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Created June 19, 2020 10:39
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CamelCase <--> snake_case conversion in jq

CamelCase <--> snake_case conversion with jq


I provide you with 3 jq lib functions that will help you in converting between snake_case and CamelCase.

The interface

I want to change keys in my json from camelcase to snake_case.

  "SomeKey": {
    "NestedKey": "NestedValue",
    "NestedList": [
        "NestedKey": "NestedValue"
        "NestedKey": "NestedValue"
        "NestedKey": "NestedValue"

It would be nice to do this with a simple command, something like this:

<my.json | jq 'map_keys(camel_to_snake)' > my_snake.json

This would result in the following output:

  "some_key": {
    "nested_key": "NestedValue",
    "nested_list": [
        "nested_key": "NestedValue"
        "nested_key": "NestedValue"
        "nested_key": "NestedValue"

We also expect that we get the same CamelCase json back if we convert back the snake_case version.

diff <(<my.json jq) <(<my.json | jq 'map_keys(camel_to_snake)|map_keys(snake_to_camel)'); echo $?

The solution

Once you put the following functions into $HOME/.jq file the above command will just work!

def map_keys(mapper):
    if type == "object"
        key: (.key|mapper),
    else .

def camel_to_snake:
    select(. != "")
    | ascii_downcase
  | join("_");

def snake_to_camel:
  | map(
    | .[0] |= ascii_upcase
    | join("")
  | join("");
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qiangli commented Oct 17, 2022

Thanks! You rock!

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reegnz commented Oct 20, 2022

In case people are interested, I have made other jq functions as well, for converting from/to camel, snake, kebab, dotted, etc. cases as well:

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opsb commented Feb 25, 2024

Case changing and a great pattern for adding utility functions to jq, thank you so much!

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enlightenedpie commented Sep 12, 2024

I realize this is fairly old now, but I just discovered it via Google. However, one thing... Camel case and Pascal case are not the same.

Pascal case starts with uppercase letter: "PascalCase"

Camel case starts with lowercase letter: "camelCase"

Your snake_to_camel function outputs Pascal case. How could this be extended to avoid capitalizing the first word in the split?

EDIT: I figured out a solution

def snake_to_pascal:
  | map(
    | .[0] |= ascii_upcase
    | join("")
  | join("");
def snake_to_camel:
  | map(
    | .[0] |= ascii_upcase
    | join("")
  | .[0] |= ascii_downcase 
  | join("");

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