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Last active December 17, 2021 21:52
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Open JIRA issues from vim

Opening JIRA issues from vim

Did you ever want to open a JIRA issue from vim, so you copied the jira issue name, opened the browser, opened JIRA then pasted the issue id into the search, then clicked on the search result?

That sequence above is terribly tedious!

With the vim script below, you just position your cursor on top of the ticket id, then hit gj and boom! Issue is opened in your browser!


let g:jira_host = ''
function OpenJira()
let l:word = expand("<cWORD>")
let l:match = matchlist(l:word, '\(\w\+-\d\+\)')
if empty(l:match)
return 0
let l:issue = l:match[1]
let l:url = g:jira_host .. '/browse/' .. l:issue
call netrw#BrowseX(l:url, 0)
command OpenJira :call OpenJira()<CR>
nnoremap gj :OpenJira<CR>
let g:jira_host = ''
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