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Last active November 6, 2019 13:27
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# The meeting matrix can be improved with constraints e.g output has minimum waiting person and
# shortest total duration by using constraing programming or linear optimization.
# The problem is very similar to N-Queens.
# Right now you can find optimum solution by running the code multiple times.
import itertools
import random
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
team = ['Erhan', 'Brown', 'Mustermann', 'Jack', 'Joe', 'Rambo', 'Steve']
rooms = ['Flottbek', 'Osterbek', 'Seeve']
pairs = list(itertools.combinations(team, 2))
start_time_str = "12.11.2019 10:00"
duration_in_mins = 10
meetings = {}
coffee=('coffee', 'coffee')
def has_capacity(slot, max_size):
if len(slot) < max_size:
return True
return False
def fit_into_slot(time_slot, pair):
if len(time_slot) > 0:
for a, b in time_slot:
if a == pair[0] or a == pair[1] or b == pair[0] or b == pair[1]:
return False
return True
def get_person_for_coffee(slot):
booked = list(itertools.chain(*slot))
non_booked = []
for person in team:
if not person in booked:
return non_booked
def get_template(rooms, prefix):
t = prefix
for i in range(len(rooms)):
t += '{:20} '
return t
def format_pair(pair_list):
str_pair_list = []
for i in range(len(rooms)):
if i == len(rooms) - 1:
if i < len(pair_list) and isinstance(pair_list[i], tuple):
str_pair_list.append(pair_list[i][0] + ":" + pair_list[i][1])
return get_template(rooms, '').format(*str_pair_list)
def process(p_head, p_tail, current_time, mark = None):
current_time_str = current_time.strftime("%H:%M")
if not current_time_str in meetings:
meetings[current_time_str] = []
current_slot = meetings[current_time_str]
if not has_capacity(current_slot, len(rooms)):
next_time = current_time + timedelta(minutes = duration_in_mins)
next_time_str = next_time.strftime("%H:%M")
meetings[next_time_str] = []
current_slot = meetings[next_time_str]
current_time = next_time
if fit_into_slot(current_slot, p_head):
if len(p_tail) > 0:
it = iter(p_tail)
process(next(it), list(it), current_time)
if mark == p_head:
if len(p_tail) > 0:
process(p_head, p_tail, current_time)
if not mark:
mark = p_head
if len(p_tail) > 0:
it = iter(p_tail)
process(next(it), list(it), current_time, mark)
it = iter(pairs)
process(next(it), list(it), datetime.strptime(start_time_str, "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M"))
if len(rooms) % 2 > 0:
print(get_template(rooms, ' ').format(*rooms))
for key in sorted( meetings.keys() ):
print(key + " | " + format_pair(meetings[key]))
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