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Created June 2, 2020 02:54
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Silly morse code inventory plugin
# A super simple morse-code inventory plugin for demonstration and learning
# purposes.
# It takes files with lines like this:
# ! -- -.-- ..--.- --. .-. --- ..- .--. // the "my_group" group
# .- -.. -.-. ----- .---- ansible_user=nonroot // and some comment here
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
from import to_safe_group_name
from ansible.plugins.inventory import BaseFileInventoryPlugin
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes, to_text
import itertools
morse = {
".-": "a", "-...": "b", "-.-.": "c", "-..": "d", ".": "e", "..-.": "f",
"--.": "g", "....": "h", "..": "i", ".---": "j", "-.-": "k", ".-..": "l",
"--": "m", "-.": "n", "---": "o", ".--.": "p", "--.-": "q", ".-.": "r",
"...": "s", "-": "t", "..-": "u", "...-": "v", ".--": "w", "-..-": "x",
"-.--": "y", "--..": "z",
".-.-.-": ".", "..--.-": "_", "-....-": "-",
"-----": "0", ".----": "1", "..---": "2", "...--": "3", "....-": "4",
".....": "5", "-....": "6", "--...": "7", "---..": "8", "----.": "9",
def decode_morse(morse_str):
return ''.join(morse[s] for s in morse_str.split())
class InventoryModule(BaseFileInventoryPlugin):
Takes a morse code inventory file and builds a list of hosts and groups.
Subgroups, caching, and host patterns are left as an exercise to the very
bored or very curious reader.
NAME = 'morse'
def parse(self, inventory, loader, path, cache=True):
Figure out if the line is introducing a group, a host, or a comment,
then if necessary add it to the InventoryData.
super(InventoryModule, self).parse(inventory, loader, path)
# We assume there is a DataLoader
(data, private) = self.loader._get_file_contents(path)
data = to_text(data)
lines = data.splitlines()
# Default group if we're only given a list of hosts
groupname = 'ungrouped'
for line in lines:
# Strip comments
line = line.strip().split('//', 1)[0]
# If it's a comment line, ignore it and move on.
if not line:
# If it starts with !, it's a group.
if line.startswith('!'):
groupname = to_safe_group_name(decode_morse(line[1:].strip()))
# Otherwise it's a host.
# Yes, there are more efficient ways to do this.
host = itertools.takewhile(lambda x: x in ('-', '.', ' '), line)
host = decode_morse(''.join(host))
vrs = itertools.dropwhile(lambda x: x in ('-', '.', ' '), line)
vrs = ''.join(vrs).split()
vrs_hash = {}
for var in vrs:
(k, v) = var.split('=', 1)
# See how the built-in 'ini' inventory plugin uses 'ast' for an
# example of how to coerce values into Python types. Here we
# just keep strings.
vrs_hash[k] = v
self._populate_host_vars([host], vrs_hash, groupname)
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