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Created April 13, 2021 07:58
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# terraform plan時にzipファイルを作成
data "archive_file" "function_archive" {
type = "zip"
source_dir = "../src" # main.pyやrequirement.txtが入ってるディレクトリ
output_path = "../zip/" # zipファイルの出力先
# zipファイルをアップロードするバケット
resource "google_storage_bucket" "zip_bucket" {
name = "zip-bucket-${var.gcp_project_id}"
location = "us-west2"
storage_class = "STANDARD"
force_destroy = true
# 画像をアップロードするバケット
resource "google_storage_bucket" "images_bucket" {
name = "image-upload-bucket-${var.gcp_project_id}"
location = "us-west2"
storage_class = "STANDARD"
force_destroy = true
# ローカルのzipファイルをアップロードする
resource "google_storage_bucket_object" "packages" {
name = "packages/functions.${data.archive_file.function_archive.output_md5}.zip"
bucket =
source = data.archive_file.function_archive.output_path
resource "google_cloudfunctions_function" "function" {
name = "ocr-test"
runtime = "python38"
source_archive_bucket =
source_archive_object =
available_memory_mb = 128
timeout = 120
entry_point = "uploaded_image"
event_trigger {
event_type = ""
resource =
environment_variables = {
GCP_PROJECT = var.gcp_project_id
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