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Last active February 3, 2022 12:11
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This is a java program to solve a mystry number using java streams

Intresting Problem

I was suprised to see a puzzle given to an elementry school kid. Let me put the puzzle to you and I was planning to solve it manually and was lazy to do the math. Then I got an Idea to solving through Java Program. My cup of Coffee :).


What is the mystery number?

  1. It is greater then 1 lakh but less then 10 lakhs
  2. It's an even number
  3. None of the digits is less then 3
  4. Sum of the digits in 1s, 10s and 100s place is 12
  5. Sum of the digits in 1s, 10s and 100s place is 12

I thought Java Streams would be my best bet to solve such riddles and here is the program.

Here is the answer

public class SolveMathPuzzle {
public static void main(String args[]) {
IntStream.range(100000,1000000) //It is greater then 1 lakh but less then 10 lakhs
.filter(num -> num % 2 == 0 ) // It's an even number
.filter(str -> str.matches("[3-9]+"))//None of the digits is less then 3
.filter(str -> str.length() == str.chars().distinct().count()) //No digits used more then once
.filter(num -> sumd(num % 1000, 12)) //Sum of the digits in 1s, 10s and 100s place is 12
.filter(num -> sumd((num / 10) % 100, (num % 100000) / 10000)) //Sum of the digits in 1s, 10s and 100s place is 12
private static boolean sumd(Integer number, int value) {
int sum = String.valueOf(number).chars()
.map(c -> c-'0')
.reduce(0, Integer::sum);
return sum == value;
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