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Save rehno-lindeque/549072 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
CoffeeScript version of the JSON scene definition for SceneJS
A teapot with an orbiting directional light source that you can rotate with the mouse.
The white dot is not the actual position of the light - it just indicates its direction
relative to the teapot.
Lindsay S. Kay, (CoffeeScript port by Rehno Lindeque)
exampleScene =
type: "scene"
canvasId: "theCanvas" # Bind scene to a WebGL canvas:
loggingElementId: "theLoggingDiv" # Bind to logging DIV
nodes: [
type: "renderer",
clear: { depth: true, color: true }
viewport: { x: 1, y: 1, width: 600, height: 600 }
clearColor: { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0 }
enableTexture2D: true
nodes: [
type: "lookat",
eye: { x: 0.0, y: 10.0, z: -35.0 }
look: { y: 1.0 }
up: { y: 1.0 }
nodes: [
type: "camera"
type: "perspective"
fovy: 55.0
aspect: 1.0
near: 0.10
far: 300.0
nodes: [
# Our animated light source is rotated using a Quaternion node which
# receives rotation updates through configs injected into the scene when
# it is rendered
sid: "myQuaternion"
nodes: [
type: "dir"
color: { r: 1.0, g: 1.0, b: 0.0 } # Colour of our light
# Our light will contribute to both the quantities of
# specular and diffuse light that will hit our teapot.
diffuse: true
specular: true
# The directional lights direction, a vector from the
# origin of this coordinate system (which is in this
# case the view coordinate system, since our light is
# not within any no modelling transform nodes).
# The direction vector is calculated by mouse handlers and
# injected into the scenes render method.
dir: { x: 0, y: 0, z: -1.0 }
# Note the absence of attenuation properties;
# unlike a point light, a directional light has no
# position, and is therefore not subject to attenuation
# since it is at an infinite distance.
nodes: [
# A sphere that marks the lights direction - not the focus
# of this example
type: "translate"
cfg: { z: -10 }
nodes: [
type: "material"
baseColor: { r: 0.6, g: 0.6, b: 0.6 }
specularColor: { r: 0.9, g: 0.9, b: 0.9 }
emit: 0.5
specular: 0.9
shine: 6.0
nodes: [
type: "scale"
cfg: { x:0.5, y: 0.5, z: 0.5 }
nodes: [
type: "sphere"
# Teapot, rotated and scaled into position within model-space, coloured
# with some material properties
type: "rotate"
cfg: { angle: -20, x : 1.0 }
nodes: [
type: "rotate"
cfg: { angle: 30.0, y : 1.0 }
nodes: [
type: "scale"
cfg: { x: 2, y: 2, z: 2 }
nodes: [
type: "material"
baseColor: { r: 0.9, g: 0.2, b: 0.2 }
specularColor: { r: 0.9, g: 0.9, b: 0.2 }
emit: 0.0
specular: 0.9
shine: 6.0
nodes: [
type: "teapot"
Scene rendering loop and mouse handler stuff
rotx = 0
roty = 0
lastX = 0
lastY = 0
dragging = false
# Throw the switch, Igor!
# We render the scene.
# Always get canvas from scene - it will try to bind to a default canvas
# can't find the one specified
canvas = document.getElementById exampleScene.getCanvasId()
mouseDown = (event) ->
lastX = event.clientX
lastY = event.clientY
dragging = true
mouseUp = () ->
dragging = false;
# On a mouse drag, we'll re-render the scene, passing in
# incremented angles in each time.
mouseMove = (event) ->
if dragging
roty = event.clientX - lastX
rotx = -(event.clientY - lastY)
if Math.abs(roty) > Math.abs(rotx)
"+rotation": # Maps to Quaternion#addRotation({ y: 1, angle: roty })
y: 1
angle: roty
"+rotation": # Maps to Quaternion#addRotation({ x: 1, angle: rotx })
x: 1
angle: rotx
lastX = event.clientX
lastY = event.clientY
canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", mouseDown, true)
canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", mouseMove, true)
canvas.addEventListener("mouseup", mouseUp, true)
SceneJS.addListener("error", (e) -> alert(e.exception.message))
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