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Last active July 22, 2017 08:08
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  • Save reissbaker/4b8eaa8bf1be740a7b420227d083cb79 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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open pathfinder data preview
> cat ./data/output/Young\ Vortex\ Dragon.json
"name": "Young Vortex Dragon",
"cr": 10,
"xp": 9600,
"hp": 104,
"hd": 11,
"classes": [],
"race": "",
"characterType": {
"primary": "dragon",
"subtypes": [
"alignment": {
"moralAxis": "neutral",
"ruleAxis": "lawful",
"metadata": null
"ac": {
"regular": 23,
"touch": 11,
"flatFooted": 21
"environment": [
"physics": {
"size": "medium",
"space": 10,
"reach": 10
"statPoints": {
"strength": 21,
"dexterity": 14,
"constitution": 17,
"intelligence": 16,
"wisdom": 15,
"charisma": 16
"saves": {
"fortitude": 12,
"reflex": 8,
"willpower": 10
"melee": [],
"ranged": [],
"skills": {
"acrobatics": {
"base": 0,
"modifiers": []
"appraise": {
"base": 0,
"modifiers": []
"bluff": {
"base": 17,
"modifiers": []
"climb": {
"base": 0,
"modifiers": []
"craft": {},
"diplomacy": {
"base": 17,
"modifiers": []
"disableDevice": {
"base": 0,
"modifiers": []
"disguise": {
"base": 0,
"modifiers": []
"escapeArtist": {
"base": 0,
"modifiers": []
"fly": {
"base": 18,
"modifiers": []
"handleAnimal": {
"base": 0,
"modifiers": []
"heal": {
"base": 0,
"modifiers": []
"intimidate": {
"base": 17,
"modifiers": []
"knowledge": {
"arcana": {
"base": 17,
"modifiers": []
"dungeoneering": {
"base": 0,
"modifiers": []
"engineering": {
"base": 0,
"modifiers": []
"geography": {
"base": 0,
"modifiers": []
"history": {
"base": 0,
"modifiers": []
"local": {
"base": 0,
"modifiers": []
"nature": {
"base": 0,
"modifiers": []
"nobility": {
"base": 0,
"modifiers": []
"planes": {
"base": 17,
"modifiers": []
"religion": {
"base": 0,
"modifiers": []
"choice": {
"count": 0,
"skill": {
"base": 0,
"modifiers": []
"linguistics": {
"base": 0,
"modifiers": []
"perception": {
"base": 16,
"modifiers": []
"perform": {},
"profession": {},
"ride": {
"base": 0,
"modifiers": []
"senseMotive": {
"base": 16,
"modifiers": []
"sleightOfHand": {
"base": 0,
"modifiers": []
"spellcraft": {
"base": 17,
"modifiers": []
"stealth": {
"base": 0,
"modifiers": []
"survival": {
"base": 0,
"modifiers": []
"swim": {
"base": 0,
"modifiers": []
"useMagicDevice": {
"base": 0,
"modifiers": []
"feats": [
"Flyby Attack",
"Great Fortitude",
"Improved Initiative",
"Power Attack",
"languages": [
"characterFlag": false,
"companionFlag": false,
"mythic": false,
"mythicRating": 0,
"source": "PFRPG Bestiary 4"
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