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Last active March 6, 2024 09:36
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  • Save reireias/b986af3382d41c962ca6e8a78664c651 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save reireias/b986af3382d41c962ca6e8a78664c651 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

grep -r -E -v -h '^\s*#' files | grep --color=none -E "^\s*alias " | sed -e 's/#.*//g' -e 's/^\s*//g' -e 's/\s*$//g' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr
 90 alias ls='ls --color=auto'
 87 alias grep='grep --color=auto'
 59 alias fgrep='fgrep --color=auto'
 59 alias egrep='egrep --color=auto'
 44 alias ..='cd ..'
 39 alias la='ls -A'
 33 alias l='ls -CF'
 31 alias g='git'
 27 alias df='df -h'
 25 alias ll='ls -alF'
 23 alias alert='notify-send --urgency=low -i "$([ $? = 0 ] && echo terminal || echo error)" "$(history|tail -n1|sed -e '\''s/^\s*[0-9]\+\s*//;s/[;&|]\s*alert$//'\'')"'
 22 alias vim='nvim'
 22 alias rm='rm -i'
 20 alias ga='git add'
 20 alias ...='cd ../..'
 19 alias vim="nvim"
 19 alias mv='mv -i'
 19 alias cp='cp -i'
 19 alias ..="cd .."
 18 alias ll='ls -l'
 18 alias gb='git branch'
 17 alias gd='git diff'
 17 alias g="git"
 16 alias dir='dir --color=auto'
 15 alias gs='git status'
 15 alias gp='git push'
 15 alias \
 15 alias ...="cd ../.."
 15 alias ....='cd ../../..'
 14 alias du='du -h'
 14 alias c='clear'
 13 alias vdir='vdir --color=auto'
 13 alias sudo='sudo '
 12 alias vi='vim'
 12 alias vi='nvim'
 12 alias ls="ls --color=auto"
 12 alias ll='ls -lh'
 11 alias mkdir='mkdir -p'
 11 alias grep="grep --color=auto"
 11 alias be='bundle exec'
 11 alias .....='cd ../../../..'
 10 alias vi=vim
 10 alias v='vim'
 10 alias la='ls -a'
 10 alias gf='git fetch'
 10 alias df="df -h"
  9 alias ls='ls -G'
  9 alias h='history'
  9 alias gs="git status"
  9 alias gp="git push"
  9 alias cd..='cd ..'
  9 alias be="bundle exec"
  9 alias ....="cd ../../.."
  9 alias -g L='| less'
  8 alias vim=nvim
  8 alias vi="vim"
  8 alias tmux="tmux -2"
  8 alias q='exit'
  8 alias grep='grep --colour=auto'
  8 alias gm='git merge'
  8 alias gd="git diff"
  8 alias g=git
  8 alias dc="docker-compose"
  8 alias :q='exit'
  8 alias ......='cd ../../../../..'
  7 alias v='nvim'
  7 alias timer='echo "Timer started. Stop with Ctrl-D." && date && time cat && date'
  7 alias ll="ls -l"
  7 alias ip="dig +short"
  7 alias help=run-help
  7 alias gst='git status'
  7 alias git=hub
  7 alias gdc='git diff --cached'
  7 alias gco="git checkout"
  7 alias ga="git add"
  7 alias free='free -h'
  6 alias vi="nvim"
  6 alias v=vim
  6 alias md='mkdir -p'
  6 alias ls='ls -FG'
  6 alias ls="ls -G"
  6 alias less='less -R'
  6 alias la='ls -la'
  6 alias la='ll -A'
  6 alias l='ls'
  6 alias h="history"
  6 alias gst="git status"
  6 alias gco='git checkout'
  6 alias gc='git commit'
  6 alias diff='colordiff'
  6 alias d="docker"
  6 alias cp="cp -i"
  6 alias afk="/System/Library/CoreServices/Menu\ Extras/ -suspend"
  6 alias -g G='| grep'
  6 alias -g ...='../..'
  6 alias -g ....='../../..'
  6 alias -g .....='../../../..'
  5 alias x='exit'
  5 alias v="vim"
  5 alias tmux='tmux -2'
  5 alias ta='tmux attach -t'
  5 alias sniff="sudo ngrep -d 'en1' -t '^(GET|POST) ' 'tcp and port 80'"
  5 alias rm="rm -i"
  5 alias pbpaste='xsel --clipboard --output'
  5 alias pbcopy='xsel --clipboard --input'
  5 alias path='echo -e ${PATH//:/\\n}'
  5 alias open='xdg-open'
  5 alias nano='nano -w'
  5 alias mv='nocorrect mv'
  5 alias mkdir='nocorrect mkdir'
  5 alias mkdir="mkdir -p"
  5 alias ls='ls -F --color=auto'
  5 alias ls="command ls ${colorflag}"
  5 alias lr='ls -R'
  5 alias ll='ls -al'
  5 alias less="less -R"
  5 alias grep='grep --color'
  5 alias gr='git rm'
  5 alias gpo='git push origin'
  5 alias gl='git log'
  5 alias git="hub"
  5 alias gc='git commit -m'
  5 alias gb="git branch"
  5 alias free='free -m'
  5 alias fgrep="fgrep --color=auto"
  5 alias egrep="egrep --color=auto"
  5 alias cd..="cd .."
  5 alias cat='bat'
  5 alias -g C='| pbcopy'
  5 alias -g ......='../../../../..'
  4 alias ~="cd ~"
  4 alias wget='wget -c'
  4 alias week='date +%V'
  4 alias vimdiff='nvim -d'
  4 alias vim='vim -p'
  4 alias uptime='uptime -p'
  4 alias tree="tree -C"
  4 alias tmux="tmux -2 -u"
  4 alias t='tmux'
  4 alias stfu="osascript -e 'set volume output muted true'"
  4 alias showdesktop="defaults write CreateDesktop -bool true && killall Finder"
  4 alias rd='rmdir'
  4 alias rake='noglob rake'
  4 alias preview="fzf --preview 'bat --color \"always\" {}'"
  4 alias pbpaste='xclip -selection clipboard -o'
  4 alias pbcopy='xclip -selection clipboard'
  4 alias pacinfo='pacman -Si'
  4 alias open="xdg-open"
  4 alias mv='mv -iv'
  4 alias mv="mv -i"
  4 alias mux=tmuxinator
  4 alias more='less'
  4 alias mkdir='mkdir -p -v'
  4 alias lsd="ls -lF ${colorflag} | grep --color=never '^d'"
  4 alias ls='ls --color'
  4 alias localip="ipconfig getifaddr en0"
  4 alias ll='ls -la'
  4 alias la="ls -laF ${colorflag}"
  4 alias la="ls -a"
  4 alias j='fasd_cd -d'
  4 alias info='info --vi-keys'
  4 alias hidedesktop="defaults write CreateDesktop -bool false && killall Finder"
  4 alias grep='grep --color=always'
  4 alias gpl="git pull"
  4 alias gcl="git clone"
  4 alias gc='git commit -v'
  4 alias gc='git checkout'
  4 alias gc="git commit"
  4 alias gaa='git add --all'
  4 alias fuck='$(thefuck $(fc -ln -1))'
  4 alias dt="cd ~/Desktop"
  4 alias dm="docker-machine"
  4 alias diff='diff --color=auto'
  4 alias dc='docker-compose'
  4 alias cp='cp -iv'
  4 alias cl="clear"
  4 alias cclip='xclip -selection clipboard'
  4 alias c='cat'
  4 alias c="clear"
  4 alias bu='bundle update'
  4 alias b='bundle'
  4 alias .4='cd ../../../../'
  4 alias ...='cd ../../'
  4 alias .....="cd ../../../.."
  4 alias -s pdf=zathura
  4 alias -s cpp=vim
  4 alias -s c=vim
  4 alias -g S='| sort'
  4 alias -g H='| head'
  4 alias -g -- '
  4 alias -- -='cd -'
  3 alias zshconfig="subl ~/.zshrc"
  3 alias zmv='noglob zmv -W'
  3 alias ys="yarn start"
  3 alias watch='watch '
  3 alias vga='xrandr --output VGA1 --auto --right-of LVDS1'
  3 alias v='f -e vim'
  3 alias v="$EDITOR"
  3 alias u='cd ..'
  3 alias tree='tree -C'
  3 alias top='htop'
  3 alias tf='tail -f'
  3 alias sudo="sudo "
  3 alias ssh='TERM=xterm-256color ssh'
  3 alias sl='ls'
  3 alias sl="ls"
  3 alias showFiles='defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES; killall Finder /System/Library/CoreServices/'
  3 alias settings=gnome-control-center
  3 alias run-help >&/dev/null && unalias run-help
  3 alias rm='rm -iv'
  3 alias rm='rm -I'
  3 alias rm='nocorrect rm'
  3 alias reload="exec $SHELL -l"
  3 alias py='python'
  3 alias py2='python2'
  3 alias push='git push'
  3 alias prompt_getcolors='prompt_colors[9]=; local i; for i in ${!prompt_colors[@]}; do local c$i="\[\e[0;${prompt_colors[$i]}m\]"; done'
  3 alias ping='ping -c 5'
  3 alias path='echo $PATH | tr -s ":" "\n"'
  3 alias pacupg='pacman -Syu'
  3 alias pacupd='pacman -Sy'
  3 alias pacupa='pacman -Sy && sudo abs'
  3 alias pacun='pacman -Rcsn'
  3 alias pacse='pacman -Ss'
  3 alias pacre='pacman -R'
  3 alias pacmake="makepkg -fcsi"
  3 alias pacinu='pacman -U'
  3 alias pacind='pacman -S --asdeps'
  3 alias pacin='pacman -S'
  3 alias pacclean="pacman -Sc"
  3 alias o='xdg-open'
  3 alias o='open'
  3 alias myip='dig +short'
  3 alias mv="mv -iv"
  3 alias mergepdf='/System/Library/Automator/Combine\ PDF\ Pages.action/Contents/Resources/'
  3 alias make='mmake'
  3 alias lx='ls -lXB'
  3 alias lu='ls -ltur'
  3 alias lt='ls -ltr'
  3 alias lsd='ls -l | grep "^d"'
  3 alias lsd='ls -d */'
  3 alias lsa="ls -la"
  3 alias ls='ls -F'
  3 alias ls='ls --color=auto -F'
  3 alias ls='gls -AFh ${colorflag} --group-directories-first'
  3 alias ls='exa'
  3 alias lock='/System/Library/CoreServices/Menu\ Extras/ -suspend'
  3 alias localip="ipconfig getifaddr en1"
  3 alias lm='la | less'
  3 alias ll='ls -lah'
  3 alias ll='ls -l --color=auto'
  3 alias ll="ls -alh"
  3 alias lk='ls -lSr'
  3 alias lh='ls -d .* ${colorflag}'
  3 alias lc='ls -ltcr'
  3 alias la='ls -laF ${colorflag}'
  3 alias la="ls -A"
  3 alias l='ls -lF ${colorflag}'
  3 alias l='ll'
  3 alias l="ls -CF"
  3 alias k='kubectl'
  3 alias json="python -m json.tool"
  3 alias j="jump"
  3 alias j="jobs -l"
  3 alias ips="ifconfig -a | grep -o 'inet6\? \(addr:\)\?\s\?\(\(\([0-9]\+\.\)\{3\}[0-9]\+\)\|[a-fA-F0-9:]\+\)' | awk '{ sub(/inet6? (addr:)? ?/, \"\"); print }'"
  3 alias ip="curl"
  3 alias insecssh='ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -o "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null"'
  3 alias insecscp='scp -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -o "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null"'
  3 alias httpdump="sudo tcpdump -i en1 -n -s 0 -w - | grep -a -o -E \"Host\: .*|GET \/.*\""
  3 alias hideFiles='defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO; killall Finder /System/Library/CoreServices/'
  3 alias hdmi='xrandr --output HDMI1 --auto --right-of LVDS1'
  3 alias gv='gvim'
  3 alias gup='git up'
  3 alias gti='git'
  3 alias gsp='git stash pop'
  3 alias grc='git rebase --continue'
  3 alias grb='git rebase'
  3 alias gr='git rebase'
  3 alias gpr='git pull --rebase'
  3 alias gob='go build'
  3 alias gl='git lg'
  3 alias ggpush='git push origin $(current_branch)'
  3 alias ggpull='git pull origin $(current_branch)'
  3 alias ggpnp='git pull origin $(current_branch) && git push origin $(current_branch)'
  3 alias gg='git grep'
  3 alias gfa='git fetch --all'
  3 alias gds='git diff --staged'
  3 alias gcp='git cherry-pick'
  3 alias gcom="git checkout master"
  3 alias gcm="git checkout master"
  3 alias gc="git commit -m"
  3 alias gbd='git branch -d'
  3 alias gba='git branch -a'
  3 alias gap='git add -p'
  3 alias g='git status'
  3 alias fuck='sudo $(history -p \!\!)'
  3 alias f='open -a Finder ./'
  3 alias egrep='egrep --colour=auto'
  3 alias e=vim
  3 alias e='exit'
  3 alias e='echo'
  3 alias e="$EDITOR"
  3 alias du='du -ch'
  3 alias du='du -c -h'
  3 alias du="du -h"
  3 alias dm='docker-machine'
  3 alias dl="cd ~/Downloads"
  3 alias dirs='dirs -v'
  3 alias diff="diff -u"
  3 alias d='docker'
  3 alias d='dirs -v | head -10'
  3 alias cp='nocorrect cp'
  3 alias cp="cp -iv"
  3 alias cls='clear'
  3 alias clipp='xclip -selection clipboard -o'
  3 alias cleanup="find . -type f -name '*.DS_Store' -ls -delete"
  3 alias chrome=google-chrome-unstable
  3 alias cat="bat"
  3 alias c="cd"
  3 alias bu="bundle update"
  3 alias bo="bundle outdated"
  3 alias bi='bundle install'
  3 alias b=brew
  3 alias a="atom"
  3 alias .5='cd ../../../../../'
  3 alias .3='cd ../../../'
  3 alias ..='cd ../'
  3 alias .......='cd ../../../../../..'
  3 alias -s zip='unzip'
  3 alias -s txt=vim
  3 alias -s java=vim
  3 alias -s gz='tar -xzvf'
  3 alias -s bz2=bzcat
  3 alias -s bz2='tar -xjvf'
  3 alias -g X='| xargs'
  3 alias -g V='| vim -'
  3 alias -g V="| vim -R -"
  3 alias -g T='| tail'
  3 alias -g L="| less"
  3 alias -g G="| grep"
  3 alias -g C='| xsel --input --clipboard'
  3 alias -g C='| wc -l'
  3 alias -- -="cd -"
  3 alias 'cd..'='cd ..'
  2 alias zshrc="nvim ~/.zshrc"
  2 alias zshconfig="nvim ~/.zshrc"
  2 alias zshconfig="mate ~/.zshrc"
  2 alias yt="yarn test"
  2 alias yt2mp3="youtube-dl --extract-audio --audio-format mp3"
  2 alias y='yarn'
  2 alias y="yarn"
  2 alias xvi="terminal vim"
  2 alias xt="terminal"
  2 alias xslrn="terminal slrn"
  2 alias xo=xdg-open
  2 alias xnetstat="terminal netstat"
  2 alias xnetmasq="terminal netmasq"
  2 alias xmutt="terminal mutt"
  2 alias xiptraf="terminal iptraf"
  2 alias xcdroast="sudo /usr/bin/xcdroast"
  2 alias xbithcx="terminal bithcx"
  2 alias x='screen -A -x'
  2 alias wpi='strings -e l'
  2 alias wo='workon'
  2 alias whois='whois -h'
  2 alias whois="whois -h"
  2 alias who='grc --colour=auto who'
  2 alias whence='type -a'
  2 alias wgetdir='wget -r -l1 -P035 -nd --no-parent'
  2 alias web="cd ~/Documents/web/"
  2 alias wdiff="grc --colour=auto wdiff"
  2 alias w='grc --colour=auto w'
  2 alias vu='vagrant up'
  2 alias vssh='vagrant ssh'
  2 alias vol="alsamixer -D pulse"
  2 alias vnstat="grc --colour=auto vnstat"
  2 alias vimt='vim -c "NERDTree" $1'
  2 alias vimrc="nvim ~/.vimrc"
  2 alias vimdiff="stty stop '' -ixoff; vimdiff"
  2 alias vim='nvim -p'
  2 alias vim='neovim-cmd edit'
  2 alias vim='mvim -v'
  2 alias vim='echo "No nesting of vim!"'
  2 alias vim="vi"
  2 alias vim="stty stop '' -ixoff; vim"
  2 alias vihosts="sudo vi /etc/hosts"
  2 alias vi=nvim
  2 alias vi='neovim-cmd edit'
  2 alias vi='mvim -v'
  2 alias vi='echo "No nesting of vim!"'
  2 alias very=git
  2 alias vd='vimdiff'
  2 alias v=nvim
  2 alias v='vi'
  2 alias v="nvim"
  2 alias urlencode='python -c "import sys, urllib as ul; print ul.quote_plus(sys.argv[1]);"'
  2 alias url-quote='autoload -U url-quote-magic ; zle -N self-insert url-quote-magic'
  2 alias uptime='grc --colour=auto uptime'
  2 alias update="sudo yum update"
  2 alias untar='tar xvf'
  2 alias unlock='sudo rm /var/lib/pacman/db.lck'
  2 alias unlimit='grc --colour=auto unlimit'
  2 alias tune2fs='grc --colour=auto tune2fs'
  2 alias tt='tail -n 9999'
  2 alias ts='tmux new-session -s'
  2 alias tree='tree -FC'
  2 alias tree="tree -F -A -I CVS"
  2 alias traceroute="grc --colour=auto traceroute"
  2 alias top="vtop"
  2 alias todos="ack -n --nogroup '(TODO|FIX(ME)?):'"
  2 alias tn='tmux new -s'
  2 alias tmuxkillall="tmux ls | cut -d : -f 1 | xargs -I {} tmux kill-session -t {}"
  2 alias tmuxconf="nvim ~/.tmux.conf"
  2 alias tmux='tmux -u'
  2 alias tmux="TERM=screen-256color-bce tmux"
  2 alias tml="tmux list-sessions"
  2 alias tma="tmux attach -t"
  2 alias tls='tmux ls'
  2 alias tls="tmux ls"
  2 alias tl='tmux list-sessions'
  2 alias time="command time -p"
  2 alias tf="terraform"
  2 alias texclean='rm -f *.toc *.aux *.log *.cp *.fn *.tp *.vr *.pg *.ky'
  2 alias tcpdump='grc --colour=auto tcpdump'
  2 alias ta='tmux attach'
  2 alias t=tmux
  2 alias t=task
  2 alias t="tmux attach || tmux new -s Master"
  2 alias sz='source ~/.zshrc'
  2 alias sz="source ~/.zshrc"
  2 alias sysctl='grc --colour=auto sysctl'
  2 alias sys='systemctl'
  2 alias sys="sudo systemctl"
  2 alias svim='sudo vim'
  2 alias suspend='sudo pm-suspend'
  2 alias suod="sudo"
  2 alias such=git
  2 alias stt='git status -uall'
  2 alias stat="grc --colour=auto stat"
  2 alias st='git status'
  2 alias ssp='ss -ptunl|egrep -vi unix\|-'
  2 alias sshx='ssh -C -c blowfish -X'
  2 alias ssh='TERM=xterm-color ssh'
  2 alias ssh="gpg-connect-agent updatestartuptty /bye >/dev/null; ssh"
  2 alias ssh="TERM=xterm ssh"
  2 alias ss="grc --colour=auto ss"
  2 alias sprunge="curl -F 'sprunge=<-'"
  2 alias sml='rlwrap sml'
  2 alias sml="rlwrap sml"
  2 alias slurp='wget -t 5 -c -nH -r -k -p -N --no-parent'
  2 alias sleep='pmset sleepnow'
  2 alias sidekiq='bundle exec sidekiq'
  2 alias show="defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -bool true && killall Finder"
  2 alias server='python -m SimpleHTTPServer'
  2 alias semanage='grc --colour=auto semanage'
  2 alias se='sudoedit'
  2 alias sd='sudo -H -s'
  2 alias screen='screen -c /etc/grml/screenrc'
  2 alias screen='screen -U'
  2 alias scr='sudo systemctl restart'
  2 alias scp='scp -C -p'
  2 alias sc="sudo systemctl"
  2 alias say='say -v Alex'
  2 alias sar='grc --colour=auto sar'
  2 alias s=sudo
  2 alias s=screen
  2 alias s='sudo'
  2 alias s="sudo"
  2 alias s="subl"
  2 alias rxvt-scrollbar="echo -n '�[?30t'"
  2 alias rxvt-invert="echo -n '�[?5t'"
  2 alias rwx='chmod 700'
  2 alias rw-='chmod 600'
  2 alias rsync-usual='rsync -azv -e ssh --delete --progress'
  2 alias rspec='bundle exec rspec'
  2 alias rs='rails server'
  2 alias rs='rails s'
  2 alias rrm="rm -Rf"
  2 alias route="grc --colour=auto ip route"
  2 alias rmz='sudo pkill screen; sudo ~/projects/vendor/arduino/arduino --board arduino:avr:mega --port /dev/ttyACM0 --upload '
  2 alias rmds="find . -type f -name '*.DS_Store' -ls -delete"
  2 alias rmdir='rmdir -v'
  2 alias rm=trash
  2 alias rm='rmtrash'
  2 alias rm='rm -rf'
  2 alias rm="~/.bin/"
  2 alias rm="rm -iv"
  2 alias rm="nocorrect rm"
  2 alias rls='screen -ls'
  2 alias ri='ri -f ansi'
  2 alias rg='rails generate'
  2 alias rf='rm -rf'
  2 alias reloadzsh=". ~/.zshrc && echo 'ZSH config reloaded from ~/.zshrc'"
  2 alias reload='source ~/.zshrc'
  2 alias reload="echo 'reload help:\n\r\n\rreload zsh: reloadzsh\n\rreload tmux: prefix r\n\rreload vim: <leader>vs'"
  2 alias reboot='sudo shutdown -r now'
  2 alias reboot="sudo /sbin/reboot"
  2 alias rd=rmdir
  2 alias rd='rails destroy'
  2 alias ranger='~/Downloads/ranger-1.6.1/'
  2 alias raku=perl6
  2 alias r='rails'
  2 alias r="rm -i"
  2 alias r="ranger"
  2 alias r-x='chmod 755'
  2 alias r--='chmod 644'
  2 alias python="python3"
  2 alias px='pilot-xfer -i'
  2 alias push='pushd'
  2 alias pt='pstree -pul'
  2 alias pst='ps -ef --sort=pcpu | tail'
  2 alias psm='ps -ef --sort=vsize | tail'
  2 alias psl='ps -aux | less'
  2 alias psg='ps aux | grep'
  2 alias psg='ps -efw | grep -v grep | grep '$GPARAM' $*'
  2 alias psa="ps aux"
  2 alias ps?='ps ax | grep -i'
  2 alias ps="grc --colour=auto ps"
  2 alias ppyu='sudo pacman -Syu'
  2 alias powertop='sudo powertop'
  2 alias poweroff="sudo /sbin/poweroff"
  2 alias pop='popd'
  2 alias please="sudo"
  2 alias pip="pip3"
  2 alias ping='mtr'
  2 alias ping="grc --colour=auto ping -4"
  2 alias perms="stat -c '%A %a %n'"
  2 alias pd='j py && ipy'
  2 alias pbpaste='xclip -selection clipboard -out'
  2 alias pbcopy='xclip -selection clipboard -in'
  2 alias pacman="pacman --color always"
  2 alias pacfs='pacman -Fs'
  2 alias p="pwd"
  2 alias p="ping"
  2 alias p="cd ~/Projects"
  2 alias p2='wo py27'
  2 alias orphans="pacman -Qtdq"
  2 alias open=xdg-open
  2 alias open='gnome-open'
  2 alias oldtop="/usr/bin/top"
  2 alias old=ls\ -ltr\ $LSPARAMS\ '| grep -v "^total" | head'
  2 alias ohmyzsh="vim ~/.oh-my-zsh"
  2 alias ohmyzsh="subl ~/.oh-my-zsh"
  2 alias ohmyzsh="mate ~/.oh-my-zsh"
  2 alias ocaml='rlwrap ocaml'
  2 alias ocaml="rlwrap ocaml"
  2 alias o='a -e xdg-open'
  2 alias o="xdg-open"
  2 alias o="open"
  2 alias o="open ."
  2 alias nwjs="/Applications/"
  2 alias nvimdiff="nvim -d"
  2 alias nvimconfig="nvim ~/.vimrc"
  2 alias nvim='neovim-cmd edit'
  2 alias nvim='echo "No nesting of vim!"'
  2 alias nr='npm run'
  2 alias nr="npm run"
  2 alias nmu='nodemon =nodeunit'
  2 alias nmap='grc --colour=auto nmap'
  2 alias ni="npm install"
  2 alias new=ls\ -lt\ $LSPARAMS\ '| grep -v "^total" | head'
  2 alias netwhat='lsof -i +c 40'
  2 alias netstat="grc --colour=auto netstat"
  2 alias netload="speedometer -r eth0 -t eth0"
  2 alias nerdcrap='cat /dev/urandom | xxd | grep --color=never --line-buffered "be ef"'
  2 alias neighbor='grc --colour=ip neighbor'
  2 alias ndu='node --debug-brk =nodeunit'
  2 alias n=node
  2 alias n='nvim'
  2 alias myip="curl"
  2 alias mv='mv -vi'
  2 alias mv="nocorrect mv"
  2 alias mux="tmuxinator"
  2 alias music="ncmpcpp"
  2 alias mtr="grc --colour=auto mtr"
  2 alias mrxvt="LANG=${LANG/(
  2 alias mount="grc --colour=auto mount"
  2 alias mnt='mount | column -t'
  2 alias mldonkey="mldonkey -stdout -verbosity verb"
  2 alias mkvirtualenv2="mkvirtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2"
  2 alias mkproject2="mkproject -p /usr/bin/python2"
  2 alias mkdir='mkdir -pv'
  2 alias mkdir="nocorrect mkdir"
  2 alias migrate="be rake db:migrate db:test:prepare"
  2 alias memo='cat > /dev/null'
  2 alias md='mkdir -pv'
  2 alias mc='mc -b'
  2 alias map='telnet'
  2 alias map="xargs -n1"
  2 alias man='nocorrect man'
  2 alias make="grc --colour=auto make"
  2 alias m='mate'
  2 alias m='make'
  2 alias m="more"
  2 alias m="mkdir"
  2 alias m.='mate .'
  2 alias lz='ll -rS'
  2 alias lx='ll -BX'
  2 alias ltr='ls -ltr'
  2 alias lt='ls -lt'
  2 alias lt='ll -rT'
  2 alias lsx='ls -l *(*)'
  2 alias lsw='ls -ld *(R,W,X.^ND/)'
  2 alias lss='ls -l *(s,S,t)'
  2 alias lspci='grc --colour=auto lspci'
  2 alias lsmp3='ls -1 --indicator-style=none *.mp3'
  2 alias lsmod='grc --colour=auto lsmod'
  2 alias lsl='ls -l *(@)'
  2 alias lsepub='ls -1 -R --indicator-style=none | grep epub'
  2 alias lsd=ls\ $LSPARAMS\ '*(-/DN)'
  2 alias lsd='ls -d *(/)'
  2 alias lsblk='lsblk -f'
  2 alias lsblk='grc --colour=auto lsblk'
  2 alias lsattr='grc --colour=auto lsattr'
  2 alias lsa='ls -a .*(.)'
  2 alias ls='ls -pFH --color --group-directories-first'
  2 alias ls='ls -hF --color=auto'
  2 alias ls='ls -F --color=never';
  2 alias ls='ls -F --color'
  2 alias ls='ls --group-directories-first --time-style=+"%d.%m.%Y %H:%M" --color=auto -F'
  2 alias ls='ls --group-directories-first --color=auto'
  2 alias ls='ls --color=auto --indicator-style=classify'
  2 alias ls='ls $LS_OPTIONS -A -N -hF'
  2 alias ls='gls --color=auto'
  2 alias ls='els --els-icons=fontawesome'
  2 alias ls="ls -la --classify --color=auto"
  2 alias ls="ls -GF"
  2 alias ls="ls -FG"
  2 alias ls="ls --color -h"
  2 alias ls="grc --colour=auto ls"
  2 alias ls="/bin/ls -aF"
  2 alias ls="/bin/ls -aF --color=always"
  2 alias lr='ls -lR'
  2 alias lp='lsof -Pnl +M -i4'
  2 alias logt="grc --colour=auto tail"
  2 alias logh="grc --colour=auto head"
  2 alias logc="grc --colour=auto cat"
  2 alias lock='i3lock -c
  2 alias ll=ls\ -l\ $LSPARAMS
  2 alias ll='ls -lsa'
  2 alias ll='ls -hl'
  2 alias ll='ls -alh'
  2 alias ll='ls -alFh'
  2 alias ll='ls $LS_OPTIONS -l -N -F'
  2 alias ll="ls -lh"
  2 alias ll="ls -la"
  2 alias ll="ls -asl -F -T 0 -b -H -1 --color=always"
  2 alias ll="l"
  2 alias ll="l -a"
  2 alias link="grc --colour=auto ip link"
  2 alias li='ls -ial'
  2 alias lh='ls -hAl'
  2 alias lh='ls -hAl --color=auto'
  2 alias lh='ls -A'
  2 alias lh="ls -d .*"
  2 alias less="less -r"
  2 alias le=less
  2 alias launch="launch "
  2 alias latr='ls -lAtr'
  2 alias last='grc --colour=auto last'
  2 alias la=ls\ -a\ $LSPARAMS
  2 alias la='ls -lah'
  2 alias la='ls -la --color=auto'
  2 alias la='ls -A --color'
  2 alias la='l -A'
  2 alias l=ls
  2 alias l='ls -lh'
  2 alias l='ls -lah'
  2 alias l='ls $LS_OPTIONS'
  2 alias l="ls -lhF ${colorflag}"
  2 alias l="ls -lh"
  2 alias l="ls -la"
  2 alias l="ls -lF ${colorflag}"
  2 alias l="exa"
  2 alias killps='kill -9'
  2 alias ka='killall'
  2 alias journalctl='grc --colour=auto journalctl'
  2 alias jobs='jobs -l'
  2 alias jn='jupyter notebook'
  2 alias jerr='journalctl -p3 -xb'
  2 alias javac="javac -J-Dfile.encoding=utf8"
  2 alias ishow='pkgutil --files'
  2 alias irssi='TERM=screen-256color irssi'
  2 alias ipy='ipython'
  2 alias iptables='sudo grc --colour=auto iptables'
  2 alias ips="ifconfig -a | perl -nle'/(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/ && print $1'"
  2 alias ip='ip -c'
  2 alias iostat='grc --colour=auto iostat'
  2 alias installed="rpm -qa --last"
  2 alias ils='ls /var/db/receipts/'
  2 alias iinstall='sudo installer -target / -pkg'
  2 alias ifconfig='grc --colour=auto ifconfig'
  2 alias icat='lsbom -f -l -s -pf'
  2 alias i4='sed "s/^/    /"'
  2 alias http="python -m http.server"
  2 alias htop='sudo htop'
  2 alias ht='htop'
  2 alias history='fc -il 1'
  2 alias history-stat="history 0 | awk '{print \$2}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n -r | head"
  2 alias hide="defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -bool false && killall Finder"
  2 alias hh='history'
  2 alias hello="echo 'Not you again'"
  2 alias halt="sudo /sbin/poweroff"
  2 alias h=history
  2 alias h='heroku'
  2 alias gvimt='gvim -c "NERDTree" $1'
  2 alias gvc='vim `git diff --name-only --diff-filter=U`'
  2 alias gus='git unstage'
  2 alias gu='git unstage'
  2 alias gtkam="sudo /usr/bin/gtkam"
  2 alias gti=git
  2 alias gt='git tag'
  2 alias gss='git stash save'
  2 alias gss="git status -s"
  2 alias gsmu='git submodule update --init --recursive'
  2 alias gsm='git submodule'
  2 alias gsl='git stash list'
  2 alias gs='git status --short'
  2 alias gs='git show -p'
  2 alias gs="git stash save --include-untracked"
  2 alias grpo='git remote prune origin'
  2 alias grep='grep --colour=always'
  2 alias grep="grep --line-number --ignore-case --color=auto"
  2 alias grep="grep --color"
  2 alias grab='ffmpeg -f x11grab -s wxga -i :0.0 -qscale 0 ~/Videos/screengrab-'\`date\ +%H-%M-%S\`'.mpg'
  2 alias gr='git remote'
  2 alias gpot='git push origin --tags'
  2 alias gpom="git push origin master"
  2 alias gph='git push heroku'
  2 alias gpgencrypt='gpg --default-recipient-self --armor --encrypt-files'
  2 alias gpgdecrypt='gpg --decrypt-files'
  2 alias gpg="gpg2"
  2 alias gp='git push origin'
  2 alias gp='git pull'
  2 alias gp='git pull --rebase'
  2 alias got='go test'
  2 alias gos='go-search'
  2 alias go='git checkout'
  2 alias gmt='git mergetool'
  2 alias gmom='git merge origin/master'
  2 alias glum="git pull upstream master"
  2 alias glog="git log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(yellow)%d%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative"
  2 alias gll='git quicklog-long'
  2 alias glg='git log --stat --max-count=5'
  2 alias gl='git quicklog -n 20'
  2 alias gl='git pull'
  2 alias gl='git log --graph --pretty=format:'\''%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %Cblue%an%Creset - %s %Cgreen(%cr)%Creset'\'' --abbrev-commit --date=relative'
  2 alias gl='git l'
  2 alias gl="git pull"
  2 alias gk='gitk >/dev/null 2>&1'
  2 alias gk="run-bg gitk"
  2 alias git='hub'
  2 alias git-root="cd \"\$(git root)\""
  2 alias git-rm-after='git ls-files --deleted | xargs git rm'
  2 alias gia="git add"
  2 alias gi="git init"
  2 alias ghw='git stash show -p'
  2 alias ghsp='git stash save --patch'
  2 alias ghs='git stash save'
  2 alias ghp='git stash pop'
  2 alias ghl='git stash list'
  2 alias gh='git stash'
  2 alias gg="git g"
  2 alias gfrb='git fetch origin && git rebase origin/master'
  2 alias gfo='git fetch origin'
  2 alias gfmom='git fetch origin && git merge origin/master'
  2 alias gfa="git fetch --all"
  2 alias gf="git fetch"
  2 alias getsebool='grc --colour=auto getsebool'
  2 alias getfacl='grc --colour=auto getfacl'
  2 alias gdw='git diff -w'
  2 alias gds="git diff --staged"
  2 alias gdiff='git diff'
  2 alias gdd='git difftool'
  2 alias gd="diff2html -s side"
  2 alias gcm='git checkout master'
  2 alias gcm="git commit -m"
  2 alias gcm="git commit -a -m"
  2 alias gcl='git clone'
  2 alias gch='git checkout'
  2 alias gch="git checkout"
  2 alias gcc="grc --colour=auto gcc"
  2 alias gca='git commit -v -a'
  2 alias gca='git commit --amend'
  2 alias gc="git commit --verbose"
  2 alias gbs='git show-branch'
  2 alias gbn='git checkout -b'
  2 alias gbc='git checkout -b'
  2 alias gbS='git show-branch -a'
  2 alias gbD='git branch -D'
  2 alias gap='clear; git add --all --patch'
  2 alias gal='git add -A'
  2 alias gac='git add `git status -uall | egrep "
  2 alias gaa='git add -A'
  2 alias ga='git add --all'
  2 alias ga="gitAddStatus"
  2 alias gP='git pull'
  2 alias gA='git add --all :/'
  2 alias fucking='sudo'
  2 alias fs="stat -f \"%z bytes\""
  2 alias fs="stat -f '%z bytes'"
  2 alias free='grc --colour=auto free'
  2 alias free='free -hm'
  2 alias free="free -h"
  2 alias find='find . -name'
  2 alias fgrep='fgrep --colour=auto'
  2 alias f='fg'
  2 alias f2k='f2 | xargs -t kill'
  2 alias f2k9='f2k -9'
  2 alias f2="awk '{print \$2}'"
  2 alias f1="awk '{print \$1}'"
  2 alias exti="exit"
  2 alias ext="exit"
  2 alias expliciti="pacman -Qetq"
  2 alias exi="exit"
  2 alias exa='exa --group-directories-first'
  2 alias ex="exit"
  2 alias er=vr
  2 alias env="grc --colour=auto env"
  2 alias emptytrash="sudo rm -rfv /Volumes/*/.Trashes; rm -rfv ~/.Trash"
  2 alias em="run-bg emacs"
  2 alias edit=vim
  2 alias ed='vim'
  2 alias ec='emacsclient -c'
  2 alias ec='emacsclient --no-wait'
  2 alias e='emacs'
  2 alias e='emacs -nw'
  2 alias e='$EDITOR'
  2 alias e=$EDITOR
  2 alias e="exit"
  2 alias du="grc --colour=auto du"
  2 alias du="du -h -c"
  2 alias dsl='dpkg -l | grep -i'
  2 alias dotfiles='~/dotfiles/'
  2 alias dog="less -RSFXin"
  2 alias dnf='grc --colour=auto dnf'
  2 alias dls='dpkg -L'
  2 alias dkd="docker run -d -P"
  2 alias dircolors='gdircolors'
  2 alias dip="docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}'"
  2 alias dig="grc --colour=auto dig"
  2 alias diff='diff -u'
  2 alias diff='diff --color=auto -Nuar'
  2 alias diff="grc --colour=auto diff"
  2 alias df='df -H'
  2 alias df="grc --colour=auto df"
  2 alias df="df -T"
  2 alias da='du -sch'
  2 alias d='git diff'
  2 alias d='dirs -v'
  2 alias crontab="VIM_CRONTAB=true crontab"
  2 alias cr2lf="perl -pi -e 's/\x0d/\x0a/gs'"
  2 alias cpp="cd ~/Documents/c++/"
  2 alias cp='cp -p'
  2 alias cp="nocorrect cp"
  2 alias cp="cp -p"
  2 alias configure='grc --colour=auto configure'
  2 alias configure='colourify ./configure'
  2 alias col_light="sh ~/.config/termcolours/"
  2 alias col_default="sh ~/.config/termcolours/"
  2 alias col_dark="sh ~/.config/termcolours/"
  2 alias co='git checkout'
  2 alias cnpm="npm --registry="
  2 alias cmu="cd ~/Documents/academics"
  2 alias cls="clear"
  2 alias clean='echo -n "¿Desea borrar todos los ficheros temporales (s/N)? ";
  2 alias cl='clear'
  2 alias chuleta="vim ~/.vim/doc/chuletario.txt"
  2 alias chrome="/Applications/Google\\ Chrome"
  2 alias centericq="LANG=${LANG/(
  2 alias cd.="cd .."
  2 alias cd..="cd ../.."
  2 alias cd...='cd ../..'
  2 alias cd...="cd ../../.."
  2 alias cd....='cd ../../..'
  2 alias cd.....='cd ../../../..'
  2 alias cd-="cd -"
  2 alias cb='xclip -selection clipboard'
  2 alias cb="clipboard"
  2 alias cat=ccat
  2 alias cap='bundle exec cap'
  2 alias calc='python -c "print(eval(input()))"'
  2 alias cal='~/./dotfiles/'
  2 alias cacl="find app/logs -name '*.log' -delete && app/console ca:cl --no-warmup"
  2 alias c="tr -d '\n' | pbcopy"
  2 alias c-l="c- && l"
  2 alias c-="cd -"
  2 alias bundle='nocorrect bundle'
  2 alias bp="bundle package"
  2 alias bot="cd ~/InstaPy;python"
  2 alias bo='bundle outdated'
  2 alias blkid='grc --colour=auto blkid'
  2 alias black="xbacklight -steps 300 -time 2000 -set 0"
  2 alias bl="bundle list"
  2 alias big='du -sh * | sort -hr'
  2 alias bi="bundle install"
  2 alias bi="bundle install --binstubs=.bin --path vendor/bundle"
  2 alias bh='big | head'
  2 alias bc='bc -l'
  2 alias b="bat"
  2 alias axel="axel -n 10"
  2 alias aterm="LANG=${LANG/(
  2 alias ass="astyle --style=1tbs --lineend=linux --convert-tabs --preserve-date --fill-empty-lines --pad-header --indent-switches --align-pointer=name --align-reference=name --pad-oper"
  2 alias ashowlocal="pacman --color always -Qi"
  2 alias ashowfiles="pacman --color always -Qlq"
  2 alias ashow="pacman --color always -Si"
  2 alias asearch="pacsearch"
  2 alias allps='ps aux'
  2 alias alistall="pacman --color always -Q"
  2 alias agh='ag --hidden'
  2 alias ag=tag
  2 alias addr="grc --colour=auto ip addr"
  2 alias ack=ack-grep
  2 alias aSs='yaourt -Ss'
  2 alias _aria2c="aria2c -c -s10 -k1M -x10"
  2 alias _='sudo'
  2 alias ZshRehash='. ~/.zshrc'
  2 alias Syua='yaourt -Syua'
  2 alias Syu='sudo pacman -Syu'
  2 alias Sc='echo "\n" | sudo pacman -Sc'
  2 alias S='sudo pacman -S'
  2 alias Rsc='sudo pacman -Rsc'
  2 alias R='sudo pacman -R'
  2 alias Q='sudo pacman -Q'
  2 alias :q=exit
  2 alias 1='watch -n1'
  2 alias 1="cd -"
  2 alias .='cd ..'
  2 alias .2='cd ../../'
  2 alias ..l=".. && l"
  2 alias ..='back_dir $@'
  2 alias ..5='cd ../../../../../'
  2 alias ..4='cd ../../../../'
  2 alias ..3='cd ../../../'
  2 alias ...l="... && l"
  2 alias ...='back_dir 2'
  2 alias ....='back_dir 3'
  2 alias .....='back_dir 4'
  2 alias -s {png,jpg,gif,svg}=feh
  2 alias -s {gz,tgz,zip,lzh,bz2,tbz,Z,tar,arj,xz}=extract
  2 alias -s {go,txt,cfg,c,cpp,rb,asm,nim,conf,d}=subl3
  2 alias -s {avi,mpeg,mpg,mov,m2v}=mpv
  2 alias -s zip=zipinfo
  2 alias -s txt=cat
  2 alias -s tgz=gzcat
  2 alias -s tgz='tar -xzvf'
  2 alias -s tex=vim
  2 alias -s tbz=bzcat
  2 alias -s ps=zathura
  2 alias -s md=vim
  2 alias -s html=subl
  2 alias -s html=open
  2 alias -s h=vim
  2 alias -s gz=gzcat
  2 alias -s djvu=zathura
  2 alias -s css=subl
  2 alias -g W='| wc -l'
  2 alias -g W="| wc"
  2 alias -g U=' --help | head'
  2 alias -g T="| tail"
  2 alias -g S="| sed"
  2 alias -g R="| ruby -e"
  2 alias -g P=' --help | less'
  2 alias -g L='| less -R'
  2 alias -g L="| $PAGER"
  2 alias -g H="| head"
  2 alias -g GV="| grep -v"
  2 alias -g A="| awk"
  2 alias -g .......='../../../../../..'
  2 alias -- "${key}=sudo ${val}"
  2 alias -- "${key}=${val}"
  2 alias ,,='popd'
  1 alias 進捗='echo ダメです🙅'
  1 alias ~='cd ~'
  1 alias ~="cd ~ && source ~/.bashrc"
  1 alias | ag "${@}"
  1 alias zz='. ~/.zshrc'
  1 alias zypper='sudo zypper'
  1 alias zsync="source ~/.zshenv; source ~/.zshrc;"
  1 alias zso="subl ~/.zshrc"
  1 alias zshupdate="source ~/.zshrc"
  1 alias zshsource='source ~/dotfiles/zshrc'
  1 alias zshsource="source $HOME/.zshrc"
  1 alias zshrc='source ~/.zshrc'
  1 alias zshrc='nano ~/.zshrc'
  1 alias zshrc="z dotfiles && vi ~/.zshrc && source .zshrc"
  1 alias zshrc="z dot && vim ./zsh/zshrc"
  1 alias zshrc="vim ~/.zshrc"
  1 alias zshrc="v ~/.zshrc"
  1 alias zshome=''
  1 alias zshconfig='vim ~/dotfiles/zshrc'
  1 alias zshconfig='nvim ~/.zshrc'
  1 alias zshconfig="vim ~/.dotfiles/zshrc"
  1 alias zshconfig="sudo vim ~/.zshrc"
  1 alias zshconfig="subl $HOME/.zshrc"
  1 alias zshconfig="st ~/.zshrc"
  1 alias zshconfig="nano ~/.zshrc"
  1 alias zshconfig="code ~/.zshrc"
  1 alias zshconfig="$EDITOR $HOME/.zshrc"
  1 alias zshconf="nvim ~/.zshrc"
  1 alias zshconf="kak ~/.zshrc"
  1 alias zshconf="$EDITOR $HOME/.zshrc; $EDITOR $HOME/.zshrc.local"
  1 alias zshbackup='rm -rf ${HOME}/Dropbox/zsh/backup/`ls -rt ${HOME}/Dropbox/zsh/backup | head -n 1`; tar cfz ${HOME}/Dropbox/zsh/backup/`date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S'`.tar.gz -C ${HOME}/Dropbox/zsh/ .zsh_history; rclone sync ${HOME}/Dropbox/zsh drive:backup'
  1 alias zsh_rc_loaded='echo "rc_loaded"'
  1 alias zsconf=''
  1 alias zsclear=''
  1 alias zs="source ~/.zshrc"
  1 alias zreset="rm ~/.zcompdump*; compinit"
  1 alias zrebuild="rm -f ~/.zcompdump; compinit;"
  1 alias zrc='vim ~/.zshrc'
  1 alias zr='source ~/.zshrc'
  1 alias zmv='noglob zmv'
  1 alias zmv='noglob zmv '
  1 alias zln='noglob zmv -L '
  1 alias zless='timeout 3600 zless'
  1 alias zless=$PAGER
  1 alias zip="zip -x *.DS_Store -x *__MACOSX* -x *.AppleDouble*"
  1 alias zgu='zgen update && zr'
  1 alias zgrep='zgrep --color=auto'
  1 alias zgrep='grep --color=auto'
  1 alias zedit="vim -p ~/.zshenv ~/.zprofile ~/.zshrc ~/.zlogin ~/.zlogout"
  1 alias zd='z --del'
  1 alias zcu='upgrade_oh_my_zsh'
  1 alias zcp='noglob zmv -C '
  1 alias zcompfix="sudo chmod -R 755 ./site-functions;"
  1 alias zco="code ~/.zshrc"
  1 alias zcat='gzcat'
  1 alias zc="zcalc"
  1 alias zathura='zathura --fork > /dev/null 2>&1'
  1 alias zap='zip --encrypt --recurse-paths'
  1 alias z=_z_cd
  1 alias z='zathura'
  1 alias z='zathura --fork'
  1 alias z='exec /bin/zsh -l'
  1 alias yv='youtube-dl --recode-video mp4'
  1 alias yuw="yarn unit-watch"
  1 alias yum='sudo yum -C --noplugins'
  1 alias yu="yarn upgrade"
  1 alias yu="yarn unit"
  1 alias ytr='youtube mp4'
  1 alias ytpaste='youtube-dl $(xpaste)'
  1 alias ytm='youtube mp3'
  1 alias ytdl="youtube-dl"
  1 alias yta="youtube-dl --add-metadata -xic"
  1 alias yt_favs="mpa ''"
  1 alias yt='youtube-dl -a vids.txt'
  1 alias yt='youtube-dl --no-part'
  1 alias yt='youtube'
  1 alias yt='yarn test'
  1 alias yt="youtube-dl --add-metadata -ic"
  1 alias yt="$SCRIPTS/"
  1 alias yt-dl='youtube-dl --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 -o "%(title)s.%(ext)s" --metadata-from-title "%(artist)s - %(title)s" --add-metadata'
  1 alias yst='yadm status'
  1 alias yst="yadm status"
  1 alias ysr="yay -Ss --color auto"
  1 alias ys='yarn start'
  1 alias ys='y --stat'
  1 alias yrt='sudo yaourt'
  1 alias yrm="yay -R --color auto"
  1 alias yran='yarn'
  1 alias yr='yarn run'
  1 alias yr='_yr () { yarn remove $@ ; yarn remove -D @types/$@ }; _yr'
  1 alias yr="yarn remove"
  1 alias yp='yadm push'
  1 alias yp='echo You meant to use yay!'
