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Created November 1, 2012 14:55
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Fabfile I use for, pretty unfiltered work in progress.
from fabric.context_managers import cd
from fabric.contrib.files import exists
from fabric.decorators import hosts
from fabric.decorators import task
from fabric.operations import run
from fabric.operations import sudo
# 'python-mapnik',
# TODO: check some of 'em for non-X-using packages. Too much is grabbed.
# For mapnik
def initial_setup():
sudo("apt-get update")
sudo("apt-get install " + ' '.join(PACKAGES))
if not exists("tools"):
run("git clone")
if not exists("/Users"):
sudo("mkdir /Users")
if not exists("/Users/reinout"):
with cd('/Users'):
sudo("ln -s /home/vagrant reinout")
with cd('tools'):
run("virtualenv --system-site-packages .")
run("bin/pip install . -r requirements.txt")
if not exists("Dotfiles"):
run("git clone ssh://")
run("dotfiles --sync --force")
# Set postgres's passwd to postgres.
# local all all md5 in pg_hba.conf.
# buildout user aanmaken.
# Mapnik installeren. (configure: PREFIX=/usr)
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