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Last active September 21, 2022 08:06
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Check non latin characters in ojs publication abstract
#{\† \  \á \Â \â \™ \¤ \¥ \ˆ \€ \Î \‰ \° \± \² \– \³ \´ \µ \× \‘ \’ \º \“ \”}
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"publication_title": "Perubahan Penutupan Lahan Di Taman Nasional Way Kambas"
"publication_id": 19,
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"publication_title": "Studi Populasi Monyet Ekor Panjang (Macaca Fascicularis) Di Pulau Condong Darat Desa Rangai Kecamatan Ketibung Kabupaten Lampung Selatan"
"publication_id": 189,
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"publication_title": "Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan Di Provinsi Lampung Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Insidensi Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD)"
"publication_id": 576,
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"publication_title": "Current Distribution of a Luxurious Wood Species, Diospyros spp. with Its Climatic Information, based on Global Biodiversity Website"
"publication_id": 471,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
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"publication_title": "Characterization and Potential of Coelogyne rochussenii Orchids from Bukit Rimbang and Bukit Baling Wildlife Sanctuary as Explant Source"
"publication_id": 457,
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"publication_title": "Penilaian Risiko Ergonomi dalam Kegiatan Pemungutan Getah Pinus: Analisis Postur Kerja Statis (Ergonomics Risk Assessment in Pine Resin Harvesting: A Static Postural Analysis)"
"publication_id": 456,
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"substring": "ure of 100°C for 72 h. </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">The proper schedule was then applied and evaluated. </span><span lang=\"IN\">The research obtained 11 variations of </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">the </span><span lang=\"IN\">drying schedule. </span><span lang=\"IN\">The chi-square analysis results indicated that the board thickness and percentage of heartwood were significantly correlated with the development of the drying schedule. </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">The d</span><span lang=\"IN\">rying schedule </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">using </span><span lang=\"IN\">board thickness of </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">2 cm, 3 cm, and 4 cm </span><span lang=\"IN\">can be dried with an initial temperature of 60°C, 50°C, </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">and</span><span lang=\"IN\"> 47°C</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">, respectively. The w</span><span lang=\"IN\">et-bulb depression was </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">4</span><span lang=\"IN\">°C</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">, </span><span lang=\"IN\">2°C, </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">and </span><span lang=\"IN\">2°C,</span><span lang=\"EN-US\"> respectively, and the final temperature was </span><span lang=\"IN\">90°C, 80°C</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">,</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">and</span><span lang=\"IN\"> 65°C,</span><span lang=\"EN-US\"> respectively</span><span lang=\"IN\">.</span><span lang=\"IN\"> </span></"
"publication_title": "Hubungan Letak Aksial dan Variasi Ketebalan Papan terhadap Penyusunan Skedul Pengeringan Kayu Cemara Gunung (Casuarina Junghuhniana Miq.) (Relationship Between Axial Location and Board Thickness Variation on the Development of Drying Schedule of Cemara Gunung (Casuarina Junghuhniana Miq.))"
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"publication_title": "Study of Forest Management Unit Performance in Indonesia"
"publication_id": 477,
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"substring": "Balikpapan </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">City </span><span lang=\"IN\">which has an essential role in supporting the life of the city</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">’</span><span lang=\"IN\">s people</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">.</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">C</span><span lang=\"IN\">urrently</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">,</span><span lang=\"IN\"> its existence is threatened due to </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">the </span><span lang=\"IN\">various activities and overlapping interests of stakeholders involved in managing </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">the forest</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">. Therefore, forest </span><span lang=\"IN\">management that is supported by these stakeholders</span><span lang=\"EN-US\"> is urgently needed. T</span><span lang=\"IN\">h</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">is study aimed to</span><span lang=\"IN\"> identify the stakeholders involved</span><span lang=\"EN-US\"> and explain their influences, </span><span lang=\"IN\">interests</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">,</span><span lang=\"IN\">and roles in Sungai Wain Protected Forest management.</span><span lang=\"IN\">Data</span><span lang=\"EN-US\"> were collected </span><span lang=\"IN\">through</span><span lang=\"IN\"> observation, interviews, and questionnaires. </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">The r</span><span lang=\"IN\">espondents were selected using the purposive sampling method, and </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">stakeholder mapping was used to analyze it. </span><span lang=\"IN\">The </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">results</span><span lang=\"IN\"> show</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">ed </span><span lang=\"IN\">that the stakeholders classified as key players </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">include</span><span lang=\"IN\"> the Balikpapan Protected Forest Management Unit (KPHL</span><span lang=\"EN-US\"> Balikpapan</span><span lang=\"IN\">), the East Kalimantan Provincial Forestry </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">Office</span><span lang=\"IN\">, Pertamina UP V Balikpapan, and the NGO Foundation Pro Natura.</span><span lang=\"IN\">Multi</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">-</span><span lang=\"IN\">stakeholder management </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">could be</span><span lang=\"IN\"> an alternative model for managing the Sungai Wain Protected Forest to synchronize stakeholders</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">’</span><span lang=\"IN\"> interests. </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">The </span><span lang=\"IN\">KPHL Balikpapan could act</span><span lang=\"IN\">as a leading </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">player</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">and </span><span lang=\"IN\">become a driving force</span><span lang=\"EN-US\"> in the </span><span lang=\"IN\">Sungai Wain Protected Forest</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">’</span><span lang=\"IN\">s management efforts </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">due to their </span><span lang=\"IN\">appropriate main duties and functions</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">. Hence, </span><span lang=\"IN\">the coordination, communication, and cooperation between stakeholders </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">could be </span><span lang=\"IN\">well-formed to </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">achieve</span><span lang=\"IN\"> the management objectives</span><span lang=\"IN\">.</span></p>\n</div>\n</div>\n<div><span lang=\"IN\"><strong>Keywords:</strong> forest management, multi-stakeholder management, stakeholders, Sungai Wa"
"publication_title": "Stakeholder Analysis on Sungai Wain Protected Forest Management in Balikpapan City, East Kalimantan Province"
"publication_id": 396,
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"publication_title": "The Role of Endomycorrhiza and Inorganic Fertilizer on Productivity of Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merril)"
"publication_id": 433,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
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"substring": "Threatened  category"
"publication_title": "Diversity of Bird Species in Arboretum Forest River Gerong of PT Perta Samtan Gas, Banyuasin South Sumatera Province"
"publication_id": 349,
"locale": "en_US",
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"publication_title": "Kajian Biofisik Lahan di Sub-Sub DAS Khilau"
"publication_id": 400,
"locale": "en_US",
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"publication_title": "Peranan Endomikoriza dan Pupuk Anorganik Terhadap Produktivitas Tanaman Kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merill)"
"publication_id": 395,
"locale": "en_US",
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"substring": "on.</p><p> </p><p><s"
"publication_title": "Potensi Inokulasi Jamur Trichoderma spp. dan Endomikoriza Terhadap Produktivitas Capsicum frutescens L."
"publication_id": 378,
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"publication_title": "Tingkat Kenyamanan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) Perum Bumi Way Urang Kalianda"
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"substring": "\"><strong> </strong></p><p>Penelitian keanekaragaman hayati flora fauna telah dilakukan di kawasan hutan Pertamina Bukit Datuk Dumai, Provinsi Riau. Struktur dan komposisi jenis pohon dengan diameter setinggi dada <em>≥ </em>10 cm, pancang dan semai diteliti  dari  petak ukur permanen berukuran satu ha. Dijumpai 32 jenis pohon berdiameter ≥ 10 cm dan berjumlah 354 pohon, tergolong dalam 22 suku, jenis terbanyak adalah Dipterocarpaceae. Jenis yang mendominasi tegakan tingkat pohon berturut-turut adalah keterung (<em>Garcinia dioca </em>L.) INP=39,67%, undal (<em>Gironniera subaequalis </em>Planch.) INP=30,39% dan para (<em>Ochanostachys amentaceae </em>Mast<em>.</em>) INP=30,26%. Belta: kelat putih (<em>Hopea mengarawan </em>Miq.), undal (<em>Gironniera subaequalis  </em>Planch.) dan meranti bunga (<em>Shorea acuminata  </em>Dyer.) dengan INP masing-masing 73,71%, 42,51% dan 35,24%, semai jenis selumar (<em>Glochidion sp.</em>) dengan INP 47,10%, kempas (<em>Koompassia excelsa </em>Taub.) INP 43,52% dan kelat putih (<em>Hopea mengarawan </em>Miq.) INP 24,62%. Jumlah jenis burung ditemukan 33 dengan indeks keragaman 2,63, indeks kemerataan jenis 0,75 dan indeks kekayaan jenis sebesar 6,52.  Ditemukan jenis rangkong yang menjadi ciri atau indikator hutan yang masih baik.  Peningkatan pengelolaan kawasan hutan Bukit Datuk sesuai kondisi vegetasi dalam bentuk blok.</p><p> </p><p>Ka"
"publication_title": "Keanekaragaman Hayati Flora dan Fauna Di Kawasan Hutan Pertamina Bukit Datuk Dumai, Provinsi Riau (Biodiversity Flora and Fauna in the Region Forest Bukit Datuk Pertamina Dumai, Riau Province)"
"publication_id": 463,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
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" ",
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"substring": "ya.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Kata kunci</strong>: Briket, Serbuk Gergaji, Limbah Kayu</p><p> </p><p al"
"publication_title": "ANALISIS PEMANFATAAN LIMBAH KAYU GERGAJIAN CEMPAKA (Michelia Alba) DAN JATI (Tectona Grandis) SEBAGAI PENGGANTI BAHAN BAKAR FOSIL (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.)"
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"substring": "e coast of </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">West </span><span lang=\"IN\">Kalimantan</span><span lang=\"IN\">has been successfully carried out and saved the environment from coastal abrasion (ecological benefit) and provided economic benefits for the community. This study aims to describe the role of the community in mangrove conservation activities in the coastal areas of West Kalimantan. </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">S</span><span lang=\"IN\">urvey methods were used in this research. The data was collected through interviews based on questionnaires and in-depth interviews. Data processing was conducted by calculating the percentage </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">and </span><span lang=\"IN\">then analyzed by tabulation. Mangrove conservation activities are based on community experiences in saving the environment, boosting economic activities, and obtaining benefits from conservation results. The involvement of the local community uses the bottom-up approach, starting from planning activities, implementation, utilization, and evaluation. In general, the local community</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">’</span><span lang=\"IN\">s level of involvement is still at the information and consultation stage. The involvement of the local community as an individual varies greatly, from those who are only involved as part of formality to the level of being actively involved, having decision-making authority, and being able to negotiate and deal directly with capital sources. It occurs due to the varying capacity of each individual.</span> </p>\n<p c"
"publication_title": "The Involvement of Local Community in Mangrove Forest Conservation in West Kalimantan"
"publication_id": 411,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
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"substring": "\"><strong> </strong></p><p>Pengelolaan Hutan Lestari memerlukan informasi terkait kondisi kesehatan hutan untuk kebutuhan pengembangan pengelolaan hutan Hutan Kemasyarakatan. Pengembangan penilaian kerusakan pohon ini bertujuan untuk mengukur dan menilai tingkat kerusakan pohon sehingga para pengelola hutan dapat mengetahui kondisi hutan dan keputusan apa yang harus dilakukan terhadap kondisi tersebut secara cepat dan akurat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai status kondisi kerusakan pohon yang ada di hutan kemasyarakatan berbasis spasial. Penelitian dilaksanakan di HKm Beringin Jaya Kelompok Lestari Jaya 8 Kabupaten Tanggamus. Tahapan utama pembuatan basis data Aplikasi SIG kerusakan pohon meliputi pembuatan peta digital, pembuatan peta kerusakan pohon, pembuatan peta DEM, pembuatan data kerusakan pohon dan konversi peta vektor ke dalam format raster. Analisis data spasial dilakukan untuk mengetahui pola sebaran plot sampel terhadap karakteristik lanskap (jarak jalan, dan kelerengan). Lokasi kerusakan pohon presentase 21% dan tipe kerusakan pohon sebesar 84 temuan, tingkat keparah paling banyak terjadi pada 20% dengan presentase 30%. Kelas kerusakan pohon pada Hutan Kemasyarakatan Kelompok Lestari Jaya 8 dikategorikan sedang/buruk.</p><p class=\"jbd-abs-gb-tab9\"> </p><stro"
"publication_title": "Aplikasi SIG dalam Penilaian Kerusakan Pohon pada Hutan Kemasyarakatan"
"publication_id": 427,
