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Created June 4, 2015 09:36
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@reloadWindow = ->
# window cannot be reloaded in jasmine tests
{ }
class FileUploadStub
constructor: ($el, options) ->
@done = options.done
@$el = $el
addEventListeners: ->
@fakeSuccessfulFileUpload = ($el, e, data) ->
spyOn($el, 'fileupload').and.callFake ->
args = $el.fileupload.mostRecentCall.args
args.done(e, data)
@fakeSuccessfulAjaxCall = (data) ->
spyOn($, 'ajax').and.callFake (req) ->
d = $.Deferred()
@fakeUnsuccessfulAjaxCall = (data) ->
spyOn($, 'ajax').and.callFake (req) ->
d = $.Deferred()
class CoachesApp.AvatarUploader
constructor: ($el) ->
@$el = $el
@modal = new CoachesApp.StandardModal
addEventListeners: ->
setFileUpload: =>
dataType: 'json',
done: (e, data) =>
if data.result.redirect_to
href: data.result.redirect_to
new CoachesApp.Jcrop($('#cropbox'))
if data.result.html
CoachesApp.EventBus.trigger('flash_message:added', data.result.html)
onImageHover: ->
(e) ->
$(@).find('.overlay').animate {'opacity' : 1}
(e) ->
$(@).find('.overlay').animate {'opacity' : 0}
$ ->
if $('#new_editing_profile_avatar_form').length > 0
new CoachesApp.AvatarUploader($('#new_editing_profile_avatar_form'))
describe 'AvatarUploader', ->
$fixture = null
describe 'on file upload', ->
beforeEach ->
$fixture = $(readFixtures('avatar.html'))
it 'opens modal', ->
@fakeSuccessfulFileUpload($fixture, null, { result: { redirect_to: 'coaches/crop' } })
@uploader = new CoachesApp.AvatarUploader($('#new_editing_profile_avatar_form'))
spyOn(@uploader.modal, 'onModalOpened')
it 'replaces avatar image'
it 'shows flash message'
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