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Created February 8, 2012 17:45
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UserScripts - Gmail Quick Filter - 0.3.5
// ==UserScript==
// @name Gmail Quick Filter
// @description A filter assistant for Gmail.
// @author 1nfected
// @version 0.3.5
// @namespace 1nfected
// @license CC by-nc-sa
// @include*
// @include*
// @require
// @history 0.3.5 Fix for changes in Gmail.
// @history 0.3.5 New Feature: Smart filter verifier.
// @history 0.3.2 Changed @require for updater to point to the betawarriors domain.
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
var scriptid = 87667;
var version = '0.3.5';
try { if(self != return; }
catch(e) { return; }
// Test for Greasemonkey API & adapt accordingly
function testGM() {
const LOG_PREFIX = 'Gmail Quick Filter: ';
const LOG = true; // Enable logging
const DEBUG = false; // Set Debugging ON/OFF
isGM = typeof GM_getValue != 'undefined' && typeof GM_getValue('a', 'b') != 'undefined';
log = isGM ? function(msg) { if(LOG) GM_log(msg) } : window.opera ? function(msg) { if(LOG) opera.postError(LOG_PREFIX+msg); } : function(msg) { try { if(LOG) console.log(LOG_PREFIX+msg); } catch(e) {} }
debug = function(msg) { if(LOG && DEBUG) log('** Debug: '+msg+' **') }
addStyle = function(css,root) { var head = $('head',root)[0]; if(!head) return; var style = $c('style',{type:'text/css',innerHTML:css}); head.appendChild(style); }
// ----------------- HELPER FUNCTIONS ----------------- //
// All in one function to get elements
function $(q,root,single,context) {
root = root || document;
context = context || root;
if(q[0] == '#') return root.getElementById(q.substr(1));
if(q.match(/^[\/*]|^\.[\/\.]/)) {
if(single) return root.evaluate(q,context,null,9,null).singleNodeValue;
var arr = []; var xpr = root.evaluate(q,context,null,7,null);
for(var i = 0, len = xpr.snapshotLength; i < len; i++) arr.push(xpr.snapshotItem(i));
return arr;
if(q[0] == '.') {
if(single) return root.getElementsByClassName(q.substr(1))[0];
return root.getElementsByClassName(q.substr(1));
if(single) return root.getElementsByTagName(q)[0];
return root.getElementsByTagName(q);
// Function to create an Element
function $c(type,props) {
var node = document.createElement(type);
if(props && typeof props == 'object') { for(prop in props) if(prop) node[prop] = props[prop]; }
return node;
// Check & restore reference to canvas_frame
function checkiFrame() {
if(gmail.URL == 'about:blank') {
debug('Lost canvas_frame...');
gmail = canvas.contentDocument;
// --------------- END HELPER FUNCTIONS --------------- //
var canvas = $('#canvas_frame');
if(canvas && canvas.contentDocument) {
var gmail = canvas.contentDocument;
new GmailQuickFilter();
function GmailQuickFilter() {
var self = this;
var inbox = null;
this.construct = function() {
// Check for update [Uses PhasmaExMachina's Script Updater]
if(typeof ScriptUpdater == 'object') ScriptUpdater.check(scriptid, version);
this.insertIcons = function() {
var rows = $('.//td[contains(@class,"yX")]//div[not(.//img[@class="quickfilter"])]',gmail,false,inbox);
for(var i = 0, l = rows.length; i < l; i++) {
var row = rows[i];
if($('.quickfilter',row)[0]) continue;
var email = $('.yP',row)[0] || $('.zF',row)[0];
if(!email) continue;
this.createFilterButton = function(email) {
var filterButton = $c('img',{className:'quickfilter',title:'Create a filter for: '+email,src:'images/cleardot.gif'});
filterButton.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) {
e = e || window.event;
e.cancelBubble = true;
if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
var from = this.getAttribute('from');
self.populateFilterForm(from, e.shiftKey ? true : false, e.ctrlKey ? true : false);
}, true);
return filterButton;
this.populateFilterForm = function(from, domain, append) {
var fromField = $('//div[@class="Bc Bd"]//input[contains(@class,"nr")]',gmail,true);
if(!fromField) {
var createFilterBtn = $('//td[@class="GcwpPb-Pkt3ef GcwpPb-txTtjf"]/span[2]',gmail,true);
if(!createFilterBtn) { log('Unable to open Filter Form.'); return; }
var evt = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
evt.initEvent('click', true, true);
// Append check is necessary... THINK!
var val = fromField.value;
if(append && verify()) return;
if(domain) from = '*@'+from.split('@')[1];
fromField.value = (append ? val + '|' + from : from).replace(/^\|/,'');
function verify() {
var fromd = '*@'+from.split('@')[1];
var fromdE = val.indexOf(fromd) > -1;
var fromE = val.indexOf(from) > -1;
if(fromdE) {
log('From field already contains a domain filter for: '+fromd);
return true;
else if(domain) {
// Remove all entries of same domain if any.
var filters = val.split('|');
var newFilters = [];
for(var i = 0; i < filters.length; i++) {
var pattern = new RegExp(fromd.substr(1).replace('.','\\.')+'$');
var filter = filters[i];
else log('Removing filter: '+filter+', as '+fromd+' matches it.');
if(filters.length != newFilters.length) {
fromField.value = newFilters.join('|');
val = fromField.value;
else if(!domain && fromE) {
log('From field already contains a filter for: '+from);
return true;
return false;
this.waitforInbox = function(t) {
if(t > 20) { log('Unable to start Gmail Quick Filter.'); return; }
inbox = $('//table[@class="Bs nH"]/tr/td[@class="Bu"][2]//div[@class="diLZtc"]',gmail,true)
|| $('//div[contains(@class,"cS")]/following-sibling::div[@class="nH"]/div/div[2]//div[@class="diLZtc"]',gmail,true);
if(!inbox) { debug('Retry Gmail Quick Filter hook...'); window.setTimeout(self.waitforInbox,t*100,++t); return; }
inbox.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', function(e) {
//if('Cp') > -1)
addStyle('.quickfilter:hover{opacity:1!important}.quickfilter{opacity:0.4;vertical-align:middle;width:16px;height:16px;background: url() no-repeat center}',gmail);
log('Gmail Quick Filter started.');
return this.construct();
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