-- This script was automatically @generated by Maui, it is not intended for manual editing. |
local ModuleRoot={{ClassName="ModuleScript",Closure=function() --!strict |
--[[ |
The entry point for the Fusion library. |
]] |
local PubTypes = require(script.PubTypes) |
local restrictRead = require(script.Utility.restrictRead) |
export type StateObject<T> = PubTypes.StateObject<T> |
export type CanBeState<T> = PubTypes.CanBeState<T> |
export type Symbol = PubTypes.Symbol |
export type Value<T> = PubTypes.Value<T> |
export type Computed<T> = PubTypes.Computed<T> |
export type ForPairs<KO, VO> = PubTypes.ForPairs<KO, VO> |
export type ForKeys<KI, KO> = PubTypes.ForKeys<KI, KO> |
export type ForValues<VI, VO> = PubTypes.ForKeys<VI, VO> |
export type Observer = PubTypes.Observer |
export type Tween<T> = PubTypes.Tween<T> |
export type Spring<T> = PubTypes.Spring<T> |
type Fusion = { |
version: PubTypes.Version, |
New: (className: string) -> ((propertyTable: PubTypes.PropertyTable) -> Instance), |
Hydrate: (target: Instance) -> ((propertyTable: PubTypes.PropertyTable) -> Instance), |
Ref: PubTypes.SpecialKey, |
Cleanup: PubTypes.SpecialKey, |
Children: PubTypes.SpecialKey, |
Out: PubTypes.SpecialKey, |
OnEvent: (eventName: string) -> PubTypes.SpecialKey, |
OnChange: (propertyName: string) -> PubTypes.SpecialKey, |
Value: <T>(initialValue: T) -> Value<T>, |
Computed: <T>(callback: () -> T, destructor: (T) -> ()?) -> Computed<T>, |
ForPairs: <KI, VI, KO, VO, M>(inputTable: CanBeState<{[KI]: VI}>, processor: (KI, VI) -> (KO, VO, M?), destructor: (KO, VO, M?) -> ()?) -> ForPairs<KO, VO>, |
ForKeys: <KI, KO, M>(inputTable: CanBeState<{[KI]: any}>, processor: (KI) -> (KO, M?), destructor: (KO, M?) -> ()?) -> ForKeys<KO, any>, |
ForValues: <VI, VO, M>(inputTable: CanBeState<{[any]: VI}>, processor: (VI) -> (VO, M?), destructor: (VO, M?) -> ()?) -> ForValues<any, VO>, |
Observer: (watchedState: StateObject<any>) -> Observer, |
Tween: <T>(goalState: StateObject<T>, tweenInfo: TweenInfo?) -> Tween<T>, |
Spring: <T>(goalState: StateObject<T>, speed: number?, damping: number?) -> Spring<T>, |
cleanup: (...any) -> (), |
doNothing: (...any) -> () |
} |
return restrictRead("Fusion", { |
version = {major = 0, minor = 2, isRelease = false}, |
New = require(script.Instances.New), |
Hydrate = require(script.Instances.Hydrate), |
Ref = require(script.Instances.Ref), |
Out = require(script.Instances.Out), |
Cleanup = require(script.Instances.Cleanup), |
Children = require(script.Instances.Children), |
OnEvent = require(script.Instances.OnEvent), |
OnChange = require(script.Instances.OnChange), |
Value = require(script.State.Value), |
Computed = require(script.State.Computed), |
ForPairs = require(script.State.ForPairs), |
ForKeys = require(script.State.ForKeys), |
ForValues = require(script.State.ForValues), |
Observer = require(script.State.Observer), |
Tween = require(script.Animation.Tween), |
Spring = require(script.Animation.Spring), |
cleanup = require(script.Utility.cleanup), |
doNothing = require(script.Utility.doNothing) |
}) :: Fusion |
end,Properties={Name="MainModule"},Reference=1,Children={{Children={{Closure=function() --!strict |
--[[ |
A common interface for accessing the values of state objects or constants. |
]] |
local Package = script.Parent.Parent |
local PubTypes = require(Package.PubTypes) |
local xtypeof = require(Package.Utility.xtypeof) |
local function unwrap<T>(item: PubTypes.CanBeState<T>, useDependency: boolean?): T |
return if xtypeof(item) == "State" then (item :: PubTypes.StateObject<T>):get(useDependency) else (item :: T) |
end |
return unwrap end,Properties={Name="unwrap"},Reference=45,ClassName="ModuleScript"},{Closure=function() --!nonstrict |
--[[ |
Constructs a new ForKeys state object which maps keys of an array using |
a `processor` function. |
Optionally, a `destructor` function can be specified for cleaning up |
calculated keys. If omitted, the default cleanup function will be used instead. |
Optionally, a `meta` value can be returned in the processor function as the |
second value to pass data from the processor to the destructor. |
]] |
local Package = script.Parent.Parent |
local PubTypes = require(Package.PubTypes) |
local Types = require(Package.Types) |
local captureDependencies = require(Package.Dependencies.captureDependencies) |
local initDependency = require(Package.Dependencies.initDependency) |
local useDependency = require(Package.Dependencies.useDependency) |
local parseError = require(Package.Logging.parseError) |
local logErrorNonFatal = require(Package.Logging.logErrorNonFatal) |
local logError = require(Package.Logging.logError) |
local logWarn = require(Package.Logging.logWarn) |
local cleanup = require(Package.Utility.cleanup) |
local needsDestruction = require(Package.Utility.needsDestruction) |
local class = {} |
local CLASS_METATABLE = { __index = class } |
local WEAK_KEYS_METATABLE = { __mode = "k" } |
--[[ |
Returns the current value of this ForKeys object. |
The object will be registered as a dependency unless `asDependency` is false. |
]] |
function class:get(asDependency: boolean?): any |
if asDependency ~= false then |
useDependency(self) |
end |
return self._outputTable |
end |
--[[ |
Called when the original table is changed. |
This will firstly find any keys meeting any of the following criteria: |
- they were not previously present |
- a dependency used during generation of this value has changed |
It will recalculate those key pairs, storing information about any |
dependencies used in the processor callback during output key generation, |
and save the new key to the output array with the same value. If it is |
overwriting an older value, that older value will be passed to the |
destructor for cleanup. |
Finally, this function will find keys that are no longer present, and remove |
their output keys from the output table and pass them to the destructor. |
]] |
function class:update(): boolean |
local inputIsState = self._inputIsState |
local newInputTable = if inputIsState then self._inputTable:get(false) else self._inputTable |
local oldInputTable = self._oldInputTable |
local outputTable = self._outputTable |
local keyOIMap = self._keyOIMap |
local keyIOMap = self._keyIOMap |
local meta = self._meta |
local didChange = false |
-- clean out main dependency set |
for dependency in pairs(self.dependencySet) do |
dependency.dependentSet[self] = nil |
end |
self._oldDependencySet, self.dependencySet = self.dependencySet, self._oldDependencySet |
table.clear(self.dependencySet) |
-- if the input table is a state object, add it as a dependency |
if inputIsState then |
self._inputTable.dependentSet[self] = true |
self.dependencySet[self._inputTable] = true |
end |
-- STEP 1: find keys that changed or were not previously present |
for newInKey, value in pairs(newInputTable) do |
-- get or create key data |
local keyData = self._keyData[newInKey] |
if keyData == nil then |
keyData = { |
dependencySet = setmetatable({}, WEAK_KEYS_METATABLE), |
oldDependencySet = setmetatable({}, WEAK_KEYS_METATABLE), |
dependencyValues = setmetatable({}, WEAK_KEYS_METATABLE), |
} |
self._keyData[newInKey] = keyData |
end |
-- check if the key is new |
local shouldRecalculate = oldInputTable[newInKey] == nil |
-- check if the key's dependencies have changed |
if shouldRecalculate == false then |
for dependency, oldValue in pairs(keyData.dependencyValues) do |
if oldValue ~= dependency:get(false) then |
shouldRecalculate = true |
break |
end |
end |
end |
-- recalculate the output key if necessary |
if shouldRecalculate then |
keyData.oldDependencySet, keyData.dependencySet = keyData.dependencySet, keyData.oldDependencySet |
table.clear(keyData.dependencySet) |
local processOK, newOutKey, newMetaValue = captureDependencies( |
keyData.dependencySet, |
self._processor, |
newInKey |
) |
if processOK then |
if self._destructor == nil and (needsDestruction(newOutKey) or needsDestruction(newMetaValue)) then |
logWarn("destructorNeededForKeys") |
end |
local oldInKey = keyOIMap[newOutKey] |
local oldOutKey = keyIOMap[newInKey] |
-- check for key collision |
if oldInKey ~= newInKey and newInputTable[oldInKey] ~= nil then |
logError("forKeysKeyCollision", nil, tostring(newOutKey), tostring(oldInKey), tostring(newOutKey)) |
end |
-- check for a changed output key |
if oldOutKey ~= newOutKey and keyOIMap[oldOutKey] == newInKey then |
-- clean up the old calculated value |
local oldMetaValue = meta[oldOutKey] |
local destructOK, err = xpcall(self._destructor or cleanup, parseError, oldOutKey, oldMetaValue) |
if not destructOK then |
logErrorNonFatal("forKeysDestructorError", err) |
end |
keyOIMap[oldOutKey] = nil |
outputTable[oldOutKey] = nil |
meta[oldOutKey] = nil |
end |
-- update the stored data for this key |
oldInputTable[newInKey] = value |
meta[newOutKey] = newMetaValue |
keyOIMap[newOutKey] = newInKey |
keyIOMap[newInKey] = newOutKey |
outputTable[newOutKey] = value |
-- if we had to recalculate the output, then we did change |
didChange = true |
else |
-- restore old dependencies, because the new dependencies may be corrupt |
keyData.oldDependencySet, keyData.dependencySet = keyData.dependencySet, keyData.oldDependencySet |
logErrorNonFatal("forKeysProcessorError", newOutKey) |
end |
end |
-- save dependency values and add to main dependency set |
for dependency in pairs(keyData.dependencySet) do |
keyData.dependencyValues[dependency] = dependency:get(false) |
self.dependencySet[dependency] = true |
dependency.dependentSet[self] = true |
end |
end |
-- STEP 2: find keys that were removed |
for outputKey, inputKey in pairs(keyOIMap) do |
if newInputTable[inputKey] == nil then |
-- clean up the old calculated value |
local oldMetaValue = meta[outputKey] |
local destructOK, err = xpcall(self._destructor or cleanup, parseError, outputKey, oldMetaValue) |
if not destructOK then |
logErrorNonFatal("forKeysDestructorError", err) |
end |
-- remove data |
oldInputTable[inputKey] = nil |
meta[outputKey] = nil |
keyOIMap[outputKey] = nil |
keyIOMap[inputKey] = nil |
outputTable[outputKey] = nil |
self._keyData[inputKey] = nil |
-- if we removed a key, then the table/state changed |
didChange = true |
end |
end |
return didChange |
end |
local function ForKeys<KI, KO, M>( |
inputTable: PubTypes.CanBeState<{ [KI]: any }>, |
processor: (KI) -> (KO, M?), |
destructor: (KO, M?) -> ()? |
): Types.ForKeys<KI, KO, M> |
local inputIsState = inputTable.type == "State" and typeof(inputTable.get) == "function" |
local self = setmetatable({ |
type = "State", |
kind = "ForKeys", |
dependencySet = {}, |
-- if we held strong references to the dependents, then they wouldn't be |
-- able to get garbage collected when they fall out of scope |
dependentSet = setmetatable({}, WEAK_KEYS_METATABLE), |
_oldDependencySet = {}, |
_processor = processor, |
_destructor = destructor, |
_inputIsState = inputIsState, |
_inputTable = inputTable, |
_oldInputTable = {}, |
_outputTable = {}, |
_keyOIMap = {}, |
_keyIOMap = {}, |
_keyData = {}, |
_meta = {}, |
initDependency(self) |
self:update() |
return self |
end |
return ForKeys end,Properties={Name="ForKeys"},Reference=40,ClassName="ModuleScript"},{Closure=function() --!nonstrict |
--[[ |
Constructs and returns objects which can be used to model independent |
reactive state. |
]] |
local Package = script.Parent.Parent |
local Types = require(Package.Types) |
local useDependency = require(Package.Dependencies.useDependency) |
local initDependency = require(Package.Dependencies.initDependency) |
local updateAll = require(Package.Dependencies.updateAll) |
local isSimilar = require(Package.Utility.isSimilar) |
local class = {} |
local CLASS_METATABLE = {__index = class} |
local WEAK_KEYS_METATABLE = {__mode = "k"} |
--[[ |
Returns the value currently stored in this State object. |
The state object will be registered as a dependency unless `asDependency` is |
false. |
]] |
function class:get(asDependency: boolean?): any |
if asDependency ~= false then |
useDependency(self) |
end |
return self._value |
end |
--[[ |
Updates the value stored in this State object. |
If `force` is enabled, this will skip equality checks and always update the |
state object and any dependents - use this with care as this can lead to |
unnecessary updates. |
]] |
function class:set(newValue: any, force: boolean?) |
local oldValue = self._value |
if force or not isSimilar(oldValue, newValue) then |
self._value = newValue |
updateAll(self) |
end |
end |
local function Value<T>(initialValue: T): Types.State<T> |
local self = setmetatable({ |
type = "State", |
kind = "Value", |
-- if we held strong references to the dependents, then they wouldn't be |
-- able to get garbage collected when they fall out of scope |
dependentSet = setmetatable({}, WEAK_KEYS_METATABLE), |
_value = initialValue |
initDependency(self) |
return self |
end |
return Value end,Properties={Name="Value"},Reference=44,ClassName="ModuleScript"},{Closure=function() --!nonstrict |
--[[ |
Constructs a new state object which can listen for updates on another state |
object. |
FIXME: enabling strict types here causes free types to leak |
]] |
local Package = script.Parent.Parent |
local PubTypes = require(Package.PubTypes) |
local Types = require(Package.Types) |
local initDependency = require(Package.Dependencies.initDependency) |
