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Created February 7, 2022 22:12
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DLPack reproduce segfault
using PyCall
using DLPack
using Test
using Zygote
using ChainRulesCore
torch = pyimport("torch")
functorch = pyimport("functorch")
dlpack = pyimport("torch.utils.dlpack")
def buffer_implicit(fn, buffers):
def newfn(params, inputs):
return fn(params, buffers, inputs)
return newfn
pyto_dlpack(x) = @pycall dlpack.to_dlpack(x)::PyObject
pyfrom_dlpack(x) = @pycall dlpack.from_dlpack(x)::PyObject
reversedims(x::AbstractArray{T,N}) where {T,N} = permutedims(x, N:-1:1)
function ReverseDimsArray(a::AbstractArray{T,N}) where {T<:AbstractFloat,N}
PermutedDimsArray(a, N:-1:1)
struct TorchModuleWrapper
function TorchModuleWrapper(torch_module)
pybuiltin("isinstance")(torch_module, torch.nn.Module) || error("Not a torch.nn.Module")
device = torch.device("cpu")
funmod, params, buffers = functorch.make_functional_with_buffers(torch_module)
dtype = params[1].dtype
# TODO: shouldn't requrei reversedims
# Ideally should not even require conversion to array, it's already DLPack
jlparams = map(params) do x
reversedims(Array(DLArray(x, pyto_dlpack)))
return TorchModuleWrapper(funmod, dtype, device, jlparams, buffers)
maybecontiguous(x::AbstractArray) = Array(x)
mayebecontiguous(x::StridedArray) = x
function (wrap::TorchModuleWrapper)(args...)
# TODO: handle multiple outputs
params = wrap.params
tensor_out = wrap.torch_stateless_module(Tuple(map(x -> DLPack.share((x), pyfrom_dlpack).requires_grad_(true), params)),
wrap.buffers, map(x -> DLPack.share((x), pyfrom_dlpack), args)...)
res = ReverseDimsArray(DLArray(tensor_out, pyto_dlpack))
return res
function ChainRulesCore.rrule(wrap::TorchModuleWrapper, args...)
params = wrap.params
torch_primal, torch_vjpfun = functorch.vjp(py"buffer_implicit"(wrap.torch_stateless_module, wrap.buffers), Tuple(map(x -> DLPack.share((x), pyfrom_dlpack).requires_grad_(true), params)),
map(x -> DLPack.share((x), pyfrom_dlpack).to(dtype = wrap.dtype, device = wrap.device).requires_grad_(true), args)...)
project = ProjectTo(args)
function TorchModuleWrapper_pullback(Δ)
torch_tangent_vals = torch_vjpfun(DLPack.share((maybecontiguous(Δ)), pyfrom_dlpack))
jlparams_tangents = map(x -> ReverseDimsArray(DLArray(x, pyto_dlpack)), torch_tangent_vals[1])
args_tangents = project(map(x -> ReverseDimsArray(DLArray(x, pyto_dlpack)), torch_tangent_vals[2:end]))
return (Tangent{TorchModuleWrapper}(; torch_stateless_module = NoTangent(), dtype = NoTangent(), device = NoTangent(), params = jlparams_tangents, buffers = NoTangent()), args_tangents...)
res = ReverseDimsArray(DLArray(torch_primal, pyto_dlpack))
return res, TorchModuleWrapper_pullback
batchsize = 1
indim = 3
outdim = 2
hiddendim = 4
function compare_grad_wrt_params(modelwrap, inputs...)
params = map(x -> torch.as_tensor(copy(ReverseDimsArray(x))).to(device = modelwrap.device, dtype = modelwrap.dtype).requires_grad_(true), (modelwrap.params))
torch_out = modelwrap.torch_stateless_module(params, modelwrap.buffers, map(z->torch.as_tensor(PyReverseDims(copy(z))).to(dtype=modelwrap.dtype), inputs)...).sum()
torchgrad = map(x-> ReverseDimsArray(x.numpy()), torch.autograd.grad(torch_out, params))
grad, = Zygote.gradient(m->sum(m(inputs...)), modelwrap)
@test length(torchgrad) == length(grad.params)
for i in 1:length(grad.params)
@test isapprox(torchgrad[i], grad.params[i])
@test length(grad.params) == length(modelwrap.params)
@test grad.params[1] !== nothing
@test grad.params[2] !== nothing
@test size(grad.params[1]) == size(modelwrap.params[1])
@test size(grad.params[2]) == size(modelwrap.params[2])
lin = torch.nn.Linear(indim, outdim)
torchparams = Tuple([copy(DLArray(p, pyto_dlpack)) for p in lin.parameters()]) # (outdim, indim), (outdim,)),
linwrap = TorchModuleWrapper(lin)
x = randn(Float32, indim, batchsize)
y = linwrap(x)
compare_grad_wrt_params(linwrap, deepcopy(x))
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Can you add @show DLPack.PYCALL_NOOP_DELETER just after loading the packages and then share the output of this when it segfaults?

