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Last active April 23, 2023 14:24
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Configuring evdev RPCS3 joysticks

Configuring evdev RPCS3 joysticks

The evdev joystick code in RPCS3 is primarily designed to use XBox controllers by default. For other controllers, you'll probably need to make a few changes.

The config file

Configuration is stored in $HOME/.config/rpcs3/config_linuxjoystick.yml. The easiest way to test your joystick is with the PS3 Game Pad Test homebrew.


If you're not using an XBox controller, and your joysticks flat-out aren't working, try adding this to the config file:

Axis scaling: false

In addition, if when using one of the joysticks, the trigger buttons (e.g. R1/R2/L1/L2) are pressed down, add this:

Z axis triggers: false

TODO: Remapping axes.


Use the evtest utility on your joystick, e.g. evtest /dev/input/by-id/my-joystick, and note which buttons are sending which button codes. You can then remap the buttons using this syntax:

Select: 8
Start: 9

Triangle: 0
Circle: 1
Cross: 2
Square: 3

R1: 7
R2: 5
R3: 11
L1: 6
L2: 4
L3: 10

You don't need to remap all the buttons; just do the ones you need to change.


Some controllers set the D-pad to be configured as an extra hat. In this case, RPCS3 will work out-of-the-box. However, if your controllers sends D-pad events as buttons instead, then note the button codes (see the Buttons section above), and add them to the config file like so:

Up: 1
Down: 2
Left: 3
Right: 4


Here's an example config file for a PS2 controller:

Axis scaling: false
Z axis triggers: false

Select: 8
Start: 9

Triangle: 0
Circle: 1
Cross: 2
Square: 3

R1: 7
R2: 5
R3: 11
L1: 6
L2: 4
L3: 10
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