type Set<T> = {[T]: any} |
local class = {} |
local CLASS_METATABLE = {__index = class} |
-- Table used to hold Observer objects in memory. |
local strongRefs: Set<Types.Observer> = {} |
--[[ |
Called when the watched state changes value. |
]] |
function class:update(): boolean |
for _, callback in pairs(self._changeListeners) do |
task.spawn(callback) |
end |
return false |
end |
--[[ |
Adds a change listener. When the watched state changes value, the listener |
will be fired. |
Returns a function which, when called, will disconnect the change listener. |
As long as there is at least one active change listener, this Observer |
will be held in memory, preventing GC, so disconnecting is important. |
]] |
function class:onChange(callback: () -> ()): () -> () |
local uniqueIdentifier = {} |
self._numChangeListeners += 1 |
self._changeListeners[uniqueIdentifier] = callback |
-- disallow gc (this is important to make sure changes are received) |
strongRefs[self] = true |
local disconnected = false |
return function() |
if disconnected then |
return |
end |
disconnected = true |
self._changeListeners[uniqueIdentifier] = nil |
self._numChangeListeners -= 1 |
if self._numChangeListeners == 0 then |
-- allow gc if all listeners are disconnected |
strongRefs[self] = nil |
end |
end |
end |
local function Observer(watchedState: PubTypes.Value<any>): Types.Observer |
local self = setmetatable({ |
type = "State", |
kind = "Observer", |
dependencySet = {[watchedState] = true}, |
dependentSet = {}, |
_changeListeners = {}, |
_numChangeListeners = 0, |
initDependency(self) |
-- add this object to the watched state's dependent set |
watchedState.dependentSet[self] = true |
return self |
end |
return Observer end,Properties={Name="Observer"},Reference=43,ClassName="ModuleScript"},{Closure=function() --!nonstrict |
--[[ |
Constructs a new ForPairs object which maps pairs of a table using |
a `processor` function. |
Optionally, a `destructor` function can be specified for cleaning up values. |
If omitted, the default cleanup function will be used instead. |
Additionally, a `meta` table/value can optionally be returned to pass data created |
when running the processor to the destructor when the created object is cleaned up. |
]] |
local Package = script.Parent.Parent |
local PubTypes = require(Package.PubTypes) |
local Types = require(Package.Types) |
local captureDependencies = require(Package.Dependencies.captureDependencies) |
local initDependency = require(Package.Dependencies.initDependency) |
local useDependency = require(Package.Dependencies.useDependency) |
local parseError = require(Package.Logging.parseError) |
local logErrorNonFatal = require(Package.Logging.logErrorNonFatal) |
local logError = require(Package.Logging.logError) |
local logWarn = require(Package.Logging.logWarn) |
local cleanup = require(Package.Utility.cleanup) |
local needsDestruction = require(Package.Utility.needsDestruction) |
local class = {} |
local CLASS_METATABLE = { __index = class } |
local WEAK_KEYS_METATABLE = { __mode = "k" } |
--[[ |
Returns the current value of this ForPairs object. |
The object will be registered as a dependency unless `asDependency` is false. |
]] |
function class:get(asDependency: boolean?): any |
if asDependency ~= false then |
useDependency(self) |
end |
return self._outputTable |
end |
--[[ |
Called when the original table is changed. |
This will firstly find any keys meeting any of the following criteria: |
- they were not previously present |
- their associated value has changed |
- a dependency used during generation of this value has changed |
It will recalculate those key/value pairs, storing information about any |
dependencies used in the processor callback during value generation, and |
save the new key/value pair to the output array. If it is overwriting an |
older key/value pair, that older pair will be passed to the destructor |
for cleanup. |
Finally, this function will find keys that are no longer present, and remove |
their key/value pairs from the output table and pass them to the destructor. |
]] |
function class:update(): boolean |
local inputIsState = self._inputIsState |
local newInputTable = if inputIsState then self._inputTable:get(false) else self._inputTable |
local oldInputTable = self._oldInputTable |
local keyIOMap = self._keyIOMap |
local meta = self._meta |
local didChange = false |
-- clean out main dependency set |
for dependency in pairs(self.dependencySet) do |
dependency.dependentSet[self] = nil |
end |
self._oldDependencySet, self.dependencySet = self.dependencySet, self._oldDependencySet |
table.clear(self.dependencySet) |
-- if the input table is a state object, add it as a dependency |
if inputIsState then |
self._inputTable.dependentSet[self] = true |
self.dependencySet[self._inputTable] = true |
end |
-- clean out output table |
self._oldOutputTable, self._outputTable = self._outputTable, self._oldOutputTable |
local oldOutputTable = self._oldOutputTable |
local newOutputTable = self._outputTable |
table.clear(newOutputTable) |
-- Step 1: find key/value pairs that changed or were not previously present |
for newInKey, newInValue in pairs(newInputTable) do |
-- get or create key data |
local keyData = self._keyData[newInKey] |
if keyData == nil then |
keyData = { |
dependencySet = setmetatable({}, WEAK_KEYS_METATABLE), |
oldDependencySet = setmetatable({}, WEAK_KEYS_METATABLE), |
dependencyValues = setmetatable({}, WEAK_KEYS_METATABLE), |
} |
self._keyData[newInKey] = keyData |
end |
-- check if the pair is new or changed |
local shouldRecalculate = oldInputTable[newInKey] ~= newInValue |
-- check if the pair's dependencies have changed |
if shouldRecalculate == false then |
for dependency, oldValue in pairs(keyData.dependencyValues) do |
if oldValue ~= dependency:get(false) then |
shouldRecalculate = true |
break |
end |
end |
end |
-- recalculate the output pair if necessary |
if shouldRecalculate then |
keyData.oldDependencySet, keyData.dependencySet = keyData.dependencySet, keyData.oldDependencySet |
table.clear(keyData.dependencySet) |
local processOK, newOutKey, newOutValue, newMetaValue = captureDependencies( |
keyData.dependencySet, |
self._processor, |
newInKey, |
newInValue |
) |
if processOK then |
if self._destructor == nil and (needsDestruction(newOutKey) or needsDestruction(newOutValue) or needsDestruction(newMetaValue)) then |
logWarn("destructorNeededForPairs") |
end |
-- if this key was already written to on this run-through, throw a fatal error. |
if newOutputTable[newOutKey] ~= nil then |
-- figure out which key/value pair previously wrote to this key |
local previousNewKey, previousNewValue |
for inKey, outKey in pairs(keyIOMap) do |
if outKey == newOutKey then |
previousNewValue = newInputTable[inKey] |
if previousNewValue ~= nil then |
previousNewKey = inKey |
break |
end |
end |
end |
if previousNewKey ~= nil then |
logError( |
"forPairsKeyCollision", |
nil, |
tostring(newOutKey), |
tostring(previousNewKey), |
tostring(previousNewValue), |
tostring(newInKey), |
tostring(newInValue) |
) |
end |
end |
local oldOutValue = oldOutputTable[newOutKey] |
if oldOutValue ~= newOutValue then |
local oldMetaValue = meta[newOutKey] |
if oldOutValue ~= nil then |
local destructOK, err = xpcall(self._destructor or cleanup, parseError, newOutKey, oldOutValue, oldMetaValue) |
if not destructOK then |
logErrorNonFatal("forPairsDestructorError", err) |
end |
end |
oldOutputTable[newOutKey] = nil |
end |
-- update the stored data for this key/value pair |
oldInputTable[newInKey] = newInValue |
keyIOMap[newInKey] = newOutKey |
meta[newOutKey] = newMetaValue |
newOutputTable[newOutKey] = newOutValue |
-- if we had to recalculate the output, then we did change |
didChange = true |
else |
-- restore old dependencies, because the new dependencies may be corrupt |
keyData.oldDependencySet, keyData.dependencySet = keyData.dependencySet, keyData.oldDependencySet |
logErrorNonFatal("forPairsProcessorError", newOutKey) |
end |
else |
local storedOutKey = keyIOMap[newInKey] |
-- check for key collision |
if newOutputTable[storedOutKey] ~= nil then |
-- figure out which key/value pair previously wrote to this key |
local previousNewKey, previousNewValue |
for inKey, outKey in pairs(keyIOMap) do |
if storedOutKey == outKey then |
previousNewValue = newInputTable[inKey] |
if previousNewValue ~= nil then |
previousNewKey = inKey |
break |
end |
end |
end |
if previousNewKey ~= nil then |
logError( |
"forPairsKeyCollision", |
nil, |
tostring(storedOutKey), |
tostring(previousNewKey), |
tostring(previousNewValue), |
tostring(newInKey), |
tostring(newInValue) |
) |
end |
end |
-- copy the stored key/value pair into the new output table |
newOutputTable[storedOutKey] = oldOutputTable[storedOutKey] |
end |
-- save dependency values and add to main dependency set |
for dependency in pairs(keyData.dependencySet) do |
keyData.dependencyValues[dependency] = dependency:get(false) |
self.dependencySet[dependency] = true |
dependency.dependentSet[self] = true |
end |
end |
-- STEP 2: find keys that were removed |
for oldOutKey, oldOutValue in pairs(oldOutputTable) do |
-- check if this key/value pair is in the new output table |
if newOutputTable[oldOutKey] ~= oldOutValue then |
-- clean up the old output pair |
local oldMetaValue = meta[oldOutKey] |
if oldOutValue ~= nil then |
local destructOK, err = xpcall(self._destructor or cleanup, parseError, oldOutKey, oldOutValue, oldMetaValue) |
if not destructOK then |
logErrorNonFatal("forPairsDestructorError", err) |
end |
end |
-- check if the key was completely removed from the output table |
if newOutputTable[oldOutKey] == nil then |
meta[oldOutKey] = nil |
self._keyData[oldOutKey] = nil |
end |
didChange = true |
end |
end |
for key in pairs(oldInputTable) do |
if newInputTable[key] == nil then |
oldInputTable[key] = nil |
keyIOMap[key] = nil |
end |
end |
return didChange |
end |
local function ForPairs<KI, VI, KO, VO, M>( |
inputTable: PubTypes.CanBeState<{ [KI]: VI }>, |
processor: (KI, VI) -> (KO, VO, M?), |
destructor: (KO, VO, M?) -> ()? |
): Types.ForPairs<KI, VI, KO, VO, M> |
local inputIsState = inputTable.type == "State" and typeof(inputTable.get) == "function" |
local self = setmetatable({ |
type = "State", |
kind = "ForPairs", |
dependencySet = {}, |
-- if we held strong references to the dependents, then they wouldn't be |
-- able to get garbage collected when they fall out of scope |
dependentSet = setmetatable({}, WEAK_KEYS_METATABLE), |
_oldDependencySet = {}, |
_processor = processor, |
_destructor = destructor, |
_inputIsState = inputIsState, |
_inputTable = inputTable, |
_oldInputTable = {}, |
_outputTable = {}, |
_oldOutputTable = {}, |
_keyIOMap = {}, |
_keyData = {}, |
_meta = {}, |
initDependency(self) |
self:update() |
return self |
end |
return ForPairs end,Properties={Name="ForPairs"},Reference=41,ClassName="ModuleScript"},{Closure=function() --!nonstrict |
--[[ |
Constructs a new ForValues object which maps values of a table using |
a `processor` function. |
Optionally, a `destructor` function can be specified for cleaning up values. |
If omitted, the default cleanup function will be used instead. |
Additionally, a `meta` table/value can optionally be returned to pass data created |
when running the processor to the destructor when the created object is cleaned up. |
]] |
local Package = script.Parent.Parent |
local PubTypes = require(Package.PubTypes) |
local Types = require(Package.Types) |
local captureDependencies = require(Package.Dependencies.captureDependencies) |
local initDependency = require(Package.Dependencies.initDependency) |
local useDependency = require(Package.Dependencies.useDependency) |
local parseError = require(Package.Logging.parseError) |
local logErrorNonFatal = require(Package.Logging.logErrorNonFatal) |
local logWarn = require(Package.Logging.logWarn) |
local cleanup = require(Package.Utility.cleanup) |
local needsDestruction = require(Package.Utility.needsDestruction) |
local class = {} |
local CLASS_METATABLE = { __index = class } |
local WEAK_KEYS_METATABLE = { __mode = "k" } |
--[[ |
Returns the current value of this ForValues object. |
The object will be registered as a dependency unless `asDependency` is false. |
]] |
function class:get(asDependency: boolean?): any |
if asDependency ~= false then |
useDependency(self) |
end |
return self._outputTable |
end |
--[[ |
Called when the original table is changed. |
This will firstly find any values meeting any of the following criteria: |
- they were not previously present |
- a dependency used during generation of this value has changed |
It will recalculate those values, storing information about any dependencies |
used in the processor callback during value generation, and save the new value |
to the output array with the same key. If it is overwriting an older value, |
that older value will be passed to the destructor for cleanup. |
Finally, this function will find values that are no longer present, and remove |
their values from the output table and pass them to the destructor. You can re-use |
the same value multiple times and this will function will update them as little as |
possible; reusing the same values where possible. |
]] |
function class:update(): boolean |
local inputIsState = self._inputIsState |
