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Created October 1, 2017 22:01
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AWS IoT / Snippets
SCRIPT=`basename "$0"`
if [ $# -eq 0 ]
echo "No arguments supplied"
echo "$SCRIPT thing-name"
echo "Creating thing $THING_NAME ..."
THING_ARN=`aws iot create-thing \
--thing-name $THING_NAME \
--query "thingArn"`
#--thing-type-name <value> \
echo "Creating cert and key for $THING_NAME ..."
CERT_ARN=`aws iot create-keys-and-certificate \
--certificate-pem-outfile $THING_NAME-cert.pem \
--public-key-outfile $THING_NAME-public-key.pem \
--private-key-outfile $THING_NAME-private-key.pem \
--set-as-active \
--query "certificateArn" | tr -d '"'`
#--query "[certificateArn, certificateId]"
echo "Downloading root cert..."
wget "" -O rootCA.pem
echo "Creating a new policy..."
POLICY_ARN=`aws iot create-policy \
--policy-name "PermissivePolicyFor-$THING_NAME" \
--policy-document '{"Version":"2012-10-17","Statement":[{"Action":["iot:Publish","iot:Subscribe","iot:Connect","iot:Receive"],"Effect":"Allow","Resource":["*"]}]}' \
--query "policyArn"`
echo "Attaching certificate to your thing..."
aws iot attach-thing-principal \
--thing-name $THING_NAME \
--principal $CERT_ARN
echo "Attaching policy to your thing..."
aws iot attach-principal-policy \
--policy-name "PermissivePolicyFor-$THING_NAME" \
--principal $CERT_ARN
echo "Checking AWS IoT endpoint..."
ENDPOINT=`aws iot describe-endpoint --query "endpointAddress"`
echo "DONE!"
echo -e "\n#########\n"
echo " Your Thing NAME : $THING_NAME"
echo " Your Thing ARN : $THING_ARN"
echo " Your Policy ARN : $POLICY_ARN"
echo " Your Cert ARN : $CERT_ARN"
echo " Cert file : $THING_NAME-cert.pem"
echo " Private key file : $THING_NAME-private-key.pem"
echo " Root Cert file : rootCA.pem"
echo "Your AWS IoT endpoint : $ENDPOINT"
echo -e "\n#########\n"
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