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Last active March 20, 2017 16:36
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Template compiler in Haskell
--- We just read whatever comes from standard input and spit out its conversion result
main = interact louise
--- Our runner will just pipe the three components together:
louise :: String -> String
louise html = let result = parseHTML html >>= html2js >>= writeJS in
case result of
Right ok -> ok
Left nok -> "Error: " ++ nok
--- From there, we can figure out the signature of each function
parseHTML :: String -> Either ParseError HtmlAst
html2js :: HtmlAst -> Either ValidationError Dom
writeJS :: Dom -> Either String String
--- Let's define our error cases
data ValidationError = MisnestedTag String
instance Error ValidationError where
noMsg = "mismatched tags"
strMsg s = "misnested tag " + s
--- We'll need Parsec, the parser combinator library
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
--- Let's start with our HTML parser
htmlFrag :: GenParser Char st AST
htmlFrag = do
result <- many node
return ((Node Fragment 0 -1 "#root" "" -1 -1):result)
node = try elementNode
<|> try textNode
<|> commentNode
<?> "unknown input type"
elementNode = match res of
Just nodes -> nodes
_ ->
in do
(el1,attrs) <- startTag
children <- many node
el2 <- endTag
if (name el1) == (name el2)
then return Just ((Node Element (id el1) (parent el1) (name el1) "" (pre (parent 1) + 1) (post (last children) + 1)) : attrs : children)
else return None
startTag = do
char '<'
tag <- tagName
attrs <- attributes
try (string "/>")
<|> string ">"
return ((Node Element _ _ tag _ _ _), attrs)
endTag = do
char '<'
char '/'
nonVoidElement = do
st <- startTag
voidTagName = try (string "area")
<|> try (string "base")
<|> try (string "br")
<|> try (string "col")
<|> try (string "command")
<|> try (string "embed")
<|> try (string "hr")
<|> try (string "img")
<|> try (string "input")
<|> try (string "keygen")
<|> try (string "link")
<|> try (string "meta")
<|> try (string "param")
<|> try (string "source")
<|> try (string "track")
<|> try (string "wbr")
startTag = do
char '<'
tagName <- nonVoidTagName
attrs <- attributes
many spaceChar
char '>'
return (Node Element _ _ tagName _ _ _ : attrs)
nonVoidTagName = try (string "abbr")
<|> try (string "address")
<|> try (string "article")
<|> try (string "aside")
<|> try (string "audio")
<|> try (string "a")
<|> try (string "bdi")
<|> try (string "bdo")
<|> try (string "blockquote")
<|> try (string "button")
<|> try (string "b")
<|> try (string "canvas")
<|> try (string "caption")
<|> try (string "cite")
<|> try (string "code")
<|> try (string "colgroup")
<|> try (string "datalist")
<|> try (string "dd")
<|> try (string "del")
<|> try (string "details")
<|> try (string "dfn")
<|> try (string "div")
<|> try (string "dl")
<|> try (string "dt")
<|> try (string "em")
<|> try (string "fieldset")
<|> try (string "figcaption")
<|> try (string "figure")
<|> try (string "footer")
<|> try (string "form")
<|> try (string "h1")
<|> try (string "h2")
<|> try (string "h3")
<|> try (string "h4")
<|> try (string "h5")
<|> try (string "h6")
<|> try (string "header")
<|> try (string "hgroup")
<|> try (string "iframe")
<|> try (string "i")
<|> try (string "ins")
<|> try (string "kbd")
<|> try (string "label")
<|> try (string "legend")
<|> try (string "li")
<|> try (string "map")
<|> try (string "mark")
<|> try (string "menu")
<|> try (string "meter")
<|> try (string "nav")
<|> try (string "noscript")
<|> try (string "object")
<|> try (string "ol")
<|> try (string "optgroup")
<|> try (string "option")
<|> try (string "output")
<|> try (string "pre")
<|> try (string "p")
<|> try (string "progress")
<|> try (string "q")
<|> try (string "rp")
<|> try (string "rt")
<|> try (string "ruby")
<|> try (string "samp")
<|> try (string "script")
<|> try (string "section")
<|> try (string "select")
<|> try (string "small")
<|> try (string "span")
<|> try (string "strong")
<|> try (string "style")
<|> try (string "sub")
<|> try (string "summary")
<|> try (string "sup")
<|> try (string "s")
<|> try (string "table")
<|> try (string "tbody")
<|> try (string "textarea")
<|> try (string "tfoot")
<|> try (string "thead")
<|> try (string "time")
<|> try (string "title")
<|> try (string "tr")
<|> try (string "th")
<|> try (string "td")
<|> try (string "ul")
<|> try (string "var")
<|> try (string "video")
endTag = do
char '<'
char '/'
tagName <- many (noneOf "&<>")
return [(Node Element _ _ tagName _ _ _)]
attributes = do
many1 spaceChar
sepBy attribute (many1 spaceChar)
attribute = do
name <- many (noneOf "=")
char '='
char '"'
value <- many (noneOf "=")
char '"'
return [(Node Attribute _ _ name value _ _)]
spaceChar = oneOf " \n\t"
type AST = [Node]
data Node = Node
{ nodeType :: NodeType
, id :: NodeId
, parent :: NodeId
, name :: String
, value :: String
, pre :: Int
, post :: Int
data NodeType = Fragment | Text | Attribute | Element | Comment
type NodeId = Int
translate :: HTMLString -> JSString
translate html = case parseHTML html of
Right ast -> "function () {"
++ write ast
++ "}"
Left err -> error err
--- Let's just create type synomyms for convenience
type HTMLString = String
type JSString = String
--- Our parsing function will kick-off the parser combinator
parseHTML :: HTMLString -> Either ParseError AST
parseHTML input = parse htmlFrag "" input
writeJS :: AST -> JSString
writeJS [] = ""
writeJS (o:os) = case nodeType o of
Fragment -> id o
++ " = document.createDocumentFragment();"
Text -> parent o
++ ".appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ++ (value o) ++ "));"
++ write os
Attribute -> parent o
++ ".setAttribute('" ++ (name o) ++ "', '" ++ (value o) ++ "');"
++ write os
Comment -> parent o
++ ".appendChild(document.createComment(" ++ (value o) ++ "));"
++ write os
Element -> id o
++ " = document.createElement('" ++ (name o) ++ "');"
++ write (range os start stop)
++ (parent o) ++ ".appendChild(" ++ (id o) ++ ")"
++ write (splice os start stop)
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