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"substring": "lang=\"IN\"> potential as raw materials for particleboard. Particleboard is a panel product made </span></em><em><span lang=\"EN-US\">from </span></em><em><span lang=\"IN\">wood particles or other lignocellulosic materials added with </span></em><em><span lang=\"EN-US\">an </span></em><em><span lang=\"IN\">adhesive </span></em><em><span lang=\"EN-US\">and compacted by </span></em><em><span lang=\"IN\">press</span></em><em><span lang=\"EN-US\">ing</span></em><em><span lang=\"IN\">. The purposes of this study were to determine the effect of adhesive types and raw material composition on the physical and mechanical properties of particleboard from cornstalk and </span></em><em><span lang=\"EN-US\">s</span></em><em><span lang=\"IN\">embilang bamboo</span></em><em><span lang=\"EN-US\"> particles. </span></em><em><span lang=\"IN\">The adhesive types used were urea formaldehyde </span></em><em><span lang=\"EN-US\">(UF) </span></em><em><span lang=\"IN\">and phenol formaldehyde </span></em><em><span lang=\"EN-US\">(PF) </span></em><em><span lang=\"IN\">with 10 </span></em><em><span lang=\"EN-US\">wt% </span></em><em><span lang=\"IN\">adhesive content</span></em><em><span lang=\"EN-US\">. T</span></em><em><span lang=\"IN\">he composition of cornstalk</span></em><em><span lang=\"EN-US\"> and s</span></em><em><span lang=\"IN\">embilang bamboo was set</span></em><em><span lang=\"IN\"> at </span></em><em><span lang=\"EN-US\">ratios of </span></em><em><span lang=\"IN\">100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75, </span></em><em><span lang=\"EN-US\">and </span></em><em><span lang=\"IN\">0:100</span></em><em><span lang=\"EN-US\"> (% w/w)</span></em><em><span lang=\"IN\">. The target density of particleboard was set at 0.80 g/cm<sup>3</sup>. The physical and mechanical properties of particleboard were evaluated according to JIS A 5908:2003 standard</span></em><em><span lang=\"EN-US\"> for particleboard. </span></em><em><span lang=\"IN\"> The results show</span></em><em><span lang=\"EN-US\">ed</span></em><em><span lang=\"IN\"> that particleboard</span></em><em><span lang=\"EN-US\"> properties increased with increasing the amount of sembilang bamboo particles in the board, and all particleboards met requirements of the </span></em><em><span lang=\"IN\">JIS A 5908:2003</span></em><em></em><em><span lang=\"EN-US\">standard. Particleboard properties affected in ascending order were thickness swelling, modulus of rupture (MOR), internal bond (IB), and modulus of elasticity (MOE). G</span></em><em><span lang=\"IN\">eneral</span></em><em><span lang=\"EN-US\">ly,</span></em><em><span lang=\"IN\"> particleboard with</span></em><em><span lang=\"EN-US\"> PF </span></em><em><span lang=\"IN\">adhesive had physical</span></em><em><span lang=\"IN\"> and mechanical properties with higher quality than</span></em><em><span lang=\"EN-US\"> UF</span></em><em><span lang=\"IN\"> adhesive. </span></em><em><span lang=\"EN-US\">Results indicated that </span></em><em><span lang=\"IN\">the addition of</span></em><em><span lang=\"IN\"> </span></em><em><span lang=\"EN-US\">s</span></em><em><span lang=\"IN\">embilang bamboo particles in the mixture resulted in better </span></em><em><span lang=\"EN-US\">properties.</span></em> </p><p cl"
"publication_title": "The Suitability of Cornstalk and Sembilang Bamboo as Raw Materials for Particleboard"
"publication_id": 407,
"locale": "en_US",
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"substring": "trap</em>  dan dianalisis menggunakan indeks keanekaragaman dan indeks kelimpahan relatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan <em>dung beetle</em> lebih banyak ditemukan pada vegetasi tertutup jumlah individu 18 ekor dengan indeks keanekaragaman shannon winner (H’=1,27) dengan kategori sedang dengan kelimpah terbesar pada spesies <em>Aphodius marginellus</em><em> </em>karena vegetasi tertutup sangat sesuai dengan aktivitas <em>dung beetle.</em> Untuk menjaga populasi diharapkan pengelola Tahura WAR tetap menjaga kelestarian pada blok lindung Tahura WAR untuk keberlansungan <em>Dung Beetle</em></p><p class=\"jbd-abs-gb-tab9\"> </p><p><s"
"publication_id": 416,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
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"substring": "0</em><em>°C</em><em> </em><em>and</em><em> 280</em><em>°C</em><em> C, with a residence time of 3 min. </em><em>The t</em><em>orrefaction with </em><em>EF</em><em> use</em><em>d</em><em> the temperature of 260</em><em>°C</em><em> </em><em>and </em><em>280</em><em>°C</em><em> with a duration of 20 min. </em><em>The pellet properties evaluated include </em><em>the color changes, physical characteristics, and heating values. The result show</em><em>ed</em><em> that the color of Jabon wood pellet </em><em>was </em><em>totally changed after torrefaction </em><em>with</em><em> COMB </em><em>reactor reaching the highest overall </em><em>color-change (∆E *) of 21,9 in the long</em><em> pellets</em><em> and 21,7 </em><em>in the </em><em>short </em><em>pellets</em><em>, while torrefaction </em><em>with</em><em> </em><em>EF resulted in the highest </em><em>∆E* of 28,"
"publication_title": "Pengaruh Torefaksi dengan Reaktor Counter-Flow Multi Baffle (COMB) dan Electric Furnace terhadap Pelet Kayu Jabon (Anthocephalus cadamba) (Effects of Torefaction with Counter-Flow Multi Baffle (COMB) Reactor and Electric Furnace on the Properties of Jabon (Anthocephalus cadamba) Pellets)"
"publication_id": 309,
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"substring": "m>invented </em><em>superior teak with an ability to improve its</em><em> productivity</em><em>. </em><em>Yet the i</em><em>nformation about basic nutrient requirement of superior teak</em><em> is less known</em><em>. This study aim</em><em>ed</em><em> to determine the optimal concentration of </em><em>sulfur </em><em>for the best growth of superior teak seedling and to identify the morphological symptoms of teak seedlings affected by several concentration levels of S. This study was conducted at a nursery </em><em>on</em><em> six months old teak seedling</em><em>s</em><em>. The experimental design was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with four </em><em>different </em><em>solution treatments</em><em> with three replication each. The treatments are </em><em>K (control, aqua dest does not contain nutrients), S0 (solution contains nutrients except sulfur), S1 (solution contains nutrients with 0,5 full strength of S), and S2 (solution contains nutrients with full strength of S). Each treatment was replicated 3 times. Parameter observed included the height of seedling, the diameter of seedling, the nodal distance of seedling, the number of leaves, size of leaves and morphological symptoms of leaf. The results showed that at a concentration of nitrogen (N), phosphor (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg) in full strength level, superior teak seedling which treated by S1 (S concentration of 421 ppm) resulted in the best growth. However, the morphology of teak leaves in all treatment showed abnormal.</em></p><p class=\"jbd-keyword\"><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>growth</em><em>,</em><em> </em><em>morphology</em><em>,</em><em> sulfur</e"
"publication_title": "Responds of Superior Teak (Tectona grandis) on Different Sulphur Concentrations"
"publication_id": 509,
"locale": "en_US",
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"substring": ",000 1,000°C. The morphological and chemical properties of bamboos before and after carbonization were then analyzed.</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">&nbsp;Betung, hitam, tali, kuning, and ampel bamboos had t</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">ype IV</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">structure which was the most common bamboo structure, while&nbsp;</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">andong bambo had type III structure</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">. Cracks in the fiber bundle were observed and became more visible with the increase of carbonization temperature.</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">The pH showed a similar trend in all species.</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">As a result of the electric conductivity test, carbonized andong and kuning bamboo showed higher value due to rich inorganic content.</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">Kuning bamboo has a high value of potassium and silica content, which are suitable for use as fertilizer.</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">The chemical structure transition of bamboo during the carbonization process was analyzed by FTIR spectroscopy, and significant changes were observed between 400 and 600°C. These "
"publication_title": "Effects on Morphology and Chemical Properties of Indonesian Bamboos by Carbonization"
"publication_id": 414,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
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"substring": "lang=\"IN\"> rainfall </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">GWL, </span><span lang=\"IN\">rainfall</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">, and hotspots as</span><span lang=\"IN\"> indicators of forest and land fires in</span><span lang=\"EN-US\"> </span><span lang=\"IN\">Musi Banyuasin Regency</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">, </span><span lang=\"IN\">South Sumatra</span><span lang=\"EN-US\"> Province</span><span lang=\"IN\">. </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">The GWL data, hotspot distribution</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">, </span><span lang=\"IN\">rainfall</span><span lang=\"EN-US\"> data were processed using ArcGIS 10.6 software</span><span lang=\"IN\">. Pearson bivariate correlation test was performed to determine the relationship between </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">GWL</span><span lang=\"IN\">, hotspot distribution, and rainfall. The results showed a decrease in rainfall, followed by an increase in hotspots, </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">particularly </span><span lang=\"IN\">during the dry season. The lowest rainfall and </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">GWL</span><span lang=\"IN\"> occu</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">r</span><span lang=\"IN\">r</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">ed</span><span lang=\"IN\"> in July -</span><span lang=\"IN\"> August 20"
"publication_title": "Pengaruh Tinggi Muka Air terhadap Kejadian Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan Gambut: Studi Kasus di Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin (Effects of Groundwater Level on the Occurrence of Forest and Peatland Fires: A Case of Study in Musi Banyuasin Regency)"
"publication_id": 420,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
"chars": [
" "
"substring": "g=\"EN-US\"> </span><s"
"publication_title": "Karakteristik Briket Arang dari Limbah Kulit Buah Pinang dengan Berbagai Komposisi Jenis Perekat (Characteristics of Charcoal Briquette from the Skin Waste of Areca catechu Fruit with Various Compositions of Adhesive Types)"
"publication_id": 452,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
"chars": [
" "
"substring": " analysis.  The comm"
"publication_title": "Ergonomic Analysis of Traditional Pine Oleoresin Tapping: Musculoskeletal Disorders, Cumulative Fatigue, and Job Satisfaction"
"publication_id": 487,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
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" ",
" ",
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" ",
" ",
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" ",
" ",
" "
"substring": "eedling of <em>Eucalyptus pellita</em> F. Muell are at least 90 day<span lang=\"EN-US\">s </span>old, with consequences for the length of stay of the seedlings in the nursery. This<span lang=\"EN-US\"> study </span>must assess the suitability as a target seedling first if it wants to plant the seedlings under 90days old in the field. The research aimed to evaluate and obtain the regression equation for the seedling<span lang=\"EN-US\">’</span>s age with the seedling<span lang=\"EN-US\">’</span>s morphological characters. The <span lang=\"EN-US\">shoot </span>seedlings cuttings aged 45, 60, 75, and 90 days after planting in the cocopeat growing medium were assessed. The study <span lang=\"EN-US\">was </span>used a survey method with a purposive sampling technique to obtain 60 samples by assess<span lang=\"EN-US\">ing</span> the growth and appearance<span lang=\"EN-US\">s</span> of the seedling. Furthermore, 15 samples were taken at random to determine the dry weight of the seedlings. Seedlings aged 75 and 90 days indicated the standard criteria as target seedlings for height, diameter, number of leaves, seedling<span lang=\"EN-US\">’</span>s health, shoot appearance<span lang=\"EN-US\">s</span>, and seedling roots. The two seedlings<span lang=\"EN-US\">’</span>age levels have a sturdiness index of 8.34-9.78; shoot-root ratio 3.9-4.5; and seedling quality index (SQI) 0.22-0.23. Seedling age had a powerful positive correlation with the sturdiness index and SQI (<em>r</em> = 0.84 and <em>r</em> = 0.96). The regression equation of the sturdiness index is <em>y</em> = <em>0.048x + 5.435</em> (<em>R</em><sup>2</sup> = 0.996) and SQI is <em>y</em> = <em>0.004x - 0.064</em> (<em>R</em><sup>2</sup> = 0.926). This research implies that 75 and 90<span lang=\"EN-US\">-</span>days seedlings can be considered as one of the criteria for the age of <em>E. pellita</em> shoot cut"
"publication_title": "Assessment of the Physical Quality of Eucalyptus pellita Seedlings from Shoot Cutting by Age Level"
"publication_id": 513,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
"chars": [
" ",
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"substring": "\"EN-US\">he </span>process and technological aspects of WPC, such as raw materials, fabrication, mechanical, physical, thermal, and morphological properties, were outlined comprehensively. The manufacturing process of WPCs is an important aspect of WPCs production. Manufacturing methods like compression molding and pultrusion have some limitations. Extrusion and injection molding processes are <span lang=\"EN-US\">the </span>most widely used in WPC<span lang=\"EN-US\">s</span> due to their effectiveness. Recent developments dealing with WPCs and the use of different kinds of nanofillers in WPCs have also been presented <span lang=\"EN-US\">and discussed</span>. <span lang=\"EN-US\">N</span>anoclays are widely used as nanofiller<span lang=\"EN-US\">s</span> in WPCs because <span lang=\"EN-US\">they represent an</span> eco-friendly, readily available in large quantity, and inexpensive<span lang=\"EN-US\"> filler</s"
"publication_title": "A Comprehensive Review on Process and Technological Aspects of Wood-Plastic Composites"
"publication_id": 493,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
"chars": [
" "
"substring": "ih lanjut. </span>Pe"
"publication_title": "Analisis Kelayakan Usaha Budidaya Lebah Kelulut di Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat"
"publication_id": 417,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
"chars": [
" "
"substring": "he company should co"
"publication_title": "Analisis Biaya Produksi Furnitur: Studi Kasus di Mebel Barokah 3, Desa Marga Agung, Lampung Selatan (Cost Analysis of Furniture Production: A Case Study at Mebel Barokah 3, Marga Agung Village, Lampung Selatan)"
"publication_id": 423,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
"chars": [
"substring": " pada Juli–Agustus 2"
"publication_title": "Tingkat Efisiensi Ekonomi Usaha Tani Kopi di Areal Kerja Hutan Kemasyarakatan pada Sub Kelompok 1 KTH Bina Wana Kabupaten Lampung Barat"
"publication_id": 403,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
"chars": [
"substring": "g (1&lt; H’&lt; 3) d"
"publication_title": "Keanekaragaman Jenis Burung di Kawasan Pengembangan Institut Teknologi Sumatera (ITERA)"
"publication_id": 388,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
"chars": [
" "
"substring": "taken were height, d"
"publication_title": "Aplikasi Ektomikoriza pada Media Tanam Bekas Tambang Kapur untuk Membantu Pertumbuhan Mangium (Acacia mangium) (The Application of Ectomycoriza In Ex-Limestone Mining Growth Media to Assist the Growth of Mangium (Acacia mangium))"
"publication_id": 404,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
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"substring": "red</em>).  Pawang memiliki peran penting dalam penentuan kesejahteraan, pelatihan dan pemanfaatan gajah dalam menunjang kinerja taman nasional.  Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui interaksi pawang yang bersifat dinamis, berulang dan bertahan dalam jangka waktu yang lama sehingga membentuk pola tertentu di <em>ElephantResponse Unit</em>Satuan Pengelolaan Taman Nasional Wilayah IITaman Nasional Way Kambas pada Bulan Januari – Februari 2019.  Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasi partisipan, wawancara, <em>purposive sampling technique</em>dan analisis data menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dan Model Miles and Huberman yang bersifat induktif yang dikontruksikan menjadi hipotesis dan teori.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan pola interaksi pawang terdiri dari interaksi pawang dan gajah, pawang dan asisten pawang serta pawang dan masyarakat.  Interaksi pawang dan gajah berupa pemeliharaan, perawatan dan pelatihan gajah yang berdasarkan kriteria gajah jinak serta teknik pelatihan berjumlah 47 terdiri dari 24 perintah verbal (ucapan) dan 23 perintah isyarat, penggunaannya paling banyak pada saat patroli monitoring kawasan dan penggiringan.  Interaksi pawang dan asisten pawang berupa pemeliharaan, perawatan, pelatihan gajah, patroli dan mitigasi konflik manusia dan gajah.  Interaksi pawang dan masyarakat terjadi pada kegiatan blokade (penjagaan) dalam mitigasi konflik manusia dan gajah.</p><p class=\"jbd-abs-gb-tab9\"> </p><stro"
