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Created December 15, 2014 16:02
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// Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit
var str: String = "hoge"
// str = nil => NilLiteralConvertiable: 通常の型にnilは代入できない
var str2: Optional<String> = "hoge" // str2: String? = "hoge"と等しい
// str2 = nil => ok
// str2.upperCaseString => error: 'Optional<String>' does not have a member named
str2!.uppercaseString // Forced Unwrapping
str2?.uppercaseString // Optional Chaining: 結果もOptional型
if let unwrapped: String = str2 {
unwrapped.uppercaseString // Optional Binding: nilでなければString型変数に格納する
var str3: ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional<String> = "hoge" // str3: String! = "hoge"のシンタックスシュガー
str3.uppercaseString // ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional型で宣言すると使用時に自動でForced Unwrapping
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