local inputTable = if inputIsState then self._inputTable:get(false) else self._inputTable |
local outputValues = {} |
local didChange = false |
-- clean out value cache |
self._oldValueCache, self._valueCache = self._valueCache, self._oldValueCache |
local newValueCache = self._valueCache |
local oldValueCache = self._oldValueCache |
table.clear(newValueCache) |
-- clean out main dependency set |
for dependency in pairs(self.dependencySet) do |
dependency.dependentSet[self] = nil |
end |
self._oldDependencySet, self.dependencySet = self.dependencySet, self._oldDependencySet |
table.clear(self.dependencySet) |
-- if the input table is a state object, add it as a dependency |
if inputIsState then |
self._inputTable.dependentSet[self] = true |
self.dependencySet[self._inputTable] = true |
end |
-- STEP 1: find values that changed or were not previously present |
for inKey, inValue in pairs(inputTable) do |
-- check if the value is new or changed |
local oldCachedValues = oldValueCache[inValue] |
local shouldRecalculate = oldCachedValues == nil |
-- get a cached value and its dependency/meta data if available |
local value, valueData, meta |
if type(oldCachedValues) == "table" and #oldCachedValues > 0 then |
local valueInfo = table.remove(oldCachedValues, #oldCachedValues) |
value = valueInfo.value |
valueData = valueInfo.valueData |
meta = valueInfo.meta |
if #oldCachedValues <= 0 then |
oldValueCache[inValue] = nil |
end |
elseif oldCachedValues ~= nil then |
oldValueCache[inValue] = nil |
shouldRecalculate = true |
end |
if valueData == nil then |
valueData = { |
dependencySet = setmetatable({}, WEAK_KEYS_METATABLE), |
oldDependencySet = setmetatable({}, WEAK_KEYS_METATABLE), |
dependencyValues = setmetatable({}, WEAK_KEYS_METATABLE), |
} |
end |
-- check if the value's dependencies have changed |
if shouldRecalculate == false then |
for dependency, oldValue in pairs(valueData.dependencyValues) do |
if oldValue ~= dependency:get(false) then |
shouldRecalculate = true |
break |
end |
end |
end |
-- recalculate the output value if necessary |
if shouldRecalculate then |
valueData.oldDependencySet, valueData.dependencySet = valueData.dependencySet, valueData.oldDependencySet |
table.clear(valueData.dependencySet) |
local processOK, newOutValue, newMetaValue = captureDependencies( |
valueData.dependencySet, |
self._processor, |
inValue |
) |
if processOK then |
if self._destructor == nil and (needsDestruction(newOutValue) or needsDestruction(newMetaValue)) then |
logWarn("destructorNeededForValues") |
end |
-- pass the old value to the destructor if it exists |
if value ~= nil then |
local destructOK, err = xpcall(self._destructor or cleanup, parseError, value, meta) |
if not destructOK then |
logErrorNonFatal("forValuesDestructorError", err) |
end |
end |
-- store the new value and meta data |
value = newOutValue |
meta = newMetaValue |
didChange = true |
else |
-- restore old dependencies, because the new dependencies may be corrupt |
valueData.oldDependencySet, valueData.dependencySet = valueData.dependencySet, valueData.oldDependencySet |
logErrorNonFatal("forValuesProcessorError", newOutValue) |
end |
end |
-- store the value and its dependency/meta data |
local newCachedValues = newValueCache[inValue] |
if newCachedValues == nil then |
newCachedValues = {} |
newValueCache[inValue] = newCachedValues |
end |
table.insert(newCachedValues, { |
value = value, |
valueData = valueData, |
meta = meta, |
}) |
outputValues[inKey] = value |
-- save dependency values and add to main dependency set |
for dependency in pairs(valueData.dependencySet) do |
valueData.dependencyValues[dependency] = dependency:get(false) |
self.dependencySet[dependency] = true |
dependency.dependentSet[self] = true |
end |
end |
-- STEP 2: find values that were removed |
-- for tables of data, we just need to check if it's still in the cache |
for _oldInValue, oldCachedValueInfo in pairs(oldValueCache) do |
for _, valueInfo in ipairs(oldCachedValueInfo) do |
local oldValue = valueInfo.value |
local oldMetaValue = valueInfo.meta |
local destructOK, err = xpcall(self._destructor or cleanup, parseError, oldValue, oldMetaValue) |
if not destructOK then |
logErrorNonFatal("forValuesDestructorError", err) |
end |
didChange = true |
end |
table.clear(oldCachedValueInfo) |
end |
self._outputTable = outputValues |
return didChange |
end |
local function ForValues<VI, VO, M>( |
inputTable: PubTypes.CanBeState<{ [any]: VI }>, |
processor: (VI) -> (VO, M?), |
destructor: (VO, M?) -> ()? |
): Types.ForValues<VI, VO, M> |
local inputIsState = inputTable.type == "State" and typeof(inputTable.get) == "function" |
local self = setmetatable({ |
type = "State", |
kind = "ForValues", |
dependencySet = {}, |
-- if we held strong references to the dependents, then they wouldn't be |
-- able to get garbage collected when they fall out of scope |
dependentSet = setmetatable({}, WEAK_KEYS_METATABLE), |
_oldDependencySet = {}, |
_processor = processor, |
_destructor = destructor, |
_inputIsState = inputIsState, |
_inputTable = inputTable, |
_outputTable = {}, |
_valueCache = {}, |
_oldValueCache = {}, |
initDependency(self) |
self:update() |
return self |
end |
return ForValues end,Properties={Name="ForValues"},Reference=42,ClassName="ModuleScript"},{Closure=function() --!nonstrict |
--[[ |
Constructs and returns objects which can be used to model derived reactive |
state. |
]] |
local Package = script.Parent.Parent |
local Types = require(Package.Types) |
local captureDependencies = require(Package.Dependencies.captureDependencies) |
local initDependency = require(Package.Dependencies.initDependency) |
local useDependency = require(Package.Dependencies.useDependency) |
local logErrorNonFatal = require(Package.Logging.logErrorNonFatal) |
local logWarn = require(Package.Logging.logWarn) |
local isSimilar = require(Package.Utility.isSimilar) |
local needsDestruction = require(Package.Utility.needsDestruction) |
local class = {} |
local CLASS_METATABLE = {__index = class} |
local WEAK_KEYS_METATABLE = {__mode = "k"} |
--[[ |
Returns the last cached value calculated by this Computed object. |
The computed object will be registered as a dependency unless `asDependency` |
is false. |
]] |
function class:get(asDependency: boolean?): any |
if asDependency ~= false then |
useDependency(self) |
end |
return self._value |
end |
--[[ |
Recalculates this Computed's cached value and dependencies. |
Returns true if it changed, or false if it's identical. |
]] |
function class:update(): boolean |
-- remove this object from its dependencies' dependent sets |
for dependency in pairs(self.dependencySet) do |
dependency.dependentSet[self] = nil |
end |
-- we need to create a new, empty dependency set to capture dependencies |
-- into, but in case there's an error, we want to restore our old set of |
-- dependencies. by using this table-swapping solution, we can avoid the |
-- overhead of allocating new tables each update. |
self._oldDependencySet, self.dependencySet = self.dependencySet, self._oldDependencySet |
table.clear(self.dependencySet) |
local ok, newValue, newMetaValue = captureDependencies(self.dependencySet, self._processor) |
if ok then |
if self._destructor == nil and needsDestruction(newValue) then |
logWarn("destructorNeededComputed") |
end |
if newMetaValue ~= nil then |
logWarn("multiReturnComputed") |
end |
local oldValue = self._value |
local similar = isSimilar(oldValue, newValue) |
if self._destructor ~= nil then |
self._destructor(oldValue) |
end |
self._value = newValue |
-- add this object to the dependencies' dependent sets |
for dependency in pairs(self.dependencySet) do |
dependency.dependentSet[self] = true |
end |
return not similar |
else |
-- this needs to be non-fatal, because otherwise it'd disrupt the |
-- update process |
logErrorNonFatal("computedCallbackError", newValue) |
-- restore old dependencies, because the new dependencies may be corrupt |
self._oldDependencySet, self.dependencySet = self.dependencySet, self._oldDependencySet |
-- restore this object in the dependencies' dependent sets |
for dependency in pairs(self.dependencySet) do |
dependency.dependentSet[self] = true |
end |
return false |
end |
end |
local function Computed<T>(processor: () -> T, destructor: ((T) -> ())?): Types.Computed<T> |
local self = setmetatable({ |
type = "State", |
kind = "Computed", |
dependencySet = {}, |
-- if we held strong references to the dependents, then they wouldn't be |
-- able to get garbage collected when they fall out of scope |
dependentSet = setmetatable({}, WEAK_KEYS_METATABLE), |
_oldDependencySet = {}, |
_processor = processor, |
_destructor = destructor, |
_value = nil, |
initDependency(self) |
self:update() |
return self |
end |
return Computed end,Properties={Name="Computed"},Reference=39,ClassName="ModuleScript"}},Properties={Name="State"},Reference=38,ClassName="Folder"},{Children={{Closure=function() --!strict |
--[[ |
Packs an array of numbers into a given animatable data type. |
If the type is not animatable, nil will be returned. |
FUTURE: When Luau supports singleton types, those could be used in |
conjunction with intersection types to make this function fully statically |
type checkable. |
]] |
local Package = script.Parent.Parent |
local PubTypes = require(Package.PubTypes) |
local Oklab = require(Package.Colour.Oklab) |
local function packType(numbers: {number}, typeString: string): PubTypes.Animatable? |
if typeString == "number" then |
return numbers[1] |
elseif typeString == "CFrame" then |
return |
CFrame.new(numbers[1], numbers[2], numbers[3]) * |
CFrame.fromAxisAngle( |
Vector3.new(numbers[4], numbers[5], numbers[6]).Unit, |
numbers[7] |
) |
elseif typeString == "Color3" then |
return Oklab.from( |
Vector3.new(numbers[1], numbers[2], numbers[3]), |
false |
) |
elseif typeString == "ColorSequenceKeypoint" then |
return ColorSequenceKeypoint.new( |
numbers[4], |
Oklab.from( |
Vector3.new(numbers[1], numbers[2], numbers[3]), |
false |
) |
) |
elseif typeString == "DateTime" then |
return DateTime.fromUnixTimestampMillis(numbers[1]) |
elseif typeString == "NumberRange" then |
return NumberRange.new(numbers[1], numbers[2]) |
elseif typeString == "NumberSequenceKeypoint" then |
return NumberSequenceKeypoint.new(numbers[2], numbers[1], numbers[3]) |
elseif typeString == "PhysicalProperties" then |
return PhysicalProperties.new(numbers[1], numbers[2], numbers[3], numbers[4], numbers[5]) |
elseif typeString == "Ray" then |
return Ray.new( |
Vector3.new(numbers[1], numbers[2], numbers[3]), |
Vector3.new(numbers[4], numbers[5], numbers[6]) |
) |
elseif typeString == "Rect" then |
return Rect.new(numbers[1], numbers[2], numbers[3], numbers[4]) |
elseif typeString == "Region3" then |
-- FUTURE: support rotated Region3s if/when they become constructable |
local position = Vector3.new(numbers[1], numbers[2], numbers[3]) |
local halfSize = Vector3.new(numbers[4] / 2, numbers[5] / 2, numbers[6] / 2) |
return Region3.new(position - halfSize, position + halfSize) |
elseif typeString == "Region3int16" then |
return Region3int16.new( |
Vector3int16.new(numbers[1], numbers[2], numbers[3]), |
Vector3int16.new(numbers[4], numbers[5], numbers[6]) |
) |
elseif typeString == "UDim" then |
return UDim.new(numbers[1], numbers[2]) |
elseif typeString == "UDim2" then |
return UDim2.new(numbers[1], numbers[2], numbers[3], numbers[4]) |
elseif typeString == "Vector2" then |
return Vector2.new(numbers[1], numbers[2]) |
elseif typeString == "Vector2int16" then |
return Vector2int16.new(numbers[1], numbers[2]) |
elseif typeString == "Vector3" then |
return Vector3.new(numbers[1], numbers[2], numbers[3]) |
elseif typeString == "Vector3int16" then |
return Vector3int16.new(numbers[1], numbers[2], numbers[3]) |
else |
return nil |
end |
end |
return packType end,Properties={Name="packType"},Reference=9,ClassName="ModuleScript"},{Closure=function() --!strict |
--[[ |
Manages batch updating of spring objects. |
]] |
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") |
local Package = script.Parent.Parent |
local Types = require(Package.Types) |
local packType = require(Package.Animation.packType) |
local springCoefficients = require(Package.Animation.springCoefficients) |
local updateAll = require(Package.Dependencies.updateAll) |
type Set<T> = {[T]: any} |
type Spring = Types.Spring<any> |
local SpringScheduler = {} |
local EPSILON = 0.0001 |
local activeSprings: Set<Spring> = {} |
local lastUpdateTime = os.clock() |
function SpringScheduler.add(spring: Spring) |
-- we don't necessarily want to use the most accurate time - here we snap to |
-- the last update time so that springs started within the same frame have |
-- identical time steps |
spring._lastSchedule = lastUpdateTime |
spring._startDisplacements = {} |
spring._startVelocities = {} |
for index, goal in ipairs(spring._springGoals) do |
spring._startDisplacements[index] = spring._springPositions[index] - goal |
spring._startVelocities[index] = spring._springVelocities[index] |
end |
activeSprings[spring] = true |
end |
function SpringScheduler.remove(spring: Spring) |
activeSprings[spring] = nil |
end |
local function updateAllSprings() |
local springsToSleep: Set<Spring> = {} |
lastUpdateTime = os.clock() |
for spring in pairs(activeSprings) do |
local posPos, posVel, velPos, velVel = springCoefficients(lastUpdateTime - spring._lastSchedule, spring._currentDamping, spring._currentSpeed) |