"publication_id": 453,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
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" ",
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"substring": "ang paling  rentan yaitu perempuan. Tujuan utama penelitian ini mengkaji dampak kebakaran hutan dan lahan di Kalimantan Tengah khususnya Kota Palangkaraya, Kab. Pulau Pisau dan Kab Kuala Kapuas. Analisis data dalam penelitian menggunakan tehnik analisis deskriptif berdasarkan data dan informasi sekunder. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan jumlah sebaran titik hostpot api pada tahun 2016-2020 menunjukkan jumlah yang bervariasi, tahun yang tertinggi terdapat pada tahun 2018 dan 2019. Dampak dari kebakaran lahan dan hutan yang terjadi di Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah menyebabkan kabut asap tebal dan menimbulkan penyakit ISPA (Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan) bagi masyarakat Kota Palangkaraya sebesar 2.139 orang, Kab. Pulau Pisau sebesar 664 orang dan Kab. Kuala Kapuas sebesar 2.245 orang. Peranan gender dalam menghadapi kebakaran lahan dan hutan sangat diperlukan dalam upaya pencegahan dan mengurangi dampak resiko terjadi akibat kebakaran lahan dan hutan bagi kesehatan serta kondisi sosial dan ekonomi.</p><p class=\"jbd-keyword\"> </p><p class=\"jbd-keyword\"><strong>Kata kunci: </strong>Gender, kesehatan perempuan, kebakaran lahan</p><p class=\"jbd-keyword\"> </p>"
"publication_title": "Dampak Kebakaran Lahan dan Hutan Terhadap Kesehatan Gender di Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah"
"publication_id": 484,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
"chars": [
" ",
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"substring": "aan HTI di  Provinsi Riau yang saat ini berproduksi pada hasil hutan kayu untuk bahan baku pulp dan paper. Kegiatan penebangan pohon di perusahaan ini masih menggunakan mesin <em>chainsaw</em> sebagai alat pemanenan. Dalam kegiatan penebangan menggunakan <em>chainsaw</em>, perusahaan dan operator perlu memastikan bahwa <em>chainsaw</em> yang akan digunakan layak dengan kondisi  yang ses"
"publication_title": "Identifikasi Kelayakan Chainsaw Pada Kegiatan Penebangan Untuk Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Pekerja Di PT. Perawang Sukses Perkasa Industri (PSPI)"
"publication_id": 307,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
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"substring": " lestari.  Penelitian ini digunakan untuk mengetahui tingkat partisipasi kelompok PAPELING dan tipe partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengelolaan mangrove.  Penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Sidodadi, Kecamatan Teluk Pandan, Kabupaten Pesawaran pada bulan Januari-Februari tahun 2018.  Metode pengambilan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam dan wawancara terstruktur.  Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara kualitatif menggunakan Teori Arnstein (1969) tentang tingkat partisipasi masyarakat dan Teori Hobley (1969) tentang tipe partisipasi masyarakat.  Hasil yang didapatkan diketahui bahwa tingkat partisipasi masyarakat tergolong partisipasi terapi dan tipe partisipasi masyarakat tergolong partisipasi pasif.  Keterlib"
"publication_id": 399,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
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"substring": "kan dengan  menghitung pendapatan Suku Anak Dalam dari hasil hutan bukan kayu yang berasal dari kawasan taman nasional dan dibandingkan dengan pendapatan totalnya kemudian ditabulasi dan dijelaskan secara deskriptif . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa responden  dari Suk"
"publication_title": "Tingkat Ketergantungan Suku Anak Dalam Terhadap Hasil Hutan Bukan Kayu Di Taman Nasional Bukit Dua Belas"
"publication_id": 328,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
"chars": [
" "
"substring": "to methods of social"
"publication_title": "Participation of Community in Development of Agroforestry in the Partnership Program in Gedong Wani Forest Management Unit"
"publication_id": 462,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
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"substring": "lang=\"IN\">°</span><span lang=\"EN-AU\">, ambient temperature at 27-28</span><span lang=\"EN-AU\">°</span><span lang=\"EN-AU\">C, dissolved oxygen at 2.0-5.0 mg/L, and soil pH between 5.9-8.0</span><span lang=\"IN\">.</span></p>\n<p class=\"jbd-jud16\">Keywords: <em>Cerio"
"publication_title": "Produksi dan Laju Dekomposisi Serasah Ceriops tagal di Cagar Alam Tanjung Panjang (The Production and Decomposition Rate of Ceriops tagal Litter in Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve)"
"publication_id": 364,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
"chars": [
"substring": "s because ≤ 50% from"
"publication_title": "Contribution of Woman Forest Farmers on Family Income at Private Forest in Air Kubang Village Air Naningan District Tanggamus Regency"
"publication_id": 445,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
"chars": [
"substring": "of 300 g/m². The res"
"publication_title": "Karakteristik Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) dari Kayu Jati Platinum Hasil Penjarangan dan Limbah Batang Kelapa Sawit (Characteristic of Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) from Thinned Platinum Teak and Oil Palm Stem Waste)"
"publication_id": 391,
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"substring": "cle for it’s germination. Scarification of seed is needed to breakdown the physical dormancy of seeds. One of the methods to break the physical dormancy is stratification by soaking seed in to the water in some different temperature level.  The aims of the study were to determine the effectiveness of stratification and to figure out the best water temperature in breaking the dormancy. A Completely Randomized Design (CRD) in four treatments (control, water immersion at 25°C, 50°C, and 75°C) with four replications was employed as research design.  Statistical analysis was conducted using homogenity of variance, variance analysis, and least significant difference tests. The result showed that the water immersion of arenga seed at 25°C and 50°C resulted in the germination percentage, germination rate and test germination that was comparable to control. Water immersion at 75°C reduced the percentage of germination and germination rate, however the treatment could increase the germination test. Water immersion of arenga seed at 25°C, 50°C, and 75°C were no"
"publication_title": "Pengaruh Pematahan Masa Dormansi melalui Perendaman Air dengan Stratifikasi Suhu terhadap Perkecambahan Benih Aren (Arenga pinnata) (The Effect of Dormancy Breakdown through Water Immersion with Temperature Stratification on the Germination of Sugar Palm Seeds (Arenga pinnata))"
"publication_id": 329,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
"chars": [
"substring": "s much as ± 100 kg/d"
"publication_title": "The Palatability of Sumatran Rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) in Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary"
"publication_id": 552,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
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" ",
"substring": " the river’s flow at the Raya Pasi Nature Reserve, especially in Mount Poteng. The results found three species of <em>Amorphophallus</em>: <em>Amorphophallus borneensis</em> (109 individuals), <em>Amorphophallus gigas</em> (9 individuals), and <em>Amorphophallus hewittii</em> (27 individuals), showing clustered distribution patterns with a Morista index of &gt; 1. The similarity index of six comparisons for each altitude showed five altitudes with similar categories and one altitude with a very different category. The results revealed that the <em>Amorphophallus</em> distribution positively correlated with air temperature and soil temperature but negatively correlated with air humidity. However, all correlations were weak. The morphological differences of the three <em>Amorphophallus</em> species were in the forms of the stem pattern, stem height, and fruit shape. The distribution of <em>Amorphophallus</em> can be found at an altitude of 200 – &gt; 500"
"publication_title": "Population Distribution of Amorphophallus at Several Altitudes in Mount Poteng, Raya Pasi Nature Reserve, West Kalimantan"
"publication_id": 446,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
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" "
"substring": ">Keywords:  <em>Aspl"
"publication_title": "Distribusi Vertikal Asplenium nidus L. di Kawasan Hutan Imbowiari, Kepulauan Yapen, Papua (Vertical Distribution of Asplenium nidus L. in the Imbowiari Forest, Yapen Islands, Papua)"
"publication_id": 343,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
"chars": [
"substring": "ng January−February 2018. The research was using a point count method at three points of the observation location that were the park area (PC 1), grassland (PC 2) and swamp area (PC 3) with 3 repititions. The result showed there were 33 species from 21 family (727 individuals). The first habitat type has (H’= 2,363) diversity index. The second habitat type has (H’= 1,875) then the third habitat type has (H’= 1,648) "
"publication_title": "Keanekaragaman Jenis Avifauna Di Pusat Latihan Gajah (PLG) Taman Nasional Way Kambas"
"publication_id": 39,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
"chars": [
" "
"substring": "</em><em>.  The meth"
"publication_title": "Perkecambahan Benih Aren (Arenga Pinnata) Setelah Diskarifikasi Dengan Giberelin Pada Berbagai Konsentrasi"
"publication_id": 199,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
"chars": [
" "
"substring": "nge from 0  - 100%. "
"publication_title": "Evaluasi Pertumbuhan Sambungan Eucalyptus Pellita F. Muell Dengan Teknik Veneer Grafting"
"publication_id": 74,
"locale": "en_US",
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"substring": "vegetation’s development and emendation. Mangrove forest estimated that effectively absorb carbon through photosynthesis. The purpose of the studyis to estimate the stand and litter carbon stock of mangrove forest. The research used line transectmethod. The first line and plot determined randomly then the next lineand plots was sistematically. The observation plots had measurement with amount of 20m x 20m with spacing between plot in line 20 m with total 20 plots. Each plot was measured diameter just  ≥ 5 cm. Each plot made observations litter sub plots with amount of 0,5 m x 0,5 m. Carbon</em><em> </em><em>estimation of stand biomass using allometric equations B = 0,1848D<sup>2.3624</sup> and litter biomass using total dry weight. </em><em>Carbon concentration of organic material typically contains around 46% thus multiplying the biomass by 46%</em><em>.</em><em> </em><em>The average biomass of mangrove forests amounted to 431,78 tons/ha. Carbon estimated of mangrove stand was 197,36 ton/ha and litter carbon was 1,25 ton/ha, based on the research total of carbon mangrove forest was198,61 ton/ha.</em></p><p> </p>Keywo"
"publication_title": "Carbon Stock Estimation of Mangrove Forest in Village Margasari Sub-District Labuhan Maringgai District East Lampung"
"publication_id": 150,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
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"substring": "of 200-300°C under an inert atmosphere. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of torrefaction on the characteristics of rubberwood pellets. The torrefaction of rubberwood pellets was conducted using the Counter-Flow Multi Baffle (COMB) reactor, a reactor that could perform torrefaction within a short residence time of up to 5 min. The temperature used in this study was 200°C, 250°C, dan 300°C with a residence time of 3 min. The color change, physical properties, chemical composition, and heating value were evaluated. The results showed that the pellet’s color changed from light brown into black pellets, showing the overall color change (∆E*) of 29,12, 54,27, and 66,71, after torrefaction at 200°C, 250°C, and 300°C, respectively. The equilibrium moisture content of the pellets decreased from 12,25% to 3,54%. The water immersion test also showed that the torrefied pellets have a better hydrophobicity, which is an advantage when pellets are stored in a humid condition. The oven-dry density of pellet decreased from 1,15 g/cm<sup>3</sup> to 1,09 g/cm<sup>3</sup>, 1,04 g/cm<sup>3</sup>, and 0,96 g/cm<sup>3</sup>, after torrefaction at temperatures of 200°C, 250°C, and 300°C, respec"
"publication_title": "Karakterisasi Pelet Kayu Karet (Hevea brasiliensis) Hasil Torefaksi dengan Menggunakan Reaktor Counter-Flow Multi Baffle (COMB) (Characterization of Rubberwood (Hevea brasiliensis) Pellets Torrefied with Counter-Flow Multi Baffle (COMB) Reactor)"
"publication_id": 371,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
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"substring": "sured are ≥ 20 cm only. Species diversity of the trees was analyzed by Shannon-Whiener index. The carbon stock was analyzed using the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) referring to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The results showed that Pemerihan Resort is a mixed Dipterocarpaceae ecosystem and a type of normal forest. The dominance of Dipterocarpaceae is 38%. Pemerihan Resort has 611 of individual trees within 99 species and 38 families. The Diversity index (H´) of Peme"
"publication_title": "Species Diversity of Trees and Carbon Stock in Resort Pemerihan, Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park"
"publication_id": 480,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
"chars": [
" ",
" "
"substring": "yzed using  welfare analysis based on indicators of the Badan Pusat Statistik (2014). Objective 2 was analyzed using multiple linear regression model. The study reveals that 89.38% of community households around Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park is considered prosper, whereas 10.63% are not yet prosper. Factors that  affecting"
"publication_title": "Tingkat Kesejahteraan dan Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pengeluaran Rumah Tangga Masyarakat Sekitar Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan (Welfare Level and Factors Affecting Household Expenditure of Communities Living Nearby Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park)"
"publication_id": 357,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
"chars": [
"substring": "st height ≥ 10 cm, saplings and seedlings were examined from a permanent measuring plot of one ha. There were 32 species of trees with a diameter of ≥ 10 cm an"
"publication_title": "Biodiversity Flora and Fauna in the Region Forest Bukit Datuk Dumai Riau Province"
"publication_id": 465,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
"chars": [
" "
"substring": "stablished  Awota KP"
"publication_title": "Opportunity and Problems of Sericulture in Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi)"
"publication_id": 296,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
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" ",
" "
"substring": "ub>2</sub> sequestrated that range between 639,37 up to 932,52 tons/ha. The results showed that none of the three classes of altitude had significant differences in carbon stocks because in all three classes of altitude still had the same environmental conditions. </em></p><p> </p><stro"
"publication_title": "Carbon Stock in Repong Damar Agroforest at Pahmungan Village, Pesisir Tengah Sub-District, Pesisir Barat Regency"
"publication_id": 437,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
"chars": [
" "
"substring": "k</em><em> district,"
"publication_title": "Fenomena kerusakan hutan mangrove di Luwuk Timur Kabupaten Banggai, Sulawesi Tengah"
"publication_id": 459,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
"chars": [
" ",
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"substring": " products. </em><em> </em></p>"
"publication_title": "Institutional Evaluation of the Community Plantation Forest (CPF) Permit Holders in Langkat District"
"publication_id": 498,
