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Last active December 9, 2022 10:14
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RGB to HLS conversion and back
import numpy as np
def rgb_to_hls(rgb_array: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
Expects an array of shape (X, 3), each row being RGB colours.
Returns an array of same size, each row being HLS colours.
Like `colorsys` python module, all values are between 0 and 1.
NOTE: like `colorsys`, this uses HLS rather than the more usual HSL
assert rgb_array.ndim == 2
assert rgb_array.shape[1] == 3
assert np.max(rgb_array) <= 1
assert np.min(rgb_array) >= 0
r, g, b = rgb_array.T.reshape((3, -1, 1))
maxc = np.max(rgb_array, axis=1).reshape((-1, 1))
minc = np.min(rgb_array, axis=1).reshape((-1, 1))
sumc = (maxc+minc)
rangec = (maxc-minc)
with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
rgb_c = (maxc - rgb_array) / rangec
rc, gc, bc = rgb_c.T.reshape((3, -1, 1))
h = (np.where(minc == maxc, 0, np.where(r == maxc, bc - gc, np.where(g == maxc, 2.0+rc-bc, 4.0+gc-rc)))
/ 6) % 1
l = sumc/2.0
with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
s = np.where(minc == maxc, 0,
np.where(l < 0.5, rangec / sumc, rangec / (2.0-sumc)))
return np.concatenate((h, l, s), axis=1)
def hls_to_rgb(hls_array: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
Expects an array of shape (X, 3), each row being HLS colours.
Returns an array of same size, each row being RGB colours.
Like `colorsys` python module, all values are between 0 and 1.
NOTE: like `colorsys`, this uses HLS rather than the more usual HSL
ONE_THIRD = 1 / 3
TWO_THIRD = 2 / 3
ONE_SIXTH = 1 / 6
def _v(m1, m2, h):
h = h % 1.0
return np.where(h < ONE_SIXTH, m1 + (m2 - m1) * h * 6,
np.where(h < .5, m2,
np.where(h < TWO_THIRD, m1 + (m2 - m1) * (TWO_THIRD - h) * 6,
assert hls_array.ndim == 2
assert hls_array.shape[1] == 3
assert np.max(hls_array) <= 1
assert np.min(hls_array) >= 0
h, l, s = hls_array.T.reshape((3, -1, 1))
m2 = np.where(l < 0.5, l * (1 + s), l + s - (l * s))
m1 = 2 * l - m2
r = np.where(s == 0, l, _v(m1, m2, h + ONE_THIRD))
g = np.where(s == 0, l, _v(m1, m2, h))
b = np.where(s == 0, l, _v(m1, m2, h - ONE_THIRD))
return np.concatenate((r, g, b), axis=1)
def hsv_to_rgb(hsv_array: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
Expects an array of shape (X, 3), each row being HSV colours.
Returns an array of same size, each row being RGB colours.
Like `colorsys` python module, all values are between 0 and 1.
assert hsv_array.ndim == 2
assert hsv_array.shape[1] == 3
assert np.max(hsv_array) <= 1
assert np.min(hsv_array) >= 0
h, s, v = hsv_array.T.reshape((3, -1, 1))
h = h % 1
s = s.clip(0, 1)
v = v.clip(0, 1)
i = (h * 6).astype("uint8")
f = (h * 6) - i
p = v * (1.0 - s)
q = v * (1.0 - s * f)
t = v * (1.0 - s * (1.0 - f))
# i = i%6
wh = np.where
return wh(
i == 0, np.concatenate((v, t, p), axis=1),
wh(i == 1, np.concatenate((q, v, p), axis=1),
wh(i == 2, np.concatenate((p, v, t), axis=1),
wh(i == 3, np.concatenate((p, q, v), axis=1),
wh(i == 4, np.concatenate((t, p, v), axis=1),
wh(i == 5, np.concatenate((v, p, q), axis=1),
np.full(hsv_array.shape, np.NaN)))))))
def rgb_to_hsv(rgb_array: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
Expects an array of shape (X, 3), each row being RGB colours.
Returns an array of same size, each row being HSV colours.
Like `colorsys` python module, all values are between 0 and 1.
assert rgb_array.ndim == 2
assert rgb_array.shape[1] == 3
assert np.max(rgb_array) <= 1
assert np.min(rgb_array) >= 0
r, g, b = rgb_array.T.reshape((3, -1, 1))
maxc = np.max(rgb_array, axis=1).reshape((-1, 1))
minc = np.min(rgb_array, axis=1).reshape((-1, 1))
v = maxc
sumc = (maxc+minc)
rangec = (maxc-minc)
with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
rgb_c = (maxc - rgb_array) / rangec
rc, gc, bc = rgb_c.T.reshape((3, -1, 1))
h = (np.where(minc == maxc, 0,
np.where(r == maxc, bc - gc,
np.where(g == maxc, 2.0+rc-bc,
/ 6) % 1
with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
s = np.where(minc == maxc, 0, rangec / maxc)
return np.concatenate((h, s, v), axis=1)
def _test_rgb_to_hls():
import colorsys
rgb_array = np.array([[.5, .5, .8], [.3, .7, 1], [0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1], [.5, .5, .5]])
hls_array = rgb_to_hls(rgb_array)
for rgb, hls in zip(rgb_array, hls_array):
assert np.all(abs(np.array(colorsys.rgb_to_hls(*rgb) - hls) < 0.001))
new_rgb_array = hls_to_rgb(hls_array)
for hls, rgb in zip(hls_array, new_rgb_array):
assert np.all(abs(np.array(colorsys.hls_to_rgb(*hls) - rgb) < 0.001))
assert np.all(abs(rgb_array - new_rgb_array) < 0.001)
print("tests rgb_to_hls done")
def _test_hls_to_rgb():
import colorsys
hls_array = np.array([[0.6456692913385826, 0.14960629921259844, 0.7480314960629921], [.3, .7, 1], [0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [.5, .5, .5]])
rgb_array = hls_to_rgb(hls_array)
for hls, rgb in zip(hls_array, rgb_array):
assert np.all(abs(np.array(colorsys.hls_to_rgb(*hls) - rgb) < 0.001))
new_hls_array = rgb_to_hls(rgb_array)
for rgb, hls in zip(rgb_array, new_hls_array):
assert np.all(abs(np.array(colorsys.rgb_to_hls(*rgb) - hls) < 0.001))
assert np.all(abs(hls_array - new_hls_array) < 0.001)
print("tests hls_to_rgb done")
def _test_hsv_to_rgb():
import colorsys
hsv_array = np.array([[0.6456692913385826, 0.14960629921259844, 0.7480314960629921], [.3, .7, 1], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [.5, .5, .5]])
rgb_array = hsv_to_rgb(hsv_array)
for hsv, rgb in zip(hsv_array, rgb_array):
assert np.all(abs(np.array(colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(*hsv) - rgb) < 0.001))
new_hsv_array = rgb_to_hsv(rgb_array)
for rgb, hsv in zip(rgb_array, new_hsv_array):
assert np.all(abs(np.array(colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(*rgb) - hsv) < 0.001))
assert np.all(abs(hsv_array - new_hsv_array) < 0.001)
print("tests hsv_to_rgb done")
def _test():
print("All tests done")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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