local positions = spring._springPositions |
local velocities = spring._springVelocities |
local startDisplacements = spring._startDisplacements |
local startVelocities = spring._startVelocities |
local isMoving = false |
for index, goal in ipairs(spring._springGoals) do |
local oldDisplacement = startDisplacements[index] |
local oldVelocity = startVelocities[index] |
local newDisplacement = oldDisplacement * posPos + oldVelocity * posVel |
local newVelocity = oldDisplacement * velPos + oldVelocity * velVel |
if math.abs(newDisplacement) > EPSILON or math.abs(newVelocity) > EPSILON then |
isMoving = true |
end |
positions[index] = newDisplacement + goal |
velocities[index] = newVelocity |
end |
if not isMoving then |
springsToSleep[spring] = true |
end |
end |
for spring in pairs(activeSprings) do |
spring._currentValue = packType(spring._springPositions, spring._currentType) |
updateAll(spring) |
end |
for spring in pairs(springsToSleep) do |
activeSprings[spring] = nil |
end |
end |
RunService:BindToRenderStep( |
"__FusionSpringScheduler", |
Enum.RenderPriority.First.Value, |
updateAllSprings |
) |
return SpringScheduler end,Properties={Name="SpringScheduler"},Reference=4,ClassName="ModuleScript"},{Closure=function() --!strict |
--[[ |
Given a `tweenInfo` and `currentTime`, returns a ratio which can be used to |
tween between two values over time. |
]] |
local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService") |
local function getTweenRatio(tweenInfo: TweenInfo, currentTime: number): number |
local delay = tweenInfo.DelayTime |
local duration = tweenInfo.Time |
local reverses = tweenInfo.Reverses |
local numCycles = 1 + tweenInfo.RepeatCount |
local easeStyle = tweenInfo.EasingStyle |
local easeDirection = tweenInfo.EasingDirection |
local cycleDuration = delay + duration |
if reverses then |
cycleDuration += duration |
end |
if currentTime >= cycleDuration * numCycles then |
return 1 |
end |
local cycleTime = currentTime % cycleDuration |
if cycleTime <= delay then |
return 0 |
end |
local tweenProgress = (cycleTime - delay) / duration |
if tweenProgress > 1 then |
tweenProgress = 2 - tweenProgress |
end |
local ratio = TweenService:GetValue(tweenProgress, easeStyle, easeDirection) |
return ratio |
end |
return getTweenRatio end,Properties={Name="getTweenRatio"},Reference=7,ClassName="ModuleScript"},{Closure=function() --!nonstrict |
--[[ |
Constructs a new computed state object, which follows the value of another |
state object using a tween. |
]] |
local Package = script.Parent.Parent |
local PubTypes = require(Package.PubTypes) |
local Types = require(Package.Types) |
local TweenScheduler = require(Package.Animation.TweenScheduler) |
local useDependency = require(Package.Dependencies.useDependency) |
local initDependency = require(Package.Dependencies.initDependency) |
local logError = require(Package.Logging.logError) |
local logErrorNonFatal = require(Package.Logging.logErrorNonFatal) |
local xtypeof = require(Package.Utility.xtypeof) |
local class = {} |
local CLASS_METATABLE = {__index = class} |
local WEAK_KEYS_METATABLE = {__mode = "k"} |
--[[ |
Returns the current value of this Tween object. |
The object will be registered as a dependency unless `asDependency` is false. |
]] |
function class:get(asDependency: boolean?): any |
if asDependency ~= false then |
useDependency(self) |
end |
return self._currentValue |
end |
--[[ |
Called when the goal state changes value; this will initiate a new tween. |
Returns false as the current value doesn't change right away. |
]] |
function class:update(): boolean |
local goalValue = self._goalState:get(false) |
-- if the goal hasn't changed, then this is a TweenInfo change. |
-- in that case, if we're not currently animating, we can skip everything |
if goalValue == self._nextValue and not self._currentlyAnimating then |
return false |
end |
local tweenInfo = self._tweenInfo |
if self._tweenInfoIsState then |
tweenInfo = tweenInfo:get() |
end |
-- if we receive a bad TweenInfo, then error and stop the update |
if typeof(tweenInfo) ~= "TweenInfo" then |
logErrorNonFatal("mistypedTweenInfo", nil, typeof(tweenInfo)) |
return false |
end |
self._prevValue = self._currentValue |
self._nextValue = goalValue |
self._currentTweenStartTime = os.clock() |
self._currentTweenInfo = tweenInfo |
local tweenDuration = tweenInfo.DelayTime + tweenInfo.Time |
if tweenInfo.Reverses then |
tweenDuration += tweenInfo.Time |
end |
tweenDuration *= tweenInfo.RepeatCount + 1 |
self._currentTweenDuration = tweenDuration |
-- start animating this tween |
TweenScheduler.add(self) |
return false |
end |
local function Tween<T>( |
goalState: PubTypes.StateObject<PubTypes.Animatable>, |
tweenInfo: PubTypes.CanBeState<TweenInfo>? |
): Types.Tween<T> |
local currentValue = goalState:get(false) |
-- apply defaults for tween info |
if tweenInfo == nil then |
tweenInfo = TweenInfo.new() |
end |
local dependencySet = {[goalState] = true} |
local tweenInfoIsState = xtypeof(tweenInfo) == "State" |
if tweenInfoIsState then |
dependencySet[tweenInfo] = true |
end |
local startingTweenInfo = tweenInfo |
if tweenInfoIsState then |
startingTweenInfo = startingTweenInfo:get() |
end |
-- If we start with a bad TweenInfo, then we don't want to construct a Tween |
if typeof(startingTweenInfo) ~= "TweenInfo" then |
logError("mistypedTweenInfo", nil, typeof(startingTweenInfo)) |
end |
local self = setmetatable({ |
type = "State", |
kind = "Tween", |
dependencySet = dependencySet, |
-- if we held strong references to the dependents, then they wouldn't be |
-- able to get garbage collected when they fall out of scope |
dependentSet = setmetatable({}, WEAK_KEYS_METATABLE), |
_goalState = goalState, |
_tweenInfo = tweenInfo, |
_tweenInfoIsState = tweenInfoIsState, |
_prevValue = currentValue, |
_nextValue = currentValue, |
_currentValue = currentValue, |
-- store current tween into separately from 'real' tween into, so it |
-- isn't affected by :setTweenInfo() until next change |
_currentTweenInfo = tweenInfo, |
_currentTweenDuration = 0, |
_currentTweenStartTime = 0, |
_currentlyAnimating = false |
initDependency(self) |
-- add this object to the goal state's dependent set |
goalState.dependentSet[self] = true |
return self |
end |
return Tween end,Properties={Name="Tween"},Reference=5,ClassName="ModuleScript"},{Closure=function() --!nonstrict |
--[[ |
Constructs a new computed state object, which follows the value of another |
state object using a spring simulation. |
]] |
local Package = script.Parent.Parent |
local PubTypes = require(Package.PubTypes) |
local Types = require(Package.Types) |
local logError = require(Package.Logging.logError) |
local logErrorNonFatal = require(Package.Logging.logErrorNonFatal) |
local unpackType = require(Package.Animation.unpackType) |
local SpringScheduler = require(Package.Animation.SpringScheduler) |
local useDependency = require(Package.Dependencies.useDependency) |
local initDependency = require(Package.Dependencies.initDependency) |
local updateAll = require(Package.Dependencies.updateAll) |
local xtypeof = require(Package.Utility.xtypeof) |
local unwrap = require(Package.State.unwrap) |
local class = {} |
local CLASS_METATABLE = {__index = class} |
local WEAK_KEYS_METATABLE = {__mode = "k"} |
--[[ |
Returns the current value of this Spring object. |
The object will be registered as a dependency unless `asDependency` is false. |
]] |
function class:get(asDependency: boolean?): any |
if asDependency ~= false then |
useDependency(self) |
end |
return self._currentValue |
end |
--[[ |
Sets the position of the internal springs, meaning the value of this |
Spring will jump to the given value. This doesn't affect velocity. |
If the type doesn't match the current type of the spring, an error will be |
thrown. |
]] |
function class:setPosition(newValue: PubTypes.Animatable) |
local newType = typeof(newValue) |
if newType ~= self._currentType then |
logError("springTypeMismatch", nil, newType, self._currentType) |
end |
self._springPositions = unpackType(newValue, newType) |
self._currentValue = newValue |
SpringScheduler.add(self) |
updateAll(self) |
end |
--[[ |
Sets the velocity of the internal springs, overwriting the existing velocity |
of this Spring. This doesn't affect position. |
If the type doesn't match the current type of the spring, an error will be |
thrown. |
]] |
function class:setVelocity(newValue: PubTypes.Animatable) |
local newType = typeof(newValue) |
if newType ~= self._currentType then |
logError("springTypeMismatch", nil, newType, self._currentType) |
end |
self._springVelocities = unpackType(newValue, newType) |
SpringScheduler.add(self) |
end |
--[[ |
Adds to the velocity of the internal springs, on top of the existing |
velocity of this Spring. This doesn't affect position. |
If the type doesn't match the current type of the spring, an error will be |
thrown. |
]] |
function class:addVelocity(deltaValue: PubTypes.Animatable) |
local deltaType = typeof(deltaValue) |
if deltaType ~= self._currentType then |
logError("springTypeMismatch", nil, deltaType, self._currentType) |
end |
local springDeltas = unpackType(deltaValue, deltaType) |
for index, delta in ipairs(springDeltas) do |
self._springVelocities[index] += delta |
end |
SpringScheduler.add(self) |
end |
--[[ |
Called when the goal state changes value, or when the speed or damping has |
changed. |
]] |
function class:update(): boolean |
local goalValue = self._goalState:get(false) |
-- figure out if this was a goal change or a speed/damping change |
if goalValue == self._goalValue then |
-- speed/damping change |
local damping = unwrap(self._damping) |
if typeof(damping) ~= "number" then |
logErrorNonFatal("mistypedSpringDamping", nil, typeof(damping)) |
elseif damping < 0 then |
logErrorNonFatal("invalidSpringDamping", nil, damping) |
else |
self._currentDamping = damping |
end |
local speed = unwrap(self._speed) |
if typeof(speed) ~= "number" then |
logErrorNonFatal("mistypedSpringSpeed", nil, typeof(speed)) |
elseif speed < 0 then |
logErrorNonFatal("invalidSpringSpeed", nil, speed) |
else |
self._currentSpeed = speed |
end |
return false |
else |
-- goal change - reconfigure spring to target new goal |
self._goalValue = goalValue |
local oldType = self._currentType |
local newType = typeof(goalValue) |
self._currentType = newType |
local springGoals = unpackType(goalValue, newType) |
local numSprings = #springGoals |
self._springGoals = springGoals |
if newType ~= oldType then |
-- if the type changed, snap to the new value and rebuild the |
-- position and velocity tables |
self._currentValue = self._goalValue |
local springPositions = table.create(numSprings, 0) |
local springVelocities = table.create(numSprings, 0) |
for index, springGoal in ipairs(springGoals) do |
springPositions[index] = springGoal |
end |
self._springPositions = springPositions |
self._springVelocities = springVelocities |
-- the spring may have been animating before, so stop that |
SpringScheduler.remove(self) |
return true |
-- otherwise, the type hasn't changed, just the goal... |
elseif numSprings == 0 then |
-- if the type isn't animatable, snap to the new value |
self._currentValue = self._goalValue |
return true |
else |
-- if it's animatable, let it animate to the goal |
SpringScheduler.add(self) |
return false |
end |
end |
end |
local function Spring<T>( |
goalState: PubTypes.Value<T>, |
speed: PubTypes.CanBeState<number>?, |
damping: PubTypes.CanBeState<number>? |
): Types.Spring<T> |
-- apply defaults for speed and damping |
if speed == nil then |
speed = 10 |
end |
if damping == nil then |
damping = 1 |
end |
local dependencySet = {[goalState] = true} |
if xtypeof(speed) == "State" then |
dependencySet[speed] = true |
end |
if xtypeof(damping) == "State" then |
dependencySet[damping] = true |
end |
local self = setmetatable({ |
type = "State", |
kind = "Spring", |
dependencySet = dependencySet, |
-- if we held strong references to the dependents, then they wouldn't be |
-- able to get garbage collected when they fall out of scope |
dependentSet = setmetatable({}, WEAK_KEYS_METATABLE), |
_speed = speed, |
_damping = damping, |
_goalState = goalState, |
_goalValue = nil, |
_currentType = nil, |
_currentValue = nil, |
_currentSpeed = unwrap(speed), |
_currentDamping = unwrap(damping), |
_springPositions = nil, |
_springGoals = nil, |
_springVelocities = nil |
initDependency(self) |
-- add this object to the goal state's dependent set |
goalState.dependentSet[self] = true |
self:update() |
return self |
end |
return Spring end,Properties={Name="Spring"},Reference=3,ClassName="ModuleScript"},{Closure=function() --!strict |
--[[ |
Returns a 2x2 matrix of coefficients for a given time, damping and speed. |
Specifically, this returns four coefficients - posPos, posVel, velPos, and |
velVel - which can be multiplied with position and velocity like so: |
local newPosition = oldPosition * posPos + oldVelocity * posVel |
local newVelocity = oldPosition * velPos + oldVelocity * velVel |
Special thanks to AxisAngle for helping to improve numerical precision. |
]] |
local function springCoefficients(time: number, damping: number, speed: number): (number, number, number, number) |
-- if time or speed is 0, then the spring won't move |
