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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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async loading module
var path = require('path');
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var when = require('when');
var whenNode = require('when/node');
var glob = whenNode.lift(require('glob'));
var config = require('./config');
// exports a 'done' promise
var done = when.defer();
module.exports = done.promise;
// open db
var url = config.get('mongoUrl');
// find db-ready
var dbReady = when.defer();
mongoose.connection.once('open', dbReady.resolve.bind(dbReady));
// read all files in the /schema subdir
var schemaPath = path.join(__dirname + '/schema/*.js');
var dirRead = glob(schemaPath);
// when everything ready,
// load all the schema files into mongoose
var schemas = when.all([dirRead, dbReady]).then(function(val){
var rv = {}
var schemaFiles = val[0];
// load each schema, install into mongoose, and export it here.
// get the schema
var modelModule = require(schemaFile);
// load the schema in mongoose
var modelName = schemaFile.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + schemaFile.substring(1);
var model = mongoose.model(modelName, modelModule);
// export the schema
rv[modelName] = module.exports[modelName] = model;
// return a second, non-promise copy of the schemas
return rv
// resolve done when schemas have all loaded
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