
def get_demands(product_factory, props):
pf = product_factory
demands = {}
for child in props.find('Groups').findall('Group'):
if child.find('Name').text == 'Balancing':
balancing = child
demand_amount = balancing.find('DefaultValues').find('Balancing').find('DemandAmount')
nomad = InhabitantClass('Nomad')
ambassador = InhabitantClass('Ambassador')
peasant = InhabitantClass('Peasant')
citizen = InhabitantClass('Citizen')
patrician = InhabitantClass('Patrician')
nobleman = InhabitantClass('Nobleman')
for child in demand_amount.find(
nomad.add_want((pf.get_product(name=child.tag), int(child.text)))
for child in demand_amount.find(
ambassador.add_want((pf.get_product(name=child.tag), int(child.text)))
for child in demand_amount.find(
peasant.add_want((pf.get_product(name=child.tag), int(child.text)))
for child in demand_amount.find(
citizen.add_want((pf.get_product(name=child.tag), int(child.text)))
for child in demand_amount.find(
patrician.add_want((pf.get_product(name=child.tag), int(child.text)))
for child in demand_amount.find(
nobleman.add_want((pf.get_product(name=child.tag), int(child.text)))
return (nomad, ambassador, peasant, citizen, patrician, nobleman)
def cmd_calc(product_factory, production_building_factory, demands, res_builds, skip_unneeded, interactive):
pf = product_factory
pbf = production_building_factory
cnt_inhab = {
'Nomad': 0,
'Ambassador': 0,
'Peasant': 0,
'Citizen': 0,
'Patrician': 0,
'Nobleman': 0
for k in ('Peasant', 'Citizen', 'Patrician', 'Nobleman', 'Nomad', 'Ambassador'):
inhabs = input('{}: '.format(k)).lower()
if inhabs.endswith('h'):
res_build = res_builds[k]
cnt_inhab[k] = int(eval(inhabs[:-1])) * res_build.max_people
cnt_inhab[k] = int(eval(inhabs))
except (ValueError, SyntaxError):
cnt_inhab[k] = 0
product_demand_sum = {}
for inhab_class in demands:
for product, count in inhab_class.wants:
kgpmin = count * cnt_inhab[] * (1/100)
pre_val = product_demand_sum[product]
except KeyError:
pre_val = 0
product_demand_sum[product] = pre_val + kgpmin
for k, v in product_demand_sum.items():
product_demand_sum[k] = int(math.ceil(v))
def print_indent_production_chain(building, building_cnt, indent):
print('{}{:.2f} {}'.format(' '*indent, building_cnt, building.loca_name))
for (b0, b0cnt), (b1, b1cnt) in pbf.get_building_requirements(building):
if b0 is not None:
print_indent_production_chain(b0, b0cnt * building_cnt, indent+2)
if b1 is not None:
print_indent_production_chain(b1, b1cnt * building_cnt, indent+2)
if b0 is None and b1 is None:
for k, v in product_demand_sum.items():
if skip_unneeded and v == 0:
print('{}: {:.2f} t/min'.format(k.loca_name, v/1000))
for building in pbf.get_building_by_product(k):
if building is None:
building_cnt = v / building.produce_per_min
print_indent_production_chain(building, building_cnt, 2)
def cmd_chain(product_factory, production_building_factory, interactive):
pf = product_factory
pbf = production_building_factory
ware = input('enter ware: ').strip()
prod = pf.get_product(name=ware)
if prod == None:
prod = pf.get_product(loca_name=ware)
if prod == None:
prod = pf.get_product(guid=int(ware))
except ValueError:
print('no such ware found')
def print_indent_production_chain(building, cnt, indent):
print('{}{:.2f} {}, {}t/min'.format(' '*indent, cnt, building.loca_name, building.produce_per_min))
for (b0, b0cnt), (b1, b1cnt) in pbf.get_building_requirements(building):
if b0 is not None:
print_indent_production_chain(b0, b0cnt * cnt, indent+2)
if b1 is not None:
print_indent_production_chain(b1, b1cnt * cnt, indent+2)
if b0 is None and b1 is None:
prod_buildings = pbf.get_building_by_product(prod)
for pb in prod_buildings:
if pb is None:
print_indent_production_chain(pb, 1, 0)
def cmd_list_products(product_factory, production_building_factory):
pf = product_factory
pbf = production_building_factory
for prod in pf.items():
print('{}: (guid: {}, name: {})'.format(prod.loca_name, prod.guid,
_help_text = """NAME
python - Calculate consumtion rates of Inhabitants in
Anno 1404 (Venice) and IAAM 1404.
python [-s] [--skip-unneeded] [-S] [--no-skip-unneeded]
[-i] [--interactive] [-h] [--help] cmd
DESCRIPTION has multiple commands (cmd) either the prominent ones are