  1 alias yp="yadm push"
  1 alias youtube='open'
  1 alias youtube='cd /media/ENTRTAIN/youtube'
  1 alias youtube-dl-safe="youtube-dl --ignore-errors --no-mtime --no-overwrites --prefer-ffmpeg --add-metadata"
  1 alias yoot='sudo -E'
  1 alias yoloo="git commit -am '`curl -s`' && git push origin master --force"
  1 alias yolo=sudo
  1 alias yolo='git commit -m "small fix or refactoring"'
  1 alias yolo="git push --force"
  1 alias yolo="git commit -am '`curl -s`'"
  1 alias ymd="$SCRIPTS/"
  1 alias ylist='yum list --showduplicates'
  1 alias yl='yarn lint'
  1 alias yins="yay -S --color auto"
  1 alias yi="yarn install"
  1 alias ygroups="yum groupinfo '*' | less +/"
  1 alias yga='yarn global add'
  1 alias yga="yarn global add"
  1 alias yg="yarn global"
  1 alias yeet='sudo'
  1 alias ye='yarn exec'
  1 alias yds="yadm diff --staged"
  1 alias ydl=youtube-dl
  1 alias ydl='youtube-dl -f best --restrict-filenames'
  1 alias ydl="yarn develop local"
  1 alias ydep="deps y"
  1 alias yd='youtube-dl '
  1 alias yd="yarn develop"
  1 alias yd="yarn dev"
  1 alias yd="yadm diff"
  1 alias ycmsg='yadm commit -m'
  1 alias ycam='yadm commit -am'
  1 alias yc="yadm commit"
  1 alias yb="yarn build"
  1 alias yay='yay --nodiffmenu --answerclean N --removemake'
  1 alias yay='yay --editmenu'
  1 alias yay="$SCRIPTS/ yay $*"
  1 alias yarnupdate='yarn global upgrade'
  1 alias yarnplease="rm -rf node_modules/ && rm yarn.lock && yarn"
  1 alias yapul='yadm pull'
  1 alias yaourt="yaourt --pager --color"
  1 alias yaml="python -c 'import json, sys, yaml; y=yaml.safe_load(; print(json.dumps(y, indent=4))'"
  1 alias yahoo='mutt -f imaps://'
  1 alias yad="yarn add --dev"
  1 alias ya='youtube-dl --extract-audio --audio-format mp3'
  1 alias ya='yadm add'
  1 alias ya='_ya () { yarn add $@ ; yarn add -D @types/$@ }; _ya'
  1 alias ya="yarn add"
  1 alias ya="yadm add"
  1 alias y_cc='yarn cache clean'
  1 alias yS='yarn add '
  1 alias yD='yarn add --dev '
  1 alias y=yaourt
  1 alias y='git show'
  1 alias y=''
  1 alias xxx='histring "XXX.*" -c green -s bold'
  1 alias xxx='exit'
  1 alias xx='startx ~/.xinitrc-xmonad'
  1 alias xtermhere='xterm -e "cd `pwd` && zsh"'
  1 alias xs='xbps-query -Rs'
  1 alias xres="xrdb ~/.Xresources"
  1 alias xrel="xrdb ~/.Xresources"
  1 alias xrdbreload='xrdb ~/.Xresources'
  1 alias xr='sudo xbps-remove -R'
  1 alias xr="xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources"
  1 alias xq='xbps-query'
  1 alias xphp="php -d xdebug.remote_autostart=1"
  1 alias xpaste='xsel --clipboard --output'
  1 alias xpaste='xclip -o -selection clipboard'
  1 alias xpaste="xsel --clipboard --output"
  1 alias xp="xpanes"
  1 alias xo="xdg-open"
  1 alias xmrcd="cd ~/.config/xmonad/"
  1 alias xmrc="xmonadrc"
  1 alias xmonadrc="cd ~/.config/xmonad/; v src/Config.hs"
  1 alias xmm="xmodmap $HOME/.xmodmaprc"
  1 alias xkinit="kinit richardz@ANDREW.CMU.EDU"
  1 alias xinit_='cp ~/.xinit_log{,_old} && xinit |& tee ~/.xinit_log'
  1 alias xi='sudo xbps-install -S'
  1 alias xi='startx ~/.xinitrc-i3'
  1 alias xi="sudo xbps-install"
  1 alias xh='startx ~/.xinitrc-herbstluftwm'
  1 alias xget='wget $(xpaste)'
  1 alias xee="open -a Xee³"
  1 alias xd='xargs -r docker'
  1 alias xcopy='xsel --clipboard --input'
  1 alias xcopy='xclip -i -selection clipboard'
  1 alias xcode='open *.xcworkspace || open *.xcodeproj'
  1 alias xclip='xclip -selection "clipboard"'
  1 alias xclip="xclip -selection clipboard"
  1 alias xclip="xclip -selection c"
  1 alias xclass='echo "WM_CLASS(STRING) = \"NAME\", \"CLASS\"" && xprop | grep "WM_CLASS"'
  1 alias xc='xclip -selection clipboard'
  1 alias xc=':orgalorg:command'
  1 alias xa='startx ~/.xinitrc-awesome'
  1 alias x=startx
  1 alias x=exit
  1 alias x=/mnt/c/Windows/explorer.exe
  1 alias x='startx'
  1 alias x='cd $HOME && startx && cd -'
  1 alias x='_peco-find-and-open-file'
  1 alias x=':context:command magalix'
  1 alias x=' exit'
  1 alias x="ranger"
  1 alias x="gitx"
  1 alias x="exit"
  1 alias x="exec startx"
  1 alias www='python3 -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000'
  1 alias www='cd /shared/httpd/'
  1 alias www='cd "${HOME}/Sites"'
  1 alias www="chown www-data:www-data * .* -R"
  1 alias wtwpdev="cd ~ && cd wtwp"
  1 alias wttr='~/bin/weather'
  1 alias wtt="cd ~/wtt"
  1 alias wtp='git worktree prune -v'
  1 alias wtp="cd ~/wtp"
  1 alias wtl='wtp && git worktree list'
  1 alias wtfis='whatis '
  1 alias wtf='wtf -o'
  1 alias wtf='man'
  1 alias wtf='dmesg'
  1 alias wtdev="cd ~ && cd /Users/$USER/html/"
  1 alias wt='wget -P /tmp/'
  1 alias wt='watch -n1 '
  1 alias wt=':watcher:guess'
  1 alias ws='http-server -c-1 -p 3333 -o'
  1 alias ws='echo $(ifconfig | grep -E "en.:" -A 3 | grep -oE "\b([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\b" | head -n 1); python2 -m SimpleHTTPServer'
  1 alias ws='cd $WORKSPACEFOLDER'
  1 alias writydev="cd ~ && cd writydev"
  1 alias wpt="wp theme install $* --activate"
  1 alias wpt="wp theme activate $*"
  1 alias wprabt="cd ~ && cd wprabwpt"
  1 alias wprabp="cd ~ && cd wprabwpp"
  1 alias wprabd="cd ~ && cd wprabdev"
  1 alias wpppn="wp option update permalink_structure '/%postname%'"
  1 alias wppaall="wp plugin activate --all"
  1 alias wpp="wp plugin install $* --activate"
  1 alias wplv="wpp wp-log-viewer"
  1 alias wplr="wp login create root --launch"
  1 alias wpli="wp login install --activate --yes"
  1 alias wpds="wpp query-monitor && wpp debug-bar && wpp debug-meta-data && wpp jarvis && wpp wp-log-viewer && wpp wp-reset"
  1 alias wpcoredev="cd ~ && cd wpcore"
  1 alias wpcore="cd ~ && cd wpcore"
  1 alias wpcdev="cd ~ && cd wpcore"
  1 alias wpcdev="cd ~ && cd wpcdev"
  1 alias wp='workon py35'
  1 alias wow='nvidia wine ~/Downloads/WoW/wow.exe'
  1 alias wow='git status --branch --short'
  1 alias workon="pyenv activate"
  1 alias work='source ~/eleme_work_space/pro/bin/activate'
  1 alias work='source /home/stephen/.zshrc_python'
  1 alias work='cd "$(configurator -g workspacePath)"'
  1 alias work="~/.bin/start_work; screen -x work"
  1 alias work="cd ~/Documents/workspace/"
  1 alias work="cd ~/Documents/workspace"
  1 alias work="cd $HOME/workspace/oms"
  1 alias woman="command man"
  1 alias wmos='weather Moscow'
  1 alias wl='wget -c -q --show-progress'
  1 alias wl='http :8000'
  1 alias wktcwp="cd ~ && cd wktcwp"
  1 alias wk2png='/usr/bin/python $(which webkit2png)'
  1 alias wj='workon py35'
  1 alias winetricks_tmp='env WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.wine_tmp" winetricks'
  1 alias winetricks_games='env WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.wine32_games" winetricks'
  1 alias winetricks32='env WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.wine32" winetricks'
  1 alias winecfg_tmp='env WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.wine_tmp" winecfg'
  1 alias winecfg_games='env WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.wine32_games" winecfg'
  1 alias winecfg32='env WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.wine32" winecfg'
  1 alias wine_tmp='env WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.wine_tmp" wine'
  1 alias wine_games_env='export WINEARCH=win32; export WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.wine32_games"'
  1 alias wine_games='env WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.wine32_games" wine'
  1 alias wine32='env WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.wine32" wine'
  1 alias wine32="WINEPREFIX=~/.wine32 WINEARCH=win32 wine"
  1 alias winbox="wine ~/.local/bin/winbox.exe&"
  1 alias win7='vboxmanage startvm "win7"'
  1 alias wiki='wiki-search'
  1 alias wifispeed="speedometer -r wlp3s0"
  1 alias wifireboot="networksetup -setairportpower en0 off && networksetup -setairportpower en0 on"
  1 alias wifipass="security find-generic-password -ga"
  1 alias wifion="networksetup -setairportpower en0 on"
  1 alias wifioff="networksetup -setairportpower en0 off"
  1 alias wifi_status="iw dev wlan0 info"
  1 alias wifi_on="sudo netctl start"
  1 alias wifi_on="sudo ifconfig en1 up"
  1 alias wifi_on="nmcli nm wifi on"
  1 alias wifi_off="sudo netctl stop"
  1 alias wifi_off="sudo ifconfig en1 down"
  1 alias wifi_off="nmcli nm wifi off"
  1 alias wifi_menu="wifi-menu"
  1 alias wifi='sudo wifi-menu -o wlp2s0'
  1 alias wifi='osx-wifi-cli'
  1 alias wifi='nmtui'
  1 alias wifi='nmcli dev wifi '
  1 alias wifi="sudo wifi-menu"
  1 alias wifi="networksetup -setairportpower en0"
  1 alias wifi="networksetup -setairportpower $(networksetup -listallhardwareports | grep -A 2 'Hardware Port: Wi-Fi' | grep 'Device:' | awk '{print $2}')"
  1 alias wifi="airport -s"
  1 alias wifi="$SCRIPTS/network/"
  1 alias wifi-menu="sudo wifi-menu && sudo mount -a"
  1 alias wifi-connect="nmcli d wifi"
  1 alias wifi!='wifi !'
  1 alias widget='/Users/jackychiu/Library/Application\ Support/Übersicht/widgets/nerdbar.widget'
  1 alias wi='whereis'
  1 alias wi='nvim ~/wiki/'
  1 alias whome='cd $WINHOME'
  1 alias wholisten='sudo netstat -antulp | grep LISTE'
  1 alias who="who -HT"
  1 alias which='where'
  1 alias which='type -all'
  1 alias whereis='whereis'
  1 alias whereami='pwd'
  1 alias where="bfs ./ -name "
  1 alias whatismynetwork='ipconfig getifaddr en0'
  1 alias whatismyip='curl; echo'
  1 alias wgets='wget --mirror -p --html-extension --convert-links'
  1 alias wgets='H="--header"; wget $H="Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5" $H="Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" $H="Connection: keep-alive" -U "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:10.0.2) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/10.0.2" '
  1 alias wgetit="$SCRIPTS/"
  1 alias wget='wget -c --progress=bar'
  1 alias wget='wget --no-check-certificate'
  1 alias wget="wget -c"
  1 alias wget-site='wget --mirror -p --convert-links -P'
  1 alias wfs="nmtui-connect"
  1 alias wfon="nmcli r wifi on"
  1 alias wfoff="nmcli r wifi off"
  1 alias wf=wifi
  1 alias wf='sudo wifi-menu'
  1 alias weechat='TERM=screen-256color weechat'
  1 alias weechat="TZ=Europe/Istanbul weechat"
  1 alias webshare='python -m SimpleHTTPServer'
  1 alias webserver='python2 -m SimpleHTTPServer'
  1 alias webserver='echo Webserver is bad, since it is open to the network. Use devd instead.'
  1 alias webdev="cd ~ && cd webdev"
  1 alias web=qutebrowser
  1 alias web='chromium &'
  1 alias web="python -m SimpleHTTPServer "
  1 alias web="lynx -accept_all_cookies -number_fields -scrollbar -scrollbar_arrow -vikeys"
  1 alias web="cd ~ && cd web"
  1 alias weather='curl'
  1 alias weather='curl -A curl'
  1 alias weather='curl -4'
  1 alias weather="curl"
  1 alias weather = 'curl -4'
  1 alias we='workon exp'
  1 alias wdocs='cd $WINHOME/Documents/'
  1 alias wd='pwd'
  1 alias wd="cd ~ && cd webdev"
  1 alias watd='watch -d du --summarize'
  1 alias watch='watch -n 1 -dc'
  1 alias watch="watch "
  1 alias warn="grc -c conf.warn cat"
  1 alias wanip='dig +short'
  1 alias wanip="dig +short"
  1 alias w='git diff --cached'
  1 alias w='echo -e "$Blue $PWD ${Red}at ${Cyan}$(whoami)${Red}@${Yellow}$(hostname -s)$Red in $Yellow${0}$Purple \$"'
  1 alias w="/usr/bin/w -i"
  1 alias w3m="noglob w3m"
  1 alias vz='vim ~/.zshrc'
  1 alias vz='v ~/.bashrc'
  1 alias vw='(){:vim-which "${@}"}'
  1 alias vvv=$EDITOR' -N --noplugin'; compdef vvv=vim
  1 alias vvim=$(which vim)
  1 alias vv=mvim
  1 alias vv=gvim
  1 alias vv='v ~/.vimrc'
  1 alias vv=$EDITOR' -N -u NONE'; compdef vv=vim
  1 alias vup='vagrant up'
  1 alias vup="vagrant up && vagrant provision && vagrant ssh"
  1 alias vumount='udevil umount'
  1 alias vu='vc -d'
  1 alias vu='vagrant up && vagrant ssh'
  1 alias vu="pamixer --allow-boost -i 5"
  1 alias vtop='vtop -t wizard'
  1 alias vtop="vtop --theme wizard"
  1 alias vst='vagrant status'
  1 alias vsshc='vagrant ssh-config'
  1 alias vss="cd ~ &&  ~/vscs"
  1 alias vsp="vi -O"
  1 alias vse="cd ~ &&  ~/vsce"
  1 alias vscsop="cd ~ &&  ~/vscsop"
  1 alias vsc='vagrant ssh-config'
  1 alias vs='vim ~/dots/sxhkd/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc'
  1 alias vs='vagrant suspend && exit'
  1 alias vs='vagrant status'
  1 alias vs='vagrant ssh'
  1 alias vs='sites && vagrant ssh'
  1 alias vs='nvim -S'
  1 alias vrtdev="cd ~ && cd vrtdev"
  1 alias vrpdev="cd ~ && cd vrpdev"
  1 alias vrg=vack
  1 alias vrdoc="cd ~ && cd vrdoc"
  1 alias vrcwp="cd ~ && cd vrcwp"
  1 alias vrcdev="cd ~ && cd vrcdev"
  1 alias vrc='vim ~/.vimrc'
  1 alias vra="wppa vrcore && wpta vr"
  1 alias vr='vagrant reload'
  1 alias vr="fuzzy_edit readme"
  1 alias vps="ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa"
  1 alias vpnrestart="sudo sv restart de-03-vpn"
  1 alias vpnotp="vpn_otp | tee >(pbcopy) && echo '=> Copied VPN OTP to pasteboard.'"
  1 alias vpn='sudo openvpn --client --config /etc/openvpn/client/US_Silicon_Valley.conf'
  1 alias vpn2otp="vpn2_otp | tee >(pbcopy) && echo '=> Copied VPN OTP to pasteboard.'"
  1 alias vpn-up='wg-quick up mullvad'
  1 alias vpn-down='wg-quick down mullvad'
  1 alias vplug="z dot && vim ./vim/plugins.vim"
  1 alias vpip=./venv/bin/pip
  1 alias vp="vagrant provision"
  1 alias vnspeed='vnstat -l -i enp3s0'
  1 alias vnmap="nmap -sV --script=vulscan/vulscan.nse"
  1 alias vnc-stop="/usr/bin/vncserver -kill :1"
  1 alias vnc-start="vncserver -geometry 1440x900 -alwaysshared -dpi 96 :1"
  1 alias vn='vim ~/dots/nixos/config.nix'
  1 alias vn='vim note:notepad'
  1 alias vn='nvim note:notepad'
  1 alias vmstat="grc --colour=auto vmstat"
  1 alias vmro='vm -m readonly'
  1 alias vmount='udevil mount'
  1 alias vmap="z dot && vim ./vim/mappings.vim"
  1 alias vm='vc -k="" --protect-hidden=no --pim=0'
  1 alias vm='su -c "export QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR= QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS= QT_SCALE_FACTOR= QT_DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO= && VBoxManage setextradata Windows10 GUI/HiDPI/UnscaledOutput 1 && sudo VBoxManage startvm Windows10" && exit'
  1 alias vlock="vlock --all"
  1 alias vizsh="vim ~/.zshrc"
  1 alias vixres='vim ~/.Xresources'
  1 alias vivimrc='vim ~/.vimrc'
  1 alias vivim="vim ~/.vimrc"
  1 alias viupdate="vi '+PlugUpgrade' '+PlugUpdate!' '+qall!'"
  1 alias visualizer="ncmpcpp -s visualizer"
  1 alias vissh="vim ~/.ssh/config"
  1 alias visible='echo'
  1 alias vishnu="ssh prikhi@vishnu.acorn"
  1 alias violenz='git rebase'
  1 alias vimtab='vim -p'
  1 alias vimscriptout='vim ~/.vim/scriptout'
  1 alias vimscratch='vim -c "set buftype=nowrite"'
  1 alias vims='vim -c "Session"'
  1 alias vims='vim --servername vim'
  1 alias vimrt='vim --remote-tab'
  1 alias vimrcbundles='vi ~/.vimrc.bundles'
  1 alias vimrc='vi ~/.vimrc'
  1 alias vimrc="z dotfiles && vi ~/.vimrc"
  1 alias vimrc="z dot && vim ./vim/vimrc"
  1 alias vimrc="vim ~/.vimrc"
  1 alias vimrc="v ~/.vimrc"
  1 alias vimr='vim --remote'
  1 alias vimplug='nvim +PlugInstall +PlugUpgrade +PlugUpdate +qall'
  1 alias vimo='vim -u NONE -U NONE -N -i NONE'
  1 alias viml='vim -c "set bg=light"'
  1 alias viminiconfig='vim ~/.vimini/vimrc'
  1 alias vimini='vim -u ~/.vimini/vimrc'
  1 alias vimencrypt='vim -u ~/.home/conf/vimencrypt -x'
  1 alias vime='vim ~/.vim/vimrc'
  1 alias vimdiff='/usr/local/bin/vimdiff'
  1 alias vimdiff="nvim -u ~/.dotfiles/.vimdiffrc -d"
  1 alias vimconfig='vim ~/.vimrc'
  1 alias vimconfig='vim ~/.config/nvim/init.vim'
  1 alias vimconfig="vim ~/.dotfiles/vimrc"
  1 alias vimconfig="$EDITOR $HOME/.vimrc"
  1 alias vimconf="nvim ~/.config/nvim/init.vim"
  1 alias vimagic='vimagi'
  1 alias vimagc='vimag'
  1 alias vim=vi
  1 alias vim='vim'
  1 alias vim='nvim -w ~/.vim/scriptout'
  1 alias vim='nvim '
  1 alias vim='nocorrect vim'
  1 alias vim='mvim'
  1 alias vim='/usr/local/bin/vim'
  1 alias vim=$EDITOR
  1 alias vim="vim"
  1 alias vim="vim -p -u ~/env/conf/vim/init.vim"
  1 alias vim="reattach-to-user-namespace vim"
  1 alias vim="nvim -p"
  1 alias vim="mvim -v"
  1 alias vim="fuzzy_edit"
  1 alias vim="/Applications/"
  1 alias vim="$EDITOR"
  1 alias vim8='/usr/local/bin/vim -w ~/.vim/scriptout'
  1 alias vim7='/usr/bin/vim -w ~/.vim/scriptout'
  1 alias vig="nvim-gtk"
  1 alias vif='mvim $(fzf)'
  1 alias viewtab='vim -Rp'
  1 alias view='vim -R'
  1 alias view='nvim -R'
  1 alias view="sxiv"
  1 alias videos='cd /media/ENTRTAIN/root/Videos'
  1 alias viblocks='vim ~/.i3blocks.conf'
  1 alias vibashrc='vim ~/.bashrc'
  1 alias vi=/usr/local/bin/vim
  1 alias vi='vim -u ~/.vim/essential.vim'
  1 alias vi='vim -u NONE'
  1 alias vi='nvim -u ~/.vim/minimal.vim'
  1 alias vi='mvim'
  1 alias vi='$EDITOR'
  1 alias vi=$EDITOR; compdef vi=vim
  1 alias vi="$VISUAL"
  1 alias vi="$EDITOR"
  1 alias vhex="vim -b"
  1 alias vhalt='vagrant halt'
  1 alias vh='sudo vim /etc/hosts'
  1 alias vgu='vagrant up'
  1 alias vgs='vagrant ssh'
  1 alias vgs='vagrant global-status'
  1 alias vgrep='grep -v --color=auto'
  1 alias vgh='vagrant halt'
  1 alias vgd='vagrant destroy --force'
  1 alias vga_same='xrandr --output VGA1 --auto --same-as LVDS1'
  1 alias vg=vagrant
  1 alias vg='vagrant'
  1 alias vfb='sudo Xvfb :20 -ac'
  1 alias verify_approvals="approvals verify -d nvim -d  -a"
  1 alias venv='workon $(workon | fzf --layout=reverse)'
  1 alias venv='virtualenv '
  1 alias venv="source .venv/bin/activate"
  1 alias venv2='virtualenv -p "$(which python2)"'
  1 alias vdir='vdir --color=auto -lSh'
  1 alias vdir="vdir --color=auto"
  1 alias vdiff='vimdiff'
  1 alias vdf='vagrant destroy -f'
  1 alias vd='vagrant destroy'
  1 alias vd='vagrant destroy -f'
  1 alias vd="vimdiff"
  1 alias vd="pamixer --allow-boost -d 5"
  1 alias vd="$EDITOR -d"
  1 alias vctc='vc --truecrypt'
  1 alias vc='vim ~/.vimrc'
  1 alias vc='/Applications/ -t'
  1 alias vbrc='nvim ~/.bashrc && . ~/.bashrc'
  1 alias vboxls="VBoxManage list runningvms"
  1 alias vbm="sudo mount -t vboxsf -o rw,uid=1000,gid=1000 Public /home/$USER/Public"
  1 alias vblank='__GL_SYNC_TO_VBLANK=0'
  1 alias valgrind-uninit='valgrind --track-origins=yes'
  1 alias valgrind-leak='valgrind --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all'
  1 alias vagrantstatus='vagrant global-status'
  1 alias vag=vack
  1 alias vag="vagrant"
  1 alias va='valgrind --track-origins=yes'
  1 alias va='vagrant'
  1 alias v=view
  1 alias v=vagrant
  1 alias v=e
  1 alias v='vim -R -'
  1 alias v='vim '
  1 alias v='vagrant'
  1 alias v='vagrant '
  1 alias v='open-with-vim'
  1 alias v='nvim --listen /tmp/nvimsocket'
  1 alias v='nvim '
  1 alias v='mvim'
  1 alias v='$VISUAL'
  1 alias v="f -e $EDITOR"
  1 alias v="code"
  1 alias v="$i"
  1 alias v="$VISUAL"
  1 alias v3="virtualenv --python python3 venv"
  1 alias v.='e.'
  1 alias v!='nvim -u NONE'
  1 alias uz='unzip'
  1 alias uuid='python -c "import uuid; print uuid.uuid1()"'
  1 alias uu="update && upgrade"
  1 alias utorrent='utserver -settingspath /opt/utorrent-server-alpha-v3_3/ &'
  1 alias utop='utop-full -implicit-bindings'
  1 alias utf8test="wget -qO-"
  1 alias utc='TZ=Etc/UTC date'
  1 alias uta=upload_to_arduino
  1 alias ut="tar xavf"
  1 alias ustatus='systemctl status --user'
  1 alias userlist="cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd"
  1 alias usb='sudo mount -o gid=users,fmask=113,dmask=002'
  1 alias us='setxkbmap us'
  1 alias us='bundle exec unicorn_rails -p 3000'
  1 alias us="sudo ansible-playbook $BASE_DIR'/ubuntu/config/playbooks/ubuntu.yml' -i localhost, -c local"
  1 alias urxvtsetup='xrdb -merge $HOME/.Xresources; exit'
  1 alias urxvt='urxvt -fg white -bg black +sb -fn "xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:autohint=true:size=10pt"'
  1 alias urlencode='python -c "import sys, urllib as ul; print ul.quote_plus(sys.argv[1])"'
  1 alias urlencode='python -c "import sys, urllib as ul; \
  1 alias urldecode='python -c "import sys, urllib as ul; print ul.unquote_plus(sys.argv[1])"'
  1 alias urldecode='python -c "import sys, urllib as ul; \
  1 alias urbdict='zdict --dict urban'
  1 alias ur=undelfile
  1 alias ur='unrar x'
  1 alias upm='sudo reflector --verbose --latest 25 -p http -p https '\
  1 alias upm="git pull origin master:master --rebase --ff-only"
  1 alias upload='cd /media/ENTRTAIN/upload'
  1 alias upgrade_repo='git pull --rebase --stat origin master'
  1 alias upgrade_pip="pip list --outdated --format=freeze | grep -v '^\-e' | cut -d = -f 1  | xargs -n1 pip install -U"
  1 alias upgrade_oh_my_tmux='cd $HOME/.tmux && upgrade_repo; cd - >/dev/null'
  1 alias upgrade_env='upgrade_dotfiles && sh $DOTFILES/'
  1 alias upgrade_emacs='cd $HOME/.emacs.d && upgrade_repo; cd - >/dev/null'
  1 alias upgrade_dotfiles='cd $DOTFILES && upgrade_repo; cd - >/dev/null'
  1 alias upgrade_brew_cask='$DOTFILES/'
  1 alias upgrade_antigen='sudo curl -o /usr/share/zsh-antigen/antigen.zsh -sL'
  1 alias upgrade_antigen='curl -fsSL > $ANTIGEN/antigen.zsh.tmp && mv $ANTIGEN/antigen.zsh.tmp $ANTIGEN/antigen.zsh'
  1 alias upgrade='sudo apt upgrade'
  1 alias upgrade="sudo yum update"
  1 alias upgrade="sudo pacman --color always -Syyu"
  1 alias upgrade="sudo dnf -y upgrade"
  1 alias upgrade="sudo apt-get upgrade"
  1 alias upgrade="sudo apt-get -y update && sudo apt-get upgrade"
  1 alias upgrade="sudo apt -y update && sudo apt upgrade"
  1 alias upgrade="pacman -Syyu"
  1 alias upgrade="doas emerge -auvDN @world"
  1 alias updateycmall='cd ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe && git pull && git pull --recurse-submodules && ./ --clang-completer --gocode-completer --tern-completer'
  1 alias updateycm='cd ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe && git pull && git pull --recurse-submodules && ./ --clang-completer'
  1 alias updatenode='nvm install node --reinstall-packages-from=node'
  1 alias updatebrewcask='brew update && brew upgrade brew-cask && brew cleanup && brew cask cleanup'
  1 alias update_brew_npm_gem='brew_update; npm install npm -g; npm update -g; sudo gem update --system; sudo gem update --no-document'
  1 alias updateOSX="sudo softwareupdate -i -a"
  1 alias updateNpm="npm i npm -g; npm update -g"
  1 alias updateList="mas outdated"
  1 alias updateGem="sudo gem update --system; sudo gem update; sudo gem cleanup"
  1 alias updateBrew="brew update; brew upgrade; brew cleanup;"
  1 alias updateApps="mas upgrade"
  1 alias updateAll="sudo softwareupdate -i -a; zplug update; brew update; brew upgrade; brew cleanup; sudo npm install npm -g; sudo npm update -g; sudo gem update --system; gem update; gem cleanup; sudo -H pipdate"
  1 alias update='{{ update }}'
  1 alias update='sudo softwareupdate -i -a; brew update; brew upgrade; brew cleanup; sudo npm update npm -g; sudo npm update -g; sudo gem update --system; sudo gem update'
  1 alias update='sudo softwareupdate -i -a; brew update;
  1 alias update='sudo pacman -Syu'
  1 alias update='sudo bash /home/avivace/'
  1 alias update='sudo apt update'
  1 alias update='pacaur -Syu --noedit && sudo pkgcacheclean -v'
  1 alias update="sudo softwareupdate -i -a; zplug update"
  1 alias update="sudo pacman -Syyu"
  1 alias update="sudo pacman --color always -Qu"
  1 alias update="sudo apt-get update"
  1 alias update="sudo apt-get -y update"
  1 alias update="sudo apt -y update"
  1 alias update="pacman -Qu"
  1 alias update="doas ego sync"
  1 alias update="dnf -y check-update"
  1 alias update="(cd ~/git; make all)"
  1 alias update="$SCRIPTS/"
  1 alias update-grub="sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg"
  1 alias update-git='pacaur -Syua --devel --needed --noconfirm --noedit'
  1 alias upd='sudo apt-get update'
  1 alias upd="git pull origin develop:develop --rebase --ff-only"
  1 alias upcase="cd ~/Sites/upcase.trails"
  1 alias up='sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y'
  1 alias up="sudo pacman -Syu"
  1 alias up="cd .."
  1 alias uol='ping -t 3'
  1 alias uohmyzsh='upgrade_oh_my_zsh'
  1 alias unzipall='ls | grep .zip | parallel atool -x {}'
  1 alias unzipa='for f in *.zip; do unzip "$f" && rm -f "$f"; done'
  1 alias unzip-cp932='unzip -O cp932'
  1 alias untarbz2='tar -xvjf'
  1 alias untara='for f in $(ls | grep "\.\(tar\|gz\|tgz\|bz2\)"); do tar xf "$f" && rm -f "$f"; done'
  1 alias unsetproxy='export http_proxy=; export https_proxy=; export no_proxy=; showproxy'
  1 alias unset_sock_proxy=unsetproxy
  1 alias unroute_sound='pactl unload-module module-loopback'
  1 alias unrm='trash --restore'
  1 alias unrarall='for i in $(tree -if | grep .rar);do unrar x $i; done;'
  1 alias unrarall2='find -name "*.rar" | parallel unrar x {}'
  1 alias unrara='for f in *.rar; do unrar x "$f" && rm -f "$f"; done'
  1 alias unpack_tar='tar xf'
  1 alias unmute='osascript -e "set volume 2"'
  1 alias unmute="pamixer -u"
  1 alias unmute="pactl set-sink-mute 0 false"
  1 alias unmountdevices='sudo umount /media/*'
  1 alias unmountall='system_profiler SPFireWireDataType | grep "BSD Name: disk.$" | sed "s/^.*: //" | (while read i; do /usr/sbin/diskutil unmountDisk $i; done)'
  1 alias unmount='diskutil umount'
  1 alias unlockLoginWallpaper="sudo chflags nouchg /Library/Caches/;"
  1 alias unlock="sudo rm /var/lib/pacman/db.lck"
  1 alias unixts="date +%s"
  1 alias unittest='python -m unittest'
  1 alias uninstall='{{ uninstall }}'
  1 alias unhidelibrary='chflags nohidden ~/Library'
  1 alias unhide='setfile -a v'
  1 alias ungzip='gzip -d'
  1 alias ungz="tar -zxvf"
  1 alias unfuckbootstrap="launchctl list | grep UIKitApplication | awk '{print \$3}' | xargs launchctl remove"
  1 alias unfuck-postgres="rm -f /usr/local/var/postgres/ && brew services restart postgres"
  1 alias unfuck-gemfile="git checkout HEAD -- Gemfile.lock"
  1 alias undock='bash ~/ && i3-msg restart'
  1 alias underscorestodots='rename s/_/./g'
  1 alias unbz="tar -jxvf"
  1 alias unascii="sed $'s|\x1B\\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z]||g'"
  1 alias umount='sudo umount'
  1 alias umntd='sudo umount /mnt/disk'
  1 alias um="unmute"
  1 alias ultra="~/Dropbox/Projects/dev/personal/ultradns-node-cli/src/ultradns.js"
  1 alias ulimit="grc --colour=auto ulimit"
  1 alias uk='sudo yum --exclude=kernel\* upgrade'
  1 alias uglify='uglifyjs --compress --mangle -- '
  1 alias ugd='sudo apt-get upgrade -y'
  1 alias ug='sudo yum upgrade '
  1 alias udum="udevil unmount"
  1 alias udm="udevil mount"
  1 alias ud='sudo yum update '
  1 alias ua=sys_update_all
  1 alias ua='find -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d |
  1 alias u='git-smart-pull --rebase'
  1 alias u='exec usb-shell'
  1 alias u='carcosa -Sn'
  1 alias u='..'
  1 alias u="yaourt -Syu --aur"
  1 alias u="sudo -iu"
  1 alias u="cd .. && ls"
  1 alias ty=type
  1 alias tworkon='SRCDIR=$HOME/tmp djworkon'
  1 alias twitter='open /Applications/'
  1 alias tw='_tw'
  1 alias tvim='nvim -u ~/.config/nvim/init-tty.vim '
  1 alias tv=tvol
  1 alias tv='mpv ~/Video/multinet-play.m3u'
  1 alias tv='cd /media/ENTRTAIN/root/Videos/tv_and_movies/tv'
  1 alias tunnel='ssh -f -N'
  1 alias tunnel-socks='ssh -f -N -D 8080'
  1 alias tunnel-mysql='ssh -f -N -L 3307:localhost:3306'
  1 alias tunnel-list='ps aux | grep "ssh -f -N" | grep -v "grep"'
  1 alias tts='xsel | text2wave | mpv -af scaletempo --speed=1.7 -'
  1 alias tts='xsel | text2wave | mpv --af=scaletempo --speed=1.7 -'
  1 alias tts="trans -b -t es"
  1 alias ttmux='tmuxinator default'
  1 alias ttig='tig'
  1 alias ttest='tail -n 90 -f log/test.log'
  1 alias tte="trans -b -t en"
  1 alias tspv='tmux split-window -v -c "$PWD"'
  1 alias tsph='tmux split-window -h -c "$PWD"'
  1 alias ts='tmux split-window'
  1 alias ts='task sync'
  1 alias ts='pirate-get '
  1 alias trust='mkdir -p .git/safe'
  1 alias trupause="mpc pause"
  1 alias truncate='cut -c 1-$(stty size | cut -f 2 -d " ")'
  1 alias trui='trans :ru -I'
  1 alias tru='trans :ru'
  1 alias trol='RAILS_ENV=test rake db:rollback'
  1 alias trm='trash-put'
  1 alias trim_trailing_spaces='sed -i "" -E -e '"'"'s/[[:space:]]*$//'"'"''
  1 alias trem="transmission-remote"
  1 alias tree=poortree
  1 alias tree='tree -nF --dirsfirst'
  1 alias tree='tree -N'
  1 alias tree='tree -I .git'
  1 alias tree='tree -F'
  1 alias tree='tree -F -C --charset=ascii'
  1 alias tree='tree -F --dirsfirst'
  1 alias tree='tree -Csh'
  1 alias tree="tree -FC --charset=ascii"
  1 alias tree="tree -F"
  1 alias tree="tree -C -a"
  1 alias tree="ls -R | grep ":" | sed -e 's/://' -e 's/[^-][^\/]*\//--/g' -e 's/^/   /' -e 's/-/|/'"
  1 alias tree="find . -print | sed -e 's;[^/]*/;|____;g;s;____|; |;g'"
  1 alias tre='tree -F -L 1'
  1 alias trashrm='trash-rm'
  1 alias trashres='trash-restore'
  1 alias transpec='bundle exec transpec -v example_group,hook_scope,stub_with_hash --explicit-spec-type -f spec'
  1 alias transfer='cd /media/ENTRTAIN/root/Videos/transfer'
  1 alias traceroute='colourify traceroute'
  1 alias traceroute="traceroute -I"
  1 alias tr2='tree -L 2'
  1 alias tr1='tree -L 1'
  1 alias tq="cd ~ && cd web/tfoo && node quote.js"
  1 alias tpwd="t "$(pwd -P)"/*"
  1 alias tput='/usr/bin/tput'
  1 alias tpbs="clear && figlet -c TPB Search &&"
  1 alias tower='gittower'
  1 alias toumenu='open'
  1 alias torrent="~/.bin/start_torrent; screen -x torrent"
  1 alias torrent="transmission-cli -w ~/torrent/ "
  1 alias topdu='du -a | sort -nr | head -50'
  1 alias topa="$SCRIPTS/build/Topa halt"
  1 alias top='top -o cpu'
  1 alias top='timeout 3600 top'
  1 alias top='sudo htop'
  1 alias top='gtop'
  1 alias top='TERM=screen htop'
  1 alias top="vtop --theme=wizard"
  1 alias top="sudo htop"
  1 alias top="htop"
  1 alias top10='print -l ${(o)history%% *} | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -n 10'
  1 alias tolowercase='rename y/A-Z/a-z/'
  1 alias toggleproxy='if [ -n "$http_proxy" ]; then unsetproxy; else setproxy; fi'
  1 alias toggleproxy2='if [ -n "$http_proxy" ]; then unsetproxy; else setproxy2; fi'
  1 alias toggle_sock_proxy='if [ -n "$http_proxy" ]; then unset_sock_proxy; else set_sock_proxy; fi'
  1 alias toen='trs cs:en'
  1 alias todo='task add'
  1 alias todo='git grep -I -A 2 -e T''ODO: -e F''IXME:'
  1 alias todo="godoc -notes="TODO" ."
  1 alias todo="ag TODO | tr -d '\t' | sed -e 's/\/\///' | grep --color TODO"
  1 alias todo="$EDITOR ~/notes/"
  1 alias today='grep `date +"%m/%d"` /usr/share/calendar/calendar.*'
  1 alias today="days 0"
  1 alias tocs='trs en:cs'
  1 alias tns='tmux new-session -s'
  1 alias tns="tmux new -s"
  1 alias tnew='tmux new -s'
  1 alias tnew="tmux new -s"
  1 alias tnbulk="xargs -L1 task add pro:next <"
  1 alias tn='tmux new'
  1 alias tmxthrive='tmuxinator start Thrive'
  1 alias tmxs='tmuxinator start'
  1 alias tmxo='tmuxinator open'
  1 alias tmxn='tmuxinator new'
  1 alias tmxl="tmux ls"
  1 alias tmxk='tmux kill-session -t'
  1 alias tmxc="vim ~/.tmux.conf"
  1 alias tmxa="tmux attach"
  1 alias tmx='tmux new-session -A -s $USER'
  1 alias tmx="tmux new -s"
  1 alias tmw="tmux attach -t work"
  1 alias tmuxstart='tmux new-session -A -s main'
  1 alias tmuxsrc="tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf"
  1 alias tmuxinator='TERM=xterm-256color tmuxinator'
  1 alias tmuxdev='tmuxp load main'
  1 alias tmuxd='tmux new -A -s tmux'
  1 alias tmuxconfig='vim ~/dotfiles/tmux.conf'
  1 alias tmuxconfig="vim ~/.dotfiles/tmux.conf"
  1 alias tmuxconf="kak ~/.tmux.conf"
  1 alias tmuxa='tmux attach'
  1 alias tmuxListKeys='tmux list-keys -t vi-copy;'
  1 alias tmux='TERM=xterm-256color tmux'
  1 alias tmux='TERM=xterm-256color tmux -2'
  1 alias tmux="tmux new-session -d -s \>_ 2>/dev/null; tmux new-session -t \>_ \; set-option destroy-unattached"
  1 alias tmux="tmux -u"
  1 alias tmux="env TERM=xterm-256color-italic tmux"
  1 alias tmux="env TERM=myterm-it tmux -2"
  1 alias tmux="TERM=xterm-256color tmux"
  1 alias tmux="TERM=screen-256color /usr/bin/tmux"
  1 alias tmux-resurrect="~/dotfiles/scripts/"
  1 alias tms="tmuxinator start $1"
  1 alias tmp='cd $(mktemp -d)'
  1 alias tmn='tmux new -s $(basename $(pwd))'
  1 alias tmm="tmux rename-session -t"
  1 alias tmlog="syslog -F '\$Time \$Message' -k Sender -k Time ge -30m | tail -n 1"
  1 alias tmlocal="tmuxinator local"
  1 alias tmks="tmux kill-session"
  1 alias tmka="tmux kill-server"
  1 alias tmk="tmux kill-session -t $1"
  1 alias tmig='RAILS_ENV=test rake db:migrate'
  1 alias tmd="tmux detach"
  1 alias tma='tmux attach -d -t'
  1 alias tma="tmux -2 attach -t $1"
  1 alias tm='tmux -2u a || tmux -2u'
  1 alias tm="tmux -f $HOME/.tmux/tmux.conf new -A -s $tmux_session_name"
  1 alias tls='tmux list-sessions'
  1 alias tlocal="task"
  1 alias tlf="tail -f"
  1 alias tldr='less'
  1 alias tldr="tldr --theme ocean"
  1 alias tl='tmux ls'
  1 alias tl="tmux list-sessions"
  1 alias tksv='tmux kill-server'
  1 alias tkss='tmux kill-session -t'
  1 alias tkill='tmux kill-session -t'
  1 alias tkill="tmux kill-session -a"
  1 alias tk='tmux kill-session -t '
  1 alias tk='task'
  1 alias tjweb='ssh'
  1 alias tjapi='ssh'
  1 alias ting="art tinker ting.php"
  1 alias timezsh="time  zsh -i -c exit"
  1 alias time='time -p '
  1 alias tigg='tig'
  1 alias tiempo="curl -H 'Accept-Language: es'"
  1 alias ti='tig'
  1 alias ti='hyperfine'
  1 alias thriveimac="cd ~/Sites/thriveministry"
  1 alias thrivedbtest='heroku pg:pull DATABASE_URL thriveministry_test --app thriveministry-production'
  1 alias thrivedbdev='heroku pg:pull DATABASE_URL thriveministry_development --app thriveministry-production'
  1 alias thrive="cd ~/Sites/thrive.development/thriveministry"
  1 alias threedocs="in docs npm run docs:dev"
  1 alias thrash='cd "/media/ENTRTAIN/root/Music/Metal/Thrash Metal"'
  1 alias theirs="!f() { git checkout --theirs $@ && git add $@; }; f"
  1 alias thecname="dig $* +nostats +nocomments +nocmd"
  1 alias th='tmux split-window -h'
  1 alias tg='tig grep'
  1 alias tfs='git ls-files | grep '\''\.tfs$'\'''
  1 alias tfs-del='tfs | xargs git rm'
  1 alias tfa="terraform apply"
  1 alias tf='traff wlan0'
  1 alias tf='terraform'
  1 alias textedit="/Applications/"
  1 alias testnet="ping -c 3"
  1 alias testing='cd ~/Documents/coding/testing'
  1 alias testemacs='emacs -q -l ~/.emacs.d/test.el'
  1 alias terminator='/bin/sh -c "VTE_CJK_WIDTH=1 terminator -m"'
  1 alias termconfig="sudo vim ~/.Xresources; xrdb ~/.Xresources"
  1 alias term="urxvt -e zsh"
  1 alias term2utf="echo 'Setting terminal to utf-8 mode'; print -n '\e%G'"
  1 alias term2iso="echo 'Setting terminal to iso mode' ; print -n '\e%@'"
  1 alias teni='trans :en -I'
  1 alias ten='trans :en'
  1 alias temps="sensors | grep -v 'N/A'"
  1 alias tempdir='tempdir=$(mktemp -d) && cd $tempdir'
  1 alias tellmeyoursecret='cat ~/.ssh/'
  1 alias telegram='/opt/Telegram/Telegram'
  1 alias telegram="~/Apps/Telegram/Telegram &"
  1 alias tea-timer="countdown 120 && notify-send 'Tea!' 'Tea is done.'"
