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Last active January 16, 2024 00:32
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List all Lambda Functions in all regions with deprecated runtimes using the Python SDK

List all Lambda Functions in all regions with deprecated runtimes using the Python SDK

# Import Python SDK for AWS
import boto3
# Info about source
print("Deprecation Schedule from:")
print("Current as of Thu 9 Jan 2020")
print("Docs available here if you would like to be notified of new commits:")
# Create the dictionary based on the source
# This could be replaced by requests to future-proof and read from the above URLs
DeprecationScheudle = {'Name': ['Node.js 0.10', 'Node.js 4.3', 'Node.js 6.10', '.NET Core 2.0', '.NET Core 1.0', 'Node.js 8.10'], 'Identifier': ['nodejs', ['nodejs4.3', 'nodejs4.3-edge'], 'nodejs6.10', 'dotnetcore2.0', 'dotnetcore1.0', 'nodejs8.10'], 'End of Life': ['October 31, 2016', 'April 30, 2018', 'April 30, 2019', 'April 30, 2019', 'June 27, 2019', 'December 31, 2019'], 'Deprecation (Create)': ['October 31, 2016', 'December 15, 2018', 'April 30, 2019', 'April 30, 2019', 'June 27, 2019', 'January 6, 2020'], 'Deprecation (Update)': ['October 31, 2016', 'April 30, 2019', 'August 12, 2019', 'May 30, 2019', 'July 31, 2019', 'February 3, 2020']}
# Print the Deprecation Schedule in human readable format
valArray = len(DeprecationScheudle) + 1
for x in range(valArray):
valArray = valArray - 1
for key, value in DeprecationScheudle.items() :
print (key, ":", value[valArray])
# Create EC2 Client
ec2client = boto3.client('ec2')
# Get all Regions
response = ec2client.describe_regions(
# Build array for Region Names
regionNames = []
for i in response['Regions']:
# Create Lambda Function holding array
Lambdas = []
# For each region...
for x in regionNames:
# Create the Lambda client for that region
lambdaclient = boto3.client('lambda', region_name=x)
# List all Functions
response = lambdaclient.list_functions()
except Exception: # For regions not enabled on account e.g. Asia Pacific (Osaka-Local)
# If there are Functions in that Region
if len(response['Functions']) > 0:
# Add them to the Lambdas array
Lambdas.append({'Region': x, 'Functions': response['Functions']})
# Print the Lambdas array for testing
# print(Lambdas)
DeprecatedLambdas = []
# For each region in the Lambdas array
for x in Lambdas:
# Get the Functions for that Region
Functions = x['Functions']
# For each Function
for i in Functions:
# If the Function Runtime is on the Deprication Schedule
if i['Runtime'] in DeprecationScheudle['Identifier']:
# Add Function to Deprecated Lambdas array
DeprecatedLambdas.append({'Region': x['Region'], 'FunctionName': i['FunctionName'], 'FunctionArn': i['FunctionArn'], 'Runtime': i['Runtime']})
print("") # Add a line break for output
print("You have: " + str(len(DeprecatedLambdas)) + " Lambda Functions on the Deprecation Schedule") # Note number of Lambdas with Deprecated Runtimes
print("Would you like to..")
print("Display functions by deprecated runtime[1] or Display functions by region[2]") # Prompt to display by region or runtime
Option = input()
Option = int(Option)
if Option == 1:
for x in DeprecatedLambdas:
print(x['Runtime'] + " | " + x['FunctionName'] + " | " + x['Region'])
elif Option == 2:
for x in DeprecatedLambdas:
print(x['Region'] + " | " + x['FunctionName'] + " | " + x['Runtime'])
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