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Created October 13, 2018 00:20
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Looks for cross account access in assumable roles using profiles in your aws credentials file
import boto3
# Use profiles that exist in your ~/.aws/credentials file
# Add to the array with any additional profiles for this to work i.e. ["default","profile0","profile1"] etc.
profiles = ["default"]
assumable_accounts = {}
assuming_accounts = []
# Iterate over Profiles
for profile in profiles:
dev = boto3.session.Session(profile_name=profile)
print "*******************"
print "ENUMERATING Profile"
print "*******************"
# Set the profile
current_account = dev.client('sts').get_caller_identity().get('Account')
print(profile + ":" + current_account)
client = dev.client('iam', region_name="us-east-1")
response = client.list_roles()
# Get Roles that are Assumable by other AWS Accounts (Currently doesn't include those managed by SCP)
roles = response.get("Roles")
assumable_accounts[current_account] = []
print "___________________________________________________________________"
print "Roles that can be Assumed by Other AWS Accounts:"
print "___________________________________________________________________"
for role in roles:
if "AWS" in role["AssumeRolePolicyDocument"]["Statement"][0]["Principal"]:
print(role["RoleId"] + "/" + role["RoleName"])
assumable_role = role["AssumeRolePolicyDocument"]["Statement"][0]["Principal"]["AWS"]+ "/" + role["RoleName"]
print "**************************************************************"
print "*Iteration on what can be assumed with the provided Profiles:*"
print "**************************************************************"
# Find out if your profiles can talk to each other and through what roles
for account in assumable_accounts:
print "___________________________________________________________________"
print "ACCOUNT: " + account + " contains the following assumable accounts:"
print "___________________________________________________________________"
for role in assumable_accounts[account]:
for search_account in assumable_accounts:
if search_account in role:
print "You have access to the " + search_account + " account which can be used to assume -> " + role
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