  1 alias te='emacsclient -nw'
  1 alias tdot="t .*"
  1 alias tdla="todolist web"
  1 alias tdla="todolist list archived"
  1 alias tdir="cd ~ && cd tdir"
  1 alias tdi="todolist init"
  1 alias tdgc="todolist l p"
  1 alias tdgc="todolist gc"
  1 alias tdev='tail -n 90 -f log/development.log'
  1 alias td='tree -dC'
  1 alias td='todotxt-machine'
  1 alias td='todoist --color'
  1 alias td='tmux detach'
  1 alias tb="nc 9999"
  1 alias tat='tmux new-session -As $(basename "$PWD" | tr . -)'
  1 alias tat='tmux attach -t'
  1 alias tasty='cbt --show-details=always --test-option=--color=always'
  1 alias tarx='tar xzvf'
  1 alias tarx='tar -zxvf'
  1 alias tarls='tar t --exclude="*/*" -f'
  1 alias tarc='tar czvf'
  1 alias tarc='tar -zcvf file.tar.gz'
  1 alias tar=gtar
  1 alias tar-extract='tar -xzvf'
  1 alias tall="task"
  1 alias taillogssalesforce='tail -f log/restforce.log'
  1 alias taillogs='tail -f log/development.log'
  1 alias tailf='tail -f'
  1 alias tailf="tail -f"
  1 alias tail='timeout 3600 tail'
  1 alias tail='tail -n $((${LINES:-12}-2)) -s.1'
  1 alias tail='colourify tail'
  1 alias tags="ctags -R"
  1 alias tagit='/usr/local/bin/ctags -R'
  1 alias tac='gtac'
  1 alias tableflip="echo '(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻'"
  1 alias ta='tree -aC -I .git'
  1 alias ta='tmux_ornot'
  1 alias ta='tmux attach -t main || tmux new -s main'
  1 alias ta='tmux a -t'
  1 alias ta="tmux attach-session"
  1 alias ta="tmux attach-session -t"
  1 alias ta="tmux -2 -u attach"
  1 alias ta="tdot ; tpwd"
  1 alias ta="phpunit"
  1 alias t=time
  1 alias t='tree -I "node_modules"'
  1 alias t='tree -Cfh'
  1 alias t='tree -C'
  1 alias t='tmux new-session -A -s main'
  1 alias t='tmux attach'
  1 alias t='tig'
  1 alias t='tig --all'
  1 alias t='task'
  1 alias t='gittower'
  1 alias t='git checkout --theirs'
  1 alias t='ghi show -w $(ghi list --sort updated | grep -v "open issue" | fgrep -v "None." | peco | awk "{ print $1 }")'
  1 alias t='date +"%H%M%S"'
  1 alias t='cd ~/src/terkel'
  1 alias t='() { c "$@" && p ; }'
  1 alias t="tree -a --ignore '.git|node_modules|bower_components|.DS_Store' -l 3"
  1 alias t="tmux"
  1 alias t="tmux -2"
  1 alias t="terraform"
  1 alias t="telnet"
  1 alias t="phpunit --exclude-group slow"
  1 alias t1='tail -n 1'
  1 alias t-xxz='tar xvfJ'
  1 alias t-xgz='tar xvfz'
  1 alias t-xbz2='tar xvfj'
  1 alias t-xa='tar xvfa'
  1 alias t-txz='tar tvfJ'
  1 alias t-tgz='tar tvfz'
  1 alias t-tbz2='tar tvfj'
  1 alias t-ta='tar tvfa'
  1 alias t-cxz='tar cvfJ'
  1 alias t-cgz='tar cvfz'
  1 alias t-cbz2='tar cvfj'
  1 alias t-ca='tar cvfa'
  1 alias t!='() { c "$@" && p! ; }'
  1 alias szshrc='source ~/.zshrc'
  1 alias systemupdate='sudo pacman -Syu'
  1 alias systemctl='grc --colour=auto systemctl'
  1 alias system-update-packages="sudo dnf update"
  1 alias system-update-packages="brew-update"
  1 alias system-suspend="systemctl suspend"
  1 alias system-shutdown="sudo shutdown 0"
  1 alias system-reboot="sudo reboot 0"
  1 alias sysdig="sudo sysdig"
  1 alias syncthing-conflicts-trash="find ~/ -name \"*.sync-conflict-*\" -exec trash {} +"
  1 alias syncthing-conflicts-show="find ~/ -name \"*.sync-conflict-*\""
  1 alias syncdotfiles='rcup -v'
  1 alias symlinks-prune='find -L . -name . -o -type d -prune -o -type l -exec rm {} +'
  1 alias symlink='ln -s'
  1 alias sy='rsync -raz --progress'
  1 alias sxiv='sxiv -a'
  1 alias sxiv="sxiv -r . "
  1 alias swpcdev="cd ~ && cd swpc"
  1 alias switch='heroku accounts:set'
  1 alias swipl-test='swipl -g true -t halt. -s'
  1 alias sweb="subl --projects web"
  1 alias sway="export XKB_DEFAULT_LAYOUT=gb; export XKB_DEFAULT_OPTIONS=ctrl:nocaps; export XKB_DEFAULT_MODEL=pc101; sway"
  1 alias swatch='stack build -j8 --file-watch'
  1 alias sw=gsw
  1 alias sw="sass --watch"
  1 alias svimdiff='sudo -E vim -d'
  1 alias svimdiff='sudo -E nvim -d'
  1 alias svimdiff="EDITOR=vimdiff sudoedit"
  1 alias svim='sudo -E vim'
  1 alias svim='sudo -E nvim'
  1 alias svim='doas nvim'
  1 alias svim="EDITOR=vim sudoedit"
  1 alias svi="sudo vim"
  1 alias svd="EDITOR=vimdiff sudoedit"
  1 alias sv='sudo vim'
  1 alias sv='sudo vim -p'
  1 alias sv='ssh -v'
  1 alias sv='s -b vivaldi-snapshot'
  1 alias sv="sudo vim"
  1 alias sv="EDITOR=vim sudoedit"
  1 alias suyumrem='sudo yum remove '
  1 alias suyumins='sudo yum install '
  1 alias suyumgrem='sudo yum groupremove '
  1 alias suyumgins='sudo yum groupinstall '
  1 alias suyumclean='sudo yum clean all'
  1 alias suspend='sudo systemctl suspend'
  1 alias suspend='dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest="org.freedesktop.UPower" /org/freedesktop/UPower org.freedesktop.UPower.Suspend'
  1 alias suplemon="python3 ~/Apps/suplemon/"
  1 alias supdate="sudo supervisorctl update"
  1 alias supacupd='sudo pacman -Syu'
  1 alias supacupd='pacaur -Syu'
  1 alias supacrem='sudo pacman -R'
  1 alias supacrem='pacaur -R'
  1 alias supacins='sudo pacman -S'
  1 alias supacins='pacaur -S'
  1 alias supacfullrem='sudo pacman -Rc'
  1 alias supacfullrem='pacaur -Rc'
  1 alias supacclean='sudo paccache -r'
  1 alias sumount='fusermount -u ~/; rmdir ~/'
  1 alias sume='sudo -E'
  1 alias suka="sudo"
  1 alias sudu=sudo
  1 alias sudovim='sudoedit'
  1 alias sudoedit="sudo -e";
  1 alias sudo='sudo -H'
  1 alias sudo='sudo -E'
  1 alias sudo='nocorrect sudo'
  1 alias sudo='killall screenkey 2>/dev/null; sudo'
  1 alias sudo='command sudo '
  1 alias sudo="sudo -E"
  1 alias suc='su'
  1 alias subs='subliminal download -s -l en '
  1 alias sublime='open /Applications/Sublime\ Text\'
  1 alias subl='subl3'
  1 alias subl='/Applications/Sublime\ Text\'
  1 alias subl='/Applications/Sublime\'
  1 alias subl='/Applications/Sublime'
  1 alias subl="open -a 'Sublime Text'"
  1 alias subl="/Applications/Sublime\"
  1 alias subbrute="$HOME/git/hackerij/subbrute/"
  1 alias sub='subliminal download -s -l en '
  1 alias sub="subl3 ."
  1 alias sub="subberthehut -l cze -s"
  1 alias su='su -l'
  1 alias su='su -'
  1 alias su="sudo su"
  1 alias stw='./scripts/'
  1 alias stt="st ."
  1 alias stss='speedtest-cli --simple --share'
  1 alias sts='speedtest-cli --share'
  1 alias structuresql="g difftool develop -- db/structure.sql && g diff develop -- db/structure.sql"
  1 alias stree='/Applications/'
  1 alias stree="/Applications/"
  1 alias stream="anypaste -x -s -p streamable"
  1 alias strace='sudo dtruss -f sudo -u $USER'
  1 alias strace="strace -tt -yy"
  1 alias stp='st show -p'
  1 alias stowusr="sudo stow -vR -t /usr usr"
  1 alias stowopt="sudo stow -vR -t /opt opt"
  1 alias stowetc="sudo stow -vR -t /etc etc"
  1 alias stow='stow -t ~ --no-folding'
  1 alias stow='stow -t /home/436e58'
  1 alias stopwatch='while true; do echo -ne "\r$(date +%-M:%S:%N)"; done'
  1 alias stopserver='sudo systemctl stop httpd.service'
  1 alias stope="emacsclient -e \"(kill-emacs)\"";
  1 alias stopdatabase='sudo systemctl stop mariadb.service'
  1 alias stopallcontainers='docker stop $(docker ps -qa)'
  1 alias stgc="st ~/.gitconfig"
  1 alias status='systemctl status'
  1 alias status='rails db:migrate:status'
  1 alias stats='sort | uniq -c | sort -r'
  1 alias stat="git status"
  1 alias stash="git stash -u"
  1 alias starwars='telnet'
  1 alias startx="startx -nolisten tcp -deferglyphs 16"
  1 alias startway="XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland dbus-run-session gnome-session"
  1 alias startserver='sudo systemctl start httpd.service'
  1 alias startserver="python -m SimpleHTTPServer"
  1 alias startproxy='while true;do ssh -vND 1080 home; echo "press ctrl+c again to quit.";sleep 3;done'
  1 alias starthttp='python3 -m http.server'
  1 alias startfb="fbterm_bgimg /home/kevin/Imágenes/SolidBackground.png -- fbterm_color"
  1 alias starte="emacs --daemon";
  1 alias startdatabase='sudo systemctl start mariadb.service'
  1 alias startServer="browser-sync start --files='*.html, *.css, css/*.css, js/*.js, img/*' --server --no-ghost-mode --no-notify --no-open"
  1 alias start-keymon="key-mon --key-timeout=1.5 --no-press-fadeout=2 --old-keys=5"
  1 alias standard-dock='defaults write static-only -bool FALSE'
  1 alias staill="sudo supervisorctl tail -8000"
  1 alias stailf="sudo supervisorctl tail -f"
  1 alias stail="sudo supervisorctl tail"
  1 alias staged='git diff --cached'
  1 alias stage=""
  1 alias stag="svn cp trunk"
  1 alias stack='nocorrect stack'
  1 alias sta='./scripts/'
  1 alias st='subl3'
  1 alias st='stack test -j8'
  1 alias st='git stash'
  1 alias st='./scripts/'
  1 alias st="stage"
  1 alias st="speedtest"
  1 alias st="/Applications/Sublime\"
  1 alias sstop="sudo supervisorctl stop"
  1 alias sstatus="sudo supervisorctl status"
  1 alias sstart="sudo supervisorctl start"
  1 alias sst='sudo subl3'
  1 alias sst="svn st"
  1 alias ssrsync="rsync -avz --progress --inplace --delete-after --rsh='ssh -p8898'"
  1 alias ssredis='sudo service redis-server start'
  1 alias ssplit="~/.bin/start_split; screen -x split"
  1 alias sspgsql='sudo service postgresql start'
  1 alias ssmysql='sudo service mysql start'
  1 alias ssl_enc="openssl aes-256-cbc -salt"
  1 alias ssl_dec="openssl aes-256-cbc -d"
  1 alias ssl-view="openssl x509 -text -noout"
  1 alias ssl-pem="openssl x509 -outform pem"
  1 alias ssid="/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport -I | grep SSID"
  1 alias sshvps="ssh root@vps.local"
  1 alias sshp='ssh -o PubkeyAuthentication=no'
  1 alias sshkey='cat ~/.ssh/ | pbcopy && echo "SSH Key copied to clipboard"'
  1 alias sshkey="cat ~/.ssh/ | pbcopy && echo 'Copied SSH key to clipboard 🔑'"
  1 alias sshk="kitty +kitten ssh"
  1 alias sshg='luit -encoding gbk ssh'
  1 alias sshconf='mate ~/.ssh/config'
  1 alias sshco="st ~/.ssh/config"
  1 alias sshc='$EDITOR ~/.ssh/config'
  1 alias sshag='_sshag'
  1 alias ssha='() {
  1 alias ssh_up='systemsetup -setremotelogin on'
  1 alias ssh_nopubkey="ssh -o PubkeyAuthentication=no"
  1 alias ssh_down='systemsetup -setremotelogin off'
  1 alias ssh='ssh -Y'
  1 alias ssh='nocorrect ssh'
  1 alias ssh='TERM=xterm-256color; ssh'
  1 alias ssh="sshrc"
  1 alias ssh="ssh -C -e none -v"
  1 alias ssh="env TERM=xterm-256color ssh"
  1 alias ssh="assh wrapper ssh"
  1 alias ssh="TERM=xterm-256color ssh"
  1 alias ssh-socks='ssh -C2qTnN -F /dev/null -D 9853'
  1 alias ssh-proxy='ssh -ND 4447'
  1 alias ssh-apibacus='ssh martin@'
  1 alias ssh-add='ssh-add -t 1h'
  1 alias ssh!='rf ~/.ssh/connections/* && ssh'
  1 alias ssetup="subl --projects setup"
  1 alias sselastic='sudo service elasticsearch start'
  1 alias ssc='./scripts/'
  1 alias ss='sudo su'
  1 alias ss='sudo service'
  1 alias ss='sift -n'
  1 alias ss='script/server'
  1 alias ss='ls -lht'
  1 alias ss='git st'
  1 alias ss='/System/Library/CoreServices/'
  1 alias ss='./script/server'
  1 alias srv="python -m http.server"
  1 alias srmd='sudo rm -r'
  1 alias srm='sudo rm'
  1 alias srestart="sudo supervisorctl restart"
  1 alias sreread="sudo supervisorctl reread"
  1 alias src='source $HOME/.zshrc'
  1 alias src="source ~/.bashrc"
  1 alias src="source ~/.bash_profile"
  1 alias src="cd ~/src"
  1 alias srake="spring rake"
  1 alias sra="svn st  | grep '!' | sed 's/!M      \(.*\)$/"\1"/' | xargs svn revert --depth infinity"
  1 alias sr='sudo service'
  1 alias sr='stack repl'
  1 alias sr='screen -D -RR'
  1 alias sr="svn revert $@ --depth infinity"
  1 alias sr="sudo ranger"
  1 alias sr.='source ~/.bash_profile'
  1 alias squash="git reset --soft HEAD~2 && git commit"
  1 alias sqsd="~/Dropbox/Projects/dev/personal/squarespace-cli/squarespace.js"
  1 alias sq='sar -q'
  1 alias sprite='code "$(configurator -g atlasConfigGamesFolder)\\$(configurator -g gameName)SpritesheetBuildConfig.xml"'
  1 alias spr="curl -F 'sprunge=<-' | xclip"
  1 alias spoton="sudo mdutil -a -i on"
  1 alias spotoff="sudo mdutil -a -i off"
  1 alias spm="sudo pacman"
  1 alias spip='sudo pip'
  1 alias spip3='sudo pip3'
  1 alias spip2='sudo pip2'
  1 alias speedtest='echo "scale=2; `curl  --progress-bar -w "%{speed_download}" -o /dev/null` / 131072" | bc | xargs -I {} echo {} mbps'
  1 alias speedtest="wget -O /dev/null"
  1 alias speedtest="speedtest-cli"
  1 alias speedUpTerminal="sudo rm -rf /private/var/log/asl/*.asl;"
  1 alias spec='bundle exec spec'
  1 alias speakeron="amixer set Speaker unmute"
  1 alias speakeroff="amixer set Speaker mute"
  1 alias spdtst='curl -o /dev/null'
  1 alias spd=$BASE_DIR'/ubuntu/bin/'
  1 alias spapelera="sudo srm -rfv /Volumes/\*/.Trashes; sudo srm -rfv \$HOME/.Trash/; sudo srm -rfv /private/var/log/asl/\*.asl"
  1 alias space="df -h"
  1 alias sp=ssh_pod
  1 alias sp='rails s puma'
  1 alias sp="sudo port"
  1 alias sp="sudo pacman"
  1 alias sozsh='source ~/.zshrc'
  1 alias sourcezshrc='source ~/.zshrc'
  1 alias sourcevimrc='source ~/.vimrc'
  1 alias soundrecord='arecord -t wav -f dat -q | lame -b 128 -m s - out.mp3'
  1 alias sound='afplay /System/Library/Sounds/Glass.aiff'
  1 alias sort='gsort'
  1 alias socks='ssh -ND 1080'
  1 alias so="source ~/.zshrc"
  1 alias snippets='cd ~/.vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets'
  1 alias snippets="cat ${DOTFILES_PATH}/zsh/snippets.zsh | sed -r 's/^function //g' | sed -r 's/^
  1 alias snip='() {
  1 alias snd_restart="pulseaudio -k && pulseaudio --start && xfce4-panel -r && \
  1 alias snd="alsamixer"
  1 alias sn="subl -n"
  1 alias smugfetch='neofetch --image ~/Pictures/smugfaces/ --crop_mode fit'
  1 alias smtp="doas simple-mtpfs -o allow_other -o enable-move "
  1 alias smountw='mkdir -p ~/; sshfs ~/'
  1 alias smounth='mkdir -p ~/; sshfs ~/'
  1 alias smic="sudo env -i PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin /usr/bin/make install clean"
  1 alias smi='sudo make install'
  1 alias sm='sudo screen /dev/ttyACM0 '
  1 alias sm="sudo subscription-manager"
  1 alias sm="bundle exec rspec"
  1 alias sluf="sudo journalctl -f -u"
  1 alias slu="sudo journalctl -u"
  1 alias slrn="slrn --kill-log $HOME/.slrn/kill_log.log"
  1 alias slownet="sudo ipfw pipe 1 config bw 100Kbit/s"
  1 alias sloc="find . -name '*.go' | xargs wc -l"
  1 alias slin='sudo ln -s'
  1 alias slfu="sudo journalctl -f -u"
  1 alias slf="sudo journalctl -f"
  1 alias sleep="shutdown -s now"
  1 alias slam='cd "/media/ENTRTAIN/root/Music/Metal/Slam Metal"'
  1 alias slacktest="ssh prikhi@SlackTesting.acorn"
  1 alias slack='open /Applications/'
  1 alias sl=l
  1 alias sl='sl -e'
  1 alias sl='sass-lint --config ~/.sass-lint.yml --verbose --no-exit'
  1 alias sl='sar -q'
  1 alias sl='ls --color=auto'
  1 alias sl="sudo journalctl"
  1 alias skr='ssh-keygen -R'
  1 alias sjuf="sudo journalctl -f -u"
  1 alias sju="sudo journalctl -u"
  1 alias sjfu="sudo journalctl -f -u"
  1 alias sjf="sudo journalctl -f"
  1 alias sj="sudo journalctl"
  1 alias sizetree='du -sh *'
  1 alias sizes='du -d 1 -h . | sort -rh'
  1 alias size='du -sh * | sort -rh'
  1 alias sites='ranger $(brew --prefix)/etc/nginx/sites/'
  1 alias siteget="wget --recursive --no-clobber --page-requisites --html-extension --convert-links --restrict-file-names=windows"
  1 alias simulator='open /Applications/\'
  1 alias simplehttpserver='python -m http.server'
  1 alias simple='python2 -m SimpleHTTPServer'
  1 alias silly="$HOME/lab/sillybytes/sillybytes_tool/"
  1 alias signapk="jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore my-release-key.keystore alias_name"
  1 alias sigh="rm -rf ./node_modules && npm i"
  1 alias si='sudo -i'
  1 alias shutdown='systemctl poweroff'
  1 alias shutdown='sudo shutdown -h now'
  1 alias shutdown="sudo shutdown -hP now"
  1 alias shutdown="sudo shutdown -P now"
  1 alias shred="gomi"
  1 alias showproxy='echo "proxy=$http_proxy"'
  1 alias showmount="grc --colour=auto showmount"
  1 alias showfiles="defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -bool true && killall Finder"
  1 alias showdotfiles='showfiles'
  1 alias showdotfiles="defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -bool true && killall Finder"
  1 alias showdesktop="defaults write CreateDesktop true && killall Finder"
  1 alias showdesktop="defaults write CreateDesktop -bool true \
  1 alias showdeskicons="defaults write CreateDesktop -bool true && killall Finder"
  1 alias showall='hidden -c | showhidden --all'
  1 alias showall="defaults write AppleShowAllFiles 1 && killall Finder"
  1 alias show_options='shopt'
  1 alias show_funcs="declare -F | grep -v _"
  1 alias showFiles="defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES; killall Finder /System/Library/CoreServices/"
  1 alias showDriveUsage='sudo lsof'
  1 alias show='hidden -c | showhidden'
  1 alias show="git showtool"
  1 alias shortcuts='vi ~/.zshrc'
  1 alias shivita="toilet -f mono12 -F rainbow 'andrea' | ponythink -f winona"
  1 alias share='python -m http.server'
  1 alias sha256sum='openssl dgst -sha256'
  1 alias sha256sum='gsha256sum';
  1 alias sha256='openssl dgst -sha256'
  1 alias sha1sum='gsha1sum';
  1 alias sha1='openssl dgst -sha1'
  1 alias sh='bash'
  1 alias sgogo="sudo supervisorctl reread && sudo supervisorctl update && echo --wait-- && sleep 3 && sudo supervisorctl status"
  1 alias sgithub="subl --projects github"
  1 alias sg='grep -rinw "." -e '
  1 alias sg='./script/generate'
  1 alias sfo='TZ=America/Los_Angeles date'
  1 alias sfcreateproject="sfdx force:project:create -n"
  1 alias sf="sfdx"
  1 alias setxkbmapcaps="setxkbmap -option caps:swapescape68"
  1 alias settings='vi ~/.zshrc'
  1 alias setproxy='export http_proxy=$PROXY; export https_proxy=$PROXY; export no_proxy=$NO_PROXY; showproxy'
  1 alias setproxy2='set_polipo_proxy; export http_proxy=$PROXY2; export https_proxy=$PROXY2; export no_proxy=$NO_PROXY; showproxy'
  1 alias setclip='xclip -selection c'
  1 alias set_sock_proxy='export http_proxy=$SOCK_PROXY; export https_proxy=$SOCK_P2ROXY; export no_proxy=$NO_PROXY; showproxy'
  1 alias set_polipo_proxy='polipo socksParentProxy= &'
  1 alias set-goenv="export GOPATH=${PWD}; export GOBIN=${PWD}/bin"
  1 alias sese="ssh sese"
  1 alias services='brew services list'
  1 alias serverstatus='systemctl status httpd.service'
  1 alias server='serve'
  1 alias server='python -m SimpleHTTPServer '
  1 alias server='cd /media/ENTRTAIN'
  1 alias serve='python3 -m http.server 8000'
  1 alias serve='python -m http.server'
  1 alias serve='python -m SimpleHTTPServer'
  1 alias serve='python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000'
  1 alias serve="python3 -m http.server"
  1 alias serve="python -m SimpleHTTPServer"
  1 alias serve="python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080"
  1 alias serve="python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000"
  1 alias serv="ssh brad@"
  1 alias serialnumber="ioreg -l | rg IOPlatformSerialNumber | cut -d= -f2 | sed 's/[ \"]//g'"
  1 alias ser="sudo service"
  1 alias sensors='sensors -A'
  1 alias semegre="sudo emerge"
  1 alias semanageuser="grc --colour=auto semanageuser"
  1 alias semanagefcontext="grc --colour=auto semanagefcontext"
  1 alias semanageboolean="grc --colour=auto semanageboolean"
  1 alias sem="sudo emerge"
  1 alias seleniumlocal='DISPLAY=:0 java -jar /usr/share/selenium-server/selenium-server-standalone.jar -timeout=60 -browserTimeout=60'
  1 alias selenium='DISPLAY=:20 java -jar /usr/share/selenium-server/selenium-server-standalone.jar -timeout=60 -browserTimeout=60'
  1 alias sed='sed -E'
  1 alias sed='gsed'
  1 alias sed='\gsed'
  1 alias sed="sed -E"
  1 alias searchlogs='journalctl -b --no-pager | grep'
  1 alias searchfile='ack -g'
  1 alias search='sudo apt-cache search'
  1 alias se='source .env'
  1 alias se='cd ~/.secrets && carcosa -Lc | sort'
  1 alias sdn="sudo shutdown now"
  1 alias sdi='sudo dpkg -i'
  1 alias sdcv='sdcv --color'
  1 alias sd='sudo shutdown now'
  1 alias sd='source ~/Dropbox/env'
  1 alias sd='./script/destroy'
  1 alias scu='systemctl --user'
  1 alias scu="systemctl --user"
  1 alias scu-stop="systemctl --user stop"
  1 alias scu-status="systemctl --user status"
  1 alias scu-start="systemctl --user start"
  1 alias scu-restart="systemctl --user restart"
  1 alias scu-enable="systemctl --user enable"
  1 alias scu-disable="systemctl --user disable"
  1 alias sctl='systemctl'
  1 alias sctl="sudo systemctl "
  1 alias scs='systemctl status'
  1 alias scrot='escrotum'
  1 alias scripts='cd ~/Documents/coding/i3config/scripts'
  1 alias scripts='cd "$(configurator -g ScriptsRTG)"'
  1 alias screenstart='screen -D -RR'
  1 alias screensleep="pmset sleepnow"
  1 alias screenshot='imageSnap'
  1 alias screenshot='grim -g "$(slurp)" screenshot.png'
  1 alias screenShotSaveTo="defaults write location ~/Pictures/Screenshots"
  1 alias screen='screen -c /etc/grml/screenrc_grml'
  1 alias screen='TERM=xterm-256color screen'
  1 alias screen='TERM=xterm-256color /usr/local/bin/screen'
  1 alias screen="screen -q"
  1 alias screen="screen -U"
  1 alias scr='screen -rD'
  1 alias scpd='sudo cp -R'
  1 alias scp='sudo cp'
  1 alias scp="rsync"
  1 alias sci="svn ci -m $*"
  1 alias scheme='chez-scheme'
  1 alias scg="systemctl | grep "
  1 alias scc='systemctl cat'
  1 alias scat='sudo cat'
  1 alias sc='systemctl'
  1 alias sc='sudo systemctl'
  1 alias sc='sudo systemctl '
  1 alias sc='script/console --irb=pry'
  1 alias sc='./script/console'
  1 alias sbx="cd ~/sbx"
  1 alias sblog="subl --projects blog"
  1 alias sbcl="rlwrap sbcl"
  1 alias sb='stack build -j8'
  1 alias sb='stack build --fast --file-watch'
  1 alias sb='sensible-browser'
  1 alias sb="cd ~ && cd sb"
  1 alias saved='pwd|xclip'
  1 alias save_targz='tar -czvf'
  1 alias saveDefaultsWrites="listDefaultsWrites ~/.logs/defaults_writes_logs.txt"
  1 alias saveDefaultsDeletes="listDefaultsDeletes ~/.logs/defaults_deletes_logs.txt"
  1 alias sasswatch="sass --watch scss/styles.scss:css/styles.css"
  1 alias sassets="saddall && svn ci -m 'Adding the assets...'"
  1 alias saptug="sudo aptitude upgrade"
  1 alias saptu="sudo aptitude update"
  1 alias saptsrc="apt-cache search"
  1 alias sapts="apt-cache show"
  1 alias saptr="sudo aptitude remove"
  1 alias sapti="sudo aptitude install"
  1 alias sap='sudo apt purge '
  1 alias sai='sudo apt install'
  1 alias safari="open -a \"Safari\""
  1 alias saddall="svn add --force ."
  1 alias sab='systemd-analyze blame; systemd-analyze time'
  1 alias sa='sudo apt'
  1 alias sa='ack -Hir'
  1 alias sa="sudo aptitude"
  1 alias sa="sudo apt-get"
  1 alias sZ="source ~/.bashrc"
  1 alias s=ssh
  1 alias s='sudo -HE'
  1 alias s='sudo '
  1 alias s='stack'
  1 alias s='ssh'
  1 alias s='ssh -l root'
  1 alias s='spring'
  1 alias s='open-with-sublime-text'
  1 alias s='netstat -tanpu'
  1 alias s='ls'
  1 alias s='git status'
  1 alias s='git status -s'
  1 alias s='git s'
  1 alias s='cd ~/src'
  1 alias s="sxiv -a -q&"
  1 alias s="svn"
  1 alias s="sudo su"
  1 alias s="ssh"
  1 alias s="screen"
  1 alias s3='aws s3'
  1 alias s-a="ssh"
  1 alias s-2="ssh"
  1 alias rzero='rails db:migrate VERSION=0'
  1 alias ryabar='pkill yabar && yabar &'
  1 alias rv='rview'
  1 alias ruz='sudo pkill screen; sudo ~/projects/vendor/arduino/arduino --board arduino:avr:uno --port /dev/ttyACM0 --upload '
  1 alias ruu='sudo pkill screen; sudo ~/projects/vendor/arduino/arduino --board arduino:avr:uno --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --upload '
  1 alias rustupdate='rustup update'
  1 alias rust='cargo-script'
  1 alias rust-musl-builder='docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd)":/home/rust/src ekidd/rust-musl-builder'
  1 alias rust-gdb='rust-gdb -quiet'
  1 alias rupl='launch_gmplayer rus,eng,jap'
  1 alias ruo='sudo pkill screen; sudo ~/projects/vendor/arduino/arduino --board arduino:avr:uno --port /dev/ttyACM1 --upload '
  1 alias runhaskell="$SCRIPTS/ runhaskell"
  1 alias runghc="$SCRIPTS/ runhaskell"
  1 alias run_upgrades='sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y --autoremove'
  1 alias run_upgrades='sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade -y --autoremove'
  1 alias run='open'
  1 alias run-help &> /dev/null
  1 alias rulz='git push'
  1 alias rubyverify='tail -n +2 $1 | ruby -c'
  1 alias rua='sudo pkill screen; sudo ~/projects/vendor/arduino/arduino --board arduino:avr:uno --port /dev/ttyACM* --upload '
  1 alias ru='git-smart-remote set-url'
  1 alias rtorrent=':rtorrent'
  1 alias rto='rtorrent "$(ls --color=never -t ~/downloads/*.torrent \
  1 alias rtfm='man'
  1 alias rt='trash'
  1 alias rt="tmux attach -t rtorrent"
  1 alias rt="cd ~ && cd web/tfoo && node rtl.js $*"
  1 alias rsyncp="rsync -e 'ssh -o PubkeyAuthentication=no'"
  1 alias rsync='rsync -vazhP'
  1 alias rsync='rsync -auP'
  1 alias rsync='rsync -aP --stats'
  1 alias rsync='noglob rsync'
  1 alias rsync-update="rsync -avu --progress -h --exclude-from=$HOME/.cvsignore"
  1 alias rsync-synchronize="rsync -avu --delete --progress -h --exclude-from=$HOME/.cvsignore"
  1 alias rsync-move="rsync -av --progress -h --remove-source-files --exclude-from=$HOME/.cvsignore"
  1 alias rsync-copy="rsync -av --progress -h --exclude-from=$HOME/.cvsignore"
  1 alias rstatus='rails db:migrate:status'
  1 alias rst='rails db:migrate:status'
  1 alias rst='passenger-config restart-app .; touch tmp/restart.txt; bin/spring stop && echo Application restarted.'
  1 alias rst='exec zsh'
  1 alias rst!='git reset --hard'
  1 alias rsshd="sudo service ssh restart"
  1 alias rspec='xvfb-run -a bundle exec rspec'
  1 alias rspec='rspec --color --format nested'
  1 alias rspec="spring rspec --color"
  1 alias rso='git-smart-remote show origin'
  1 alias rs='rsync -avhzC --progress'
  1 alias rs='git-smart-remote show'
  1 alias rs='bundle exec rspec spec'
  1 alias rs='bundle exec rails s'
  1 alias rs="rsync -avhz --progress"
  1 alias rs="rscript"
  1 alias rs="rails server"
  1 alias rrspec="bundle exec rspec --color"
  1 alias rrollback='rails db:rollback'
  1 alias rrg='rgg'
  1 alias rrg="be rake routes | rg"
  1 alias rreset='rails db:migrate:reset'
  1 alias rr='rails runner'
  1 alias rr='rails routes'
  1 alias rr="$SCRIPTS/ratpoison/"
  1 alias rps='sudo systemctl restart '
  1 alias rpm='sudo rpm'
  1 alias rpi_ip="arp -a | grep 'b8:27:eb|00:13:ef:d0:22:94' | grep -Eo '[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}'"
  1 alias rpi='sshpass -praspberry ssh rpi'
  1 alias rpg="rpm -qa | grep -i"
  1 alias rpdev="cd ~ && cd /Users/$USER/websites/"
  1 alias rp='rsync -razP'
  1 alias routes='rails routes'
  1 alias routes="rails_routes | fzf | pbcopy"
  1 alias routerIp='netstat -rn | grep default'
  1 alias routeosx='netstat -r'
  1 alias route_sound='pactl load-module module-loopback'
  1 alias ror="cd ~/Sites/rubyonrails.development/"
  1 alias root=git-root
  1 alias root='sudo su'
  1 alias rollback='rails db:rollback'
  1 alias rollback="be rake db:rollback"
  1 alias rol='rake db:rollback'
  1 alias ro="zathura report.pdf&"
  1 alias rnu="react-native unlink"
  1 alias rnm='sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager'
  1 alias rnl="react-native link"
  1 alias rni="react-native run-ios"
  1 alias rnativeios="react-native run-ios"
  1 alias rnative="react-native"
  1 alias rna="react-native run-android"
  1 alias rn='rails new'
  1 alias rn="react-native"
  1 alias rn="$SCRIPTS/"
  1 alias rmtags='rm -f GTAGS; rm -f GRTAGS; rm -f GPATH; rm -f TAGS'
  1 alias rmrf='nocorrect rm -fR'
  1 alias rmrf="rm -rf"
  1 alias rmr='rm -R'
  1 alias rmr='nocorrect rm -iR'
  1 alias rmr!='rm -Rf'
  1 alias rmq="rmquery"
  1 alias rmpwd="trash $(pwd)"
  1 alias rmo='sudo pkill screen; sudo ~/projects/vendor/arduino/arduino --board arduino:avr:mega --port /dev/ttyACM1 --upload '
  1 alias rmm='rm -R'
  1 alias rmigratetest='rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test'
  1 alias rmigrate='rails db:migrate'
  1 alias rmhist="rm $HISTFILE"
  1 alias rmf='nocorrect rm -if'
  1 alias rmf="rm -rf"
  1 alias rmelc='rm -f $HOME/.emacs.d/lisp/*.elc'
  1 alias rmdsstr='find . -name .DS_Store -delete -exec echo removed: {} \;'
  1 alias rmds='find . -name .DS_Store -exec rm {} \;'
  1 alias rmds='find . -name ".DS_Store" -type f -delete'
  1 alias rmdbc="find . -name *\ \(*conflicted* -exec rm {} \;"
  1 alias rmd='rm -r'
  1 alias rmcdir='cd ..; rmdir $OLDPWD || cd $OLDPWD'
  1 alias rmc='sudo rabbitmqctl '
  1 alias rmallcontainers='docker rm $(docker ps -qa)'
  1 alias rma='sudo ~/projects/vendor/arduino/arduino --board arduino:avr:mega --port /dev/ttyACM* --upload '
  1 alias rm=trash-put
  1 alias rm=grm
  1 alias rm='trash-put'
  1 alias rm='safe-rm'
  1 alias rm='rm -vir'
  1 alias rm='rm -vi'
  1 alias rm='rm -vR'
  1 alias rm='rm -vI'
  1 alias rm='rm -v'
  1 alias rm='rm -Ivr'
  1 alias rm='nocorrect rm -rfv'
  1 alias rm='nocorrect rm -i'
  1 alias rm="trash"
  1 alias rm="safe-rm";
  1 alias rm="rmtrash"
  1 alias rm="gomi"
  1 alias rm="echo Use 'del', or the full path i.e. '/bin/rm'"
  1 alias rm!='rm -f'
  1 alias rlscheme='rlwrap -i -r -c -f ~/local/etc/mit_scheme_bindings.txt scheme'
  1 alias rls="cd && cd - && ls -G"
  1 alias rload="echo 'library(, lib.loc = \"~/R/\")' && R CMD INSTALL -l ~/R"
  1 alias rlmssql='rlwrap -n -i -a -c -S "mssql> " -f ~/local/etc/mssql_bindings.txt mssql'
  1 alias rllua='rlwrap -i -r -c -a lua'
  1 alias rlist='rem -s+2 |  cut -d " " -f 1,6-'
  1 alias rld="reload"
  1 alias rl='sudo rabbitmqctl list_queues name messages consumers'
  1 alias rl='source ~/.zshrc'
  1 alias rl='ls -al ~/.trash'
  1 alias rgs='rails generate scaffold'
  1 alias rgrep='rgrep --color=auto --binary-file=without-match'
  1 alias rgrc="rails generate react:component"
  1 alias rgr=ranger
  1 alias rgm='rails generate migration'
  1 alias rgg='_rgg () { rg --color always --heading $@ | less }; _rgg'
  1 alias rgc='rails generate controller'
  1 alias rg='rg --colors path:fg:green --colors match:fg:red'
  1 alias rg='ranger'
  1 alias rg='rails g'
  1 alias rg='bundle exec rails g'
  1 alias rg="rg -p"
  1 alias rg="rg --colors 'path:fg:green' --colors 'path:style:intense' --colors 'line:style:intense' --colors 'line:fg:green' --colors 'line:style:intense' --colors 'match:fg:magenta' --colors 'match:style:nobold' --smart-case"
  1 alias rg="/Applications/RG/Ratio\ Ghost; exit;"
  1 alias rf='rm -fr'
  1 alias rf="source ~/.bashrc"
  1 alias revise='msgfmt -cvo /dev/null'
  1 alias revert='git revert'
  1 alias revert="git revert"
  1 alias reveal="nautilus . &"
  1 alias reubild-launch-serivces-db='/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/Support/lsregister -kill -r -domain local -domain user'
  1 alias retry='nocorrect retry'
  1 alias restored='cd `xclip -o`'
  1 alias restartserver='sudo systemctl restart httpd.service'
  1 alias restart_emacs='emacsclient -e "(let ((last-nonmenu-event nil) (kill-emacs-query-functions nil)) (save-buffers-kill-emacs t))" && te'
  1 alias restart='systemctl reboot'
  1 alias restart="source ~/.bashrc"
  1 alias restart="source $HOME/.zshrc"
  1 alias reset='reset && stty -ixon'
  1 alias reset="git reset"
  1 alias rerun="bundle exec cucumber -p rerun"
  1 alias reptyr='reptyr_authorization '
  1 alias reportWakeReason='syslog |grep -i "Wake reason"'
  1 alias reportBootTime='sysctl -a |grep kern.boottime'
  1 alias repo="hub browse"
  1 alias replicate="$SCRIPTS/"
  1 alias repl="$SCRIPTS/ ghci"
  1 alias rename='mv'
  1 alias removeorphans='sudo pacman -Rns $(pacman -Qtdq)'
  1 alias remove_zsh_cache="rm ~/.zcompdump && rm -rf ~/.zsh_cache/ && rm -rf ~/.zplug/zcompdump && rm -rf ~/.zplug/zcompdump.zwc"
  1 alias remove='sudo apt remove'
  1 alias remove-old-files="find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -mtime +1 -exec rm -rf '{}' +"
  1 alias remotelogin='sudo systemsetup -setremotelogin'
  1 alias remigrate="migrate && rake db:rollback && migrate"
  1 alias remapkey="/Users/jorgeatgu/Downloads/EasyAVR-master/"
  1 alias remacs='emacs -q -l ~/Dropbox/emacs/default.el'
  1 alias reloadsh=". ~/.bashrc && echo 'BASH config reloaded from ~/.bashrc'"
  1 alias reload_sound='pulseaudio -k && sudo alsa force-reload'
  1 alias reload='unalias -a && source ~/.bash_profile'
  1 alias reload='source ~/.zshrc && source ~/.zshenv'
  1 alias reload='source ~/.bashrc'
  1 alias reload='source ~/.bash_profile && echo "Reloaded ~/.bash_profile"'
  1 alias reload='exec zsh'
  1 alias reload='exec $SHELL'
  1 alias reload='. ~/.zshrc'
  1 alias reload='. ~/.bashrc && . ~/.bash_profile && echo ">> the bash configurations are reloaded"'
  1 alias reload='. $HOME/.bashrc'
  1 alias reload='(source $HOME/.bash_profile && echo "sourced $HOME/.bash_profile") || echo "Could not source $HOME/.bash_profile"'
  1 alias reload="source ~/.zshrc && cd -"
  1 alias reload="source ~/.bash_profile"
  1 alias reload="echo 'reload help:\n\r\n\rreload sh: reloadsh\n\rreload tmux: prefix r\n\rreload vim: <leader>vs'"
  1 alias reload=". ~/.bash_profile"
  1 alias reload=". $ZDOTDIR/.zshrc && . $ZDOTDIR/.zprofile && echo '>> the zsh configrations are reloaded'"
  1 alias reload=". $HOME/.bash_profile"
  1 alias reload-zsh=". ~/.zshrc"
  1 alias reload-xresources="xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources"
  1 alias reload-xresources="xrdb -load -quiet ~/.Xresources"
  1 alias reload!='exec "$SHELL" -l'
  1 alias reload!='. ~/.zshrc'
  1 alias reload!="source ~/.zshrc"
  1 alias reload!="source ~/.zshenv"
  1 alias reload!="source ~/.bash_profile"
  1 alias release='code "$(configurator -g workspacePath)\deployment\Release $(git branch | grep \* | cut -d '/' -f2)\\ReleaseConfiguration.xml"'
  1 alias reld="reload"
  1 alias relaod="reload"
  1 alias rel=reload
  1 alias rein='sudo renice -5 $(pidof -s Xorg)'
  1 alias reg='rebirth gorun'
  1 alias refresh_submodules='git submodule foreach git pull origin master'
  1 alias refresh='source ~/.zshrc'
  1 alias reflog="git reflog"
  1 alias ref=" && source ~/.bashrc"
  1 alias redshiftus="redshift -l 0.236966:-97.734886"
  1 alias redshiftcz="redshift -l 49.194991:16.609631"
  1 alias rediss='redis-server'
  1 alias redis='redis-cli'
  1 alias record="ffmpeg -f x11grab -s 1366x768 -an -r 16 -loglevel quiet -i :0.0 -b:v 5M -y"
  1 alias recon='systemctl restart connman'
  1 alias recent='ls -lAt | head'
  1 alias reboot='sudo systemctl reboot'
  1 alias reboot='sudo reboot'
  1 alias reboot='shutdown -r now'
  1 alias reboot="sudo shutdown -r now"
  1 alias reboot="sudo reboot now"
  1 alias reboot="osascript -e 'tell app \"System Events\" to restart'"
  1 alias reboot="$SCRIPTS/build/Topa reboot"
  1 alias rebash='source ~/.bash_profile'
  1 alias rebase='git rebase'
  1 alias rebase="git rebase -i master"
  1 alias realssh="$(which ssh)"
  1 alias realpath='python -c "import os, sys; print(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[1]))"'
  1 alias reallyrm='/usr/bin/rm'
  1 alias readlink=greadlink
  1 alias readlink="greadlink"
  1 alias re='sudo shutdown -r 0'
  1 alias re='rebirth'
  1 alias re='() { while :; do eval "$@"; done; }'
  1 alias re="vim"
  1 alias re-bash='source ~/.bashrc'
  1 alias rds='rails destroy scaffold'
  1 alias rdr=reset_dns_resolver
  1 alias rdn=arduino
  1 alias rdm='rails destroy migration'
  1 alias rdc='rails destroy controller'
  1 alias rdb='rails dbconsole -p'
  1 alias rd='rm -rf'
  1 alias rcp='rsync -av --progress'
  1 alias rconsole='rails console --sandbox'
  1 alias rcompile='RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile'
  1 alias rc_loaded='echo "rc_loaded"'
  1 alias rc=redis-cli
  1 alias rc='rails console'
  1 alias rc='rails c'
  1 alias rc='bundle exec rails c'
  1 alias rc='$EDITOR ~/.bashrc-linux'
  1 alias rc="rails console"
  1 alias rbenv-update="cd ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build && git pull && cd ~/.rbenv/ && git pull"
  1 alias rb='ruby'
  1 alias rb='cd "/media/ENTRTAIN/root/Music/R & B"'
  1 alias rapache2="sudo service apache2 restart"
  1 alias rap='cd "/media/ENTRTAIN/root/Music/Rap"'
  1 alias ranger='~/downloads/ranger-1.6.1/'
  1 alias ranger='ranger --choosedir=$HOME/.rangerdir; LASTDIR=`cat $HOME/.rangerdir`; cd "$LASTDIR"'
  1 alias randommacaddy="openssl rand -hex 6 | sed 's/\(..\)/\1:/g; s/.$//'"
  1 alias random_string="cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 64 | head -n 1"
  1 alias ram="watch -n3 'sudo ps_mem | tail -n+2 | head -n-3 | tail -n10 | tac'"
  1 alias rakehardclean='rake assets:clobber'
  1 alias rakecompile='RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile'
  1 alias rakeclean='rake assets:clean'
  1 alias rake='bundle exec rake'
  1 alias rake="noglob rake"
  1 alias rake="bundle exec rake"
  1 alias rainbow='yes "$(seq 231 -1 16)" | while read i; do printf "\x1b[48;5;${i}m\n"; sleep .02; done'
  1 alias radio="mpv --ytdl-format=\"[height<360]\" --no-video\?v\=hHW1oY26kxQ"
  1 alias racket='rlwrap racket'
  1 alias ra=rake
  1 alias ra="ranger"
  1 alias r=trash
  1 alias r=ranger
  1 alias r=rails
  1 alias r=radian
  1 alias r='u && p'
  1 alias r='screen -D -R'
  1 alias r='rspec'
  1 alias r='ranger'
  1 alias r='rake'
  1 alias r='git-smart-remote'
  1 alias r='builtin cd /'
  1 alias r=':sources:clone'
  1 alias r="source ~/.zshrc"
  1 alias r="source ~/.bash_profile 2> /dev/null && source ~/.bashrc 2> /dev/null"
  1 alias r="rgrep"
  1 alias r="cd / && ls -a"
  1 alias r="R --quiet"
  1 alias quote="~/.config/conky/sidekick/res/quote-offline"
  1 alias quote-online="~/.config/conky/sidekick/res/quote-online"
  1 alias quit=exit
  1 alias quit='exit'
  1 alias quit="exit"
  1 alias quickweb='python3 -m http.server'
  1 alias qq="cd . && source ~/.zshrc"
  1 alias ql='qlmanage -p 2>/dev/null'
  1 alias ql="qlmanage -p &>/dev/null"
  1 alias qgis="qgis --nologo"
  1 alias qemu=qemu-system-x86_64
  1 alias qb='~/qutebrowser/.venv/bin/python3 -m qutebrowser "$@" &'
  1 alias qb="/Users/ahmadawais/Documents/QB/qb64/qb64_start_osx.command"
  1 alias qa_deploy='ssh-add; git checkout master; git pull; bundle exec cap qa deploy'
  1 alias q=exit
  1 alias q='git submodule update --init --recursive'
  1 alias q="qlmanage -p"
  1 alias q="exit"
  1 alias pywebstart='python -m SimpleHTTPServer'
  1 alias pywebstart="python -m SimpleHTTPServer"
  1 alias python=python3
  1 alias python=/usr/local/bin/python3
  1 alias python='python3'
  1 alias python="ipython"
  1 alias python3=/home/stephen/continuum/anaconda/envs/py33/bin/python3.3
  1 alias python3="ipython3"
  1 alias pyt='py.test'
  1 alias pysmtp='python -m smtpd -n -c DebuggingServer localhost:1025'
  1 alias pysmtp="sudo python -m smtpd -c DebuggingServer -n localhost:25"
  1 alias pyserver='python -m SimpleHTTPServer'
  1 alias pyserver='python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000'
  1 alias pyprintdoc='python -c "import doctest, sys; print doctest.script_from_examples("'
  1 alias pypi-upload-test="python sdist upload -r pypitest"
  1 alias pypi-upload-live="python sdist upload -r pypi"
  1 alias pypi-register-test="python register -r pypitest"
  1 alias pypi-register-live="python register -r pypi"
  1 alias pypath='p -c "import sys, pprint; pprint.pprint(sys.path)"'
  1 alias pyhttp='python -m SimpleHTTPServer'
  1 alias pycode='~/Documents/Python/'
  1 alias py='python3'
  1 alias py='ipython'
  1 alias py3http='python -m http.server'
  1 alias py3='python3'
  1 alias pwned='ssh'
  1 alias pwdc=' pwd | tr -d "\n" | xclip -selection clipboard'
  1 alias pwdc=' pwd | tr -d "\n" | pbcopy'
  1 alias pwd_size='du -sh ./* | sort -hr'
  1 alias pwd='pwd -P'
  1 alias pwd=' pwd'
  1 alias pw='ping'
  1 alias pvim="(trap 'rm ~/temp$$' exit; vim -c 'setlocal spell' ~/temp$$ >/dev/tty; cat ~/temp$$)"
  1 alias pvalgrindv="valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full --suppressions=/home/stephen/valgrind-python.supp python"
  1 alias pvalgrind="valgrind --tool=memcheck --suppressions=/home/stephen/valgrind-python.supp --leak-check=summary python"
  1 alias pv="grc --colour=auto pv"
  1 alias push='git push -u origin $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)'
  1 alias purge='curl-purge'
  1 alias purge="sync && sudo sysctl -w vm.drop_caches=3 > /dev/null"
  1 alias purge-simulators='xcrun simctl erase all'
  1 alias pup='sudo -- sh -c "apt-get update; apt-get upgrade -y; apt-get dist-upgrade -y; apt-get autoremove -y; apt-get autoclean -y"'
  1 alias pup='pacaur -Syu'
  1 alias pumpitup="osascript -e 'set volume 7'"
  1 alias pumpitup="osascript -e 'set volume 10'"
  1 alias pulp="$SCRIPTS/"
  1 alias pullall='git pull origin master && git submodule foreach git pull origin master'
  1 alias pull='git pull'
  1 alias pull="git pull"
  1 alias pudb="python -m"
  1 alias pubwebco='ssh'
  1 alias pubweb='ssh'
  1 alias publicip="curl -s | sed 's/[^0-9\.]//g'"
  1 alias public='cd $public'
  1 alias pubkey='more ~/.ssh/ | pbcopy | printf "=> Public key copied to pasteboard.\n"'
  1 alias pubkey="more ~/.ssh/ | xclip | echo '=> Public key copied to pasteboard'"
  1 alias pubkey="more ~/.ssh/ | pbcopy | printf '=> Public key copied to pasteboard.\n'";
  1 alias pubkey="more ~/.ssh/ | pbcopy | echo '=> Public key copied to pasteboard.'"