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"substring": "ained from </span><span lang=\"IN\">medang wood </span><span lang=\"IN\">(<em>Cinnamomum</em> sp.) </span><span lang=\"EN\">against </span><em><span lang=\"IN\">Schizophyllum commune</span></em><span lang=\"EN\"> fungus was evaluated. </span>This study aims <span lang=\"IN\">to evaluate </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">the </span><span lang=\"IN\">antifungal properties of liquid smoke from medang against </span><em><span lang=\"IN\">S. </span><span lang=\"IN\">commune</span></em><span lang=\"EN\"> fungus</span><span lang=\"IN\">. Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) medium </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">was used to determine </span><span lang=\"IN\">the efficacy of the liquid smoke of medang wood on </span><em><span lang=\"IN\">S. commune</span></em><span lang=\"IN\"> fungus growth. Three kinds of liquid smoke </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">were obtained from the pyrolysis of medang wood at </span><span lang=\"IN\">370, 400, and 430°C. </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">The e</span><span lang=\"IN\">fficacy of liquid smoke from medang wood for antifungal is a factorial 3 by 4 in a completely randomized design; the first factor was pyrolysis temperature of </span><span class=\"hps\"><span lang=\"IN\">liquid smoke</span></span><span lang=\"IN\"> from medang (370, 400, and 430°C), and the second factor was the treatment of concentration of </span><span class=\"hps\"><span lang=\"IN\">liquid smoke from medang wood</span></span><span lang=\"IN\"> (</span><span lang=\"ES\">0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0%, v/v</span><span lang=\"IN\">). </span><span lang=\"EN\">The results showed that pyrolysis temperature affected liquid smoke from medang, and the concentration of liquid smoke was significantly different for inhibition of fungal growth. The results indicated that the pyrolysis temperature of liquid smoke production and the concentration of liquid smoke had a significant effect on <em>S. commune</em> fungus growth inhibition. Medang wood liquid smoke effectively inhibited the growth of <em>S. commune </em>fungus about 98.57% at a concentration of 2.5% with liquid smoke pyrolysis temperature used is 430</span><span lang=\"EN\">°</span><s"
"publication_title": "Efficacy of Liquid Smoke Produced from Medang Wood (Cinnamomum sp.) against Schizophyllum commune"
"publication_id": 495,
"locale": "en_US",
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"substring": "\"EN-US\">of </span><span lang=\"IN\">conservation </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">institutions </span><span lang=\"IN\">is to control breeding and wild plants and rescue wild plants and animals while maintaining the species purity. This role requires conservation </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">institutions</span><span lang=\"IN\"> to contribute</span><span lang=\"EN-US\"> to</span><span lang=\"IN\">animal conservation to save and conserve wild animals</span><em><span lang=\"EN-US\"> ex-situ</span></em><span lang=\"IN\">. This research aims to </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">determine</span><span lang=\"IN\"> the </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">contribution </span><span lang=\"IN\">value of Serulingmas Wildlife Recreation Park as an </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">implementation</span><span lang=\"IN\">of animal </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">welfare</span><span lang=\"IN\">. The data was collected </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">through </span><span lang=\"IN\">interviews and field observations. The results showed that the implementation</span><span lang=\"EN-US\"> achievement</span><span lang=\"IN\"> of animal welfare </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">at </span><span lang=\"IN\">Serulingmas Wildlife Recreation Park was classified as good with an achievement value of 76.61. </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">However, t</span><span lang=\"IN\">he contribution value of Serulingmas Wildlife Recreation Park to the animal conservation aspects was still categorized as low, w</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">h</span><span lang=\"IN\">i</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">ch was mainly due to the </span><span lang=\"IN\">low animal births</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">. Increasing the success of animal births could be carried out through coaching on technical aspects such as improving animal health management and facilities.</span></p>\n<p>Keywords: animal welfare, <em>ex-situ</em> conservat"
"publication_title": "The Contribution Value of Conservation Institution to Animal Welfare Aspects at Serulingmas Wildlife Recreation Park, Banjarnegara"
"publication_id": 479,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
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"publication_title": "Tree Health Management Strategy in Cianjur Urban Forest"
"publication_id": 497,
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"substring": "e examined </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">Forest Management Unit or </span><em><span lang=\"EN-US\">Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan</span></em><span lang=\"EN-US\"> (</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">KPH) management in Indonesia, studies that focused on specific partnership policies in developing nature-based tourism in KPH remain understudied. This study </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">offered a case of partnership in nature-based tourism development in the Mangunan area, KPH Yogyakarta, Indonesia. </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">To understand to what degree the partnership benefits locals and forest areas,</span><span lang=\"EN-US\"> a </span><span lang=\"IN\">triangulation</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">approach includes secondary data collection, interviews, and field observations</span><span lang=\"EN-US\"> were employed. In the case considered, it is evident that the deliberative policies of KPH Yogyakarta foster social innovations in nature-based tourism development and serve the pathway in delivering simultaneous benefits for locals and forest areas. In drawing its conclusion, the study highlights that the nature-based tourism development in the Mangunan area has fostered locals’ roles in managing state-forest areas by which they generate numerous benefits. Furthermore, this study provides valuable insights that would allow us to better grasp the positive impacts of innovative policies in managing KPH</span><span lang=\"IN\">.</span></p>\n<p><strong>Keywords: </strong>forest management unit,<strong> </strong>"
"publication_title": "Delivering Benefits from State Forest: Lesson from Partnership of Nature-Based Tourism Development in KPH Yogyakarta"
"publication_id": 468,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
"chars": [
" "
"substring": ">Keywords: endemic, "
"publication_title": "Pemodelan Spasial Kesesuaian Habitat Elang Jawa (Nisaetus bartelsi) di Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru (Spatial Modeling of Javan Hawk-Eagle (Nisaetus bartelsi) Habitat Suitability in Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park)"
"publication_id": 461,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
"chars": [
" "
"substring": ">Keywords: forest an"
"publication_title": "Household Livelihood Strategy Based on Capital Assets in Fire-Prone Areas, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency, South Sumatra"
"publication_id": 510,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
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"substring": "morphology </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">of the</span><span lang=\"IN\"> Ayer Hitam Forest </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">Reserve (AHFR) in  </span><span lang=\"IN\">Malaysia</span><span lang=\"IN\">has never been observed. The objective of this study is to assess the soil characteristic and soil morphological properties </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">of the </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">AHFR</span><span lang=\"IN\">.  Studying the characteristics of soil morphology in toposequent conditions is necessary </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">to </span><span lang=\"IN\">find out the differences in soil from different heights and the effects of erosion, transportation, and deposition on the soil. </span>This study was conducted in the <span lang=\"EN-US\">AHFR</span>, Puchong, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Peninsular Malaysia. Mapping of the area under investigation was carried out by conventional soil survey techniques with a physiographic approach using maps with a scale of 1:30,000. The results showed that <span lang=\"EN-US\">AHFR </span>has <span lang=\"IN\">some different soil morphologic</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">al characteristics and classification in subgroup</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">among</span><span lang=\"IN\"> five different slope positions with similar soil order, </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">which</span><span lang=\"IN\"> is a </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">U</span><span lang=\"IN\">ltisol soil. The soil in </span><span lang=\"EN-US\">the AHFR</span><span lang=\"IN\">is formed from highly weathered soil due to high rainfall in this location. </span><span lang=\"IN\">Th</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">e </span><span lang=\"IN\">result</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">s of this study are</span><span lang=\"IN\"> important for soil development, identification management, and land use priority such as erosion control on steep</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">-</span><span lang=\"IN\">slope forest areas, regeneration and reforestation, and it can also be used for forest education, practice, research</span><span lang=\"EN-US\">,</span><span lang=\"IN\"> and training activities.</span></p>\n<p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve, forest soil, soil morp"
"publication_title": "Toposequent Effect on Soil Morphology and Classification of Ultisol Soil in the Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve, Peninsular Malaysia"
"publication_id": 346,
"locale": "en_US",
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"substring": "90 petani.  Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara dan studi literatur. Analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Mengidentifikasi karakteristik petani dengan cara wawancara, kontribusi dinyatakan dengan.  Hasil penelitian menunjukan petani memiliki karakteristi berupa umur rata-rata petani 50 tahun, tingkat pendidikan petani rata-rata Sekolah Dasar (SD), jumlah tanggungan rata-rata petani 3-4 orang, pekerjaan sampingan petani yaitu buruh pabrik, tukang ojek serta warung dan luas lahan petani rata-rata 1,5-2 ha. Perhitungan kontribusi dari hasil pertanian terhadap pendapatan rata-rata Rp. 8.755.863/kk/bulan atau sebesar 68,83% hasil ini menunjukan bahwa kontribusi petani dalam mengelola lahan pertanian terhadap pendapatan petani sangat besar.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Kata kunci</strong>: karakteristik; kontribusi pendapatan.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p> </p><pre><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong><strong><em>. </em></strong><em>This study has the aim of identifying the characteristics of farmers, calculating the contribution to farmers' income. The sampling method used was simple random sampling with the number of respondents as many as 90 farmers. Data collection uses observation techniques, interviews and literature studies. Data analysis used quantitative descriptive analysis techniques. Identifying the characteristics of farmers by means of interviews, contributions stated with. The results showed that farmers had characteristics in the form of the average age of farmers 50 years, the education level of the average primary school (SD), the number of dependents on average farmers 3-4 people, side jobs of farmers namely factory workers, motorcycle taxi drivers and stalls and the average farmer's land area is 1.5-2 ha. Calculation of contributions from agricultural products to the average income of Rp. 8,755,863 / kk / month or equal to 68.83% of this result shows that the contribution of farmers in managing agricultural land to the income of farmers is very large.</em><em></em></pre><p><strong> </strong>"
"publication_id": 287,
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"publication_title": "Persepsi Individu Kunci dan Wisatawan tentang Pengelolaan dan Hambatan Ekowisata di Lampung Mangrove Center"
"publication_id": 646,
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"substring": "armers. It’s necessary to carry out a study by involving variables of social and land use conditions as a basis. Clustering can be used to determine quality, fast and appropriate policies for the development of Tahura WAR in present and future. K-Means Clustering algorithm and the Elbow Method can be used as a quick and precise solution to find the most ideal number of clusters or agroforestry farmer groups. Results showed that farmers could be best clustered into 4 groups (K=4) validated using the Elbow method. Agroforestry farmers could be best clustered into 4 clusters validated using the elbow method based on 10 variables of farmer’s social "
"publication_id": 536,
"locale": "en_US",
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"substring": "void birds’ mortalit"
"publication_title": "Population and Habitat Suitability Index Model of Bali Starling (Leucopsar rothschildi) in West Bali National Park "
"publication_id": 573,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
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"substring": "ith Duncan’s Multipl"
"publication_title": "Study on the Growth of Falcataria moluccana at 14-Month-Old and the Productivity Rice Plant (Oryza sativa) IPB 3S in Agroforestry System"
"publication_id": 8,
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"publication_title": "Komposisi Tanaman Agroforestri Dan Kontribusinya Terhadap Pendapatan Rumah Tangga Di Desa Pesawaran Indah Kabupaten Pesawaran Lampung"
"publication_id": 173,
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"substring": "ant level.  The resu"
"publication_title": "Pengaruh Zat Alelopati Dari Alang-Alang Terhadap Pertumbuhan Semai Tiga Spesies Akasia"
"publication_id": 392,
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"substring": "<p> <em>The Momiwaren protected forest area is one of the areas in South Manokwari Regency that has hot springs. This area is not in the volcano area. However, the resulting hot springs cause sulfur aromas surrounding the area. This area is a protected forest overgrown by various types of trees. For this reason, it is necessary to determine the structure and composition of plants in this area due to the presence of hot springs in this location. This research was carried out in the South Manokwari, Momiwaren Village. The results showed that the number of vegetation types in the area along the hot water stream was as many as 106 types which were divided into several levels: Seedling phase consisting of 35 species with 88 individuals and was dominated by Vatica rassak with important value index (IVI) of 35,770%; sapling phase consists of 55 species with 129 individuals and was dominated by Vatica rassak with IVI of 27.506%, Pole phase consists of 29 species with 45 individuals and was dominated by Vatica rassak with IVI of 28,069%, and tree phase consists of 22 types with individual numbers 56 and was dominated by Vatica  rassak with IVI of 59,803%. The results of this study indicated that the spread of Vatica rassak exists at all levels of plants and was a dominant species along the stream of hot water spring.</em></p><p class=\"jbd-abs-gb-tab9\"> </p>"
"publication_title": "Keragaman Tegakan Di Sepanjang Aliran Air Panas Hutan Lindung Momiwaren Manokwari Selatan"
"publication_id": 535,
