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reesericci /
Last active January 15, 2023 19:35
Winter project [WIP]
name project
@reesericci &
Foosball Scoreboard

Foosball Scoreboard


We are going to build an IoT scoreboard for the foosball club at our high school that will automatically connect to the rating system we have. It will be basically a strip of NeoPixels for each team and then an arcade button you can hit when you score. We will also have a screen and interface for selecting who's playing and the max point value, to be able to communicate that to the rating system. A stretch goal would be to implement tournaments as well, so it automatically knows who's playing during a tournament.

reesericci / style.css
Last active November 15, 2022 07:07 — forked from StuntStorm/style.css
reesericci scrapbook css
@font-face {
font-family:PP Editorial New;
src:local("PP Editorial New Ultrabold"),
url( format("woff2")
@font-face {
font-family:PP Editorial New;
reesericci / .env.example
Last active July 7, 2022 15:02
JB live serverless function
PUBLIC_KEY="RSA 256 public key"
DEFAULT_CHATROOM="website URL to live chatroom"
DEFAULT_TITLE="Live Stream Title"
DEFAULT_URL="website URL to live stream location"
reesericci /
Last active April 5, 2022 15:58


reesericci / DarkMono.theme.css
Last active June 10, 2020 16:41
DarkMono Discord Theme for Better Discord - based off of the Dark Discord theme by zzsmario with the Mononoki font
* @name DarkMono
* @version 1.0
* @description A forked version of Dark Discord by zzsmario with the Mononoki font and horizontal server list
* @author reesericci
@import url('')

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