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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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  • Save relaxedtomato/0e9daeeb7af4c4e65fbb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save relaxedtomato/0e9daeeb7af4c4e65fbb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Basic MEAN Stack Scaffold
#Place file named as '' on main directory and run bash
#ensure to include '' with .gitignore
# Create Folders
mkdir -p app/{models,routes}
mkdir -p config
mkdir -p config/api
mkdir -p public/{css,js/{controllers,directives,services,templates,factories},img,views}
mkdir -p server
mkdir -p server/models
# Create Initial Files (require to git commit empty folders)
touch seed.js
touch app.js
touch public/views/index.html
touch server/models/index.js
touch server/models/app.js
touch app/routes/index.js
touch app/models/index.js
touch public/css/main.css
touch public/js/controllers/controller.js
touch public/js/factories/factory.js
touch public/js/directives/directive.js
touch public/js/services/service.js
touch public/js/templates/template.html
touch public/js/app.js
touch seed.js
touch .gitignore
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