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"substring": "y crucial.  One of the most important activities for this purpose is a soft release method to avoid birds’ mortality, which has been done in West Bali National Park (WBNP). However, this method creates the dependency of birds to the artificial treatment and may affect the distribution of Bali starling. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the population and habitat and create a habitat suitability index model for Bali starling in WBNP. Data were obtained by surveying the Bali starling population, including the number of individuals, distribution, age structure, sex ratio, natality, and mortality. Vegetation analysis was also conducted to determine habitat conditions. Finally, map interpretation data was used to develop a suitable habitat model for Bali starling in WBNP. The results showed that 63 Bali starling were found near the resort office, bird release sites, and binding bird cages. It indicated that the habitat of Bali starling has shifted from the soft release site. The habitat suitability index model of Bali starling in WBNP was <em>Y = 17.145 + 6.640PC<sub>1</sub> - 4.055PC<sub>2</sub></em>, showing the selected variables only give a moderate determination coefficient (R<sup>2</sup> = 40.9%). The artificial treatment created by the WBNP authority seems to be another great factor influencing the existence and distribution of Bali starling in WBNP. It was also indicated that Bali starling could breed in the WBNP, but it tends to have a shifting habitat in the wild.  </p>\n<p>K"
"publication_title": "Population and Habitat Suitability Index Model of Bali Starling (Leucopsar rothschildi) in West Bali National Park "
"publication_id": 174,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
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"publication_title": "Nilai Tukar Pendapatan Rumah Tangga Petani Agroforestri Di Hutan Kemasyarakatan Bina Wana Jaya I Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan Lindung Batutegi Kabupaten Tanggamus"
"publication_id": 175,
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"substring": "is at the  community forest. One of the community forest identified as bird habitats is the community forest in Kelungu Village. Besides as timber production, community forest also serve as protection and preservation place of birds diversity. This research necessary because of the lack the data about the diversity of bird species in this area. The purposes of this research was to determine the diversity of bird species in the community forest Kelungu Village, Kotaagung Subdistrict, Tanggamus, Lampung Province. The research was conducted in June 2015 using a direct observation method (point count) at three points of the observation location that were the border between the community forest and the settlement (PC 1), between the palm garden and protected forest (PC 2), and river border lines (PC 3) with 3 repetitions. The results showed there were 27 bird species from 16 families (3018 individuals). The first habitat  type has"
"publication_title": "Keanekaragaman Jenis Burung Di Hutan Rakyat Pekon Kelungu Kecamatan Kotaagung Kabupaten Tanggamus"
"publication_id": 527,
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"publication_title": "Tree Health Assessment of Lauraceae Collections in Bogor Botanic Gardens using Forest Health Monitoring Method"
"publication_id": 31,
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"substring": "tuated on ±7 m from the nearest water sources. In addition, its biotics components consist of <em>Tetrastigma lanceolarium</em>; defined as rafflesia’s host pl"
"publication_title": "Populasi dan Kondisi Lingkungan Rafflesia arnoldii di Rhino-Camp Resort Sukaraja Atas Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan (TNBBS)"
"publication_id": 440,
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"publication_title": "Pemanfaatan Tumbuhan Obat oleh Masyarakat Sekitar Taman Wisata Alam (TWA) Bukit Kelam, Kabupaten Sintang, Kalimantan Barat (The Utilization of Medicinal Plants by Communities around Bukit Kelam Nature Park, Sintang Regency, West Kalimantan)"
"publication_id": 551,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
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"substring": "lemongrass’s plantin"
"publication_title": "Cajuput (Melaleuca cajuputi (L.) Powell) Oil Yield and Cineole Analysis in Ex-Coal Mining Land with Monoculture and Agroforestry Patterns"
"publication_id": 571,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
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"substring": "ists of 60°C, 70°C, 80°C, 90°C, and 100°C, while "
"publication_title": "Effects of Initial Water Temperature and Soaking Duration on the Germination of Canarium (Canarium indicum) Seeds"
"publication_id": 99,
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"suspect": {
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"publication_title": "Perubahan Tutupan Hutan Di Taman Hutan Raya Wan Abdul Rachman (Tahura War)"
"publication_id": 525,
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"substring": "nstitution’s effectiveness and institutional condition in the era of PS policy, which is currently a government priority program. One of the community groups granted a management permit is the Forest Village Community Institution (LMDH) Sumber Makmur, located in the Forest Management Unit (KPH) Malang. This study was conducted from December 2020 to March 2021 using a qualitative descriptive method as in-depth interviews and questionnaires with assessment indicators. Respondents were chosen randomly from the entire population using the Slovin formula. The results showed that the institutional effectiveness of LMDH Sumber Makmur still tended to decrease. The confidence level of farmers in the PS program was only around 28.9%, and the level of understanding was 26.7%. The results also showed a low percentage value of farmer participation, external support, the availability of facilities, and gender perspective. Consequently, the government needs to monitor institutions and community groups running PS programs to see institutional developments in each location. Institutional development is essential as an entrance for people to manage forests independently.</p>\n<p>Keywords: Forest Village Community Institution, institutional conditions, institutional effectiveness, social forestry</p>\n<p> </p>"
"publication_title": "Effectiveness and Institutional Conditions in Social Forestry Program: Case Study of Forest Village Community Institution (LMDH) Sumber Makmur, Forest Management Unit (KPH) Malang"
"publication_id": 540,
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"substring": "ration and <em>ex situ</em> conservation as part of the effort to rescue tropical montane rainforest plants, which tend to decrease in their natural habitat. Pasir Banteng and Pasir Pogor, Mount Gede Pangrango, were selected due to the potential threat and limited information on plants collected from these sites. The objectives of this study were to collect valuable plants, which have a conservation value and explore their potential usefulness. The study has begun by establishing a list of collectible plants. Then, the field activities were conducted by a plant collection explorative method along the hiking route, from 750 to 1,500 m asl, low-mid mountain as height as CBG, with no specific sampling point (found and collected). These plants have field treatment, were delivered to CBG, and would later be maintained in the garden. The study has obtained 31 species collected from Pasir Banteng and 20 species from Pasir Pogor. There were 35 families, with Orchidaceae being the most collectible. Some crucial findings were nine species included as least concern (LC) and a species as endangered (EN), based on their conservation status. At least six new species were identified as the garden enrichment of the CBG. In addition, at least fifteen species have potential utilization as construction materials, 29 species as ornamental plants, twelve species as medicinal plants, and some plants possessing multi-utilization. The results were significant in adding the collection’s richnes"
"publication_title": "Botanical Exploration and Conservation in Pasir Banteng and Pasir Pogor, Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park "
"publication_id": 548,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
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"publication_title": "Estimation and Economic Valuation of Above-Ground Carbon in Forest Area with the Special Purpose of Gunung Bromo, Karanganyar, Central Java, Indonesia"
"publication_id": 44,
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"publication_title": "Analisis Kelayakan Usaha Berbasis Hasil Hutan Bukan Kayu Ekosistem Mangrove Di Desa Margasari Lampung Timur"
"publication_id": 410,
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"publication_title": "Keadaan Vegetasi Hutan Berbasis Masyarakat di Desa Aik Bual dan Desa Setiling, Pulau Lombok (Vegetation Condition of Community-Managed Forests in Aik Bual Village and Setiling Village, Lombok Island)"
"publication_id": 559,
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"suspect": {
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"substring": " m x 20 m. </p>"
"publication_title": "Keadaan Vegetasi Hutan Berbasis Masyarakat di Desa Aik Bual dan Desa Setiling, Pulau Lombok (Vegetation Condition of Community-Managed Forests in Aik Bual Village and Setiling Village, Lombok Island)"
"publication_id": 546,
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"substring": "only 50.3 ± 5.7% of "
"publication_title": "Characterization of Cones and Seeds of Damar (Agathis labillardieri) from Plantation in Klasaman, Sorong"
"publication_id": 553,
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"substring": "dex (<em>H’</em>), species richness index (<em>R</em>), and evenness index (<em>E</em>) were determined. The data was systematically obtained by marking 35 plots of 2 m × 2 m. The distance between plots was 100 m. The results showed that the undergrowth vegetation consisted of 39 species from 26 families. The habitus of undergrowth vegetation was herb (15 species), shrub (14 species), liana (3 species), fern (6 species), and palm (1 species). <em>Eragrostis tenerum</em> was the dominant species with an <em>IVI </em>of 58.84%). <em>Centrosema pubescens</em> showed an <em>IVI</em> of 18.38%, while the other species showed less than 10%. Furthermore, <em>H’</em> was"
"publication_title": "The Composition of Undergrowth Vegetation in Forest Area with the Special Purpose of Gunung Bromo, Karangayar, Central Java, Indonesia"
"publication_id": 104,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
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"substring": "nducted in  March 20"
"publication_title": "Karakteristik Petani Dalam Pengembangan Hutan Rakyat Di Desa Buana Sakti Kecamatan Batanghari Kabupaten Lampung Timur"
"publication_id": 442,
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"publication_id": 61,
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"substring": "(59,14%). Â The high"
"publication_title": "Identifikasi Jenis Epifit Dan Tumbuhan Yang Menjadi Penopangnya Di Blok Perlindungan Dalam Kawasan Taman Hutan Raya Wan Abdul Rachman"
"publication_id": 514,
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"suspect": {
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"substring": "ore of LI.  A signif"
"publication_title": "Postural Analysis on Manual Pine Resin Collecting Work: Lifting Index and L5/S1 Compression-Shear Forces"
"publication_id": 228,
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"publication_title": "Social Behavior of Sambar Deer (Cervus unicolor) and Spotted Deer (Axis axis) in Gunung Madu Plantations Inc. Sanctuary Lampung Tengah"
"publication_id": 405,
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"substring": "etle </em> merupakan indikator dalam kesuburan tanah yang dapat diketahui melalui kadar air, kepadatan, analisa saringan, berat jenis dan volume tanah. Salah satu binatang serangga yang menjadi peran dalam fungsi siklus nutrisi dan aerasi tanah adalah <em>dung beetle. </em>Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini penting untuk mengetahui sifat fisik tanah terhadap proses percepatan pertumbuhan biodiversitas tanaman hutan melalui <em>dung beetle</em>. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sifat fisik tanah sebagai tempat tinggal <em>dung beetle. </em>Tempat penelitian di Arboretum III Hutan Pendidikan Konservasi Terpadu Universitas Lampung pada Blok Pemanfaatan Taman Hutan Raya Wan Abdul Rachman. Penelitian dilakukan di Tahura WAR dan di Laboratorium Mekanika Tanah Fakultas Tehnik Universitas Lampung, pada November-Desember 2018. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu kadar air 49,56%, berat jenis tanah 2,44 gram, berat volume tanah kering 0,99 gr/cm<sup>3</sup>, persentase lolos saringan no. 40 dengan diameter saringan 0,475 adalah 71,08%, dan kadar air optimum  sebesar "
"publication_title": "Interpretasi Sifat Fisik Tanah Untuk Proses Percepatan Pertumbuhan Keanekaragaman Hayati Tanaman Hutan Melalui Dung Beetle"
"publication_id": 5,
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"publication_title": "Analisis Finansial Usaha Budidaya Lebah Madu Apis Cerana Fabr. di Dusun Sidomukti Desa Buana Sakti Kecamatan Batanghari Kabupaten Lampung Timur"
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"substring": "a perusak.  Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeteksi kehadiran rayap pada bangunan rumah yang berada di Kawasan Hutan Karet Gundaling, juga di luar bangunan rumah (pekarangan rumah yang berbatasan dengan pinggir hutan karet) melalui tanda-tanda infestasi. Sebanyak dua puluh bangunan rumah disurvei.  Pemeriksaan visual tanda-tanda infestasi rayap dilakukan pada dan di luar bangunan rumah serta mencatat komponen bangunan dari bahan kayu yang rusak karena infestasi rayap. Sampel rayap dikumpulkan dengan metode penangkapan langsung dari tabung kembara dan sarang pada dan di luar bangunan rumah yang disurvei. Kehadiran rayap dari genus <em>Nasutitermes</em> ditemukan pada tiga bangunan rumah melalui tanda-tanda infestasi berupa tabung kembara, sarang karton, dan komponen bangunan kayu yang rusak, terutama pada dinding, daun jendela, dan tawing layar. Sementara di luar bangunan rumah, genus <em>Nasutitermes</em> ditemukan melalui tanda-tanda infestasi berupa tabung kembara, sarang karton arboreal dan genus <em>Coptotermes</em> berupa tabung perlindungan.  </p><p>Kata kunci : hutan karet, kehadiran rayap, bangunan rumah, tanda-tanda infestasi</p><p> </p><p>Rubber jungle that is termites habitat is opened and partially cleared for settlement land. In the land clearing, often leave stumps and piles of branches of trees on or in the soil that becomes a sustainable food source for termites until the house is completed so that the presence of termites eventually extends to the wooden structure of the house building and becomes a destructive pest. The aim of this research was to detect the presence of termites in the house building located in the Gundaling Rubber Jungle Area, also outside the house building (the yard of the house adjacent to the rubber jungle edge) through signs of infestation. Twenty buildings were surveyed. Visual inspection of termite infestation signs was conducted in and outside the house building and noted the building components of wood damaged by termite infestation. The Termite specimens were collected by direct sampling method from mud tubes and nests in and outside the surveyed house building. The presence of termites from the genus <em>Nasutitermes</em> was found in three house buildings through signs of infestation, in the form of  mud tubes, carton nests, and damaged wooden building components, especially on walls, window shutters, and gable. Meanwhile outside the house building, Genus <em>Nasutitermes</em> was found through signs of infestation in the form of a mud tubes, arboreal carton nest and genus <em>Coptotermes</em> in the form of shelter tubes.</p><pre>Keywords: rubber jungle, the presence of termites, house building, signs of infestation</pre><p> </p>"
