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Created March 28, 2012 09:14
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Feature: Create a User
* Clarice is a system administrator
* Dave is an ordinary user
Scenario Outline:
Given <User> is logged in
When she tries to create a user
Then the new user will <Be Created or Not>
| User | Be Created or Not |
| Clarice | be created |
| Paul | not be created |
Given /^(.+) is logged in$/ do |user|
steps %{
* visit '/'
* fill in username with username of #{user}
* fill in password with password of #{user}
* click on login
When /^(?:he|she) tries to create a user$/ do
steps %{
* visit '/users'
* fill in name with Albert
* fill in email with
* fill in password thisismypassword
* fill in password confirmation with thisismypassword
* click on save
Then /^the new user will be created$/ do
steps %{
* click on logout
* visit '/'
* fill in email with
* fill in password with thisismypassword
* click on login
* current path should be '/welcome'
When /^visit (.+) page$/ do |page|
visit page
When /^fill in (.+) with (\S+)$/ do |element_id, value|
page.should have_selector("\##{field_id}")
fill_in element_id, :with => value
When /^fill in (.+) with (\S+) of (\S+)$/ do |element_id, attribute, username|
page.should have_selector("\##{field_id}")
fill_in element_id, :with => @users[username][attribute]
When /^click on (.+)$/ do |element_id|
page.should have_selector("\##{element_id}")
click on element_id, :with => value
Then /^current path should be '(.+)'$/ do |path|
current_path.should == path
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