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Last active July 17, 2024 02:50
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Disable Microsoft AutoUpdate on MacOS (Office 365 updater)

Following commands disables Microsoft AutoUpdate launch agent from launching at boot and periodicaly checking for updates.

sudo defaults write /Library/LaunchAgents/ Disabled -bool YES
sudo defaults write /Library/LaunchAgents/ RunAtLoad -bool NO
sudo chflags schg /Library/LaunchAgents/


One more thing, if you want to disable feedback, telemetry and starting of the Microsoft AutoUpdate app when you start another Microsoft app:

defaults write 'MAUFeedbackEnabled' -bool FALSE
defaults write 'SendAllTelemetryEnabled' -bool FALSE
defaults write 'StartDaemonOnAppLaunch' -bool FALSE


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@refo Thanks for this

For some reason lines 1 and 2 didn’t work for me /Library/LaunchAgents/ would be overwritten with what looked like a directory listing.

> sudo defaults write /Library/LaunchAgents/ Disabled -bool YES

> cat /Library/LaunchAgents/

-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  715 17 Oct 13:25 /Library/LaunchAgents/

Not sure why, I cannot see why this is happening 🤷🏼‍♂️

Anyway I got around this by using an alternative way to change the plists.

sudo /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set Disabled YES" /Library/LaunchAgents/
sudo /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set RunAtLoad NO" /Library/LaunchAgents/

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