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Last active March 27, 2019 07:34
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def get_numpy_data(data_sframe, features, output):
data_sframe['constant'] = 1 # this is how you add a constant column to an SFrame
# add the column 'constant' to the front of the features list so that we can extract it along with the others:
features = ['constant'] + features # this is how you combine two lists
# select the columns of data_SFrame given by the features list into the SFrame features_sframe (now including constant):
features_sframe = data_sframe[features]
# the following line will convert the features_SFrame into a numpy matrix:
feature_matrix = features_sframe.to_numpy()
# assign the column of data_sframe associated with the output to the SArray output_sarray
output_sarray = data_sframe['price']
# the following will convert the SArray into a numpy array by first converting it to a list
output_array = output_sarray.to_numpy()
return(feature_matrix, output_array)
def predict_output(feature_matrix, weights):
# assume feature_matrix is a numpy matrix containing the features as columns and weights is a corresponding numpy array
# create the predictions vector by using
predictions =, weights)
def normalize_features(feature_matrix):
norms = np.linalg.norm(feature_matrix, axis=0)
normalized_features = feature_matrix / norms
return (normalized_features, norms)
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