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Last active March 4, 2016 12:58
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Save reiz/903aedbcf1270bb25179 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
CloudRail example code how to combine the VersionEye API with the Twilio API through the CloudRails SDK.
//Create all needed imports
import java.util.List;
import com.cloudrail.exception.CloudRailException;
import com.cloudrail.userInterface.TextOnUpdate;
//These two are the event listeners for the functions in our Custom CloudRail API
import com.cloudrail.userInterface.TextOnUpdate.GetPackageInfoResponseListener;
import com.cloudrail.userInterface.TextOnUpdate.SendSMSResponseListener;
public class SendTextOnUpdate {
public static void main(String[] args) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
final String versioneyeapikey = "ABCDE123"; //Replace with your own VersionEyeAPIKey
//The following block are the items we need to use the Twilio Integration
final String sender = "+15005550006"; // Change to the number you are sending from
final String recipient = "+78798"; // Change to the number you are sending to
* The next line needs to be within Base64 format.
* To do this, go to, and insert in
* Your API key and your account ID, seperated out with a colon, like this
* TwilioApiKey:AccountsId And paste the results into the varable below.
final String apikey = "ABCDE123"; // Change to your API key
final String accountsid = "ABCDE123"; //Change to your own Twilio account ID
// These are the variables we will be using for a project ID and a
// previous version number. Of course, in a real program
// These would be obtained in some other way.
final String packagekey = "firebase/angularfire";
final String programminglang = "javascript";
final String packageversion = "1.1.4";
final String textlastsent = "2016-02-23T03:07:37.227Z";
TextOnUpdate textupdatesclass = new TextOnUpdate(versioneyeapikey); // We pass our global variable to the constructor here
textupdatesclass.getPackageInfo(packageversion, programminglang, packagekey, new GetPackageInfoResponseListener(){
public void onSuccess(String description, List<Object> dependencies_list, List<Object> licenses_list, String updatedat, String licenseinfo, String prodkey) {
if (!updatedat.equals(textlastsent)) {
textupdatesclass.sendSMS(sender, recipient, "Package has Updated", apikey, accountsid, new SendSMSResponseListener(){
public void onSuccess() {
System.out.println("Text was Sent!");
public void onError(CloudRailException error) {
public void onProgress(double percentFinished) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
} else {
System.out.println("No Update!");
public void onError(CloudRailException error) {
public void onProgress(double percentFinished) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
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