calc or chain.
available commands:
- calc
- chain
- list-products
Command Description: `chain'
When using chain, then the program will output the production chain
of the given Product. The product can generally be specified with
a: the localized name
b: the guid
c: the internal unpretty name for the product
The output is the complete production chain with the raw resources
indented the most.
If there are two production facilities which produce the same
resource on the same (indentation) level, then they represent
alternatives (think Coal Mine and Charcoalburners Hut).
The Number in front of the facility denotes how productive this
Building has to be.
Example: `Tools'
Will output the following:
1.00 Schmied, 2000t/min
0.50 Erzschmelze, 2000t/min
0.50 Eisenmine, 2000t/min
0.50 Köhlerei, 2000t/min
0.25 Tiefe Eisenmine, 4000t/min
0.42 Kohlemine, 2400t/min
0.25 Tiefe Kohlemine, 4000t/min
Command Description: `calc'
Calc will ask for the number of Inhabitants by class and produce
a list of production facilities quiet similar to the output of
Command Description: `list-products'
This will list all Products which can be demanded by Inhabitants.
Each line contains one product. The format is as follows:
<localized name>: guid: <guid of the product>, name: <internal name>
Any of those thre values can be used to specify a ware when asked to
do so in another command.
-s, --skip-unneeded:
This option only applies when using the calc command.
If a ware is not consumed by any class then dont list
this product (Think early game with only citizens, it
would be useless to show that 0 Breweries are needed).
This is the default behaviour.
-S, --no-skip-unneeded:
The inverse of -s or --skip-unneeded.
-i, --interactive:
!!! Currently not implemented, input is only interactively possible
Should the input to the commands happen interactive or
be given via command line (when this flag is passed), the
input happens interactively (duh).
This is the default behaviour.
-I, --no-interactive:
!!! Currently not implemented, input is only interactively possible
The opposite of -i or --interactive.
If this is passed, then every input is passed with a argument.
def main(argc, argv):
# Options
skip_unneeded = True
interactive = True
shopts = 'sShiI'
loopts = ['skip-unneeded', 'no-skip-unneeded',
'help', 'interactive', 'no-interactive']
if len(argv) == 1:
argv += ['--help']
argc += 1
opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], shopts, loopts)
for o, a in opts:
if o in ('-s', '--skip-unneeded'):
skip_unneeded = True
elif o in ('-S', '--no-skip-unneeded'):
skip_unneeded = False
elif o in ('-h', '--help'):
elif o in ('-i', '--interactive'):
interactive = True
elif o in ('-I', '--no-interactive'):
interactive = False
if len(args) == 0:
args = ['calc']
guids_files = get_patches_guids('./res')
asset_files = get_patches_assets('./res')
properties_files = get_patches_game_properties('./res')
guids = load_guids(guids_files[-1])
assets = load_xml(asset_files[-1])
props = load_xml(properties_files[-1])
pf = ProductFactory(props, guids)
pbf = ProductionBuildingFactory(guids, pf, assets).load()
demands = get_demands(pf, props)
res_builds = load_residence_buildings(assets)
for arg in args:
if arg == 'calc':
cmd_calc(pf, pbf, demands, res_builds, skip_unneeded, interactive)
elif arg == 'chain':
cmd_chain(pf, pbf, interactive)
elif arg == 'list-products':
cmd_list_products(pf, pbf)
if __name__ == '__main__':
main(len(sys.argv), sys.argv)
cd "%~p1"
call cmd
Copy link

h0m3b0y commented Nov 23, 2020

I changed the language in the script to 'eng' in line #32. The script returned an error after running on extract from RDAExplorerGUI:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 652, in <module>
main(len(sys.argv), sys.argv)
File "", line 634, in main
guids = load_guids(guids_files[-1])
IndexError: list index out of range

In my case the english guids.txt file was in the following path:
The script was looking for the file in:

I added another level of folders (\addon\) because RDAExplorer didn't create it.
I copied guids.txt to correct folder. No errors after that.

Thank you for the script!!

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