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Last active June 16, 2021 19:00
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let pure a = Some a |> Js.Promise.resolve
let fail _ = None |> Js.Promise.resolve
let (>=>) x y a =
x a
|> Js.Promise.then_ (
| None -> None |> Js.Promise.resolve
| Some s -> y s
let rec choose options a =
match options with
| [] -> fail(a)
| h :: t -> h a
|> Js.Promise.then_ (
| Some s -> pure s
| None -> choose t a
type http = {
path : string;
method_ : string;
send : int -> Js.Json.t -> http
(* method filters *)
let isMethod m a = if a.method_ = m then pure a else fail a
let get = isMethod "GET"
let put = isMethod "PUT"
let post = isMethod "POST"
let delete = isMethod "DELETE"
(* path filters *)
let path p a = if a.path = p then pure(a) else fail(a)
(* writers *)
let convert a =
match Js.Json.stringifyAny a with
| Some s -> Js.Json.parseExn s
| None -> Js.Json.null
let setStatus code content a = a.send code (convert content) |> pure
let ok a = setStatus 200 a
let notFound a = setStatus 404 a
let error a = setStatus 500 a
(* example api *)
type store = { number : int }
let stores = [| { number = 2304 } |]
let api = choose [
path "/stores" >=> choose [
get >=> ok stores;
post >=> ok "posted stores"
path "/items" >=> choose [
get >=> ok "got items";
post >=> ok "posted items"
notFound "Like Bono, we still haven't found what you're looking for"
type webPart('a) = 'a => Js.Promise.t(option('a));
let pure = a => Js.Promise.resolve(Some(a));
let fail = _ => Js.Promise.resolve(None);
let (>=>) = (x, y, a) =>
|> Js.Promise.then_(
| None => Js.Promise.resolve(None)
| Some(a) => y(a),
let rec choose = (options, arg) =>
switch (options) {
| [] => fail(arg)
| [h, ...t] =>
|> Js.Promise.then_(
| Some(a) => pure(a)
| None => choose(t, arg),
let filter = (pred, arg) => pred(arg) ? pure(arg) : fail(arg);
type http = {
path: string,
method: string,
send: (int, Js.Json.t) => http,
let get =
| {method: "GET"} => true
| _ => false,
let put =
| {method: "PUT"} => true
| _ => false,
let post =
| {method: "POST"} => true
| _ => false,
let delete =
| {method: "DELETE"} => true
| _ => false,
let path = p => filter(http => http.path == p ? true : false);
let convert = a => {
switch (Js.Json.stringifyAny(a)) {
| Some(s) => Js.Json.parseExn(s)
| None => Js.Json.null
let setStatus = (code, content): webPart(http) =>
http => pure(http.send(code, content |> convert));
let ok = content => setStatus(200, content);
let notFound = content => setStatus(404, content);
let error = content => setStatus(500, content);
// example api
type store = { number : int }
let stores = [| { number: 2304 } |]
let api = choose([
path("/stores") >=> choose([
get >=> ok(stores),
post >=> ok("posted stores")
path("/items") >=> choose([
get >=> ok("got items"),
post >=> ok("posted items")
notFound("Like Bono, we still haven't found what you're looking for")
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