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Created May 20, 2012 20:14
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GIT Workflow
Design/Integration & Development Workflow
Local (localhost on every machine or remote VM's)
- I think we should start off with xampp or wamp as our environment, as this will be faster to setup on peoples machines.
- The databases on the development server are mimiced on the office server and can be taken/synced at any time.
Development Server (The working application at all times so the client can edit db and navigate around the site without issues)
- Ideally all database changes will be done by the development version of the site. Keep in mind that when creating products and
categories there will be media changes these will need to be tracked by GIT
Live Server
- This is a branch based on the development version called 'live' when syncing down a version of the live we can merge the live
to the development branch.
Potential problems
- Permissions on development sites when pushing.
- Merging maybe upto 10 branches when a site is in full development.
- URL in core_config_data problem, can be solved with a local change to hosts in windows/system etc
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