  1 alias pubkey="more ~/.ssh/ | pbcopy | echo '=> Public key copied to pasteboard'"
  1 alias pubip="$SCRIPTS/network/"
  1 alias pubapico='ssh'
  1 alias pubapi='ssh'
  1 alias pu='pushd'
  1 alias pu='pip uninstall --yes'
  1 alias pu='./vendor/bin/phpunit'
  1 alias ptpython="ptpython3 --vi"
  1 alias ptpy='ptipython'
  1 alias pti="pytest -vx --ff --ipdb"
  1 alias ptclr="ptcli -r"
  1 alias ptal='ptpy -i ~/.ptpython/'
  1 alias pt="pytest -vx --ff"
  1 alias pt="pointful"
  1 alias psy='psysh'
  1 alias psx=':ps-grep'
  1 alias psu="ps -U"
  1 alias pstree="pstree -h"
  1 alias psss='ps auxwwf'
  1 alias pssh='ssh -o "ProxyCommand ssh $PSSH_HOST nc -w1 %h %p"'
  1 alias pss='ps aux'
  1 alias pss='ps --ppid 2 -p 2 --deselect awfo user,pid,ppid,pcpu,pmem,vsz,rss,tty,stat,start,time,command:220'
  1 alias pss='ps --ppid 2 -p 2 --deselect awfo user,pid,ppid,pcpu,pmem,vsz,rss,tty,stat,start,time,cgroup,command:220'
  1 alias psref="gpg-connect-agent RELOADAGENT /bye"
  1 alias psr="sudo pacman -Ss --color auto"
  1 alias psr="psu root"
  1 alias psr2="php-cs-fixer fix --level=psr2"
  1 alias psr1="php-cs-fixer fix --level=psr1"
  1 alias psqlr='psql -h '$PSQL_HOST' -U '$PSQL_USER
  1 alias psql_rails='psql -U alexander -p 3100 -h localhost -d postgres'
  1 alias psmem='ps auxf | sort -nr -k 4'
  1 alias psmem="ps aux --sort -rss"
  1 alias psmem10='ps auxf | sort -nr -k 4 | head -10'
  1 alias psm="ps -U $USER"
  1 alias psi='python install'
  1 alias psgrep="ps aux | grep -v grep | grep -i -e VSZ -e"
  1 alias psgg='ps auxww | grep $1'
  1 alias psg='ps aux | grep $1'
  1 alias psg='ps -ef | grep '
  1 alias psg='ps -ef | g '
  1 alias psg="ps aux | grep"
  1 alias psg="ps aux | grep -v grep | grep -i -e VSZ -e"
  1 alias psf="ps aux -A | grep -i"
  1 alias pscpu='ps auxf | sort -nr -k 3'
  1 alias pscpu10='ps auxf | sort -nr -k 3 | head -10'
  1 alias psci="$SCRIPTS/ psci"
  1 alias psc='ps xawf -eo pid,user,cgroup,args'
  1 alias psag='ps aux | ag '
  1 alias psa="ps awx"
  1 alias psa="ps auxc | less"
  1 alias ps='ps auxw'
  1 alias ps='ps auxf'
  1 alias ps='colourify ps'
  1 alias ps="ps auxf"
  1 alias pryrails="pry -r ./config/environment"
  1 alias pryr="pry -r ./config/environment -r rails/console/app -r rails/console/helpers"
  1 alias prr='p && pr'
  1 alias proxy-on="sudo networksetup -setsecurewebproxy 'Wi-Fi' 12345 && sudo networksetup -setwebproxy 'Wi-Fi' 12345"
  1 alias proxy-off="sudo networksetup -setsecurewebproxystate 'Wi-Fi' off && sudo networksetup -setwebproxystate 'Wi-Fi' off"
  1 alias projroot='cd $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)'
  1 alias projects='cd ~/Dropbox/AeonNeo/Projects'
  1 alias projects='$HOME/Projects'
  1 alias project='cd ~/Projects/'
  1 alias proj='cd ~/Dropbox/AeonNeo/Projects/'
  1 alias progs="xbps-query -l"
  1 alias progressive='cd "/media/ENTRTAIN/root/Music/Metal/Progressive Metal"'
  1 alias prog="progress"
  1 alias profileme="history | awk '{print \$2}' | awk 'BEGIN{FS=\"|\"}{print \$1}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n | tail -n 20 | sort -nr"
  1 alias prof="source ~/.zshrc && source ~/.zshenv && source ~/.zprofile"
  1 alias productionhmon='heroku maintenance:on --app'
  1 alias productionhmoff='heroku maintenance:off --app'
  1 alias prod_deploy='ssh-add; git checkout master; git pull; bundle exec cap production deploy'
  1 alias pro="$SCRIPTS/"
  1 alias prm="sudo pacman -Rs --color auto"
  1 alias private_mode='unset HISTFILE'
  1 alias private='cd $private'
  1 alias private=' unset HISTFILE'
  1 alias printcert="keytool -printcert -file"
  1 alias primusrun_novsync="vblank_mode=0 primusrun"
  1 alias preview="fzf --preview 'cat {}'"
  1 alias prev="mpc prev"
  1 alias prettyxml="xmllint --format -"
  1 alias prettyjson='python -m json.tool'
  1 alias prettyjson='pbpaste | python -m json.tool | pbcopy'
  1 alias prettyjson="jq ."
  1 alias pretty_json='python -m json.tool'
  1 alias prep='RAILS_ENV=test rake db:environment:set; RAILS_ENV=test rake db:test:prepare'
  1 alias preferredNetwork="networksetup -listpreferredwirelessnetworks en0"
  1 alias pre='sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove'
  1 alias pre='pacaur -Rs'
  1 alias pr_loaded='echo "pr_loaded"'
  1 alias pr='hub pull-request'
  1 alias pr="print -l"
  1 alias pr="hub pull-request"
  1 alias pqs='pacman -Qs'
  1 alias pqo='pacman -Qo'
  1 alias pql='pacman -Ql'
  1 alias pqi='pacman -Qi'
  1 alias pq='pacman -Q'
  1 alias ppyuz='ppyu --ignore linux,zfs-linux,zfs-utils-linux,spl-linux,spl-utils-linux'
  1 alias ppy='sudo pacman -Sy'
  1 alias ppu='sudo pacman -U'
  1 alias pps='pacman -Ss'
  1 alias ppr='sudo pacman -R'
  1 alias ppo='() { pp "$(po "$1")" }'
  1 alias pp='sudo pacman -S'
  1 alias pp='PYTHONPATH=$PWD'
  1 alias pp="cd ~/pp"
  1 alias pp!='yes | sudo pacman --force --noconfirm -S'
  1 alias poweroff='sudo systemctl poweroff'
  1 alias poweroff="$SCRIPTS/build/Topa halt"
  1 alias powerdown='udisksctl poweroff -b'
  1 alias power='sudo powertop'
  1 alias ports='netstat -tulanp'
  1 alias ports="sudo lsof -iTCP -sTCP:LISTEN -P"
  1 alias ports="lsof -ni | grep LISTEN"
  1 alias portlist="sudo netstat -lntup"
  1 alias portlist="sudo lsof -i -P | grep -i 'listen'"
  1 alias portgrep="sudo ngrep -d any port"
  1 alias port?='netstat -vanp tcp | grep -i'
  1 alias pop="git stash pop"
  1 alias pop3msn="mutt -f pops://"
  1 alias pomostart="source ~/.oh-my-zsh/func/ -e start"
  1 alias pomo='doro'
  1 alias pom="git push origin master"
  1 alias polyconfig="sudo vim ~/.config/polybar/custom"
  1 alias polybarconfig="sudo vim ~/.config/polybar/custom"
  1 alias poker=Poker
  1 alias poe='nvidia /usr/share/playonlinux/playonlinux --run "Path of Exile"'
  1 alias po=popd
  1 alias po='popd'
  1 alias po='pkgfile'
  1 alias pngcrush=/Applications/
  1 alias pn='ping-google 3'
  1 alias pn='ping -c 1'
  1 alias pn='DISPLAY=:0 xdotool getactivewindow key space'
  1 alias pmz='sudo pkill screen; platformio ci --board=megaatmega2560 --project-option="upload_port=/dev/ttyACM0" --project-option="targets=upload"'
  1 alias pmz='sudo pio ci --board=megaatmega2560 --project-option="lib_deps=LedControl" --project-option="targets=upload" --project-option="upload_port=/dev/ttyACM0"'
  1 alias pm-suspend='sudo pm-suspend'
  1 alias plz='pwd'
  1 alias pluralsight="cd ~/Pluralsight"
  1 alias plsjlo="cp ~/.dotfiles/statamic/jlo.yaml site/users/jlo.yaml"
  1 alias plsc="pls clear:cache && pls clear:stache && pls clear:static && pls clear:glide"
  1 alias pls=please
  1 alias pls='sudo $(fc -ln -1)'
  1 alias pls="php please"
  1 alias plistbuddy="/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy"
  1 alias please=sudo
  1 alias please='sudo'
  1 alias please='sudo $(fc -ln -1)'
  1 alias please='sudo !!'
  1 alias please='s $(fc -ln -1)'
  1 alias please='eval "sudo $(history -p !!)"'
  1 alias playground="cd ~/Sites/_playgrounds"
  1 alias pksyua="yay -Syu --noconfirm"
  1 alias pks='sudo pkill screen'
  1 alias pkill='pkill -l'
  1 alias pkg='yaourt --noconfirm -S'
  1 alias pkc='pkill -f celery'
  1 alias pk='pkill'
  1 alias pk='pkill -f'
  1 alias pk='_kill-ps-with-peco'
  1 alias piup='pip install --upgrade pip'
  1 alias piu='pip install --user'
  1 alias piu='pip install --upgrade'
  1 alias pirr='pip install -r requirements.txt'
  1 alias pire='pip install --upgrade jedi rope flake8 importmagic autopep8 yapf'
  1 alias pird="pip install -r $BASE_DIR'/ubuntu/config/requirements.txt'"
  1 alias pir='pip install -r'
  1 alias pipupdate='pip list --user | cut -d" " -f 1 | tail -n +3 | xargs pip install -U --user'
  1 alias pipin='pip install --user'
  1 alias pipin3='pip3 install --user'
  1 alias pipin2='pip2 install --user'
  1 alias pipi="pip install -i"
  1 alias pipenvi="pipenv install -i"
  1 alias pipbackup='cd ${HOME}/src/; make pipbackup; cd -'
  1 alias pip=pip3
  1 alias pip='pip3'
  1 alias pip3-purge="pip3 uninstall -y -r <(pip3 freeze)"
  1 alias pip2-purge="pip2 uninstall -y -r <(pip2 freeze)"
  1 alias pins="sudo pacman -S --color auto"
  1 alias pingit="ping"
  1 alias pingg='ping -c 3'
  1 alias ping='prettyping --nolegend'
  1 alias ping='prettyping --nolegend --last 30'
  1 alias ping='colourify ping'
  1 alias ping="prettyping --nolegend"
  1 alias pin='sudo apt-get install'
  1 alias pin='pacaur -S --noedit'
  1 alias pie='pip install -e .'
  1 alias pictures="cd $HOME/Pictures/"
  1 alias pics='sxiv -rt .'
  1 alias pickcolour="color2"
  1 alias pickcolor="gcolor2"
  1 alias pi='pip install'
  1 alias phpdev="cd ~ && cd phpdev"
  1 alias phpd="cd ~ && cd phpdev"
  1 alias phpcss="phpcs -s --extensions=php --report=emacs . | ack -o '(?<=\()\w+(\.\w+)+(?=\)$)' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr"
  1 alias phpcsi="phpcs -i"
  1 alias php73="phpv php@7.3"
  1 alias php72="phpv php@7.2"
  1 alias php71="phpv php@7.1"
  1 alias php70="phpv php@7.0"
  1 alias php56="phpv php@5.6"
  1 alias php-fpm.stop="launchctl unload -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.php56.plist"
  1 alias php-fpm.start="launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.php56.plist"
  1 alias php-fpm.restart='php-fpm.stop && php-fpm.start'
  1 alias phm="git push heroku master"
  1 alias phf="git push heroku master -f"
  1 alias pgstop='pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres stop -s -m fast'
  1 alias pgstart='pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres -l /usr/local/var/postgres/server.log start'
  1 alias pgrep=poorgrep
  1 alias pgrep='pgrep -fli'
  1 alias pgrep='pgrep -fla'
  1 alias pgrep='pgrep -fl'
  1 alias pgrep='command pgrep -f'
  1 alias pgrep="pgrep -l"
  1 alias pgp='gpg --recv-key'
  1 alias pgi='ps -ef | grep -i'
  1 alias pgen='yes "" | gopass generate'
  1 alias pg_stop='pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres stop -s -m fast'
  1 alias pg_start='pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres -l /usr/local/var/postgres/server.log start'
  1 alias pg_dumpall_rails='pg_dumpall -U alexander -p 3100 -h localhost -f backup.sql'
  1 alias pg='ping'
  1 alias pg6='ping 2001:4860:4860::8888'
  1 alias pfl='pip freeze | sort | less'
  1 alias pf='pip freeze | sort'
  1 alias pf="pointfree"
  1 alias peu='pipenv uninstall'
  1 alias pes='pipenv shell'
  1 alias person=man
  1 alias pepe='peco'
  1 alias pep='pipenv run python'
  1 alias pentarc="v ~/.pentadactylrc"
  1 alias pel='pipenv run pip list'
  1 alias pei='pipenv install'
  1 alias peg='pipenv graph'
  1 alias pdw="pwd"
  1 alias pdm=gpdm
  1 alias pdfgrep="pdfgrep -n"
  1 alias pdf='pandoc -V geometry:margin=1in -V mainfont="Open Sans" --toc --pdf-engine=xelatex -o'
  1 alias pdf='mupdf'
  1 alias pdf="zathura --fork"
  1 alias pdf-combine='gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=tmp.pdf'
  1 alias pdep="deps p"
  1 alias pdb='python /usr/lib/python2.7/'
  1 alias pdb="python -m pdb"
  1 alias pd='pwd'
  1 alias pd='popd'
  1 alias pd='cd $OLDPWD'
  1 alias pclean='sudo pacman -Rns $(pacman -Qtdq)'
  1 alias pclean="sudo pacman -Rns \$(pacman -Qtdq)"
  1 alias pcfall='find . | grep .php | xargs phpcbf --standard="WordPress"'
  1 alias pcf='phpcbf --standard="WordPress" $@'
  1 alias pc='sudo pacman'
  1 alias pc='phpcs --standard="WordPress" $@'
  1 alias pbpaste='cat /dev/clipboard'
  1 alias pbpaste="xsel --clipboard --output"
  1 alias pbpaste="xclip -o"
  1 alias pbgist="jist -Ppo"
  1 alias pbcopy='xsel --clipboard --input' &&
  1 alias pbcopy='cat > /dev/clipboard'
  1 alias pbcopy="xsel --clipboard --input"
  1 alias pbcopy="xclip -selection clipboard"
  1 alias pbcopy="xclip -i"
  1 alias pb='mpv tv:// --tv-height=500 --tv-width=400 --tv-fps=60 '\
  1 alias pb="sprunge"
  1 alias payments="cd ~/Dev/hackerone-payments/"
  1 alias pause="mpc toggle"
  1 alias path='echo ${PATH}'
  1 alias path="echo -e ${PATH//:/\\\\n}"
  1 alias pat='php artisan tinker'
  1 alias pastebin="sprunge"
  1 alias paste="xsel --clipboard | spr"
  1 alias pass='gopass -c'
  1 alias pass="gopass"
  1 alias papersounds="mutt -f pops://"
  1 alias papelera="sudo rm -rfv /Volumes/\*/.Trashes; sudo rm -rfv \$HOME/.Trash/; sudo rm -rfv /private/var/log/asl/\*.asl"
  1 alias pamcan="pacman"
  1 alias pacupg='sudo pacman -Syu'
  1 alias pacupg='packer -Syu'
  1 alias pacu='yaourt -Syu'
  1 alias pacu='pacman -Syu'
  1 alias pacsearch='pacman -Ss '
  1 alias pacsearch='pacaur -Ss'
  1 alias pacs='yaourt -Ss'
  1 alias pacs='pacman -Ss'
  1 alias pacrmorphans='sudo pacman -Rs $(pacman -Qtdq)'
  1 alias pacreps='packer -Ss'
  1 alias pacrep='packer -Si'
  1 alias pacrem='sudo pacman -Rns'
  1 alias pacr='yaourt -R'
  1 alias pacr='pacman -R'
  1 alias pacp='yaourt -Rns'
  1 alias pacp='pacman -Rns'
  1 alias pacmanGhost="~/"
  1 alias pacman='sudo pacman'
  1 alias pacman='sudo pacman --color=auto'
  1 alias pacman='pacaur'
  1 alias pacman="sudo pacman"
  1 alias pacman="sudo pacman --color auto"
  1 alias pacman="$SCRIPTS/ pacman $*"
  1 alias pacman-remove-unused="sudo pacman -Rsn \$(pacman -Qqdt)"
  1 alias pacman-remove-orphan="/usr/bin/pacman -Qtdq > /dev/null && sudo /usr/bin/pacman -Rns \$(/usr/bin/pacman -Qtdq | sed -e ':a;N;\$!ba;s/\n/ /g')"
  1 alias paclean="sudo pacman -S --clean --clean"
  1 alias pacinfo='pacaur -Si'
  1 alias pacind='sudo pacman -S --asdeps'
  1 alias pacin='sudo pacman -S'
  1 alias pacin='packer -S'
  1 alias paci='yaourt -S'
  1 alias paci='pacman -S'
  1 alias pacfu='sudo pacman -Fy'
  1 alias pacdow='sudo pacman -Syuw'
  1 alias pacaur='pacaur --color=always'
  1 alias pac='php artisan cache:clear;php artisan view:clear; php artisan route:clear;php artisan config:clear; composer dump-autoload'
  1 alias pac="sudo pacman"
  1 alias pa='ps aux'
  1 alias p_mem='ps -eo pid,pcpu,rss,vsize,stat,wchan,user,cmd --sort -rss'
  1 alias p_cpu='ps -eo pid,pcpu,rss,vsize,stat,wchan,user,cmd --sort -pcpu'
  1 alias p=pushd pp=popd
  1 alias p=port
  1 alias p=pacman
  1 alias p='python3'
  1 alias p='python'
  1 alias p='pwd'
  1 alias p='ps aux | rg -i'
  1 alias p='ping'
  1 alias p='ping'
  1 alias p='pbpaste'
  1 alias p='pass'
  1 alias p='gopass'
  1 alias p='git-smart-push seletskiy'
  1 alias p='git add -p'
  1 alias p='_peco-select-project'
  1 alias p=' dirs -v | head -10'
  1 alias p="sp play"
  1 alias p="ptpython"
  1 alias p="popd"
  1 alias p="cd ~/Pictures && ls -a"
  1 alias p="cd ~/Dropbox/Projects"
  1 alias p="cd ~/Documents/projects"
  1 alias p3='python3'
  1 alias p3="python3.6"
  1 alias p2v='pbpaste | vi -'
  1 alias p2a='pbpaste > /tmp/a.html && open /tmp/a.html'
  1 alias p!='git-smart-push seletskiy +`git symbolic-ref --short -q HEAD`'
  1 alias ovim="\\vim"
  1 alias ours="!f() { git checkout --ours $@ && git add $@; }; f"
  1 alias osx="reattach-to-user-namespace"
  1 alias osc="st ~/.ssh/config"
  1 alias os=openstack
  1 alias orphans="xbps-query -O"
  1 alias orphans="pacman -Qdt"
  1 alias ops='python2 /home/chillaranand/projects/ocr/ocropy/ocropus-gpageseg '
  1 alias oports="echo 'User:      Command:   Port:'; echo '----------------------------' ; lsof -i 4 -P -n | grep -i 'listen' | awk '{print \$3, \$1, \$9}' | sed 's/ [a-z0-9\.\*]*:/ /' | sort -k 3 -n |xargs printf '%-10s %-10s %-10s\n' | uniq"
  1 alias operacache="sudo rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/com.operasoftware.Opera/Cache"
  1 alias opera="/Applications/"
  1 alias openports='sudo lsof -iTCP -sTCP:LISTEN -P'
  1 alias openc='open .'
  1 alias openboxrc='nano ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml'
  1 alias open='mimeopen'
  1 alias open='cygstart'
  1 alias open="gnome-open"
  1 alias open-java-docs='firefox ~/Documents/coding/java/java_docs_html/docs/index.html &'
  1 alias ooanward='git commit -am'
  1 alias oo='vim ~/'
  1 alias onoz='cat /var/log/errors.log'
  1 alias online="ping -c 1 &> /dev/null && echo 'Online :)' || echo 'Offline :('"
  1 alias ols='command ls --color=auto'
  1 alias oldnospaces='rename s/\ /_/g'
  1 alias old='ls -lAt | tail'
  1 alias ohmyzsh='nvim ~/.oh-my-zsh'
  1 alias ohmyzsh="cd $HOME/.oh-my-zsh"
  1 alias ogit='nano $GITFOLDER'
  1 alias odot='nano $DOTFILES'
  1 alias ocultararchivos="defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE;killall Finder"
  1 alias octave="octave -q"
  1 alias ocdis="wpp one-click-demo-import && wpp widget-importer-exporter && wpp customizer-export-import"
  1 alias obtw='nohup'
  1 alias ob='python2 /home/chillaranand/projects/ocr/ocropy/ocropus-nlbin '
  1 alias ob='ocp-browser --no-stdlib --open Core'
  1 alias oanward='git commit -m'
  1 alias oa="open -a "
  1 alias o=open
  1 alias o='xdg-open 2>/dev/null'
  1 alias o='xdg-open '
  1 alias o="open_command"
  1 alias o="git log --graph --all \
  1 alias o="$SCRIPTS/"
  1 alias o.="open_command ."
  1 alias nyc='TZ=America/New_York date'
  1 alias nx='git-annex'
  1 alias nvsu='sudo -E nvim'
  1 alias nvimrc="nvim ~/.config/nvim/init.vim"
  1 alias nviml='nvim -c "set bg=light"'
  1 alias nviminit="nvim ~/.config/nvim/"
  1 alias nvim_plug_update='nvim +"PlugClean!" +"PlugInstall!" +"PlugUpgrade!" +"PlugUpdate!" +qall &> /dev/null'
  1 alias nvim=vim
  1 alias nvim='vim -N -u NONE -i NONE'
  1 alias nvim="reattach-to-user-namespace nvim"
  1 alias nvidia='vblank_mode=0 optirun -b primus'
  1 alias nvidia-settings="optirun -b none nvidia-settings -c :8"
  1 alias nv='nvim'
  1 alias nun="prioritize-yarn uninstall"
  1 alias ntdev="cd ~ && ntdev"
  1 alias nt='npm run test'
  1 alias nt='nautilus .'
  1 alias nt="npm test"
  1 alias nt="npm test --"
  1 alias nstlnp='lsof -nP -iTCP -sTCP:LISTEN'
  1 alias nstat="netstat -atpn"
  1 alias nstanp='lsof -nP -iTCP'
  1 alias nsl="caffeinate -t 50000"
  1 alias ns='npm run start'
  1 alias ns='cat package.json | jq ".scripts"'
  1 alias ns="nslookup"
  1 alias ns="npm start"
  1 alias ns="npm start --"
  1 alias ns="nativescript"
  1 alias nrt="npm run test";
  1 alias nrs="npm run start";
  1 alias nrb="npm run build";
  1 alias nr='sudo service nginx restart'
  1 alias npmplease="rm -rf node_modules/ && rm -f package-lock.json && npm install"
  1 alias npmls='npm ls -depth=0'
  1 alias npmls="npm ls --depth 0"
  1 alias npmlist='npm list -g --depth=0 2>/dev/null'
  1 alias npmisd='npm install --save-dev'
  1 alias npmis='npm install --save'
  1 alias npmigtools='npm i -g lock-cli trash-cli np nsp npm-check-updates'
  1 alias npmi="npm install --registry="
  1 alias npmi="npm init"
  1 alias npmgulpl="npm install --save-dev gulp"
  1 alias npmgulp="sudo npm install -g gulp"
  1 alias npmclean='find . -name "node_modules" -type d -prune -exec rm -rf '{}' +'
  1 alias npmc="npm ls --parseable|sed 's/.*\/\(.*\)/\1/g'|sort|uniq|wc -l"
  1 alias npmbootstrap='npm install bootstrap'
  1 alias npm_clog="npm list --global --depth 0"
  1 alias npmS="npm i -S "
  1 alias npmL='PATH="$(npm bin)":"$PATH"'
  1 alias npmD="npm i -D "
  1 alias npm='unalias node ; unalias npm ; nvm use default ; npm $@'
  1 alias npm="noglob npm"
  1 alias npm-lsg='npm list -g --depth 0'
  1 alias npl="npm list -g --depth=0"
  1 alias npf="nr release -- --skip-cleanup"
  1 alias np='npm version patch && git push origin master --tags && npm publish'
  1 alias np='nano -w PKGBUILD'
  1 alias np="nr release --"
  1 alias nox='() {
  1 alias nowai='chmod'
  1 alias now='ruby -e "puts"'
  1 alias now='date +%T'
  1 alias now='cd /Users/VincentYang/Dropbox/AeonNeo/UC-Davis/Senior/Spring/260'
  1 alias now="echo -e $(date +'%H:%M')"
  1 alias nout='ssh haron@ -p 232'
  1 alias nounderlines='rename s/_/\./g'
  1 alias notifydone='terminal-notifier -message Done.'
  1 alias notes="vim .notes"
  1 alias notes="cd ~/Documents/Notes"
  1 alias note="vim .notes"
  1 alias nospaces='rename s/\ /./g'
  1 alias nosleep="caffeinate -t 50000"
  1 alias nosep='nosetests -s -v --rednose --pdb --pdb-failure'
  1 alias nose='nosetests -s -v --rednose --detailed'
  1 alias nomz='ps aux'
  1 alias nomnom='killall'
  1 alias node_trace_webpack='node --trace-deprecation ./node_modules/.bin/webpack'
  1 alias node=nodejs
  1 alias node='winpty node.exe'
  1 alias node='unalias node ; unalias npm ; nvm use default ; node $@'
  1 alias node="node --use_strict"
  1 alias node="node --harmony"
  1 alias node-repl='rlwrap node-repl || node-repl'
  1 alias nobrackets='rename s/\[\\\[\\\]\]//g'
  1 alias no_unexpected='git checkout db/structure.sql app/models/bounty.rb'
  1 alias nnn='nnn -S'
  1 alias nn='nikola new_post'
  1 alias nn="$EDITOR ~/notes/"
  1 alias nl='nload -u H wlp5s0'
  1 alias nixpaste="curl -F 'text=<-'"
  1 alias nix-shell-fhs="nix-shell ${NIX_HOME}/fhs-shell.nix"
  1 alias niss="npm install $@ --save"
  1 alias nis='sudo npm install'
  1 alias nis="prioritize-yarn install --save"
  1 alias nis="npm install -S"
  1 alias nis="npm i -S "
  1 alias ninjap="prettyfier ninja"
  1 alias nigs="npm install -g $@ --save"
  1 alias night="redshift -m drm -l 13.9706:100.6457 -t 5200:4000 -g 0.8 -v"
  1 alias nig='npm install -g'
  1 alias nig="npm install -g"
  1 alias nig="npm i -g "
  1 alias nids="prioritize-yarn install --save-dev"
  1 alias nid="npm install -D"
  1 alias nid="npm i -D "
  1 alias ni=nvim
  1 alias ni='npm install'
  1 alias ni='npm install '
  1 alias ni="prioritize-yarn install"
  1 alias ni="npm install";
  1 alias ngrep='grep -I'
  1 alias nginx.stop='sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/homebrew.mxcl.nginx.plist'
  1 alias nginx.start='sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/homebrew.mxcl.nginx.plist'
  1 alias nginx.restart='nginx.stop && nginx.start'
  1 alias nginx.logs.phpmyadmin.error='tail -250f /usr/local/etc/nginx/logs/phpmyadmin.error.log'
  1 alias nginx.logs.phpmyadmin.access='tail -250f /usr/local/etc/nginx/logs/phpmyadmin.access.log'
  1 alias nginx.logs.error='tail -250f /usr/local/etc/nginx/logs/error.log'
  1 alias nginx.logs.default.access='tail -250f /usr/local/etc/nginx/logs/default.access.log'
  1 alias nginx.logs.default-ssl.access='tail -250f /usr/local/etc/nginx/logs/default-ssl.access.log'
  1 alias nginx.logs.access='tail -250f /usr/local/etc/nginx/logs/access.log'
  1 alias ngd='nikola github_deploy'
  1 alias ng=noglob
  1 alias nfrmac="nativefier --full-screen -n "$1" $2"
  1 alias nf='neofetch --colors 5 7 7 5 5 7 --underline off --ascii_colors 5 5 5 5 5 5'
  1 alias nf="clear && neofetch"
  1 alias next="mpc next"
  1 alias news='newsboat -q'
  1 alias newnet="sudo sv restart wpa_supplicant"
  1 alias newbranch="git checkout -b"
  1 alias netstatosx='sudo lsof -i -n -P | grep LISTEN'
  1 alias netstat='colourify netstat'
  1 alias netstat="sudo lsof -i -P"
  1 alias netflix='open'
  1 alias netest='ping'
  1 alias netctl='sudo netctl'
  1 alias net="ping | grep -E --only-match --color=never '[0-9\.]+ ms'"
  1 alias net-test="ping"
  1 alias net-reset="sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager.service"
  1 alias net-r="sh ~/.scripts/fedora/"
  1 alias nerdz='~/scripts/'
  1 alias neomutt='TERM=screen-256color \neomutt'
  1 alias neofetch='neofetch --disable cpu gpu model resolution shell packages uptime theme icons kernel title @ underline --ascii_distro arch_small'
  1 alias neo4j="db/neo4j/development/bin/neo4j"
  1 alias nds='androidstudio'
  1 alias ncupg='sudo npm-check -g -u'
  1 alias ncup='sudo npm-check -u'
  1 alias ncmpcpp='ncmpcpp; clear'
  1 alias ncdu="ncdu --color dark -rr -x --exclude .git --exclude node_modules"
  1 alias nc='netctl'
  1 alias nc-stop="sudo netctl stop"
  1 alias nc-status="sudo netctl status"
  1 alias nc-start="sudo netctl start"
  1 alias nc-restart="sudo netctl restart"
  1 alias nbx="jupyter nbconvert --execute --to notebook --inplace $1"
  1 alias nb='npm run build'
  1 alias nb='ipython notebook'
  1 alias navi="art queue:listen --tries=2"
  1 alias nautilus="nautilus --no-desktop"
  1 alias nano='TERM=screen-256color nano'
  1 alias nano="nano -ET4"
  1 alias nano="nano -AB"
  1 alias nanaone="mpv"
  1 alias nanaone2="mpv rtmp://"
  1 alias nah="grhh && gclean"
  1 alias nah="git reset --hard;git clean -df"
  1 alias naf='rf output cache && rf cache && nikola auto'
  1 alias naa='j; nikola auto'
  1 alias na='nikola auto'
  1 alias n_og='npm outdated -g'
  1 alias n_lg='npm list -g --depth=0'
  1 alias n_in='npm install npm@latest -g'
  1 alias n_cc='npm cache clean --force'
  1 alias n=nvim
  1 alias n=nodejs
  1 alias n='sudo netctl'
  1 alias n='npm'
  1 alias n='noglob'
  1 alias n='nikola'
  1 alias n='nano'
  1 alias n='git checkout -b'
  1 alias n='PROJECT_NAME="" n'
  1 alias n='DISABLE_FILE_OPEN_ON_NAV=1 nnn -l -c 6'
  1 alias n="nvim"
  1 alias n="npm"
  1 alias n="npm run"
  1 alias n:='npm search'
  1 alias n64=mupen64plus
  1 alias n1-auth="bash <(curl -s http://git.rn/users/i.zibarev/repos/snippets/browse/n1/auth/n1-auth-token-claimant.bash?raw)"
  1 alias mytheme="vim ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes"
  1 alias mysql='mysql --auto-rehash --pager="less -S -n -i -F -X"'
  1 alias mysql="mysql --pager='less -S -n -i -F -X'"
  1 alias mysql.stop="launchctl unload -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.mysql.plist"
  1 alias mysql.start="launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.mysql.plist"
  1 alias mysql.restart='mysql.stop && mysql.start'
  1 alias mypullrequests="gh pr --me --link"
  1 alias mylocalip='ifconfig | sed -En "s/;s/.*inet (addr:)?(([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*).*/\2/p"'
  1 alias mylocalip='ifconfig | grep -Eo "inet (addr:)?([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*" | grep -Eo "([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*" | grep -v "127."'
  1 alias mylit=myllvm-lit
  1 alias myips="ifconfig -a | grep -o 'inet6\? \(ad\?dr:\)\?\s\?\(\(\([0-9]\+\.\)\{3\}[0-9]\+\)\|[a-fA-F0-9:]\+\)' | awk '{ sub(/inet6? (addr:|adr:)? ?/, \"\"); print }' | grep -v '' | grep -v '::1'"
  1 alias myip='ipconfig getifaddr en0'
  1 alias myip='curl -silent'
  1 alias myip='curl --silent | jq -r .ip'
  1 alias myip="ip address | grep inet.*wlan0 | cut -d' ' -f6 | sed \"s/\/24//g\""
  1 alias myip="ifconfig -a | grep -o 'inet6\? \(addr:\)\?\s\?\(\(\([0-9]\+\.\)\{3\}[0-9]\+\)\|[a-fA-F0-9:]\+\)' | awk '{ sub(/inet6? (addr:)? ?/, \"\"); print }'"
  1 alias myip="curl && echo"
  1 alias myip="curl"
  1 alias myip="curl -s | jq .origin"
  1 alias myip="/sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet addr:' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}'"
  1 alias my_ip="echo Your deetz: $(ipconfig getifaddr en0)"
  1 alias mx='chmod u+x'
  1 alias mw="~/.config/mutt/"
  1 alias mvn=color_mvn
  1 alias mvn='mvn-2.2'
  1 alias mvn="grc --colour=auto mvn"
  1 alias mv='nocorrect mv -i'
  1 alias mv='mv -v'
  1 alias mv='mv -v '
  1 alias mv='/bin/mv -i'
  1 alias muxconfig='vim ~/Dropbox/tmux.start'
  1 alias mux='~/Dropbox/tmux.start'
  1 alias mux='tmuxinator'
  1 alias mux='TERM=xterm-256color mux'
  1 alias muttwizard="~/.config/mutt/"
  1 alias mutt='TERM=screen-256color neomutt'
  1 alias mutt="cd $HOME/downloads; /usr/bin/mutt; cd - > /dev/null"
  1 alias mute='osascript -e "set volume 0"'
  1 alias mute="pamixer -m"
  1 alias mute="pactl set-sink-mute 0 true"
  1 alias mute="osascript -e 'set volume output muted true'"
  1 alias music=mpsyt
  1 alias music='mplayer -lavdopts threads=2 -loop 0 -shuffle -geometry 50%:50%'
  1 alias music='chromium --app= &'
  1 alias music='cd /media/ENTRTAIN/root/Music'
  1 alias music="cd $HOME/Music/"
  1 alias mupdf='mupdf-gl'
  1 alias mu='mutt'
  1 alias mu='m && ppu'
  1 alias mtrg='mtr'
  1 alias mtrg6='mtr 2001:4860:4860::8888'
  1 alias mtr='sudo mtr'
  1 alias mtr='mtr -o "LSR NABWV"'
  1 alias mtr="mtr -t"
  1 alias mt='make test'
  1 alias mstop="mikutter stop"
  1 alias mstart="mikutter start"
  1 alias msql='mysql -uroot -p'
  1 alias msa='mpc search any'
  1 alias ms='bundle exec middleman server --verbose'
  1 alias mrestart="mikutter restart"
  1 alias mpvpn='sudo pkill -INT -f openvpn; sudo openvpn --daemon --cd '\
  1 alias mpvl='mpv --no-resume-playback'
  1 alias mpv='mpv -fs -af scaletempo --really-quiet --speed=1.5'
  1 alias mpv="command mpv --profile=terminal"
  1 alias mpssh='TERM=xterm-256color; sshpass -p '\
  1 alias mplayer='mplayer -subdelay 100000 -fs -geometry 50%:50%'
  1 alias mplayer='mplayer -af scaletempo -speed 1'
  1 alias mpg321='mpg321 -Z -@mp3'
  1 alias mpg123='mpg123 -zC'
  1 alias mpaste='mpv $(xpaste)'
  1 alias mpa='mpv --no-video --loop=inf'
  1 alias mpa="command mpv --profile=audio"
  1 alias mp3='youtube-dl -x --audio-format=mp3'
  1 alias movies='cd /media/ENTRTAIN/root/Videos/tv_and_movies/movies'
  1 alias movies="cd $HOME/Movies/"
  1 alias move='mv'
  1 alias mountall='system_profiler SPFireWireDataType | grep "BSD Name: disk.$" | sed "s/^.*: //" | (while read i; do /usr/sbin/diskutil mountDisk $i; done)'
  1 alias mount='sudo mount'
  1 alias mount='mount | column -t'
  1 alias mount='colourify mount'
  1 alias moto360='adb forward tcp:4444 localabstract:/adb-hub && adb connect localhost:4444'
  1 alias motiv="motivate format"
  1 alias mostrararchivos="defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE;killall Finder"
  1 alias moshp='mosh --ssh="ssh -o PubkeyAuthentication=no"'
  1 alias moretmp="sudo mount -o remount,size=10G,noatime /tmp"
  1 alias more=less
  1 alias more="most"
  1 alias mongostart='mongod --dbpath $HOME/Desktop/mongodb'
  1 alias mongostart="mongod --dbpath $HOME/.mongodb-data"
  1 alias moff='xset dpms force off'
  1 alias mocp="mocp -T darkdot_theme"
  1 alias moar='more'
  1 alias mnvrc='nvim -u $HOME/git-repos/private/dotfiles/vim/vimrc_min'
  1 alias mntd='sudo mount -o gid=disk,dmask=007,fmask=117 /dev/"`dmesg | grep -o "\\[[a-z1-9]*\\]" | tail -n 1 | tr -d []`"1 /mnt/disk'
  1 alias mntd='mount /dev/"`dmesg | grep -o "\\[[a-z1-9]*\\]" | tail -n 1 | tr -d []`"1 /mnt/disk && chown root:disk /mnt/disk && chmod 0770 /mnt/disk'
  1 alias mmc='make maintainer-clean'
  1 alias mm=multimon
  1 alias mm='git-merge-with-rebase'
  1 alias ml='tmuxinator local'
  1 alias ml='mux list'
  1 alias ml="cd ~/Sites/machinelearning.development/"
  1 alias mkvirtualenv="pyenv virtualenv"
  1 alias mkvirtualenv-with-sys=makevirtualenv --system-site-packages
  1 alias mkt='minikube status'
  1 alias mksshkey="ssh-keygen -b 8192 -t rsa -C '$1' -f ~/.ssh/$1.rsa"
  1 alias mksafe="mkdir .git/safe"
  1 alias mks='minikube start'
  1 alias mks='minikube start --cpus 1 --memory 1024'
  1 alias mks="mk serve"
  1 alias mks!='minikube stop'
  1 alias mko='minikube stop'
  1 alias mkhttp="python -m http.server"
  1 alias mkgd="mk gh-deploy --force -m BUILD!"
  1 alias mke='eval $(minikube docker-env)'
  1 alias mkdir='nocorrect mkdir -p'
  1 alias mkdir='mkdir -v'
  1 alias mkdir="command mkdir -p"
  1 alias mkd="mkdir -pv"
  1 alias mkcd=mkdir_cd $1
  1 alias mkcd='mkdir-cd'
  1 alias mkb="mk build"
  1 alias mk=mkdir
  1 alias mk='minikube '
  1 alias mk='make'
  1 alias mk=':context:command minikube'
  1 alias mk="minikube"
  1 alias mk="make -j4"
  1 alias mj='mux junction'
  1 alias mixserver='mix phoenix.server'
  1 alias mixnew='mix'
  1 alias mixdigest='mix phoenix.digest'
  1 alias mixdatabase='mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate'
  1 alias mitmproxy-p9999='mitmproxy -p 9999'
  1 alias mirrors=mirror
  1 alias mirrors="sudo pacman-mirrors --fasttrack && sudo pacman -Syy"
  1 alias mirrorUpdate="sudo reflector --latest 250 --protocol https --sort rate --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist"
  1 alias mirror="sudo reflector --protocol https --latest 50 --number 20 --sort rate --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist"
  1 alias minimal-dock='defaults write static-only -bool TRUE'
  1 alias minikube="KUBECONFIG=$HOME/.kube/conf.d/minikube minikube"
  1 alias mikstartver="minikube-start --kubernetes-version"
  1 alias mikstart="minikube-start"
  1 alias mikpi="minikube-push-image"
  1 alias mikdu='eval $(minikube docker-env -u)'
  1 alias mikds='eval $(minikube docker-env)'
  1 alias mikdb='chrome-cli open $(minikube dashboard --url)'
  1 alias mik="minikube"
  1 alias migratetest='rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test'
  1 alias migrate='rake db:migrate && rake db:test:prepare'
  1 alias migrate='rails db:migrate'
  1 alias migrate='bundle exec rake db:migrate db:test:prepare'
  1 alias migrate="bin/rake db:migrate && bin/rake db:test:prepare"
  1 alias migr='bundle exec rake db:migrate'
  1 alias mig='rake db:migrate'
  1 alias mig-seed='php artisan migrate:refresh --seed'
  1 alias mig-install='php artisan migrate:install'
  1 alias mi='mediainfo'
  1 alias mhlo='ssh'
  1 alias mgp=':sources:move-to-gopath'
  1 alias mg='~/dotfiles/scripts/multi-git/'
  1 alias mg-init='~/dotfiles/scripts/multi-git/'
  1 alias mf='mutt -F'
  1 alias meteo='curl -4'
  1 alias metal='cd /media/ENTRTAIN/root/Music/Metal'
  1 alias messenger='open'
  1 alias merge='xrdb merge ~/.Xresources'
  1 alias merge="xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources"
  1 alias merge="git merge"
  1 alias meminfo='free -m -l -t'
  1 alias meme=mem
  1 alias mem='top -o rsize'
  1 alias mem='ps aux | sort -nk 4'
  1 alias mem='free -m'
  1 alias mem="printf '\033[?7l' && ps aux | sed -n 1p && ps aux | sort -b -n -k 4 | tail -n 30 && printf '\033[?7h'"
  1 alias mem="$SCRIPTS/ mount"
  1 alias melpacleanup='rm -rf ${HOME}/.emacs.d/elpa'
  1 alias melpabackup='rm -rf ${HOME}/Dropbox/emacs/elpa/`ls -rt ${HOME}/Dropbox/emacs/elpa | head -n 1`; tar cfz ${HOME}/Dropbox/emacs/elpa/`date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S'`.tar.gz -C ${HOME}/.emacs.d elpa'
  1 alias meh='cd ~/Documents/Projects'
  1 alias medleytext="sudo /opt/medleytext/medley-latest.AppImage"
  1 alias me='git-remote-add-me'
  1 alias me='chmod +x '
  1 alias mdstat='cat /proc/mdstat'
  1 alias md='mkdir'
  1 alias md="mkdir"
  1 alias md=". mydisk"
  1 alias md5sum='gmd5sum';
  1 alias mcpt='mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true'
  1 alias mcp='mvn clean package'
  1 alias mcmh='make clean; make html'
  1 alias mcit='mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true'
  1 alias mcf='cd ~/git/My_config_files'
  1 alias mcd='mkdir-cd'
  1 alias mcc='mvn clean compile'
  1 alias mc='sudo machinectl'
  1 alias mc='mvn clean'
  1 alias mc='TERM=xterm-256color source /usr/lib/mc/ --nomouse'
  1 alias mc="make clean"
  1 alias mc="command mc -x"
  1 alias mb=':makepkg:branch'
  1 alias matloff="cd ~/Dropbox/AeonNeo/UC-Davis/freqparcoord-extension"
  1 alias matlab='/Applications/ -nodisplay '\
  1 alias matlab="/Applications/ -nodesktop"
  1 alias matlab2='$HOME/Apps/Matlab/bin/matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -nojvm'
  1 alias matlab1='$HOME/Apps/Matlab/bin/matlab -nodesktop -nosplash'
  1 alias mathr='cd "/media/ENTRTAIN/root/Music/Metal/Math Rock"'
  1 alias mathc='cd "/media/ENTRTAIN/root/Music/Metal/Mathcore"'
  1 alias massa='bundle exec massa'
  1 alias marks="mark -l"
  1 alias manual=$commands[man] \
  1 alias mansearch='apropos'
  1 alias manru='man -L ru'
  1 alias man='man-search'
  1 alias man='LESS_TERMCAP_mb=$'\''\e[05m'\'' \
  1 alias man='LANG=C man'
  1 alias makev="make SHELL='sh -x'"
  1 alias makesrcinfo='makepkg --printsrcinfo'
  1 alias makep="prettyfier make"
  1 alias make_list="make -qp | sed -n -e 's/^\([^.
  1 alias make='time make -j2'
  1 alias make='gmake'
  1 alias make='colourify make'
  1 alias make="env TERM='xterm-256color' make"
  1 alias make-favicon="convert -colors 256 -resize 16x16 "
  1 alias mak='mux ak'
  1 alias maj='pacaur -Syu'
  1 alias mail="mutt"
  1 alias macos-sleep="osascript -e 'tell application \"System Events\" to sleep'"
  1 alias macos-ports='sudo lsof -PiTCP -sTCP:LISTEN'
  1 alias macos-internetsharing-on="sudo networksetup -setnetworkserviceenabled 'Ethernet sharing via Wifi' on"
  1 alias macos-internetsharing-off="sudo networksetup -setnetworkserviceenabled 'Ethernet sharing via Wifi' off"
  1 alias macos-hidden-show="defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -bool true && macos-refresh"
  1 alias macos-hidden-hide="defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -bool false && macos-refresh"
  1 alias macos-flushram="purge"
  1 alias macos-flushdns="dscacheutil -flushcache"
  1 alias macos-dsstore-delete="find . -type f -name '*.DS_Store' -ls -delete"
  1 alias macos-dns-flush='sudo dscacheutil -flushcache;sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder'
  1 alias macos-desktop-show="defaults write CreateDesktop -bool true && macos-refresh"
  1 alias macos-desktop-hide="defaults write CreateDesktop -bool false && macos-refresh"
  1 alias mac='echo 24:FD:52:C1:73:A7'
  1 alias mac="m"
  1 alias ma='mux avilpage'
  1 alias ma='mpv --loop=inf --no-video'
  1 alias m=mvn
  1 alias m=mv
  1 alias m=mux
  1 alias m=make
  1 alias m='neomutt'
  1 alias m='mpv --loop=inf'
  1 alias m='mosh'
  1 alias m='more'
  1 alias m='man'
  1 alias m='makepkg -f'
  1 alias m='make -j8'
  1 alias m='git checkout --ours'
  1 alias m='f -e vlc'
  1 alias m=':vim-merge'
  1 alias m=':sources:clone'
  1 alias m="rake db:migrate db:rollback && rake db:migrate db:test:prepare"
  1 alias m="mute"
  1 alias m="mpv"
  1 alias m="cd ~/Music && ls -a"
  1 alias m-c='minicom --color=on'
  1 alias lza='ls -l -h -S -a --color=auto'
  1 alias lz='ls -l -h -S --color=auto'
  1 alias lv='lv -c'
  1 alias luna="cd ~/Sites/rubyonrails.development/lunamisoo"
  1 alias lumm="git pull upstream master:master"
  1 alias lum=glum
  1 alias luai='lua -e "package.path=package.path..\";$HOME/.config/init.lua\"" -i -linit'
  1 alias luac=luac5.3
  1 alias lua=lua5.3
  1 alias lu='ls -lturG'
  1 alias ltr='ls -ltrh'
  1 alias ltr='ls -Art1 && echo "------Newest--"'
  1 alias ltdev="cd ~ && cd ldev/wp-content/themes/"
  1 alias lt='tree -I '.git''
  1 alias lt='ls -ltrG'
  1 alias lt='ls -At1 && echo "------Oldest--"'
  1 alias lt='ll -tr'
  1 alias lsz='ls -AZlh'
  1 alias lsx='command ls -l *(*)'
  1 alias lsw='command ls -ld *(R,W,X.^ND/)'
  1 alias lstrash='trash-list'
  1 alias lstat='stat -L'
  1 alias lst='ls -Ft'
  1 alias lst='ls --color=always --classify -t'
  1 alias lst='gls --color=always --classify -t'
  1 alias lst='exa --tree --level=3'
  1 alias lst='clear; ls --sort=time | less'
  1 alias lssmall="ls -Srl *(.oL[1,10])"
  1 alias lssmall="command ls -Srl *(.oL[1,10])"
  1 alias lss='ls -la'
  1 alias lss='ls -la --block-size=h'
  1 alias lss='ls -ah'
  1 alias lss='command ls -l *(s,S,t)'
  1 alias lsr='ls -R'
  1 alias lsr="ls -altpRFG"
  1 alias lsp='readlink -f'
  1 alias lsonly='ls -A | grep --color=auto'
  1 alias lsolddir="command ls -rthdl *(/Om[1,10]) .*(D/Om[1,10])"
  1 alias lsold="ls -rtlh *(D.Om[1,10])"
  1 alias lsold="command ls -rtlh *(D.Om[1,10])"
  1 alias lsof="grc --colour=auto lsof"
  1 alias lso='ls -A | grep --color=auto'
  1 alias lsnewdir="command ls -rthdl *(/om[1,10]) .*(D/om[1,10])"
  1 alias lsnew="ls -rtlh *([1,10])"
  1 alias lsnew="command ls -rtlh *([1,10])"
  1 alias lsm='ls -l --time-style=long-iso'
  1 alias lsm='/usr/local/bin/gls -l --time-style=long-iso'
  1 alias lsls="command ls -lLha --color | ccze -A"
  1 alias lslr='ls -oR'
  1 alias lslonly='ls -Aoh | grep --color=auto'
  1 alias lslo='ls -Aoh | grep --color=auto'
  1 alias lsld='ls -do */'
  1 alias lsla='ls -Aoh --color=auto'
  1 alias lsl='ls -oh --color=auto'
  1 alias lsl='command ls -l *(@)'
  1 alias lsl="command ls -lLh --color | ccze -A"
  1 alias lsip='comm -23 <(pacman -Qqett | sort) <(pacman -Qqg base'\
  1 alias lsg=ls\ -al\ $LSPARAMS\ '| grep -i --color=always'
  1 alias lsg=ls\ -al\ $LSPARAMS\ '| grep -i '$GPARAM
  1 alias lsg='gls --color=always --group-directories-first --classify -al | grep'
  1 alias lsg="sudo lsof | grep"
  1 alias lsf='ll | grep "^-"'
  1 alias lsf="ls -al | grep -i"
  1 alias lsed='ls -d *(/^F)'
  1 alias lse='ls -d *(/^F)'
  1 alias lse='command ls -d *(/^F)'
  1 alias lsdsstr='find . -name .DS_Store -print'
  1 alias lsdot="ls -ld .??*"
  1 alias lsd='ls -ld */'
  1 alias lsd='ls -lF ${colorflag} | grep "^d"'
  1 alias lsd='ll | grep "^d"'
  1 alias lsd='command ls -d *(/)'
  1 alias lsd="ls -lFh ${colorflag} | grep --color=never '^d'"
  1 alias lsd="ls -lF"
  1 alias lscleanup="/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Support/lsregister -kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain user && killall Finder"
  1 alias lsblk="diskutil list";
  1 alias lsbig="ls -flh *(.OL[1,10])"
  1 alias lsbig="exa -lr --sort=size *(.OL[1,10])"
  1 alias lsbig="command ls -flh *(.OL[1,10])"
  1 alias lsad='ls -d .*(/)'
  1 alias lsa='ls -lah'
  1 alias lsa='ls -lah --color'
  1 alias lsa='ls -a'
  1 alias lsa='ls -Alh'
  1 alias lsa='ls -A --color=auto'
  1 alias lsa='ls --color=auto -hlsa'
  1 alias lsa='command ls -a .*(.)'
