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Last active January 24, 2016 19:49
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Generate 440Hz (note A) wave file on Windows with Python
import mmap
import winsound as ws
import struct as st
from math import sin, cos, radians
from random import randint
# in RIFF format (and therefore in WAVE) ALL NUMBERS ARE LITTLE ENDIAN
FILE_SIZE = 44100*10+44 # bytes
FREQ = 440 # Hz
SAMPLE_FREQ = 44100 # Hz
#s = mmap.mmap(-1, FILE_SIZE)
s = open("1.wav", "wb")
s.write(b"RIFF") # 4B
s.write( st.pack("<I", FILE_SIZE-8) ) # file size - 8
s.write(b"WAVE") # 4B
s.write(b"fmt ")
s.write( st.pack("<I", 0x10) ) # chunk data size - always 0x10
s.write( st.pack("<I", 0x00010001) ) # 2B compression code (0x01)
# and 2B channel numbers (0x01)
s.write( st.pack("<I", SAMPLE_FREQ) ) # 4B sample rate in Hz
s.write( st.pack("<I", SAMPLE_FREQ*2) ) # 4B Bytes/sec
# 2B Bytes/sample: 1=8bit mono;$ 2=8bit stereo OR 16bit mono; 4=16bit stereo
# 2B bits/sample
s.write( bytes.fromhex("02 00 10 00") )
#s.write( bytes[02,00,10,00] )
s.write( st.pack("<I", FILE_SIZE-11*4) ) # 4B length of data to follow
#sound samples
for i in range(int((FILE_SIZE-11*4) / 2)):
x = int( sin( radians( i * FREQ/(SAMPLE_FREQ/360/2) ) ) * 32767 )
#x = randint(0,65535) # white noise
s.write( st.pack( "<i", x ) )
ws.PlaySound("1.wav", ws.SND_FILENAME)
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