if time == 0 or speed == 0 then |
return 1, 0, 0, 1 |
end |
local posPos, posVel, velPos, velVel |
if damping > 1 then |
-- overdamped spring |
-- solution to the characteristic equation: |
-- z = -ζω ± Sqrt[ζ^2 - 1] ω |
-- x[t] -> x0(e^(t z2) z1 - e^(t z1) z2)/(z1 - z2) |
-- + v0(e^(t z1) - e^(t z2))/(z1 - z2) |
-- v[t] -> x0(z1 z2(-e^(t z1) + e^(t z2)))/(z1 - z2) |
-- + v0(z1 e^(t z1) - z2 e^(t z2))/(z1 - z2) |
local scaledTime = time * speed |
local alpha = math.sqrt(damping^2 - 1) |
local scaledInvAlpha = -0.5 / alpha |
local z1 = -alpha - damping |
local z2 = 1 / z1 |
local expZ1 = math.exp(scaledTime * z1) |
local expZ2 = math.exp(scaledTime * z2) |
posPos = (expZ2*z1 - expZ1*z2) * scaledInvAlpha |
posVel = (expZ1 - expZ2) * scaledInvAlpha / speed |
velPos = (expZ2 - expZ1) * scaledInvAlpha * speed |
velVel = (expZ1*z1 - expZ2*z2) * scaledInvAlpha |
elseif damping == 1 then |
-- critically damped spring |
-- x[t] -> x0(e^-tω)(1+tω) + v0(e^-tω)t |
-- v[t] -> x0(t ω^2)(-e^-tω) + v0(1 - tω)(e^-tω) |
local scaledTime = time * speed |
local expTerm = math.exp(-scaledTime) |
posPos = expTerm * (1 + scaledTime) |
posVel = expTerm * time |
velPos = expTerm * (-scaledTime*speed) |
velVel = expTerm * (1 - scaledTime) |
else |
-- underdamped spring |
-- factored out of the solutions to the characteristic equation: |
-- α = Sqrt[1 - ζ^2] |
-- x[t] -> x0(e^-tζω)(α Cos[tα] + ζω Sin[tα])/α |
-- + v0(e^-tζω)(Sin[tα])/α |
-- v[t] -> x0(-e^-tζω)(α^2 + ζ^2 ω^2)(Sin[tα])/α |
-- + v0(e^-tζω)(α Cos[tα] - ζω Sin[tα])/α |
local scaledTime = time * speed |
local alpha = math.sqrt(1 - damping^2) |
local invAlpha = 1 / alpha |
local alphaTime = alpha * scaledTime |
local expTerm = math.exp(-scaledTime*damping) |
local sinTerm = expTerm * math.sin(alphaTime) |
local cosTerm = expTerm * math.cos(alphaTime) |
local sinInvAlpha = sinTerm*invAlpha |
local sinInvAlphaDamp = sinInvAlpha*damping |
posPos = sinInvAlphaDamp + cosTerm |
posVel = sinInvAlpha |
velPos = -(sinInvAlphaDamp*damping + sinTerm*alpha) |
velVel = cosTerm - sinInvAlphaDamp |
end |
return posPos, posVel, velPos, velVel |
end |
return springCoefficients |
end,Properties={Name="springCoefficients"},Reference=10,ClassName="ModuleScript"},{Closure=function() --!strict |
--[[ |
Unpacks an animatable type into an array of numbers. |
If the type is not animatable, an empty array will be returned. |
FIXME: This function uses a lot of redefinitions to suppress false positives |
from the Luau typechecker - ideally these wouldn't be required |
FUTURE: When Luau supports singleton types, those could be used in |
conjunction with intersection types to make this function fully statically |
type checkable. |
]] |
local Package = script.Parent.Parent |
local PubTypes = require(Package.PubTypes) |
local Oklab = require(Package.Colour.Oklab) |
local function unpackType(value: any, typeString: string): {number} |
if typeString == "number" then |
local value = value :: number |
return {value} |
elseif typeString == "CFrame" then |
-- FUTURE: is there a better way of doing this? doing distance |
-- calculations on `angle` may be incorrect |
local axis, angle = value:ToAxisAngle() |
return {value.X, value.Y, value.Z, axis.X, axis.Y, axis.Z, angle} |
elseif typeString == "Color3" then |
local lab = Oklab.to(value) |
return {lab.X, lab.Y, lab.Z} |
elseif typeString == "ColorSequenceKeypoint" then |
local lab = Oklab.to(value.Value) |
return {lab.X, lab.Y, lab.Z, value.Time} |
elseif typeString == "DateTime" then |
return {value.UnixTimestampMillis} |
elseif typeString == "NumberRange" then |
return {value.Min, value.Max} |
elseif typeString == "NumberSequenceKeypoint" then |
return {value.Value, value.Time, value.Envelope} |
elseif typeString == "PhysicalProperties" then |
return {value.Density, value.Friction, value.Elasticity, value.FrictionWeight, value.ElasticityWeight} |
elseif typeString == "Ray" then |
return {value.Origin.X, value.Origin.Y, value.Origin.Z, value.Direction.X, value.Direction.Y, value.Direction.Z} |
elseif typeString == "Rect" then |
return {value.Min.X, value.Min.Y, value.Max.X, value.Max.Y} |
elseif typeString == "Region3" then |
-- FUTURE: support rotated Region3s if/when they become constructable |
return { |
value.CFrame.X, value.CFrame.Y, value.CFrame.Z, |
value.Size.X, value.Size.Y, value.Size.Z |
} |
elseif typeString == "Region3int16" then |
return {value.Min.X, value.Min.Y, value.Min.Z, value.Max.X, value.Max.Y, value.Max.Z} |
elseif typeString == "UDim" then |
return {value.Scale, value.Offset} |
elseif typeString == "UDim2" then |
return {value.X.Scale, value.X.Offset, value.Y.Scale, value.Y.Offset} |
elseif typeString == "Vector2" then |
return {value.X, value.Y} |
elseif typeString == "Vector2int16" then |
return {value.X, value.Y} |
elseif typeString == "Vector3" then |
return {value.X, value.Y, value.Z} |
elseif typeString == "Vector3int16" then |
return {value.X, value.Y, value.Z} |
else |
return {} |
end |
end |
return unpackType end,Properties={Name="unpackType"},Reference=11,ClassName="ModuleScript"},{Closure=function() --!strict |
--[[ |
Manages batch updating of tween objects. |
]] |
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") |
local Package = script.Parent.Parent |
local Types = require(Package.Types) |
local lerpType = require(Package.Animation.lerpType) |
local getTweenRatio = require(Package.Animation.getTweenRatio) |
local updateAll = require(Package.Dependencies.updateAll) |
local TweenScheduler = {} |
type Set<T> = {[T]: any} |
type Tween = Types.Tween<any> |
local WEAK_KEYS_METATABLE = {__mode = "k"} |
-- all the tweens currently being updated |
local allTweens: Set<Tween> = {} |
setmetatable(allTweens, WEAK_KEYS_METATABLE) |
--[[ |
Adds a Tween to be updated every render step. |
]] |
function TweenScheduler.add(tween: Tween) |
allTweens[tween] = true |
end |
--[[ |
Removes a Tween from the scheduler. |
]] |
function TweenScheduler.remove(tween: Tween) |
allTweens[tween] = nil |
end |
--[[ |
Updates all Tween objects. |
]] |
local function updateAllTweens() |
local now = os.clock() |
-- FIXME: Typed Luau doesn't understand this loop yet |
for tween: Tween in pairs(allTweens :: any) do |
local currentTime = now - tween._currentTweenStartTime |
if currentTime > tween._currentTweenDuration then |
if tween._currentTweenInfo.Reverses then |
tween._currentValue = tween._prevValue |
else |
tween._currentValue = tween._nextValue |
end |
tween._currentlyAnimating = false |
updateAll(tween) |
TweenScheduler.remove(tween) |
else |
local ratio = getTweenRatio(tween._currentTweenInfo, currentTime) |
local currentValue = lerpType(tween._prevValue, tween._nextValue, ratio) |
tween._currentValue = currentValue |
tween._currentlyAnimating = true |
updateAll(tween) |
end |
end |
end |
RunService:BindToRenderStep( |
"__FusionTweenScheduler", |
Enum.RenderPriority.First.Value, |
updateAllTweens |
) |
return TweenScheduler end,Properties={Name="TweenScheduler"},Reference=6,ClassName="ModuleScript"},{Closure=function() --!strict |
--[[ |
Linearly interpolates the given animatable types by a ratio. |
If the types are different or not animatable, then the first value will be |
returned for ratios below 0.5, and the second value for 0.5 and above. |
FIXME: This function uses a lot of redefinitions to suppress false positives |
from the Luau typechecker - ideally these wouldn't be required |
]] |
local Package = script.Parent.Parent |
local PubTypes = require(Package.PubTypes) |
local Oklab = require(Package.Colour.Oklab) |
local function lerpType(from: any, to: any, ratio: number): any |
local typeString = typeof(from) |
if typeof(to) == typeString then |
-- both types must match for interpolation to make sense |
if typeString == "number" then |
local to, from = to :: number, from :: number |
return (to - from) * ratio + from |
elseif typeString == "CFrame" then |
local to, from = to :: CFrame, from :: CFrame |
return from:Lerp(to, ratio) |
elseif typeString == "Color3" then |
local to, from = to :: Color3, from :: Color3 |
local fromLab = Oklab.to(from) |
local toLab = Oklab.to(to) |
return Oklab.from( |
fromLab:Lerp(toLab, ratio), |
false |
) |
elseif typeString == "ColorSequenceKeypoint" then |
local to, from = to :: ColorSequenceKeypoint, from :: ColorSequenceKeypoint |
local fromLab = Oklab.to(from.Value) |
local toLab = Oklab.to(to.Value) |
return ColorSequenceKeypoint.new( |
(to.Time - from.Time) * ratio + from.Time, |
Oklab.from( |
fromLab:Lerp(toLab, ratio), |
false |
) |
) |
elseif typeString == "DateTime" then |
local to, from = to :: DateTime, from :: DateTime |
return DateTime.fromUnixTimestampMillis( |
(to.UnixTimestampMillis - from.UnixTimestampMillis) * ratio + from.UnixTimestampMillis |
) |
elseif typeString == "NumberRange" then |
local to, from = to :: NumberRange, from :: NumberRange |
return NumberRange.new( |
(to.Min - from.Min) * ratio + from.Min, |
(to.Max - from.Max) * ratio + from.Max |
) |
elseif typeString == "NumberSequenceKeypoint" then |
local to, from = to :: NumberSequenceKeypoint, from :: NumberSequenceKeypoint |
return NumberSequenceKeypoint.new( |
(to.Time - from.Time) * ratio + from.Time, |
(to.Value - from.Value) * ratio + from.Value, |
(to.Envelope - from.Envelope) * ratio + from.Envelope |
) |
elseif typeString == "PhysicalProperties" then |
local to, from = to :: PhysicalProperties, from :: PhysicalProperties |
return PhysicalProperties.new( |
(to.Density - from.Density) * ratio + from.Density, |
(to.Friction - from.Friction) * ratio + from.Friction, |
(to.Elasticity - from.Elasticity) * ratio + from.Elasticity, |
(to.FrictionWeight - from.FrictionWeight) * ratio + from.FrictionWeight, |
(to.ElasticityWeight - from.ElasticityWeight) * ratio + from.ElasticityWeight |
) |
elseif typeString == "Ray" then |
local to, from = to :: Ray, from :: Ray |
return Ray.new( |
from.Origin:Lerp(to.Origin, ratio), |
from.Direction:Lerp(to.Direction, ratio) |
) |
elseif typeString == "Rect" then |
local to, from = to :: Rect, from :: Rect |
return Rect.new( |
from.Min:Lerp(to.Min, ratio), |
from.Max:Lerp(to.Max, ratio) |
) |
elseif typeString == "Region3" then |
local to, from = to :: Region3, from :: Region3 |
-- FUTURE: support rotated Region3s if/when they become constructable |
local position = from.CFrame.Position:Lerp(to.CFrame.Position, ratio) |
local halfSize = from.Size:Lerp(to.Size, ratio) / 2 |
return Region3.new(position - halfSize, position + halfSize) |
elseif typeString == "Region3int16" then |
local to, from = to :: Region3int16, from :: Region3int16 |
return Region3int16.new( |
Vector3int16.new( |
(to.Min.X - from.Min.X) * ratio + from.Min.X, |
(to.Min.Y - from.Min.Y) * ratio + from.Min.Y, |
(to.Min.Z - from.Min.Z) * ratio + from.Min.Z |
), |
Vector3int16.new( |
(to.Max.X - from.Max.X) * ratio + from.Max.X, |
(to.Max.Y - from.Max.Y) * ratio + from.Max.Y, |
(to.Max.Z - from.Max.Z) * ratio + from.Max.Z |
) |
) |
elseif typeString == "UDim" then |
local to, from = to :: UDim, from :: UDim |
return UDim.new( |
(to.Scale - from.Scale) * ratio + from.Scale, |
(to.Offset - from.Offset) * ratio + from.Offset |
) |
elseif typeString == "UDim2" then |
local to, from = to :: UDim2, from :: UDim2 |
return from:Lerp(to, ratio) |
elseif typeString == "Vector2" then |
local to, from = to :: Vector2, from :: Vector2 |
return from:Lerp(to, ratio) |
elseif typeString == "Vector2int16" then |
local to, from = to :: Vector2int16, from :: Vector2int16 |
return Vector2int16.new( |
(to.X - from.X) * ratio + from.X, |
(to.Y - from.Y) * ratio + from.Y |
) |
elseif typeString == "Vector3" then |
local to, from = to :: Vector3, from :: Vector3 |
return from:Lerp(to, ratio) |
elseif typeString == "Vector3int16" then |
local to, from = to :: Vector3int16, from :: Vector3int16 |
return Vector3int16.new( |
(to.X - from.X) * ratio + from.X, |
(to.Y - from.Y) * ratio + from.Y, |
(to.Z - from.Z) * ratio + from.Z |
) |
end |
end |
-- fallback case: the types are different or not animatable |
if ratio < 0.5 then |
return from |
else |
return to |
end |
end |
return lerpType end,Properties={Name="lerpType"},Reference=8,ClassName="ModuleScript"}},Properties={Name="Animation"},Reference=2,ClassName="Folder"},{Children={{Closure=function() --!strict |
--[[ |
Utility function to log a Fusion-specific warning. |
]] |
local Package = script.Parent.Parent |
local messages = require(Package.Logging.messages) |
local function logWarn(messageID, ...) |
local formatString: string |
if messages[messageID] ~= nil then |
formatString = messages[messageID] |
else |
messageID = "unknownMessage" |
formatString = messages[messageID] |
end |
warn(string.format("[Fusion] " .. formatString .. "\n(ID: " .. messageID .. ")", ...)) |
end |
return logWarn end,Properties={Name="logWarn"},Reference=34,ClassName="ModuleScript"},{Closure=function() --!strict |
--[[ |
Utility function to log a Fusion-specific error. |
]] |
local Package = script.Parent.Parent |
local Types = require(Package.Types) |
local messages = require(Package.Logging.messages) |
local function logError(messageID: string, errObj: Types.Error?, ...) |
local formatString: string |
if messages[messageID] ~= nil then |
formatString = messages[messageID] |
else |
messageID = "unknownMessage" |
formatString = messages[messageID] |
end |
local errorString |
if errObj == nil then |