  1 alias lsa='/home/math0ne/.dotfiles/home/bin/bin/better-ls-master/ -l'
  1 alias lsa="ls -alh"
  1 alias ls=exa
  1 alias ls='lsd -F --color=auto'
  1 alias ls='ls_extended'
  1 alias ls='ls -wG'
  1 alias ls='ls -v -F --color=auto'
  1 alias ls='ls -v --color=auto'
  1 alias ls='ls -p --color'
  1 alias ls='ls -lah'
  1 alias ls='ls -hN --color=auto --group-directories-first'
  1 alias ls='ls -hFp ${lsflags}'
  1 alias ls='ls -hFG'
  1 alias ls='ls -bh -CF'
  1 alias ls='ls -b -CF'
  1 alias ls='ls -b -CF --color=auto'
  1 alias ls='ls -NF --color'
  1 alias ls='ls -Gv'
  1 alias ls='ls -GpF'
  1 alias ls='ls -Gp'
  1 alias ls='ls -Gh --color'
  1 alias ls='ls -GFhl'
  1 alias ls='ls -GFh --color'
  1 alias ls='ls -GF'
  1 alias ls='ls -GF --color=auto'
  1 alias ls='ls -G -F'
  1 alias ls='ls -FXh --group-directories-first --color=always --time-style=+"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"'
  1 alias ls='ls -FC'
  1 alias ls='ls -F -G'
  1 alias ls='ls -F --group-directories-first --color=auto'
  1 alias ls='ls -F --color=auto --show-control-chars'
  1 alias ls='ls -F   --color=auto'
  1 alias ls='ls --human-readable --group-directories-first --color=auto --classify --time-style=+"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"'
  1 alias ls='ls --human-readable --file-type --group-directories-first --color=auto'
  1 alias ls='ls --color=tty'
  1 alias ls='ls --color=tty --group-directories-first'
  1 alias ls='ls --color=auto -l --all --human-readable'
  1 alias ls='ls --color=auto -hls'
  1 alias ls='ls --color=auto --human-readable --group-directories-first --classify'
  1 alias ls='ls --color=auto --group-directories-first -h'
  1 alias ls='ls --color=auto --group-directories-first -X'
  1 alias ls='ls --color=auto --classify'
  1 alias ls='ls --color=auto --classify -lrt --block-size=MB'
  1 alias ls='ls --color=always'
  1 alias ls='ls --color=always -F'
  1 alias ls='ls --color=always --group-directories-first --classify'
  1 alias ls='ls --color -h --group-directories-first'
  1 alias ls='ls --color -F'
  1 alias ls='ls --color --group-directories-first'
  1 alias ls='ls $LS_OPTIONS'
  1 alias ls='ls                                  --classify --group-directories-first --color=auto'
  1 alias ls='k -h'
  1 alias ls='gls -F --color'
  1 alias ls='gls --group-directories-first --color=auto'
  1 alias ls='gls --color=auto -F'
  1 alias ls='gls --color=always -F'
  1 alias ls='gls --color=always --group-directories-first --classify'
  1 alias ls='gls --color'
  1 alias ls='exa --time-style=long-iso'
  1 alias ls='exa --group-directories-first'
  1 alias ls='command ls --color'
  1 alias ls='colourify ls'
  1 alias ls='\gls --color=auto'
  1 alias ls='/opt/coreutils/bin/ls --group-directories-first --time-style=+"%d.%m.%Y %H:%M" --color=auto -F'
  1 alias ls='/home/math0ne/.dotfiles/home/bin/bin/better-ls-master/'
  1 alias ls='${lsflag} -hF ${colorflag}'
  1 alias ls=$LS
  1 alias ls="ls -lah --color --group-directories-first"
  1 alias ls="ls -hGF"
  1 alias ls="ls -hG"
  1 alias ls="ls -hF --color=auto"
  1 alias ls="ls -a"
  1 alias ls="ls -a -G -l"
  1 alias ls="ls -GFH"
  1 alias ls="ls -FGh"
  1 alias ls="ls -F --color=auto"
  1 alias ls="ls -F --color=auto --group-directories-first"
  1 alias ls="ls -F --color"
  1 alias ls="ls -AFh"
  1 alias ls="ls --color=tty"
  1 alias ls="ls --color=auto --group-directories-first"
  1 alias ls="ls --color"
  1 alias ls="ls $(lsopts)"
  1 alias ls="l"
  1 alias ls="gls -F --color"
  1 alias ls="gls --color=auto -AFh"
  1 alias ls="gls --color -lh --group-directories-first"
  1 alias ls="command ls -G"
  1 alias ls="command ls --color"
  1 alias ls="command ls ${ls_options:+${ls_options[*]}}"
  1 alias ls="colorls"
  1 alias ls="colorls -lA --sd"
  1 alias ls="\gls --color=auto --group-directories-first"
  1 alias ls="LC_COLLATE=C ls --color=auto -F"
  1 alias ls="/usr/bin/vendor_perl/ls++"
  1 alias ls="/bin/ls -aFG"
  1 alias ls="/bin/ls -I $LS_IGNORE"
  1 alias ls1='/bin/ls -1'
  1 alias lrc='source ~/.zshrc'
  1 alias lra='ls -R -a --color=auto'
  1 alias lr='ls -lRht'
  1 alias lr='ls -R | grep ":$" | sed -e '\''s/:$//'\'' -e '\''s/[^-][^\/]*\//--/g'\'' -e '\''s/^/   /'\'' -e '\''s/-/|/'\'''
  1 alias lr='ls -R --color=auto'
  1 alias lpdev="cd ~ && cd ldev/wp-content/plugins/"
  1 alias look="look"
  1 alias longest="awk 'length > m { m = length; a = NR } END { print a }'"
  1 alias log="fzf_log"
  1 alias lodd="git pull origin develop:develop"
  1 alias lockLoginWallpaper="sudo chflags uchg /Library/Caches/;"
  1 alias lock='open -a ScreenSaverEngine'
  1 alias lock="i3lock-fancy -f Fantasque-Sans-Mono-Regular"
  1 alias lock="/System/Library/CoreServices/Menu\ Extras/ -suspend"
  1 alias locatef="cf"
  1 alias locate="mdfind -name"
  1 alias locaml="ledit -x -h '$HOME/.ocaml_history' ocaml"
  1 alias localip=lanip
  1 alias localip="localip() {ifconfig | grep 'inet ' | tail -n 1 | awk '{print \$2}'};localip"
  1 alias localip="ifconfig | grep -Eo 'inet (addr:|adr:)?([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*' | grep -Eo '([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*' | grep -v ''"
  1 alias loc='tokei'
  1 alias lobj='fllvm-mc -filetype=obj'
  1 alias loadrc='. ~/.bashrc'
  1 alias loadrc="source $HOME/.zshrc"
  1 alias loadrc="source $HOME/.bashrc"
  1 alias load='glances --hide-kernel-threads --process-short-name -2 -4 --disable-bg --time 1'
  1 alias lo="logout"
  1 alias lnav="lnav -q"
  1 alias ln='nocorrect ln'
  1 alias ln='ln -v'
  1 alias ln='ln -iv'
  1 alias ln='ln -i'
  1 alias ln="ln -v"
  1 alias ln-clean-up="rm -- **/*(-@D)"
  1 alias lmsg='sudo less +F /var/log/messages'
  1 alias lma='ls --color=auto /media'
  1 alias lm='ls -alG |more'
  1 alias lm='ls --color=auto /media'
  1 alias lltdev="cd ~ && lltdev"
  1 alias llt='tree -hFvC --noreport --filelimit 40 --dirsfirst -L 2'
  1 alias llt='ls -laFt'
  1 alias llt='ls --color=always --classify -alt'
  1 alias llt='ll --sort=time | less'
  1 alias llt='gls --color=always --classify -alt'
  1 alias lls='ls -lhAS --group-directories-first'
  1 alias lls='ll -Sr'; compdef lls=ls
  1 alias lls="ls -lhS"
  1 alias lls="ls -lh --color"
  1 alias llr='ls -laRh'
  1 alias llpdev="cd ~ && llpdev"
  1 alias llm='ls -lhAt --group-directories-first'
  1 alias llh='ls -lh'
  1 alias llg='ls -oFal | grep'
  1 alias llg='ls --color=always --group-directories-first --classify -al | grep'
  1 alias llc='ls -lhAU --group-directories-first'
  1 alias llayout1='i3-msg "workspace 1; append_layout .config/i3/workspace-1.json"'
  1 alias lla='ls -lhA'
  1 alias lla='ls -lAF'
  1 alias lla='ls -l -h -a --color=auto'
  1 alias lla='ls -al'
  1 alias lla='ll-archive'
  1 alias lla='ll -A'
  1 alias lla="ls -la"
  1 alias lla="ls -lA"
  1 alias lla="ls -a -l"
  1 alias lla="ll -a"
  1 alias ll='ls -oFal'
  1 alias ll='ls -lhaG'
  1 alias ll='ls -lha'
  1 alias ll='ls -lhG'
  1 alias ll='ls -lhF'
  1 alias ll='ls -lhF --color=auto'
  1 alias ll='ls -lhA --group-directories-first'
  1 alias ll='ls -lh'; compdef ll=ls
  1 alias ll='ls -lh --group-directories-first'
  1 alias ll='ls -lh --color=auto'
  1 alias ll='ls -lh --color'
  1 alias ll='ls -lh * | less -R'
  1 alias ll='ls -latr'
  1 alias ll='ls -lash --color'
  1 alias ll='ls -lah --group-directories-first --time-style=+"%d.%m.%Y %H:%M" --color=auto -F'
  1 alias ll='ls -lah ${lsflags}'
  1 alias ll='ls -laF --color'
  1 alias ll='ls -lGh'
  1 alias ll='ls -lF'
  1 alias ll='ls -lAh'
  1 alias ll='ls -lAFh'
  1 alias ll='ls -l -h --color=auto'
  1 alias ll='ls -l --group-directories-first --time-style=+"%d.%m.%Y %H:%M" --color=auto -F'
  1 alias ll='ls -l              --human-readable --classify --group-directories-first --color=auto'
  1 alias ll='ls -halF'
  1 alias ll='ls -altrwG'
  1 alias ll='ls -altr --color'
  1 alias ll='ls -alhF'
  1 alias ll='ls -alGpF'
  1 alias ll='ls -alFG'
  1 alias ll='ls -alF --color'
  1 alias ll='ls -Gl'
  1 alias ll='ls -Flh'
  1 alias ll='ls -Fl  --color=auto'
  1 alias ll='ls -FGlAhp'
  1 alias ll='ls -FCl'
  1 alias ll='ls -AlFh'
  1 alias ll='ls -A -l'
  1 alias ll='ls --color=always --group-directories-first --classify -al'
  1 alias ll='ls $LS_OPTIONS -l'
  1 alias ll='l' ; compdef ll=ls
  1 alias ll='l'
  1 alias ll='gls -lh --color'
  1 alias ll='gls --color=always --group-directories-first --classify -al'
  1 alias ll='exa -lh --group-directories-first'
  1 alias ll='exa -lah'
  1 alias ll='exa -l --group-directories-first'
  1 alias ll='command ls -l'
  1 alias ll='/opt/coreutils/bin/ls -lah --group-directories-first --time-style=+"%d.%m.%Y %H:%M" --color=auto -F'
  1 alias ll='/bin/ls -lFAGh --color=auto'
  1 alias ll='${lsflag} -lhF ${colorflag}'
  1 alias ll=' ls -laG'
  1 alias ll="ls -lhFA"
  1 alias ll="ls -lh --color=yes"
  1 alias ll="ls -laih"
  1 alias ll="ls -lah"
  1 alias ll="ls -la ${colorflag}"
  1 alias ll="ls -lF"
  1 alias ll="ls -l -h"
  1 alias ll="ls -l --color"
  1 alias ll="ls -al --group-directories-first"
  1 alias ll="ls -a"
  1 alias ll="ls -FGhgl"
  1 alias ll="ls -FGAl"
  1 alias ll="ls -AlhFv"
  1 alias ll="ls -Ahl"
  1 alias ll="l | less -R"
  1 alias ll="gls -l --color"
  1 alias ll="exa -la"
  1 alias ll="exa -l --git --time-style=long-iso --group-directories-first"
  1 alias ll="command ls -l ${ls_options:+${ls_options[*]}}"
  1 alias ll6="tree --dirsfirst -ChFupDaL 3"
  1 alias ll5="tree --dirsfirst -ChFupDaL 2"
  1 alias ll4="tree --dirsfirst -ChFupDaL 1"
  1 alias ll3="tree --dirsfirst -ChFL 3"
  1 alias ll2="tree --dirsfirst -ChFL 2"
  1 alias ll1="tree --dirsfirst -ChFL 1"
  1 alias ll.='ls -lh -A    --ignore=\*'
  1 alias lk='ls -lSrG'
  1 alias lk='github:browse'
  1 alias lk='github-browse'
  1 alias listvscodeextensions="code --list-extensions | xargs -L 1 echo code --install-extension"
  1 alias lists='sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list'
  1 alias listglobalpackages="npm list -g --depth 0"
  1 alias listening="sudo lsof -Pn -iTCP -sTCP:LISTEN"
  1 alias listening="lsof -Pan -iTCP -sTCP:listen"
  1 alias listen='lsof -P -i -n'
  1 alias listWifi="networksetup -listallhardwareports"
  1 alias listDefaultsWrites="history | grep 'defaults write'"
  1 alias listDefaultsDeletes="history | grep 'defaults delete'"
  1 alias list="ls -a"
  1 alias lispi="sbcl -noinform --load"
  1 alias lisp="sbcl --noinform"
  1 alias lip="ipconfig getifaddr en0"
  1 alias lin='ln -s'
  1 alias lilfor="mpc seek +10"
  1 alias lilbak="mpc seek -10"
  1 alias life='cd ~/Dropbox/AeonNeo/Life'
  1 alias lh='ls -lh'
  1 alias lh='la -d .[^.]* 2> /dev/null'
  1 alias lh='l -Ah'
  1 alias lh=''
  1 alias lh='gls -lhA --color'
  1 alias lh='command ls -hAl'
  1 alias lh="ls -lh"
  1 alias lh="ls -l -h"
  1 alias lh="command ls -hAl ${ls_options:+${ls_options[*]}}"
  1 alias lg='~/go/bin/lazygit'
  1 alias lg="lazygit"
  1 alias lg="la"
  1 alias lg="git log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --date=relative --format=format:'%C(red)%h%C(r) —— %C(bold blue)%an%C(r): %C(white)%s%C(r) %C(dim white)  %C(bold green)(%ar)%C(r) %C(bold yellow)%d%C(r)' --all"
  1 alias lg="git lg1"
  1 alias lg2=log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --format=format:'%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) - %C(bold cyan)%aD%C(reset) %C(bold green)(%ar)%C(reset)%C(bold yellow)%d%C(reset)%n''          %C(white)%s%C(reset) %C(dim white)- %an%C(reset)' --all
  1 alias lg2="git log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --format=format:'%C(red)%h%C(r) —— %C(bold blue)%an%C(r): %C(white)%s%C(r) %C(dim white)  %C(bold green)(%ar)%C(r) %C(bold yellow)%d%C(r)' --all"
  1 alias lg1=log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --date=relative --format=format:'%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) - %C(bold green)(%ar)%C(reset) %C(white)%s%C(reset) %C(dim white)- %an%C(reset)%C(bold yellow)%d%C(reset)' --all
  1 alias letcat='git checkout'
  1 alias lessr="\less"
  1 alias less_="less"
  1 alias less='less -r'
  1 alias less='less -imJMW'
  1 alias less='less -i'
  1 alias less='less -NgmM'
  1 alias less='less -FSRXc'
  1 alias less='less --tabs=4'
  1 alias less='less --IGNORE-CASE --tabs=4 --status-column --LONG-PROMPT --line-numbers --RAW-CONTROL-CHARS'
  1 alias less=$PAGER
  1 alias less="less -rM"
  1 alias less="less -N"
  1 alias less="less --tabs 4"
  1 alias len='() { echo -n "$*" | wc -c }'
  1 alias ledger='ledger -f /home/loki/sync/ledger/ledger.dat'
  1 alias ledger="ledger -f ${HOME}/.ledger/personal.dat"
  1 alias ledger-record="${EDITOR} ${HOME}/.ledger/personal.dat"
  1 alias le="echo ''; ls; echo ''"
  1 alias ldocs="open"
  1 alias ldev="cd ~ && cd ldev"
  1 alias ldd='_ldd'
  1 alias ld='ls -ld'
  1 alias ld='colourify ld'
  1 alias ld=' ls -ladG'
  1 alias ld="ls -ld"
  1 alias lc='wc -l'
  1 alias lc='ls -ltcrG'
  1 alias lc='ls -lh'
  1 alias lc='ls -CF'
  1 alias lc='lc -r'
  1 alias lc='launchctl'
  1 alias lc='colorls -r -sd'
  1 alias lc='colorls --dark'
  1 alias lc='clear; ls'
  1 alias latexmk=' -pvc -pdf -e "$pdflatex=q/xelatex %O -interaction=nonstopmode %S/"'
  1 alias latestssh="source $agentfile; ls \$SSH_AUTH_SOCK"
  1 alias lat='ls -aFt'
  1 alias lat='ls --color=always --classify -at'
  1 alias lat='la --sort=time | less'
  1 alias lat='gls --color=always --classify -at'
  1 alias lat='git latest'
  1 alias lat.='ls -Ft -d .*'
  1 alias lat.='ls --color=always --classify -t -d .*'
  1 alias lat.='gls --color=always --classify -t -d .*'
  1 alias last="git difftool HEAD^ HEAD"
  1 alias lash="ls -lAsh"
  1 alias lanip='ip route get 1 | head -1 | cut -d " " -f7'
  1 alias lal='ls -al'
  1 alias lal='ls -FCal'
  1 alias lah='ls -lAh'
  1 alias lah="ls -l -h -a"
  1 alias lager="less +F storage/logs/laravel.log"
  1 alias lad='ls -d .*(/)'
  1 alias lad='command ls -d .*(/)'
  1 alias lac='ls -alh'
  1 alias labip="$SCRIPTS/network/"
  1 alias laa='`which ls` -la | `which grep` " \."'
  1 alias la='ls -lhAF'
  1 alias la='ls -la --group-directories-first --time-style=+"%d.%m.%Y %H:%M" --color=auto -F'
  1 alias la='ls -lAh'
  1 alias la='ls -lA'
  1 alias la='ls -l --almost-all --human-readable --classify --group-directories-first --color=auto'
  1 alias la='ls -d .??*'
  1 alias la='ls -al'
  1 alias la='ls -ah --group-directories-first --time-style=+"%d.%m.%Y %H:%M" --color=auto -F'
  1 alias la='ls -a --color=auto'
  1 alias la='ls -GA'
  1 alias la='ls -FlA --color=auto'
  1 alias la='ls -Fa'
  1 alias la='ls -FCa'
  1 alias la='ls -FA'
  1 alias la='ls -AFlh'
  1 alias la='ls -AF'
  1 alias la='ls -A'; compdef la=ls
  1 alias la='ls --color=always --group-directories-first --classify -a'
  1 alias la='ll -A' ; compdef la=ls
  1 alias la='gls -FA --color'
  1 alias la='gls -A --color'
  1 alias la='gls --color=always --group-directories-first --classify -a'
  1 alias la='command ls -la'
  1 alias la='/opt/coreutils/bin/ls -ah --group-directories-first --time-style=+"%d.%m.%Y %H:%M" --color=auto -F'
  1 alias la='${lsflag} -a ${colorflag}'
  1 alias la=' ls -laG'
  1 alias la="ls -lahG"
  1 alias la="ls -lahF ${colorflag}"
  1 alias la="ls -laF"
  1 alias la="ls -la"
  1 alias la="ls -lAFh"
  1 alias la="ls -l | awk '
  1 alias la="ls -al"
  1 alias la="ls -aF"
  1 alias la="ls -FGA"
  1 alias la="ll -a"
  1 alias la="gls --color -lha --group-directories-first"
  1 alias la="exa -lahg --git --time-style=long-iso --group-directories-first"
  1 alias la="command ls -la ${ls_options:+${ls_options[*]}}"
  1 alias la="$LS -lAHh"
  1 alias la1='ls -A1'
  1 alias la.='ls -F -d .*'
  1 alias la.='ls --color=always --group-directories-first --classify -d .*'
  1 alias la.='gls --color=always --group-directories-first --classify -d .*'
  1 alias l='ls -vhFl --group-directories-first --time-style=+'
  1 alias l='ls -lhF'
  1 alias l='ls -lh --group-directories-first'
  1 alias l='ls -lF'
  1 alias l='ls -lF --color=auto'
  1 alias l='ls -lA --group-directories-first'
  1 alias l='ls -l'
  1 alias l='ls -hl' ; compdef l=ls
  1 alias l='ls -hl'
  1 alias l='ls -alh'
  1 alias l='ls -alF'
  1 alias l='ls -Glh --group-directories-first'
  1 alias l='ls -FC'
  1 alias l='ls -CF --color'
  1 alias l='ls -AlhF --color=auto'
  1 alias l='ls -1F'
  1 alias l='ls -1A'
  1 alias l='ls -1A --color=auto'
  1 alias l='ls --group-directories-first --time-style=long-iso -tAlh'
  1 alias l='ls --color=auto'
  1 alias l='ls --color'
  1 alias l='ls $LS_OPTIONS -lA'
  1 alias l='locate -ir'
  1 alias l='locate -i'
  1 alias l='less'
  1 alias l='less -R'
  1 alias l='gls -lhF --color'
  1 alias l='exa'
  1 alias l='exa -alh --group-directories-first'
  1 alias l='exa --all --long --header --git'
  1 alias l='command ls -l'
  1 alias l='clear && ls'
  1 alias l='clear && ll'
  1 alias l='/bin/ls -lahF'
  1 alias l='${lsflag} -lAhF ${colorflag}'
  1 alias l=$LS
  1 alias l="ls"
  1 alias l="ls -lha --color=auto"
  1 alias l="ls -lhG"
  1 alias l="ls -lhF"
  1 alias l="ls -lah --color"
  1 alias l="ls -lFh"
  1 alias l="ls -lFh ${colorflag}"
  1 alias l="ls -l"
  1 alias l="ls -alh"
  1 alias l="ls -alh --color=yes"
  1 alias l="ls -Glah"
  1 alias l="ls -Fhg --color=auto --group-directories-first"
  1 alias l="ls -FL"
  1 alias l="ls -FGhg"
  1 alias l="ls - CF"
  1 alias l="last"
  1 alias l="gls -lAh --color"
  1 alias l="exa -la --git --time-style=long-iso"
  1 alias l="exa -la --git --time-style=long-iso --group-directories-first"
  1 alias l="exa --long --header --all"
  1 alias l="command ls -l ${ls_options:+${ls_options[*]}}"
  1 alias l="LC_COLLATE=C \gls -lAh --color=auto --time-style="+%Y-%m-%d +%H:%M:%S" --group-directories-first"
  1 alias l="/bin/ls -lFGhL --color=auto -I $LS_IGNORE"
  1 alias l="${PAGER:-less}"
  1 alias l1='ls -1A'
  1 alias l1='ls -1'
  1 alias l.=ls\ $LSPARAMS\ -d\ '.[^.]*'
  1 alias l.='ls -d .* --color=auto'
  1 alias l.='ls -Gd .*'
  1 alias l.='ls -A'
  1 alias l.='ls $LSPARAMS -d .[^.]*'
  1 alias l.="ls -A | egrep '^\.'"
  1 alias kxp='kubectl delete pod'
  1 alias kx='kubectl delete'
  1 alias kwmconfig="open -a 'Sublime Text' /usr/local/Cellar/kwm/4.0.2/kwmrc"
  1 alias kwmStop="brew services stop kwm"
  1 alias kwmStart="brew services start kwm"
  1 alias kvpn='sudo pkill -INT -f "openconnect|openvpn|vpnc"'
  1 alias kucv="kubectl config view"
  1 alias kube='envchain wtd kube'
  1 alias kub='skube'
  1 alias ku=':git:checkout-and-update'
  1 alias ku="kubectl"
  1 alias kts='kubetail sherlock -n sherlock'
  1 alias kts='kubectl -n tectonic-system'
  1 alias ktp='kub top pods'
  1 alias ktn='kub top nodes'
  1 alias kthxbai='halt'
  1 alias ktd='kubetail deis -n deis'
  1 alias kss='ks svc'
  1 alias ksp='ks pod'
  1 alias ksi='kubectl set image'
  1 alias ksi='ks ing'
  1 alias ksh='killall ssh'
  1 alias ksh='() { ke "$@" -it -- sh -i }'
  1 alias ksdp='kubectl describe pods -n sherlock'
  1 alias ksdiff='reattach-to-user-namespace -l ksdiff'
  1 alias ks='kub describe'
  1 alias kp='() { kgp "${@:2}" -o name | cut -f2- -d/ | grep -F ${1}; }'
  1 alias knd='kubectl --namespace=deis'
  1 alias kn='git checkout -b'
  1 alias klf='() { kl "${@}" -f --tail=10 }'
  1 alias kld='kubectl logs --namespace=deis'
  1 alias kl='kubectl logs'
  1 alias kl='kub logs'
  1 alias kl='k -h --no-vcs'
  1 alias kks='kubectl -n kube-system'
  1 alias kkl='k -Ah --no-vcs'
  1 alias kk='kubectl --namespace=kube-system'
  1 alias kk='k -Ah'
  1 alias kj='git checkout -B'
  1 alias killtouchbar='killall ControlStrip'
  1 alias killos="killfinder && killdock && killmenubar"
  1 alias killjobs='echo $(jobs -p | awk "{ print $3 }") | xargs -t kill -9'
  1 alias killdock='killall -KILL Dock'
  1 alias killchrome="ps ux | grep '[C]hrome Helper --type=renderer' | grep -v extension-process | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f2 | xargs kill"
  1 alias khostso="st ~/.ssh/known_hosts"
  1 alias kgs='kubectl get services'
  1 alias kgs='kg svc'
  1 alias kgps='kubectl get pods --namespace=sherlock'
  1 alias kgpk='kubectl get pods --namespace=kube-system'
  1 alias kgpd='kubectl get pods --namespace=deis'
  1 alias kgpa='kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o wide'
  1 alias kgp='kubectl get pods'
  1 alias kgp='kg pods'
  1 alias kgp!='kgp --all-namespaces'
  1 alias kgn='kubectl get nodes'
  1 alias kgn='kg nodes'
  1 alias kgm='kg namespaces'
  1 alias kgi='kg ing'
  1 alias kgda='kubectl get deployments --all-namespaces'
  1 alias kgd='kubectl get deployments'
  1 alias kgd='kg deployments'
  1 alias kg='kubectl get '
  1 alias kg='kub get'
  1 alias kff='kub port-forward'
  1 alias keys="open ~/.ssh"
  1 alias keychain='keychain --absolute --dir $XDG_CACHE_HOME/keychain'
  1 alias keycfg=cfgkey
  1 alias kei='() { ke "$@" -it }'
  1 alias ked='kubectl exec -n deis'
  1 alias ked='kub edit'
  1 alias ke='kubectl exec'
  1 alias ke='kub exec'
  1 alias kdxp='kubectl -n deis delete pod'
  1 alias kdsd='kubectl --namespace=deis describe svc deis-router'
  1 alias kds='kubectl describe services'
  1 alias kdp='kubectl describe pods'
  1 alias kdp='kub delete pods'
  1 alias kdiff="kitty +kitten diff"
  1 alias kdgp='kubectl --namespace=deis get pod'
  1 alias kdf='kub delete -f'
  1 alias kddp='kubectl describe pods -n deis'
  1 alias kddp='kubectl --namespace=deis describe pod '
  1 alias kdd='kubectl describe deployments'
  1 alias kd='kubectl describe'
  1 alias kd='kub delete'
  1 alias kcv='kubectl config view'
  1 alias kcum='kubectl config use-context minikube'
  1 alias kcu='kubectl config use-context'
  1 alias kcu='kub config use-context'
  1 alias kcs='kc secret'
  1 alias kcp='google-chrome && kubectl proxy'
  1 alias kcn='kc namespace'
  1 alias kclean+='sudo aptitude remove -P "?and(~i~nlinux-(ima|hea),\
  1 alias kci='kubectl cluster-info'
  1 alias kccc='kubectl config current-context'
  1 alias kcc='kubectl create'
  1 alias kc='kubectl '
  1 alias kc='kub create'
  1 alias kc="xmodmap -pke"
  1 alias kbb='kub run -i --tty --image alpine:edge busybox-$RANDOM --restart=Never --rm'
  1 alias kb="pgi byobu | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9 "
  1 alias kb="$EDITOR ~/Library/KeyBindings/DefaultKeyBinding.dict"
  1 alias kao=fuck
  1 alias kakconf="kak ~/.config/kak/kakrc"
  1 alias kaf='kub apply -f'
  1 alias ka='killall '
  1 alias ka="killall"
  1 alias k=kubectl
  1 alias k='tree'
  1 alias k='tree -h'
  1 alias k='ls -lh'
  1 alias k='kill'
  1 alias k='kill -9'
  1 alias k='k -h'
  1 alias k='git-smart-checkout'
  1 alias k=':sources:clone'
  1 alias k="kwrapper"
  1 alias k="kubectl"
  1 alias k9='kill -9'
  1 alias k9='kill -9 '
  1 alias jy='jython'
  1 alias jv='cd ~/Videos/'
  1 alias jupytertheme='jt -t chesterish -T -f roboto -fs 9 -tf merriserif -tfs 11 -nf ptsans -nfs 11 -dfs 8 -ofs 8'
  1 alias ju='j && u'
  1 alias jsonprint='jq'
  1 alias jsonpp='python -m json.tool'
  1 alias json='python -m json.tool'
  1 alias json='pygmentize -l json -g'
  1 alias json="python -mjson.tool"
  1 alias json-file-pretty='jq .'
  1 alias json-file-minify='jq -c .'
  1 alias jserve='jekyll serve'
  1 alias jsd="jekyll serve drafts"
  1 alias js=js52
  1 alias js='node'
  1 alias js='cd ~/projects/sandbox'
  1 alias js="node"
  1 alias js="cd ~/Sites/_playgrounds/javascript-playground/"
  1 alias jpy='nonohup jupyter notebook'
  1 alias jpi='cd ~/Pictures/'
  1 alias jp='cd ~/projects/'
  1 alias journalctl='journalctl --no-hostname'
  1 alias journal="if [[ -a ~/Projects/journal ]]; then vim ~/Projects/journal/$(date +%Y-%m).md; else vim /projects/journal/$(date +%Y-%m).md; fi"
  1 alias job='jobs -l'
  1 alias jnq='jupyter notebook --browser="qutebrowser"'
  1 alias jnotebook='jupyter notebook'
  1 alias jman='LANG=ja_JP.utf8 man'
  1 alias jkl="jekyll serve -D"
  1 alias jk='jekyll serve --watch'
  1 alias jk='jekyll serve --watch --verbose'
  1 alias jhoop='ssh jhoop'
  1 alias jenkins='ssh jenkins'
  1 alias jekylls="sudo jekyll serve"
  1 alias jekyllb="sudo jekyll build"
  1 alias jdlboxs2='ssh jdlboxs2'
  1 alias jdlboxs1='ssh jdlboxs1'
  1 alias jdlbox9='ssh jdlbox9'
  1 alias jdlbox8='ssh jdlbox8'
  1 alias jdlbox7='ssh jdlbox7'
  1 alias jd='cd ~/Downloads/'
  1 alias jd-gui="open -a jd-gui"
  1 alias jd-gui="$HOME/AndroidTools/jd-gui/jd-gui"
  1 alias jcu='journalctl --user'
  1 alias jcu="journalctl --user"
  1 alias jctlf='journalctl -f'
  1 alias jctlerr='journalctl -b -p3 g -v transmission'
  1 alias jctlc='sudo journalctl --vacuum-size=20000'
  1 alias jctlb='journalctl -b'
  1 alias jctl='journalctl'
  1 alias jco='coconut --target 36 --jupyter notebook'
  1 alias jcf='sudo journalctl -flu'
  1 alias jc='sudo journalctl'
  1 alias jc='journalctl'
  1 alias jc="sudo journalctl"
  1 alias jazz='cd "/media/ENTRTAIN/root/Music/Jazz"'
  1 alias java='java "$_SILENT_JAVA_OPTIONS"'
  1 alias java8='export JAVA_HOME=/local/java/jdk1.8.0_51'
  1 alias java7='export JAVA_HOME=/local/java/jdk1.7.0_79'
  1 alias java6='export JAVA_HOME=/local/java/jdk1.6.0_31'
  1 alias ja='j'
  1 alias ja='LANG=ja_JP.UTF8 LC_ALL=ja_JP.UTF-8'
  1 alias j=z
  1 alias j=just
  1 alias j='k master'
  1 alias j='jobs'
  1 alias j='jobs -l'
  1 alias j="z"
  1 alias j="jobs"
  1 alias j="jfe --console"
  1 alias j!='j && rst!'
  1 alias iz='ls'
  1 alias iv='vimiv'
  1 alias iv='sxiv'
  1 alias itun="in itun npm start"
  1 alias itu='~/Nextcloud/Skole/ITU/4_semester'
  1 alias itu="cd ~/Nextcloud/Skole/ITU/2.\ Semester"
  1 alias itg='tig'
  1 alias it='tig'
  1 alias istcluster='ssh istcluster'
  1 alias isp='whois $(curl -sSL | grep -v "^
  1 alias isp='whois $(curl -s | grep -v "^
  1 alias iso8601="date -u +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'"
  1 alias irc="~/.bin/start_irc; screen -x irc"
  1 alias ipython2-qt='ipython2 qtconsole --colors=linux'
  1 alias ipython-qt='ipython qtconsole --colors=linux'
  1 alias ipy=$HOME/.virtualenvs/sys/bin/ipython
  1 alias ipy="ipython"
  1 alias ipy2='ipython2'
  1 alias ipt='iptables -L -vn'
  1 alias ipstats="netstat -ntu | tail -n +3 | awk '{print $5}' | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n"
  1 alias ips="ifconfig | fgrep inet | fgrep netmask"
  1 alias iproute="grc --colour=auto iproute"
  1 alias ipneighbor="grc --colour=auto ipneighbor"
  1 alias ipd="curl -sS  2>/dev/null | jq ."
  1 alias ipb="ip --color --brief"
  1 alias ipaddr="grc --colour=auto ipaddr"
  1 alias ipa='ip a'
  1 alias ipa='curl -sSL'
  1 alias ipa='curl -s'
  1 alias ip='ipython3'
  1 alias ip="ip -c"
  1 alias ip="ip --color"
  1 alias ip="grc --colour=auto ip"
  1 alias iotop='iotop -Poa'
  1 alias iostat_sar="grc --colour=auto iostat_sar"
  1 alias iosc="osc -A"
  1 alias invisible='cat'
  1 alias inur='locate'
  1 alias internalip=lanip
  1 alias installrspec='rails generate rspec:install'
  1 alias installed="apt list --installed"
  1 alias install='{{ install }}'
  1 alias install='sudo apt install'
  1 alias install-command-line-tools='xcode-select --install'
  1 alias insecssh='ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -o "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" -o "PreferredAuthentications=keyboard-interactive"'
  1 alias inks="inkscape"
  1 alias ink="inkscape"
  1 alias initialgit="g init && ga . && gc 'initial git'"
  1 alias info="info --vi-keys"
  1 alias in='sudo yum install '
  1 alias import="import \"$HOME/Images/Screenshot_$(date +%s_%N)"
  1 alias iminurbase='finger'
  1 alias imgur='imgur-screenshot'
  1 alias imgur-screenshot=""
  1 alias img='sxiv -a'
  1 alias img="sxiv"
  1 alias imagenametime="exiftool '-FileName<DateTimeOriginal' -d "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%%-c.%%e""
  1 alias imageOptimAllSync="/Applications/ *.png"
  1 alias imageOptimAllAsync="open -a ImageOptim *.png"
  1 alias image="sxiv"
  1 alias ima='ristretto '
  1 alias ii=':git:commit:interactive'
  1 alias ihasbucket='df -h'
  1 alias ihach='iconv -cf inis-cyrillic'
  1 alias ifw='ifconfig wlan0'
  1 alias ifconfig='colourify ifconfig'
  1 alias iexmix='iex -S mix'
  1 alias iex='rlwrap -a foo iex'
  1 alias id="grc --colour=auto id"
  1 alias icat="kitty +kitten icat"
  1 alias icat="kitty +kitten icat --place 139x41@0x0"
  1 alias icanhas='mkdir'
  1 alias ibus-reload="reload-ibus"
  1 alias iamneo='unimatrix -s 90'
  1 alias i='sudo apt install --yes'
  1 alias i='image-upload'
  1 alias i='git add -p'
  1 alias i3tree="i3-msg -t get_tree"
  1 alias i3lock='./.config/i3status/'
  1 alias i3config='vim ~/.config/i3/config'
  1 alias i3config="sudo vim ~/.i3/config"
  1 alias i3conf="nvim ~/.i3/config"
  1 alias i3conf="nvim ~/.config/i3/config"
  1 alias hyperjs="z dot && vim ./hyper/hyper.js"
  1 alias hypercss="z dot && vim ./hyper/hyper.css"
  1 alias hy='history'
  1 alias huhs="homestead up;homestead ssh"
  1 alias hugoserver='hugo server -D'
  1 alias hub-pr="hub pr list"
  1 alias hub-issue="hub issue"
  1 alias hub-create="(pvim | hub issue create -F -)"
  1 alias hub-browse="hub browse -- \$@"
  1 alias httpsniff="sudo ngrep -W byline -d 'en0' -t '^(GET|POST) ' 'tcp and port 80'"
  1 alias httpsip='curl -s'
  1 alias httpsharedir="python -m http.server 8001"
  1 alias httpserver="python2 -m SimpleHTTPServer 0"
  1 alias https='http --default-scheme=https'
  1 alias https="http --default-scheme https"
  1 alias httpdump='sudo tcpdump -i en0 -n -s 0 -w - | grep -a -o -E "Host\: .*|GET \/.*"'
  1 alias httpdump="sudo tcpdump -i en0 -n -s 0 -w - | grep -a -o -E \"Host\: .*|GET \/.*\""
  1 alias httpdump="sudo tcpdump -A -s 10240 'tcp port 4080 and (((ip[2:2] - ((ip[0]&0xf)<<2)) - ((tcp[12]&0xf0)>>2)) != 0)' \
  1 alias http-server="python3 -m http.server"
  1 alias htop='TERM=screen timeout 3600 htop'
  1 alias htop='TERM=screen htop'
  1 alias htop="command htop --sort-key=PERCENT_CPU"
  1 alias html='pandoc --webtex -o'
  1 alias html="cd ~ && cd /Users/$USER/html"
  1 alias html2hamlet="$SCRIPTS/"
  1 alias ht='urxvtc -name htop -title htop +sb -geometry 80x6 -e htop &'
  1 alias hstaging='git push staging master'
  1 alias hsso="heroku login --sso"
  1 alias hspec='cbt --show-details=always --test-option=--color --test-option=--fail-fast'
  1 alias hs='history'
  1 alias hs='/usr/share/playonlinux/playonlinux --run "Hearthstone"'
  1 alias hs="history | grep"
  1 alias hrtime="sudo timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Zagreb && i3 restart"
  1 alias hredis='heroku redis:info'
  1 alias hpush='git push heroku master'
  1 alias hps='heroku ps'
  1 alias hproduction='git push production master'
  1 alias howwp="how2 -l wordpress $*"
  1 alias howphp="how2 -l php $*"
  1 alias howl="how2 -l $1 ${@:2}"
  1 alias how="how2 $*"
  1 alias hostso="st /etc/hosts"
  1 alias hosts='sudo vim /etc/hosts'
  1 alias hosts='sudo st /etc/hosts'
  1 alias hosts='sudo mate /etc/hosts'
  1 alias hosts='sudo $EDITOR /etc/hosts'
  1 alias hosts="sudo vim /etc/hosts"
  1 alias hopen='heroku open'
  1 alias hoop='ssh hoop'
  1 alias homestead='function __homestead() { (cd ~/Dev/vboxes/homestead && vagrant $*); unset -f __homestead; }; __homestead'
  1 alias homegit="GIT_DIR=~/dotfiles/.git GIT_WORK_TREE=~ git"
  1 alias home="cd $HOME && clear"
  1 alias home="$SCRIPTS/"
  1 alias hmon='heroku maintenance:on'
  1 alias hmoff='heroku maintenance:off'
  1 alias hmixectomigrate='heroku run mix ecto.migrate'
  1 alias hlw='heroku local web'
  1 alias hlogsworker='heroku logs --ps worker'
  1 alias hlogsredis='heroku logs -p heroku-redis -t'
  1 alias hlogspg='heroku logs --tail --ps postgres --app thriveministry'
  1 alias hlogs='heroku logs --t'
  1 alias hlogin='heroku login'
  1 alias hlocal='heroku local'
  1 alias hla='helm ls --all'
  1 alias hl='hledger'
  1 alias hkvs='hkredmine versions'
  1 alias hkve='hkredmine version'
  1 alias hkup='hkredmine update'
  1 alias hkstop='hkredmine stopwork'
  1 alias hkst='hkredmine startwork'
  1 alias hkru='hkredmine use'
  1 alias hkrr='hkredmine resume'
  1 alias hkrp='hkredmine pause'
  1 alias hkris='hkredmine issues'
  1 alias hkri='hkredmine issue'
  1 alias hkr='hkredmine'
  1 alias hkpi='hkredmine issues -S priority:desc,category -p'
  1 alias hknv='hkredmine nextversion -S priority:desc,category'
  1 alias hkni='hkredmine newissue -e -p'
  1 alias hknc='hkredmine newcategory'
  1 alias hkl="hklaunch"
  1 alias hkcl='hkredmine close'
  1 alias hkca='hkredmine categories'
  1 alias history?='history | sed "s/^ *[0-9]* *//" | peco | pbcopy'
  1 alias history?='history | grep -i'
  1 alias history='fc -li 1'
  1 alias history="history -iD"
  1 alias history-stats="history 0 | awk '{print \$2}' | stats | head"
  1 alias history-stat="history | awk '{print \$2}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n -r | head"
  1 alias hist=history
  1 alias hist='history 0 | grep'
  1 alias his='history'
  1 alias hip='http'
  1 alias hilite='grep -C 999999'
  1 alias hidiff="histring -fE '^Comparing files .*|^diff .*' | histring -c yellow -fE '^\-.*' | histring -c green -fE '^\+.*'"
  1 alias hidefiles="defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -bool false && killall Finder"
  1 alias hidedotfiles='hidefiles'
  1 alias hidedotfiles="defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -bool false && killall Finder"
  1 alias hidedesktop="defaults write CreateDesktop false && killall Finder"
  1 alias hidedesktop="defaults write CreateDesktop -bool false \
  1 alias hidedeskicons="defaults write CreateDesktop -bool false && killall Finder"
  1 alias hideall="defaults write AppleShowAllFiles 0 && killall Finder"
  1 alias hideFiles="defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO; killall Finder /System/Library/CoreServices/"
  1 alias hide='setfile -a V'
  1 alias hibp='(echo -n "Password: "; read -s pw; curl -sSL$(echo -n $pw | shasum | cut -b 1-5) | grep $(echo -n $pw | shasum | cut -b 6-40 | tr a-f A-F))'
  1 alias hibp='(echo -n "Password: "; read -s pw; curl -s$(echo -n $pw | shasum | cut -b 1-5) | grep $(echo -n $pw | shasum | cut -b 6-40 | tr a-f A-F))'
  1 alias hibernate='dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest="org.freedesktop.UPower" /org/freedesktop/UPower org.freedesktop.UPower.Hibernate'
  1 alias hi="history -n"
  1 alias hhobbypostgres='heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev'
  1 alias hgrep='history -fd 0 | grep'
  1 alias hgrep="history | grep -i"
  1 alias hgi='history | grep -i'
  1 alias hfspmnt="sudo mount -t hfsplus /dev/sdb2 /mnt/usb"
  1 alias hf='fc -il 1'
  1 alias hexdump='hexdump -C'
  1 alias hexdump="hexdump --canonical"
  1 alias herokuthrive='heroku apps --org thriveministry'
  1 alias herokuphoenix='heroku buildpacks:add'
  1 alias herokulunamisoo='heroku apps --org lunamisoo'
  1 alias herokuelixir='heroku create --buildpack ""'
  1 alias here='find . -type f -print0|xargs -0 grep -C 2 -i'
  1 alias here='cd -P .'
