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Last active June 13, 2017 09:22
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  • Save reinislejnieks/2134565 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save reinislejnieks/2134565 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
git reference #git
git config --global core.editor "'C:/Program Files/Notepad++/notepad++.exe' -multiInst -notabbar -nosession -noPlugin"
git init // on directory starts to track files inside
git clone clone git:// mapesvards
git status
git add <filename/directory>
git commit
git commit -m "user authentication code added"
git commit -a // automatically stage every file that is already tracked before doing the commit, letting you skip the git add part
git rm <file> // deletes and stops tracking
git rm -r --cached . //remove all stgaged files
git reset --hard HEAD // reset all files to last commit
git checkout -- hello.rb /*reset for singe file 1.*/
git checkout HEAD hello.rb /*reset for singe file 2.*/
git mv file_from file_to // rename files
$ git revert HEAD // reverts files to most recent commit (if you performed wrong commit)
git config --global checkout // creates alias - shortcut
git co something
git gc // recompress archive for performance, slow, for large repositories
git add . // add every file to stage
git add *.js //add all js files
git add index.php // add index.php
git branch newIdea // create new branch
git checkout newIdea // switch to taht branch
// create new files, modify existing ones and then...
git add . // add everything to stage
git commit -m 'New killer idea'
git checkout master // switch back to master
git merge newIdea // while on another brach - master in this case
// everything on the newIdea branch is part of master branch now
git branch -d newIdea // delete newIdea branch
git 3 // shows logged commit history
git reset HEAD .gitignore // unset staged file
cls // clear screen
// with DROPBOX
Open up a terminal, and change directory to your project folder:
cd ~/Sites/my_killer_app
The next step is to clone your existing local repo into the shared dropbox folder:
git clone --bare . ~/Dropbox/shared_folder/my_killer_app.git
The --bare option tells git to not include the project files. Only those files needed to track the versioning are cloned (mainly those present in the .git/ folder).
Now you have sort of a remote repository. Although it's on your machine, it's remote to everyone else sharing the folder. But to make things work we need to add this "remote" location and give it an alias:
git remote add my_killer_app ~/Dropbox/shared_folder/my_killer_app.git
There! It's done. Now you can push your changes to the repository. And pull the changes on another machine with your dropbox account. Also people sharing the folder will be able to do the same.
Just for the sake of completeness, here's how you would make changes and commit them to the "remote" server:
You made changes to the code, now it's time to add and commit:
git commit -a -m "another commit example"
Nice! Now let push them to the "remote" server:
git push my_killer_app master
Piece of cake.
And here's how a different user sharing the folder would do to collaborate on your project:
Clone the repository:
git clone C:\Dropbox\shared_folder\my_killer_app.git
git clone -o gitexp2 C:\Users\reinis\Dropbox\gitesp.git
Add the alias to remote repository:
git remote add my_killer_app ~/Dropbox/shared_folder/my_killer_app.git
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