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Last active September 8, 2022 10:28
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;; inspired by a Clojurians chat
;; simplified version, without any persisted data:
(defn pairs [coll]
(loop [[x & xs] coll
result []]
(if (nil? xs)
(recur xs (apply conj result (map #(vector x %) xs))))))
(defn all-different [coll]
(mapv (fn [[a b]]
(vector (list 'not= a b)))
(pairs coll)))
(let [n (xt/start-node {}) ;; lightweight in-memory XTDB node, contains no data
mentee-ids ["bob" "mary" "ricky"]
mentor-preferences [#{"lucy" "fred" "ethel"}
#{"lucy" "ethel"}
#{"ethel" "fred"}]
mentor-lvars (mapv #(gensym %) mentee-ids)]
(->> (apply xt/q
(xt/db n)
{:find mentor-lvars
:in (mapv #(vector % '...) mentor-lvars)
:where (all-different mentor-lvars)}
(map (fn [r] (map #(vector %1 %2) mentee-ids r)))))
;;=> ((["bob" "lucy"] ["mary" "ethel"] ["ricky" "fred"]) (["bob" "fred"] ["mary" "lucy"] ["ricky" "ethel"]) (["bob" "ethel"] ["mary" "lucy"] ["ricky" "fred"]))
;; Here XT's Datalog implementation is working as a general purpose backtracking constraint solver to find the mapping from a list of mentees to lists of mentors (i.e. an
;; The "alldifferent" constraint is naively implemented using a set of `!=` clauses.
;; It also works completely lazily, i.e. :limit 1 will halt the search after the first result is found.
;; The generated query looks like:
'{:find [bob35426 mary35427 ricky35428],
:in [[bob35426 ...] [mary35427 ...] [ricky35428 ...]],
:where [[(not= bob35426 mary35427)] [(not= bob35426 ricky35428)] [(not= mary35427 ricky35428)]]}
;; Original notes + solution that can work on persisted indexes...
;; Given a set of mentors and mentees
;; Each mentee can have a list of mentor preferences
;; I want to find all solutions to matching mentees with their mentor preferences.
;; Each mentor can only be a mentor for one mentee
;; (def mentor-match-schema [{:db/ident :mentee/name
;; :db/valuetype :db.type/string
;; :db/unique :db.unique/identity
;; :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one
;; :db/doc "name of a mentee"}
;; {:db/ident :mentor/handle
;; :db/valuetype :db.type/string
;; :db/unique :db.unique/identity
;; :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one
;; :db/doc "handle of a mentor"}
;; {:db/ident :mentee/mentor-preference
;; :db/valuetype :db.type/ref
;; :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many}])
(def mentors
{0 "fred"
1 "lucy"
2 "ethel"})
(def mentees
{0 "bob"
1 "mary"
2 "ricky"})
(def mentee-preferences
[{:mentee "bob"
:mentor-preferences ["lucy" "fred" "ethel"]}
{:mentee "mary"
:mentor-preferences ["lucy" "ethel"]}
{:mentee "ricky"
:mentor-preferences ["ethel" "fred"]}
(def mentors-data (mapcat
(fn [{:keys [mentor-preferences]}]
#(hash-map :mentor/handle %)
(def mentees-data
(fn [x]
(let [{:keys [mentee mentor-preferences]} x]
{:mentee/name mentee
(map #(hash-map :mentor/handle %)
;; expected solutions
;; (([:bob :fred] [:mary :lucy] [:ricky :ethel])
;; ([:bob :lucy] [:mary :ethel] [:ricky :fred])
;; ([:bob :ethel] [:mary :lucy] [:ricky :fred]))
(let [n (xt/start-node {})]
(->> (xt/submit-tx n (mapv
(fn [m] [::xt/put m])
(concat (for [m mentors-data]
(assoc m :xt/id (:mentor/handle m)))
(for [m mentees-data]
(-> (assoc m :xt/id (:mentee/name m))
(update :mentee/mentor-preference (fn [hs]
(mapv :mentor/handle hs))))))))
(xt/await-tx n))
(let [mentee-ids (mapv :mentee/name mentees-data)
mentor-lvars (mapv #(gensym %) mentee-ids)]
(->> (xt/q (xt/db n)
{:find mentor-lvars
:where (vec (concat (mapv #(vector %1 :mentee/mentor-preference %2) mentee-ids mentor-lvars)
(all-different mentor-lvars)))})
(map (fn [r] (map #(vector %1 %2) mentee-ids r))))))
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