  1 alias help='tldr'
  1 alias help-zshglob=H-Glob
  1 alias heln='helm list -a -d -r --namespace $(kubectl config get-contexts | egrep "\*" | awk '"'"'{print $NF}'"'"')'
  1 alias hel="helm list -a -d -r"
  1 alias hedp='helm delete --purge'
  1 alias heavy='cd "/media/ENTRTAIN/root/Music/Metal/Heavy Metal"'
  1 alias headerc='curl -I --compress'
  1 alias header='curl-header'
  1 alias header='curl -I'
  1 alias head='head -n $((${LINES:-12}-2))'
  1 alias head='head -n $(( $LINES - 10 ))'
  1 alias head='colourify head'
  1 alias head="head -n30"
  1 alias he='heroku'
  1 alias he="sudo $EDITOR /etc/hosts"
  1 alias he="history -a"
  1 alias hdmi='xrandr --output VGA1 --auto --output HDMI1 --auto'
  1 alias hdmi='if [[ `xrandr --listmonitors | wc -l` == "3" ]]; then xrandr --output HDMI-0 --off; else xrandr --output HDMI-0 --mode 1920x1080 --pos 0x0 --rotate normal; fi'
  1 alias hdmi2primary='xrandr --output HDMI-2 --primary && i3 restart'
  1 alias hdbw='mongo mongodb://pedroFerrari:"$(pass humber/mongodb/pedroFerrari)"'\
  1 alias hdbr='mongo mongodb://humberDbRead:"$(pass humber/mongodb/humberDbRead)"'\
  1 alias hdbm='heroku run rake db:migrate'
  1 alias hd='od -Ax -tx1z -v'
  1 alias hd="cd ~/Dropbox/AeonNeo/UC-Davis/HackDavis/"
  1 alias hcs='heroku config:set'
  1 alias hconsole='heroku run rails console'
  1 alias hconnectstatus='heroku connect:status -a thriveministry'
  1 alias hconnectdemo='heroku addons:create herokuconnect:demo'
  1 alias hconfigset='heroku config:set'
  1 alias hconfig='heroku config'
  1 alias hcheck='curl'
  1 alias hc=herbstclient
  1 alias hc='heroku create'
  1 alias hc='heroku config'
  1 alias hbp='hg-buildpackage'
  1 alias hax="growlnotify -a 'Activity Monitor' 'System error' -m 'WTF R U DOIN'"
  1 alias havingfun="osascript -e 'Set Volume 10' && say -v 'good news' it is time for lunch"
  1 alias hashbang="ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa"
  1 alias hardware=''
  1 alias hardcore='cd "/media/ENTRTAIN/root/Music/Metal/Hardcore"'
  1 alias handbrake="/Applications/HandbrakeCLI"
  1 alias halt='sudo systemctl halt'
  1 alias halt='sudo shutdown -h now'
  1 alias halt='sudo halt'
  1 alias halt='shutdown -h now'
  1 alias halt="sudo halt -P"
  1 alias halt="osascript -e 'tell app \"System Events\" to shut down'"
  1 alias hai='cd'
  1 alias haddremote='heroku git:remote -a'
  1 alias hackzor='git init'
  1 alias haccountset='heroku accounts:set'
  1 alias ha='heroku accounts'
  1 alias h=heroku
  1 alias h='history|awk '"'"'{$1=$2="";print substr($0,3)}'"'"''
  1 alias h='history | grep'
  1 alias h='history -fd -500'
  1 alias h='git reset HEAD'
  1 alias h='fc -il 1 | tail -n 40'
  1 alias h='cd ~'
  1 alias h="tldr"
  1 alias h="htop"
  1 alias h="hostname"
  1 alias h="history 0 | grep"
  1 alias h="heroku"
  1 alias h="fc -R"
  1 alias h="cd ~ && ls -a"
  1 alias h1='head -n 1'
  1 alias h1="cd ~/Dev/hackerone/"
  1 alias gzip='tar -cvzf'
  1 alias gwds="ydiff -s -c always -w 0"
  1 alias gw='git whatchanged'
  1 alias gvm='vim `git diff --name-only --diff-filter=M`'
  1 alias gvim='vim -g'
  1 alias gvim='open -a "MacVim"'
  1 alias gvim='mvim'
  1 alias gvim='gvim -p'
  1 alias gvim='gvim -c "colorscheme neverland-darker" $1'
  1 alias gvd='gvimdiff'
  1 alias gv=gvim
  1 alias gv='git log --graph --decorate --oneline'
  1 alias guw="gulp watch"
  1 alias gupstream="$SCRIPTS/ add_upstream"
  1 alias gup='git pull && git push'
  1 alias gunstage='git reset HEAD '
  1 alias guard='bundle exec guard'
  1 alias gu='git undo'
  1 alias gu='git push'
  1 alias gu='git push origin HEAD || (notify "push failed" "Git" && false)'
  1 alias gu='git pull'
  1 alias gu='git add -u'
  1 alias gu='git add -u && git commit'
  1 alias gu='git add --update'
  1 alias gu='g u'
  1 alias gu="gulp"
  1 alias gu="git up"
  1 alias gu="git u"
  1 alias gtvc="go test -v -race -cover ."
  1 alias gtt='go tool pprof'
  1 alias gtr='git tag -d $(git tag) && git fetch --tags'
  1 alias gtr="git log --graph --all --date=relative --pretty=format:'%Cred%h %Creset%<|(50,trunc)%s %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset %Cgreen(%cd)%Creset%C(auto)%d'"
  1 alias gtp='go tool pprof -nodecount 999 -png >| && \
  1 alias gtoa='git opena'
  1 alias gto='git open'
  1 alias gtmu="cd /mnt/usb;ls -al"
  1 alias gtkjs='cd "$(configurator -g gtkjs)"'
  1 alias gtfo='mv'
  1 alias gtest="cd ~ && cd /Users/$USER/gtest"
  1 alias gtb='go test -run none -cpuprofile -bench'
  1 alias gtb!='() { gtb "${@}" && gtp; }'
  1 alias gtags='starscope -e ctags'
  1 alias gtagdp="git push origin :refs/tags/$*"
  1 alias gtagd="git tag -d $*"
  1 alias gtag="git tag"
  1 alias gt='go test -v -cover $(go list ./... | grep -v vendor)'
  1 alias gsync="git checkout master && git fetch upstream && git rebase upstream/master && git push"
  1 alias gsy="git pull upstream master && git push origin master"
  1 alias gswitch='git checkout'
  1 alias gsw='git standup -d 7'
  1 alias gsup='git sup'
  1 alias gsuo="git pull upstream master && git push origin master"
  1 alias gsu="git submodule update --init --recursive"
  1 alias gstp='git stash pop'
  1 alias gstp="git stash pop"
  1 alias gstl='git stash list'
  1 alias gstat='git status '
  1 alias gst='git status;'
  1 alias gst='git status-short'
  1 alias gst='git stash'
  1 alias gst='git stash --save'
  1 alias gst='git st'
  1 alias gst='clear && git status'
  1 alias gst="git shortlog -sn"
  1 alias gst="git add . && git stash"
  1 alias gss='git status'
  1 alias gspp='git stash && git pull --rebase && git stash pop'
  1 alias gsms='git syncms'
  1 alias gsm='git syncm'
  1 alias gsm="git pull upstream master && git push origin master"
  1 alias gsl="git stash list"
  1 alias gshortcuts='vi ~/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/git/git.plugin.zsh'
  1 alias gshd='git show HEAD'
  1 alias gsh='git show'
  1 alias gsh="git status --short --branch"
  1 alias gsh="g sh"
  1 alias gsdd='git syncd'
  1 alias gsclear="git stash clear"
  1 alias gsc="git stash clear"
  1 alias gsbyd='gatsby develop'
  1 alias gsby='gatsby'
  1 alias gsb="git status -sb"
  1 alias gsa='git stash apply'
  1 alias gs='git sync'
  1 alias gs='git status -sb'
  1 alias gs='git status -sb && git stash list'
  1 alias gs='git s'
  1 alias gs='g s'
  1 alias gs="git status";
  1 alias gs="git status -sb"
  1 alias gs="git status -s"
  1 alias gs="git s"
  1 alias gs="find . -type d -depth 1 ! -name '.*' -exec zsh -c 'cd \"{}\"; pwd; git status -s;' \;"
  1 alias grun='java org.antlr.v4.gui.TestRig'
  1 alias gru='git clean  -d  -fx ""'
  1 alias grs='git reset'
  1 alias grs='git rebase --skip'
  1 alias grs="git reset"
  1 alias grrh='git reset --hard HEAD'
  1 alias grp="git reset -p"
  1 alias grp="g rp"
  1 alias gro="git remote rm origin"
  1 alias grn="git log --format=oneline  --abbrev-commit --no-merges"
  1 alias grml-version='cat /etc/grml_version'
  1 alias grmds="find . -name .DS_Store -print0 | xargs -0 git rm -f --ignore-unmatch && addgitignore"
  1 alias grmcached="git rm -r --cached . && gfix 'Sync .gitignore'"
  1 alias grmc='git rm -r --cached'
  1 alias grm="git rebase master"
  1 alias grindc='cd "/media/ENTRTAIN/root/Music/Metal/Grindcore"'
  1 alias gri='git rebase -i'
  1 alias gri='git rebase -i ${1:HEAD~$(git_commits_ahead | sed "s/[^0-9]//")}'
  1 alias gri="git rebase -i"
  1 alias grhom="git r --hard origin/master"
  1 alias grhh="git reset --hard HEAD"
  1 alias grhc='git clean -d -x -f; git reset --hard'
  1 alias grh='git reset --hard'
  1 alias grh="git r --hard"
  1 alias grfst="git reflow status"
  1 alias grfs="git reflow start $@"
  1 alias grfrefresh="git reflow refresh"
  1 alias grfr="git reflow review"
  1 alias grfd="git reflow deliver"
  1 alias grf="git reflow $@"
  1 alias gresettoremote="git reset --hard origin/master"
  1 alias gresetchanges='git checkout --'
  1 alias greset="git reset --hard HEAD~1"
  1 alias grepp="grep -Rnsi"
  1 alias grepi='grep -i'
  1 alias grephs="grep --exclude-dir .stack-work --include '*.hs'"
  1 alias grep_="grep --color=never"
  1 alias grep='nocorrect grep'
  1 alias grep='nocorrect grep --color=always -d skip'
  1 alias grep='grep'
  1 alias grep='grep -nI --color=auto'
  1 alias grep='grep -n'
  1 alias grep='grep -P '
  1 alias grep='grep -EI --color=auto'
  1 alias grep='grep --exclude-dir=".git" --exclude-dir=".svn" --color=auto'
  1 alias grep='grep --color=tty -d skip'
  1 alias grep='grep --color=auto -i'
  1 alias grep='grep --color=auto -E'
  1 alias grep='grep --color=auto '
  1 alias grep='grep --color --binary-files=without-match'
  1 alias grep='grep '$o
  1 alias grep='ggrep --exclude-dir=".git" --exclude-dir=".svn" --color=auto'
  1 alias grep='\ggrep'
  1 alias grep='GREP_COLOR="33;40" LANG=C grep --color=auto'
  1 alias grep='GREP_COLOR="1;37;45" LANG=C grep --color=auto'
  1 alias grep="grep -i"
  1 alias grep="grep -i --color"
  1 alias grep="grep --color=always"
  1 alias grep="/bin/grep"
  1 alias grep="$aliases[grep] --color=auto"
  1 alias grename="git branch -m"
  1 alias gremotes="git remotes"
  1 alias gref="git reflog"
  1 alias green='screenshot /dev/null > /dev/null'
  1 alias grebaselast="git rebase -i HEAD~"
  1 alias grd="git rm -r"
  1 alias grd="git rebase develop"
  1 alias graph="graph-easy --from dot --as boxart --stats"
  1 alias grao="git remote add origin"
  1 alias grammarly='open -a Grammarly'
  1 alias gradle=gw
  1 alias grad="cd ~/Dropbox/AeonNeo/Career/Grad"
  1 alias gra='git remote add'
  1 alias gra='git rebase --abort'
  1 alias gra="gitremote"
  1 alias gra="git remote add origin"
  1 alias gr='grep -nl --color'
  1 alias gr='grep -RIi --no-messages'
  1 alias gr='git-recent'
  1 alias gr='git remote show origin'
  1 alias gr='cd $(git root)'
  1 alias gr='cd $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)'
  1 alias gr='"$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)"/gradlew'
  1 alias gr="go run *.go"
  1 alias gr="git rm"
  1 alias gr="git reset"
  1 alias gr="git r $@"
  1 alias gpv='git-peco-vim'
  1 alias gput='git put'
  1 alias gpush='git push'
  1 alias gpush='git push origin'
  1 alias gpush='git push '
  1 alias gpush="git push"
  1 alias gpush="git push origin"
  1 alias gpush="$SCRIPTS/ push"
  1 alias gpurb='git pull --rebase'
  1 alias gpull='git pull'
  1 alias gpull='git pull origin'
  1 alias gpull='git pull '
  1 alias gpull="git pull origin"
  1 alias gpull="$SCRIPTS/ pull"
  1 alias gpuf='git push -f origin'
  1 alias gpu='git push origin'
  1 alias gpu='git push -u origin HEAD'
  1 alias gpu='git pull'
  1 alias gpu="git push"
  1 alias gpu="git push -u"
  1 alias gpt="git push --tags"
  1 alias gpsuom="git push --set-upstream origin master"
  1 alias gpsuo="git push --set-upstream origin"
  1 alias gpsh='git push'
  1 alias gps="git push"
  1 alias gprune='git remote prune origin'
  1 alias gprune="g prune"
  1 alias gpp='git pull --rebase && git push'
  1 alias gpp="git push -u"
  1 alias gpp="git pull && git push"
  1 alias gpom='git push origin master'
  1 alias gpom="gl origin master"
  1 alias gpof='git push origin --force-with-lease'
  1 alias gpo="git push origin $1"
  1 alias gplr='git pull --rebase'
  1 alias gpl='git pull'
  1 alias gpl='git pull origin'
  1 alias gpl='git pull -p'
  1 alias gpl='git pull --rebase origin'
  1 alias gpl="git pull -v --rebase --recurse-submodules"
  1 alias gpi='grep -i'
  1 alias gphm="git push heroku master"
  1 alias gphm="git push heroku master -f"
  1 alias gph="git push -v --follow-tags"
  1 alias gpginit="date | gpg -a --encrypt -r | gpg --decrypt"
  1 alias gpg=gpg2
  1 alias gpg='gpg --recv-key'
  1 alias gpft='git push --follow-tags'
  1 alias gpff="git push --force"
  1 alias gpf='git push -f'
  1 alias gpf="git push --force-with-lease"
  1 alias gpf="git push --force"
  1 alias gpdt="git push --delete origin"
  1 alias gpdm="git push deis master"
  1 alias gpass="LC_ALL=C tr -dc '[:alpha:][:alnum:]' < /dev/urandom | head -c 40 | pbcopy"
  1 alias gp='grep'
  1 alias gp='git push origin $(parse_git_branch)'
  1 alias gp='git pull origin'
  1 alias gp='git pull --rebase --prune'
  1 alias gp='git pull --ff-only'
  1 alias gp='g p'
  1 alias gp="git push || git pull --rebase && git push"
  1 alias gp="git push -u origin master"
  1 alias gp="git push --set-upstream"
  1 alias gov='go vet'
  1 alias goupdate='cd ${HOME}/src/; make goinstall; cd -'
  1 alias gotvv='go test -v $(go list ./... | grep -v "/vendor/")'
  1 alias gotv='go test $(go list ./... | grep -v "/vendor/")'
  1 alias gotr='go test -run'
  1 alias gotop="TERM=xterm256-color gotop"
  1 alias gotf='go test -gocheck.f'
  1 alias gotb='go test -gocheck.b'
  1 alias gotav='go test -v ./...'
  1 alias gota='go test ./...'
  1 alias got='go test -failfast'
  1 alias gosymlink='cd $(realpath $(pwd))'
  1 alias gosh='rlwrap -b "(){}[],
  1 alias gor='go run'
  1 alias gor='go run *.go'
  1 alias gopath='export GOPATH=${PWD}; export GOBIN=${GOPATH}/bin'
  1 alias google='ping -t 3'
  1 alias google-chrome='open -a Google\ Chrome'
  1 alias goml='gometalinter --concurrency=1 --deadline=30s ./...'
  1 alias golang='command go'
  1 alias gol='go list'
  1 alias gol='export GOPATH=$(pwd); go'
  1 alias gojc='$GOPATH/src/'
  1 alias goirc="ssh -t screen -raAd"
  1 alias goi='go install'
  1 alias gogo='cd ${GOPATH}'
  1 alias gog='go get'
  1 alias gofw='goimports -local ${PWD
  1 alias gofd='goimports -local ${PWD
  1 alias gofa='go fmt . ./...'
  1 alias gof='go fmt'
  1 alias gof='go fmt ./...'
  1 alias godoc='godoc-less'
  1 alias godoc-this="godoc -http=:6060; open http://localhost:6060/pkg"
  1 alias god='go doc'
  1 alias gocoh='go test -coverprofile cover.out && go tool cover -html=cover.out'
  1 alias gocof='go test -coverprofile cover.out && go tool cover -func=cover.out'
  1 alias goc='go clean'
  1 alias go=$GO_VERSION
  1 alias go-play='nvim $GOPATH/src/main.go'
  1 alias go-list-imports="go list -f '{{join .Deps \"\n\"}}' | xargs go list -f '{{if not .Standard}}{{.ImportPath}}{{end}}'"
  1 alias gnvim="VIMRUNTIME=/usr/share/vim/vim80 GNVIM_RUNTIME_PATH=./runtime /home/xlc/src/ --nvim=/home/xlc/src/"
  1 alias gnst='git number status'
  1 alias gnome-terminal='/bin/sh -c "VTE_CJK_WIDTH=1 gnome-terminal --disable-factory"'
  1 alias gn='git number --column'
  1 alias gn='git num | wc -l'
  1 alias gmv="g mv"
  1 alias gmu='git fetch upstream && git merge upstream/master'
  1 alias gms='git merge --squash'
  1 alias gmp='gm && pu'
  1 alias gmm='run google-musicmanager'
  1 alias gmm='git merge -m'
  1 alias gml='git log --oneline --graph --all --decorate -10 $*'
  1 alias gmf='git merge --ff-only'
  1 alias gmd='git merge origin/develop'
  1 alias gmail="mutt -f imaps://"
  1 alias gmail3="mutt -f imaps://"
  1 alias gmail2="mutt -f imaps://"
  1 alias gm='git mergetool'
  1 alias gm='git merge --squash'
  1 alias gm='git merge --no-edit'
  1 alias gm='g && m'
  1 alias gm="git merge"
  1 alias gm="git merge $* && git push"
  1 alias glu="git pull upstream"
  1 alias glt="git log -n 10"
  1 alias glsu='git ls-files --others --exclude-standard'
  1 alias glsi='git ls-files -oiX .gitignore'
  1 alias gls='git log --stat'
  1 alias gls='git log --graph --pretty=format:'\''%s'\'' --abbrev-commit --date=relative --author="`git config --get`"'
  1 alias glr='git pull --rebase origin $(parse_git_branch)'
  1 alias glpm="glp master.."
  1 alias glp='gl -p'
  1 alias glp='git log -p'
  1 alias glom="git pull origin master"
  1 alias glog='git log -3'
  1 alias glog='git log --graph --oneline --decorate --all'
  1 alias glog="git log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit"
  1 alias glod="git pull origin develop"
  1 alias globalip=wanip
  1 alias globalip='curl'
  1 alias glo='git log --pretty=format:"%Cred%h%Creset %Cgreen(%cr)%Creset %s %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset%C(yellow)%d %C(cyan)(%ci)%Creset" --abbrev-commit'
  1 alias glo="git log --oneline"
  1 alias glnc='gldnc --date=relative'
  1 alias glm="gl master.."
  1 alias gll='git pretty-log'
  1 alias gll='git log --oneline --graph --decorate $*'
  1 alias gll='git ll'
  1 alias gll='git --no-pager log --pretty=format:"%Cred%h%Creset %Cgreen(%cr)%Creset %s %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset%C(yellow)%d %C(cyan)(%ci)%Creset" --abbrev-commit -n 10'
  1 alias gll="g ll"
  1 alias glg='gl --graph --branches'
  1 alias glg='git lg'
  1 alias glg='git lg --stat -C -4'
  1 alias glg="git log"
  1 alias glg="git log --stat"
  1 alias glg="git log --stat --show-signature"
  1 alias glg="git log --stat --max-count=10"
  1 alias gldnc='git_log_nocolor_custom --graph'
  1 alias gld='git_log_custom --graph --date=format:"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"'
  1 alias gld='git log -p'
  1 alias gld='git log --decorate --stat --graph --pretty=format:"%d %Cgreen%h%Creset (%ar - %Cred%an%Creset), %s%n"'
  1 alias glb='git lb'
  1 alias gla="git pull --all"
  1 alias gl='gld --date=relative'
  1 alias gl='git pull origin $(parse_git_branch)'
  1 alias gl='git log --oneline --graph --decorate -10 $*'
  1 alias gl='git log --graph --pretty=format:"%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset" --abbrev-commit'
  1 alias gl='git ll'
  1 alias gl='g l'
  1 alias gl=':sources:clone'
  1 alias gl="git pull --rebase"
  1 alias gl="git log --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit"
  1 alias gl="git log --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%an %cr)%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative"
  1 alias gl="git log --graph --format='%C(yellow)%h%Creset - %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(blue)%an %Creset'"
  1 alias gl="git log --format=format:'%C(auto)%h %C(green)%aN%Creset %Cblue%cr%Creset %s'"
  1 alias gl="git --no-pager log --oneline --decorate -n 10"
  1 alias gl="g l"
  1 alias gl1='git log -n 1'
  1 alias gj="git add .; git commit -m 'docs: update'; git push"
  1 alias gitwhat='git log -p -M --follow --stat --'
  1 alias gitv='git log --color --graph --pretty=format:"%Cred%h%Creset -%C(green)%d%Creset %s %C(yellow)(%cr) %C(blue)<%an>%Creset" --abbrev-commit --'
  1 alias gituser="bash ~/.dotfiles/git/"
  1 alias gitupstrem2master='git branch --set-upstream-to origin/master master'
  1 alias gitupstrem2develop='git branch --set-upstream-to origin/develop master'
  1 alias gitup="git push origin master"
  1 alias gittr='git tree'
  1 alias gitsy='git sync-fork-master'
  1 alias gitst='git short-status'
  1 alias gitss='git shoeshine'
  1 alias gitsearch='git rev-list --all | pv | xargs git grep -F'
  1 alias gits='git status'
  1 alias gitroot=git-root
  1 alias gitreverything='git clean -d -x -f; git reset --hard'
  1 alias gitpushboth="git push -u gatech master && git push -u origin master"
  1 alias gitpom='git push -uv origin master'
  1 alias gitp='git push'
  1 alias gitl='git log'
  1 alias gitignorevim="git ls-files | grep '\.swp$' | xargs git rm"
  1 alias giti='git add -i'
  1 alias github='open'
  1 alias github='$HOME/Projects/github'
  1 alias github-remove-draft-releases="hub release -f '%T (%S) %n' --include-drafts | grep ' (draft)' | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -t -n1 hub release delete"
  1 alias gitf='git add --all && git commit -m "Update" && git push'
  1 alias gitd9='git dammit9'
  1 alias gitd8='git dammit8'
  1 alias gitd7='git dammit7'
  1 alias gitd6='git dammit6'
  1 alias gitd5='git dammit5'
  1 alias gitd4='git dammit4'
  1 alias gitd3='git dammit3'
  1 alias gitd2='git dammit2'
  1 alias gitd1='git dammit1'
  1 alias gitconfig="z dot && vim ./git/gitconfig"
  1 alias gitc='git commit -m "Update"'
  1 alias gitauthors='git ls-tree -r -z --name-only HEAD -- * | xargs -0 -n1 git \
  1 alias gita='git add'
  1 alias git_log_nocolor_custom='git log --no-color --pretty=format:"%h %d %ad %an %s" '
  1 alias git_log_custom='git log --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h%Creset %C(cyan)%>(14)%ad%Creset %C(magenta)%<(7)%an%Creset %C(blue)%d%Creset %C(white)%s%Creset" --abbrev=7 '
  1 alias git_columnize="column -t -s $'\t'"
  1 alias gitUrl="git config --get remote.origin.url;"
  1 alias gitRemote="git remote show;"
  1 alias gitInfo="git remote show origin;"
  1 alias git=/usr/local/bin/git
  1 alias git='noglob git_wrapper'
  1 alias git='noglob git'
  1 alias git='git --no-pager'
  1 alias git-userlinecount="git ls-files | xargs -n1 -d'\n' -i git blame {} | perl -n -e '/\s\((.*?)\s[0-9]{4}/ && print \"$1\n\"' | sort -f | uniq -c -w3 | sort -r"
  1 alias git-url='git config --get remote.origin.url'
  1 alias git-upload="git push origin master"
  1 alias git-update-all-projects="sh ~/.scripts/common/ ~/_repositories/"
  1 alias git-root='cd `git rev-parse --show-toplevel`'
  1 alias git-root="git rev-parse --show-toplevel"
  1 alias git-open='open $(git remote get-url origin)'
  1 alias git-nossl="git -c http.sslVerify=false"
  1 alias git-ignorelog='git ls-files -v | grep "^h"'
  1 alias git-home='cd $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)'
  1 alias git-download="git pull origin master"
  1 alias git-cleanup="git pull --prune && git b --merged | grep -v master | xargs git b -d"
  1 alias git-clean-merged-branches='git branch --merged | egrep -v "(^\*|master)" | xargs git branch -d ; git remote prune origin'
  1 alias git-amend-yesterday='export YESTERDAYEVENING=$(LC_ALL=en_US.utf8 date --date="`echo $(( 18 + $RANDOM % 4 ))`:`echo $(( $RANDOM % 59))` yesterday") ; export GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="$YESTERDAYEVENING" ; git commit --date "$YESTERDAYEVENING" --amend ; export GIT_COMMITTER_DATE=""'
  1 alias git-amend-now='export YESTERDAYEVENING=$(LC_ALL=en_US.utf8 date -R) export GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="$YESTERDAYEVENING" ; git commit --date "$YESTERDAYEVENING" --amend ; export GIT_COMMITTER_DATE=""'
  1 alias gist='gist -p -c'
  1 alias girl='man'
  1 alias gir='git'
  1 alias gio="git open"
  1 alias gimmeh='touch'
  1 alias giga="gigalixir"
  1 alias gids="ydiff -s -c always -w 0 --staged"
  1 alias gi='git init && printf ".DS_Store\nThumbs.db\n" >> .gitignore && git add .gitignore && git commit -qm "Added standard .gitignore." && gl'
  1 alias gi='builtin cd $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)'
  1 alias gi="go install"
  1 alias ghqget='ghq get -p'
  1 alias ghist="git log --pretty=format:\"%h %ad | %s%d [%an]\" --graph --date=short"
  1 alias ghci="ghci -v0"
  1 alias ghci="$SCRIPTS/ ghci"
  1 alias ghci-stg="ghc -fforce-recomp -ddump-stg -dsuppress-idinfo -dsuppress-coercions -dsuppress-uniques -dsuppress-module-prefixes"
  1 alias ghci-core="ghci -fforce-recomp -ddump-simpl -dsuppress-idinfo -dsuppress-coercions -dsuppress-type-applications -dsuppress-uniques -dsuppress-module-prefixes"
  1 alias ghc="stack ghc"
  1 alias ghc-cmm="ghc -fforce-recomp -ddump-stg -ddump-cmm -dsuppress-idinfo -dsuppress-coercions -dsuppress-uniques -dsuppress-module-prefixes"
  1 alias gh='git-jira-hash'
  1 alias gh='git hist'
  1 alias gh='git hi'
  1 alias gh=':sources:clone'
  1 alias gh="open `git remote -v | grep fetch | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/git@/http:\/\//' | sed 's/com:/com\//'`| head -n1"
  1 alias gh="github"
  1 alias gh="github ."
  1 alias ggp='git get-put'
  1 alias gglc="cd ~ &&  ~/ggl"
  1 alias ggi='git grep -i'
  1 alias gget='git get'
  1 alias ggcmt='git commit -a'
  1 alias ggcmt='git commit  -a'
  1 alias ggc='git gc --aggressive'
  1 alias gg='gitg -c &> /dev/null &!'
  1 alias gg='git lh'
  1 alias gg='git grep -n -C2 -E'
  1 alias gg='git branch -vv'
  1 alias gg="git pull"
  1 alias gg="git grep -n"
  1 alias gfv='get_flash_videos -r 720p --subtitles'
  1 alias gfuck='git reset --hard ORIG_HEAD && git clean -fd'
  1 alias gfrbi='gfrb --interactive'
  1 alias gfpchanges="git diff --stat $1@{1} $1"
  1 alias gfp="git fetch && git pull && git submodule update"
  1 alias gfo="git fetch origin"
  1 alias gfixignore="git rm -r --cached . && git add ."
  1 alias gfix="git commit --amend"
  1 alias gfiles='touch && touch && touch  && echo "${gb} ${bf} Created, and files. 💯 ${r}" && ll'
  1 alias gf=grep_text_in_files
  1 alias gf='git diff'
  1 alias gf='cd ~/git'
  1 alias gf="git ls-tree --full-name --full-tree --name-only -r HEAD  | grep -i "
  1 alias getpkgmakepkg='pacaur -m'
  1 alias getpkgbuild='pacaur -d'
  1 alias getit="$SCRIPTS/ getit"
  1 alias getip="ifconfig | sed -En 's/;s/.*inet (addr:)?(([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*).*/\2/p'"
  1 alias getclip='xclip -selection clipboard -o'
  1 alias get='sudo apt-get install -y'
  1 alias get='curl --location --progress-bar --verbose'
  1 alias gerp="grep --color=auto"
  1 alias ged='goland $PWD'
  1 alias ge='grep-excuses'
  1 alias gdw='git diff --word-diff'
  1 alias gdw="git diff --word-diff"
  1 alias gdt='git difftool'
  1 alias gdt='git difftool -d'
  1 alias gdt="git difftool"
  1 alias gdsf="git diff --color | diff-so-fancy"
  1 alias gdsc='git diff --staged --check'
  1 alias gds='git ds'
  1 alias gds='git diff HEAD^ HEAD'
  1 alias gds='git --no-pager diff HEAD\^ HEAD'
  1 alias gds='gd --stat'
  1 alias gds="git ds"
  1 alias gdr='git push origin --delete'
  1 alias gdos='gdo --stat'
  1 alias gdo='gd origin/$(current_git_branch)'
  1 alias gdms='gd --stat master...'
  1 alias gdm='sudo systemctl start gdm'
  1 alias gdm='gd master...'
  1 alias gdm="git diff | mate"
  1 alias gdisc='git discard'
  1 alias gdhs='gdh --stat'
  1 alias gdh='gd HEAD'
  1 alias gdh="git diff HEAD"
  1 alias gdf='git diff --no-ext-diff --color | diff-so-fancy | less'
  1 alias gdelro="git remote remove origin"
  1 alias gdelinit="trash .git && git init"
  1 alias gdel="rm -rf .git"
  1 alias gdcm="git diff --cached | mate"
  1 alias gdc='git diff --check'
  1 alias gdc='git --no-pager diff --cached'
  1 alias gdc="git diff --cached"
  1 alias gdc="git dc"
  1 alias gdb='gdb -quiet'
  1 alias gdb='gdb -q'
  1 alias gdb="gdb -q"
  1 alias gdb="gdb -q "
  1 alias gd='git diff -M'
  1 alias gd='git diff --stat'
  1 alias gd='git diff --no-ext-diff -w "$@" | vim -R -'
  1 alias gd='git di'
  1 alias gd='git --no-pager diff'
  1 alias gd='g d'
  1 alias gd="git diff --stat --patch"
  1 alias gd="git diff --color"
  1 alias gd="git dd"
  1 alias gd="git d"
  1 alias gd1="git diff HEAD^"
  1 alias gcu='git reset --soft HEAD~'
  1 alias gcpupdate='gcloud components update'
  1 alias gcp='git add .; git status; git commit -S -e; git push'
  1 alias gcp="git rev-parse HEAD | xargs echo -n | pbcopy"
  1 alias gcp="git cherry-pick"
  1 alias gcp="git cherry-pick $1"
  1 alias gcp="gcloud"
  1 alias gcor='git checkoutr'
  1 alias gcop="git checkout -p"
  1 alias gcontributors="git shortlog -sn"
  1 alias gconfig="git config --global --edit"
  1 alias gcommit='git commit '
  1 alias gcommit="git commit"
  1 alias gcomfr="git checkout master && git pull --rebase"
  1 alias gcod="git checkout develop"
  1 alias gcob='git checkout -b'
  1 alias gcob="git checkout -b"
  1 alias gco='git co'
  1 alias gcnv='git commit --no-verify -m'
  1 alias gcmm='git commit --edit -m \
  1 alias gcmall="git add . && git ci -m"
  1 alias gcm='git commit'
  1 alias gcm='git commit -m'
  1 alias gcm='git cm'
  1 alias gcm="git commit -m "$1""
  1 alias gclone='git clone '
  1 alias gclone="$SCRIPTS/ clone"
  1 alias gcln="gitclone"
  1 alias gclh="gclhere"
  1 alias gclean='git remote prune origin'
  1 alias gclean="git branch | grep -v "develop" | xargs git branch -D"
  1 alias gcl='git clone --recursive'
  1 alias gcia='git commit --amend'
  1 alias gci="git commit --interactive"
  1 alias gcf='git config'
  1 alias gcf="git commit --amend --reset-author --no-edit"
  1 alias gcdf='git clean -df'
  1 alias gcdf="git clean -d -f"
  1 alias gcd='git checkout develop 2>/dev/null || git checkout master'
  1 alias gcd="git rev-list --all --pretty=format:'%cd %Cgreen%an%Creset %Cred%h%Creset - %s' --abbrev-commit --date=short  | grep -v ^commit | less -R"
  1 alias gcd="git checkout develop"
  1 alias gccount="git rev-list HEAD --count"
  1 alias gcc='nocorrect gcc'
  1 alias gcc='gcc -O2 -lm'
  1 alias gcc='colourify gcc'
  1 alias gcc="/usr/local/bin/gcc-4.8"
  1 alias gcc-w='gcc -Wall -W'
  1 alias gcc-a='gcc -ansi -pedantic -Wall -W -Wconversion -Wshadow -Wcast-qual -Wwrite-strings'
  1 alias gcbr='git checkoutr -b'
  1 alias gcb='git checkout -b'
  1 alias gcb='git checkout -B'
  1 alias gcas="git add . && git commit -S -v"
  1 alias gcanv='git commit --amend --no-verify -m'
  1 alias gcanoes='gcne --gpg-sign'
  1 alias gcanoe='gcne'
  1 alias gcanes='gcane --gpg-sign'
  1 alias gcane='git commit --amend --no-edit'
  1 alias gcamne='git commit --amend --no-edit'
  1 alias gcam='git commit -am'
  1 alias gcam='git commit -a -m'
  1 alias gcam='git commit --amend'
  1 alias gcam="git commit -am"
  1 alias gcal='gcalcli agenda --color_owner=green --color_date=white'
  1 alias gcache='git rm -r --cached .'
  1 alias gca='git commit -a'
  1 alias gca='gc -a'
  1 alias gca="git commit -a"
  1 alias gca="git commit -a -m"
  1 alias gca="git add . && git commit -v"
  1 alias gcF="git commit --amend --reset-author --verbose"
  1 alias gc='git commit -av'
  1 alias gc='git commit --no-edit'
  1 alias gc='git clone'
  1 alias gc='git add .; git status; git commit -S -e'
  1 alias gc="git commit -v"
  1 alias gc="git commit -S -v"
  1 alias gc="git clone"
  1 alias gc="git clone $1 $2"
  1 alias gc="git ci -m"
  1 alias gc="git checkout";
  1 alias gc="g c"
  1 alias gc="$HOME/dotfiles/scripts/ghci-color"
  1 alias gc-="git checkout -"
  1 alias gc!='git commit -v --amend'
  1 alias gc!='git c'
  1 alias gbv="git branch -vv"
  1 alias gbv="git branch -v"
  1 alias gbum='git branch -v --no-merged master'
  1 alias gbu='git remote update origin --prune'
  1 alias gbu='git branch -v --no-merged'
  1 alias gbs='gb list'
  1 alias gbrum='git branch -v -r --no-merged master'
  1 alias gbru='git branch -v -r --no-merged'
  1 alias gbrename="git branch -m"
  1 alias gbrd='git branch -D'
  1 alias gbrcl='git checkout --orphan'
  1 alias gbr='git for-each-ref --sort=committerdate --format="%(refname:short)%09%(subject)" refs/remotes/*/** | grep -ve "^tddium/" | git_columnize'
  1 alias gbr='git branch'
  1 alias gbr='git branch -r'
  1 alias gbr="g br"
  1 alias gbm='git branch --merged'
  1 alias gbm="git branch -m"
  1 alias gbl='git branch -v -a'
  1 alias gbl='git blame -b -w'
  1 alias gbl='gb log --stream'
  1 alias gbdr="g bdr"
  1 alias gbdm='git branch --merged | grep -v "*" |  grep -ve "^\s*master$" | xargs -n 1 git branch -d'
  1 alias gbdm="g bdm"
  1 alias gbd='git-better-diff'
  1 alias gbd='git delete-branch'
  1 alias gbd="git branch -D"
  1 alias gbc='git create-branch'
  1 alias gbaum='git branch -v -a --no-merged master'
  1 alias gbau='git branch -v -a --no-merged'
  1 alias gba='git branches'
  1 alias gba='git branch -v -a'
  1 alias gba="git branch -av"
  1 alias gbC="git checkout -B"
  1 alias gb='git for-each-ref --sort=committerdate --format="%(refname:short)%09%(subject)" refs/heads/ | git_columnize'
  1 alias gb='git branches'
  1 alias gb='gcloud builds'
  1 alias gb='cd ~/Documents/coding/github'
  1 alias gb="git branches"
  1 alias gb="git branch";
  1 alias gau='git add -u'
  1 alias gau="git remote add upstream"
  1 alias gateip=gatewayip
  1 alias gatech="cd ~/Documents/gatech"
  1 alias gas='colourify gas'
  1 alias garageinc="ssh -C bala@"
  1 alias gap='git add . -p'
  1 alias gap='git add --patch'
  1 alias gao="git remote add origin "
  1 alias gamend='git commit --amend --reuse-message=HEAD'
  1 alias game='cd "$(configurator -g gtkjsGames)\\$(configurator -g gameName)"'
  1 alias gam="git commit --amend"
  1 alias gall='git add -A'
  1 alias gai='git add -i'
  1 alias gai="git add --interactive"
  1 alias gadd='git add '
  1 alias gad="git add ."
  1 alias gac='git commit -am'
  1 alias gac='git add -A && git commit '
  1 alias gaap='ga --all && gc --amend --no-edit && ggpush --force'
  1 alias gaa='git add .'
  1 alias gaa='gA ; st'
  1 alias gaa="git add ."
  1 alias gaa="git add -A"
  1 alias gaa="git add -A ."
  1 alias gaa="git add --all"
  1 alias ga='git add .; git status'
  1 alias ga='git add .'
  1 alias ga='git add -A'
  1 alias ga="g add"
  1 alias g_s='git status --short --branch'
  1 alias g_pu='git pull'
  1 alias g_ps='git push --set-upstream'
  1 alias g_l='git log --graph --oneline --decorate --all --date-order'
  1 alias g_df='git diff --color --color-words --abbrev'
  1 alias g_co='git checkout'
  1 alias g_cm='git commit --gpg-sign -m'
  1 alias g_cleanup='git prune&&git remote prune origin&&git remote update --prune&&git fetch --tags'
  1 alias g_clean='git clean -xdf'
  1 alias g_cl='git clone'
  1 alias g_ca='git commit --gpg-sign --all'
  1 alias g_c='git commit --gpg-sign'
  1 alias g_ad='git add .'
  1 alias g_aa='git add --all'
  1 alias gF='git push --force-with-lease'
  1 alias g=grep
  1 alias g=/usr/local/bin/git
  1 alias g='noglob git_wrapper' ; compdef g=git
  1 alias g='k pkgbuild'
  1 alias g='grep'
  1 alias g='grep -F -n --color=auto'
  1 alias g='googler'
  1 alias g='googleit'
  1 alias g='go-makepkg-enhanced'
  1 alias g='git status -sb'
  1 alias g='git '
  1 alias g='be guard'
  1 alias g="grep --color=auto"
  1 alias g="git st"
  1 alias g++='g++ -O2 -lm'
  1 alias g++='colourify g++'
  1 alias fuxcode='rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/'
  1 alias fun='cd ~/Documents/Multimedia && open . && cd -'
  1 alias fumount='fusermount -u'
  1 alias full-upgrade="sudo apt-get -y update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"
  1 alias full-upgrade="sudo apt -y update && sudo apt full-upgrade"
  1 alias full-update='yaourt -Syu --aur --noconfirm'
  1 alias full-update-src='ruby ~/scripts/arch_src_update.rb'
  1 alias fuckmylife=":(){ :|: & };:"
  1 alias fucking_swap='vmstat 60 -S M'
  1 alias fucking="pkill -9 -f"
  1 alias fuck='sudo $(fc -ln -1)'
  1 alias fuck="echo Sorry."
  1 alias ftr='find ./* -name "*~" | xargs rm -rfv; find ./* -name "\
  1 alias ftp='noglob ftp'
  1 alias fsize='du -s'
  1 alias fs='foreman start'
  1 alias fs='foreman start -f'
  1 alias french='dict -d fd-fra-eng'
  1 alias freeze="./venv/bin/pip freeze >| requirements.txt"
  1 alias freemem='sudo /sbin/sysctl -w vm.drop_caches=3'
  1 alias free="free -mt"
  1 alias free="free -m"
  1 alias fre=fllvm-readelf
  1 alias fr='foreman run'
  1 alias fr='find-and-replace'
  1 alias fpush='git push --force-with-lease'
  1 alias fpsteam='flatpak run com.valvesoftware.Steam'
  1 alias fpr='() { git fetch origin pull/$1/head:pr-$1 && git checkout pr-$1 }'
  1 alias fpc='fpc -O1 -XS -gl'
  1 alias fp=free_port
  1 alias foreman='bundle exec foreman'
  1 alias forcebuild='find . | grep -i "$(configurator -g gameName)[a-z\/-]*forcebuild.txt" | while read -r line; do echo `date +%s` > "$line" ; done'
  1 alias fonts='fc-cache -fv ~/.fonts && sudo fc-cache -fv'
  1 alias fontlistja='fc-list :lang=ja | cut -d: -f1 | less'
  1 alias fontlist='fc-list | cut -d: -f1 | less'
  1 alias fomm='git fetch origin master:master'
  1 alias fom='git fetch origin master'
  1 alias follow='tail -f'
  1 alias fodd='git fetch origin develop:develop'
  1 alias fod='git fetch origin develop'
  1 alias focusOff="defaults write single-app -bool false; killall Dock"
  1 alias focus="defaults write single-app -bool true; killall Dock"
  1 alias fob=fllvm-objdump
  1 alias fnm=fllvm-nm
  1 alias fm='ranger'
  1 alias flushdns='sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder'
  1 alias flushdns='dscacheutil -flushcache'
  1 alias flushdns="sudo dscacheutil -flushcache;sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder"
  1 alias flushdns="dscacheutil -flushcache && killall -HUP mDNSResponder"
  1 alias flushDNS='sudo rndc flush'
  1 alias flush="sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder"
  1 alias flush="dscacheutil -flushcache && killall -HUP mDNSResponder"
  1 alias flush-dnscache="sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder"
  1 alias flush-dns-cache='sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder'
  1 alias flush-cache="sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder"
  1 alias floww="killall flow;flow"
  1 alias flit=fllvm-lit
  1 alias fliptable='echo (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻'
  1 alias fliptable="echo \"$USER/setup\"; echofliptable; zprezto-update; .up; brew upgrade; brew bundle check"
  1 alias flathub='flatpak install flathub'
  1 alias flac2mp3='find -name "*.flac" | parallel ffmpeg -i {} -acodec libmp3lame -ab 320k {.}.mp3 "&&" rm {}'
  1 alias fl=flash
  1 alias fk='hub fork'
  1 alias fk='eval $(thefuck $(fc -ln -1 | tail -n 1)); fc -R'
  1 alias fixwifi="sudo ifconfig wlp3s0 down; sudo ifconfig wlp3s0 up"
  1 alias fixssh='eval $(tmux showenv -s SSH_AUTH_SOCK)'
  1 alias fixssh='eval $(ssh-agent) & ssh-add'
  1 alias fixspecs="git add -A && git commit -m 'fixed failing specs.'"
  1 alias fixpng="find . -type f -name "*.png" -exec convert {} -strip {} \;"
  1 alias fixmd='prettier --write $(find . -name "*.md" ! -path "*node_modules*")'
  1 alias fixmacostools='xcode-select --install'
  1 alias fixlint="git add -A && git commit -m 'Addressed lint warnings.'"
  1 alias fixlaunchpad="defaults write ResetLaunchPad -bool true; killall Dock"
  1 alias fixgnotify="sudo chmod -R a+rwx ..."
  1 alias fixdump='git checkout -- dump.rdb'
  1 alias fix_stty='stty sane'
  1 alias fire='firefox'
  1 alias findt='find ./* -name "*~"; find ./* -name "\
  1 alias findstring='grep -rnw'
  1 alias findn=findfunction
  1 alias findmnt="grc --colour=auto findmnt"
  1 alias finder="open ."
  1 alias finder="open -R"
  1 alias findbigdir="find ./ -maxdepth 1 -type d -print0 | xargs -0 du --max-depth=1 | sort -n | tail -n 50 | tail -n +1 | cut -f2 | xargs -I{} du -sh {}"
  1 alias findbig="find ./ -type f -print0 | xargs -0 du | sort -n | tail -n 100 | cut -f2 | xargs -I{} du -sh {}"
  1 alias find_nm='find ./ -type d -name "node_modules"'
  1 alias findP="ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep "
  1 alias find=gfind
  1 alias find='noglob find'
  1 alias find='gfind'
  1 alias filesunder='find . \( -name .git -type d \) -prune -o -type f -printf "%P\0"'
  1 alias filesmissing='find . -maxdepth 2 -xtype l'
  1 alias files="ranger"
  1 alias fileShowExtensionsOn="defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleShowAllExtensions -bool true"
  1 alias figup='docker-compose up'
  1 alias figt='docker-compose -f docker-compose-test.yml'
  1 alias figd='docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml'
  1 alias fig='docker-compose'
  1 alias ficftp="ssh fic"
  1 alias fic="ssh ficweb"
  1 alias fgrep='fgrep --color=auto --binary-file=without-match'
  1 alias fgrep="fgrep $DIRCOLOR"
  1 alias ffmpeg='avconv'
  1 alias ffind='find . -name'
  1 alias fff='fuck'
  1 alias ffeh='feh -F'
  1 alias ff='git merge --ff-only'
  1 alias ff='find . -type f -iname '
  1 alias ff='find . -name "*~" -type f -delete'
  1 alias ff='MOZ_NO_REMOTE= firefox -p default &'
  1 alias ff-dev='MOZ_NO_REMOTE= firefox -p development &'
  1 alias fetchall-gl='ssh_fetchall ""'
  1 alias fetchall-gh='ssh_fetchall ""'
  1 alias fetch='neofetch --crop_mode fit'
  1 alias fetch="git fetch"
  1 alias fer='echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf'
  1 alias feh='feh -q -g 1880x980 --scale-down --auto-zoom'
  1 alias feh='feh -q --scale-down --auto-zoom'
  1 alias feh='feh -.'
