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refset/txfns.clj Secret

Created August 25, 2020 11:30
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Initial crux-datoms spike
{:crux.db/id :reify-tx
:crux.db/fn '(fn [ctx ops & [annotation-map]]
(conj ops [:crux.tx/put (merge
(or annotation-map {})
{:crux.db/id :tx-meta
:ops ops
:tx-meta/tx-instant (new java.util.Date)
:tx-meta/ids (into #{} (map #(nth % 2) ops))})]))}
{:crux.db/id :add
:crux.db/fn '(fn [ctx entity-id & [attribute value]]
(let [db (crux.api/db ctx)
schema (crux.api/entity db :schema)]
(if (or (not= (:crux.db/unique (attribute schema)) :crux.db.unique/identity)
(and (= (:crux.db/unique (attribute schema)) :crux.db.unique/identity)
(empty? (crux.api/q db {:find '[e] :where [['e attribute value]]}))))
(if-let [entity (crux.api/entity db entity-id)]
[[:crux.tx/put (update entity
#(if (when-let [att (attribute schema)]
(= :crux.db.cardinality/one (:crux.db/cardinality att)))
(if (some? %1)
(if (or (vector? %) (set? %1))
(conj %1 %2)
#{%1 %2})
[[:crux.tx/put (hash-map :crux.db/id entity-id attribute value)]])
[[:crux.tx/put :add-uniqueness-failed attribute value]])) ;; TODO need to return log a proper descriptive error somehow
{:crux.db/id :retract
:crux.db/fn '(fn [ctx entity-id & [attribute value]]
(let [db (crux.api/db ctx)
schema (crux.api/entity db :schema)]
(when-let [entity (crux.api/entity db entity-id)]
(when-let [existing-value (attribute entity)]
(if (or (when-let [att (attribute schema)]
(= :crux.db.cardinality/one (:crux.db/cardinality att)))
(= existing-value value)
(and (coll? existing-value) (= 1 (count existing-value)) (= existing-value value)))
(dissoc entity attribute)
(update entity
#(into (or (and (set? %1) #{}) (and (vector? %1) [])) (remove #{%2} %1))
{:crux.db/id :retract-entity
:crux.db/fn '(fn [ctx entity-id]
(let [db (crux.api/db ctx)
schema (crux.api/entity db :schema)]
(when-let [entity (crux.api/entity db entity-id)]
(mapcat (fn [[a es]] (for [e es] [:crux.tx/fn :retract e a entity-id]))
#(vector % (into #{} (map first (crux.api/q db {:find '[e] :where [['e % entity-id]]}))))
(map first (remove (fn [[k v]] (not (and (= (:crux.db/cardinality v) :crux.db.cardinality/one)
(= (:crux.db/value-type v) :crux.db.type/ref))))
[:crux.tx/delete entity-id]))))}
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