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Created February 16, 2013 04:46
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-type kv() :: {Key :: integer(), Value :: term()}.
-type tree() :: {tree, orddict:orddict()} | {value, kv()}.
-type either(A) :: {ok, A} | {error, term()}.
-spec empty() -> tree().
empty() ->
{tree, []}.
-spec find(integer(), tree()) -> either(term()).
find(Key, Tree) ->
find(Key, Tree, 0).
-spec find(integer(), tree(), integer()) -> either(term()).
find(Key, {value, {Key, Value}}, _Level) ->
{ok, Value};
find(_Key, {value, {_DifferentKey, _Value}}, _Level) ->
{error, notfound};
find(Key, {tree, Mapping}, Level) ->
case orddict:find(index_in_level(Key, Level), Mapping) of
error ->
{error, notfound};
{ok, {value, {Key, Value}}} ->
{ok, Value};
{ok, {value, {_DifferentKey, _Value}}} ->
{error, notfound};
{ok, {tree, _Mapping}=Tree} ->
find(Key, Tree, Level + 5)
insert(Key, Value, Tree) ->
insert(Key, Value, Tree, 0).
%% overwrite
insert(Key, Value, {value, {Key, _OldVal}}, _Level) ->
{value, {Key, Value}};
%% collision
insert(Key, Value, {value, {DifferentKey, DifferentVal}}, Level) ->
make_collision_node({Key, Value}, {DifferentKey, DifferentVal}, Level);
insert(Key, Value, {tree, Mapping}, Level) ->
Index = index_in_level(Key, Level),
case orddict:find(Index, Mapping) of
%% no collision
error ->
{tree, orddict:store(Index, {value, {Key, Value}}, Mapping)};
{ok, Tree} ->
{tree, orddict:store(Index,
insert(Key, Value, Tree, Level + 5),
make_collision_node({AKey, AVal}, {BKey, BVal}, Level) ->
ATree = {value, {AKey, AVal}},
BTree = {value, {BKey, BVal}},
WithA = orddict:store(index_in_level(AKey, Level), ATree, []),
{tree, orddict:store(index_in_level(BKey, Level), BTree, WithA)}.
-spec index_in_level(integer(), integer()) -> integer().
index_in_level(Integer, Level) ->
(Integer bsr Level) band 31.
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