  1 alias feh='feh --geometry 900x600'
  1 alias feh='feh --draw-filename --draw-tinted --image-bg black --scale-down --fontpath /home/loki/.local/share/fonts/Hack/ --font Hack-Regular/10'
  1 alias fecvps="ssh fec"
  1 alias fdns="curl -k -s -L ''"
  1 alias fdisk='sudo fdisk'
  1 alias fdisk="grc --colour=auto fdisk"
  1 alias fdis=fllvm-dis
  1 alias fdiff=fllvm-diff
  1 alias fdf="fff"
  1 alias fd='sudo fastboot devices'
  1 alias fd='fdfind';
  1 alias fcd="fd"
  1 alias fcbb='cbc && cbb && cbh'
  1 alias fc="sudo fc-cache -fv"
  1 alias fbtermrc="nvim ~/.fbtermrc"
  1 alias fbswp="cd ~ && cd fbswp"
  1 alias fbqwp="cd ~ && cd fbqwp"
  1 alias fbd='sudo fastboot devices'
  1 alias fb='sudo fastboot '
  1 alias fb='foreman run bundle exec'
  1 alias fastping='ping -c 1 -s 1'
  1 alias fastnet="sudo ipfw flush"
  1 alias fas=fllvm-as
  1 alias fake="cat /dev/urandom | hexdump -C | grep 'ca fe'"
  1 alias fact="curl -s | sed -n 's/.*<i>\(.*\)<\/i>.*/\1/p'"
  1 alias facebook='open'
  1 alias f=finger
  1 alias f=fd
  1 alias f='fselect'
  1 alias f='foreman'
  1 alias f='find . -name'
  1 alias f='file'
  1 alias f='() { find -iname "*$1*" "${@:2}" }'
  1 alias f="fuck"
  1 alias f="finger"
  1 alias f="find"
  1 alias f=""
  1 alias f8='flake8'
  1 alias ez='nvim ~/.zshrc'
  1 alias externalip=wanip
  1 alias exportKarabiner="/Applications/ export > ~/.pqrs/"
  1 alias expo="cd /Users/$USER/Dropbox/bin && co"
  1 alias explicit="pacman -Qet"
  1 alias exif-remove="exiftool -all= "
  1 alias exat='exa --tree --level=3'
  1 alias exal='exa -lFh --group-directories-first'
  1 alias ex='exit'
  1 alias evince='open -a Preview'
  1 alias everysec='watch -n 1'
  1 alias ev="$EDITOR ~/.vimrc"
  1 alias etterspoof="sudo ettercap -T -M arp:remote -P autoadd / /"
  1 alias etime='ps -o cmd,etime -C'
  1 alias ethspeed="speedometer -r enp0s25"
  1 alias ethernet_on="sudo ifconfig en0 up"
  1 alias ethernet_off="sudo ifconfig en0 down"
  1 alias et='emacsclient -t'
  1 alias et="sudo rm -rfv /Volumes/*/.Trashes; rm -rfv ~/.Trash; sudo rm /private/var/vm/sleepimage"
  1 alias et="emacsclient -t"
  1 alias et="emacs -nw"
  1 alias et="TERM=xterm-24bit emacs -nw"
  1 alias et="$EDITOR ~/.tmux.conf"
  1 alias eslintspecific="yarn run eslint:specific -- --fix"
  1 alias es='ember server'
  1 alias es="esearch -c"
  1 alias es="$SCRIPTS/"
  1 alias eris='ssh wolke -t tmux attach -t eris'
  1 alias erepl='rlwrap elm repl'
  1 alias er='egrep -rI'
  1 alias eq=equery
  1 alias ep='echo $PATH'
  1 alias eog='open -a Preview'
  1 alias eof='IGNOREEOF=3'
  1 alias envansible='source /opt/install/ansible/hacking/env-setup'
  1 alias envactivate='source ./*/bin/activate'
  1 alias env='env | sort'
  1 alias entr="find . -not -path './node_modules/*' -not -name '*.swp' | entr sh -c"
  1 alias enter_matrix='echo -e "\e[32m"; while :; do for i in {1..16}; do r="$(($RANDOM % 2))"; if [[ $(($RANDOM % 5)) == 1 ]]; then if [[ $(($RANDOM % 4)) == 1 ]]; then v+="\e[1m $r   "; else v+="\e[2m $r   "; fi; else v+="     "; fi; done; echo -e "$v"; v=""; done'
  1 alias enpl='launch_gmplayer eng,rus,jap'
  1 alias enhance=ne
  1 alias encodingof='file -I'
  1 alias enableipv6='sudo sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=0'
  1 alias en='LANG=en_US.UTF8 LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8'
  1 alias emx='emacs -nw'
  1 alias emq='emacs -q'
  1 alias emptytrash="sudo rm -rfv /Volumes/*/.Trashes; sudo rm -rfv ~/.Trash; sudo rm -rfv /private/var/log/asl/*.asl"
  1 alias emptytrash="sudo rm -rfv /Volumes/*/.Trashes; rm -rfv ~/.Trash; sudo rm /private/var/vm/sleepimage"
  1 alias emptymail="echo > /var/mail/ahmadawais && echo 'DONE!!! 💯'"
  1 alias emptrash='trash-empty'
  1 alias emn='emacs --no-desktop'
  1 alias emd='rm -rf ~/.emacs.elc && emacs --debug-init'
  1 alias email="mutt"
  1 alias emacsconf="emacs ~/.emacs.d/"
  1 alias emacsclient="/usr/local/Cellar/emacs-mac/HEAD-7403929/bin/emacsclient"
  1 alias emacs='vi'
  1 alias emacs="emacs -q --load '~/.emacs.d/personal/custom_term.el'"
  1 alias emacs="emacs -nw"
  1 alias emacs-mini='emacs -Q --load ~/.emacs.d/init-mini.el'
  1 alias em=emerge
  1 alias em='sudo emerge --ask'
  1 alias em="$EDITOR ~/.muttrc"
  1 alias el='exal'
  1 alias eject='drutil eject'
  1 alias eject="diskutil unmount"
  1 alias eje="$SCRIPTS/ eject"
  1 alias ej="emoji-finder --dango"
  1 alias egrep='grep --color=auto'
  1 alias egrep='egrep --color=auto --binary-file=without-match'
  1 alias egrep='egrep --color'
  1 alias egrep='egrep '$o
  1 alias egrep="egrep $DIRCOLOR"
  1 alias eg=__fzf_edit_git_files
  1 alias eg='ember generate '
  1 alias eg="$EDITOR ~/.gitconfig"
  1 alias ef='emacsclient -n -c'
  1 alias ef="emacs -Q -nw"
  1 alias ef="$EDITOR ~/.config/fish/"
  1 alias edw="atom -a -n ."
  1 alias edit='subl3'
  1 alias edit='subl'
  1 alias edit='edit-file'
  1 alias edit="emacs -nw"
  1 alias edit="$EDITOR"
  1 alias edg='goland $PWD'
  1 alias eda="atom -a ."
  1 alias ed="emacs --daemon"
  1 alias ed="atom ."
  1 alias echoserver="socat -v -T0.05 TCP-L:8080,reuseaddr,fork \
  1 alias echofliptable="echo '\n(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻\n'"
  1 alias ec="emacsclient -t"
  1 alias ec="emacsclient -c"
  1 alias ec2='cd ~/certs && ssh -i "aws-ec2-small-20170914.pem"'
  1 alias ebrh='nvim ~/Documents/coding/bash/headers/brh'
  1 alias eb="exec zsh"
  1 alias eb="$EDITOR ~/.bash_profile"
  1 alias e_yabar='nvim ~/.config/yabar/yabar.conf'
  1 alias e_xresources='nvim ~/.Xresources && xrdb ~/.Xresources'
  1 alias e_php_conf='sudo nvim /etc/php/php.ini'
  1 alias e_i3config='nvim ~/.config/i3/config'
  1 alias e_httpd_conf='sudo nvim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf'
  1 alias eZ="vim ~/.bashrc"
  1 alias eT="$SCRIPTS/network/"
  1 alias e=emacs
  1 alias e=edit
  1 alias e='open-with-vim'
  1 alias e='nohup emacs >/dev/null &'
  1 alias e='fzf | xargs -r $EDITOR'
  1 alias e='f -e nvim'
  1 alias e='ember '
  1 alias e='emacsclient'
  1 alias e='emacsclient -n'
  1 alias e='emacsclient --tty --alternate-editor=""'
  1 alias e='egrep'
  1 alias e='atom .'
  1 alias e=':git:rebase-interactive'
  1 alias e='${EDITOR}'
  1 alias e='$VISUAL'
  1 alias e="emc -nw"
  1 alias e="emacsclient -t"
  1 alias e="emacsclient -c"
  1 alias e="emacsclient -c -t -a mg";
  1 alias e="emacs -nw"
  1 alias e="atom"
  1 alias e="\$EDITOR"
  1 alias e="${EDITOR}"
  1 alias e="${EDITOR:-vim}"
  1 alias e="$EDITOR ."
  1 alias e3="vim ~/.config/i3/config"
  1 alias e.="${EDITOR} ."
  1 alias dwdiff='dwdiff -c -L -C3'
  1 alias dw="darcs whatsnew"
  1 alias dvl="docker volume ls"
  1 alias dvidrc="st ~/.netrc"
  1 alias dvidconfig="st /etc/youtube-dl.conf"
  1 alias dvi="docker volume inspect"
  1 alias dvdburn="growisofs -Z /dev/cdrom -J -R"
  1 alias dvc="docker volume create"
  1 alias dusort='du -x --block-size=1048576 | sort -nr'
  1 alias dusk="art dusk"
  1 alias dused='du -sh'
  1 alias dus='du --summarize'
  1 alias dus="duf | sort -n"
  1 alias dupes='dupes --no-write'
  1 alias dup="pushd dotfiles && git checkout master && git pull && git checkout - && popd && qq"
  1 alias dump='sudo screendump > ~/output.txt'
  1 alias dud="du -h -d 0"
  1 alias ducolor='cdu -i -s -dh'
  1 alias ducks='du -cksh * | sort -rn|head -11'
  1 alias ducks='du -cks * | sort -rn | head -15'
  1 alias duc='du -hd1'
  1 alias duS='du -sk * | sort -n'
  1 alias du='ncdu -x --exclude .git --exclude node_modules'
  1 alias du='gdu -h'
  1 alias du='du -shc'
  1 alias du='du -sh'
  1 alias du='du -hs'
  1 alias du='du -hc'
  1 alias du='du -h --max-depth=1'
  1 alias du='du -d1 -h'
  1 alias du='du -csh'
  1 alias du="ncdu --color dark -rr -x --exclude .git --exclude node_modules"
  1 alias du="du -kh"
  1 alias du="du -cksh"
  1 alias du="du -chs"
  1 alias du2='du -d 2'
  1 alias du1s='gdu --max-depth=1 | sort -h'
  1 alias du1s='du --max-depth=1 | sort -h'
  1 alias du1='gdu --max-depth=1 | sort -k2'
  1 alias du1='du -d 1 -BM | sort -n -k1 -r | less -XSF'
  1 alias du1='du --max-depth=1 | sort -k2'
  1 alias du0='gdu --max-depth=0'
  1 alias du0='du --max-depth=0'
  1 alias du!="di! $DOTFILES_PROFILE"
  1 alias dtrx="dtrx -v --one=here"
  1 alias dtree="docker run -it --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock nate/dockviz images -t"
  1 alias dt='cd ~/Desktop'
  1 alias dt='cd $DOTFILES && git status -s'
  1 alias dsug="python show_urls | grep "
  1 alias dsu="python show_urls"
  1 alias dstop="docker stop"
  1 alias dstdel="find . -name ‘*.DS_Store’ -type f -delete"
  1 alias dstat='dstat -cdlmnpsy'
  1 alias dstart="docker start"
  1 alias dsstore-clean='find . -type f -name .DS_Store -delete'
  1 alias dsss="docker-sync-stack start"
  1 alias dssc="docker-sync-stack clean"
  1 alias dss="ydiff -s -w 0 -c auto HEAD"
  1 alias dsps="python shell_plus --print-sql"
  1 alias dsp="python shell_plus"
  1 alias dsjs="cd ~ &&  ~/dsjs"
  1 alias dsize='du -hs'
  1 alias dsf='git diff'
  1 alias dsa='du -h --all --max-depth=1 --one-file-system 2> /dev/null | sort -h'
  1 alias ds='pwd > /tmp/cwd'
  1 alias ds='du -hs'
  1 alias ds="python shell_plus --print-sql"
  1 alias ds="cd ~/Sites"
  1 alias drr='deis releases | tac'
  1 alias drps="python runserver_plus --print-sql --pm --no-color"
  1 alias drp="python runserver_plus"
  1 alias dropbox="cd $HOME/Dropbox/"
  1 alias drmvd='sudo docker volume rm $(sudo docker volume ls -q -f dangling=true)'
  1 alias drmid='drmi $(sudo docker images -q -f dangling=true)'
  1 alias drmi="sudo docker rmi"
  1 alias drmi="docker rmi"
  1 alias drmf='docker stop $(docker ps -a -q) && docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)'
  1 alias drmf="docker rm -f"
  1 alias drmcd='drm $(dps -q -f status=exited -f status=created)'
  1 alias drm="sudo docker rm"
  1 alias drm="docker rm"
  1 alias dri="docker run -ti"
  1 alias dr='cd "$(</tmp/cwd)"'
  1 alias dr="sudo docker run --rm -it"
  1 alias dr="python runserver_plus --pm --no-color"
  1 alias dr="python runserver --no-color"
  1 alias dr="darcs record"
  1 alias dpurge="drmcd ; drmvd ; drmid ;sudo docker network prune -f"
  1 alias dps='docker ps'
  1 alias dps="sudo docker ps -a"
  1 alias dps="docker ps -a"
  1 alias dps="docker ps --format 'table {{.ID}}\t{{.Names}}\t{{.Status}}'"
  1 alias dpmson="xset +dpms && xset s on"
  1 alias dpmsoff="xset -dpms && xset s off"
  1 alias dpkgrepair='sudo dpkg --configure -a'
  1 alias dpaste="curl -F 'format=url' -F 'content=<-'"
  1 alias dpa="docker ps -a"
  1 alias dp='j py && workon py35 && ipython'
  1 alias downcase-cd='cd $(pwd | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]")'
  1 alias down-song='youtube-dl -o "~/Music/%(title)s.%(ext)s" --format m4a'
  1 alias dowant='cp'
  1 alias dov="docker volume"
  1 alias dots='cd ~/Documents/coding/github/i3config/'
  1 alias dots='cd $dots'
  1 alias dots='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.doots/ --work-tree=$HOME'
  1 alias dots="atom ~/Code/dotfiles"
  1 alias dotpng="dot -Tpng -O"
  1 alias dotfiles='git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles/ --work-tree=$HOME'
  1 alias dotfiles='cd ~/Dropbox/AeonNeo/dotfiles'
  1 alias dotfiles='cd /opt/code/dotfiles'
  1 alias dotfiles='/opt/pongstr'
  1 alias dotfiles='(cd ${DOTFILES_PATH} && git pull) ; (cd ${DOTFILES_PATH}/../private && git pull) ; source ~/.zshrc'
  1 alias dotfiles="ls -a | grep '^\.' | grep --invert-match '\.DS_Store\|\.$'"
  1 alias dotfiles="cd ~/Sites/dotfiles"
  1 alias dotfiles="cd ~/Dev/dotfiles/"
  1 alias dotfiles="bash <(curl -fsSL"
  1 alias dotenv="eval \$(egrep -v '^
  1 alias dotedit="$VISUAL ~/dotfiles/"
  1 alias dot='la `find ~ -maxdepth 1 -type l`'
  1 alias dot='cd ~/.dotfiles'
  1 alias dot="cd ~/dotfiles/"
  1 alias dot="cd ~ && cd /Users/$USER/dotFiles"
  1 alias dormi="docker rmi"
  1 alias dorm="docker rm"
  1 alias dops="docker ps"
  1 alias doom='cd "/media/ENTRTAIN/root/Music/Metal/Doom Metal"'
  1 alias donotwant='rm'
  1 alias dolphin='dolphin4'
  1 alias dokku='bash $HOME/.dokku/contrib/'
  1 alias dok="docker kill"
  1 alias doi="docker images"
  1 alias dog='bat --color always --style numbers --theme TwoDark'
  1 alias doe="docker exec"
  1 alias documentaries='cd /media/ENTRTAIN/root/Videos/tv_and_movies/Documentaries'
  1 alias dockviz="docker run -it --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock nate/dockviz"
  1 alias dockviz="docker run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock nate/dockviz"
  1 alias dockerrunml4t='docker run -it -v "$(pwd)":/app cs7646'
  1 alias dockerpsrecent='docker ps -l --format=$FORMAT'
  1 alias dockerpsall='docker ps -a --format=$FORMAT'
  1 alias dockerkillall='docker kill $(docker ps -q)'
  1 alias dockercleani='printf "\n>>> Deleting untagged images\n\n" && docker rmi $(docker images -q -f dangling=true)'
  1 alias dockercleanc='printf "\n>>> Deleting stopped containers\n\n" && docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)'
  1 alias dockerclean='dockercleanc || true && dockercleani'
  1 alias docker='jq -s "reduce .[] as \$x ({}; . * \$x)" $HOME/.docker/config.d/*.json > ~/.docker/config.json && docker'
  1 alias docker4mac="screen $HOME/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/vms/0/tty"
  1 alias docker.cleanps="docker ps --all | grep Exited | awk '{print \$1}' | xargs docker rm"
  1 alias docker.cleanimages="docker images | g '^<none>' | awk '{print \$3}' | docker rmi"
  1 alias docker-remove-dangling-volumes="docker volume ls -qf dangling=true | xargs docker volume rm"
  1 alias docker-remove-dangling-images="docker images -qf dangling=true | xargs docker rmi"
  1 alias docker-ip="docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}'"
  1 alias docker-compose="/usr/local/bin/docker-compose"
  1 alias docker-cleanup=docker ps -a | grep Exit | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | xargs docker rm
  1 alias docker-clean-volumes='docker volume ls --filter dangling=true | xargs docker volume rm'
  1 alias docker-clean-images='docker images --filter "dangling=true" -q | xargs docker rmi'
  1 alias docker-clean-containers='docker ps --filter "status=exited" -a -q | xargs docker rm -v'
  1 alias docker-clean-containers="docker ps -aq -f status=exited -f status=created | xargs docker rm --force"
  1 alias dockStackHoverOn="defaults write mouse-over-hilite-stack -boolean yes;killall Dock"
  1 alias dockShowRecentAppsOnRight="defaults write persistent-others -array-add '{"tile-data" = {"list-type" = 1;}; "tile-type" = "recents-tile";}'; killall Dock"
  1 alias dockShowRecentAppsOnLeft="defaults write persistent-apps -array-add '{ "tile-data" = { "list-type" = 1; }; "tile-type" = "recents-tile"; }' && killall Dock"
  1 alias dockShowOnlyActiveOn="defaults write static-only -bool TRUE; killall Dock"
  1 alias dockShowOnlyActiveOff="defaults write static-only -bool FALSE; killall Dock"
  1 alias dockSetSize="defaults write tilesize -int 40"
  1 alias dockNewListViewOn="defaults write use-new-list-stack -bool YES; killall Dock"
  1 alias dockNewListViewOff="defaults write use-new-list-stack -bool NO;killall Dock"
  1 alias dockDisableSizeChange="defaults write size-immutable -bool yes"
  1 alias dockDisableContentChange="defaults write contents-immutable -bool yes"
  1 alias dockDisableAutoHide="defaults write position-immutable -bool yes"
  1 alias dock='bash ~/ && i3-msg restart'
  1 alias doc=''
  1 alias dnscf="sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder"
  1 alias dnscacheflush="sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder"
  1 alias dnr='dotnet run'
  1 alias dnfu="sudo dnf upgrade"
  1 alias dnfs="dnf search"
  1 alias dnfrl="sudo dnf remove --remove-leaves"
  1 alias dnfr="sudo dnf remove"
  1 alias dnfp="dnf info"
  1 alias dnfl="dnf list"
  1 alias dnfi="sudo dnf install"
  1 alias dnfh="sudo dnf history"
  1 alias dnfgr="sudo dnf groupremove"
  1 alias dnfcu="dnf check-update"
  1 alias dnfc="sudo dnf clean all"
  1 alias dn='python shell_plus --notebook'
  1 alias dmsg='less +F /var/log/dmesg'
  1 alias dmmm="dmm && dm"
  1 alias dmm="python makemigrations"
  1 alias dmls='docker-machine ls'
  1 alias dmesg='sudo dmesg'
  1 alias dmesg='dmesg -H --color=always'
  1 alias dmesg='dmesg --color=always'
  1 alias dmesg="dmesg -T|sed -e 's|\(^.*'`date +%Y`']\)\(.*\)|\x1b[0;34m\1\x1b[0m - \2|g'"
  1 alias dmesg="dmesg -L"
  1 alias dmesg="dmesg --color=always"
  1 alias dmesg="dmesg --color"
  1 alias dme='eval $(docker-machine env default)'
  1 alias dme="docker-machine env"
  1 alias dmdwp="cd ~ && cd dmdwp"
  1 alias dm=docker-machine
  1 alias dm="xrandr --output LVDS1 --auto --left-of VGA1 --primary && ./.fehbg"
  1 alias dm="python migrate"
  1 alias dlogs="docker logs"
  1 alias dlboxs2='ssh dlboxs2'
  1 alias dlboxs1='ssh dlboxs1'
  1 alias dlbox9='ssh dlbox9'
  1 alias dlbox8='ssh dlbox8'
  1 alias dlbox7='ssh dlbox7'
  1 alias dl='deis logs'
  1 alias dl='curl --continue-at - --location --progress-bar --remote-name --remote-time'
  1 alias dl='cd ~/Downloads'
  1 alias dl="darcs log"
  1 alias dl="cd ~/dl"
  1 alias dl="cd ~/Dropbox/Downloads"
  1 alias dkr=dk' run'
  1 alias dkps=dk' ps'
  1 alias dkl='deis keys:list'
  1 alias dki=dk' images'
  1 alias dki="docker run -t -i -P"
  1 alias dki="docker run -it -P"
  1 alias dkc='sudo docker-compose'
  1 alias dkbc=dk' build .'
  1 alias dkb=dk' build'
  1 alias dka='deis keys:add'
  1 alias dk='sudo docker'
  1 alias djt='python test'
  1 alias djrp='python runserver_plus'
  1 alias djr='python runserver'
  1 alias djcd="python createsuperuser --username f --email"
  1 alias djc="python createsuperuser"
  1 alias djangocreate="django-admin startproject"
  1 alias dj='python'
  1 alias dj="python"
  1 alias dj="djinn"
  1 alias dist-upgrade='sudo apt full-upgrade'
  1 alias display='open -a Preview'
  1 alias diskspace="df -P -kHl"
  1 alias disk-usage='sudo du -xcms * 2>/dev/null | sort -rn | head -11'
  1 alias disass="objdump -M intel -d"
  1 alias disableipv6='sudo sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1'
  1 alias disable_mouse_acceleration='defaults write .GlobalPreferences -1'
  1 alias disableNotificationCenter="launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/"
  1 alias dirs="dirs -v"
  1 alias dirf='find . -type d | sed -e "s/[^-][^\/]*\//  |/g" -e "s/|\([^ ]\)/|-\1/"'
  1 alias dir="ls -lSrah"
  1 alias dir="ls -l"
  1 alias dir="dir --color=auto"
  1 alias dir="command ls -lSrah"
  1 alias dins="docker inspect"
  1 alias dimg="docker images"
  1 alias dii='deis info'
  1 alias digitalo="ssh leaf@"
  1 alias dig='colourify dig'
  1 alias dig="dig +nocmd any +multiline +noall +answer"
  1 alias diffh="diff2html"
  1 alias diffb="arc diff --browse"
  1 alias diff='icdiff'
  1 alias diff='git diff --color-words'
  1 alias diff='diff -u --color'
  1 alias diff='diff -Nuar'
  1 alias diff='colourify diff'
  1 alias diff='colordiff -u'
  1 alias diff='colordiff -Nuar'
  1 alias diff="git difftool"
  1 alias diff="diff -uN"
  1 alias diff="command diff --color=auto -u"
  1 alias diff="colordiff -ru"
  1 alias diff="arc diff"
  1 alias diff-s='diff -y --suppress-common-line '
  1 alias die='killall -9 python'
  1 alias di='deis '
  1 alias di="sudo docker images | head -n 1 && sudo docker images | tail -n +2 | sort"
  1 alias di="cd $DOTFILES && ./dotfiles install"
  1 alias di!="cd $DOTFILES && git-smart-pull && ./bootstrap"
  1 alias dhcp="sudo dhclient enp3s0"
  1 alias dg='desk go'
  1 alias dfree='df -h'
  1 alias dfiles="cd ~/.dotfiles"
  1 alias dfiles="cd ~ && cd web/dotFiles"
  1 alias dfh='df -h'
  1 alias df='gdf -h'
  1 alias df='df -h | grep --color=no -e "^Filesystem\|^/dev/"'
  1 alias df='cd ~/dotfiles'
  1 alias df="df -kTh"
  1 alias df="df -hT"
  1 alias dex="docker exec -i -t"
  1 alias dex2jar=$HOME/tools/android/dex2jar-
  1 alias devlink='nginx_setup'
  1 alias devdl="devd -l -x '**/*{.bak,.txt,.ml,.cmt,.cmx,.cmi,.cmo,.native,_digests,_log,.depends,.o,.byte,.where,.db,.digest-db,.to-delete-in-source-tree,.universe-state,log}' ."
  1 alias devct="cd ~ &&  ~/devct && cd cptheme"
  1 alias devcs="/Users/ahmadawais/Library/Application\ Support/Local\ by\ Flywheel/ssh-entry/"
  1 alias devcpapi="cd ~ &&  ~/cpapi"
  1 alias devcp="cd ~ &&  ~/devcp"
  1 alias dev='cd ~/dev'
  1 alias dev="cd ~ && cd webdev"
  1 alias dev="cd $DIR_DEV"
  1 alias detach="udisks --detach"
  1 alias detach-sdb="udisks --detach /dev/sdb"
  1 alias desc='cd "$(configurator -g ContentDescGamesFolder)"'
  1 alias des="cd Desktop"
  1 alias deps="comp install && npm install && npm run dev"
  1 alias deploy='git push heroku master'
  1 alias delpwd="rm -rf "$(pwd -P)"/*"
  1 alias deleteremotebranch="git push -u origin"
  1 alias deletebranch="git branch -d"
  1 alias delete='rm'
  1 alias deldot="rm -rf .*"
  1 alias del=/bin/rm
  1 alias del='rmtrash'
  1 alias del="rm -rf"
  1 alias del="mv -t ~/.Trash/"
  1 alias ded="rm -rf ${HOME}/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData"
  1 alias debs-by-size="dpkg-query -Wf 'x \${Installed-Size} \${Package} \${Status}\n' | sed -ne '/^x  /d' -e '/^x \(.*\) install ok installed$/s//\1/p' | sort -nr"
  1 alias deathmetal='cd "/media/ENTRTAIN/root/Music/Metal/Death Metal"'
  1 alias deathgrind='cd "/media/ENTRTAIN/root/Music/Metal/Death Grind"'
  1 alias deathcore='cd /media/ENTRTAIN/root/Music/Metal/Deathcore'
  1 alias deactivate="pyenv deactivate"
  1 alias de='sudo salt master state.highstate saltenv=web'
  1 alias de='setxkbmap de'
  1 alias de='cd $DOTFILES/.deadfiles && git status -s'
  1 alias dd="dd"
  1 alias dcup="docker-compose up"
  1 alias dcu="docker-compose up -d --no-recreate"
  1 alias dcso="docker-compose stop"
  1 alias dcsa="docker-compose start"
  1 alias dcrs="docker container run --rm -i -t --entrypoint /bin/sh"
  1 alias dcrm="docker-compose rm"
  1 alias dcr="docker-compose run"
  1 alias dcr="docker-compose run --rm"
  1 alias dcode='~/Documents/D/'
  1 alias dcm='python compilemessages && python makemessages'
  1 alias dck-stop-all='docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)'
  1 alias dck-rm-all='docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)'
  1 alias dcg='cd ~/Dropbox/AeonNeo/UC\-Davis/DCG'
  1 alias dcf="sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder"
  1 alias dcc="./"
  1 alias dcb="docker-compose build"
  1 alias dc=docker-compose
  1 alias dc='cd'
  1 alias dc="sudo docker-compose"
  1 alias dbundle='/home/kataria/work/opensource/bundler/bin/bundle'
  1 alias dbstatus='sudo systemctl status mariadb.service'
  1 alias dbreset="rake db:drop && rake db:create && rake db:migrate && rake db:seed"
  1 alias dbp='dpkg-buildpackage'
  1 alias dbgif="cd dbgif"
  1 alias db='~/.dropbox-dist/dropboxd'
  1 alias db="cd db"
  1 alias db-reset="be rake db:drop db:create db:migrate db:test:prepare"
  1 alias date='gdate'
  1 alias datbc="ssh -t"
  1 alias dash='open /Applications/'
  1 alias dal='deis apps:list'
  1 alias dad='deis apps:destroy -a'
  1 alias da='deactivate'
  1 alias dU='du --max-depth=1 -h --apparent-size | sort -rh'
  1 alias d=docker
  1 alias d='less'
  1 alias d='git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles/ --work-tree=$HOME'
  1 alias d='download'
  1 alias d='desk'
  1 alias d='date +"%Y%m%d"'
  1 alias d='cd'
  1 alias d='cd ~/Documents/Dropbox'
  1 alias d="pwd"
  1 alias d="kitty +kitten diff"
  1 alias d="du -h -d=1"
  1 alias d="dirs -v"
  1 alias d="dir"
  1 alias d="cd ~/Dropbox"
  1 alias d="cd ~/Documents/Dropbox"
  1 alias d="cd ~/Documents && ls -a"
  1 alias d="cd ~/Desktop"
  1 alias d="cd ~/.dotfiles"
  1 alias cya='reboot'
  1 alias cvssh='TERM=xterm-256color; sshpass -p "$(pass claro/ssh/varas)" '\
  1 alias cvpn='sudo pkill -INT -f openconnect; stoken | sudo openconnect '\
  1 alias current_branch=git_current_branch
  1 alias curltime='curl -w "@$HOME/.curl-format" -o /dev/null -s'
  1 alias curlng='/usr/local/Cellar/curl/7.46.0/bin/curl'
  1 alias curlhead='curl -s -D - -o /dev/null'
  1 alias curlh="curl -s -D - -o /dev/null"
  1 alias curl="curl $CURL_OPTS"
  1 alias curl-trace='curl -w "@${HOME}/.dotfiles/ln/curl-format" -o /dev/null -s'
  1 alias cupdate="/usr/local/bin/composer self-update"
  1 alias cucumber='bundle exec cucumber'
  1 alias cucumber-unused-steps='vim --cmd "set errorformat=%m\ \
  1 alias cu='curl -LO'
  1 alias cu="composer update"
  1 alias ctssh='TERM=xterm-256color; sshpass -p "$(pass claro/ssh/tcal)" '\
  1 alias ctop="TERM=xterm256-color ctop"
  1 alias ctl='sudo systemctl '
  1 alias ctjgd='cd ~/Documents/coding/java/games'
  1 alias ctjd='cd ~/Documents/coding/java'
  1 alias ctjbds='cd ~/Documents/coding/java/games/battleship/server'
  1 alias ctjbdc='cd ~/Documents/coding/java/games/battleship/client'
  1 alias ctjbd='cd ~/Documents/coding/java/games/battleship'
  1 alias ctgs='ctags -Rf .ctags'
  1 alias ctc='cd ~/Documents/coding'
  1 alias ctbd='cd ~/Documents/coding/bash/scripts'
  1 alias ctags='/usr/local/bin/ctags'
  1 alias ctags="ctags --exclude=.git --exclude=log"
  1 alias ctags="`brew --prefix`/bin/ctags"
  1 alias cta='caffeinate -d tmux at'
  1 alias ct=cat
  1 alias ct='crontab '
  1 alias ct='cabal new-test'
  1 alias ct="ctags -R --exclude=.git --exclude=node_modules"
  1 alias csysdig="sudo csysdig"
  1 alias csvshowcolumns='csvcut -c'
  1 alias csvshowallcolumns='csvcut -n'
  1 alias csvcount='csvstat --count'
  1 alias csphotography="cd ~/Sites/gatech/cs6475/Assignments"
  1 alias csi='csi -q'
  1 alias csa="cd ~/src/academy"
  1 alias cs=$BASE_DIR'/ubuntu/bin/'
  1 alias cru='composer update        --ignore-platform-reqs'
  1 alias crr='composer require       --ignore-platform-reqs'
  1 alias croutes='bundle exec rake croutes'
  1 alias crontab="VISUAL=vim crontab"
  1 alias cri='composer install       --ignore-platform-reqs'
  1 alias crep="grep --color=always"
  1 alias createreactnative="create-react-native-app"
  1 alias createreact="create-react-app"
  1 alias create_commit_range_patch="git format-patch"
  1 alias crd='composer require --dev --ignore-platform-reqs'
  1 alias cra="create-react-app"
  1 alias cr='clementine -r'
  1 alias cr='cargo run --'
  1 alias cr='cabal new-repl'
  1 alias cr="composer require"
  1 alias cpwd='pwd|xargs echo -n|pbcopy'
  1 alias cpwd='pwd|tr -d "\n"|pbcopy'
  1 alias cpuinfo='lscpu'
  1 alias cpu='top -o cpu'
  1 alias cpu='top -F -R -o cpu'
  1 alias cpu='ps aux | sort -nk 3'
  1 alias cpu="printf '\033[?7l' && ps aux | sed -n 1p && ps aux | sort -b -n -k 3 | tail -n 30 && printf '\033[?7h'"
  1 alias cpr='cp -r'
  1 alias cpr='cp -pR'
  1 alias cpr="cp -r"
  1 alias cppwd='echo -n $PWD | pbcopy'
  1 alias cpicker="gcolor2"
  1 alias cpf='celery purge --force'
  1 alias cpdb=' PGPASSWORD="$(pass claro/postgres/tcal)" pgcli '\
  1 alias cpd='cp -R'
  1 alias cp='nocorrect cp -v -R'
  1 alias cp='nocorrect cp -iR'
  1 alias cp='nocorrect cp -i'
  1 alias cp='nocorrect cp -a'
  1 alias cp='cp -vip'
  1 alias cp='cp -vi'
  1 alias cp='cp -v'
  1 alias cp='cp -v '
  1 alias cp='cp -r --reflink=auto'
  1 alias cp='cp -ip'
  1 alias cp='cp -R'
  1 alias cp="cp --reflink=auto"
  1 alias cowdb='rlwrap -a"$(pass claro/oracle/rac8/cti22156)" -N '\
  1 alias coverhtml="go test -coverprofile=coverage.out; go tool cover -html=coverage.out -o coverage.html"
  1 alias coverage="COVERAGE=true bundle exec rspec"
  1 alias copypath='pwd|pbcopy'
  1 alias copypath= "pwd | pbcopy"
  1 alias copymysshkey='pbcopy < ~/.ssh/'
  1 alias copydir='pwd | pbcopy'
  1 alias copybuildit="rsync -avz --exclude 'node_modules' --exclude 'build' ./* ./build"
  1 alias copy='xsel --clipboard --input'
  1 alias copy='xclip -selection clipboard'
  1 alias copy='xclip -selection clipboard -in'
  1 alias copy='pbcopy'
  1 alias copy='cp'
  1 alias copy='cat > /dev/clipboard'
  1 alias copy-config-code='mkdir -p .vscode && cp ~/dotfiles/vscode/tasks.json ./.vscode/'
  1 alias cop='git status --porcelain | awk '\''$1 ~ /A|M/ && $NF ~ /\.rb$/ { print $NF }'\'' | xargs rubocop --force-exclusion'
  1 alias content='code "$(configurator -g contentDescGamesFolder)\\HTML5$(configurator -g gameName)Description.xml"'
  1 alias console="bin/rails console"
  1 alias connecttoml="ssh -X"
  1 alias connected_mon='xrandr --query | grep " connected" | awk "{print \$1}"'
  1 alias conflicts='git diff --name-only --diff-filter=U'
  1 alias configawesome='vim $HOME/.config/awesome/rc.lua'
  1 alias config='git --git-dir=$HOME/.cfg/ --work-tree=$HOME'
  1 alias config='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=/home/kataria/.cfg/ --work-tree=/home/kataria'
  1 alias con='connmanctl'
  1 alias computer,="sudo"
  1 alias composer="noglob composer"
  1 alias composer-compile='composer archive create --sourceType dir --sourceName .'
  1 alias compinit='compinit-zgen'
  1 alias comp="composer"
  1 alias comp-ds='g++ -fsanitize=address,undefined -lpthread -x c++ -std=c++14 -O2 -Wall -Werror'
  1 alias commit='git commit'
  1 alias commit='git commit -m'
  1 alias commit="git commit -v"
  1 alias comic2kindle='sudo kcc-c2e --manga-style --splitter=1 --hq --profile=K578 --format=MOBI --upscale'
  1 alias colourpicker="gcolor2"
  1 alias colourify='$GRC -es --colour=auto'
  1 alias colourify="$GRC -es --colour=auto"
  1 alias colortest="echo use bettercolor instead"
  1 alias colorpicker="gcolor2"
  1 alias coi="code-insiders ."
  1 alias code='code-oss'
  1 alias code="code ./"
  1 alias codb='rlwrap -a"$(pass claro/oracle/rac8/dracing)" -N '\
  1 alias co='pygmentize -O style=monokai -f console256 -g'
  1 alias co="composer"
  1 alias co="code ."
  1 alias cnpm="npm --registry= \
  1 alias cnpm="npm --registry= --cache=$HOME/.npm/.cache/cnpm --disturl= --userconfig=$HOME/.cnpmrc"
  1 alias cnp=':carcosa:new-password'
  1 alias cnc="connman-ncurses"
  1 alias cmssh='TERM=xterm-256color; sshpass -p "$(pass claro/ssh/pytonp01)" '\
  1 alias cmaker='cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..'
  1 alias cmakep="prettyfier cmake"
  1 alias cmaked='cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..'
  1 alias cmake="env TERM='xterm-256color' cmake"
  1 alias clr='touch && touch && touch  && echo "${gb} ${bf} Created, and files. 💯 ${r}" && ll'
  1 alias clone="git clone"
  1 alias clock='tty-clock -scD -C 5'
  1 alias clock='tty-clock -c'
  1 alias clock='tty-clock -c -C 2 -t'
  1 alias clock="tty-clock -tcC 7"
  1 alias clock="ncmpcpp -s clock"
  1 alias cloc='cloc --exclude-dir vendor'
  1 alias cln='cln! -n'
  1 alias cln!='git clean -ffdx'
  1 alias cll="c;ll"
  1 alias clive="caffeinate -t $*"
  1 alias clippaste='pbpaste'
  1 alias clip='xclip -selection clipboard'
  1 alias clip='xclip -sel clip'
  1 alias clip="xclip -selection clipboard -i"
  1 alias clima='curl'
  1 alias clera="clear"
  1 alias clear_pyc='find . | grep -E "(__pycache__|\.pyc|\.pyo$)" | xargs rm -rf'
  1 alias clear='clear && neofetch'
  1 alias clear-fonts-cache="sudo fc-cache -f -v"
  1 alias clear!="clear && printf '\e[3J'"
  1 alias cleanup='find . -type f -name "*.DS_Store" -ls -delete'
  1 alias cleanorphans="pacman -Rns $(pacman -Qtdq)"
  1 alias clean="git clean -f"
  1 alias clean-zsh-cache="rm -f ${HOME}/.*.zwc"
  1 alias clbin="curl -F 'clbin=<-'"
  1 alias clb='for remote in `git branch -r | grep -v /HEAD`; do git checkout --track $remote ; done'
  1 alias clamd="/usr/local/sbin/clamd"
  1 alias cl='richpager'
  1 alias cl='clang++ -stdlib=libc++ -std=c++1y -Wall -Wextra'
  1 alias cl="git clone"
  1 alias cl="fc -e -|pbcopy"
  1 alias cl="cd_el"
  1 alias cl="c;l"
  1 alias ck='() { mkdir -p $1 && cd $1 }'
  1 alias cim='git commit -v --amend'
  1 alias cic='set completion-ignore-case On'
  1 alias ciam='git commit -va --amend'
  1 alias cia='git commit -v -a'
  1 alias cia='celery inspect active'
  1 alias ci='git commit -v'
  1 alias ci='curl'
  1 alias ci="composer install"
  1 alias chromium="/Applications/"
  1 alias chromekill="ps ux | grep '[C]hrome Helper --type=renderer' | grep -v extension-process | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f2 | xargs kill"
  1 alias chromekill="\ps ux | grep '[C]hrome Helper --type=renderer' | grep -v extension-process | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f2 | xargs kill"
  1 alias chrome='open /Applications/Google\'
  1 alias chrome='google-chrome-stable'
  1 alias chrome='/Applications/Google\\ Chrome'
  1 alias chrome="open /Applications/Google\ --args --disable-web-security"
  1 alias chrome="open -a \"Google Chrome\""
  1 alias chrome="open -a /Applications/Google\\ Chrome --args --disable-web-security --user-data-dir"
  1 alias chrome="/Applications/Google\\\\ Chrome"
  1 alias chrome="${BROWSER} --cache-data-dir=/dev/shm/cache --process-per-site"
  1 alias chrome-canary="/Applications/Google\ Chrome\\ Chrome\ Canary"
  1 alias chp="curl -H 'Accept: application/json; indent=4' -X POST"
  1 alias chown='chown -c'
  1 alias chown='chown --preserve-root'
  1 alias chmod='chmod -c'
  1 alias chmod='chmod --preserve-root'
  1 alias chkexit='echo $?'
  1 alias chicken='git add'
  1 alias chgrp='chgrp --preserve-root'
  1 alias chg="curl -H 'Accept: application/json; indent=4' -X GET"
  1 alias chess='GTK2_RC_FILES=/usr/share/themes/Numix-ArchBlue/gtk-2.0/gtkrc pychess'
  1 alias cherry='git cherry-pick'
  1 alias cherry="git cherry-pick"
  1 alias checkgems='bundle-audit update'
  1 alias check="git checkout"
  1 alias cheatsheets='cd ~/Documents/coding/resources/cheatsheets'
  1 alias cheat='curl'
  1 alias chat="weechat"
  1 alias changed_files="git diff develop --name-only"
  1 alias chain="proxychains4 -q"
  1 alias chain="proxychains -q"
  1 alias ch='nohup google-chrome > /dev/null &'
  1 alias ch='cabal new-haddock'
  1 alias ch=" "
  1 alias cgs='columns-git-show'
  1 alias cgit='cd $GITFOLDER'
  1 alias cgihttpserver='python -m http.server --cgi'
  1 alias cgd='cdiff -s -w 0'
  1 alias cg="curl -X GET"
  1 alias cfr="vim ~/.config/ranger/rc.conf.base"
  1 alias cfq="vim ~/.config/qutebrowser/"
  1 alias cfp="vim ~/.config/polybar/config"
  1 alias cfi="vim ~/.config/i3/config"
  1 alias cfd="vim ~/.Xdefaults"
  1 alias cfcdev="cd ~ && cd cfc"
  1 alias cfM="vim ~/.config/moc/keymap"
  1 alias cf='clementine -f'
  1 alias cf='cfiles'
  1 alias cf="cd ~/.config && ls -a"
  1 alias cf7cwp="cd ~ && cd cf7cwp"
  1 alias cerberus="ssh admin@cerberus"
  1 alias cdwpt="cd wp-content/themes"
  1 alias cdwpp="cd wp-content/plugins"
  1 alias cdu='cd-gitroot'
  1 alias cdt='cd $GITFOLDER/third-party'
  1 alias cdsh='cd $SOURCES_ROOT/hypnoglow'
  1 alias cds='cd $SOURCES_ROOT'
  1 alias cdrcdesk_t="ssh -CYt ssh -CX ucfnbso@"
  1 alias cdrcdesk_c="ssh -CYt ssh -CX ucfnbso@"
  1 alias cdrcdesk_a="ssh -CYt ssh -CX ucfnbso@"
  1 alias cdrcdesk="ssh -CYt ssh -CX ucfnbso@"
  1 alias cdrcdb_t="ssh -Ct ssh -C";
  1 alias cdrcdb_c="ssh -Ct ssh -C";
  1 alias cdrcdb_a="ssh -Ct ssh -C";
  1 alias cdrcdb="ssh -Ct ssh -C";
  1 alias cdrcdb="ssh -C";
  1 alias cdplatform='cd ~/Dropbox/Projects/dev/platform'
  1 alias cdpaste='cd `pbpaste`'
  1 alias cdp='cd ~/Dropbox/Projects/dev/personal'
  1 alias cdp='cd $GITFOLDER/personal'
  1 alias cdot='cd $DOTFILES'
  1 alias cdmeme=cdmem
  1 alias cdmem="cd /mnt/mem1"
  1 alias cdiff="colordiff -uN"
  1 alias cdi='cd /usr/include/'
  1 alias cdgo='cd $GOPATH/src/'
  1 alias cdg='cd $GOPATH/src'
  1 alias cdg=' cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)"'
  1 alias cdf="fd"
  1 alias cdf="eval \"cd \\\"\\\`osascript -e 'tell app \\\\\\\"Finder\\\\\\\" to return the POSIX path of (target of window 1 as alias)'\\\`\\\"\""
  1 alias cde='cd $GITFOLDER/elmar'
  1 alias cddev='cd ~/Dropbox/Projects/dev'
  1 alias cdd='cd ~/Desktop'
  1 alias cdd='cd $DOTFILES_ROOT'
  1 alias cdate='date "+%d—%m—%Y"'
  1 alias cda="composer dump-autoload"
  1 alias cd=_cd
  1 alias cd='pushd'
  1 alias cd='nocorrect cd'
  1 alias cd='cs'
  1 alias cd='cd -P'
  1 alias cd='c'
  1 alias cd=' cd'
  1 alias cd="cd_ex"
  1 alias cd="cd -P"
  1 alias cd="cd "
  1 alias cd/='cd /'
  1 alias cd.='cd ..'
  1 alias'cd .. && ls'
  1 alias cd..l='cd .. && l'
  1 alias cd..='cd ../'
  1 alias cd...="cd ../.."
  1 alias cd....='cd ../../../..'
