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Last active October 8, 2019 08:42
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# "look ma, no hands"
# commented on each individual directive are the available parameters
# requires:
#   - /data/users.json (
# follow same naming convention as jfd... (b)ackend, (-)noauth only jwt tokens, (o)wncloud storage driver

    max_cpus = "2" # (100% | 4)
    disable_http = true # otherwise an http server is started on port :9998

    mode = "console" # (console | json) -> cmd/revad/main.go
    # output = "/var/tmp/.revad.json"
    level = "debug" # (debug | info | warn | error | fatal | panic) -> zerolog flags: default: zerolog.InfoLevel (1)

# gRPC core configurations
    network = "tcp"
    address = "localhost:9999" # where the grpc server will listen
    enabled_services = [ # one of the available grpc services (one of cmd/svcs/grpcsvcs/)
    enabled_interceptors = ["auth"] # grpc in / outbound middleware

    token_manager = "jwt"
    # skip_methods = ["/cs3.authv0alpha.AuthService/GenerateAccessToken", "/cs3.authv0alpha.AuthService/WhoAmI"]

## The user share provider service
driver = "memory"

    secret = "Uv38ByGCZU8WP18PmmIdcpVmx00QA3xN"

    driver = "owncloud" # ( owncloud | local | eos | s3) -> any of pkg/storage/fs
    mount_path = "/" # where the file system is going to be mounted
    mount_id = "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000"
    # tmp_folder = "/var/tmp"
    data_server_url = ""

    md5   = 100
    unset = 1000

    datadirectory = "/data" # where our data is going to live (?)
    # requires redis as well, but defaults to localhost:6379
    # requires scan -> defaults to true
    # requires autocreate -> defaults to true

    driver = "static"

    "/" = "localhost:9999"
    "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000" = "localhost:9999"

    driver = "memory"

    token_manager = "jwt" # ( demo | jwt) -> any of pkg/token/manager
    auth_manager = "json" # ( demo | impersonator | json | ldap | oidc) -> any of pkg/auth/manager
    user_manager = "json" # ( demo | json | ldap | oidc) -> any of pkg/user/manager

    users = "/data/users.json" # file to get user credentials from -> pkg/auth/manager/json

    users = "/data/users.json" # file to get user credentials from -> pkg/user/manager/json

    secret = "Uv38ByGCZU8WP18PmmIdcpVmx00QA3xN" # 
    expires = 36000 # secret expires in 10 hours


# this gateway service offers:
# - authorization via OIDC
# - a data endpoint
# rely requests to the backend (running on :9999)

    max_cpus = "100%"
    disable_grpc = true

    mode = "console"
    level = "debug"

    network = "tcp"
    address = ""
    # http available services are listed on cmd/revad/svcs/httpsvcs
    # App Registry (appregistrysvc): todo: what does this service do?
    # Data Service (datasvc): ...
    # Hello World (helloworldsvc): Exposes a simple hello world http service
    # Iframe UI (iframeuisvc): ...
    # Owncloud's DAV (ocdavsvc): Exposes a WebDAV service
    # OIDC Provider (oidcprovider): Provides an authorization service over http
    # Web UI (webuisvc): ...
    # Wellknown (wellknown): Exposes a set of trusted http responses
    enabled_services = [
        "ocssvc", # capabilities ... are fetched from this endpoint
        "oidcprovider", # requires also a well known service (/.well-known) for reva to fetch configs
    # ocs endpoint requires authorization, therefore an auth middleware has to be enabled
    enabled_middlewares = ["cors", "auth"]

# auth middleware configuration

    credential_strategy = "oidc"
    token_strategy = "header"
    gatewaysvc = ""
    token_writer = "header"
    token_manager = "jwt"
    skip_methods = [

    secret = "Uv38ByGCZU8WP18PmmIdcpVmx00QA3xN"

    header = "X-Access-Token"

    header = "X-Access-Token"

# !auth middleware configuration

# cors middleware
    priority = 200
    allowed_origins = ["*"]
    allow_credentials = true
    allowed_methods = ["OPTIONS", "GET", "PUT", "POST", "DELETE", "MKCOL", "PROPFIND", "PROPPATCH", "MOVE", "COPY", "REPORT", "SEARCH"]
    allowed_headers = ["Origin", "Accept", "Content-Type", "X-Requested-With", "Authorization", "Ocs-Apirequest", "If-None-Match"]
    options_passthrough = true

# !cors middleware

# oidc config
    prefix = "oauth2"
    # the authorization manager and user manager need to be told where to get their data from (/data/users.json)
    auth_manager = "json" # one of the authorization manager on pkg/auth
    user_manager = "json"

    users = "/data/users.json"

    users = "/data/users.json"
# !oidc config

# wellknown config
    prefix = ".well-known" # serves http://localhost:9998/.well-known/openid-configuration and /webfinger
# !wellknown config