errorString = string.format("[Fusion] " .. formatString .. "\n(ID: " .. messageID .. ")", ...) |
else |
formatString = formatString:gsub("ERROR_MESSAGE", errObj.message) |
errorString = string.format("[Fusion] " .. formatString .. "\n(ID: " .. messageID .. ")\n---- Stack trace ----\n" .. errObj.trace, ...) |
end |
error(errorString:gsub("\n", "\n "), 0) |
end |
return logError end,Properties={Name="logError"},Reference=32,ClassName="ModuleScript"},{Closure=function() --!strict |
--[[ |
An xpcall() error handler to collect and parse useful information about |
errors, such as clean messages and stack traces. |
TODO: this should have a 'type' field for runtime type checking! |
]] |
local Package = script.Parent.Parent |
local Types = require(Package.Types) |
local function parseError(err: string): Types.Error |
return { |
type = "Error", |
raw = err, |
message = err:gsub("^.+:%d+:%s*", ""), |
trace = debug.traceback(nil, 2) |
} |
end |
return parseError end,Properties={Name="parseError"},Reference=36,ClassName="ModuleScript"},{Closure=function() --!strict |
--[[ |
Utility function to log a Fusion-specific error, without halting execution. |
]] |
local Package = script.Parent.Parent |
local Types = require(Package.Types) |
local messages = require(Package.Logging.messages) |
local function logErrorNonFatal(messageID: string, errObj: Types.Error?, ...) |
local formatString: string |
if messages[messageID] ~= nil then |
formatString = messages[messageID] |
else |
messageID = "unknownMessage" |
formatString = messages[messageID] |
end |
local errorString |
if errObj == nil then |
errorString = string.format("[Fusion] " .. formatString .. "\n(ID: " .. messageID .. ")", ...) |
else |
formatString = formatString:gsub("ERROR_MESSAGE", errObj.message) |
errorString = string.format("[Fusion] " .. formatString .. "\n(ID: " .. messageID .. ")\n---- Stack trace ----\n" .. errObj.trace, ...) |
end |
task.spawn(function(...) |
error(errorString:gsub("\n", "\n "), 0) |
end, ...) |
end |
return logErrorNonFatal end,Properties={Name="logErrorNonFatal"},Reference=33,ClassName="ModuleScript"},{Closure=function() --!strict |
--[[ |
Stores templates for different kinds of logging messages. |
]] |
return { |
cannotAssignProperty = "The class type '%s' has no assignable property '%s'.", |
cannotConnectChange = "The %s class doesn't have a property called '%s'.", |
cannotConnectEvent = "The %s class doesn't have an event called '%s'.", |
cannotCreateClass = "Can't create a new instance of class '%s'.", |
computedCallbackError = "Computed callback error: ERROR_MESSAGE", |
destructorNeededValue = "To save instances into Values, provide a destructor function. This will be an error soon - see discussion #183 on GitHub.", |
destructorNeededComputed = "To return instances from Computeds, provide a destructor function. This will be an error soon - see discussion #183 on GitHub.", |
multiReturnComputed = "Returning multiple values from Computeds is discouraged, as behaviour will change soon - see discussion #189 on GitHub.", |
destructorNeededForKeys = "To return instances from ForKeys, provide a destructor function. This will be an error soon - see discussion #183 on GitHub.", |
destructorNeededForValues = "To return instances from ForValues, provide a destructor function. This will be an error soon - see discussion #183 on GitHub.", |
destructorNeededForPairs = "To return instances from ForPairs, provide a destructor function. This will be an error soon - see discussion #183 on GitHub.", |
duplicatePropertyKey = "", |
forKeysProcessorError = "ForKeys callback error: ERROR_MESSAGE", |
forKeysKeyCollision = "ForKeys should only write to output key '%s' once when processing key changes, but it wrote to it twice. Previously input key: '%s'; New input key: '%s'", |
forKeysDestructorError = "ForKeys destructor error: ERROR_MESSAGE", |
forPairsDestructorError = "ForPairs destructor error: ERROR_MESSAGE", |
forPairsKeyCollision = "ForPairs should only write to output key '%s' once when processing key changes, but it wrote to it twice. Previous input pair: '[%s] = %s'; New input pair: '[%s] = %s'", |
forPairsProcessorError = "ForPairs callback error: ERROR_MESSAGE", |
forValuesProcessorError = "ForValues callback error: ERROR_MESSAGE", |
forValuesDestructorError = "ForValues destructor error: ERROR_MESSAGE", |
invalidChangeHandler = "The change handler for the '%s' property must be a function.", |
invalidEventHandler = "The handler for the '%s' event must be a function.", |
invalidPropertyType = "'%s.%s' expected a '%s' type, but got a '%s' type.", |
invalidRefType = "Instance refs must be Value objects.", |
invalidOutType = "[Out] properties must be given Value objects.", |
invalidOutProperty = "The %s class doesn't have a property called '%s'.", |
invalidSpringDamping = "The damping ratio for a spring must be >= 0. (damping was %.2f)", |
invalidSpringSpeed = "The speed of a spring must be >= 0. (speed was %.2f)", |
mistypedSpringDamping = "The damping ratio for a spring must be a number. (got a %s)", |
mistypedSpringSpeed = "The speed of a spring must be a number. (got a %s)", |
mistypedTweenInfo = "The tween info of a tween must be a TweenInfo. (got a %s)", |
springTypeMismatch = "The type '%s' doesn't match the spring's type '%s'.", |
strictReadError = "'%s' is not a valid member of '%s'.", |
unknownMessage = "Unknown error: ERROR_MESSAGE", |
unrecognisedChildType = "'%s' type children aren't accepted by `[Children]`.", |
unrecognisedPropertyKey = "'%s' keys aren't accepted in property tables.", |
unrecognisedPropertyStage = "'%s' isn't a valid stage for a special key to be applied at." |
} end,Properties={Name="messages"},Reference=35,ClassName="ModuleScript"}},Properties={Name="Logging"},Reference=31,ClassName="Folder"},{Children={{Closure=function() --!strict |
--[[ |
A special key for property tables, which adds user-specified tasks to be run |
when the instance is destroyed. |
]] |
local Package = script.Parent.Parent |
local PubTypes = require(Package.PubTypes) |
local Cleanup = {} |
Cleanup.type = "SpecialKey" |
Cleanup.kind = "Cleanup" |
Cleanup.stage = "observer" |
function Cleanup:apply(userTask: any, applyTo: Instance, cleanupTasks: {PubTypes.Task}) |
table.insert(cleanupTasks, userTask) |
end |
return Cleanup end,Properties={Name="Cleanup"},Reference=22,ClassName="ModuleScript"},{Closure=function() --!strict |
--[[ |
A special key for property tables, which parents any given descendants into |
an instance. |
]] |
local Package = script.Parent.Parent |
local PubTypes = require(Package.PubTypes) |
local logWarn = require(Package.Logging.logWarn) |
local Observer = require(Package.State.Observer) |
local xtypeof = require(Package.Utility.xtypeof) |
type Set<T> = {[T]: boolean} |
-- Experimental flag: name children based on the key used in the [Children] table |
local Children = {} |
Children.type = "SpecialKey" |
Children.kind = "Children" |
Children.stage = "descendants" |
function Children:apply(propValue: any, applyTo: Instance, cleanupTasks: {PubTypes.Task}) |
local newParented: Set<Instance> = {} |
local oldParented: Set<Instance> = {} |
-- save disconnection functions for state object observers |
local newDisconnects: {[PubTypes.StateObject<any>]: () -> ()} = {} |
local oldDisconnects: {[PubTypes.StateObject<any>]: () -> ()} = {} |
local updateQueued = false |
local queueUpdate: () -> () |
-- Rescans this key's value to find new instances to parent and state objects |
-- to observe for changes; then unparents instances no longer found and |
-- disconnects observers for state objects no longer present. |
local function updateChildren() |
if not updateQueued then |
return -- this update may have been canceled by destruction, etc. |
end |
updateQueued = false |
oldParented, newParented = newParented, oldParented |
oldDisconnects, newDisconnects = newDisconnects, oldDisconnects |
table.clear(newParented) |
table.clear(newDisconnects) |
local function processChild(child: any, autoName: string?) |
local kind = xtypeof(child) |
if kind == "Instance" then |
-- case 1; single instance |
newParented[child] = true |
if oldParented[child] == nil then |
-- wasn't previously present |
-- TODO: check for ancestry conflicts here |
child.Parent = applyTo |
else |
-- previously here; we want to reuse, so remove from old |
-- set so we don't encounter it during unparenting |
oldParented[child] = nil |
end |
if EXPERIMENTAL_AUTO_NAMING and autoName ~= nil then |
child.Name = autoName |
end |
elseif kind == "State" then |
-- case 2; state object |
local value = child:get(false) |
-- allow nil to represent the absence of a child |
if value ~= nil then |
processChild(value, autoName) |
end |
local disconnect = oldDisconnects[child] |
if disconnect == nil then |
-- wasn't previously present |
disconnect = Observer(child):onChange(queueUpdate) |
else |
-- previously here; we want to reuse, so remove from old |
-- set so we don't encounter it during unparenting |
oldDisconnects[child] = nil |
end |
newDisconnects[child] = disconnect |
elseif kind == "table" then |
-- case 3; table of objects |
for key, subChild in pairs(child) do |
local keyType = typeof(key) |
local subAutoName: string? = nil |
if keyType == "string" then |
subAutoName = key |
elseif keyType == "number" and autoName ~= nil then |
subAutoName = autoName .. "_" .. key |
end |
processChild(subChild, subAutoName) |
end |
else |
logWarn("unrecognisedChildType", kind) |
end |
end |
if propValue ~= nil then |
-- `propValue` is set to nil on cleanup, so we don't process children |
-- in that case |
processChild(propValue) |
end |
-- unparent any children that are no longer present |
for oldInstance in pairs(oldParented) do |
oldInstance.Parent = nil |
end |
-- disconnect observers which weren't reused |
for oldState, disconnect in pairs(oldDisconnects) do |
disconnect() |
end |
end |
queueUpdate = function() |
if not updateQueued then |
updateQueued = true |
task.defer(updateChildren) |
end |
end |
table.insert(cleanupTasks, function() |
propValue = nil |
updateQueued = true |
updateChildren() |
end) |
-- perform initial child parenting |
updateQueued = true |
updateChildren() |
end |
return Children :: PubTypes.SpecialKey end,Properties={Name="Children"},Reference=21,ClassName="ModuleScript"},{Closure=function() --!strict |
--[[ |
A special key for property tables, which stores a reference to the instance |
in a user-provided Value object. |
]] |
local Package = script.Parent.Parent |
local PubTypes = require(Package.PubTypes) |
local logError = require(Package.Logging.logError) |
local xtypeof = require(Package.Utility.xtypeof) |
local Ref = {} |
Ref.type = "SpecialKey" |
Ref.kind = "Ref" |
Ref.stage = "observer" |
function Ref:apply(refState: any, applyTo: Instance, cleanupTasks: {PubTypes.Task}) |
if xtypeof(refState) ~= "State" or refState.kind ~= "Value" then |
logError("invalidRefType") |
else |
refState:set(applyTo) |
table.insert(cleanupTasks, function() |
refState:set(nil) |
end) |
end |
end |
return Ref end,Properties={Name="Ref"},Reference=28,ClassName="ModuleScript"},{Closure=function() --!strict |
--[[ |
A special key for property tables, which allows users to extract values from |
an instance into an automatically-updated Value object. |
]] |
local Package = script.Parent.Parent |
local PubTypes = require(Package.PubTypes) |
local logError = require(Package.Logging.logError) |
local xtypeof = require(Package.Utility.xtypeof) |
local function Out(propertyName: string): PubTypes.SpecialKey |
local outKey = {} |
outKey.type = "SpecialKey" |
outKey.kind = "Out" |
outKey.stage = "observer" |
function outKey:apply(outState: any, applyTo: Instance, cleanupTasks: { PubTypes.Task }) |
local ok, event = pcall(applyTo.GetPropertyChangedSignal, applyTo, propertyName) |
if not ok then |
logError("invalidOutProperty", nil, applyTo.ClassName, propertyName) |
elseif xtypeof(outState) ~= "State" or outState.kind ~= "Value" then |
logError("invalidOutType") |
else |
outState:set((applyTo :: any)[propertyName]) |
table.insert( |
cleanupTasks, |
event:Connect(function() |
outState:set((applyTo :: any)[propertyName]) |
end) |
) |
table.insert(cleanupTasks, function() |
outState:set(nil) |
end) |
end |
end |
return outKey |
end |
return Out |
end,Properties={Name="Out"},Reference=27,ClassName="ModuleScript"},{Closure=function() --!strict |
--[[ |
Stores 'sensible default' properties to be applied to instances created by |
the New function. |
]] |
return { |
ScreenGui = { |
ResetOnSpawn = false, |
ZIndexBehavior = Enum.ZIndexBehavior.Sibling |
}, |
BillboardGui = { |
ResetOnSpawn = false, |
ZIndexBehavior = Enum.ZIndexBehavior.Sibling |
}, |
SurfaceGui = { |
ResetOnSpawn = false, |
ZIndexBehavior = Enum.ZIndexBehavior.Sibling, |
SizingMode = Enum.SurfaceGuiSizingMode.PixelsPerStud, |
PixelsPerStud = 50 |
}, |
Frame = { |
BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), |
BorderColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), |
BorderSizePixel = 0 |
}, |
ScrollingFrame = { |
BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), |
BorderColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), |
BorderSizePixel = 0, |
ScrollBarImageColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) |
}, |
TextLabel = { |
BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), |
BorderColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), |
