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Created October 13, 2021 09:17
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(defn paths
"Returns a lazy seq of all non-looping path vectors starting with
[nodes-fn path]
(let [this-node (peek path)]
(->> (nodes-fn this-node)
(filter #(not-any? (fn [edge] (= edge [this-node %]))
(partition 2 1 path)))
(mapcat #(paths nodes-fn (conj path %)))
(cons path))))
(defn trace-paths [m start]
(remove #(m (peek %)) (paths m [start])))
(defn- find-paths [from-map to-map matches]
(for [n matches
from (map reverse (trace-paths from-map n))
to (map rest (trace-paths to-map n))]
(vec (concat from to))))
(defn- neighbor-pairs [neighbors q coll]
(for [node q
nbr (neighbors node)
:when (not (contains? coll nbr))]
[nbr node]))
(defn bidirectional-bfs [start end neighbors]
(let [find-pairs (partial neighbor-pairs neighbors)
overlaps (fn [coll q] (seq (filter #(contains? coll %) q)))
map-set-pairs (fn [map pairs]
(persistent! (reduce (fn [map [key val]]
(assoc! map key (conj (get map key #{}) val)))
(transient map) pairs)))]
(loop [preds {start nil} ; map of outgoing nodes to where they came from
succs {end nil} ; map of incoming nodes to where they came from
q1 (list start) ; queue of outgoing things to check
q2 (list end)] ; queue of incoming things to check
(when (and (seq q1) (seq q2))
(if (<= (count q1) (count q2))
(let [pairs (find-pairs q1 preds)
preds (map-set-pairs preds pairs)
q1 (map first pairs)]
(if-let [all (overlaps succs q1)]
(find-paths preds succs (set all))
(recur preds succs q1 q2)))
(let [pairs (find-pairs q2 succs)
succs (map-set-pairs succs pairs)
q2 (map first pairs)]
(if-let [all (overlaps preds q2)]
(find-paths preds succs (set all))
(recur preds succs q1 q2))))))))
;; =============================================================================
(defn connected-movies
[db snapshot person-id]
(map first
(xt/q db
{:find '[movie-id]
:where '[[?p :tmdb.person/id person-id]
[?p :tmdb.cast/character]
[?p movie-id]]
:args [{:person-id person-id}]})))
(defn connected-people
[db snapshot movie-id]
(map first
(xt/q db
{:find '[person-id]
:where '[[?p :tmdb.person/id person-id]
[?p :tmdb.cast/character]
[?p movie-id]]
:args [{:movie-id movie-id}]})))
(defn connected-to
[db snapshot id]
(connected-movies db snapshot id)
(connected-people db snapshot id)))
(defn find-id-paths [db snapshot source target]
(bidirectional-bfs source target (partial connected-to db snapshot)))
(defn ids->docs
[db snapshot ids]
(for [id ids]
(xt/q db #_snapshot
{:find '[id title]
:where '[[id title]
:args [{:id id}]}))
(xt/q db #_snapshot
{:find '[id title]
:where '[[id :tmdb.person/name title]
:args [{:id id}]}))
;; :tmdb/person-32747 :tmdb/person-10205
(time (with-open [db (xt/open-db rocks-node)]
(let [paths (find-id-paths db :snapshot
(doall (map
;;count #_
(partial ids->docs db :snapshot) paths)))))
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