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Last active January 3, 2016 16:39
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  • Save relipse/8490770 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save relipse/8490770 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Easier irccloud channel switching
* The purpose of this script is to allow quick traversing between channels using the keyboard
* For Example, after injecting this script, go to any channel text box and type:
* //<server>#<channel> <optional-text>
* or as below:
* //freenode#javascript hey i have a js question
* It will auto-switch to freenode's #javascript channel and enter that in the text box
* Copyright (C) relipse
* License: Use it however, just don't sell it or say it was you who coded it (Rev 21:8)
glbRelipseInjectedScriptDetector = function(){
function grab_connected_servers(filter){
filter = filter || false;
var servers = [];
$('.connection.connected > a.buffer').each(function(){
if (filter && this.href.indexOf(filter) !== -1){
return servers;
function parsehash(hash){
hash = hash || window.location.hash;
var match = /#!\/(ircs:\/\/)?([^\s]+)?\/([^\s]+)?/img.exec(hash);
if (match !== null){
var res = {};
res.server = match[2]; = match[3];
return res;
return false;
function makehash(network, channel){
if (!network){
var curhash = parsehash();
network = curhash.server;
if (!network){ return false; }
var prefix = '#!/';
if (network.indexOf('#!/') === 0){
prefix = '';
//prefix with '#' automatically
channel = '%23' + channel;
return prefix+network+'/'+channel;
function detect_channel_switch(txt){
var match = /\/\/(.*?)#([^\s]+)( .*)?/.exec(txt);
if (match === null){ return false; }
match[1] = match[1] || '';
match[2] = match[2] || '';
match[3] = match[3] || '';
var res = {shortserver: match[1], channel:match[2], text:match[3].trim()}
var possible_servers = grab_connected_servers(res.shortserver);
res.possible_servers = possible_servers;
if (!possible_servers || possible_servers.length === 0){
res.error_code = -1;
res.error = 'no servers found';
return res;
if (possible_servers.length > 1){
res.error_code = -2;
res.error = 'multiple servers found, ambiguous';
res.found_server = possible_servers[0];
res.server = res.found_server;
return res;
function simulate_enter($textbox){
//now automatically trigger an enter-keypress to send text
var press = jQuery.Event("keypress");
press.bubbles = true;
press.cancelable = true;
press.charCode = 13;
press.currentTarget = $textbox[0];
press.eventPhase = 2;
press.keyCode = 13;
press.returnValue = true;
press.srcElement = $textbox[0]; = $textbox[0];
press.type = "keypress";
press.view = Window;
press.which = 13;
function detect_preprocess_code(txt){
if (txt.indexOf('//') !== -1){
var channel_switch = detect_channel_switch(txt);
if (channel_switch.error_code){
return false;
var nwhash = makehash(channel_switch.server,;
if (nwhash){
window.location.hash = nwhash;
if (channel_switch.text){
var $textbox = $('td.inputcell textarea');
return true;
return false; //preprocess not detected
glbRelipseDetectPreProcess = function(txt){ detect_preprocess_code(txt); if (txt.indexOf('//') === 0){ return true; } };
$('.inputcell .input textarea').bind('keydown', function(e) {
var code = e.keyCode || e.which;
if(code == 13) {
if (glbRelipseDetectPreProcess(this.value)){
this.value = '';
return true;
//every time user changes channels we need to reload this script
$(window).on('hashchange', function() {
/**dynamically inject this onto irccloud page like this:
var s = document.createElement("script");
s.src = src;
return s;
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