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Last active April 10, 2018 16:56
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# This function returns a boolean value based on whether or not the Puppet agent
# was invoked with --no-noop.
# `puppet agent -t` = true
# `puppet agent -t --no-noop` = false
function noop::true_unless_no_noop() {
$agent_specified_noop_setbycli ? {
true => $facts['agent_specified_noop'],
false => true,
# This function returns a boolean value representing an explicit noop setting
# for use with the noop resource metaparameter. The function considers:
# * Has an override parameter been specified?
# * Has the class-level noop parameter been set to true?
# * Is the agent-level noop setting true?
function noop::explicit_metaparameter($class_noop_override, $class_level_noop) {
$noop_override ? {
default => $class_noop_override,
undef => $facts['clientnoop'] ? {
true => true,
false => $class_level_noop,
# This
class example::idaho (
Optional[Boolean] $class_level_noop = noop::true_unless_no_noop(),
Optional[Boolean] $class_noop_override = undef,
) {
# Set local scope noop defaults. WARNING: this class should now be considered
# a "leaf" class. Do not call `include` or similar functions from this point
# forward without careful consideration of how these scope defaults will
# propagate. Doing so may cause unexpected side effects!
if ($class_level_noop != undef) { noop($class_level_noop) }
# Get an explicit value for the noop metaparameter. It's necessary to do this
# because once we write `noop => $noop_override` on a resource in code, we
# lose whatever the default *would* have been. The value of $noop_override
# is calculated to be an explicit value equivalent to what value the resource
# would recieve if the metaparameter were not passed explicitly, taking into
# consideration both of the class-level noop adjustment parameters.
$noop_override = noop::explicit_metaparameter($class_noop_override, $class_level_noop)
# The noop metaparameter default is set automatically based on the scope
# defaults invoked by the noop() function call above. The explicit equivalent
# has been mocked in as a comment, for illustration.
file { '/tmp/idaho1.txt':
ensure => file,
content => "Content from example::idaho\nNo no-op override\n",
# noop => $class_level_noop,
# Enforcement of this resource may be toggled on and off by setting
# example::idaho::class_noop_override. If no override is passed, it's end
# behavior will be identical to the resource above.
file { '/tmp/idaho2.txt':
ensure => file,
content => "Content from example::idaho\nThere is a no-op override\n",
noop => $noop_override,
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