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Created January 4, 2015 04:58
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Stats for your Steam!
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import re
from collections import namedtuple
INTERESTING_THRESHOLD = 7.5 # Interesting threshold.
DISINTERESTING_THRESHOLD = 2.0 # Disinteresting threshold.
r = re.compile("(.*)\n(\d*.\d*) hrs on record") # Regex for name/hours
Game = namedtuple('Game', 'name, hours') # Namedtuple for easy record access.
# ---- INPUT -------------------------------------------------------------------
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
133 hrs on record
32 hrs on record
Dear Esther
2.0 hrs on record
System Shock 2
0.1 hrs on record
0.0 hrs on record
# Read in the data set and break up according to game name and hours played.
with open('all_games.txt', 'r') as game_file:
file_string =
matches = r.findall(file_string)
# ---- LISTS -------------------------------------------------------------------
games = list(map(Game._make, matches)) # Get the list of all games.
names = [ for game in games] # Get the list of all game names.
hours = [float(game.hours) for game in games] # Get the list of all game hours.
# Get the list of all unplayed games.
unplayed = list(filter(lambda g: float(g.hours) == 0.0, games))
# Get the list of all games above the INTERESTING THRESHOLD.
interesting = list(filter(lambda g:
float(g.hours) >= INTERESTING_THRESHOLD, games))
# Get the list of all games below the DISINTERESTING THRESHOLD that are played.
disinteresting = list(filter(lambda g:
and (g not in unplayed), games))
# Get the list of all games that haven't already been categorized.
moderately_interesting = list(filter(lambda g: (g not in interesting)
and (g not in disinteresting)
and (g not in unplayed), games))
# ---- COUNTS ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Count the total number of games.
num_games = len(games)
# Count the number of unplayed games.
num_unplayed = len(unplayed)
# Count the number of interesting games.
num_interesting = len(interesting)
# Count the number of disinteresting games.
num_disinteresting = len(disinteresting)
# Count the number of moderately interesting games.
num_moderately_interesting = len(moderately_interesting)
# ---- TIME --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Get the total number of hours played.
total_game_hours = sum(hours)
# Get the total number of days played.
days_played = (total_game_hours / 24.0)
# Get the number of hours spent playing interesting games.
interesting_hours = sum([float(i.hours) for i in interesting])
# Get the number of hours spent playing disinteresting games.
disinteresting_hours = sum([float(d.hours) for d in disinteresting])
# Get the number of hours spent playing moderately interesting games.
moderately_interesting_hours = sum([float(m.hours) for m in
# ---- GAME PERCENTAGES --------------------------------------------------------
# Get the percentage of games categorized as interesting.
interesting_game_percentage = (100 * (len(interesting) / num_games))
# Get the percentage of games categorized as disinteresting.
disinteresting_game_percentage = (100 * (len(disinteresting) / num_games))
# Get the percentage of games categorized as moderately interesting.
moderately_interesting_game_percentage = (100 * (len(moderately_interesting) /
# Get the percentage of games categorized as unplayed.
unplayed_game_percentage = (100 * (len(unplayed) / num_games))
# ---- TIME PERCENTAGES --------------------------------------------------------
# Get the percentage of hours spent playing interesting games.
interesting_hour_percentage = (100 * (interesting_hours / total_game_hours))
# Get the percentage of hours spent playing disinteresting games.
disinteresting_hour_percentage = (100 * (disinteresting_hours /
# Get the percentage of hours spent playing moderately interesting games.
moderately_interesting_hour_percentage = (100 * (moderately_interesting_hours /
# ---- AVERAGES ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Get the average number of hours spent playing all games.
average_hours_per_game = (total_game_hours / num_games)
# Get the average number of hours spent playing interesting games.
average_interesting_hours = (interesting_hours / len(interesting))
# Get the average number of hours pent playing disinteresting games.
average_disinteresting_hours = (disinteresting_hours / len(disinteresting))
# Get the average number of hours spent playing moderately interesting games.
average_moderately_interesting_hours = (moderately_interesting_hours /
# ---- OUPUT -------------------------------------------------------------------
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Print a banner.
print((" ____ _ ____ _ _\n"
"/ ___|| |_ ___ __ _ _ __ ___ / ___|| |_ __ _| |_ ___\n"
"\___ \| __/ _ \/ _` | '_ ` _ \ \___ \| __/ _` | __/ __|\n"
" ___) | || __/ (_| | | | | | | ___) | || (_| | |_\__ \\\n"
"|____/ \__\___|\__,_|_| |_| |_| |____/ \__\__,_|\__|___/\n"))
# Print game percentage stats.
print("You own {0} games. Of those games...\n\n{1} ({2:.2f}%) are "
"interesting to you.\n{3} ({4:.2f}%) are moderately interesting to "
"you.\n{5} ({6:.2f}%) are disinteresting to you.\n{7} ({8:.2f}%) are "
"unplayed.\n".format(num_games, num_interesting,
disinteresting_game_percentage, num_unplayed,
# Print time stats.
print("You spent {0:.2f} hours playing games. Of those hours...\n{1:.2f} "
"({2:.2f}%) were spent playing interesting games.\n{3:.2f} "
"({4:.2f}%) were spent playing moderately interesting games.\n"
"{5:.2f} ({6:.2f}%) were spent playing disinteresting "
"games.".format(total_game_hours, interesting_hours,
disinteresting_hours, disinteresting_hour_percentage))
# Print average stats.
print("\nOn average you spend...\n{0:.2f} hours playing any given "
"game.\n{1:.2f} hours playing an interesting game.\n{2:.2f} hours "
"playing a moderately interesting game.\n{3:.2f} hours playing a "
"disinteresting game.\n".format(average_hours_per_game,
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