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"substring": "ngkungan.  Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi nilai ekonomi kawasan dan produk hasil hutan, bentuk dan nilai jasa lingkungan serta tingkat ketergantungan masyarakat Desa Bayas Jaya terhadap kawasan hutan lindung Register 21 Perintian Batu.  Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan November hingga Desember 2018 di Desa Bayas Jaya Kecamatan Way Khilau Kabupaten Pesawaran.  Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara langsung (<em>direct interview</em>) terhadap responden yang dipilih dengan teknik random sampling.  Data dianalisis secara kuantitatif analitik.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai ekonomi Hutan Lindung Register 21 Perintian Batu adalah sebesar Rp.,-/tahun, sementara sampai saat ini belum ada produk hasil hutan yang dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat.  Bentuk kontribusi jasa lingkungan dari kawasan adalah air, dengan nilai kontribusinya sebesar Rp. 246.196.150,-/tahun.  Tingkat ketergantungan masyarakat terhadap kawasan hutan adalah sebesar 95%. </p>"
"publication_title": "Nilai Manfaat Hutan Lindung Register 21 Perintian Batu bagi Masyarakat Desa Bayas Jaya Kecamatan Way Khilau Kabupaten Pesawaran"
"publication_id": 449,
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"substring": "solates of  2.33 U/mL and S-5-24 isolates of 2.22 U/mL at 36 hours incubation. Single culture biodegradation of E-2-1 isolates was 21.4%, S-5-19 was 27.3%, and S-5-24 isolates were 25.1% each on the 6th day incubation. Biodegradation of the isolate consortium on rice straw substrate by 41.3%,  heaf by "
"publication_id": 640,
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"substring": " keywords “customary forest”, “customary forest and ethnoecology”, and “local wisdom and customary forest”. Furthermore, screening was carried out and 43 publications were obtained that explicitly describe 40 local pearls of wisdom of indigenous peoples' groups in managing forests. This study indicates that most of the previous studies did not examine aspects other than socio-cultural aspects, such as economic aspects which can be studied in 381 other districts in Indonesia. Then, there are three elements of local wisdom that are also less studied: rituals, zoning, and sanctions from the local wisdom of indigenous peoples in managing their customary forests.</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Masyarakat adat semakin diberikan ruang untuk mengelola hutan adat dengan kearifan lokal yang dimilikinya terlebih adanya program perhutanan sosial di Indonesia. Studi tentang masyarakat dalam mengelola hutan cenderung lebih sedikit dibandingkan skema lainnya, meskipun adanya perkembangan studi yang dilakukan di Indonesia. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menelaah publikasi terkait pengelolaan hutan yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat adat dengan kearifan lokal di Indonesia dengan menggunakan studi literatur. Terdapat 73 publikasi yang relevan terkait masyarakat adat dan kearifan lokalnya dengan tiga kata kunci “hutan adat”, “hutan adat dan etnoekologi”, dan “kearifan lokal dan hutan adat”. Selanju"
"publication_title": "Menelaah Publikasi Pengelolaan Hutan Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Pada Masyarakat Adat di Indonesia Tahun 2000-2021"
"publication_id": 218,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
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"substring": "ction bird (birdwatching) in terms of its conservation status and ecol"
"publication_title": "Studi Wisata Pengamatan Burung (Birdwatching) Di Lahan Basah Desa Kibang Pacing Kecamatan Menggala Timur Kabupaten Tulang Bawang Provinsi Lampung"
"publication_id": 263,
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"substring": "is one of  the selected trees as plantation forest in Indonesia. The constrain of jabon plantation is various species of insects which become the pests. Therefore, this research was aimed to discover the damage level of jabon plantation the consequence of the pest attack on jabon forest in Negararatu II village, Natar district of South Lampung. This study was conducted from July to September 2015. The sampling method is systematically multiple plot. The plot size is 20 m x 20 m and distance of each plots is 10 m, hence the amount of the plots are 18. The result showed there were some insects species wich become the pest of jabon such as bagworm (<em>Mahasena corbetti),</em> grasshopper <em>(Locusta migratoria</em>), leafhopper (<em>Bothrogonia</em> sp.), and stem borer (<em>Zeuzera</em> sp.) that inflict damage level about  30,4% - "
"publication_title": "Tingkat Serangan Hama pada Tanaman Jabon (Anthocephalus cadamba Miq.) di Desa Negara Ratu II Kecamatan Natar Kabupaten Lampung Selatan"
"publication_id": 177,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
"chars": [
" "
"substring": "ae Family.  Jengkol "
"publication_title": "Uji Daya Simpan Benih Jengkol (Pithecellobium Lobatum) Dengan Menggunakan Beberapa Media Simpan"
"publication_id": 60,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
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"substring": "reatments.  Treatmen"
"publication_title": "Respon Pertumbuhan Bibit Jabon (Anthocephalus Cadamba) Dengan Pemberian Kompos Kotoran Sapi Pada Media Penyapihan"
"publication_id": 256,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
"chars": [
" "
"substring": "nutrition.  Bukit Ba"
"publication_title": "Populasi dan Pola Penyebaran Kantong Semar (Nepenthes gracilis) di Rhino Camp Resort Sukaraja Atas Kawasan Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan (TNBBS)"
"publication_id": 308,
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"substring": "endidikan.  Dalam pelaksanaannya diperlukan peralatan dan bahan agar kegiatan tersebut berjalan dengan baik. Salah satu peralatan kategori 2 yang dimilki oleh laboratorium silvikultur dan perlindungan hutan adalah <em>oven</em> merk Memmert type UM 200.  <em>Oven</em> Memmert type UM 200 merupakan peralatan laboratorium yang sering digunakan untuk pengeringan seresah dalam penghitungan cadangan karbon.  Jumlah oven yang terbatas dan ukuran volume yang kecil, menimbulkan antrian penggunaan yang panjang.  Hal ini menyebabkan  sampel rusak dan membusuk.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis kemasan yang aman, mudah didapat, murah, dan lebih cepat dalam proses pengeringan.  Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan menguji empat bahan pengemas serasah, yaitu kertas koran, tompo (wadah yang terbuat dari sayatan bambu yang dianyam), alumunium foil, dan amplop kertas.  Hasil pe"
"publication_id": 354,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
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" "
"substring": "ra (CITES)  and (3) "
"publication_title": "Bird Conservation Status: Case Study in Cugung Village Forest Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan Lindung Model Rajabasa Rajabasa Regency District South Lampung"
"publication_id": 302,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
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"substring": " object in a favorab"
"publication_title": "Nature Tourism Potential in KPH Unit XIII Rajabasa, Way Pisang, Batu Serampok, Lampung Province"
"publication_id": 48,
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"substring": "ith fired.  Intact s"
"publication_title": "Status Kesuburan Tanah Pada Dua Tutupan Lahan Di Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan Lindung (KPHL) Batutegi Lampung"
"publication_id": 245,
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"substring": "us Regency  Knowing "
"publication_title": "Identifikasi Jenis Tanaman Hutan Rakyat Dan Pemeliharaannya Di Hutan Rakyat Desa Kelungu Kecamatan Kotaagung Kabupaten Tanggamus"
"publication_id": 545,
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"substring": "tudy aimed to determine the stand structure and regeneration status of <em>E. longifolia</em> tree habitat in Batang Lubu Sutam Forest, Padang Lawas, North Sumatra. The research was performed through vegetation analysis using a purposive sampling technique with a randomized sample plot based on the presence of <em>E. longifolia</em>. A total of 181 plots were established in this s"
"publication_title": "Woody Species Stand Structure and Regeneration Status in Long Jack (Eurycoma longifolia Jack) Habitat in Batang Lubu Sutam Forest, Padang Lawas, North Sumatra"
"publication_id": 531,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
"chars": [
"substring": " of loquat’s seed, s"
"publication_title": "Effects of Planting Medium on the Propagation of Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica L.) from Cuttings and Seeds"
"publication_id": 145,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
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" "
"substring": ">Keywords:  mangrove"
"publication_title": "Nilai Ekonomi Komoditi Hutan Mangrove Di Desa Merak Belantung Kecamatan Kalianda Kabupaten Lampung Selatan"
"publication_id": 575,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
"chars": [
"substring": "nd ages (1–30 years). A large-scale forest inventory was conducted for all harvested blocks to recognize actual standing stock for the 2021–2030 mana"
"publication_title": "The Dynamics of Secondary Mangrove Forests in Bintuni Bay, West Papua after Harvested on the First 30-Year Rotation Cycle"
"publication_id": 638,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
"chars": [
"substring": "POKDARWIS “Putri Gundul” plays a "
"publication_title": "Role of Local Communities in Mangrove Conservation at the Mangrove Village of Patikang, Pandeglang Regency, Banten, Indonesia"
"publication_id": 501,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
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" "
"substring": "mor</p><p> </p><stro"
"publication_title": "Increased Sugar Levels on Growth and Production of Melon (Cucumis melo L.) Var. Sakata Glamor"
"publication_id": 512,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
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"substring": "ccana</em> Miq.) is classified as low durable class wood (class IV-V); hence wood preservation is needed to protect from the attacks of wood-destroying organisms. One of the eco-friendly materials that can be used for wood preservation is wood vinegar. This study aims to analyze the influence of wood vinegar from tembesu (<em>Fagraea fragrans</em>) and rengas (<em>Gluta renghas</em>) on the durability of sengon wood against <em>Schizophyllum commune </em>Fries fungus. The results showed that wood parts and types of wood vinegar significantly affected preservative retention, absorption, penetration, and weight loss. Some of the chemical compounds contained in tembesu and rengas wood vinegar can inhibit the growth of fungi: (1) acetic acid (CAS) ethylic acid, (2) 2-propanone, 1-hydroxy- (CAS) acetol, (3) phenol, 2-methoxy- (CAS) guaiacol, and (4) phenol (CAS) izal. Preservation of wood using tembesu and rengas wood vinegar with a concentration of 70% could increase the resistance of sengon wood and improve sengon wood’s durability into very resistant (durability class I) against <em>S. commune</em> fungus at"
"publication_title": "Utilization of Wood Vinegar as a Natural Preservative for Sengon Wood (Falcataria moluccana Miq.) against Fungal Attack (Schizophyllum commune Fries)"
"publication_id": 220,
"locale": "en_US",
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"substring": " satelitte  image of lampung province  RGDP in "
"publication_title": "Pengaruh Perubahan Tutupan Hutan Dan Lahan Terhadap Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (Pdrb) Di Sektor Pertanian, Kehutanan Dan Industri : Studi Di Provinsi Lampung"
"publication_id": 223,
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"suspect": {
"chars": [
"substring": " conducted from Aug"
"publication_title": "Permudaan Alami Hutan Di Satuan Pengelolaan Taman Nasional (Sptn) Wilayah Iii Kuala Penet Taman Nasional Way Kambas"
"publication_id": 65,
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"substring": "ture of 80ºC during 12 hours, 24 hours, 36 hours, and 48 hours. Every experiment unit consisted of 100 seed. The observed variables were consisted of germination percentage, mean daily germination, germination value, and the ability to germinate. Data analysis methods were used variance homogenity, variance analysis and least of difference test at 5% significant level. Based on the analysis of variance showed that seeds weight significantly affected the mean daily germination, but had no effect on germination percentage, germination value, and the ability to germinate. Seeds weight had a mean daily germination 15,088 days to germinate. The medium seeds were germinated faster than heavy seeds and light seeds. Seed scarification gave effect on germination percentage and germination value significantly, but not significant on mean daily germination and ability to germinate. Seeds scarification with hot water at beginning temperature 80°C for 48 "
"publication_title": "Ukuran Benih Dan Skarifikasi Dengan Air Panas Terhadap Perkecambahan Benih Pohon Kuku (Pericopsis Mooniana)"
"publication_id": 554,
"locale": "en_US",
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"substring": "<p>Nya’deng Lake, also called the blue lake, is located in the Sangkulirang Mangkaliat Karst landscape area and is included in the Merabu Village Forest area. Natural lakes with certain uniqueness and characteristics as Nya’deng Lake have become a tourist attraction in Indonesia. Therefore, assessing natural tourism in the lake is very important to develop environmentally friendly and responsible tourism. This research was conducted to explore and assess the potential of Nya’deng Lake as a lake tourism site. The study used a qualitative descriptive approach using a scoring method. Based on field observation, Nya;deng Lake is unique in terms of beauty, comfort, variety of activities, and environmental cleanliness. There are also other interesting objects such as tree houses and gazebos surrounding the lakeside. The results showed that the natural tourism object in Nya’deng Lake has very high criteria; hence it is very feasible to be developed as an ecotourism destination. The ecotourism development of Nya’deng Lake should follow the principles of sustainability and conservation because it is a protected geological area with prehistoric, cultural, and unique natural ecosystem values.</p>\n<p>Keywords: blue lake, ecotourism Merabu Village Forest, Nya’deng Lake"
"publication_title": "Assessment of Lake Tourism Object as Ecotourism Destination in Merabu, Berau Regency, East Kalimantan"
"publication_id": 522,
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"suspect": {
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"publication_title": "Development Strategies of Oelsonbai Research Center Scientific Tourism in KHDTK Oelsonbai Kupang"
"publication_id": 242,
"locale": "en_US",
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"substring": "of society’s activity through Community Forest (CF). Those program constructed to enhance society’s income and job vacansy, so that every aspect within forest management element’s (planning, organizing, actuating,<br />controlling or POAC) which strategically strong. The purpose of the study were to identify social and economics characteristic society and to evaluate HKm by local society. The research conducted on October 2015 in sindang Pagar Village, Sumber Jaya subdistrict, West Lampung Regency. The total samples were 42 respondents which chosen by proportionate stratified simple random sampling method, and analized descriptively. The results, overall: (1) Social and economic characteristics of society whom managed CF classified into productive in age to work, despite having a low education level, in addition respondents mostly have huge dependent upon their families, so that respondents has managed ample land and have a side job that’s why res"
"publication_title": "Evaluasi Pengelolaan Hutan Kemasyarakatan (HKm) pada Gabungan Kelompok Tani Rukun Lestari Sejahtera di Desa Sindang Pagar Kecamatan Sumberjaya Kabupaten Lampung Barat"
"publication_id": 413,
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"suspect": {
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"substring": "us</em>) 1  ekor, Kakatua Tanimbar (<em>Cacatua goffiniana</em>) 1 ekor, Kasturi Tengkuk Ungu (<em>Eos squamata</em>) 1 ekor, Kasturi Kepala Hitam (<em>Lorius lory</em>) 2 ekor, Merpati (<em>Columba livia</em>) 9 ekor, Nuri Bayan (<em>Eclectus roratus</em>) 3 ekor, Perkici Pelangi (<em>Trichoglossus haematodus</em>) 14 ekor, Nuri Maluku (<em>Eos borneo</em>) 24 ekor, Kasuari (<em>Casuarius casuarius)</em> 1 ekor, Kasturi Ternate ( <em>Lorius garrulus</em>) 3 ekor. Dari ke-13 jenis burung yang dipelihara  masyarak"
"publication_title": "Inventarisasi Jenis Burung yang Dipelihara Masyarakat Kecamatan Leitimur Selatan Kota Ambon."