# webdav
    prefix = ""
    gatewaysvc = "localhost:9999"
    chunk_folder = "/var/tmp/owncloud/chunks"
# !webdav

# data service
    driver = "owncloud"
    prefix = "data"
    temp_folder = "/var/tmp/"

    datadirectory = "/data"
# !data service

# ocs service
    prefix = "ocs"
    gatewaysvc = "localhost:9999"
    user_manager = "json"
    publicshare_manager = "memory"

    users = "/data/users.json"

    version = "1.8"
    website = "nexus"
    host = "https://localhost:9997"
    contact = "admin@localhost"
    ssl = "true"
    poll_interval = 60
    webdav_root = "remote.php/webdav"
    installed = true
    maintenance = false
    needsDbUpgrade = false
    version = ""
    versionstring = "10.0.9"
    edition = "community"
    productname = "reva"
    hostname = ""
    supported_types = ["SHA256"]
    preferred_upload_type = "SHA256"
    private_links = true
    bigfilechunking = true
    blacklisted_files = ["foo"]
    undelete = true
    versioning = true
    chunking = "1.0"
    trashbin = "1.0"
    reports = ["custom"]

    api_enabled = true
    resharing = true
    group_sharing = true
    auto_accept_share = true
    share_with_group_members_only = true
    share_with_membership_groups_only = true
    default_permissions = 22
    search_min_length = 3
    enabled = true
    send_mail = true
    social_share = true
    upload = true
    multiple = true
    supports_upload_only = true
    enforced = true
    read_only = true
    read_write = true
    upload_only = true
    enabled = true
    send_mail = true
    enabled = true
    group_members_only = true
    outgoing = true
    incoming = true
    endpoints = ["list", "get", "delete"]
    edition = "nexus"
    major = 10
    minor = 0
    micro = 11
    string = "10.0.11"
# !ocs service


# gateway only. No http.

    max_cpus = "100%"
    disable_http = true

    mode = "console"
    level = "debug"

    network = "tcp"
    address = ""
    enabled_services = ["authsvc", "gatewaysvc"]

    authsvc = ""
    storageregistrysvc = "localhost:9999"
    publicshareprovidersvc = "localhost:9999"
    commit_share_to_storage_grant = true
    commit_share_to_storage_ref = true

# Order and configuration of grpc interceptors 

# GRPC interceptors
    # keys for grpc metadata are always lowercase, so interceptors headers need to use lowercase.
    token_manager = "jwt"
    # GenerateAccessToken contains the credentials in the payload. Skip auth, otherwise services cannot obtain a token.
    skip_methods = ["/cs3.authv0alpha.AuthService/GenerateAccessToken", "/cs3.authv0alpha.AuthService/WhoAmI"]

    secret = "Uv38ByGCZU8WP18PmmIdcpVmx00QA3xN"

# GRPC services
## The authentication service
    token_manager = "jwt"
    auth_manager = "oidc"
    user_manager = "oidc"

    provider = "http://localhost:9998"
    insecure = true
    # the client credentials for the token introspection backchannel
    client_id = "phoenix"
    client_secret = "foobar"

    secret = "Uv38ByGCZU8WP18PmmIdcpVmx00QA3xN"


unified.toml = backend + frontend start the gateway.toml on a separate proccess. This makes things easier to debug

# runs backend + http frontend
# a gateway MUST run on a separate process
    max_cpus = "100%" # (100% | 4)

    mode = "console" # (console | json) -> cmd/revad/main.go
    # output = "/var/tmp/.revad.json" # uncomment for file logging. Will work tailing the logfie with jq.
    level = "debug" # (debug | info | warn | error | fatal | panic) -> zerolog flags: default: zerolog.InfoLevel (1)

# gRPC core configurations
    network = "tcp"
    address = "localhost:9999" # where the grpc server will listen
    enabled_services = [ # one of the available grpc services (one of cmd/svcs/grpcsvcs/)
        # public shares on
        # user shares on
    enabled_interceptors = ["auth"] # grpc in / outbound middleware

    token_manager = "jwt"
    # skip_methods = ["/cs3.authv0alpha.AuthService/GenerateAccessToken", "/cs3.authv0alpha.AuthService/WhoAmI"]

## The user share provider service
    driver = "memory"

    secret = "Uv38ByGCZU8WP18PmmIdcpVmx00QA3xN"

    driver = "owncloud" # ( owncloud | local | eos | s3) -> any of pkg/storage/fs
    mount_path = "/" # where the file system is going to be mounted
    mount_id = "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000"
    # tmp_folder = "/var/tmp"
    data_server_url = ""

    md5   = 100
    unset = 1000

    datadirectory = "/data" # where our data is going to live (?)
    # requires redis as well, but defaults to localhost:6379
    # requires scan -> defaults to true
    # requires autocreate -> defaults to true

    driver = "static"