  1 alias cclean='yaourt -Sc'
  1 alias cci='circleci-cli --token-file ~/.config/circleci-cli/token'
  1 alias ccd="c;cd"
  1 alias ccat='pygmentize -g'
  1 alias ccat='grep -v -e "^
  1 alias ccat="highlight --out-format=xterm256"
  1 alias cc='pygmentize -g'
  1 alias cc17="g++ -std=gnu++17"
  1 alias cc14="g++ -std=gnu++14"
  1 alias cc11="g++ -std=gnu++11"
  1 alias cbt='cabal test -j'
  1 alias cbrh='cat ~/Documents/coding/bash/headers/brh'
  1 alias cbrc='cat ~/.bashrc'
  1 alias cbp="pbpaste|less"
  1 alias cbn='cabal new-build --allow-newer'
  1 alias cbj='cabal -j'
  1 alias cbi='cbj install'
  1 alias cbh='cabal haddock --all'
  1 alias cbc='cabal clean'
  1 alias cbb='cbj build'
  1 alias cb='cabal new-build'
  1 alias cb="cargo build"
  1 alias cats='tail -n +1 *'
  1 alias cat=bat
  1 alias cat='bat --style=plain'
  1 alias cat='bat --style plain --paging never --theme TwoDark --wrap never'
  1 alias cat="ccat"
  1 alias cask='brew cask'
  1 alias casino='cd "$(configurator -g CasinoRTG)"'
  1 alias carleton='/Users/jackychiu/Google\ Drive/Carleton'
  1 alias cargoupdate='cargo install-update -a'
  1 alias cargoexpand="cargo rustc -- -Z unstable-options --pretty=expanded"
  1 alias cargocleanup='rm -rf ${HOME}/.cargo/bin/*; cd ${HOME}/src/; make rustinstall; cd -'
  1 alias cargo='TERM=linux cargo'
  1 alias cargo="echo; cat ~/.ascii_art/rust; echo; cargo"
  1 alias capa="curl -H 'Authorization: Token $AUTH_TOKEN' -H 'Accept: application/json; indent=4' -X PATCH"
  1 alias cap=':carcosa:add-password'
  1 alias cap="curl -H 'Authorization: Token $AUTH_TOKEN' -H 'Accept: application/json; indent=4' -X POST"
  1 alias cap="bundle exec cap"
  1 alias cap2="cap _2.15.9_"
  1 alias canary="open -a /Applications/Google\ Chrome\\ Chrome\ Canary --args --disable-web-security --user-data-dir"
  1 alias canary="/Applications/Google\ Chrome\\ Chrome\ Canary --remote-debugging-port=9222"
  1 alias calender="calcurse"
  1 alias calc='python3 -ic "from math import *"'
  1 alias calc="noglob calc"
  1 alias cal='cal'
  1 alias cal='cal -3'
  1 alias cag="curl -H 'Authorization: Token $AUTH_TOKEN' -H 'Accept: application/json; indent=4' -X GET"
  1 alias cabal='nocorrect cabal'
  1 alias cabal="echo; cat ~/.ascii_art/lambda | lolcat -S 28; echo; cabal"
  1 alias ca='sudo yum clean all'
  1 alias c=j
  1 alias c=clear
  1 alias c='rails console'
  1 alias c='pbcopy'
  1 alias c='git-smart-commit'
  1 alias c='git-smart-commit --amend'
  1 alias c='git rebase --continue'
  1 alias c='git add . && git commit -m "initial commit"'
  1 alias c='curl -sS -D /dev/stderr'
  1 alias c='cls'
  1 alias c='clear;ls'
  1 alias c='cd'
  1 alias c='cd -P'
  1 alias c='cat '
  1 alias c='caffeinate -d'
  1 alias c='_change-repository'
  1 alias c="pygmentize -O style=monokai -f console256 -g"
  1 alias c="gcc -g -O2 -Wall -Wextra -Werror --std=c11 -pedantic         \
  1 alias c="echo -ne '\033c'"
  1 alias c="curl"
  1 alias c="cmus"
  1 alias c=" clear && printf '\e[3J'"
  1 alias c=" clear && echo -ne '\033c'"
  1 alias c-='cd -'
  1 alias c-="c -"
  1 alias c!='git-smart-commit --amend'
  1 alias bzless='timeout 3600 bzless'
  1 alias bzip='tar -cvjf'
  1 alias bzgrep='bzgrep --color=auto'
  1 alias byes='exit'
  1 alias bye="exit"
  1 alias bx='bundle exec'
  1 alias bx="bundle exec"
  1 alias bws='brunch w --server'
  1 alias bw='ssh -qTfnN -D 7070 hei1000@'
  1 alias bw='brunch w'
  1 alias busy="cat /dev/urandom | hexdump -C | grep \"ca fe\""
  1 alias burp='java -jar -Xmx3072m ~/Git/hackerij/burp.jar'
  1 alias burp="open $HOME/git/hackerij/burp.jar"
  1 alias burp="java -jar $HOME/Tools/burpsuite_free_v1.6.jar"
  1 alias bunny="cowsay -W 15 -f signbunny"
  1 alias bubu='brew update && brew upgrade && brew cleanup'
  1 alias bubo='brew update && brew outdated'
  1 alias bua='bu && bcu'
  1 alias bu='bundle update -j $(echo $(($(nproc) * 2)))'
  1 alias bu='brew update && brew upgrade'
  1 alias bu="bundler update"
  1 alias btw='nice'
  1 alias btrfs='sudo btrfs'
  1 alias bton="sudo bluetooth on"
  1 alias btoff="sudo bluetooth off"
  1 alias btee=bcat
  1 alias bstrt="bsstrt"
  1 alias bsrc="brew services restart chunkwm"
  1 alias bs='bundle show'
  1 alias bs=$BASE_DIR'/ubuntu/bin/'
  1 alias brwe=brew
  1 alias brwe="brew"
  1 alias brspec='bundle binstubs rspec-core'
  1 alias brs='bin/rails server'
  1 alias browse='fzf --bind="enter:execute(echo -n {} | pbcopy)" --preview="pygmentize {} 2>/dev/null || cat {}" --preview-window=up'
  1 alias browse="git browse"
  1 alias bringz='git pull'
  1 alias brewup='brew update; brew upgrade; brew cask upgrade; brew cleanup; brew doctor'
  1 alias brewup='brew update && brew upgrade'
  1 alias brewski='brew update && brew upgrade && brew cleanup; brew doctor'
  1 alias brewall='brew update ; brew upgrade ; brew prune ; brew cleanup ; brew doctor'
  1 alias brew_update="brew -v update; brew upgrade --force-bottle --cleanup; brew cleanup; brew cask cleanup; brew prune; brew doctor; npm-check -g -u"
  1 alias brew-update="brew update && brew upgrade"
  1 alias brew-cask-update='for c in `brew cask list`; do ! brew cask info $c | grep -qF "Not installed" || brew cask install $c; done'
  1 alias brc='bin/rails console'
  1 alias bra='git checkout $(git branch | fzf --layout=reverse) 2> /dev/null'
  1 alias br='_peco-git-branch'
  1 alias bp='bpython'
  1 alias bout="bundle outdated"
  1 alias bored='stargaze random'
  1 alias bootstrap='(cdb && ./bootstrap ${WS_PROFILE})'
  1 alias bo='bundle open'
  1 alias bo="bundle open"
  1 alias bne='curl'
  1 alias bn=' ~/binaryninja/binaryninja'
  1 alias bm='git branch -m'
  1 alias bluetooth="sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ ControllerPowerState -int 1"
  1 alias bluetooth-off="sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ ControllerPowerState -int 0 && sudo killall -HUP blued"
  1 alias bluesync='ponymix set-profile headset_head_unit && ponymix set-profile a2dp_sink'
  1 alias blueon='sudo systemctl start bluetooth'
  1 alias blueon="sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ ControllerPowerState -int 1"
  1 alias blueoff='sudo systemctl stop bluetooth'
  1 alias blueoff="sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ ControllerPowerState -int 0 && \
  1 alias blog='bundle exec jekyll serve'
  1 alias blah='cd ~/Desktop'
  1 alias bl='bell'
  1 alias bk='cd -'
  1 alias biwp='bundle install --without production'
  1 alias bish='cd ~/Dropbox/AeonNeo/Projects/Integrated-Security-Simulation/'
  1 alias bisect="git bisect"
  1 alias binstallrspec='bin/rails generate rspec:install'
  1 alias bing='afplay /System/Library/Sounds/Ping.aiff -v 2'
  1 alias bigfor="mpc seek +120"
  1 alias bigbak="mpc seek -120"
  1 alias bi='bundle install -j $(echo $(($(nproc) * 2))) --path=./vendor/bundle'
  1 alias bi='bundle install --path .bundle'
  1 alias bi="bundler install"
  1 alias bex='bundle exec'
  1 alias bersb='bundle exec rails s --binding='
  1 alias bers='bundle exec rails server'
  1 alias bers5='bundle exec rails server -p 5000'
  1 alias bers4='bundle exec rails server -p 4000'
  1 alias ber='TZ=Europe/Berlin date'
  1 alias bell='echo "\a"'
  1 alias beg="mpc seek 0%"
  1 alias be="bundler exec"
  1 alias be="$SCRIPTS/"
  1 alias bd!=':git:branch:delete'
  1 alias bcu='brew update&&brew outdated&&brew upgrade&&brew cleanup'
  1 alias bcu='brew cu --all --yes --cleanup'
  1 alias bcnc='cd ~/Dropbox/AeonNeo/UC\-Davis/BCNC'
  1 alias bcn="bundle clean"
  1 alias bc='bundle clean'
  1 alias bc='bc -lq'
  1 alias bc="bundle check"
  1 alias bc="bc -q -l"
  1 alias bc="bc -lq"
  1 alias bbswitch="cat /proc/acpi/bbswitch"
  1 alias bbp='brunch build --production'
  1 alias bb='brunch build'
  1 alias battery='pmset -g batt | egrep "([0-9]+\%).*" -o'
  1 alias battery='$(battery)'
  1 alias bateria="pmset -g batt | egrep '([0-9]+\%).*' -o --colour=auto | cut -f1 -d';'"
  1 alias bat="echo -e $(cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/capacity)%"
  1 alias bat="command bat --theme GitHub"
  1 alias bashrc='$EDITOR ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc'
  1 alias bashrc=". $HOME/.bashrc"
  1 alias bashp="nvim ~/.bash_profile"
  1 alias bashenv='bash -c set'
  1 alias bash="/bin/bash --login"
  1 alias bars="bash ~/.scripts/polybar-launch"
  1 alias barconfig="sudo vim ~/.config/polybar/custom"
  1 alias banti='python /home/chillaranand/projects/python/ocr/banti_telugu_ocr/'
  1 alias bak='backup-file'
  1 alias bajkal="mutt -f imap://"
  1 alias badge="tput bel"
  1 alias backup='rsync --archive --delete \
  1 alias back="cd $OLDPWD"
  1 alias b=bundle
  1 alias b='git rebase --abort'
  1 alias b='git branch'
  1 alias b='cd'
  1 alias b='cd ..'
  1 alias b='byobu'
  1 alias b='bundle exec'
  1 alias b='brew'
  1 alias b="valet open"
  1 alias b="cd - >/dev/null && l"
  1 alias b="bundler"
  1 alias b="bundle"
  1 alias ax="chmod a+x"
  1 alias awsotp="aws_otp | tee >(pbcopy) && echo '=> Copied AWS OTP to pasteboard.'"
  1 alias aws="MANPAGER='more' aws"
  1 alias awrc="awesomerc"
  1 alias awkc="awk -vFPAT='[^,]*|\"[^\"]*\"' -v OFS=','"
  1 alias awk='\gawk'
  1 alias awesomerc="v ~/.config/awesome/rc.lua"
  1 alias avpn='sudo vpnc ausa_vpn.conf && '\
  1 alias av="aversion ~/Code"
  1 alias autossh='autossh -M $(($RANDOM%6400 + 1024))'
  1 alias autoremove='{{ autoremove }}'
  1 alias autoremove='sudo apt autoremove'
  1 alias autopep8i='autopep8 --in-place'
  1 alias aurb="aur build -d custom"
  1 alias aur='push-to-aur'
  1 alias aumake='auconf && make'
  1 alias auinstall='auconf && make && sudo make install'
  1 alias audio="ncpamixer"
  1 alias audio-r="pulseaudio -k && pulseaudio --start"
  1 alias auconf='./ && ./configure --bindir /usr/bin --datadir /usr/share --sysconfdir /etc'
  1 alias auc='sudo apt-get autoclean'
  1 alias au='sudo apt-get update -qq'
  1 alias au='git log --format=%aN | sort -u'
  1 alias att='atom .'
  1 alias atom='code'
  1 alias atom='atom .'
  1 alias atom="atom-beta";
  1 alias atom="atom ./"
  1 alias atom="/Applications/"
  1 alias at='atop'
  1 alias asu='sudo pkill screen; sudo ~/projects/vendor/arduino/arduino --board arduino:avr:mega --port /dev/ttyACM1 --upload slave_ultra/slave_ultra.ino'
  1 alias assh='autossh -M $(($RANDOM%6400 + 1024))'
  1 alias assets='rake assets:clean assets:precompile'
  1 alias assets='bundle exec rake assets:clean assets:precompile'
  1 alias aspell="aspell -c -l en_US"
  1 alias asl='aws s3 ls'
  1 alias asl='acestream-launcher --player mpv'
  1 alias ashow="sudo yum info"
  1 alias ashow="sudo apt-cache show"
  1 alias aseprite="/Applications/"
  1 alias asearch="sudo yum search"
  1 alias asearch="sudo apt-cache search"
  1 alias asc='aws s3 cp'
  1 alias asbs='aws s3 ls --summarize --human-readable --recursive '
  1 alias asanlit=asanllvm-lit
  1 alias as='colourify as'
  1 alias as='adb shell'
  1 alias artm="art migrate"
  1 alias artisan="php artisan"
  1 alias artc="art clear-compiled && art cache:clear && art route:clear && art config:clear && art view:clear && comp du"
  1 alias art='php artisan'
  1 alias art='cd "$(configurator -g spriteSourceDir)"'
  1 alias art="php artisan"
  1 alias arr='adb reboot recovery '
  1 alias arn='adb reboot'
  1 alias aries='ssh aries'
  1 alias aria_list='aria2c --file-allocation=none --force-sequential=true -c -x 10 -i'
  1 alias aria='aria2c --file-allocation=none -c -x 10'
  1 alias aremove="sudo yum remove"
  1 alias aremove="sudo pacman --color always -R"
  1 alias aremove="sudo apt-get --purge remove"
  1 alias aremove="pacman --color always -RS"
  1 alias areinstall="sudo yum reinstall"
  1 alias areinstall="sudo pacman --color always -S"
  1 alias areinstall="sudo apt-get install --reinstall"
  1 alias areinstall="pacman --color always -S"
  1 alias arduino='sudo ~/projects/vendor/arduino/arduino'
  1 alias archupdate='yay -Syu; paccache -ruk0'
  1 alias archbackup='cd ${HOME}/src/; make backup; cd -'
  1 alias arch='neofetch -L --ascii_colors 5 5 5 5 5 5'
  1 alias arb='adb reboot bootloader '
  1 alias apv='ag-peco-vim'
  1 alias aptupgrade='sudo apt dist-upgrade'
  1 alias aptupdate='sudo apt-get update'
  1 alias aptu='sudo aptitude update'
  1 alias aptu='apt update && apt upgrade'
  1 alias aptshow='apt-cache show'
  1 alias aptsearch='apt-cache search'
  1 alias apts='apt search'
  1 alias aptrepository='sudo apt-add-repository  -y'
  1 alias aptrepair='sudo apt-get -f install'
  1 alias aptremove='sudo apt remove'
  1 alias aptr='apt remove'
  1 alias aptpurge='sudo apt purge'
  1 alias aptpolicy='apt-cache policy'
  1 alias aptp='apt purge'
  1 alias aptinstall='sudo apt install'
  1 alias apti='sudo aptitude install'
  1 alias apti='apt install'
  1 alias aptautoremove='sudo apt-get autoremove'
  1 alias aptar='sudo aptitude autoremove'
  1 alias apt='sudo apt-get'
  1 alias apt='apt-get'
  1 alias apt-installed="aptitude search '~i!~M'"
  1 alias apt-get="apt"
  1 alias apps="cd $HOME/Applications/"
  1 alias applypatch="git am --signoff <"
  1 alias apply="git apply"
  1 alias app='adb push -p '
  1 alias apml='apm list --installed --bare > ~/dotfiles/atom/packages.txt'
  1 alias apm="apm-beta";
  1 alias apktool="java -jar $HOME/tools/android/apktool.jar"
  1 alias apksigner="/usr/local/Caskroom/android-sdk/4333796/build-tools/27.0.3/apksigner"
  1 alias apinfo='/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/A/Resources/airport -I'
  1 alias aphrodite="ssh prikhi@aphrodite.acorn"
  1 alias ap='sudo aptitude'
  1 alias ap='sudo ansible-playbook'
  1 alias ap='ansible-playbook'
  1 alias antlr4='java -jar $DOTFILES/pkg/antlr/antlr-4.7.1-complete.jar'
  1 alias anthonyleeio="cd ~/Sites/github.pages/"
  1 alias ant="grc --colour=auto ant"
  1 alias ansible-playbook='ANSIBLE_COW_SELECTION=bong ansible-playbook'
  1 alias androidstudio='~/projects/vendor/android-studio-ide-173.4819257-linux/android-studio/bin/'
  1 alias android_screendump="adb shell screencap -p | perl -pe 's/\x0D\x0A/\x0A/g'"
  1 alias android_locale_change="adb shell am start -n '\$LocalePickerActivity'"
  1 alias android_get_id='adb shell content query --uri content://settings/secure --projection name:value | grep android_id'
  1 alias android_dev_options="adb shell am start -n"
  1 alias android-emulator="/opt/android/Sdk/tools/emulator -avd emuApi26Nexus"
  1 alias android-emulator2="/opt/android/Sdk/tools/emulator -avd emuApi26Nexus -netdelay none -netspeed full -netfast -accel on -nojni"
  1 alias anakin='sudo pacman -Rns $(pacman -Qtdq)'
  1 alias an="atom -n"
  1 alias amu='sudo pkill screen; sudo ~/projects/vendor/arduino/arduino --board arduino:avr:mega --port /dev/ttyACM0 --upload master/master.ino'
  1 alias amend="git commit --amend -Chead"
  1 alias amend-new="git commit --amend"
  1 alias am='sudo ~/projects/vendor/arduino/arduino --board arduino:avr:mega'
  1 alias am='alsamixer'
  1 alias am="alsamixer" alsamixer='alsamixer -g -c 0'
  1 alias am="alsamixer"
  1 alias alwayz='tail -f'
  1 alias alternative='cd "/media/ENTRTAIN/root/Music/Metal/Alternative Metal"'
  1 alias alsamixer="alsamixer -V all"
  1 alias als='less ${HOME}/.zshrc.d/'
  1 alias alongside="cd ~/Sites/alongside"
  1 alias allunigem='gem list --no-versions | grep "^[a-z]" | grep -v "bundler\|space2underscore\|space2dot\|test-unit\|rdoc\|grep\|rake\|psych\|io-console\|json\|bigdecimal\|minitest"'
  1 alias alistallexplicit="pacman --color always -Qqe"
  1 alias alistall="sudo yum installed"
  1 alias alistall="sudo apt --installed list"
  1 alias ali="apt-mark showmanual"
  1 alias alert='notify-send -i "$([[ $? == 0 ]] && echo terminal || echo error)" '\
  1 alias alert='echo -e "\a"'
  1 alias alan="$SCRIPTS/"
  1 alias al='aria2c --file-allocation=none --force-sequential=true  -c -x 10 -i'
  1 alias al='alias | le'
  1 alias aks='adb kill-server; adb start-server; adb devices'
  1 alias ajl="cd ~/Sites/artandjustice.development/artandjustice"
  1 alias airport="/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/A/Resources/airport"
  1 alias ainstall="sudo yum install"
  1 alias ainstall="sudo pacman --color always -S"
  1 alias ainstall="sudo apt-get install"
  1 alias ainstall="pacman --color always -S"
  1 alias aid='ai -r app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk'
  1 alias aid='ai -r app/build/outputs/apk/app-debug.apk'
  1 alias ai='adb install '
  1 alias agvim='ptvim'
  1 alias agua='aguu -y && agar -y && aga -y'
  1 alias agu='sudo apt-get update'
  1 alias agu='apt-get update'
  1 alias agu="sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade && sudo apt autoremove && sudo aptitude clean"
  1 alias ags='sudo apt-cache search'
  1 alias ags='apt-cache search'
  1 alias agr='sudo apt-get remove'
  1 alias agr='apt-get remove'
  1 alias agr='ag --ruby'
  1 alias agr="sudo apt remove"
  1 alias agp='ag -S --stats --pager "less -F"'
  1 alias agl="ag --pager less"
  1 alias agj='ag --js --coffee'
  1 alias agic='agi -c'
  1 alias agi='sudo apt-get install'
  1 alias agi='apt-get install'
  1 alias agi='ag --ignore "*_test.go"'
  1 alias agi="sudo apt install"
  1 alias agi="ag --ignore-dir=dist --ignore-dir=node_modules --ignore-dir=vendor --ignore-dir=snapshots"
  1 alias agh='ag --html --haml'
  1 alias agg='sudo apt-get upgrade'
  1 alias agg='apt-get upgrade'
  1 alias agg='_agg () { rg --group $@ | less }; _agg'
  1 alias agent="echo command not found: keychain"
  1 alias agent="$keychainbin id_dsa && source ~/.keychain/$HOST-sh"
  1 alias agc='ag -c'
  1 alias agc='ag --sass --css'
  1 alias agall='sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade && sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get -y autoremove'
  1 alias agall='brew update ; brew upgrade ; brew prune ; brew cleanup ; brew doctor'
  1 alias agall='apt-get update && apt-get -y upgrade && apt-get -y dist-upgrade && apt-get -y autoremove'
  1 alias ag=rg
  1 alias ag='sudo apt-get'
  1 alias ag='rg'
  1 alias ag='ag -S --stats'
  1 alias ag='ag --path-to-ignore ~/.ignore --hidden'
  1 alias ag='ag --path-to-ignore ~/.agignore'
  1 alias ag='ag --pager "less -R"'
  1 alias ag='ag --nocolor --path-to-ignore ~/.agignore'
  1 alias ag='ag --ignore-case --hidden --ignore .git'
  1 alias ag='ag --ignore "*.log" --ignore vendor'
  1 alias ag='ag --hidden --path-to-agignore=~/.agignore'
  1 alias ag='ag --hidden --ignore-dir .git --ignore "*.json" --ignore "*.svg" --ignore=*.min.js'
  1 alias ag='ag --color-path 1\;31 --color-match 1\;32 --color'
  1 alias ag='ag --color-match "31"'
  1 alias ag='ag --color'
  1 alias ag='ag --color --smart-case --context 3 --ignore locale --ignore target'
  1 alias ag="ag --smart-case --follow --group"
  1 alias ag="ag --path-to-ignore ~/.agignore"
  1 alias ag="ag --mmap"
  1 alias afk="open -a ScreenSaverEngine"
  1 alias aeonneo='cd ~/Dropbox/AeonNeo/'
  1 alias ael="aws ec2 describe-instances --output table --query 'Reservations[].Instances[].[Tags[?Key==\`Name\`] | [0].Value, State.Name, PublicDnsName, PublicIpAddress]'"
  1 alias aei="aed --output table --query 'Reservations[].Instances[].[Tags[?Key==\`Name\`] | [0].Value, State.Name, PublicDnsName, PublicIpAddress]'"
  1 alias aed='aws ec2 describe-instances'
  1 alias ae='aws ec2'
  1 alias adonis="ssh prikhi@adonis.acorn"
  1 alias addu='git add -u'
  1 alias addpkg="doas emerge -a --jobs"
  1 alias addncss="curl -O"
  1 alias addherokuremote='heroku git:remote -a'
  1 alias addgitignore="curl --fail --silent --show-error -O"
  1 alias addall='git add --all'
  1 alias add='git add -A'
  1 alias add="sudo pacman -S"
  1 alias add="git add"
  1 alias adbt="adb logcat -v time"
  1 alias adb='mssql-cli -S -U pfarina -P '\
  1 alias ad='adb devices '
  1 alias acu='bcu&&zcu&&ncu -g'
  1 alias actvenv='source bin/activate'
  1 alias active='grep -v -e "^$" -e"^ *
  1 alias acsh='apt-cache show'
  1 alias acs='apt-cache search'
  1 alias acs="apt search"
  1 alias acp='apt-cache policy'
  1 alias acorn="ssh acorn"
  1 alias acode='~/Documents/Android/'
  1 alias ack=rg
  1 alias ack=ag
  1 alias ack='ack-grep'
  1 alias ack='ack --nocolor'
  1 alias ack="ack-grep"
  1 alias acestreamengine="acestreamengine --live-disk-cache-size 10000"
  1 alias ac='adb connect'
  1 alias abstree='tree `pwd` --prune --noreport --dirsfirst -fixaFC -supgD'
  1 alias absll='abstree -L 1'
  1 alias abrirsublime="open -a "Sublime Text""
  1 alias ab='antibody bundle < ~/.zsh_plugins > ~/'
  1 alias ab='acpi -b'
  1 alias aatf="cd ~ && cd aatfdev"
  1 alias aapt="/usr/local/Caskroom/android-sdk/4333796/build-tools/27.0.3/aapt"
  1 alias aapt2="/usr/local/Caskroom/android-sdk/4333796/build-tools/27.0.3/aapt2"
  1 alias aag='agg'
  1 alias aa="atom -a"
  1 alias aS='yaourt -S'
  1 alias aS='yaourt -S --noconfirm'
  1 alias a=aptitude
  1 alias a=apt-get
  1 alias a=alias
  1 alias a='tmux attach -t'
  1 alias a='open-with-atom'
  1 alias a='git-smart-add'
  1 alias a='cd ~/src/activetheory'
  1 alias a='apt'
  1 alias a='ansible'
  1 alias a='alias'
  1 alias a="atom ."
  1 alias a!='git-smart-commit -a --amend'
  1 alias _start-all="emacs & google-chrome &"
  1 alias _fzf_complete_g_post=_fzf_complete_git_post
  1 alias _fzf_complete_g=_fzf_complete_git
  1 alias ___removebefore='rename s/.*___//g'
  1 alias ___removeafter='rename s/___.*\\././g'
  1 alias _="sudo -s"
  1 alias \$=''
  1 alias ZshInstall='~/.dotfiles/ ; ZR'
  1 alias ZshInstall='~/.dotfiles/ && ZR'
  1 alias ZU='~/.dotfiles/ && ZR'
  1 alias ZR=ZshRehash
  1 alias ZR='echo "Restarting zsh..." ; exec zsh -l'
  1 alias ZL='vi ~/.zshlocal ~/.zshrc ; ZR'
  1 alias ZL='vi ~/.zshlocal ; ZR'
  1 alias YT="youtube-viewer"
  1 alias VU='~/.vim/'
  1 alias Time='/usr/bin/time -v'
  1 alias Ss='sudo pacman -Ss'
  1 alias Ss='pacman -Ss'
  1 alias SYNC="sync; sync; sync"
  1 alias S='git stash -u && git stash drop'
  1 alias S="sxiv -a -q ./*&"
  1 alias RM='/bin/rm -I'
  1 alias R='git rm'
  1 alias R='R --no-save'
  1 alias R='R --no-save --quiet'
  1 alias R="R --quiet"
  1 alias R!='git rm -f'
  1 alias Poker='~/Desktop/'
  1 alias PIf="projectInfo fetch"
  1 alias PIF="projectInfo fetch"
  1 alias PI="projectInfo"
  1 alias M=make
  1 alias M='git mv'
  1 alias LS='LS -e'
  1 alias LL="L | less -R"
  1 alias HEX="ruby -e 'printf(\"0x%X\n\", ARGV[0])'"
  1 alias GREP='grep -i --color=auto'
  1 alias G='git'
  1 alias G='g'
  1 alias G='cd-pkgbuild'
  1 alias FUCK='fuck'
  1 alias Damnit,='sudo'
  1 alias DT='tee ~/Desktop/terminalOut.txt'
  1 alias DEC="ruby -e 'printf(\"%d\n\", ARGV[0])'"
  1 alias D="cd ~/Downloads && ls -a"
  1 alias CC='gcc'
  1 alias BIN="ruby -e 'printf(\"%bb\n\", ARGV[0])'"
  1 alias As='apt-cache search'
  1 alias As='apt search'
  1 alias Arp='sudo apt-get remove --purge'
  1 alias Arp='sudo apt remove --purge'
  1 alias Arm='sudo apt autoremove'
  1 alias Ar='sudo apt-get remove'
  1 alias Ar='sudo apt remove'
  1 alias Ai='apt-cache show'
  1 alias Ai='apt show'
  1 alias Ag='sudo apt-get install'
  1 alias Ag='sudo apt install'
  1 alias Ac='sudo apt autoclean'
  1 alias ANDROID_CC_X86="$X86_GCC --sysroot=$SYSROOT_X86 "
  1 alias ANDROID_CC="$ARM_GCC --sysroot=$SYSROOT_ARM "
  1 alias :q="exit"
  1 alias :Q='exit'
  1 alias :3='echo'
  1 alias 9='cd +9'
  1 alias 9=' cd -9'
  1 alias 8='ping'
  1 alias 8='cd +8'
  1 alias 8=' cd -8'
  1 alias 8080='open http://localhost:8080'
  1 alias 7='cd +7'
  1 alias 7=' cd -7'
  1 alias 777='chmod 777 -R'
  1 alias 775='chmod 775 -R'
  1 alias 755='chmod 755 -R'
  1 alias 6='cd +6'
  1 alias 6=' cd -6'
  1 alias 644='chmod 644 -R'
  1 alias 640='chmod 640 -R'
  1 alias 600='chmod 600 -R'
  1 alias 6..='cd ../../../../../..'
  1 alias 5local='open http://localhost:5000'
  1 alias 5='cd +5'
  1 alias 5=' cd -5'
  1 alias 5..='cd ../../../../..'
  1 alias 4u='cd ../../../..'
  1 alias 4local='open http://localhost:4000'
  1 alias 4='cd +4'
  1 alias 4=' cd -4'
  1 alias 400='chmod 400 -R'
  1 alias 4..='cd ../../../..'
  1 alias 3u='cd ../../..'
  1 alias 3local='open http://localhost:3000'
  1 alias 3='cd +3'
  1 alias 3=' cd -3'
  1 alias 3..='cd ../../..'
  1 alias 2u='cd ../..'
  1 alias 2='cd +2'
  1 alias 2=' cd -2'
  1 alias 2..='cd ../..'
  1 alias 1n='cd ~/.01/python; jupyter notebook python3.ipynb'
  1 alias 1='cd -'
  1 alias 1=' cd -'
  1 alias /rb='AG_ARGS=--rb :ag'
  1 alias /g='AG_ARGS=--go :ag'
  1 alias /=':ag'
  1 alias .up="git -C $SETUP_PATH pull origin master; source $SETUP_PATH/dotfiles/.zshrc; sourceFiles $SETUP_PATH/preferences/*.prefs"
  1 alias .o="open"
  1 alias .e="$EDITOR $SETUP_PATH"
  1 alias .='cd'
  1 alias .='cd ../'
  1 alias .="cd .."
  1 alias .8="cd ../../../../../../.."
  1 alias .7="cd ../../../../../.."
  1 alias .6='cd ../../../../../../'
  1 alias .6="cd ../../../../../.."
  1 alias .6="cd ../../../../.."
  1 alias .5='cd ../../../../..'
  1 alias .5="cd ../../../../.."
  1 alias .5="cd ../../../.."
  1 alias .4="cd ../../../.."
  1 alias .3="cd ../../.."
  1 alias .2="cd ../.."
  1 alias ..g='git rev-parse && cd "$(git rev-parse --show-cdup)"'
  1 alias ..='cd ..; ls'
  1 alias ..='cd ../../'
  1 alias ..='cd ../..'
  1 alias ..='cd .. && ll'
  1 alias ..='builtin cd ..'
  1 alias ..='\cd ..; l'
  1 alias ..="cd ..;"
  1 alias ..="cd ../.."
  1 alias ..="cd ../"
  1 alias ..5="cd ../../../../.."
  1 alias ..4="cd ../../../.."
  1 alias ..3="cd ../../.."
  1 alias ..2='cd ../../'
  1 alias ..2='cd ../..'
  1 alias ..2="cd ../.."
  1 alias ...=''
  1 alias ...='cd ../..; ls'
  1 alias ...='cd ../../..'
  1 alias ...='\cd ../..; l'
  1 alias ...='../..'
  1 alias ...="cd ..;"
  1 alias ...="cd ../../.."
  1 alias ...="cd ../../"
  1 alias ....='cd ../../../..'
  1 alias ....='cd ../../../'
  1 alias ....='cd ../..'
  1 alias ....='../../..'
  1 alias ....="cd ../../../.."
  1 alias ....="cd ../../../"
  1 alias ....="cd ../.."
  1 alias .....='cd ../../../../'
  1 alias .....='../../../../'
  1 alias ......="cd ../../../../.."
  1 alias -s {png,jpg,bmp,PNG,JPG,BMP}=eog
  1 alias -s {png,gif,jpg,jpeg}=feh
  1 alias -s {odt,doc,sxw,rtf}=libreoffice
  1 alias -s {mp3,mp4,wav,mkv,m4v,m4a,wmv,avi,mpeg,mpg,vob,mov,rm}=mplayer
  1 alias -s {jpg,jpeg,png,pdf}='nonohup okular'
  1 alias -s {html,htm}=firefox
  1 alias -s {html,htm}=chromium
  1 alias -s {gz,tgz,zip,lzh,bz2,tbz,Z,tar,arj,xz}=aunpack
  1 alias -s {csv,js,css,less,md}=vi
  1 alias -s {avi,mpeg,mpg,mov,m2v,mkv}=mpv
  1 alias -s {avi,mkv,mp4}=smplayer
  1 alias -s zsh=zsh
  1 alias -s xml=vim
  1 alias -s xml=lv
  1 alias -s xhtml=chrome
  1 alias -s txt=nvim
  1 alias -s txt=lv
  1 alias -s txt='cat'
  1 alias -s txt=$EDITOR
  1 alias -s text=vim
  1 alias -s tex=autolatex
  1 alias -s sh=sh
  1 alias -s scm=gosh
  1 alias -s sass='subl'
  1 alias -s s=runcpp
  1 alias -s rs=vim
  1 alias -s rs=$EDITOR
  1 alias -s rb='ruby'
  1 alias -s py=python
  1 alias -s py=nvim
  1 alias -s py='python'
  1 alias -s png=sxiv
  1 alias -s png=display
  1 alias -s php=vim
  1 alias -s php=php
  1 alias -s php='php -f'
  1 alias -s pdf=evince
  1 alias -s pdf='open -a Preview'
  1 alias -s ogg=amarok
  1 alias -s mp3=amarok
  1 alias -s md=open
  1 alias -s md=nvim
  1 alias -s md=md
  1 alias -s md='subl'
  1 alias -s m4a=amarok
  1 alias -s lua=lua
  1 alias -s lua=$EDITOR
  1 alias -s log=less
  1 alias -s log='tail -F'
  1 alias -s json=open
  1 alias -s js=vim
  1 alias -s jpg=sxiv
  1 alias -s jpg=display
  1 alias -s jpeg=sxiv
  1 alias -s jpeg=display
  1 alias -s java=lv
  1 alias -s java=eclipse
  1 alias -s jar='java -jar'
  1 alias -s io=io
  1 alias -s html=xdg-open
  1 alias -s html=vim
  1 alias -s html=google-chrome
  1 alias -s html=chrome
  1 alias -s html='open -a Google\ Chrome'
  1 alias -s html='firefox'
  1 alias -s html="open"
  1 alias -s hs=runhaskell
  1 alias -s hs='runhaskell'
  1 alias -s hpp=vim
  1 alias -s h=lv
  1 alias -s h=$EDITOR
  1 alias -s gz=zcat
  1 alias -s go=$EDITOR
  1 alias -s git='git clone'
  1 alias -s gif=sxiv
  1 alias -s gif=display
  1 alias -s exe=mono
  1 alias -s epub=zathura
  1 alias -s docx='nonohup libreoffice'
  1 alias -s csv=open
  1 alias -s csv='subl'
  1 alias -s css=vim
  1 alias -s css='subl'
  1 alias -s cpp=runcpp
  1 alias -s cpp=lv
  1 alias -s cpp=$EDITOR
  1 alias -s conf=lv
  1 alias -s c=runc
  1 alias -s c=lv
  1 alias -s c=$EDITOR
  1 alias -s bmp=display
  1 alias -s bash=bash
  1 alias -s C=vim
  1 alias -s C=lv
  1 alias -s $suffix=$PAGER
  1 alias -s $suffix=$EDITOR
  1 alias -s $ext='$EDITOR'
  1 alias -g vim='nvim'
  1 alias -g shutdown=
  1 alias -g reboot=
  1 alias -g psg="$PS_CMD | grep"
  1 alias -g poweroff=
  1 alias -g poop=pop
  1 alias -g lss='ls -al'
  1 alias -g lsg='ls | grep'
  1 alias -g l10='| tail -n 10'
  1 alias -g halt=
  1 alias -g gsync='git pull && git push'
  1 alias -g gcmm='git commit -v -m'
  1 alias -g gcam='git commit -a -v -m'
  1 alias -g f2='| head -n 2'
  1 alias -g f10='| head -n 10'
  1 alias -g emacs='emacsclient -nw'
  1 alias -g XV='| xargs -o | vim --not-a-term'
  1 alias -g XS='| xargs subl'
  1 alias -g X="| xargs"
  1 alias -g W='| wc'
  1 alias -g W='which'
  1 alias -g V='| vim --not-a-term -R -'
  1 alias -g V="| nvim -R -"
  1 alias -g UP='@{u}'
  1 alias -g Toa=' > /tmp/a.html && open /tmp/a.html'
  1 alias -g SUC='| sort | uniq -c | sort -n'
  1 alias -g SU='| sort -u'
  1 alias -g SPONGE='> /tmp/zsh-sponge-tmp; cat /tmp/zsh-sponge-tmp >'
  1 alias -g S="| subl -n"
  1 alias -g RANDOM='"$(files=(*(.)) && echo $files[$RANDOM%${
  1 alias -g PX='| peco | xargs'
  1 alias -g PHPG='| egrep -v "^(;|$)"'
  1 alias -g P='| pygmentize -O style=monokai -f console256 -g'
  1 alias -g P='| peco'
  1 alias -g P='| pbcopy'
  1 alias -g P='| less'
  1 alias -g P='ps -e |'
  1 alias -g P='pbpaste'
  1 alias -g OUT='@{u}..'
  1 alias -g OOUT='@{u}...'
  1 alias -g NLL='&>/dev/null'
  1 alias -g NLL=">/dev/null 2>&1"
  1 alias -g NL='>/dev/null'
  1 alias -g NL=">/dev/null"
  1 alias -g NA='&> /dev/null'
  1 alias -g N='| grep -v'
  1 alias -g N='>/dev/null'
  1 alias -g N='> /dev/null'
  1 alias -g N2='| cat -b'
  1 alias -g N1='| cat -n'
  1 alias -g LC='| wc -l'
  1 alias -g LC='--color=always | less'
  1 alias -g L='| less -r'
  1 alias -g L="| ${PAGER}"
  1 alias -g J='| jq'
  1 alias -g J='| jq -C . | less'
  1 alias -g IN='..@{u}'
  1 alias -g IIN='...@{u}'
  1 alias -g HY='| highlight yellow'
  1 alias -g HR='| highlight red'
  1 alias -g HM='| highlight magenta'
  1 alias -g HG='| highlight green'
  1 alias -g HC='| highlight cyan'
  1 alias -g HB='| highlight blue'
  1 alias -g H='http_proxy= https_proxy='
  1 alias -g GP='GIT_PROXY_COMMAND=~/local/bin/socks5proxywrapper; GIT_SSH=~/local/bin/soks5proxyssh'
  1 alias -g GM="origin/master"
  1 alias -g GI='| grep -i'
  1 alias -g G='| grep -i'
  1 alias -g G='| grep -E'
  1 alias -g G='| grep --line-number --context=1'
  1 alias -g G='| grep --color=auto'
  1 alias -g G="| grep $1"
  1 alias -g F='| fzf -e -m'
  1 alias -g F="| fpp"
  1 alias -g ED="export DISPLAY=:0.0"
  1 alias -g E='| grep-passthru'
  1 alias -g E='2>/dev/null'
  1 alias -g DN='&> /dev/null'
  1 alias -g D='> /dev/null 2>&1'
  1 alias -g CD='| colordiff'
  1 alias -g CC='| xclip -selection clipboard'
  1 alias -g CC='| pbcopy'
  1 alias -g C='| putclip'
  1 alias -g C='| colorize'
  1 alias -g C="| tr -d '\n' | xclip -selection clipboard"
  1 alias -g C="| pbcopy"
  1 alias -g C="| column -t"
  1 alias -g BG=' 2>&1 | xargs tmux display-message &'
  1 alias -g BG=' 2>&1 | notify-send &'
  1 alias -g B='`git branch | peco | sed -e "s/^\*[ ]*//g"`'
  1 alias -g A='| ag'
  1 alias -g 0a=-a
  1 alias -g ..='..'
  1 alias -g ........='../../../../../../..'
  1 alias -g .........='../../../../../../../..'
  1 alias -g ..........='../../../../../../../../..'
  1 alias -g ...........='../../../../../../../../../..'
  1 alias -g '//'='; :'
  1 alias -g '....'='../../..'
  1 alias -g '...'='../..'
  1 alias -g '***'='**/*'
  1 alias -- :y!='() {
  1 alias -- :t=':: stop'
  1 alias -- :t!=':! stop'
  1 alias -- :s=':: status'
  1 alias -- :s!=':! status'
  1 alias -- :r=':: daemon-reload && () {
  1 alias -- :r!=':! daemon-reload && () {
  1 alias -- :p=':: list-dependencies'
  1 alias -- :p!=':! list-dependencies'
  1 alias -- :l=':: list-unit-files'
  1 alias -- :l!=':! list-unit-files'
  1 alias -- :ju=':j -u'
  1 alias -- :ju!=':j! -u'
  1 alias -- :jfu=':j -f -u'
  1 alias -- :jfu!=':j! -f -u'
  1 alias -- :jf=':j -f'
  1 alias -- :jf!=':j! -f'
  1 alias -- :j='journalctl --user'
  1 alias -- :j!='journalctl'
  1 alias -- :ee=':: reenable'
  1 alias -- :ee!=':! reenable'
  1 alias -- :e=':: enable'
  1 alias -- :e!=':! enable'
  1 alias -- :d=':: disable'
  1 alias -- :d!=':! disable'
  1 alias -- :c=':: cat'
  1 alias -- :c!=':! cat'
  1 alias -- ::='systemctl --user'
  1 alias -- :!='sudo systemctl'
  1 alias -- -gld='gb log --stream $(-gl
  1 alias -- -gl='() {
  1 alias -- -gcp='gcloud --project proper-base'
  1 alias -- -gb='-gcp builds'
  1 alias -- -cl='() {
  1 alias -- -cd='() {
  1 alias -- -c='grpcurl -protoset deploy/api_descriptor.pb'
  1 alias -- -='cd - >/dev/null'
  1 alias -- -=' cd -'
  1 alias -- --='cd -'
  1 alias -- +x='chmod-alias'
  1 alias -- '-'=':pipe:tar:receive'
  1 alias -- '+'=':pipe:tar:send'
  1 alias -- "s--"="pactl set-sink-volume 0 -10%"
  1 alias -- "s-"="pactl set-sink-volume 0 -5%"
  1 alias -- "s++"="pactl set-sink-volume 0 +10%"
  1 alias -- "s+"="pactl set-sink-volume 0 +5%"
  1 alias -- "l--"="xbacklight -dec 25"
  1 alias -- "l-"="xbacklight -dec 10"
  1 alias -- "l++"="xbacklight -inc 25"
  1 alias -- "l+"="xbacklight -inc 10"
  1 alias +x='chmod u+x'
  1 alias 'whats-my-ip'='dig +short'
  1 alias 'tmux'='tmux -2'
  1 alias 'r'='ranger'
  1 alias 'pmu'='sudo pacman -Syu'
  1 alias 'pms'='pacman -Ss'
  1 alias 'pmro'='sudo pacman -Rns $(pacman -Qtdq)'
  1 alias 'pmi'='sudo pacman -S'
  1 alias 'pm'='pacman'
  1 alias 'p'='python'
  1 alias 'open'='gnome-open'
  1 alias 'ls'='ls -hpAG'
  1 alias 'ls'='ls -hpA --color=auto'
  1 alias 'll'='ls -l'
  1 alias 'hotspot'="sudo create_ap wlp3s0 wlp3s0 'ssid' password"
  1 alias 'gs'='git status'
  1 alias 'gp'='git push'
  1 alias 'gm'='git commit -m'
  1 alias 'ga'='git add'
  1 alias 'flac-remove-pics-from-tags'='metaflac --dont-use-padding --remove --block-type=PICTURE,PADDING ./*.flac'
  1 alias 'docker-run'='docker-compose run --rm'
  1 alias 'docker-exec'='docker-compose exec'
  1 alias 'docker-django'='docker-run web python'
  1 alias 'dateslug'='date +"%Y-%m-%d.%I-%M"'
  1 alias 'cmds'=commandsfx
  1 alias 'chrome'='/Applications/Google\\ Chrome'
  1 alias 'ack'='ack --color-filename=green --color-match=yellow --ignore-file=ext:pyc'
  1 alias '\ez'="$EDITOR ~/.zshrc"
  1 alias '\ex'="$EDITOR ~/.xinitrc"
  1 alias '\ev'="$EDITOR ~/.vimrc"
  1 alias '\et'="$EDITOR ~/.tmux.conf"
  1 alias '\er'="$EDITOR ~/.ratpoisonrc"
  1 alias '..'='cd ..'
  1 alias '%j'='() { :sed-replace:interactive "$1" "$2" **/*.java; }'
  1 alias '%'=':sed-replace:interactive'
  1 alias %=' '
  1 alias ${_Z_CMD:-z}='_z 2>&1'
  1 alias $sd_cmd='DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS="unix:path=$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/bus" '$sd_cmd
  1 alias $project="tmuxinator start $project"
  1 alias $method="http $method"
  1 alias $host="ssh $host"
  1 alias $c="$c -v"
  1 alias $GO_VERSION=$GOROOT/bin/go
  1 alias $1
  1 alias "w=/usr/bin/w -i"
  1 alias "update=(cd ~/git; make all)"
  1 alias "tig${alphabet}"='tig'
  1 alias "t=telnet"
  1 alias "ssh=ssh -C -e none -v"
  1 alias "smic=sudo make install clean"
  1 alias "s=screen"
  1 alias "psu=ps -U"
  1 alias "psr=psu root"
  1 alias "psm=ps -U $USER"
  1 alias "psa=ps aux"
  1 alias "o=xdg-open"
  1 alias "myip=curl -s | jq .origin"
  1 alias "more=most"
  1 alias "m=more"
  1 alias "ls=/bin/ls -aFG"
  1 alias "ls=/bin/ls -aF"
  1 alias "ls=/bin/ls -aF --color=always"
  1 alias "lo=logout"
  1 alias "l=last"
  1 alias "g}b"='git stash branch'
  1 alias "g}"='git stash pop'
  1 alias "g{p"='echo -n "Name this stash (optional): "; read name; if [[ -n $name ]]; then git stash save -p "$name"; else git stash -p; fi'
  1 alias "g{"='echo -n "Name this stash (optional): "; read name; if [[ -n $name ]]; then git stash save -u "$name"; else git stash -u; fi'
  1 alias "gpl=git pull -v --rebase --recurse-submodules"
  1 alias "gph=git push -v --follow-tags"
  1 alias "g=grep --color=auto"
  1 alias "f=finger"
  1 alias "docker.cleanps=docker ps --all | grep Exited | awk '{print \$1}' | xargs docker rm"
  1 alias "docker.cleanimages=docker images | grep '^<none>' | awk '{print \$3}' | xargs docker rmi"
  1 alias "dir=ls -l"
  1 alias "d=ls -l"
  1 alias "cls=clear"
  1 alias "cd..=cd .."
  1 alias "cd...=cd ../.."
  1 alias "cd-"=cd
  1 alias "c=clear"
  1 alias "b_$i"="sudo tee /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness <<< $i"
  1 alias "SYNC=sync;sync;sync"
  1 alias "${alphabet}tig"='tig'
  1 alias "$method"="lwp-request -m '$method'"
  1 alias "$method"="http '$method'"
  1 alias "$method"="curl -iX '$method'"
  1 alias "$app"='colourify '$app
  1 alias "$(uname -r)-reboot"="kexec -l --initrd=/boot/initrd.img-"$(uname -r)" --command-line=\"$(cat /proc/cmdline)\" /boot/vmlinuz-"$(uname -r)""
  1 alias !=history
  1 alias  wow='git status'
  1 alias  stash='git stash'
  1 alias  mpt='mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true'
  1 alias  merge='git merge'
  1 alias  mdt="mvn dependency:tree"
  1 alias  mct='mvn clean test'
  1 alias  mcp='mvn clean package'
  1 alias  mci='mvn clean install'
  1 alias  lt='ls -olFt'
  1 alias  lt='ls --color=always --classify -lt'
  1 alias  lt='gls --color=always --classify -lt'
  1 alias  lt.='ls -oFlt -d .*'
  1 alias  lt.='ls --color=always --classify -lt -d .*'
  1 alias  lt.='gls --color=always --classify -lt -d .*'
  1 alias  ls='ls --color=auto -F --group-directories-first --time-style=+"%d.%m.%Y %H:%M"'
  1 alias  ll='ls -lh'
  1 alias  la='ls     -A'
  1 alias  l='ls -oFl'
  1 alias  l='ls -l              --human-readable --classify --group-directories-first --color=auto'
  1 alias  l='ls -F'
  1 alias  l='ls --color=always --group-directories-first --classify -l'
  1 alias  l='gls --color=always --group-directories-first --classify -l'
  1 alias  l.='ls -oFl -d .*'
  1 alias  l.='ls --color=always --group-directories-first --classify -l -d .*'
  1 alias  l.='ls     -A    --ignore=\*'
  1 alias  l.='gls --color=always --group-directories-first --classify -l -d .*'
  1 alias  gs='git status'
  1 alias  grep='grep --color=auto'
  1 alias  grep=' grep --color=auto --binary-file=without-match'
  1 alias  grep="grep $DIRCOLOR"
  1 alias  gp='git pull'
  1 alias  gl='git l'
  1 alias  gdiff='git diff'
  1 alias  fetch='git fetch'
  1 alias  clone='git clone'
  1 alias  amend='git commit --amend'
  1 alias  LL='ls -lh    -L'
  1 alias  LA='ls     -A -L'
  1 alias  ......='cd ../../../../..'
  1 alias   show='git show'
  1 alias   push='git push'
  1 alias   pull='git pull'
  1 alias   mt='mvn test'
  1 alias   mc='mvn clean'
  1 alias   l='ls -lh -A'
  1 alias   g='git'
  1 alias   L='ls -lh -A -L'
  1 alias   .....='cd ../../../..'
  1 alias    m='mvn'
  1 alias    log='git log'
  1 alias    add='git add'
  1 alias    ....='cd ../../..'
  1 alias     co='git checkout'
  1 alias     ci='git commit'
  1 alias     ...='cd ../..'
  1 alias      ..='cd ..'
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