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Last active September 9, 2021 08:15
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Example Varnish VCL Configuration e.g. /etc/varnish/default.vcl
# Default backend definition. Set this to point to your content server.
backend default {
.host = "";
.port = "8080";
.connect_timeout = 60s;
.first_byte_timeout = 60s;
.between_bytes_timeout = 60s;
.max_connections = 800;
acl purge {
sub vcl_recv {
set req.grace = 2m;
# Set X-Forwarded-For header for logging in nginx
remove req.http.X-Forwarded-For;
set req.http.X-Forwarded-For = client.ip;
# Remove has_js and CloudFlare/Google Analytics __* cookies and statcounter is_unique
set req.http.Cookie = regsuball(req.http.Cookie, "(^|;\s*)(_[_a-z]+|has_js|is_
unique)=[^;]*", "");
# Remove a ";" prefix, if present.
set req.http.Cookie = regsub(req.http.Cookie, "^;\s*", "");
# Either the admin pages or the login
if (req.url ~ "/wp-(login|admin|cron)") {
# Don't cache, pass to backend
return (pass);
# Remove the wp-settings-1 cookie
set req.http.Cookie = regsuball(req.http.Cookie, "wp-settings-1=[^;]+(; )?", "")
# Remove the wp-settings-time-1 cookie
set req.http.Cookie = regsuball(req.http.Cookie, "wp-settings-time-1=[^;]+(; )?"
, "");
# Remove the wp test cookie
set req.http.Cookie = regsuball(req.http.Cookie, "wordpress_test_cookie=[^;]+(;
)?", "");
# Static content unique to the theme can be cached (so no user uploaded images)
# The reason I don't take the wp-content/uploads is because of cache size on bigger blogs
# that would fill up with all those files getting pushed into cache
if (req.url ~ "wp-content/themes/" && req.url ~ "\.(css|js|png|gif|jp(e)?g)") {
unset req.http.cookie;
# Even if no cookies are present, I don't want my "uploads" to be cached due to their potential size
if (req.url ~ "/wp-content/uploads/") {
return (pass);
# any pages with captchas need to be excluded
if (req.url ~ "^/contact/" || req.url ~ "^/links/domains-for-sale/")
# Check the cookies for wordpress-specific items
if (req.http.Cookie ~ "wordpress_" || req.http.Cookie ~ "comment_") {
# A wordpress specific cookie has been set
return (pass);
# allow PURGE from localhost
if (req.request == "PURGE") {
if (!client.ip ~ purge) {
error 405 "Not allowed.";
return (lookup);
# Force lookup if the request is a no-cache request from the client
if (req.http.Cache-Control ~ "no-cache") {
return (pass);
# Try a cache-lookup
return (lookup);
sub vcl_fetch {
#set obj.grace = 5m;
set beresp.grace = 2m;
sub vcl_hit {
if (req.request == "PURGE") {
error 200 "Purged.";
sub vcl_miss {
if (req.request == "PURGE") {
error 200 "Purged.";
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I'm getting Syntax errors on restart of varnish using the file above. As mentioned, I think there are some line-breaks throwing me off...

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reifman commented Apr 17, 2013

I've fixed a few of the line breaks to make it easier for peeps.

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Lines 26, 42, and 46 were the problem

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JREAM commented Apr 5, 2015

Here is a fix I did using VIM and 4 space indents only:

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Does this works with Apache too?

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  • On line 25, their is line break after is_
  • On line 45, there is line break after "wordpress_test_cookie=[^;]+(;

Remove these two and works with Apache

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How are POST requests handled with these settings?

shouldn't there exist something like

Do not cache, the admin area,

logged-in users or POST requests

if ( ~ "" ||
req.url ~ "^/admin" ||
req.http.Cookie ~ "logged_in" ||
req.request == "POST")
return (pass);


inside the vcl_recv block?
( I found this on

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Thanks a lot clemenspeters you saved me from a lots of headache.I added below code hope it helps someone else
if (req.request == "POST")
return (pass);
Also thanks a lot for JREAM and reifman

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donwilson commented Jun 25, 2020

If you're using Varnish 4.0+, all instances of req.request should be changed to req.method and vcl_fetch should be changed to vcl_backend_response (among perhaps other things). Per Upgrading to 4.0.

Edit: There's so much different between pre-4.0 and 4.0+ that it's best to just look at the documentation provided for purging cache in your VCL.

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