    "/" = "localhost:9999"
    "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000" = "localhost:9999"

    driver = "memory"

    token_manager = "jwt" # ( demo | jwt) -> any of pkg/token/manager
    auth_manager = "json" # ( demo | impersonator | json | ldap | oidc) -> any of pkg/auth/manager
    user_manager = "json" # ( demo | json | ldap | oidc) -> any of pkg/user/manager

    users = "/data/users.json" # file to get user credentials from -> pkg/auth/manager/json

    users = "/data/users.json" # file to get user credentials from -> pkg/user/manager/json

    secret = "Uv38ByGCZU8WP18PmmIdcpVmx00QA3xN" # 
    expires = 36000 # secret expires in 10 hours

# frontend

# this gateway service offers:
# - authorization via OIDC
# - a data endpoint
# rely requests to the backend (running on :9999)

    network = "tcp"
    address = ""
    # http available services are listed on cmd/revad/svcs/httpsvcs
    # App Registry (appregistrysvc): todo: what does this service do?
    # Data Service (datasvc): ...
    # Hello World (helloworldsvc): Exposes a simple hello world http service
    # Iframe UI (iframeuisvc): ...
    # Owncloud's DAV (ocdavsvc): Exposes a WebDAV service
    # OIDC Provider (oidcprovider): Provides an authorization service over http
    # Web UI (webuisvc): ...
    # Wellknown (wellknown): Exposes a set of trusted http responses
    enabled_services = [
        "ocssvc", # capabilities ... are fetched from this endpoint
        "oidcprovider", # requires also a well known service (/.well-known) for reva to fetch configs
    # ocs endpoint requires authorization, therefore an auth middleware has to be enabled
    enabled_middlewares = ["cors", "auth"]

# auth middleware configuration

    credential_strategy = "oidc"
    token_strategy = "header"
    gatewaysvc = "" # location of the gateway
    token_writer = "header"
    token_manager = "jwt"
    skip_methods = [

    secret = "Uv38ByGCZU8WP18PmmIdcpVmx00QA3xN"

    header = "X-Access-Token"

    header = "X-Access-Token"

# !auth middleware configuration

# cors middleware
    priority = 200
    allowed_origins = ["*"]
    allow_credentials = true
    allowed_methods = ["OPTIONS", "GET", "PUT", "POST", "DELETE", "MKCOL", "PROPFIND", "PROPPATCH", "MOVE", "COPY", "REPORT", "SEARCH"]
    allowed_headers = ["Origin", "Accept", "Content-Type", "X-Requested-With", "Authorization", "Ocs-Apirequest", "If-None-Match"]
    options_passthrough = true

# !cors middleware

# oidc config
    prefix = "oauth2"
    # the authorization manager and user manager need to be told where to get their data from (/data/users.json)
    auth_manager = "json" # one of the authorization manager on pkg/auth
    user_manager = "json"

    users = "/data/users.json"

    users = "/data/users.json"
# !oidc config

# wellknown config
    prefix = ".well-known" # serves http://localhost:9998/.well-known/openid-configuration and /webfinger
# !wellknown config

# webdav
    prefix = ""
    gatewaysvc = "localhost:9999"
    chunk_folder = "/var/tmp/owncloud/chunks"
# !webdav

# data service
    driver = "owncloud"
    prefix = "data"
    temp_folder = "/var/tmp/"

    datadirectory = "/data"
# !data service

# ocs service
    prefix = "ocs"
    gatewaysvc = "localhost:9999"
    user_manager = "json"
    publicshare_manager = "memory"

    users = "/data/users.json"

    version = "1.8"
    website = "nexus"
    host = "https://localhost:9997"
    contact = "admin@localhost"
    ssl = "true"
    poll_interval = 60
    webdav_root = "remote.php/webdav"
    installed = true
    maintenance = false
    needsDbUpgrade = false
    version = ""
    versionstring = "10.0.9"
    edition = "community"
    productname = "reva"
    hostname = ""
    supported_types = ["SHA256"]
    preferred_upload_type = "SHA256"
    private_links = true
    bigfilechunking = true
    blacklisted_files = ["foo"]
    undelete = true
    versioning = true
    chunking = "1.0"
    trashbin = "1.0"
    reports = ["custom"]

    api_enabled = true
    resharing = true
    group_sharing = true
    auto_accept_share = true
    share_with_group_members_only = true
    share_with_membership_groups_only = true
    default_permissions = 22
    search_min_length = 3
    enabled = true
    send_mail = true
    social_share = true
    upload = true
    multiple = true
    supports_upload_only = true
    enforced = true
    read_only = true
    read_write = true
    upload_only = true
    enabled = true
    send_mail = true
    enabled = true
    group_members_only = true
    outgoing = true
    incoming = true
    endpoints = ["list", "get", "delete"]
    edition = "nexus"
    major = 10
    minor = 0
    micro = 11
    string = "10.0.11"
# !ocs service
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