"publication_id": 409,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
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"substring": "at jelajah  dengan pendekatan deskriptif yaitu pengamatan morfologi pohon  dilakukan dengan empat tahapan  yaitu  tahap persiapan dan pengumpulan data sekunder, tahap observasi, tahap pengumpulan data primer, dan tahap identifikasi dengan durasi waktu empat bulan yaitu pada bulan april sampai juli 2019. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 21 jenis  pohon yan"
"publication_id": 434,
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"substring": "-gb-tab9\"> </p><p class=\"jbd-abs-gb-tab9\"> </p><p><strong>Kata kunci: </strong>pola Tlahab, konservasi lahan, petani</p><p> </p><p>The purpose of this study was to determine the application of the Tlahab pattern agricultural system in support of land conservation efforts on the slopes of Mount Sindoro. This research method uses a qualitative approach, with informants from farmers, agricultural extension agents, forestry extension officers, and Tlahab village community leaders. Interviews and observations are used to collect primary data, while documentation is used for secondary data. The results showed that the agricultural system of the Tlahab pattern supported efforts to conserve land on the slopes of Mount Sindoro. In its implementation, the Tlahab pattern farming system seeks to apply conservation methods both vegetatively, physically and chemically. The vegetative method is carried out with crop rotation, patio reinforcement plants, land covered, strip cropping, and greening. The physics method is done by countur farming, making mounds, drainage channels, and soil processing, while the chemical method is with soil conditioning.</p><p class=\"jbd-abs-gb-tab9\"> </p><p class=\"jbd-abs-gb-tab9\"> </p><p class=\"jbd-keyword\"><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong>Tlahab pattern, land conservation, peasant<em> </em><em></em></p><p class=\"jbd-keyword\" align=\"center\"> </p>"
"publication_title": "PERTANIAN POLA TLAHAB DAN UPAYA KONSERVASI LAHAN OLEH PETANI DI LERENG GUNUNG SINDORO Tlahab Pattern And Land Conservation Efforts By Peasant In The Slope Of Sindoro Vulcano"
"publication_id": 408,
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"publication_title": "Keanekaragaman Hayati Flora dan Fauna Di Kawasan Hutan Bukit Datuk Dumai, Provinsi Riau"
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"publication_title": "Physical and Mechanical Properties of Bamboo Oriented Strand Board Under Various Post-Thermal Treatment Duration"
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"publication_title": "Keanekaragaman Spesies Burung Di Hutan Lindung Register 25 Pematang Tanggang Kabupaten Tanggamus Lampung"
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"publication_title": "EKSTRAK KULIT KAYU PULAI (Alstonia scholaris R. Br) SEBAGAI OBAT DIABETES"
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"publication_title": "Analyze of Benefits Recreation in Nature Park Punti Kayu (TWAPK) Palembang City Based on Characteristics of Visitor and Domestic Travel Costs"
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"publication_title": "Pemanfaatan Limbah Teh, Sekam Padi, Dan Arang Sekam Sebagai Media Tumbuh Bibit Trembesi (Samanea Saman)"
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"publication_title": "Potensi Lansekap Untuk Pengembangan Ekowisata Di Hutan Lindung Register 25 Pematang Tanggang Kabupaten Tanggamus"
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"publication_title": "Keanekaragaman Spesies Burung Di Repong Damar Pekon Pahmungan Kecamatan Pesisir Tengah Krui Kabupaten Lampung Barat"
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"publication_title": "Skarifikasi dengan Perendaman Air Panas dan Air Kelapa Muda Terhadap Perkecambahan Benih Saga (Adenanthera pavonina L.)"
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"publication_title": "Community Structure of Seagrass on Harapan Island, Kepulauan Seribu Regency"
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"publication_title": "Competitiveness and Determinants of Indonesian Plywood Export "
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"publication_title": "Analysis of Environmental Capacity and Tourism Carrying Capacity for the Sustainability of Mangrove Ecosystem in Kampung Blekok, Situbondo"
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"publication_title": "Modal Sosial Masyarakat Pengelola Hutan Kemasyarakatan di Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan Batutegi (Social Capital of Community Forest Management in Batutegi Forest Management Unit)"
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"publication_title": "Evaluation of an Agroforestry System: The Growth of 14-Month-Old Solomon Sengon (Falcataria moluccana) and Rice (Oryza sativa)"
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"publication_title": "Kajian Perilaku Dan Pakan Drop In Monyet Hitam Sulawesi (Macaca Nigra) Di Taman Agro Satwa Dan Wisata Bumi Kedaton"
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"publication_title": "Penyusunan Kriteria Domestikasi Dan Evaluasi Praktek Pengasuhan Gajah: Studi Di Taman Nasional Way Kambas Kabupaten Lampung Timur"
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"publication_title": "Kajian Pengelolaan Hutan Mangrove Di Desa Pulau Pahawang Kecamatan Marga Punduh Kabupaten Pesawaran"
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"publication_title": "Pendugaan Populasi Tapir (Tapirus indicus) di RPTN Margahayu SPTN Wilayah III Taman Nasional Way Kambas (TNWK)"
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"publication_title": "Respon Perkecambahan Benih Asam Jawa (Tamarindus Indica) Terhadap Berbagai Konsentrasi Larutan Kalium Nitrat (Kno3)"
"publication_id": 72,
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"substring": "ndis</em>) is one of comercial plant which has good quality of wood and has high economic value. The enhancement and improvement of teak cultivation techniques was need to be done to fulfill the demands of teak wood. Budding was one of cultivation technique that combine the generative and vegetative propagation technique, so that the benefits of both technique could be obtained at once. The obstacles of budding technique were about the buds storage and distribution. The aim of the experiment were to determine the effectiveness of banana sheath in maintain the viability of teak buds and to determine the maximum periods of teak buds storage. A randomized completely block was employed as an experiment design with two groups and four treatments. The first group was the storage out of banana sheath bag, and the second group was the storage inside of with banana sheath bag. Four periods of storage were used as treatment consist of 0 day of storage (Y<sub>0</sub>), 2 days of storage (Y<sub>1</sub>), 4 days of storage (Y<sub>2</sub>), and 6 days of storage (Y3). Dat"
"publication_title": "The Effect of Storage Periods of Teak (Tectona grandis) Bud in the Sheath of Banana to the Succesfulness of Budding"
"publication_id": 144,
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"publication_title": "Penggunaan Air Kelapa Untuk Setek Batang Jati (Tectona Grandis)"
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"publication_title": "Development Strategy of the Bird Nest Adoption Program in the Community Forest of Jatimulyo Village, Kulon Progo Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta"
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"publication_title": "Pemanfaatan Maltodextrin Singkong untuk Perekat Ramah Lingkungan dalam Pembuatan Papan Partikel dari Bagas Sorgum (Utilization of Cassava Maltodextrin for Eco-friendly Adhesive in the Manufacturing of Sorghum Bagasse Particleboard)"
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"publication_title": "Estimation of Indonesia Wooden Furniture Export Demand Function"
"publication_id": 255,
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"publication_title": "Vegetation Diversity in Utilization Block, Integrated Conservation Education Forest, Wan Abdul Rachman Great Forest Park, Lampung Province"
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"publication_title": "Physical and Mechanical Properties of Cross-Laminated Timber Made of a Combination of Mangium-Puspa and Polyurethane Adhesive"
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"publication_title": "Effects of Strands Pre-treatment and Adhesive Type on the Properties of Oriented Strand Board Made from Gmelina (Gmelina arborea) Wood"
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"publication_title": "Influence of Activated Charcoal Addition on the Adhesion, Emission, Physical, Mechanical, and Biological Properties of Particleboard"
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"publication_title": "Effects of Resin Content on the Characteristics of Bamboo Oriented Strand Board Prepared from Strands of Betung, Ampel, and Their Mixtures"
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"substring": "rogram of  EEA conservation in Muara Kali Ijo, Pantai Ayah, Kebumen. The research method used the mapping and planning analysis of the EEA conservation program using the indicator of mangrove density, mangrove diversity, and environmental indicators. The results showed that mangrove density in Muara Kali Ijo was 1,500-4,300 trees/ha (moderate to very dense) and was dominated by <em>Rhizophora mucronata</em> and <em>Rhizophora styllosa</em>. The potential of total dissolved solids, water salinity, potential hydrogen, dissolved oxygen, biological oxygen demand, and nitrate had a good condition to support the mangrove’s life an"
"publication_title": "The Mangrove Density, Diversity, and Environmental Factors as Important Variables to Support the Conservation Program of Essential Ecosystem Area in Muara Kali Ijo, Pantai Ayah, Kebumen"
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"publication_title": "Estimation of Tree Carbon Stocks in the Green Open Space of the Faculty of Forestry, Tanjungpura University"
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"publication_title": "Pengelolaan Hutan Rakyat Oleh Kelompok Pemilik Hutan Rakyat Di Desa Bandar Dalam Kecamatan Sidomulyo Kabupaten Lampung Selatan"
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"substring": "of 100 cm × 30 cm × 3.6 cm. The laminate was organized into three layers with the face/core/back, namely puspa wood (PPP), coconut trunk (CCC), and their combination (PCP and CPC), perpendicular to each other using polyurethane adhesive with a glue spread of 160 g.m<sup>-2</sup>. The physical and mechanical properties of the CLT were assessed according to the JAS 3079 (2019) standard. The results showed that the polyurethane adhesive used in this study was able to curing optimally at a temperature of 30 °C for 200"
"publication_title": "Influence of Puspa Wood and Coconut Trunk Combination on Characteristic of Cross Laminated Timber Bonded with Polyurethane Adhesive "
"publication_id": 633,
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"substring": " community’s social, economic, and cultural life. It is used as a source of staple food, household income, and embedded cultural values. This research aims to determine the extent of sago palm habitat spread, using spatial data. The classification method and multispectral imaging by employing satellite imagery (<em>Landsat 8</em> and <em>quick bird</em>) as well as Field Survey were used. The sago forest coverage in Yapen Islands was 87.73%, located between 9-50 m asl, covering 9,456.26 ha. Meanwhile, 43.53% of the habitat lies in the inclination of 2-8% (extreme gentle slope), covering 4,692.45 ha. Sago forest is found in a gleysol soil type with a precipitation of 3,000-3,100 mm. The sago forest distances of 0 – 250 m, a"
"publication_id": 438,
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"substring": "the system’s coupling between smallholder-private forest systems and livelihood systems. The degree of the system’s coupling was measured using the value of the coupling coefficient (R). This study aimed to determine the degrees of coupling in three main farmer livelihoods. The study began by developing the causal loop diagram (CLD) of the coupling of the two systems. Samples of 72 head of the family that work as full farmers, part-time farmers, and non-farmers were taken purposively in Semoyo Village, Gunungkidul Regency. Data of farmers conditions were obtained through interviews by using questionnaires, and the conditions of smallholder-private forests were obtained through tree measurements. The results found that there was a dynamic coupling of the community forest system with community life in the three main livelihoods studied. The highest order of coupling degrees was full-time farmers, part-time farmers, and non-farmers, respectively. The difference in degrees of coupling in the three main livelihoods can be used as a basis for stakeholder intervention in formulating regulations, policies, and coaching to improve the quality of life of the community.</p>\n<p>Keywords: system’s couplin"
"publication_title": "Kekuatan Kopling Sistem dalam Pengembangan Hutan Rakyat (The Power of System’s Coupling in the Development of Smallholder-Private Forests)"
"publication_id": 389,
