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Created June 26, 2012 09:40
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Save reinislejnieks/2994693 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
wordpress - general
// get all options in array from OPTIONS table
// cache database query, so you don't have to query database again
$activity_object = wp_cache_get($id,'activity');
if(false === $activity_object){
$activity_object = $wpdb->get_row(
$wpdb->activity WHERE ID = %d",$id));
// Set transient
$value = get_transient('big_data');
if(false === $value){
// do something that tkaes fair amount of time
$response = wp_remote_get($url);
$value = wp_remote_retrieve_body($response);
set_transient('big_data',$value, 60*60*24);
echo $value;
/* use AJAX in wp the right way */
// submiting data through link
// first create a nonce for security
$nonce = wp_create_nonce("my_value_nonce");
// create link to admin-ajax.php
$link = admin_url('admin-ajax.php?action=my_action&value_one='.$some_value_one.'&nonce='.$nonce);
// output the javascript fallback link
echo '<a href="'.$link.'" data-nonce="'.$nonce.'" data-some-value="value"></a>';
// adding the actions to wp - wp creates action hook wp_ajax_ + the action name submitted via link action attribute
// first hook is for logged-in users, the second for all other users
// create the function
function my_action(){
// first check the nonce, if it fails, then exit
exit("No naughty business please!");
// here goes some logic, passed values can be accessed through
// $_POST['...'] in this case - $_POST['value_one']
// create values to send back through AJAX
// in this case an array
$result['output_one'] = "some output value";
$result['output_two'] = "another output value";
// Check whether the action was initiated through an AJAX call.
// If so, then we use the json_encode() function to prepare the
// array for our JavaScript code. If the call was made without AJAX,
// then we simply send the user back to where they came from.
// We could also put array in a session variable or cookie.
if(!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WIDTH']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WIDTH']) == 'xmlhttprequest'){
$result = json_encode($result);
echo $result;
header("Location: ".$_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]);
// it is madatory to end script with die() otherwise output would be -1 along with the result
// create message for logged-out users
function my_action_must_login(){
echo "You must login to use this functionality!";
// Add AJAX
// enqueue jQuery and custom AJAX script
function my_scripts(){
// register and localize my_script
// Using localize script in this case ensures that in our my_script.js file,
// we will be able to use myAjax.ajaxurl, which contains the URL of our admin-ajax.php file.
wp_localize_script('my_script', 'myAjax', array('ajaxurl'=>admin_url('admin-ajax.php')));
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_scripts');
// and some example javascript with AJAX call
/* prevents default click */
nonce = jQuery(this).attr("data-nonce");
value = jQuery(this).attr("data-some-value");
type : "post",
dataType : "json",
url : myAjax.ajaxurl,
data :{action:"my_action", some_value_one : value, nonce : nonce},
success: function(response){
if(response.type == "success"){
/* do something here*/
Allow access to the wp-login file to only certain IP addresses (ie yours!)
<Files wp-login.php> Order deny,allow Deny from All Allow from 123.456.789.0 </Files>
Rename the .htaccess file (thus making it harder to find)
# rename htaccess files AccessFileName ht.access
Protect the .htaccess
# STRONG HTACCESS PROTECTION</code> <Files ~ "^.*\.([Hh][Tt][Aa])"> order allow,deny deny from all satisfy all </Files>
Disable directory browsing (thus stopping visitors finding what plugins you’re using etc)
# disable directory browsing Options All -Indexes
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