BorderSizePixel = 0, |
Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans, |
Text = "", |
TextColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), |
TextSize = 14 |
}, |
TextButton = { |
BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), |
BorderColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), |
BorderSizePixel = 0, |
AutoButtonColor = false, |
Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans, |
Text = "", |
TextColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), |
TextSize = 14 |
}, |
TextBox = { |
BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), |
BorderColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), |
BorderSizePixel = 0, |
ClearTextOnFocus = false, |
Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans, |
Text = "", |
TextColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), |
TextSize = 14 |
}, |
ImageLabel = { |
BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), |
BorderColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), |
BorderSizePixel = 0 |
}, |
ImageButton = { |
BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), |
BorderColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), |
BorderSizePixel = 0, |
AutoButtonColor = false |
}, |
ViewportFrame = { |
BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), |
BorderColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), |
BorderSizePixel = 0 |
}, |
VideoFrame = { |
BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), |
BorderColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), |
BorderSizePixel = 0 |
}, |
CanvasGroup = { |
BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), |
BorderColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), |
BorderSizePixel = 0 |
} |
} |
end,Properties={Name="defaultProps"},Reference=30,ClassName="ModuleScript"},{Closure=function() --!strict |
--[[ |
Applies a table of properties to an instance, including binding to any |
given state objects and applying any special keys. |
No strong reference is kept by default - special keys should take care not |
to accidentally hold strong references to instances forever. |
If a key is used twice, an error will be thrown. This is done to avoid |
double assignments or double bindings. However, some special keys may want |
to enable such assignments - in which case unique keys should be used for |
each occurence. |
]] |
local Package = script.Parent.Parent |
local PubTypes = require(Package.PubTypes) |
local cleanup = require(Package.Utility.cleanup) |
local xtypeof = require(Package.Utility.xtypeof) |
local logError = require(Package.Logging.logError) |
local Observer = require(Package.State.Observer) |
local function setProperty_unsafe(instance: Instance, property: string, value: any) |
(instance :: any)[property] = value |
end |
local function testPropertyAssignable(instance: Instance, property: string) |
(instance :: any)[property] = (instance :: any)[property] |
end |
local function setProperty(instance: Instance, property: string, value: any) |
if not pcall(setProperty_unsafe, instance, property, value) then |
if not pcall(testPropertyAssignable, instance, property) then |
if instance == nil then |
-- reference has been lost |
logError("setPropertyNilRef", nil, property, tostring(value)) |
else |
-- property is not assignable |
logError("cannotAssignProperty", nil, instance.ClassName, property) |
end |
else |
-- property is assignable, but this specific assignment failed |
-- this typically implies the wrong type was received |
local givenType = typeof(value) |
local expectedType = typeof((instance :: any)[property]) |
logError("invalidPropertyType", nil, instance.ClassName, property, expectedType, givenType) |
end |
end |
end |
local function bindProperty(instance: Instance, property: string, value: PubTypes.CanBeState<any>, cleanupTasks: {PubTypes.Task}) |
if xtypeof(value) == "State" then |
-- value is a state object - assign and observe for changes |
local willUpdate = false |
local function updateLater() |
if not willUpdate then |
willUpdate = true |
task.defer(function() |
willUpdate = false |
setProperty(instance, property, value:get(false)) |
end) |
end |
end |
setProperty(instance, property, value:get(false)) |
table.insert(cleanupTasks, Observer(value :: any):onChange(updateLater)) |
else |
-- value is a constant - assign once only |
setProperty(instance, property, value) |
end |
end |
local function applyInstanceProps(props: PubTypes.PropertyTable, applyTo: Instance) |
local specialKeys = { |
self = {} :: {[PubTypes.SpecialKey]: any}, |
descendants = {} :: {[PubTypes.SpecialKey]: any}, |
ancestor = {} :: {[PubTypes.SpecialKey]: any}, |
observer = {} :: {[PubTypes.SpecialKey]: any} |
} |
local cleanupTasks = {} |
for key, value in pairs(props) do |
local keyType = xtypeof(key) |
if keyType == "string" then |
if key ~= "Parent" then |
bindProperty(applyTo, key :: string, value, cleanupTasks) |
end |
elseif keyType == "SpecialKey" then |
local stage = (key :: PubTypes.SpecialKey).stage |
local keys = specialKeys[stage] |
if keys == nil then |
logError("unrecognisedPropertyStage", nil, stage) |
else |
keys[key] = value |
end |
else |
-- we don't recognise what this key is supposed to be |
logError("unrecognisedPropertyKey", nil, xtypeof(key)) |
end |
end |
for key, value in pairs(specialKeys.self) do |
key:apply(value, applyTo, cleanupTasks) |
end |
for key, value in pairs(specialKeys.descendants) do |
key:apply(value, applyTo, cleanupTasks) |
end |
if props.Parent ~= nil then |
bindProperty(applyTo, "Parent", props.Parent, cleanupTasks) |
end |
for key, value in pairs(specialKeys.ancestor) do |
key:apply(value, applyTo, cleanupTasks) |
end |
for key, value in pairs(specialKeys.observer) do |
key:apply(value, applyTo, cleanupTasks) |
end |
applyTo.Destroying:Connect(function() |
cleanup(cleanupTasks) |
end) |
end |
return applyInstanceProps end,Properties={Name="applyInstanceProps"},Reference=29,ClassName="ModuleScript"},{Closure=function() --!strict |
--[[ |
Constructs special keys for property tables which connect property change |
listeners to an instance. |
]] |
local Package = script.Parent.Parent |
local PubTypes = require(Package.PubTypes) |
local logError = require(Package.Logging.logError) |
local function OnChange(propertyName: string): PubTypes.SpecialKey |
local changeKey = {} |
changeKey.type = "SpecialKey" |
changeKey.kind = "OnChange" |
changeKey.stage = "observer" |
function changeKey:apply(callback: any, applyTo: Instance, cleanupTasks: {PubTypes.Task}) |
local ok, event = pcall(applyTo.GetPropertyChangedSignal, applyTo, propertyName) |
if not ok then |
logError("cannotConnectChange", nil, applyTo.ClassName, propertyName) |
elseif typeof(callback) ~= "function" then |
logError("invalidChangeHandler", nil, propertyName) |
else |
table.insert(cleanupTasks, event:Connect(function() |
callback((applyTo :: any)[propertyName]) |
end)) |
end |
end |
return changeKey |
end |
return OnChange end,Properties={Name="OnChange"},Reference=25,ClassName="ModuleScript"},{Closure=function() --!strict |
--[[ |
Processes and returns an existing instance, with options for setting |
properties, event handlers and other attributes on the instance. |
]] |
local Package = script.Parent.Parent |
local PubTypes = require(Package.PubTypes) |
local applyInstanceProps = require(Package.Instances.applyInstanceProps) |
local function Hydrate(target: Instance) |
return function(props: PubTypes.PropertyTable): Instance |
applyInstanceProps(props, target) |
return target |
end |
end |
return Hydrate end,Properties={Name="Hydrate"},Reference=23,ClassName="ModuleScript"},{Closure=function() --!strict |
--[[ |
Constructs and returns a new instance, with options for setting properties, |
event handlers and other attributes on the instance right away. |
]] |
local Package = script.Parent.Parent |
local PubTypes = require(Package.PubTypes) |
local defaultProps = require(Package.Instances.defaultProps) |
local applyInstanceProps = require(Package.Instances.applyInstanceProps) |
local logError= require(Package.Logging.logError) |
local function New(className: string) |
return function(props: PubTypes.PropertyTable): Instance |
local ok, instance = pcall(Instance.new, className) |
if not ok then |
logError("cannotCreateClass", nil, className) |
end |
local classDefaults = defaultProps[className] |
if classDefaults ~= nil then |
for defaultProp, defaultValue in pairs(classDefaults) do |
instance[defaultProp] = defaultValue |
end |
end |
applyInstanceProps(props, instance) |
return instance |
end |
end |
return New end,Properties={Name="New"},Reference=24,ClassName="ModuleScript"},{Closure=function() --!strict |
--[[ |
Constructs special keys for property tables which connect event listeners to |
an instance. |
]] |
local Package = script.Parent.Parent |
local PubTypes = require(Package.PubTypes) |
local logError = require(Package.Logging.logError) |
local function getProperty_unsafe(instance: Instance, property: string) |
return (instance :: any)[property] |
end |
local function OnEvent(eventName: string): PubTypes.SpecialKey |
local eventKey = {} |
eventKey.type = "SpecialKey" |
eventKey.kind = "OnEvent" |
eventKey.stage = "observer" |
function eventKey:apply(callback: any, applyTo: Instance, cleanupTasks: {PubTypes.Task}) |
local ok, event = pcall(getProperty_unsafe, applyTo, eventName) |
if not ok or typeof(event) ~= "RBXScriptSignal" then |
logError("cannotConnectEvent", nil, applyTo.ClassName, eventName) |
elseif typeof(callback) ~= "function" then |
logError("invalidEventHandler", nil, eventName) |
else |
table.insert(cleanupTasks, event:Connect(callback)) |
end |
end |
return eventKey |
end |
return OnEvent end,Properties={Name="OnEvent"},Reference=26,ClassName="ModuleScript"}},Properties={Name="Instances"},Reference=20,ClassName="Folder"},{Children={{Closure=function() --!strict |
--[[ |
Restricts the reading of missing members for a table. |
]] |
local Package = script.Parent.Parent |
local logError = require(Package.Logging.logError) |
type table = {[any]: any} |
local function restrictRead(tableName: string, strictTable: table): table |
-- FIXME: Typed Luau doesn't recognise this correctly yet |
local metatable = getmetatable(strictTable :: any) |
if metatable == nil then |
metatable = {} |
setmetatable(strictTable, metatable) |
end |
function metatable:__index(memberName) |
logError("strictReadError", nil, tostring(memberName), tableName) |
end |
return strictTable |
end |
return restrictRead end,Properties={Name="restrictRead"},Reference=53,ClassName="ModuleScript"},{Closure=function() --!strict |
--[[ |
An empty function. Often used as a destructor to indicate no destruction. |
]] |
local function doNothing(...: any) |
end |
return doNothing end,Properties={Name="doNothing"},Reference=50,ClassName="ModuleScript"},{Closure=function() --!strict |
--[[ |
Returns true if A and B are 'similar' - i.e. any user of A would not need |
to recompute if it changed to B. |
]] |
local function isSimilar(a: any, b: any): boolean |
-- HACK: because tables are mutable data structures, don't make assumptions |
-- about similarity from equality for now (see issue #44) |
if typeof(a) == "table" then |
return false |
else |
return a == b |
end |
end |
return isSimilar end,Properties={Name="isSimilar"},Reference=51,ClassName="ModuleScript"},{Closure=function() --!strict |
--[[ |
A symbol for representing nil values in contexts where nil is not usable. |
]] |
local Package = script.Parent.Parent |
local Types = require(Package.Types) |
return { |
type = "Symbol", |
name = "None" |
} :: Types.None end,Properties={Name="None"},Reference=48,ClassName="ModuleScript"},{Closure=function() --!strict |
--[[ |
Extended typeof, designed for identifying custom objects. |
If given a table with a `type` string, returns that. |
Otherwise, returns `typeof()` the argument. |
]] |
local function xtypeof(x: any) |
local typeString = typeof(x) |
if typeString == "table" and typeof(x.type) == "string" then |
return x.type |
else |
return typeString |
end |
end |
return xtypeof end,Properties={Name="xtypeof"},Reference=54,ClassName="ModuleScript"},{Closure=function() --!strict |
--[[ |
Cleans up the tasks passed in as the arguments. |
A task can be any of the following: |
- an Instance - will be destroyed |
- an RBXScriptConnection - will be disconnected |
- a function - will be run |
- a table with a `Destroy` or `destroy` function - will be called |
- an array - `cleanup` will be called on each item |
]] |
local function cleanupOne(task: any) |
local taskType = typeof(task) |
-- case 1: Instance |
if taskType == "Instance" then |
task:Destroy() |
-- case 2: RBXScriptConnection |
elseif taskType == "RBXScriptConnection" then |
task:Disconnect() |
-- case 3: callback |
elseif taskType == "function" then |
task() |
elseif taskType == "table" then |
-- case 4: destroy() function |
if typeof(task.destroy) == "function" then |
task:destroy() |
-- case 5: Destroy() function |
elseif typeof(task.Destroy) == "function" then |
task:Destroy() |
-- case 6: array of tasks |
elseif task[1] ~= nil then |
for _, subtask in ipairs(task) do |
cleanupOne(subtask) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
local function cleanup(...: any) |
for index = 1, select("#", ...) do |
cleanupOne(select(index, ...)) |