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julia> include("test/stresstest_dlpack.jl")
DLPack.PYCALL_NOOP_DELETER = Ptr{Nothing} @0x00007f3085010b00
┌ Warning: `vendor()` is deprecated, use `BLAS.get_config()` and inspect the output instead
│   caller = npyinitialize() at numpy.jl:67
└ @ PyCall ~/.julia/packages/PyCall/L0fLP/src/numpy.jl:67
Test Passed
  Expression: size(grad.params[2]) == size(modelwrap.params[2])
   Evaluated: (2,) == (2,)

julia> include("test/stresstest_dlpack.jl")
DLPack.PYCALL_NOOP_DELETER = Ptr{Nothing} @0x00007f3085010b00
Test Passed
  Expression: size(grad.params[2]) == size(modelwrap.params[2])
   Evaluated: (2,) == (2,)

julia> include("test/stresstest_dlpack.jl")
DLPack.PYCALL_NOOP_DELETER = Ptr{Nothing} @0x00007f3085010b00
Test Passed
  Expression: size(grad.params[2]) == size(modelwrap.params[2])
   Evaluated: (2,) == (2,)

julia> include("test/stresstest_dlpack.jl")
DLPack.PYCALL_NOOP_DELETER = Ptr{Nothing} @0x00007f3085010b00
error in running finalizer: ReadOnlyMemoryError()
@pyglobalobj at /home/jagupt/.julia/packages/PyCall/L0fLP/src/startup.jl:145
unknown function (ip: (nil))
error in running finalizer: ReadOnlyMemoryError()
@pyglobalobj at /home/jagupt/.julia/packages/PyCall/L0fLP/src/startup.jl:145
unknown function (ip: 0x961e6ff)
Test Passed
  Expression: size(grad.params[2]) == size(modelwrap.params[2])
   Evaluated: (2,) == (2,)
julia> include("test/stresstest_dlpack.jl")
DLPack.PYCALL_NOOP_DELETER = Ptr{Nothing} @0x00007f3085010b00
Test Passed
  Expression: size(grad.params[2]) == size(modelwrap.params[2])
   Evaluated: (2,) == (2,)

julia> include("test/stresstest_dlpack.jl")
DLPack.PYCALL_NOOP_DELETER = Ptr{Nothing} @0x00007f3085010b00
error in running finalizer: ReadOnlyMemoryError()
@pyglobalobj at /home/jagupt/.julia/packages/PyCall/L0fLP/src/startup.jl:145
unknown function (ip: 0x7f2fa3f509bf)

signal (11): Segmentation fault
in expression starting at /home/jagupt/.julia/dev/PyCallChainRules/test/stresstest_dlpack.jl:104
jl_system_image_data at /home/jagupt/.julia/juliaup/julia-1.7.1+0~x64/lib/julia/ (unknown line)
Allocations: 64202361 (Pool: 64181938; Big: 20423); GC: 67

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pabloferz commented Feb 9, 2022

Does changing the first two lines by

using Distributed
@everywhere using PyCall
@everywhere using DLPack

fixes the issue?

EDIT: No, I don't think it does.

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Yep, it doesn't fix the issue. Although would love to understand your train of thought that led to this test!

julia> include("test/stresstest_dlpack.jl")
DLPack.PYCALL_NOOP_DELETER = Ptr{Nothing} @0x00007f39f1456bf0
┌ Warning: `vendor()` is deprecated, use `BLAS.get_config()` and inspect the output instead
│   caller = npyinitialize() at numpy.jl:67
└ @ PyCall ~/.julia/packages/PyCall/L0fLP/src/numpy.jl:67
Test Passed
  Expression: size(grad.params[2]) == size(modelwrap.params[2])
   Evaluated: (2,) == (2,)

julia> include("test/stresstest_dlpack.jl")
DLPack.PYCALL_NOOP_DELETER = Ptr{Nothing} @0x00007f39f1456bf0
Test Passed
  Expression: size(grad.params[2]) == size(modelwrap.params[2])
   Evaluated: (2,) == (2,)

julia> include("test/stresstest_dlpack.jl")
DLPack.PYCALL_NOOP_DELETER = Ptr{Nothing} @0x00007f39f1456bf0
Test Passed
  Expression: size(grad.params[2]) == size(modelwrap.params[2])
   Evaluated: (2,) == (2,)

julia> include("test/stresstest_dlpack.jl")
DLPack.PYCALL_NOOP_DELETER = Ptr{Nothing} @0x00007f39f1456bf0

signal (11): Segmentation fault
in expression starting at /home/jagupt/.julia/dev/PyCallChainRules/test/stresstest_dlpack.jl:107
unknown function (ip: 0x7f39d7588580)
Allocations: 62960043 (Pool: 62939873; Big: 20170); GC: 69

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Ok. I think I found the culprit. Going over the pytorch repo I found that the DLManagedTensor is captured, so we need not only to keep the array around, but also the tensor. I'll update the PR.

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