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"publication_title": "Pengaruh Periode dan Media Simpan terhadap Viabilitas Benih Kenanga (Cananga odorata (Lam.) Hook.f. & Thomson forma genuina) (Effect of Periods and Media Storage on Viability of Cananga Seed (Cananga odorata (Lam.) Hook.f. & Thomson forma genuina))"
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"publication_title": "Pengembangan Potensi Hasil Hutan Bukan Kayu Oleh Kelompok Sadar Hutan Lestari Wana Agung Di Register 22 Way Waya Kabupaten Lampung Tengah"
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"publication_title": "Nilai Ekonomi Total Hutan Mangrove Desa Margasari Kecamatan Labuhan Maringgai Kabupaten Lampung Timur"
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"publication_title": "Struktur, Riap Diameter, dan Daur Tebang Tegakan Tinggal Di Hutan Bekas Tebangan Di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur "
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"publication_title": "Dampak Penyaradan Kayu dengan Traktor terhadap Keanekaragaman Semut (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) di Hutan Produksi Alam, Kalimantan Tengah (Impacts of Tractor Logging on the Diversity of Ground Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Natural Production Forest)"
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"publication_title": "Identifikasi Hak, Kewajiban, dan Peluang Masyarakat dalam Peraturan Penyelenggaraan Kehutanan"
"publication_id": 534,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
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"substring": "ude of 400–402 masl in Manokwari, 200–300 masl "
"publication_title": "Agarwood Tree Characteristics based on Different Growing Habitat and Ecophysiological Attributes in the Papuan Tropical Forests"
"publication_id": 489,
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"substring": " residents’ intention and behaviors in water conservation, studies that focused on the resident’s intention and behavior in upstream areas, where water is abundant, remain underexplored. The current study used socio-psychological constructs of the theory of planned behavior (TPB), i.e., subjective norm, attitudes toward behavior, and perceived behavioral control, to analyze the determinants of water conservation intention and behavior in two villages upstream of West Java (i.e., Cibeusi and Sanca villages), Indonesia. A total of 200 usable questionnaires were retrieved. Structural equation modeling was used to determine the linkages and strength of relationships among constructs. There was evidence that residents perceived behavioral control exerted the most significant influence on residents’ water conservation intention and behavior. Moreover, perceived behavioral control was an effective mediator of the linkage between attitude and residents’ intention and behavior. The findings confirmed the suitability of TPB in explaining interrelationships among determinant factors that explain residents’ intention and behavior, albeit with different mechanisms and effects. The study implied that increasing awareness of the value of water conservation would significantly affect residents’ attitude"
"publication_title": "Understanding Resident Intention and Behavior toward Water Conservation Initiative in the Upstream of West Java, Indonesia"
"publication_id": 621,
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"publication_title": "Uji Perkecambahan Beberapa Benih Pohon Kehutanan pada Media Lumpur Settling pond dengan Pemberian Kompos"
"publication_id": 194,
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"publication_title": "Komposisi, Struktur, Dan Keanekaragaman Jenis Vegetasi Di Jalur Wisata Air Terjun Wiyono Atas Taman Hutan Raya Wan Abdul Rachman Provinsi Lampung"
"publication_id": 451,
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"substring": " community’s interests and how gender plays a role in that model is needed. This study aims to develop an appropriate gender-based waste management model to overcome these problems. The study was conducted using mixed methods of Sequential Explanatory. Quantitative data were analyzed through 3 stages: editing, coding, and tabulation in tables and diagrams. Qualitative data were analyzed descriptively through 3 stages, that are reduction, presentation, and verification. The results showed that the community’s knowled"
"publication_title": "Gender Based Waste Management Model in Sei Sembilang, Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatera Province"
"publication_id": 178,
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"suspect": {
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"publication_title": "Perbandingan Populasi Burung Cekakak (Halcyonidae) Di Lahan Basah Desa Sungai Luar Dan Lahan Basah Desa Kibang Pacing Kecamatan Menggala Timur Kabupaten Tulang Bawang"
"publication_id": 515,
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"substring": "sis at 370°C, 400°C, and 430°C was assessed as an anti-termite activity. Anti-termite activities against <em>C. curvignathus</em> were conducted by using liquid smoke with the concentration of 2%, 4%, 6%, and 8% (v/v). Simple linear regression was used to measure the effect of liquid smoke concentration against <em>C. curvignathus</em>. The results showed that the liquid smoke concentration of 6% and 8% at the three pyrolysis temperatures effectively controlled the subterranean termite's attack and resulted in 100% termites mortality. The chemical content of bintangur wood vinegar has contained phenol (1.23<em>–</em>1.65%) and acid (4.33<em>–</em>6.68"
"publication_title": "Anti-Termites Properties of Liquid Smoke from Bintangur Wood "
"publication_id": 25,
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"suspect": {
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"substring": "gnificant. </p>\n<p>K"
"publication_title": "Respon Setek Cabang Bambu Kuning (Bambusa Vulgaris) Terhadap Pemberian Aia"
"publication_id": 444,
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"substring": "matografi  Lapis  Tipis (KLT),  <em>Brine Shrimp Lethality Test</em> (BSLT), pengujian kandungan logam dengan <em>Atomic Absorption Spectrofotometry</em> (AAS), serta pengujian menggunakan FT-IR. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bawa pada kayu Yopo ditemukan positif mengandung alkaloid dan sedikit steroid-triterpenoid. Rendemen ekstrak sebesar 9,67 %, dengan eluen terbaik dari kloroform : metanol : n-heksana (8,5 : 1,5 : 1). Konsentrasi ekstrak kayu Yopo untuk LC50 adalah 116,58 ppm. Pengujian dengan AAS menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak kayu Yopo mengandung Fe sekitar 46,74 ppm dengan absorbansi 0,128. Hasil pengujian FTIR menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak kayu Yopo setidaknya mengandung 15 jenis gugus fungsi yang berbeda.</p><p> </p><p><s"
"publication_title": "Ekstraksi Senyawa Aktif pada Serbuk Kayu Yopo (Anadenanthera peregrina)"
"publication_id": 314,
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"substring": "man area.  The agroforestry cropping pattern applied by each farmer is different so it affects income.  This research has a purpose to know the agroforestry planting pattern that gives the highest income for farmer and farmer prosperity level in Sidodadi Village of Teluk Pandan Sub District of Pesawaran Regency.  The calculated variables include agroforestry receipts, production costs, non agroforestry revenues and agroforestry farmer expenditures.  The results showed that the highest agroforestry contribution was found in the second cropping pattern with the main crops of banana and cocoa which had an average income of Rp 21.640.777/KK/year.  The most prosperous farmers are in the third cropping pattern with an average income of  Rp 9.449."
"publication_title": "Kontribusi Pola Tanam Agroforestri Terhadap Pendapatan Petani"
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" ",
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"substring": "aan hutan.   Pelibatan masyarakat dalam pengelolaan hutan menjadi sebuah pendekatan yang realistis sebagai upaya untuk mendorong terwujudnya kesejahteraan masyarakat dengan tetap menjaga fungsi ekologis hutan.  Kawasan Hutan Carita sebagai kawasan pelestarian dan lingkungan hidup dijaga pemerintah untuk tetap berfungsi utama sebagai sumber pasokan air.  Saat ini ada tiga pemangku pengelola areal di KHC yaitu Balai Tahura sebagai UPT Dinas Kehutanan dan Perkebunan Provinsi Banten, Badan Litbang dan Inovasi KLHK, dan Perum Perhutani Unit III Jawa Barat.  Di sisi lain terdapat keberadaan masyarakat di sekitar KHC yang sistem penghidupannya bersumber pada KHC.  Tulisan ini menyediakan pengetahuan tentang fenomena perubahan pemangku dan alihfungsi KHC dan dampaknya terhadap interaksi masyarakat dengan KHC.   Hasil penelitian adalah keberadaan tiga pengelola hutan di KHC dengan kewenangan berbeda berimplikasi terhadap operasionalisasi pengelolaan hutan, juga   memengaruhi hubungan antara pengelola dengan masyarakat terkait dengan pengelolaan KHC.  Pendekata"
"publication_title": "Dinamika Kebijakan Pengelolaan Kawasan Hutan Carita: Adakah Jaminan Kepstian Hak Kelola Masyarakat?"
"publication_id": 306,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
"chars": [
" "
"substring": "e land and  the inco"
"publication_id": 315,
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"substring": "endidikan.  Dalam pelaksanaannya diperlukan peralatan dan bahan agar kegiatan tersebut berjalan dengan baik. Salah satu peralatan kategori 2 yang dimilki oleh laboratorium silvikultur dan perlindungan hutan adalah <em>oven</em> merk Memmert type UM 200.  <em>Oven</em> Memmert type UM 200 merupakan peralatan laboratorium yang sering digunakan untuk pengeringan seresah dalam penghitungan cadangan karbon.  Jumlah oven yang terbatas dan ukuran volume yang kecil, menimbulkan antrian penggunaan yang panjang.  Hal ini menyebabkan  sampel rusak dan membusuk.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis kemasan yang aman, mudah didapat, murah, dan lebih cepat dalam proses pengeringan.  Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan menguji empat bahan pengemas serasah, yaitu kertas koran, tompo (wadah yang terbuat dari sayatan bambu yang dianyam), alumunium foil, dan amplop kertas.  Hasil pe"
"publication_id": 374,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
"chars": [
"substring": "ir yaitu H’=2,59 yang menunjukkan sedang (1&lt;H’&lt;3). N"
"publication_title": "KELIMPAHAN DAN KERAGAMAN JENIS PAKAN TAPIR (Tapirus indicus, Desmarest, 1819) DI TAMAN NASIONAL WAY KAMBAS"
"publication_id": 290,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
"chars": [
" "
"substring": "also using  calculat"
"publication_id": 313,
"locale": "en_US",
"suspect": {
"chars": [
"substring": "70 &lt;DDD≤90). This"
"publication_title": "The Study of Carrying Capacity Watershead Antokan"
(ns user
(:require [next.jdbc :as jdbc]))
(def db {:dbtype "mysql" :dbname "sylvales_ojs"
:user "root" :password "pass123"
:host "localhost"})
(def ds (jdbc/get-datasource db))
(defn not-latin?
[^Character c]
(not= java.lang.Character$UnicodeBlock/BASIC_LATIN
(java.lang.Character$UnicodeBlock/of c)))
(defn search-for-not-latin
[^String s]
(let [xxs (keep-indexed (fn [i c]
(when (not-latin? c) [i c]))
(char-array s))
(if (empty? xxs)
(let [xs (mapv first xxs)
a (reduce min xs)
b (reduce max xs)
n 10]
{:chars (mapv second xxs)
:substring (subs s
(max 0 (- a n))
(min (.length s) (+ b n)))}))))
(def char-translate-table
{\† ""
\  "&nbsp;"
\á ""
\Â ""
\â ""
\™ ""
\¤ ""
\¥ ""
\ˆ ""
\€ ""
\Î ""
\‰ ""
\° "&deg;"
\± "&plusmn;"
\² "<sup>2</sup>"
\– "&minus;"
\³ "<sup>3</sup>"
\´ "'"
\µ "&mu;"
\× "&times;"
\‘ "'"
\’ "'"
\º "&deg;"
\“ "\""
\” "\""})
(defn latin?
[^Character c]
(= java.lang.Character$UnicodeBlock/BASIC_LATIN
(java.lang.Character$UnicodeBlock/of c)))
(defn string-replace-not-latin
[^String s translation-map]
(letfn [(replace-fst [ys]
(let [replacement (get translation-map (first ys))]
(concat replacement (rest ys))))]
(-> (loop [ss s
acc nil]
(let [[xs ys] ((juxt take-while drop-while) latin? ss)]
#_(println "XS" xs "YS" ys "\n")
(if (empty? xs)
(if (empty? ys)
(recur (replace-fst ys) acc)
;; if xs not empty
#_(println "HERE" {:acc acc :xs (count xs) :ys (take 2 ys)})
(recur (replace-fst ys) (concat acc xs))))))
(def publication-title-by-id
(->> (jdbc/execute!
(jdbc/with-options ds {:builder-fn next.jdbc.result-set/as-unqualified-lower-maps})
["select publication_id, setting_value from publication_settings where setting_name=?", "title"])
(reduce (fn [acc x]
(assoc acc (:publication_id x) (:setting_value x)))
(def all-abstracts
(jdbc/with-options ds {:builder-fn next.jdbc.result-set/as-unqualified-lower-maps})
["select publication_id, locale, setting_value from publication_settings where setting_name=?", "abstract"]))
(->> all-abstracts
(mapv (fn [{:keys [publication_id locale setting_value] :as m}]
(-> m
(dissoc :setting_value)
(assoc :suspect (search-for-not-latin setting_value)
:publication_title (get publication-title-by-id publication_id)))))
(remove (fn [x] (nil? (:suspect x))))
(spit "result.edn"))
(->> all-abstracts
(mapv (fn [{:keys [publication_id locale setting_value] :as m}]
(-> m
(dissoc :setting_value)
(assoc :suspect (search-for-not-latin setting_value)
:publication_title (get publication-title-by-id publication_id)))))
(remove (fn [x] (nil? (:suspect x))))
(mapcat (comp :chars :suspect))
(into #{}))
#{\† \  \á \Â \â \™ \¤ \¥ \ˆ \€ \Î \‰ \° \± \² \– \³ \´ \µ \× \‘ \’ \º \“ \”}
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