end |
end |
return cleanup end,Properties={Name="cleanup"},Reference=49,ClassName="ModuleScript"},{Closure=function() --!strict |
--[[ |
Returns true if the given value is not automatically memory managed, and |
requires manual cleanup. |
]] |
local function needsDestruction(x: any): boolean |
return typeof(x) == "Instance" |
end |
return needsDestruction end,Properties={Name="needsDestruction"},Reference=52,ClassName="ModuleScript"}},Properties={Name="Utility"},Reference=47,ClassName="Folder"},{Children={{Closure=function() --!strict |
--[[ |
If a target set was specified by captureDependencies(), this will add the |
given dependency to the target set. |
]] |
local Package = script.Parent.Parent |
local PubTypes = require(Package.PubTypes) |
local sharedState = require(Package.Dependencies.sharedState) |
local initialisedStack = sharedState.initialisedStack |
local function useDependency(dependency: PubTypes.Dependency) |
local dependencySet = sharedState.dependencySet |
if dependencySet ~= nil then |
local initialisedStackSize = sharedState.initialisedStackSize |
if initialisedStackSize > 0 then |
local initialisedSet = initialisedStack[initialisedStackSize] |
if initialisedSet[dependency] ~= nil then |
return |
end |
end |
dependencySet[dependency] = true |
end |
end |
return useDependency end,Properties={Name="useDependency"},Reference=19,ClassName="ModuleScript"},{Closure=function() --!strict |
--[[ |
Given a reactive object, updates all dependent reactive objects. |
Objects are only ever updated after all of their dependencies are updated, |
are only ever updated once, and won't be updated if their dependencies are |
unchanged. |
]] |
local Package = script.Parent.Parent |
local PubTypes = require(Package.PubTypes) |
type Set<T> = {[T]: any} |
type Descendant = (PubTypes.Dependent & PubTypes.Dependency) | PubTypes.Dependent |
-- Credit: https://blog.elttob.uk/2022/11/07/sets-efficient-topological-search.html |
local function updateAll(root: PubTypes.Dependency) |
local counters: {[Descendant]: number} = {} |
local flags: {[Descendant]: boolean} = {} |
local queue: {Descendant} = {} |
local queueSize = 0 |
local queuePos = 1 |
for object in root.dependentSet do |
queueSize += 1 |
queue[queueSize] = object |
flags[object] = true |
end |
-- Pass 1: counting up |
while queuePos <= queueSize do |
local next = queue[queuePos] |
local counter = counters[next] |
counters[next] = if counter == nil then 1 else counter + 1 |
if (next :: any).dependentSet ~= nil then |
for object in (next :: any).dependentSet do |
queueSize += 1 |
queue[queueSize] = object |
end |
end |
queuePos += 1 |
end |
-- Pass 2: counting down + processing |
queuePos = 1 |
while queuePos <= queueSize do |
local next = queue[queuePos] |
local counter = counters[next] - 1 |
counters[next] = counter |
if counter == 0 and flags[next] and next:update() and (next :: any).dependentSet ~= nil then |
for object in (next :: any).dependentSet do |
flags[object] = true |
end |
end |
queuePos += 1 |
end |
end |
return updateAll end,Properties={Name="updateAll"},Reference=18,ClassName="ModuleScript"},{Closure=function() --!strict |
--[[ |
Registers the creation of an object which can be used as a dependency. |
This is used to make sure objects don't capture dependencies originating |
from inside of themselves. |
]] |
local Package = script.Parent.Parent |
local PubTypes = require(Package.PubTypes) |
local sharedState = require(Package.Dependencies.sharedState) |
local initialisedStack = sharedState.initialisedStack |
local function initDependency(dependency: PubTypes.Dependency) |
local initialisedStackSize = sharedState.initialisedStackSize |
for index, initialisedSet in ipairs(initialisedStack) do |
if index > initialisedStackSize then |
return |
end |
initialisedSet[dependency] = true |
end |
end |
return initDependency end,Properties={Name="initDependency"},Reference=16,ClassName="ModuleScript"},{Closure=function() --!strict |
--[[ |
Stores shared state for dependency management functions. |
]] |
local Package = script.Parent.Parent |
local PubTypes = require(Package.PubTypes) |
type Set<T> = {[T]: any} |
-- The set where used dependencies should be saved to. |
local dependencySet: Set<PubTypes.Dependency>? = nil |
-- A stack of sets where newly created dependencies should be stored. |
local initialisedStack: {Set<PubTypes.Dependency>} = {} |
local initialisedStackSize = 0 |
return { |
dependencySet = dependencySet, |
initialisedStack = initialisedStack, |
initialisedStackSize = initialisedStackSize |
} end,Properties={Name="sharedState"},Reference=17,ClassName="ModuleScript"},{Closure=function() --!strict |
--[[ |
Calls the given callback, and stores any used external dependencies. |
Arguments can be passed in after the callback. |
If the callback completed successfully, returns true and the returned value, |
otherwise returns false and the error thrown. |
The callback shouldn't yield or run asynchronously. |
NOTE: any calls to useDependency() inside the callback (even if inside any |
nested captureDependencies() call) will not be included in the set, to avoid |
self-dependencies. |
]] |
local Package = script.Parent.Parent |
local PubTypes = require(Package.PubTypes) |
local parseError = require(Package.Logging.parseError) |
local sharedState = require(Package.Dependencies.sharedState) |
type Set<T> = {[T]: any} |
local initialisedStack = sharedState.initialisedStack |
local initialisedStackCapacity = 0 |
local function captureDependencies( |
saveToSet: Set<PubTypes.Dependency>, |
callback: (...any) -> any, |
... |
): (boolean, any) |
local prevDependencySet = sharedState.dependencySet |
sharedState.dependencySet = saveToSet |
sharedState.initialisedStackSize += 1 |
local initialisedStackSize = sharedState.initialisedStackSize |
local initialisedSet |
if initialisedStackSize > initialisedStackCapacity then |
initialisedSet = {} |
initialisedStack[initialisedStackSize] = initialisedSet |
initialisedStackCapacity = initialisedStackSize |
else |
initialisedSet = initialisedStack[initialisedStackSize] |
table.clear(initialisedSet) |
end |
local data = table.pack(xpcall(callback, parseError, ...)) |
sharedState.dependencySet = prevDependencySet |
sharedState.initialisedStackSize -= 1 |
return table.unpack(data, 1, data.n) |
end |
return captureDependencies |
end,Properties={Name="captureDependencies"},Reference=15,ClassName="ModuleScript"}},Properties={Name="Dependencies"},Reference=14,ClassName="Folder"},{Closure=function() --!strict |
--[[ |
Stores common type information used internally. |
These types may be used internally so Fusion code can type-check, but |
should never be exposed to public users, as these definitions are fair game |
for breaking changes. |
]] |
local Package = script.Parent |
local PubTypes = require(Package.PubTypes) |
type Set<T> = {[T]: any} |
--[[ |
General use types |
]] |
-- A symbol that represents the absence of a value. |
export type None = PubTypes.Symbol & { |
-- name: "None" (add this when Luau supports singleton types) |
} |
-- Stores useful information about Luau errors. |
export type Error = { |
type: string, -- replace with "Error" when Luau supports singleton types |
raw: string, |
message: string, |
trace: string |
} |
--[[ |
Specific reactive graph types |
]] |
-- A state object whose value can be set at any time by the user. |
export type State<T> = PubTypes.Value<T> & { |
_value: T |
} |
-- A state object whose value is derived from other objects using a callback. |
export type Computed<T> = PubTypes.Computed<T> & { |
_oldDependencySet: Set<PubTypes.Dependency>, |
_callback: () -> T, |
_value: T |
} |
-- A state object whose value is derived from other objects using a callback. |
export type ForPairs<KI, VI, KO, VO, M> = PubTypes.ForPairs<KO, VO> & { |
_oldDependencySet: Set<PubTypes.Dependency>, |
_processor: (KI, VI) -> (KO, VO), |
_destructor: (VO, M?) -> (), |
_inputIsState: boolean, |
_inputTable: PubTypes.CanBeState<{ [KI]: VI }>, |
_oldInputTable: { [KI]: VI }, |
_outputTable: { [KO]: VO }, |
_oldOutputTable: { [KO]: VO }, |
_keyIOMap: { [KI]: KO }, |
_meta: { [KO]: M? }, |
_keyData: { |
[KI]: { |
dependencySet: Set<PubTypes.Dependency>, |
oldDependencySet: Set<PubTypes.Dependency>, |
dependencyValues: { [PubTypes.Dependency]: any }, |
}, |
}, |
} |
-- A state object whose value is derived from other objects using a callback. |
export type ForKeys<KI, KO, M> = PubTypes.ForKeys<KO, any> & { |
_oldDependencySet: Set<PubTypes.Dependency>, |
_processor: (KI) -> (KO), |
_destructor: (KO, M?) -> (), |
_inputIsState: boolean, |
_inputTable: PubTypes.CanBeState<{ [KI]: KO }>, |
_oldInputTable: { [KI]: KO }, |
_outputTable: { [KO]: any }, |
_keyOIMap: { [KO]: KI }, |
_meta: { [KO]: M? }, |
_keyData: { |
[KI]: { |
dependencySet: Set<PubTypes.Dependency>, |
oldDependencySet: Set<PubTypes.Dependency>, |
dependencyValues: { [PubTypes.Dependency]: any }, |
}, |
}, |
} |
-- A state object whose value is derived from other objects using a callback. |
export type ForValues<VI, VO, M> = PubTypes.ForValues<any, VO> & { |
_oldDependencySet: Set<PubTypes.Dependency>, |
_processor: (VI) -> (VO), |
_destructor: (VO, M?) -> (), |
_inputIsState: boolean, |
_inputTable: PubTypes.CanBeState<{ [VI]: VO }>, |
_outputTable: { [any]: VI }, |
_valueCache: { [VO]: any }, |
_oldValueCache: { [VO]: any }, |
_meta: { [VO]: M? }, |
_valueData: { |
[VI]: { |
dependencySet: Set<PubTypes.Dependency>, |
oldDependencySet: Set<PubTypes.Dependency>, |
dependencyValues: { [PubTypes.Dependency]: any }, |
}, |
}, |
} |
-- A state object which follows another state object using tweens. |
export type Tween<T> = PubTypes.Tween<T> & { |
_goalState: State<T>, |
_tweenInfo: TweenInfo, |
_prevValue: T, |
_nextValue: T, |
_currentValue: T, |
_currentTweenInfo: TweenInfo, |
_currentTweenDuration: number, |
_currentTweenStartTime: number, |
_currentlyAnimating: boolean |
} |
-- A state object which follows another state object using spring simulation. |
export type Spring<T> = PubTypes.Spring<T> & { |
_speed: PubTypes.CanBeState<number>, |
_speedIsState: boolean, |
_lastSpeed: number, |
_damping: PubTypes.CanBeState<number>, |
_dampingIsState: boolean, |
_lastDamping: number, |
_goalState: State<T>, |
_goalValue: T, |
_currentType: string, |
_currentValue: T, |
_springPositions: {number}, |
_springGoals: {number}, |
_springVelocities: {number} |
} |
-- An object which can listen for updates on another state object. |
export type Observer = PubTypes.Observer & { |
_changeListeners: Set<() -> ()>, |
_numChangeListeners: number |
} |
return nil end,Properties={Name="Types"},Reference=46,ClassName="ModuleScript"},{Closure=function() --!strict |
--[[ |
Stores common public-facing type information for Fusion APIs. |
]] |
type Set<T> = {[T]: any} |
--[[ |
General use types |
]] |
-- A unique symbolic value. |
export type Symbol = { |
type: string, -- replace with "Symbol" when Luau supports singleton types |
name: string |
} |
-- Types that can be expressed as vectors of numbers, and so can be animated. |
export type Animatable = |
number | |
CFrame | |
Color3 | |
ColorSequenceKeypoint | |
DateTime | |
NumberRange | |
NumberSequenceKeypoint | |
PhysicalProperties | |
Ray | |
Rect | |
Region3 | |
Region3int16 | |
UDim | |
UDim2 | |
Vector2 | |
Vector2int16 | |
Vector3 | |
Vector3int16 |
-- A task which can be accepted for cleanup. |
export type Task = |
Instance | |
RBXScriptConnection | |
() -> () | |
{destroy: (any) -> ()} | |
{Destroy: (any) -> ()} | |
{Task} |
-- Script-readable version information. |
export type Version = { |
major: number, |
minor: number, |
isRelease: boolean |
} |
--[[ |
Generic reactive graph types |
]] |
-- A graph object which can have dependents. |
export type Dependency = { |
dependentSet: Set<Dependent> |
} |
-- A graph object which can have dependencies. |
export type Dependent = { |
update: (Dependent) -> boolean, |
dependencySet: Set<Dependency> |
} |
-- An object which stores a piece of reactive state. |
export type StateObject<T> = Dependency & { |
type: string, -- replace with "State" when Luau supports singleton types |
kind: string, |
get: (StateObject<T>, asDependency: boolean?) -> T |
} |
-- Either a constant value of type T, or a state object containing type T. |
export type CanBeState<T> = StateObject<T> | T |
--[[ |
Specific reactive graph types |
]] |
-- A state object whose value can be set at any time by the user. |
export type Value<T> = StateObject<T> & { |
-- kind: "State" (add this when Luau supports singleton types) |
set: (Value<T>, newValue: any, force: boolean?) -> () |
} |
-- A state object whose value is derived from other objects using a callback. |
export type Computed<T> = StateObject<T> & Dependent & { |
-- kind: "Computed" (add this when Luau supports singleton types) |
} |
-- A state object whose value is derived from other objects using a callback. |
export type ForPairs<KO, VO> = StateObject<{ [KO]: VO }> & Dependent & { |
-- kind: "ForPairs" (add this when Luau supports singleton types) |
} |
-- A state object whose value is derived from other objects using a callback. |
export type ForKeys<KO, V> = StateObject<{ [KO]: V }> & Dependent & { |
-- kind: "ForKeys" (add this when Luau supports singleton types) |
} |
-- A state object whose value is derived from other objects using a callback. |